This document provides comments on exam answers for a linear algebra exam. It addresses topics like the column space and null space of a matrix A, finding the dimension of the range and null space, conditions for eigenvalues, and differences between row equivalent matrices. The document offers clarification or points out mistakes without providing full solutions.
This document provides comments on exam answers for a linear algebra exam. It addresses topics like the column space and null space of a matrix A, finding the dimension of the range and null space, conditions for eigenvalues, and differences between row equivalent matrices. The document offers clarification or points out mistakes without providing full solutions.
This document provides comments on exam answers for a linear algebra exam. It addresses topics like the column space and null space of a matrix A, finding the dimension of the range and null space, conditions for eigenvalues, and differences between row equivalent matrices. The document offers clarification or points out mistakes without providing full solutions.
This document provides comments on exam answers for a linear algebra exam. It addresses topics like the column space and null space of a matrix A, finding the dimension of the range and null space, conditions for eigenvalues, and differences between row equivalent matrices. The document offers clarification or points out mistakes without providing full solutions.
(A) The range of the transformation x 7 Ax is the column space of A, Col A.
(B) You have found a basis for Nul A, and not Row A. (C) The codomain is R3 ; the range is a subspace of the codomain. (D) Col A = Span { columns of A}. And, the dimension of the range equals dim(Col A), which is the number of vectors in a basis of Col A. The columns of A, while they do span the column space Col A, are not linearly independent, therefore they do not form a basis. So, you know for sure that dim Col A < 4. (E) This is how to find dim Nul A. (F) The dimension of the range equals dim Col A, which equals the number of pivot columns. (G) A basis of Row A is the nonzero columns in the row reduced echelon form of A. (H) If A is invertible, then Ax = 0 has only the trivial solution. Hence, Ax = 0x has only the trivial solution. Therefore, using the definition of eigenvalue, 0 cannot be an eigenvalue of A. (I) Two matrices A and B can have different eigenvalues even if they are row equivalent. For example
1 0 2 0 A= is row equivalent to B = , 0 1 0 3 but A has the eigenvalue 1, while B has eigenvalues 2 and 3. (J) Only Ax = 0 can have trivial solutions. The trivial soln to this equation is to plug in 0 for x. Ax = b can not have a trivial solution as a solution, if b is nonzero; it can only have solutions. (K) See example on page 13 of the lecture 24 notes. (L) You made a mistake somewhere in row reducing.