Fphys 13 1099682
Fphys 13 1099682
Fphys 13 1099682
*CORRESPONDENCE Yang Liu 1,2,3,4, Lei Li 2, Xianliang Yan 5, Xinseng He 5 and Bin Zhao 1,3,4*
Bin Zhao, 1
[email protected] Sports Science Postdoctoral Research Station, Chengdu Sport University, Chengdu, China, 2School of
Physical Education, Nanchang Normal University, Nanchang, China, 3Chinese Guoshu Academy, Chengdu
SPECIALTY SECTION Sport University, Chengdu, China, 4School of Wushu, Chengdu Sport University, Chengdu, China, 5School of
This article was submitted to Exercise Physical Education, Nanchang Institute of Technology, Nanchang, China
a section of the journal
Frontiers in Physiology
Conclusion: Based on the disparity in the effects of the lead straight punch and
biomechanical parameters of both lower extremities, we can conclude that,
compared to the boxers, most Sanda athletes lack standard punching technique.
Therefore, it is advised that coaches and practitioners carefully consider selecting
Sanda athletes with higher technical standards of punching.
sanda, boxing, athlete, lead straight punch, striking effect, legs, index
1 Introduction the lower limbs (Turner et al., 2011), and, to some extent, related
indexes of lower limbs affect the straight punch (Rimkus et al., 2019).
Athlete selection and training of athletes are important The ratios of maximum strength to body weight of the lead and rear
components of success in international competitive sports (Pinder feet and of speed force index to body mass were significantly positively
et al., 2013), and a large number of athletes achieve rapid improvement correlated with punching speed (Su et al., 2013). Therefore, relevant
of their competitive level in new sports through cross-border talent kinematic and dynamic variables provide reference points to explore
transfer (Collins et al., 2014; MacNamara and Collins, 2015; Saether the effects of straight punches in Sanda athletes and boxers.
et al., 2021). Against the backdrop of the reform of the competitive
sports system and the intense Olympic preparation, China is
committed to efficiently train athletes with high technical and 2 Materials and methods
tactical level for the Olympic Games through the implementation
of cross-sport talent transfer. On the other hand, the cross-sport talent 2.1 Participants
transfer can also further improve the selection and training system of
our existing reserve talents. Cross-sport and cross-event talent transfer The lead straight punch technique was the main research object of this
refers to selecting athletes from other sports such as Sanda and Wushu study. There were 11 boxers, including 3 nation lever athletes, 4 athletes at
who have already reached a certain training or competition level and level I, and 4 athletes at level II. There were 16 Sanda athletes, of which
have the innate ability or experience required for the new sport in an 2 were at the master level, 10 athletes were level I, and 4 athletes were level
attempt to train athletes to achieve the world level quickly. It also II. The participants were tested according to S1 to S27 numbers, and the
provides an organized selection and training process for these athletes. participants were divided into a boxing group [height (mean ± standard
In order to make up for a shortage of reserve talent in China’s boxing deviation) 175.25 ± 7.81 cm; body mass, 66.06 ± 9.76 kg] and a Sanda
program and to rapidly improve the overall competition level of group (height, 175.57 ± 7.18 cm; body mass, 68.71 ± 9.51 kg). There were
boxing, the Wushu Sports Management Center of the State no significant differences in height and body weight between the two
General Administration of Sports filled the boxing program with groups (t = 0.927, t = 0.552; p > 0.05). In order to accurately control
outstanding Sanda athletes by means of cross-sport talent transfer comparisons, the athletes were all from the same “weight class”. Before
to extensively mobilize the strengths and resources of all fields in testing, basic indexes (height, weight, etc.) were recorded, and there were
preparation of the 2020 Olympic Games in Tokyo, Japan. no significant differences between the groups.
Combat sports such as boxing, martial arts, Sanda, taekwondo,
and mixed martial arts have certain similarities in fighting techniques,
such as striking. Boxing is an Olympic sport, and many athletes from 2.2 Protocol
combat sports choose to join national boxing teams through cross-
sport talent transfer. However, due to limitations in competition rules, This study was reviewed by professors and experts from the School
athletes in the same weight class will require targeted individualized of Sports Science, Shanghai University of Sport (Shanghai, China).
training according to their own characteristics and the requirements of Experiments were carried out in strict accordance with the Helsinki
the sport, which creates barriers for cross-border talent transfer. To aid Declaration and were approved by the Ethics Committee of the
in overcoming these challenges, this study intended to objectively and Shanghai University of Sport. Experiments were performed in the
accurately evaluate differences in biomechanical indexes of the key experimental hall of the School of Sports Science, Shanghai University
biomechanical aspects of the lead straight punch between boxing and of Sport, at a temperature of 25°C ± 1°C. Before entering the test hall,
Sanda and, thus, provide guidance and comprehensive training for participants were familiarized with the experimental protocol and any
cross-sport talent transfers for combat sports. The straight punch is potential risks. Prior to physical fitness testing, a standardized warm-
one of the most basic techniques in boxing. Joseph, a famous up protocol (i.e., 15 min of dynamic stretching, running) was
American trainer, stated that mastering the straight punch means performed. The test platform was fixed on a tripod which that was
mastering 80% of boxing techniques. The straight punch is divided fully covered by a thin layer of foam to prevent impact injuries to the
into a lead straight punch and a rear straight punch. The lead straight boxers, who used competition gloves to perform striking tests. The
punch features short distance, fast speed, short time, and good effect. hand point (right or left: orthodox or southpaw stance), which was
The lead straight punch technique can deliver powerful blows, but can labelled on the central position of the back of the fist with double-sided
also be combined with light or heavy strikes to interfere with adhesive, was used to track the position of the fist and to calculate its
opponents. In recent years, an increasing number of kinematic and velocity. During testing, in order to properly adjust the distance of the
dynamic indexes have been measured for direct punching techniques, force target, participants stood on two embedded force platforms
mainly focusing on punching speed, power, punching time, and (90 cm × 60 cm, built-in signal amplifier, 1,000 Hz; 9287 B; Kistler
punching effect (Smith et al., 2000; Stojsih et al., 2010). For Group, Winterthur, Switzerland) in the preparation position and
example, Walilko et al. used a Hybrid III dummy with an struck the target with full force using a straight punch. Three
integrated accelerometer and other intelligent equipment to study effective punches were tested per athlete, and the best straight
the facial force of straight punches and the accelerated velocity of punch performance was taken for analysis.
fascial rotation to judge the risk of concussion (Walilko et al., 2005).
Some researchers have used infrared motion capture systems to study
indexes of boxing athletes’ peak punch speed and contact punch speed 2.3 Instruments and equipment
(Piorkowski et al., 2011). Some researchers have also used this
platform to test the peak strength of striking (Lenetsky et al., The study used one force target (1,000 Hz; Kistler Group) fixed on
2013b; Loturco et al., 2016). In boxing, striking power comes from a tripod to record the strength of strikes and two embedded force
(A) boxer’s preparation posture with Kistler’s strength target fixed on the tripod; (B) corresponding rigid-body model.
Impulse of a straight punch.
platforms to record changes in leg forces. A motion capture system 2.4 Index selection and data processing
(Vicon Nexus, 16 cameras; 200 Hz; software v2.6.1; Vicon Motion
Systems, Ltd., Oxford, United Kingdom) and reflective marking balls 2.4.1 Index selection
were used to mark individual joints for modeling. The motion capture Force plate for punching index
system was used to record kinematic data of the participants, calculate The impact impulse is defined as the area under the curve of the
displacement, and derive the velocity. The digital signals collected by force and the time when the fist contacts and leaves the target.
the motion capture system and the force platforms were converted Mathematically, this is the integral of force F(t) with respect to
into synchronized analogue signals using a synchronization device time (Figure 2: t1–t2). The function of the impact impulse is
(Figure 1). shown in Eq. 1.
between the lead straight punching data. A common interpretation of
I F(t) dt (1)
t1 effect sizes is: small (d = 0.2), medium (d = 0.5), and large (d = 0.8).
The peak force is defined as the force value curve interaction time
action to the peak when the fist contacts the force measuring target.
3 Results
The impact force rate is defined as the linear data peak force of the
force-measuring target divided by the time to reach the peak force.
3.1 Force target data Ground Reaction Force Index
Six secondary indexes, namely the punch impulse, peak strength,
Three-dimensional ground reaction force data were derived from
relative strength, peak (frame) time, RFD, and movement time, were
the embedded force platforms. Participants stood with both legs on the
selected among the primary indexes from the force targets from lead
embedded force platforms to record changes in start-up strength of
straight punches. Four indexes showed statistically significant differences
both legs. The strength index is defined as the force rate divided by
between the boxing and Sanda groups.The boxing group, compared to
body mass. The rate of force development (RFD) is the peak force/
the Sanda group, had higher in the peak impulse (26.66 ± 5.49 N•ms vs.
peak time (Fmax/Tmax) (Suchomel et al., 2014) (Aeles et al., 2022). RFD
20.53 ± 2.23 N•ms, Cohen’s d = 1.46, p < 0.05), in peak strength
also defines the lower-limb indexes of start-up strength, namely RFD/
[(1,520.80 ± 420) N vs. (1,077 ± 209) N, Cohen’s d = 1.34, p < 0.5],
body mass, peak force, and the time of peak force.
in relative strength (21.08 ± 5.30) N•kg−1 vs. (15.69 ± 2.23) N•kg−1,
Cohen’s d = 1.33, p < 0.05), in RFD (92.47 ± 27.72 N•ms−1 and 63.55 ± Punching Velocity Index
9.81 N•ms−1, Cohen’s d = 1.39, p < 0.05).The other two indexes were not
The peak punch velocity, contact velocity, and deceleration rate
significantly different between the boxing and Sanda groups, namely full
were calculated. The peak punch velocity is the peak point on the
overall time [(43.57 ± 3.86) ms vs. (43.10 ± 3.38) ms, t = 0.26, p > 0.05]
velocity time-series after the marked point displacement of the marked
and peak time (16.51 ± 1.13) ms and (17.00 ± 2.53) ms, t = −0.414, p >
punch is time-derivative. The calculation of contact velocity can be
0.05; Figure 3).
modeled using the motion capture software, where the previous frame
was synchronized when the first contact the Kistler force target. The
velocity is obtained by taking the displacement derivative of the
3.2 Punch velocity index
marked point (hand), and the acceleration can be obtained by
taking the derivative of the velocity. The index calculation method
The peak punch velocity index of the lead straight punch showed
of the deceleration rate is as follows:
significant differences between the boxing and Sanda groups (7.31 ±
Peak velocity − Contact velocity 0.42 vs. 6.38 ± 0.41 m•s−1, t = 4.546, Cohen’s d = 2.23, p < 0.001);
Deceleration rate (2) contact punch velocity (5.63 ± 0.584 vs. 4.95 ± 0.47 m•s−1, t = 2.624,
Peak velocity
Cohen’s d = 1.22, p < 0.05). In terms of the velocity decay rate, the
decay rate fluctuation amplitude of the boxing group was not
2.4.2 Data processing and V3D modeling significantly different from that of the Sanda group (23.05 ± 4.3 vs.
This study used Vicon Nexus software to interpolate missing mark 22.38 ± 4.8, t = 0.295, p > 0.05). (Figure 4).
points, and the data after dot filling were imported into V3D software
for human modeling (Stanley et al., 2018) (Figure 1B) and kinematic
and dynamic analysis. The “start event” and “finish event” tags were 3.3 Bilateral lower limb strength indexes
defined to obtain the export kinematics and GRF data in ASCII format
for further analysis in Microsoft Excel (Microsoft, Redmond, WA, Five indexes were calculated from the data from the lower limb
United States). Z-axis (vertical data) punching force data from the dynamometers (start-up strength): peak strength, peak strength/body
force targets were analyzed using Bioware software. Analysis of lower mass, time of peak force, RFD index, and RFD/body mass. The five
limb data used three axes to determine the combined force, as shown front-leg start-up strength indexes differed statistically between the
in Eq. 3. boxing and Sanda groups. The boxing group, compared to the Sanda
group, had higher peak strength/body mass (12.46 ± 3.48 N•kg−1 vs.
F x2 + y2 + z 2 (3) 13.42 ± 2.53 N•kg−1, p > 0.05), RFD index (13.67 ± 2.98 N•ms−1 vs.
9.17 ± 3.13 N•ms−1, t = 2.977, Cohen’s d = 1.48, p < 0.05), RFD/body
mass (19.18 ± 5.2% N•ms−1kg vs. 13.2 ± 3.1% N•ms−1•kg−1, Cohen’s
2.4.3 Statistical analysis d = 2.33, p < 0.05). The boxing group showed shorter time of peak
Relevant data were imported into SPSS (v24.0; IBM force than the Sanda group (198.75 ± 33.34 ms vs. 301.43 ± 93 ms,
Corp. Armonk, NY, United States) for analysis, and the single- Cohen’s d = −1.47, p < 0.05). Among the five start-up strength indexes
sample Kolmogorov–Smirnov test was used to determine for the back legs, three were not statistically different between the two
normality. A parametric test was used for normally distributed data groups, namely peak strength/body mass (16.909 ± 1.801 N•kg−1 vs.
and a non-parametric test was used for non-normally distributed data. 15.61 ± 0.65 N•kg−1, t = 1.811, p > 0.05), RFD/body mass (7.8 ± 3.4%
Data are represented herein as mean ± standard deviation. The N•ms−1•kg−1 vs. 8.1 ± 2.0% N•ms−1•kg−1, p > 0.05), and back leg time
independent sample t-test was used to compare differences in to peak (224.29 ± 59.68 ms vs. 206.00 ± 62.21 ms, p > 0.05). Full time is
various indexes of the lead straight punch of athletes of different no significantly difference (432.86 ± 62.90 ms vs. 439.00 ± 50.87 ms,
levels. The significance level was set at p < 0.05. The standardized effect p > 0.05). Front leg time of peak force is significantly difference
size (Cohen’s d) was used to interpret the magnitudes of differences (66.71 ± 17.71 ms vs. 106.00 ± 28.63 ms, t = −3.510, Cohen’s d = −1.65,
(A) peak strength of straight punches for boxing and Sanda; (B) relative strength of the impulse; (C) peak force/time; (D) force and time curve of the target.
(A) punching velocity and contact velocity of straight punches for boxing and Sanda; (B) percentage decay of punching velocity.
p < 0.05). RFD index is also significantly difference (5.63 ± (Buśko et al., 2016; Halperin et al., 2016) (T. J. Walilko et al., 2005) (Smith
2.39 N•ms−1 vs. 5.49 ± 1.34 N•ms−1, Cohen’s d = −1.47, p < 0.05). et al., 2000) (S Lenetsky et al., 2018). In addition, the peak strength/body
Overall, the RFD index of the front leg differed significantly between mass ratio was used to obtain the relative punch strength (Dunn et al.,
the boxing and Sanda groups, and the differences in the strength of the 2019). The relative strength of the boxing group was 21.08 ± 5.30 N•kg−1,
front leg were only shown in individual indexes (Figure 5). which was significantly higher than the relative strength of the Sanda
group (15.69 ± 2.23 N•kg−1) and significantly lower than the relative
strength of the boxers reported by Krzysztof Buśko et al. (19.19 ±
4 Discussion 5.02 N•kg−1) (Buśko Krzysztof, 2014).
Power indexes in boxing can reflect the effects of punching (i.e., whose
4.1 Punching strength indexes compared punches are “heavy”), especially in the framework of newer rules for
between sanda and boxing athletes boxing, which require “clear, powerful, and unobstructed” striking. Over
the course of a boxing match, whoever’s fist is “heavy” has the advantage.
The peak strength of boxing and Sanda groups differed significantly Regardless of the level, the “heavier” a boxer punches their opponent, the
from studies from other countries (P Bolander et al., 2009; Vaslin, 2005) more damage it will cause.
(A) peak lower limb force divided by body weight for boxers and Sanda athletes; (B) time to peak force in lower limbs; (C) athletes’ lower limb rate of force
development and (D) relative rate of force development.
The present study found a significant difference between boxing not throw standard punches. From the perspective of cross-sport
and Sanda athletes in punching effect, with boxing group showing talent transfer, it is not difficult to change the coordination of upper
significantly higher effect than the Sanda group. The punch impulse and lower limbs and the punching effects of Sanda athletes, as long as
and RFD were significantly higher in the boxing group. Moreover, the accurate measurements are taken and players with good lead straight
peak power and relative power indexes of lead straight punching for punching effects are selected. As both Sanda and boxing are combat
athletes of the same weight class were significantly higher in the boxing sports, cross-event talent transfer between them is possible.
group than the Sanda group, indicating that Sanda athletes do not In conclusion, considering differences in striking effectiveness in
throw lead straight punches as strongly. This may be related to the boxing of Sanda athletes, one should accurately measure and screen
competition rules of Sanda and the athletes’ own characteristics, as athletes with relatively good punching techniques, such as straight lead
they may focus more on holding and whipping. Regarding technical velocity and continuous punching velocity, when training talent transfer
requirements, Sanda athletes are not only required to hit the upper athletes. In addition, during the bridging training phase after the
limbs powerfully but also require the ability to kick and hold the lower crossover, the quality of effective striking should be targeted to
limbs with their fists and legs. This causes Sanda athletes to punch improve the momentum of punches and improve the striking effect.
irregularly. If they are changing their sport to boxing, they should
focus on improving their punching techniques and striking effects. On
the other hand, “wrestling” (a technique that mainly relies on the 4.2 Comparing punching velocity indexes
strength of the arms to bring the opponent down) is better than between sanda and boxing athletes
“punching” in close combat. According to the rules of boxing
competition, the opponent must be hit by a punch and show As boxing rules have changed, the lead straight punch has become
obvious displacement to earn a point. It is far more beneficial for a more important, and studies have shown that it is the most frequently
Sanda athlete to use the wrestling technique in close combat than to used technique. For example, cross-event athlete Gu Hong is skilled in
throw punches, as two points are awarded for effective wrestling in using the lead straight punch; during the Tokyo Olympics in Japan,
close combat. For Sanda athletes in close combat, long distance she heavily utilized the lead straight punch—which has the advantages
techniques are usually used, such as the “leg whip” (a general term of being fast, accurate, and firm—by continuously throwing lead
for the curved leg technique in Sanda), “side kick” (a straight-line straight punches to interfere with her opponent, thus ensuring
offensive technique), and other technical movements. The tactical success. She made it all the way to the final, and was the runner-
style of “long-range kicks and close-range grappling” is also often used up in the women’s 69 kg weight class. The present study showed that
in Sanda matches. Therefore, differences in the rules of the sports the peak velocity and contact velocity of lead straight punches of
directly affect the differences in training strategies. Sanda athletes do boxing athletes were faster than those of Sanda athletes, also with
higher impulse values. In addition, the contact velocity index was also The maximum peak strength/body mass ratio of both legs and the
influenced by the peak velocity, and the most successful boxers showed rapid strength index/body mass ratio were positively correlated
higher peak velocity. Moreover, the strength measurement target F(t)- with punch velocity. Shortening the power generation time and fast
t curve (i.e., the hitting strength) was higher in the boxing group in power generation can increase punching velocity (Su et al., 2013a).
terms of strength time. In terms of time indexes, there was no The present study illustrated that the indexes of start-up generate
significant difference between groups. The peak velocity and force of the front leg are the most important indexes to improve the
contact velocity in boxing determine the effect of striking with the velocity and power of the lead straight punch, while the general
lead straight punch, and it is necessary to focus on improving these index of the foreleg power of Sanda athletes was lower than that of
parameters for cross-event talent transfer. Therefore, Sanda athletes the boxing group. It further illustrated that the start-up power of
who switching to boxing should perform strength resistance training the lower limbs (front leg) in lead straight punching in Sanda
such as upper body complex resistance training, ballistic resistance athletes should be further standardised technology. Improving the
training, and fast stretch resistance training. coordinated power generation ability of upper and lower limb
In summary, the peak velocity and contact velocity indexes of the punching is an important responsibility of coaches.
lead straight punch are key indexes for evaluating the striking Furthermore, special attention should be paid to evaluating
effectiveness of both boxing and Sanda athletes. Therefore, in view players with better lower limb abilities when transferring
of the disadvantage seen in punching velocity in Sanda athletes, athletes across disciplines (Lenetsky et al., 2013a).
athletes with better punching velocity or continuous punching In conclusion, given the significant differences in the indexes
velocity should be selected for cross-event talent transfer. related to foreleg power in striking, the Sanda players’ lead straight
punching technique did not make good use of front leg start-up
force. In training for cross-event athletes, lead leg active strength is
4.3 Differences in the start-up ability of lower the key for improving boxing abilities. In the selection of cross-
limbs between sanda and boxing athletes event athletes for boxing, attention should be given to lower limb
active strength indexes, such as lower limb CMJ and other
The strength of striking comes from the lower limbs (Lenetsky et al., biomechanical related indexes, during the evaluation of the lead
2019), as power is transmitted from the feet and legs upward. Lower limb straight punch.
CMJ (countermovement jump) index of boxers is positively correlated
with the power of punching (Pilewska et al., 2017) with a correlation
coefficient of 0.67–0.85 (Loturco et al., 2015). There is also significant 5 Conclusion
positive correlation between the maximum punching velocity of the lead
straight punch and the maximum horizontal ground strength of the back The lead straight punching velocity, power, and other indexes
leg (y-axis). The lower extremities (Turner et al., 2011) play an important should be evaluated when selecting athletes for the crossover from
role in the upper limb striking process and in lead straight punching Sanda to boxing. The athletes with better lead straight punching effects
technique. In the present study, there was a significant difference in the should be selected. In both lower limbs power indexes, the lead leg
indexes of the front leg dynamometer strength between boxing and Sanda start-up power index is a relatively important index for cross-event
athletes, while there was no significant difference in the indexes of the talent transfer and should not be ignored.
back leg dynamometer. There was also no significant effect of the indexes
of the back leg active strength on lead straight punching technique in the
two groups. Compared with the rear straight punch, which has “front leg Data availability statement
support and back leg generate force”, front leg strength plays a very
important role in lead straight punching. The original contributions presented in the study are included in
There was a significant difference in the time to peak strength the article/Supplementary Material, further inquiries can be directed
(start-up strength time) of the front leg in the two groups (Figure 5B). to the corresponding author.
This also represents a shorter active strength time of the foreleg for the
lead straight punch in the boxing group and a longer start-up strength
time of the foreleg in the Sanda group, while the start-up strength of Ethics statement
the front leg contributed more to the lead straight punch. In Sanda, the
longer start-up time of the front leg is not conducive to the swiftness of The studies involving human participants were reviewed and approved
the lead straight punching technique. Therefore, if a Sanda athlete by the (approval number: 102772019RT033). Written informed consent to
transfers to boxing, they should focus their technical training on participate in this study was provided by the participants’ legal guardian/
shortening the front leg start-up time to create a strong striking effect. next of kin. Written informed consent was obtained from the individual(s),
The RFD index is the ratio of peak strength to time, which is an and minor(s)’ legal guardian/next of kin, for the publication of any
evaluation index of power (Z.P., 2013). Zhang and Liu (2008) found potentially identifiable images or data included in this article.
that the correlation between the instantaneous RFD and off-ground
velocity of excellent high jumpers was as high as 0.965 (Zhang and
Liu 2008). In boxing, Su et al., 2013a, used two force platforms to Author contributions
investigate correlations between the back leg force index and
punching velocity, which was as high as 0.882 (Su et al., 2013a). BZ and YL designed and supervised the study, commented on
The authors proposed that increasing the maximum strength of the the data and its interpretation, and revised the content critically. YL
start-up phase of both legs could help to improve punching velocity. and LL did the literature search, set up the database, and did all
statistical analyses. XH and XY checked the second version of the Conflict of interest
article. XM checked the third version of the article. All authors
contributed to review and revision and approved the final The authors declare that the research was conducted in the
manuscript as submitted and agreed to be accountable for all absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be
aspects of the work. construed as a potential conflict of interest.
Publisher’s note
All claims expressed in this article are solely those of the authors
This study received funding from the Science and Technology and do not necessarily represent those of their affiliated organizations,
Project of Education Department of Jiangxi Province (Effect of Post- or those of the publisher, the editors and the reviewers. Any product
activation Potentiation (PAP) on Lower extremities Jump Ability in that may be evaluated in this article, or claim that may be made by its
Different Specialized Athletes, GJJ212628). manufacturer, is not guaranteed or endorsed by the publisher.
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