Selected Factors For Triple Jump

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Original Research Article

International Journal of Sports Science

& Coaching
Selected factors for triple jump 1–13
© The Author(s) 2022
preparation: A case study of an Olympic Article reuse guidelines:
silver medalist DOI: 10.1177/17479541221094670

Nelio Alfano Moura1,2 , PengPeng Han3 , Larissa de

Paula Moura4 , GuoJie Wang5 and TingGang Yuan3

The People’s Republic of China obtained at the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games its best historical performance in the triple
jump, thereby winning the silver medal. The objective of this case study was to present how evidence-based knowledge
was applied to improve selected factors that may have contributed to this result. The factors included running speed,
strength, muscle power, jumping technique, body composition, mental preparation, training organization, and recovery.
Short training blocks, monitoring of training sessions and athlete’s status, individualized tapering, use of activation sessions
the day before competition, and postactivation performance enhancement strategies used in training and at the event
were concepts followed during the preparation to the Games. Improved performance in field tests and power training
was accompanied by positive changes in approach speed, run-up accuracy, and jumping technique, which, together with
mental preparation, enabled two personal records to be set in the Olympic final. The results in the field tests were among
the best ever reported and could constitute a benchmark for world-class triple jumpers.

Athletics, evidence-based practice, mental preparation, periodization, post-activation performance enhancement, run-up
accuracy, tapering, speed, strength

Introduction ground contact periods. Different training methods are

available for this purpose, including resistance training
The triple jump is an event in athletics in which the goal is with free weights and plyometric training.5
to cover as much horizontal distance as possible after the Technical training can also influence an athlete’s ability
run-up in a sequence of three jumps. It is measured from to handle the forces generated in the triple jump. Several
the edge of the takeoff board closest to the sand pit to the aspects of the triple jump technique have been discussed.
nearest mark left at the sand, and any contact made after The most relevant are phase ratios,6 active landings,7
the measuring line at the first takeoff represents a failure. run-up accuracy,8 and arm action.9
The first two jumps are performed with the same leg and
the last jump, with the opposite leg.1 Partial jumps are
known as Hop, Step and Jump. Reviewers: Braden Romer (High Point University, USA)
One research team previously reported that, among Wayne Spratford (University of Canberra, Australia)
Brazilian triple jumpers, the total jump length is signifi- 1
Chinese Athletics Association, Beijing, China
cantly associated with run-up speed (r = 0.58, p < 0.02).2 2
Esporte Clube Pinheiros, São Paulo, SP, Brazil
Although significant, this association is weaker than that 3
China Institute of Sport Science, Beijing, China
of the long jump,2 which suggested more determinants 4
Universidade São Judas Tadeu, São Paulo, SP, Brazil
exist for the triple jump than for the long jump.3 5
Nanjing Sport Institute, Nanjing, China
Peak vertical ground reaction forces (GRF) are as high as
Corresponding author:
22.3 times the body weight at the landing of the Hop, and PengPeng Han, China Institute of Sport Science, 11 Stadium Road,
contact times are short.4 Therefore, athletes have to gener- Dongcheng District, Beijing 100061, China.
ate and manage a large eccentric impulse during the brief Email: [email protected]
2 International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching 0(0)

Anthropometry and body composition are also important performance in exercises requiring strength, power or
to be monitored and managed in elite athletes,10 to optimize speed.24 Mechanisms behind the improved performance
competitive performance, and to avoid health problems.11 after conditioning exercises have been disputed, and the
Tall athletes who specialize in the long jump have an term “postactivation performance enhancement”
anthropometric advantage in achieving the goal of starting (“PAPE”) was proposed.25 This phenomenon has been
the jump with the center of mass as high as possible at explored in the design of strength and power training pro-
takeoff compared with shorter athletes.12 In the triple grams26 and to facilitate competitive jumping perform-
jump, this goal is repeated three times, and the anthropo- ance.27 Priming sessions 24–48 h before competition also
metric aspect is probably even more important in this appear to facilitate the expression of maximum power.28
event. In addition, previous research has demonstrated
that jumpers have a low body fat percentage, comparable The postponement of the Tokyo Olympic Games to
to that of sprinters and long-distance runners.13 2021, motivated by the Coronavirus Disease of 2019
To take part or to win a medal at the Olympic Games (COVID-19) pandemic, demonstrated the global inequality
represents the pinnacle of a sports career. With the that exists with regard to sports training.29 Chinese athletes
Olympic Games only happening once every 4 years, the did not compete with foreign opponents from March 2020
opportunities for athletes to compete in this environment until the Tokyo Olympic Games, which impacted their
are limited, thereby increasing the pressure of performing.14 preparation. Furthermore, most foreign support personnel
One obstacle to Olympic success is the inconsistency and were not allowed to enter China during this period.
unpredictability of performance in major competitions,15 Remote training and counseling were used extensively to
owing to unexpected technical difficulties secondary to psy- reduce the negative consequences of this distancing.
chological barriers. To help athletes to overcome these bar- Until the 2016 Rio Olympic Games, a total of four
riers, mental skill techniques are used, such as imagery, Chinese triple jumpers were classified among the eight
focusing attention, relaxation, and self-talk.16 best athletes in the Olympic finals. In Tokyo, two others
Furthermore, the more an athlete masters the jumping tech- were finalists with the athlete of our study improving his
nique, the greater is the probability of discriminating the personal best performance (PB) by 17 cm and winning
appropriate stimuli and directing attention to achieving a the silver medal, the best result of a Chinese triple jumper
superior performance.17 Therefore, the training of mental at any edition of the Olympic Games.
skills should be connected to the development of other Analysis of the data accumulated during the preparation
domains (i.e. technical, tactical, and physical), based on of elite jumpers can help when discussing the training opti-
an individual’s characteristics and the training phase.18 mization mechanisms and provide theoretical foundations
Thus, the organization of the training process gains import- for the development of other athletes. Therefore, the aim
ance, and three of its aspects will be briefly explored. of this study was to report selected factors in the preparation
of a Chinese triple jumper on his way to winning the silver
medal at the Tokyo Olympic Games.
Periodization: Different periodization models can be used
to design training programs that, as Mujika et al.19 state,
“induce optimal training adaptations and maximize per- Case study
formance at desired moments of the competitive season.”
The polarized training concept, widely used by endurance Participant
athletes,20 has also been used by sprinters21 and can be The case study athlete was a Chinese male triple jumper
applied in the training of jumpers. (ZY) who was an Olympic silver medalist in the 2020
Tokyo Olympic Games held in 2021. His body height
Tapering: Tapering is defined by Mujika and Padilla22 as was 1.92 m; mean body mass, 79.55 ± 0.21 kg; and body
the “progressive nonlinear reduction of the training load mass index (BMI), 21.58 kg/m2. He had 7 years of experi-
during a variable period of time, in an attempt to reduce ence in athletics.
the physiological and psychological stress of daily training ZY’s annual progression is presented in Figure 1. He
and optimize sports performance.” Successful Olympic joined the group at the Chinese National Team in July 2019.
coaches apply tapering strategies consistent with research,
thereby reducing training volumes but maintaining its
intensity and frequency.23 Study design
This case study had a retrospective longitudinal observational
Postactivation potentiation: Postactivation potentiation design, as used by Barbosa et al.30 It was conducted from July
(PAP) is a physiological event that, by performing condi- 2019 to August 2021. Prescribed training load, performance
tioning exercises before the main activity, leads to neuro- at competitions, run-up speed, jumping tests, power clean,
muscular changes that contribute to improve the jump squat, and technical variables were monitored.
Moura et al. 3

Figure 1. Zy’s triple jump progression (season best performances at outdoor competitions).

Figure 2. Standing quintuple jump, based on Aoki et al.33

Written informed consent was provided by the participant neuromuscular readiness. At the first session of the week,
and the study’s procedures followed the Declaration of immediately after the warm-up, the athlete performed three
Helsinki guidelines. Ethical review and approval were SLJs. The best result was recorded. Graham-Smith & Brice32
waived in accordance with local legislation and requirements emphasized the need to use tests specific to the triple jump and
from the China Institute of Sport Science (Beijing, China). included the SQJ in their testing protocol. ZY also frequently
A few exercises were selected to evaluate the most used this exercise. From the position with the feet parallel,
important aspects of the triple jump preparation. They the athlete performed five jumps, alternating leg support, and
were embedded at the regular training sessions; therefore, landing in the sand on both feet (Figure 2). The RQJ is
the testing never disrupted the normal training routine. similar, but a 6- to 8-stride run-up is allowed, followed by a
Hop, three Steps and a Jump into the sand pit.

Training load and jumping tests

Planned training load (TL) and jumping tests results were
Strength and power
registered using an athlete monitoring system, Power Clean was part of the training routines. Some short
AthleteMonitoring (Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada). sessions ended with maximum attempts, and these results
Session TL was defined as the duration of the session (min) were recorded. Another exercise, the Jump Squat, was mon-
× the rate of perceived exertion.31 Standing Long Jump itored with two velocity-based training devices: Vmaxpro
(SLJ), Standing Quintuple Jump (SQJ), and Running (Magdeburg, Germany), an inertial motion unit (IMU), or
Quintuple Jump (RQJ) were the jumping tests monitored. To Gymaware (Mitchell, Queensland, Australia), a linear pos-
perform the SLJ, the athlete stood with his feet parallel at the itional transducer (LPT). To complete a Jump Squat, with a
edge of the sand pit, jumped as far as possible, and landed barbell on the shoulders, the athlete was instructed to do a
on both feet. The jump was measured from the takeoff point countermovement by squatting to the depth he felt would
to the nearest mark left in the sand and was used to estimate allow him to jump as high as possible.34 The objective
4 International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching 0(0)

was to produce average bar speeds during the concentric panning camera shot the run-up phase. All cameras were
phase in the range of 1.0–1.10 m/s or 1.25–1.35 m/s, placed in the sagittal plane of the athletes, and operated at
depending on the training phase. These data were reported a frequency of 100 Hz. Reference marks were set on both
and analyzed. sides of the runway at 1-m intervals. Video clips were digi-
tized using the Ariel Performance Analysis System (Ariel
Dynamics, Inc., Trabuco Canyon, CA, USA). A video
Speed annotation tool, Kinovea (available at [https://www.
Data for the running speed were obtained in training and com-]), was used to calculate the length of the last
petition. In training, 30-m resisted sprints with a 10-kg sled six steps and the partial jump distances.
(RSS) and 20-kg sled (RSS-20) were monitored with photo-
cells (Swift Timing System, Wacol, Queensland, Australia).
The run-up speed was measured with the same equipment Interviews
in training and at domestic competitions in two 5-m intervals: Informal interviews with the athlete and his coaches were
11–6 m and 6–1 m before the takeoff board. At international conducted to better understand the path to Tokyo 2020.
competitions, the run-up speed was measured by the organi-
zers with a speed radar, and this information was made public
at the official competition reports. Biochemical monitoring
The athlete underwent 10 blood tests from October 2020 to
Coaching reports May 2021 to monitor the red blood cell count and levels of
hemoglobin, blood urea nitrogen (BUN), creatine kinase
Coaching reports delivered to the Chinese Athletics
(CK), cortisol, and testosterone.
Association (CAA) were analyzed. Of particular interest
was the overall training plan and the technical information
provided by the coaches. Statistical analysis
When observed repeatedly, the data were described by their
Competition reports means and standard deviations. The effect of time was pre-
When available, competition reports provided by World sented by absolute data and percentage changes. Cohen’s d
Athletics or the CAA were analyzed. was calculated to demonstrate the effect size of the

Technical analyses
Accuracy of the run-up. Distance lost at the board, percent- Results
age of legal trials, footfall variability, and percentage distri-
Competition results
bution of step length adjustment (ADJ%) were studied.35
During the Tokyo Olympic Games, ZY improved his PB
Phase ratios. The phase ratio, a measure of effort distribution twice in the final phase of the event. At the second
in the triple jump,36 was used to categorize techniques, as attempt, with a distance of 17.41 m, he provisionally
described by Hay37: “(a) Hop-dominated, in which the Hop assumed the silver medal position. After dropping to the
percentage is at least 2% greater than the next longer fifth position, he landed at 17.57 m on his fifth attempt,
phase; (b) Jump-dominated, in which the Jump percentage thereby regaining his place on the podium. This perform-
is at least 2% greater than the next longer phase; and (c) ance represented an improvement of 0.98%, compared to
Balanced technique, in which the difference between the his old PB, achieved in 2019.
two longest phase percentages is less than 2%.”
Data from national competitions were generated by the
CAA Scientific Support Team and delivered to the national Speed
coaches. Data from international competitions were pro- Training. Resisted sled sprint sessions conducted during the
vided by the organizers. Special Preparation Phase were monitored. Performance on
RSS-10 improved by 8.06% between the monitored ses-
Qualitative technical analysis. Technical analysis was made sions, whereas performance on RSS-20 improved by
with Dartfish 10 Team ProData (Dartfish, Fribourg, 9.47%, which suggested an enhancement in the ability to
Switzerland), based on Hutt’s model.3 generate horizontal forces (Figure 3). The last RSS-20
session had an average speed equal to the first session of
Quantitative technical analysis. In preparatory competitions, RSS-10, which also indicated progress in the ability to gen-
three fixed cameras shot the takeoff phases, and a erate power.
Moura et al. 5

Figure 3. The average speed in the 30-m resisted sled sprints with 10 kg and 20 kg during the special preparation phase for the 2020–
2021 season.

Competition. The run-up speed at three preparatory compe- Running quintuple jump. This exercise is very demanding
titions and the two best jumps at the Tokyo 2020 Olympic and was not repeated too often. The best result since July
Games final are in Table 1. 2019 was 25.22 m, which was similar to that achieved in
the last month before the Olympic Games (25.02 m).
Strength and power
Power clean. ZY improved his PB from 120 kg in 2019 to Technique
135 kg in 2020 ( + 12.5%), and then maintained the level Changes in arm action. Until 2019, ZY used a single-arm
achieved throughout the 2021 season. action at Hop takeoff and a double-arm for the two other
phases (Figure 6).
Jump squat. Monitoring was implemented with the IMU After joining the National Team, ZY changed his tech-
from July 2019 to March 2020 and on the eve of the nique to the double-arm action at the Hop and used this
Tokyo Olympic Games, when the foreign coach was able new technique in Tokyo (Figure 7).
to accompany the athlete in person. From December 2020
to July 2021, monitoring was conducted with the LPT. Changes in phase ratios. Up to 2019, ZY used a
Although in both instances, this monitoring was useful to Hop-dominated strategy, as seen at the 2019 Asian
adjust the daily load, the data are not comparable with Championships. In a report presented by his coaches to
each other. It is worth mentioning the 19% improvement the CAA in May 2020, a balanced technique was suggested.
in average power in the Jump Squat with 70 kg, evaluated ZY was successful with this change and used this technique
with the IMU from July 2019 (1.1 m/s and 970 W) to the in Tokyo (Table 2).
priming session the day before the Olympic Games
(1.34 m/s and 1154 W). Accuracy of the run-up. At the 2019 Asian Championships,
the average loss at the board for ZY’s three best trials
Standing long jump. Figure 4 shows the average results for was 0.15 m ± 0.03 m, which was worse than the loss
each month from November 2020 to July 2021. SLJ advised by McNab,38 who stated that the distance lost at
improved from 3.13 ± 0.02 m to 3.25 ± 0.01 m (i.e. board should not exceed 0.08 m. In 2021 preparatory com-
3.83%; d = 7.59). The best result achieved in the entire petitions, the distance lost for the best five trials decreased
period was 3.28 m. to 0.06 ± 0.04 m, which was nearly identical to the three
best attempts in the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games final
Standing quintuple jump. Figure 5 shows the mean results for (Figure 8).
the calendar years of 2019 to 2021, which improved from Footfall variability during the 2021 preparatory compe-
17.60 ± 0.25 m to 18.12 ± 0.24 m (i.e. 2.95%; d = 2.12). The titions decreased throughout the last six steps by ZY, as
best result achieved during the entire period was 18.52 m. expected (Figure 9). The maximum error was 0.25 m six
6 International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching 0(0)

Table 1. Run-up speed at competition.

Run-up speed (m/s)

Date Competition Trial Official distance (m) Actual distance (m) 11-6 m 6–1 m

3/13/2021 Preparatory I 2 17.32 17.41 10.06 10.25

4/28/2021 Preparatory II 3 16.84 16.94 10.12 10.22
6/11/2021 Preparatory III 6 17.39 17.41 10.42 10.42
8/5/2021 Olympic Games 2 17.41 17.52 - 11.00
8/5/2021 Olympic Games 5 17.57 17.58 - 10.61

Figure 4. The mean standing long jump monthly results during

the 2020–2021 season.
Figure 5. The mean results for the standing quintuple jump from
2019 to 2021.

steps before the board. The biggest adjustments on step

length (ADJ%) occurred on the penultimate step Training organization
(26.21%). The mean length of the two last steps was 2.49 Periodization. The concepts to build the periodization plan
± 0.06 m and 2.38 ± 0.12 m. have been discussed previously,39 and use of short cycles
was privileged. In most instances, 3-week mesocycles
Active landings. To minimize the braking effect when the were used, with no more than two mesocycles completing
foot hits the ground at takeoff, athletes move their foot one training phase or period. Three competitive periods
backward in relation to the center of mass as fast as pos- were planned until and including the Olympic Games.
sible, an action known as “active landing.”37 At a domestic Four weeks of general training were followed by phases
competition in September 2020, ZY performed this action. with a predominance of special or specific training. Usual
The mean horizontal velocities of his foot relative to the load dynamics was 2:1 (hard–medium–easy), but this
center of mass were −7.41 ± −0.41 m/s on the board, dynamic was flexible and could be changed if daily moni-
−7.27 ± 1.15 m/s landing from the Hop, and −6.20 ± toring indicated that need. Figure 10 shows the annual peri-
0.01 m/s landing from the Step. odization with the training cycles and their duration,
objectives of the different training periods, dates of compe-
titions and training camps, among other information, which
Mental preparation provided an overview of the organization of the training
process followed by the athlete.
Formal and informal mental training was done by ZY. Goal
setting and imagination were remotely guided by a foreign
sports psychologist in the first half of 2020. “Relax listening Tapering. Two-weeks tapering was planned before the
to music, taking the mind off the competition” was reported Olympic Games. Training frequency was maintained or
by ZY as another mental strategy preparatory to the Games. reduced by one session per week, and the duration of
Moura et al. 7

Figure 6. Zy competing in 2019, using the single-arm action at Hop takeoff.

each session and the training volume were lower, but inten- triple jumpers managed to at least equal their season best
sity was kept high all of the time. Overall, the TL was This factor makes ZY’s feat even more relevant.
reduced by 28% relative to that in the entire season, and
by 50% relative to that in the hardest week (Figure 11).
Training. Acceleration is dependent on the technical ability
PAPE. PAPE strategies and priming sessions were used in to exert horizontal forces.42 RSS is one of the effective
the preparation for the Olympic Games. PAPE was used tools to improve this ability, and 30-m sled sprints (3 to 4
during the sprint sessions, alternating resisted and unre- repetitions with 10 kg; 12.57% BM or 3 to 4 repetitions
sisted sprinting, and at the weightlifting sessions, alternat- with 20 kg; 25.14% BM) were used in ZY’s training rou-
ing loaded exercises and plyometrics. A priming session tines. The ability to apply horizontal forces is also important
consisting of 3 or 4 sets of 4 repetitions of Jump Squats during the triple jump.
was completed 24 h before the main competitions. PAPE
was also used during the actual competitions and consisted Competition. Approach speed reported in Tokyo cannot be
of 3 double leg maximal vertical jumps approximately directly compared with reference values obtained in pre-
3 min before each trial. paratory competitions because the measurement methods
were different. However, the values are so much higher
that we could assume that the approach speed was increased
Biochemical monitoring and that it would have been one of the factors that contrib-
The results of the blood tests are in Table 3. uted to the final performance. During the Tokyo Olympic
Games, ZY was one of the fastest on the runway, even
faster than the Olympic champion. The approach speed
Discussion obtained is close to what is needed to exceed 18-m at the
triple jump.32
Competition result
The aim of this case study was to present how evidence-
based knowledge was applied to improve selected factors
Strength and power
(e.g. running speed, strength, muscle power, jumping tech- Training prescriptions for most barbell exercises were done
nique, body composition, mental preparation, training using velocity based training (VBT) principles. Maximal
organization and recovery) that may have helped an elite lifts were not performed, with the exception of the power
Chinese athlete win the silver medal for the triple jump in clean.
the 2020 Tokyo Olympics. In competitions such as the
Olympic Games, small variations in performance, usually Power clean. Weightlifting exercises and derivatives are
considered nonsignificant in scientific studies, can make commonly utilized in strength training by elite athletes.43
the difference between being on the podium and not even Power clean generates a rate of force development
making the final. Coaches and sport scientists should (17,254 N/s) that is far greater than that of the jump squat
focus on enhancements of as little as 0.9%-1.5% for elite (3517 N/s).34 Olympic lifts stimulate neuromuscular adap-
field athletes, the smallest worthwhile change in perform- tations, which may improve sports performance,44 but they
ance for this group.40 To be able to demonstrate this are not kinematically similar to the vertical jump, not to
improvement at the main competition is a desirable trait mention horizontal jumps.34 Power clean was then used
of successful jumpers. However, PB or season best perfor- to improve explosive power as a foundation to develop
mances in jumping events at World Championships and reactive strength. ZY’s PB at power clean (135 kg) repre-
Olympic Games are unusual.41 In Tokyo, only 25% of 32 sents 169.7% of the body mass and coincides with the
8 International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching 0(0)

Figure 7. Zy during his silver medal effort in Tokyo 2020, using the double-arm action at the Hop phase.

Table 2. Partial distances (m) and phase ratios (%) during the 2019 Asian championships, changes proposed in 2020 by zY’s coaches, and
those achieved in the Tokyo Olympic games.

2019 Asian Championships Distances and ratios, proposed in May 2020 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games

Hop, m (%) 6.39 (37.81) 6.25 (35.5) 6.09 (34.63)

Step, m (%) 4.57 (27.04) 5.19 (29.5) 5.21 (29.64)
Jump, m (%) 5.94 (35.15) 6.16 (35.0) 6.28 (35.73)
Actual Distance, m 16.90 17.60 17.58
Official Distance, m 16.78 17.60 17.57

recommendation that outstanding triple jumpers should be Standing quintuple jump. The distance achieved in the SQJ
able to lift loads equivalent to 170% of the body mass.45 has a strong relationship with performance in sprints and
Therefore, although with ample possibilities for evolution, jumping events.51 ZY’s result is among the best ever
no effort was made to continue improving because the reported and can serve as a reference for other world-class
coaches considered that optimal levels had already been triple jumpers.
Running quintuple jump. The RQJ is a special exercise,
similar to the triple jump itself, and highly demanding. It
Jump squat. IMUs are practical and inexpensive but register
can be used to monitor an athletes’ degree of special prep-
slower speeds than does an LPT, which is more accurate
aration. Like the SQJ, the results presented by ZY are
compared to three-dimensional motion capture.46 For this
among the highest ever reported and are offered as a bench-
reason, the data collected with these devices could not be
mark for elite athletes.
analyzed together. The prescription of average speed
close to 1.0 m/s during certain training phases is based on
the findings of Loturco et al.,47 who determined that Technique
maximal power can be generated in the Jump Squat at
Changes in arm action. The change from single-arm to
approximately 1.0 m/s. This average speed also represents
double-arm action at the Hop takeoff explored the benefits
the lower end of the Speed/Strength training zone.48
suggested by Allen, King & Yeadon.9 ZY’s transition from
Later, the prescribed speed changed to the upper end of
the Hop to the Step was progressively smoother and more
the same training zone (1.3 m/s). More studies are needed
effective. However, perturbations at the last part of the
to determine whether this variation in bar speed is advanta-
run-up were noticed, and it took some time to consolidate
geous for jumpers, or whether it would be more appropriate
this change effectively. This is still considered by his
to maintain the speed that generates maximum power
coaches as a work in progress. Arm action contributes to
during the entire period, as already demonstrated for
performance in different types of jumps because of the
soccer players.49
energy generated by the shoulder joint.52 Yu53 explains
the process for horizontal jumps as follows: “the ‘horizon-
Standing long jump. The best result in the SLJ is “above tal’ kinetic energy generated at the run-up is partially con-
average” for triple jumpers.32 Even though the SLJ does verted to ‘vertical’ energy by the action of the arms and free
not have a strong relationship with performance in compe- leg.”
tition,33 it was useful in monitoring neuromuscular readi-
ness. Countermovement jump is a sensitive tool for Accuracy of the run-up. All seven attempts made by ZY
monitoring young athletes,50 and the SLJ appears to have during the Olympic Games (one at the qualification round
a similar behavior. and six at the final) were valid. In major competitions, on
Moura et al. 9

Figure 8. Distance lost at the board in 3 moments of the preparation of ZY: At the Doha Asian championships (2019), at the
preparatory competitions (2021), and at the Tokyo Olympic games (2021).

average, 28% of the attempts are failed (based on the results actions faster than the average velocities of the group
of all male and female horizontal jumps, qualifying and studied by Koh & Hay,7 but he still has possibilities to
final at the Olympic Games and World Championships improve, considering the best values reported by these
since London 2012—data were extracted from https:// authors. on September 9,
2021). Foul jumps have an impact on later attempts;54 Changes in phase ratios. Phase ratios have a key role in
therefore, this factor was another positive aspect of the determining the distance jumped by a given athlete.6 The
high accuracy shown by ZY. The ability to produce valid optimal phase ratio is individual, although Hay58 had
trials under the intense pressure of the Olympic Games raised the case that most jumpers “over-hop,” thereby pro-
was fundamental because the final placings were defined ducing distances in this phase that would not allow obtain-
in all horizontal jumps in the last two rounds. Positive ing the best individual result. In a previous study,59 which
aspects of the ZY run-up were the small magnitude of accu- longitudinally followed Brazilian triple jumpers, we
mulated errors (0.25 m), early start of the adjustment phase noticed that the phase ratios varied throughout the season,
(6th step before the board) and the biggest ADJ% (26%) and that the athletes tended to exhibit better performances
performed in the penultimate step, rather than the last individually when they moved away from the
one. A running consistency program can improve run-up Hop-dominated technique. The option to seek the balanced
accuracy, thereby reducing its variability.55 The program technique with ZY had two goals: to reduce exposure to
used by ZY consisted of running over small hurdles and extreme vertical GRF, which would protect him from repe-
running drills over cones, followed by takeoff from a tition injuries in the medium and long term, and to obtain
target, among other exercises. The run-up was studied maximum conservation of horizontal velocity at successive
from the traditional perspective, where it is divided into takeoffs, which could lead to better performance.
two phases: a programmed phase and an adjustment
phase, which starts from the sixth step before takeoff. Mental preparation. We have no objective data regarding
Investigators have recently demonstrated that international ZY’s mental preparation program and its effects.
long jumpers exhibit functional variability from the very However, ZY’s coaches noticed that “he demonstrated con-
beginning of the run-up, which allows them to start adjust- fidence in his abilities, was able to maintain concentration
ing much earlier.56 This possibility can be explored with and to control his emotions during the decisive moments of
ZY in the future. In addition, the length of the last two competition, keeping focus on the task.” According to his
steps of the run-up followed a pattern “long-short,” own words: “The final was much more intense than any-
thereby reflecting a positive rhythm at the board.57 thing I have ever experienced or even my expectation.
I was overwhelmed and had begun to doubt myself.
Active landings. Active landings minimize the loss in hori- I thought this was the best I could do since I have
zontal velocity and the risk of injury during each support already set my personal best, but my coaches were all
phase.7 ZY made active landings in each phase and with encouraging me, and I regained some confidence.”
10 International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching 0(0)

Figure 9. Footfall variability during the last 6 steps of the run-up for ZY during the 2021 preparatory competitions.

Figure 10. Periodization.

(The interview is available at The option of the coaches responsible for planning ZY’s
english/2021-08/05/c_1310109617.htm; accessed on season was to maintain this structure, even with the
December 5, 2021). This speech agrees with Zuleger’s find- limited availability of competitions. It was possible to
ings, according to which the key aspects of the keep the periods short and to guarantee frequent alterna-
coach-athlete relationship are “creating an autonomy sup- tion of training means, which can be more adequate for
portive environment, developing a caring relationship, the development of experienced specialists in power
and developing and maintaining mental strength.”14 events.61 Monitoring and control of the TL stood out in
the quest for the best work-recovery relationship, with
no injuries requiring time off from training in the 2020–
Training organization 2021 season. The data were collected retrospectively.
Periodization. The presence of more than two competitive Accurately reporting the training actually performed was
periods in 1 year configures a multiple periodization.60 not possible because this information was not routinely
Moura et al. 11

Figure 11. The planned weekly training load.

Table 3. Blood screening results during the 2020–2021 season.

RBC ( × 1012/L) HGB (g/L) BUN (mmol/L) CK (U/L) C (μg/dL) T (ng/dL)

Mean ± SD 5.47 ± 0.17 162.70 ± 6.60 6.65 ± 0.95 617.70 ± 343.14 12.34 ± 3.28 586.87 ± 94.04
Maximal 5.72 175.00 8.10 1349.00 18.84 791.70
Minimal 5.25 155.00 5.40 225.00 8.03 496.38
Male reference values 4.4–5.7 130–170 1.7–8.3 <300 5–28 241–827
RBC = red blood cell; HGB = hemoglobin; BUN = blood urea nitrogen; CK = creatine kinase; C = cortisol; T = testosterone.
Note: The athlete underwent 10 blood screen tests.

recorded by the coaches. This lack of information was a normal within 24 h of strenuous physical activity before
limitation of the study. slowly decreasing over the next 7 days.63 Training for the
triple jump provokes large eccentric loads with the potential
Tapering. Murach & Bagley62 affirm that “the increase in to increase CK values. No action was needed beyond clinical
strength and power in the initial phase of tapering (≤1 follow-up. Values decreased with the approach of the main
week) may be attributable to a reversal of neuromuscular competition because of the progressive reduction of the TL.
fatigue, specifically in highly conditioned muscles.” The
tapering duration was tested in preparation for the Chinese
National Trials for the Olympic Games, which were held 8 Conclusion
weeks before the 2020 Tokyo Olympics, and the simulation This case study presented the practical application of
of the priming session and the PAPE strategies was also con- evidence-based information and best practices to develop
ducted. The results were considered satisfactory by the an Olympic silver medalist at the triple jump. Short training
coaches and the athlete; therefore, these strategies were blocks, monitoring of training sessions and athlete’s status,
repeated at the Olympic Games. Two-weeks of tapering individualized tapering, and the use of activation sessions
allowed recovery and increased neuromuscular readiness, the day before competition and PAPE strategies in training
as evidenced by the SLJ results, the priming session with and in the competition are concepts followed during this
Jump Squats, and the results at competition. journey. Results from jumping tests and performance at
the Jump Squat showed a trend of improvement and were
associated with competitive performance. Positive
Biochemical monitoring changes in approach speed, run-up accuracy, and jumping
Blood test results were within the male reference values, technique were observed. Mental training provided the
except for CK. This finding is not surprising because CK athlete with tools that could be used during the Games to
levels can increase up to 30 times the upper limit of keep his focus on the task. Results in field tests are
12 International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching 0(0)

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