Parental Consent
Parental Consent
Parental Consent
Student Information:
I understand that the purpose of the event/activity is to showcase his skills and abilities as a
gymnast. I acknowledge that my child will be under the supervision of his trainer, Marc Andrew G.
Tomines, during the entire duration of the event/activity.
I acknowledge that my child's participation is voluntary, and I release Barong National High
School and its representatives from any liability in connection with my child's participation in the
specified event/activity.
Student Information:
I understand that the purpose of the event/activity is to showcase his skills and abilities as a
gymnast. I acknowledge that my child will be under the supervision of his trainer, Marc Andrew G.
Tomines, during the entire duration of the event/activity.
I acknowledge that my child's participation is voluntary, and I release Barong National High
School and SDOIN representatives from any liability in connection with my child's participation in the
specified event/activity.
Student Information:
I understand that the purpose of the event/activity is to showcase his skills and abilities as a
gymnast. I acknowledge that my child will be under the supervision of his trainer, Marc Andrew G.
Tomines, during the entire duration of the event/activity.
I acknowledge that my child's participation is voluntary, and I release Barong National High
School and SDOIN representatives from any liability in connection with my child's participation in the
specified event/activity.