Hayati 2020 J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 1460 012036
Hayati 2020 J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 1460 012036
Hayati 2020 J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 1460 012036
E-mail: [email protected]
Abstract. Students face difficulties in understanding problems because they are presented in
the text book without the contexts familiar to the students. This study aimed to examine and
descriptively describe the effectiveness of the integration of local contexts through the PBL
model to improve students’ problem-solving skills. This research was done by developing the
learning instruments integrating the local contexts through the PBL model based on Dick and
Carey models. The learning instruments that are valid, practical, and effective were developed
by referring to the Dick and Carey model. This paper discussed the results of the effectiveness
test of PBL learning instruments integrating the local contexts. The effectiveness test was
conducted for Year 7 students at one of the junior high school in Meureudu, Pidie Jaya,
Indonesia. The instruments of this study were the student worksheet, observation questionnaire
to investigate student learning activities, problem-solving skills test, student questionnaire,
observer questionnaire. The results showed that effectiveness criteria to the learning
instruments developed had been fulfilled so that they were effective to use, and students
problem-solving skills had improved. It is hoped that the trial of the learning instruments can
be conducted at some schools with similar characteristics.
1. Introduction
The problem-solving skill remains a concern in mathematics teaching and learning. Fostering
problem-solving skill as one of the educational objectives is required to obtain the applicable
knowledge and train students to face various problems in their real-life [1]. Based on the preliminary
research conducted, it was found that the students’ mathematical problem-solving skills at one of the
junior high school in Meureudu, Pidie Jaya were lacking. This finding indicates that teachers need to
put more efforts and hard work to prepare the mathematics problems in the form of problem-solving
and continue to train students to solve the problems independently. Moreover, the 2013 curriculum
also demands teachers to be more creative, innovative and effective in teaching, by exploring the
students’ existing knowledge gained from their daily lives so that it can contribute to improving
students’ mathematical problem-solving skills in the classroom [2].
When students learn to solve problems in mathematics, they identify the ways of thinking, the
hard- working habits, the high curiosity, and the self-confidence in non-routine circumstances
which they will experience outside the mathematics classroom [3]. Presenting problems related
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AICMSTE 2019 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1460 (2020) 012036 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1460/1/012036
to the local context is one of the means to explore student knowledge in students text books. The
local context inclusion in mathematics learning will help students in understanding the problems.
The cultural aspects are useful to introduce mathematics as a part of daily life, develop connection
skill meaningfully, and deepen the mathematical understanding [4]. Therefore, the integration of the
local context will enable students to learn more meaningfully, think critically, and be confident; the
skills can then be applied beyond the mathematics classroom.
Local context is a condition in the students’ environment, which includes real object, scenery, and
event. The presence of contexts in mathematics learning will help students to understand and solve
problems. Contexts also play an important role as a starting point for students to explore mathematical
concepts in real situations or events that happened in students’s life [5]. As for the main role of context
in mathematics learning is (1) improve accessibility to problems, (2) contribute to the transparency
and elasticity of the problem, and (3) suggest problem-solving strategies to students [6].
One of the learning models to improve problem-solving skill and incorporate the local contexts is
Problem Based Learning (PBL) model. PBL presents contextual problems tostimulates students to
learn [7]. PBL enables the meaningfulness in learning since it is the basis of investigation for students
[8]. PBL helps students to develop their thinking, problem-solving, and intellectual skills, to learn
various adult roles by their involvement in real or simulated experiences, and to become autonomous
and independent learners [9]. PBL is one of the learning demanding students to think critically, solve
problems, learn independently, and work in a group [10]. PBL is learning to employ ill-structured and
open authentic problems [11]. Thus, the PBL learning instruments allow students to enhance their
mathematical problem-solving skills as it involves students directly to conduct the stages of activities
to solve a problem using their way. They consult various information or references without having to
refer to and imitating their teacher in solving problems related to real-life, which in turn can increase
their creativity and enrich their insight about what is known and what they need to know to solve
problems. PBL syntax conducted to improve students’ problem-solving skills are: (1) orientating the
students to the problem, (2) organizing students in learning, (3) guiding students in individual and
group investigations, (4) developing and presenting the work, (5) analyzing and evaluating the
problem solving process [12].
Students’ problem-solving skills can also be measured by (1) students’ understanding of how to
solve problems including identifying the known data, identifying the data being asked, identifying the
data required, and checking the data adequacy [13]; (2) planning the solution or selecting strategies
[14]; and (3) applying strategies or calculations to solve various problems [15]. The four steps of
problem-solving are (1) understanding the problem, (2) planning the solution, (3) solving the problem,
and (4) re-checking [16]. Therefore, in solving problems, students need to understand the problem,
solve the problem systematically, and re-check the work.
The research conducted by [17-19] showed that PBL learning instruments could improve students’
problem-solving skills. However, previous researchers have not integrated the local context in PBL
models. The integration of the local context in the PBL model will stimulate students to learn,
understand problems easily, develop critical thinking, work in groups to solve problems
independently. Therefore, it is necessary to develop learning instruments that integrate local contexts
in the PBL model. The research problem in this study is how is the effectiveness of learning
instruments integrating the local context in the PBL model?.
2. Method
This research was design research describing the effectiveness of the learning instruments developed,
referring to Dick and Carey. It consisted of nine stages including identifying the learning objectives,
analyzing the learning, identifying the students' characteristics and behaviour, formulating the learning
objectives, developing test items, developing learning strategies, developing and selecting the
materials, designing and conducting a formative evaluation and revising [20]. According to the stages
of Dick and Carey, the learning instruments developed was valid, practical, and effective.
AICMSTE 2019 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1460 (2020) 012036 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1460/1/012036
This article only discussed the results of the effectiveness test of PBL learning instruments that met
five out of six indicators of the effectiveness, including: (1) the average of students’ on-task activities
should be at least 90%, (2) The average of students’ activities should be at least 90%, (3) The suit
ability level of the observed and expected student activities should be at least 80%, (4) There is an
increasing trend of the formative test scores, (5) More than 50% of students provide a positive
response on the learning instrument developed, (6) The teachers provide a positive response on the
learning instruments developed [21]. The instruments of this study were student worksheet,
observation questionnaire to investigate student learning activities, a problem-solving skills test,
student questionnaire about the learning instrument developed observer questionnaire about the
learning instrument developed.
Students’ works were then analyzed using the assessment rubric. Table 1 is the analysis results of
students’ score for the worksheet.
The analysis results of student worksheet scores presented in Table 1 show that the average scores
for group I, IV, and V are excellent, while the score for group II, III, and VI are good. The overall
score of the students is 90.28. The quality of student group collaboration kept increasing in each
meeting. It was evidenced by the increasing group scores in solving problems presented in the
worksheet integrating the local context through the PBL model from the first to the fourth lesson.
Based on the overall mean score of the worksheet, students had been able to use and work on the
worksheet developed very well. Thus, the analysis results of students' on-task, as indicated by the
group scores in each meeting were achieved. The increasing scores on the worksheet were because
students could easily understand the problems. They can solve the problems using their way, referring
to the knowledge they acquired from formal education and everyday life without copying the teacher
works. This finding is in line with [4] stating that cultural aspects are beneficial to introduce
mathematics as a part of everyday life, to develop connection skills meaningfully, and to deepen
mathematical understanding of the students.
AICMSTE 2019 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1460 (2020) 012036 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1460/1/012036
The overall mean students’ activity indicates that the students’ activities during the learning
steadily increased in each lesson, and the activities of each group are categorized as excellent. On
average, students’ activities score in the group was more than 90% for each lesson. This means that
student learning activities in the learning utilizing learning the instruments developed falls into the
excellent category. The learning conducted with the PBL learning instrument integrating the local
contexts stimulates students to learn. This finding agrees with Marzano [7] who believed that PBL
learning presenting contextual problems, encourage students to learn.
AICMSTE 2019 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1460 (2020) 012036 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1460/1/012036
Before students learn to use the developed learning instruments, their problem-solving skills test
scores were low. No students satisfied the minimum criteria of mastery learning set by the school
(≤70). However, 100% of students met the minimum criteria of mastery learning (≤70) after they
experienced the learning using the learning instruments developed. Thus, students’ problem-solving
skills increased because PBL is the learning utilizing authentic problems that are unstructured and
open [9]. There fore, the implementation of the learning employing the PBL learning instruments,
integrating the local contexts and the problems being presented with incomplete or implied
instructions, foster the students to think critically. It also accustoms students to have high curiosity, to
seek information from multiple sources, to conduct experiments and to linkto other subjects they
learned before.
Table 3. The analysis results of students’ positive responses to the student book
No Score Percentage Criteria
1 70 97.22 Excellent
2 63 87.50 Good
3 58 80.56 Good
4 63 87.50 Good
5 58 80.56 Good
6 72 100.00 Excellent
7 63 87.50 Good
8 72 100.00 Excellent
9 67 93.06 Excellent
10 63 87.50 Good
11 64 88.89 Good
12 71 98.61 Excellent
13 65 90.28 Excellent
14 63 87.50 Good
15 65 90.28 Excellent
16 66 91.67 Excellent
17 63 87.50 Good
18 63 87.50 Good
19 67 93.06 Excellent
20 65 90.28 Excellent
21 72 100.00 Excellent
22 48 66.67 Inadequate
23 71 98.61 Excellent
24 64 88.89 Good
25 58 80.56 Good
26 59 81.94 Good
27 63 87.50 Good
AICMSTE 2019 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1460 (2020) 012036 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1460/1/012036
3.4 The analysis results of students’ positive responses to the learning instruments developed
Students positive responses were based on students’ assessment of the student book and worksheet
conducted during the trial. Data of Student questionnaire were analyzed using percentage. Table 3 and
4 show the analysis results of student questionnaire data on student book and student worksheet.
The analysis results of students’responses to the student book shown in Table 3 indicates that 26
students (96.30%) provided positive responses on student book, meaning that they rated the book
3.5 The analysis results of teacher positive responses to the learning instrument developed
Data from the teacher questionnaire concerned on the teachers' assessment of the teacher book,
student book, lesson plan, and student worksheet from the teachers' perspective. The data was obtained
from two mathematics teachers and analyzed using descriptive analysis (percentage). The results of
the teacher questionnaire data analysis showed that the assessment for teacher book, student book,
lesson plan, and worksheet accounted for 87.08%, 85.63%, 83.68, and 82.50%, indicating that teacher’
assessment of the teacher book, student book, lesson plan, and student worksheet were categorized as
good. This finding suggests teachers' positive evaluation of the learning instruments developed.
AICMSTE 2019 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1460 (2020) 012036 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1460/1/012036
Prior to the learning using the instruments developed, the mean score of the students and the
observer's assessment of the average student activities were above 90%. In addition, the scores
concerning students' problem-solving skills test and students questionnaires related to the developed
learning instruments increased; and the observer provided positive assessment for the learning
instruments developed. The instruments developed satisfied five out of six indicators [21]. Thus, it can
be concluded that they are effective to use. A learning instrument is effective if fulfils the objectives to
be achieved [22]. In this study, the aim was to improve students' problem-solving skills.
4. Conclusion
The PBL learning instruments developed satisfied the criteria of effectiveness as evidenced by 1) the
score of students’ group assignment on the worksheet was 90.28%, indicating the good criteria; 2) the
teacher’s assessment result of student activities were 96%, meaning that the students’ activities were
developed very well when they used using learning instruments; 3) students’ problem-solving skills
were enhanced after they experienced the learning using the designed learning instruments; 4) more
than 50% of the students provided a positive response on the learning instruments developed; 5) the
teacher provided a positive response to the learning instruments developed. As the effectiveness
criteria in developing learning instruments have been met, the learning materials developed are
effective for use and can improve the problem-solving skills of junior high school students. It is hoped
that learning device can trial at some schools which has the same characteristics and implemented by a
different teacher.
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