GAS Writeup
GAS Writeup
GAS Writeup
Global Adjustment
Specific Problem: To measure the adjustment pattern of an individual using the Global
Adjustment Scale by Endicott et al., 1976, adapted by Sanjay Vohra.
Basic Concept:
Adjustment in psychology refers to the dynamic process through which individuals manage and
adapt to the demands and challenges of their environment. It involves the use of coping
mechanisms, social and interpersonal skills, emotional regulation, adaptability, and personal
growth to navigate life's transitions and stressors. Successful adjustment is characterized by
effective coping strategies, the ability to form positive relationships, emotional resilience,
adaptability to change, and a commitment to personal development. It is a subjective and
individualized process, with psychologists often using assessment tools to evaluate an
individual's adjustment across various domains of life, such as social, emotional,
academic/work, personal, and health adjustment.
The Global Adjustment Scale (GAS) is a valuable tool in psychology that helps measure and
assess an individual's adjustment patterns. Adjustment, in psychological terms, refers to the
ability to adapt and cope with various challenges, changes, and stressors in life. The GAS
provides a structured approach to evaluate how well an individual is managing these
challenges across different aspects of life.
1. Social Adjustment: Social adjustment involves the ability to interact effectively with others
in various social situations. It encompasses skills such as communication, forming and
maintaining relationships, and resolving conflicts.
4. Personal Adjustment: Personal adjustment refers to how well an individual copes with
personal challenges and changes in their life. This includes self-awareness, self-
acceptance, and the ability to navigate personal growth.
The reliability of the test was measured at 0.78 and a high face validity and content validity.
High scores on the scale represent higher levels of stress. 3.7. 2 global adjustment scale (adult
form) by Sanjay Vohra was used to assess the levels of adjustment among parents.
(as mentioned before)
1. No question should be left unanswered
2. There should be no disturbance in the library
3. Subject should not be familiar with the test already
4. Instructions should be given clearly to the subject and should be followed in the
same fashion
This involves putting the subject at ease making her comfortable by talking in a friendly manner
to overcome her anxiety. The subject should be assured that the result will be kept
2) Booklet
3) Response Sheet
Seat the subject comfortably and establish rapport. The following directions are given: “ Are
you interested in knowing more about your own personality? If you will answer honestly and
thoughtfully all of the questions on the pages that follow, it will be possible for you to obtain
better understanding of yourself. There are no right or wrong answers because everyone has
the right to their own views. All you have to do is answer what is true for you. Write your
name and other information asked for on the response sheet given. Read the statements
carefully and mark your answer for each question by filling in the left hand box if your choice
is the ‘’a’’ (yes) answer, fill in the middle box if your choice is the ‘’b’’ (no) answer, and fill in
the right hand box if you choose the ‘’c’’ (sometimes) as your answer. Before you start the
actual test do the examples given on the front page of the booklet. After completing the
examples the subject can ask now if there is any confusion.
When you are told to begin, start with number 1 and answer the questions while keeping
these five rules in mind:
1) Give only answer that are true for you. It is best to say what you really think.
2) You may have as much time as you need, but try to go fairly fast.
3) It is best to give the first answer that comes to you and do not spend too much time on
any one question.
4) You should mark the ‘’a’’ or ‘’b’’ answer most of the time. Mark the ‘’c’’ answer only
when you feel you have to because neither ‘’a’’ or ‘’b’’ seems to be right for you.
5) If you have not been living with your parents, answer some of the questions with
regard to the people with whom you have been living.”
The scoring procedure in G.A.S. Form A is quite objective and simple. Transparent stencil scoring
keys are available for this purpose. Please follow the steps mentioned below to do the scoring:
1) Before starting the scoring procedure, examiner should ensure that the subject has
answered all the questions on the answer sheet.
2) If more than 15 questions are skipped, the test is considered invalid and should not be
scored. Unless these are Occupational adjustment (Oc) items which are not answered by
the housewives and unemployed individuals. If this is not the case, this should be
checked and corrected at the time of administration.
3) Please also ensure that each question has one and only one answer.
4) Place the scoring key over the answer sheet. Be sure that the box on the answer sheet is
aligned with the box on the scoring key.
5) Please note that each answer scores either 2 or 1 as indicated by the numbers printed
above the circles.
6) Add these scores for each adjustment area and write it down at the bottom of the
answer sheet in the space provided for that area.
7) Each item in this test measures some area as indicated in the key.
8) Convert these raw scores to sten scores by the procedure mentioned later in the norm
9) Plot these sten scores on the profile sheet provided with the test materials.
Table1 : area, raw score, total raw score, sten score and interpretation of GAS
Sr No. Area Raw score Total raw score Sten score Interpretatio
1 Emotional
2 Family
3 Health
4 Occupation
5 Sexual
6 Social
(to attach percentile table and category table for each domain, answer sheet, score sheet,
scoring key sheet) – cut and paste the tables and charts neatly on the blank side.
Based on the scoring of the score the following were observed and interpreted:
1. Adjustment towards ______________: The raw score of the subject under his domain is
__________ that indicates the sten score of the subject to be __________ falling undre
the _________ category.
Write the rest as per the score for all domains separately.
Thus from the above data table and interpretation of results we find that the subject has the
highest adjustment in ________________ and the lowest in ___________ indicating that certain
remedial measures are required to enhance adjustment in domains of ______________.