A Detailed Lesson Plan in Grade 7 English

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Teacher Jezel H. Longhas Learning Area ENGLISH

Date April 4, 2024 Quarter FIRST
Section B Division BAYUGAN CITY
A. Content The learner demonstrates understanding of: pre-colonial Philippine
Standards literature as a means of connecting to the past; various reading styles;
ways of determining word meaning; the sounds of English and the
prosodic features of speech; and correct subject-verb agreement.
B. Performance The learner transfers learning by: showing appreciation for the literature of
Standards the past; comprehending texts using appropriate reading styles;
participating in conversation using appropriate context-dependent
expressions; producing English sounds correctly and using prosodic
features of speech effectively in various situations; and observing subject-
verb agreement.
C. Learning EN7OL-I-b1.14: Use appropriate prosodic features of speech like pitch, stress,
Competencies/ juncture, intonation, volume and projection and rate/speed of speech in differing
oral communication situations.

D. Objectives At the end of the lesson the students are expected to;
a. identify the types/rules of intonation and the pitch,
b. differentiate the four types/rules of intonation,
c. produce the correct intonation and pitch of the sentence or phrase,
d. and appreciate the importance of intonation.

D. LC Code EN7OL-I-b1.14: Use appropriate prosodic features of speech like pitch, stress,
juncture, intonation, volume and projection and rate/speed of speech in differing
oral communication situations.
I. CONTENT EN7OL-I-b1.14: Use appropriate prosodic features of speech like pitch, stress,
juncture, intonation, volume and projection and rate/speed of speech in differing
oral communication situations.
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Lesson Guide In English 5 pp. 103-104
2. Learner’s Material
3. Textbook Pages

4. Additional
Materials for
Learning Resource
B. Other Learning
III. PROCEDURES Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity
A. Reviewing
previous lesson or
presenting the
new lesson (5

A.1 Preliminaries Good morning, class! Good morning, Ma’am!

A. Greetings
To start, let us all stand for a prayer. Let us put ourselves in
B. Prayer May I request Rosemarie to please lead God’s presence…
the prayer. Our most gracious, kind,
heavenly father. We come
unto thee with grateful heart.
Thank you for giving us
a chance to learn new things
every day. Thank you for the
good health, strength, and
the knowledge we gain. As
we gather here today may
your holy angels watch over
us, and protect us from any
possible harm and danger.
Thank you so much for
granting us everything in
Jesus name we pray Amen.

Please remain standing, Let’s have first

an energizer.

Please watch the video presentation

and follow.

“I’m alive, alert, awake enthusiastic.” Yes, Ma’am

Please pick up some trash and arrange Yes, Ma’am

C. Classroom your chairs.

Class monitor, who are absent today? None Ma’am.

D. Attendance
Very good class!

Class last meeting, I gave you an

assignment, right?
Miss Creslie please collect. Thank you
Yes, Ma’am

Good morning Ma’am

Again good morning class
E. Reviewing Before we start our lesson, let us recall
of the
our previous lesson.
What was our lesson yesterday class? Stress is the relative
emphasis that may be
given to certain syllables
in a word.

Very good! It seems that you fully

understood the last topic we discussed.

B. Establishing a Classroom Rules:

purpose for the
lesson Before we proceed to our discussion,
I have set here a classroom rules, I
would like everyone to observe.
Please everybody read! 1. Be positive
2. Be polite
3. Be respectful of your
classmates and teachers
4. Be productive
5. Be prepared
Can I expect that to you class? Yes, Ma’am

Class, I would like you to read and
understand our objectives, as we
tackle new lesson, Please be guided!
And if you could able to learn in by
heart, that would be great.

Please read! At the end of the lesson the

students are expected to;
a. identify the types/rules
of intonation and the
b. Differentiate the four
types/rules of
c. Produce the correct
and pitch of the
sentence or phrase,
d. and appreciate the
importance of
Before we indulge into our new
Motivation lesson let’s have a simple activity
called “Tell me.”

Please everybody stand, divide

yourselves into two groups.
First group line up and face the left
side of the wall while the second
group will face the back of the
first group. Yes, Ma’am!
I will give you a piece of paper,
write anything about the person in
front of you from the group two, in
one sentence, but do not write their
name. You may write anything,
maybe questions, resentment or
admiration to the person in front
of you. After writing turn around
so that group 1 will take their
turn on writing behind your back.
If you’re done drop your paper in
this fish bowl.

Do you understand?

Yes, Ma’am
Are you ready?

Yes, Ma’am
What did you feel class?

Yes Diether?

It feels great
Alright, I will pick paper in this
bowl and I want you to say it
based on what I will flash.
Please raise your hand if you want to

How will you say “I like your

guts” in sarcasm? Yes Deneca? I like your guts (sarcasm)

Exactly right Deneca!

Next! How will you say “I like

your guts in a sincere tone?

Yes Shane? I like your guts.

Very Good!

Another. How will you say “I like

your guts”
like you are very sure? I like your guts

Very well, thank you so much


Now class, what did you notice

with our activity?
The phrase or sentence
were read with emotion.

Excellent, you said it with pitch

and emotion. And it has
something to do with our lesson
for today, and that is what we

Presenting Now class let us define Intonation- is the rise
example/ Intonation. Everyone please read. and fall of voice in other
instances of the words it is the music of
new lesson the language.
(6 mins)
Pitch- is an element of
- It is the musical
tone with which
we pronounce
the stressed
Alright! syllable.

In English, there are two common

types and rules of intonation:
1.Falling intonation
2.Rising intonation
The Pitch are:
1. Low
2. Normal
3. High
4. Extra high

Class remember that a

downward arrow (➘) indicates
a fall in intonation and an
upward arrow (➚) indicates a
Rising intonation.

The pitch line indicates the how we

pronounce the pitch syllable.

Do you get it class? Yes, Ma’am!

The two common

Class please read. types/rules of Intonation:

1.Falling Intonation
Falling intonation is the
most common intonation
pattern in English.

It is commonly found in
statements, commands,
(information questions),
confirmatory question,
tags and exclamations.

(The pitch of the voice

. falls at the end of the
Intonation is about how we
say things, rather than what we
say, the way the voice rises and
falls when speaking, Music of the
language, rise and falls of voice

D. Discussing new I have here some examples where we use

concepts and the the types/rules of intonation.
practicing new
skills #1 (6 mins) Follow the proper reading with accuracy,
appropriate rate and proper expression.
Is my instruction clear class?
Repeat after me! Yes Ma’am!

In Statement: In Statement:

1. Please to meet you. 1. Please to meet you.

2. Mom wants to buy that bag 2. Mom wants to buy that bag

In Command: In Command:
1. Show me the way to station. 1. Show me the way to station.
2. Take your shoes off. 2. Take your shoes off.

In WH-questions: In WH-questions:
1. What food do you want? 1. What food do you want?
2.Where do you came from 2.Where do you came from

In Question Tags: In Question Tags:

We use the rules of falling intonation only We use the rules of falling
when we seek confirmation or invite intonation only when we seek
agreement. confirmation or invite
1. He thinks he so smart, doesn’t he? Examples:
2. They did not enjoy the party, did they? 1. He thinks he so smart,
doesn’t he?
In Exclamation: 2. They did not enjoy the
party, did they?
2. How nice of you.
In Exclamation:
Example of pitch line 2. How nice of you.

2. Rising Intonation
Those are examples of Falling intonation. This is when the pitch of the
Now let’s proceed to Rising intonation. voice rises at the end of the
sentence. It is commonly use
Miss Ancella will please read. in YES and NO questions, and
question tags that show

In tag questions
1. You’re new here, aren’t you?
Repeat after me!
In tag questions In YES or NO questions
Examples: Examples:
1. You’re new here, aren’t you? 2. Will she agree?

In YES or NO questions
1. Will she agree?

Examples of pitch line:

1. Are you coming?

2. Good morning

You got it right!

Alright! Well done every one. Let’s give
hands to all of us.

We observed that there are

What did you observe from the sentences tone in every sentences. They
above? Jeljoy. were the following: The pitch
low, normal, high and extra

And also the tone low, normal

and high are the most
common used ones, and the
tone high is used in
expressing strong feeling and

Very Good!

To check if you really understood the

sentences above.
The purpose of Intonation is
What is the purpose of Intonation? to help us sound clearer and
Anybody from group 1. natural.
Awareness of intonation aids
To help us easily understand
what is the speaker being
said, because incorrect
intonation can result in

To identify intonation is to
How do you identify the Intonation
recognize the stress and the
pitch of the word or syllables
in the sentences or phrases.

Yes, Intonation is important

Is Intonation important? because it focuses more on
Anybody from the group 2. how you say it rather than
what is being said.

This is important in English

communication because
sentences may vary in
meaning depending on the

It yield dynamics on your

speech and makes it more
compelling to hear.
Very Good!

E. Discussing new Intonation is about how we

concepts and say things, rather than what we
practicing new say, the way the voice rises and
skills #2 falls when speaking, Music of the
(10 mins) language, rise and falls of voice

Intonation refers to the way in which the

voice changes in pitch to convey meaning.

Did you observe the differences of the two

types/rules of Intonation?

Activity 2. With your group, give at least

one sentence in each types/rules of
intonation. Write them in the white paper
provided, and present it with your group
Yes, Ma’am
Is my instruction clear class?
Rising Intonation- It is
commonly use in YES and NO
questions, and question TAGS
that show uncertainty.

-This is when the pitch of the

voice rises at the end of the

Falling Intonation- It is
commonly found in
statements, commands,
(information questions),
confirmatory question,
tags and exclamations.

-The pitch of the voice

falls at the end of the

Rising -falling
Intonation--This is generally
use for giving out a list, a set
of choices, partial and
conditional statement.
-The pitch is getting high
then low.
You got it right class!

F. Developing
(Leads to
Assessment 3)
(8 mins)

To further enhance your knowledge,

Let’s have an activity called “Identify me”

With the same groupings, read the
sentences in the chart with your group
and identify if it is Rising intonation,
Falling intonation, Rising-falling intonation
or falling –rising intonation and the pitch

And also, please indicate the stress in the

given sentences or phrases buy putting an Yes Ma’am
Sentences Types/rules Pitch
Am I clear class? 1. I go to school
every day.
Sentences Types/rules of Pitch
Intonation 2. Is he in Rising 2,3
1. I go to school school? intonation
every day. 3. That’s a Falling 2,1
perfect gift. intonation
4. Would you Rising- 2,3,1
2. Is he in school? like to have a falling
3. That’s a perfect tea or coffee?
gift. 5. Do you think Falling-
it is valid? rising
4. Would you like to intonation
have a tea or coffee?
5. Do you think it is

Did you enjoy the game?

Clap your hands and stamp your feet if

you really enjoy the game.
G. Finding
Practical Now we will have another activity called
Applications of “Apply Me”. With the same groupings,
concepts and skills You have to create a short story or a short
in daily living dialogue using the four types or rules of
intonation, and present it here in front.
Any type of presentation, it could be a
drama, a talk show or a narrative story.
Just make sure that the sentences are
clearly emphasize and to be understand.
And select one from your group as your
representative to explain your output in
front in 3mins.

You will be guided by this criteria

Criteria Excellent Great Good Developing score

(100-90%) (89-80%) (79-70%) (59%)

Excellent at Very good at Good at Unable to

Comprehension identifying identifying identifying identify
30% the main the main the main the main
idea, general idea, general idea, general idea,
and specific and specific and specific general and
idea. idea. idea. specific idea.

Ability to Ability to Ability to Unable to

proficiently discriminate discriminate discriminate
discriminate between between between
between sounds, sounds, sounds,
sounds, grammatical and and
grammatical structures, grammatical grammatical
Delivery interpret structures,
structures, structures,
40% interpret stress and interpret
intonation at stress and
stress and stress and
the right intonation
intonation intonation.
time. under the
within the
given time.

Excellent in Good in Some of the Unable to

utilizing utilizing terminologies understand
terminologies terminologies use are hard
Language terminologies
uses in in expressing to
30% expressing thought or understand.
being utilize.
thoughts or idea.

Are we clear class? Yes, Ma’am

You may now proceed to your task.

1st group-

Very good group 1! presentation

Let’s give them a big clap!
Now is the time for group 2.
2nd group-

Perfect group 2!
Let’s give them a big clap!
It’s your turn group 3. 3rd group


Great job everyone!

Give hands to all of us.

H. Making Class let’s go back to our discussion a

Generalizations while ago.
(3 mins)
Again, what is Intonation? Intonation is the Music of
How we say it conveys a

Very Good!

Excellent class! Give hands to all of us.

I. Evaluating
Learning It seems that you really understood the discussion and from our activity.

To test your knowledge, we will have a short quiz.

Directions: Read each sentence, draw a pitch lines above and below each
syllable, determine and write the types/rules of intonation in the blank.

1. How are you? ___________________

2. Happy Birthday._________________
3 .I’m glad to meet you. _____________________________
4. He prefers the beach, doesn’t he? ___________________________
5. The rules were changed, weren’t they? ______________________
6. Is Samantha coming today or tomorrow? _____________________
7. Did you say East or West? _____________________
8. Would he support the team? ___________________
9. They didn’t enjoy the party, did they? _____________
10. How nice of you! _________________

J. Assignment Create a narrative poem observe the four types/rules of intonation,

practice the pitch, and present your poem with appropriate
intonation. (Individually)
A. No. of learners
who earned 80
% on the
B. No. of learners
who requires
activities for
C. Did the
lessons work?
No. of learners
who have
caught up with
the lesson.
D. No. of learners
who continue
to require
E. Which of my
worked well?
Why did these

F. What
difficulties did I
which my
teacher can
help me solve?
G. What
innovation or
materials did I
which I wish to
share with
other practice

Prepared by:

BSEd II Student

Checked and Observed by:

Doc. Jane C. Paderog

Instructor, College of Teacher Education

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