127th - Senate - Minutes - 2023 11 23 16 21 57

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राष्ट्रीय प्रौद्योगिकी संस्थान वरं िल




Minutes of
127th meeting of Senate
26th September 2023 at 16:00 hrs.

Minutes of 127th Meeting of the Senate held on 26th September 2023

Prof. Bidyadhar Subudhi
Director, NIT Warangal
Prof. C.S.R.K. Prasad
Registrar (I/c), NIT Warangal

1 Prof. A. Benerji Babu 37 Prof. M. Sailaja Kumari
2 Prof. A. Sarath Babu 38 Prof. Mahesh Kumar Talari
3 Prof. A. Venu Gopal 39 Prof. N. Bheema Rao
4 Prof. Adepu Kumar 40 Prof. N. Kishore Babu
5 Prof. Amit Prashant, External 41 Prof. N. Narasaiah
6 Prof. B. Lakshmi 42 Prof. N. Selvaraj
7 Prof. B. Satish Ben 43 Prof. N.V. Umamahesh
8 Prof. B. Sri Padmavati, External 44 Prof. P. Abdul Azeem
9 Prof. B.L. Narasimha Raju 45 Prof. P. Bangaru Babu
10 Prof. C. Vanitha 46 Prof. P. Hari Krishna
11 Prof. C.S.R.K. Prasad 47 Prof. P. Ramlal
12 Prof. Ch. Sudhakar 48 Prof. P. Ratish Kumar
13 Prof. Ch. Venkaiah 49 Prof. P. Ravi Kumar
14 Prof. D. Dinakar 50 Prof. P. Sreehari Rao
15 Prof. D. Kasinath 51 Prof. P. Sreenivasa Rao
16 Prof. D. Srinivasacharya 52 Prof. P. Subhash Chandra Bose
17 Prof. D. Vakula 53 Prof. P. Venkata Sri Laxmi
18 Prof. D.V.S.S. Siva Sarma 54 Prof. P.V. Suresh
19 Prof. Debashis Dutta 55 Prof. Pisipati Radha Krishna
20 Prof. Divi Haranath 56 Prof. Prakash Saudagar
21 Prof. G. Amba Prasada Rao 57 Prof. Puli Ravi Kumar
22 Prof. G. Naga Srinivasulu 58 Prof. R. Dayanidhi
23 Prof. G.V.S. Nageswara Rao 59 Prof. R. Narasimha Rao
24 Prof. Hari Ponnamma Rani 60 Prof. R. Padmavathy
25 Prof. J.V. Ramana Murthy 61 Prof. R. Satish Babu
26 Prof. K. Kiran Kumar 62 Prof. R.B.V. Subrahmanyam
27 Prof. K. Madhavi 63 Prof. Rashmi Ranjan Rout
28 Prof. K. Madhu Murthy 64 Prof. Ravi Kumar Jatoth
29 Prof. K. Narasimhulu 65 Prof. S. Anuradha
30 Prof. K. Thangaraju 66 Prof. S. Srinivasa Rao (EE)
31 Prof. K. Venkata Reddy 67 Prof. Sonawane Shirish Hari
32 Prof. K.N.S. Kasiviswanadham 68 Prof. Sourabh Roy
33 Prof. K.V. Sai Srinadh 69 Prof. Srikanth Korla
34 Prof. L. Anjaneyulu 70 Prof. T. Kishore Kumar
35 Prof. L. Krishnanand 71 Prof. T. Venkatappa Rao
36 Prof. M. Heeralal 72 Prof. T.D. Gunneswara Rao


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73 Prof. V. Hari Kumar 79 Prof. V.T. Somasekhar

74 Prof. V. Rajesh Khana Raju 80 Prof. Velagapudi Vasu
75 Prof. V. Ramana Murthy 81 Prof. Venkaiah Chowdary
76 Prof. V. Suresh Babu 82 Prof. Y. Ravi Kumar
77 Prof. V.P. Chandra Mohan 83 Prof. Y.N. Reddy
78 Prof. V. Rama Devi

Special Invitees:
(1) Prof. S. Vidya Sagar, Associate Dean, UG
(2) Prof. Karthik Balasubramanian, Chairperson, Accreditation Committee
The following members could not attend the meeting:
1 Prof. A. Veeresh Babu 15 Prof. P. Anand Raj
2 Prof. A. Venu Vinod 16 Prof. P. Madhusudhana Reddy
3 Prof. Ashok Kumar Pradhan, Ext 17 Prof. P. Syam Prasad
4 Prof. Asit Kumar Khanra 18 Prof. P. Vamsi Krishna
5 Prof. Bhagwan K. Murthy 19 Prof. S. Srinath
6 Prof. C.S.P. Rao 20 Prof. S. Srinivasa Rao (ME)
7 Prof. D. Jayakrishna 21 Prof. S.G. Sanjeevi
8 Prof. D. Ramaseshu 22 Prof. T.V.K. Hanumantha Rao
9 Prof. K. Anand Kishore 23 Prof. V. Venkata Mani
10 Prof. K. Ramesh 24 Prof. Vishnu Shanker
11 Prof. K.V. Gobi 25 Prof. Venkatathri Narayanan
12 Prof. M. Joseph Davidson
13 Prof. N. Viswanathan
14 Prof. N.V. Srikanth

Leave of absence was approved for all members absent.

The Chairman, Senate informed that Prof. Ashok Kumar Pradhan, Dept. of Electrical Engineering,
IIT Kharagpur, Prof. Amit Prashant, Dept. of Civil Engineering, IIT Gandhinagar and Prof. B. Sri
Padmavati, Department of Mathematics, University of Hyderabad have been nominated to act as
External Senate members. The Chairman and Senators welcomed all the three external
The Chairman Senate and the Senators placed on record the services rendered by Prof. B.B.
Amberkar, Professor of Computer Science and Engineering, who superannuated in August 2023.
The Chairman, Senate appointed the following three committees in place of Academic Standing
Research Progress Evaluation Committee (RPEC)
1. Prof. N.V. Umamahesh, CE (Chairman)
2. Prof. J. V. Ramana Murthy, MA
3. Prof. M. Sailaja Kumari, EE
4. Prof. Shirish H Sonawane, CH
5. Prof. D. Jayakrishna, ME
6. Prof. V.V. Mani, EC
7. Prof. V. Ramadevi, SM


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8. Prof. VRK Raju, ME, Assoc. Dean (PhD) (Convener)

Senate Postgraduate Committee (SPGC)

1. Prof. K. Madhu Murthy, ME (Chairman)
2. Prof. G.V.S. Nageswara Rao, MM
3. Prof. Ch. Venkaiah, EE
4. Prof. S. Shankar, CE
5. Prof. B. Srinivas, CY
6. Prof. Raja Viswanathan, HS
7. Prof. T. Thanga Raju, PY, Assoc. Dean (PG) (Convener)

Senate Undergraduate Committee (SUGC)

1. Prof. P. Bangaru Babu, ME (Chairman)
2. Prof. P. Radhakrishna, CS
3. Prof. P. Srinivasa Rao, BT
4. Prof. Karthik Balasubramanian, ME
5. Prof. J. Pranitha, MA
6. Prof. B. Spoorthi, HS
7. Prof. S. Vidyasagar, CH, Assoc. Dean (UG) (Convener)

2023-127-Senate-01 Chairman, Senate has nominated student representatives to the


The Senate ratified the nomination of the following student members:

Mr. Manjima Karmakar (B.Tech VII Semester); Ms. Sanika Nikhil Kanere (B.Tech V Semester);
Mr. YVS Charan Sai (B.Tech III Semester); Mr. Pathak Krutarth Manojkumar (M.Tech III
Semester); Mr. Sunit Chakraborty (MSc III Semester, CY); Mr. Rayappa David Amar Raj (PhD)

2023-127-Senate-02 To consider the representation of students to conduct Makeup

examinations in December, 2023.

Several students and their parents (especially those who were supposed to graduate in 2023)
have been appealing to the institute to conduct makeup exams in December, 2023, so that they
will be able to complete the academic program in time. Similarly, the present students of the II, III
and IV year as well as those students who could not be promoted are also requesting that makeup
examinations may be conducted in December, 2023.
The Senate did not consider the proposal of conducting makeup exam in December 2023.

2023-127-Senate-03 Proposal for Academic Probation

It is proposed to replace “year back” with Academic Probation. The students with back papers will
continue with semester registration in under-loading / slow pace mode subject to the
consideration that the total credit registration including the back papers should not exceed the
allowable credits of a semester.
The Senate in principle agreed with the proposal to consider Academic probation in place of year
back. The Senate advised SUGC to come up with a detailed proposal for its implementation.
However, this will be implemented from the next semester to avoid issues of attendance at this
point of time as the classes started in July 2023.


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2023-127-Senate-04 Consideration of 2% attendance relaxation to female students

Recommendation from Ministry of Education: “For female students, relaxation of 2%

attendance in mandatory attendance for appearing in examinations by respective
Examinations Boards/Universities canalso be explored”.
The Senate considers the Ministry of Education guidelines in principle to implement 2%
attendance relaxation to female students from this AY in addition to the existing relaxations for
female students.

2023-127-Senate-05 To confirm the minutes of the 126th Senate meeting

The minutes of the 126th Meeting of the Senate were placed before the Senate after incorporating
the comments received from members.
The Senate approved the minutes of 126th Senate meeting.

2023-127-Senate-06 Appointment of Adjunct Professor and Professor of Practice

The following Adjunct Professors and Professor of Practice have been appointed as per the
guidelines provided by MHRD (No. 21-81/2014-TSII dated 16-02-2016).
Adjunct Professors:
1. Prof. Akshay Kumar Rathore [Professor, Singapore Institute of Technology,
Singapore], EE
2. Prof. NDR Sarma [Founder and CEO, NDRS SEMS Consultancy, LLC, EE
3. Prof. BHVS Narayana Murthy [Former Distinguished Scientist & Director General
(Missile & Strategic Systems)], EC
4. Prof. G. Madhusudhan Reddy [former Director DMRL Hyderabad], MM
5. Dr. Tata Narsing Rao [Director, ARCI Hyderabad], CH
6. Prof. Sarma V. Pisupati [Co-Director, Penn State University], CH
7. Prof. Ajay K Dalai [Professor, University of Saskatchewan], CH
8. Dr. V. C.V. Rao [Full-time consultant, C-DAC], CS
Professor of Practice
1. Dr. Ulaganathan, [ABB Corporate Research, Bangalore], CH
The Senate noted the above appointments.

2023-127-Senate-07 Undergraduate Studies

a) Chairman, Senate has approved the proposal of permitting all the students having backlog
in induction program at the end of II semester to register for III Semester by performing
community service for 30 hours in III semester under the guidance of Dean (Student
b) Chairman, Senate has approved the proposal of Dean (Academic) to swap the English
for Technical Communication course offered by Department of HS in order to maintain
equal load in 1st and 2nd Semesters of B.Tech program.
c) Academic Calendars for 1st Semester B.Tech, I MSc (Int.), I M.Tech, I MSc, and I MCA


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The Senate ratified the above decisions.

2023-127-Senate-08 Post Graduate/PhD Studies

a) Spot Round of Admissions for M.Tech programs:

The Spot round of Admissions at the Institute level was organized on 08-09-2023. Nineteen
students with GATE and 26 students without GATE (Under Self-financing) Category were given
admissions in the Spot round. In each category 3 students did not report. Out of the 23 students
admitted under self-financing category, 9 students were admitted against vacancies under
GATE category. The details of students admitted are presented to the Senate.
The Senate approved the admissions given in the Institute Spot round and recommend the
same to Board of Governors for ratification.
b) Chairman, Senate has given extension of 6 months beyond the maximum applicable period
of 8 years to the following research scholars:(i) Ms. Bhavita Chowdary (Roll No. 715004) (ii)
Mr. Rangilal Bhukya (Roll No. 715041)
The Senate ratified the above decision.

2023-127-Senate-09 Results of PhD Examinations

PhD Result
Chintakindi Balaram Murthy
Department EC
Roll No. 718143
1 Date of Viva-voce Examination 17.07.2023
Foreign Examiner Dr. Karthik Dantu, University at Buffalo, NY, USA
Indian Examiner Dr. Prabir Kumar Biswas, IIT Kharagpur
Supervisor(s) Dr. Mohd. Farukh Hashmi
Design and Development of Embedded Vision Based
Thesis Title
Object Detectors for Autonomous Driving Application
Banoth Thulasya Naik
Department EC
Roll No. 701936
Date of Viva-voce Examination 17.07.2023
Dr. Norisma, Idris Universiti Malaya, Kuala Lumpur,
2 Foreign Examiner
Indian Examiner Prof. Vivek Kanhangad, IIT, Indore
Supervisor(s) Dr. Mohd. Farukh Hashmi
Some Investigations on Deep Learning Based
Thesis Title Techniques for Accurate Ball/Player Detection and
Tracking In Soccer and Basketball Sports
Pasupuleti Manoj
Department EE
Roll No. 718019
Date of Viva-voce Examination 17.07.2023
3 Prof Akshay Kumar Rathore, Singapore Institute of Technology,
Foreign Examiner Singapore
Indian Examiner Dr. Amod C Umarikar, IIT, Indore
Supervisor(s) Prof. V.T. Somasekhar
Investigations on Quasi-Z-Source based Multilevel Inverters for
Thesis Title Grid- Tied Photovoltaic Systems
G. Prabhu
Department MM

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Roll No. 717139

Date of Viva-voce Examination 18.07.2023
Foreign Examiner Prof. I.P. Jones University of Birmingham
Indian Examiner Prof. Satyam Suwas, IISc, Bengaluru
Supervisor(s) Dr. R. Arockia Kumar, Dr. T.K. Nandy
Structure-property correlation in tungsten heavy alloy with two-
Thesis Title phase matrix
Dondapati Suneel Varma
Department EC
Roll No. 701933
Date of Viva-voce Examination 19.07.2023
5 Prof. Zbynek Raida Brno University of Technology, Brno, Czech
Foreign Examiner Republic
Indian Examiner Prof. Raghunath K Shevgaonkar, IIT, Bombay
Supervisor(s) Dr. Gopi Ram
Design of time-modulated linear antenna array with optimal
Thesis Title harmonic power radiation for WIPT and DoA Estimation
T Arjun Kumar
Department CE
Roll No. 714003
Date of Viva-voce Examination 20.07.2023
6 Foreign Examiner Prof. Pahirangan Sivapatham, University of Wuppertal, Germany
Indian Examiner Dr. Mahabir Panda, NIT, Rourkela
Supervisor(s) Dr. Venkaiah Chowdary
Influence of Chemical Warm Mix Additive on the Performance of
Thesis Title Bituminous Binders and Bituminous Mixtures Containing Waste
Plastic Coated Coarse Aggregates
R. Srinivasan
Department EC
Roll No. 715049
Date of Viva-voce Examination 21.07.2023
7 Foreign Examiner Prof. Bhaskar Choubey Universitat Siegen,
Indian Examiner Dr. Kailash Chandra Ray, IIT Patna
Supervisor(s) Dr. B. Lakshmi, Dr Tessy Thomas
An Architecture for On-Board Frequency Domain Analysis of
Thesis Title
Flight Vehicle Vibration
Mothe Sagarika
Department CE
Roll No. 717105
Date of Viva-voce Examination 21.07.2023
8 Foreign Examiner Dr. Jaan Pu, University of Bradford
Indian Examiner Dr. Harsha Kota, IIT Delhi
Supervisor(s) Dr. P. Venkateswara Rao
Investigation on Anaerobic Co- digestion and Pre-
Thesis Title treatment of Rice straw for reducing Greenhouse gas
Ippili Kartikeya Sarma
Department ME
Roll No. 719046
Date of Viva-voce Examination 27.07.2023
9 Foreign Examiner Prof. S Kumar University of Glasgow, Glasgow, UK
Indian Examiner Prof. Ram Kumar, IIT Kanpur
Supervisor(s) Prof. N. Selvaraj & Prof A. Kumar
Effect of process, design parameters and post rocessing
Thesis Title
on the Laser powder bed fusion 17-4 PH Stainless Steel
10 Surendra Mohan Shrivastava

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Department ME
Roll No. 716020
Date of Viva-voce Examination 31.07.2023
Foreign Examiner Prof. Nikhil Gupta, New York University, Brooklyn, NY
Indian Examiner Dr. Akhilendra Singh, MED, IIT Patna
Supervisor(s) Prof. N. Selvaraj & Dr. M.K. Burgohain
Degradation of Properties of Eglass/Epoxy Composite
Thesis Title
under Hostile Environment
G.T.L. Priyanka
Department CE
Roll No. 714169
Date of Viva-voce Examination 31.07.2023
11 Foreign Examiner Prof. A.M.Rajaendran, University of Mississippi, MS USA
Dr. Vijayabaskar Narayanamurthy Research Center
Indian Examiner
Imarat, Hyderabad
Supervisor(s) Dr. TP Tezeswi
Mechanical Characterization of 3D Printed lylactic Acid
Thesis Title
Thunuguntla Vinod Kumar
Department EE
Roll No. 718127
Date of Viva-voce Examination 17.08.2023
Prof. Ali M.Eltamaly King Saud University College of
12 Foreign Examiner
Indian Examiner Prof. Suryanarayana Doolla IIT, Bombay
Supervisor(s) Dr. I. Satish Kumar
Investigations on optimal planning of Distributed
Thesis Title Generators in distribution system considering uncertainties
using multi-objective optimization approaches
Ampavathina Sowjanya
Department EC
Roll No. 717131
Date of Viva-voce Examination 18.08.2023
13 Dr. Sudhakar Rao Northrop Grumman Space Systems
Foreign Examiner
Verdes, CA USA
Indian Examiner Prof. Mahanty NIT, Durgapur
Supervisor(s) Prof. D. Vakula
Investigations on Metamaterial and Fractal based
Thesis Title
Microstrip Filters
A. Ramana Reddy
Department ME
Roll No. 717019
Date of Viva-voce Examination 21.08.2023
14 Foreign Examiner Prof. J. Paulo, Davim University of Aveiro, Aveiro,Portugal
Indian Examiner Dr. Mihir Sarangi, IIT, Kharagpur - 721 302
Supervisor(s) Dr. Syed Ismail
Tribological Performance of Single and Multi-scale
Thesis Title
Textured Sliding Contacts under Lubricated Conditions
Vividha Kondba Landge
Department CH
Roll No. 718154
Date of Viva-voce Examination 25.08.2023
Prof. Le Minh, Hanoi University of Science and
Foreign Examiner
Technology Hanoi, Vietnam


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Prof. Vimal Chandra Srivastava, Indian Institute of

Indian Examiner
Technology, Roorkee
Supervisor(s) Dr. Shirish H Sonawane Dr. G. Uday Bhaskar Babu
Development of Heterogeneous Nanocatalysts for
Thesis Title
Oxidation, Reduction and Photo- Degradation Reactions
Chinna Karasala
Department EE
Roll No. 717116
Date of Viva-voce Examination 25.08.2023
Prof. Kashem Muttaqi Wollongong, New South
16 Foreign Examiner
Wales- Australia
Indian Examiner Dr. Chandan Kumar, IIT, Guwahati
Supervisor(s) Dr. G. Siva Kumar
Control of multifunctional PV grid connected inverter with
Thesis Title reduced switching losses and common mode voltage
M. Kameswara Reddy
Department ME
Roll No. 714126
Date of Viva-voce Examination 25.08.2023
Prof. Raghu Echempati Kettering University, Flint, MI,
Foreign Examiner
17 USA
Dr. Ramakrishna V, Scientist - F, NSTL NSTL,
Indian Examiner
DRDO, Vishakapatnam
Supervisor(s) Prof. V. Suresh Babu
Mechanical and Tribological behaviour of Tungsten
Thesis Title carbide nanoparticles filled Carbon- Epoxy polymer hybrid
Patri Upender
Department EC
Roll No. 721063
Date of Viva-voce Examination 25.08.2023
Dr. Ing Habil Ajay Kumar Poddar, Synergy Microwave,
18 Foreign Examiner
Dr. Gaurav Mittal, Defence Electronics Application
Indian Examiner
Laboratory (DEAL), Dehradun
Supervisor(s) Dr. Amarjit Kumar
Investigations on Circularly Polarized Dielectric Resonator
Thesis Title
Antennas and THz Absorbers
Kallepelli Sagar
Department EC
Roll No. 718142
Date of Viva-voce Examination 25.08.2023
Prof. Subhasish Mitra
19 Foreign Examiner
Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA
Dr. Gaurav Trivedi, Indian Institute of Technology,
Indian Examiner
Supervisor(s) Dr. Maheshwaram Satish
Design and Circuit Performance Analysis of Enclosed
Thesis Title
Circular Double Gate MOSFETS
Kamepalli Anjaneyulu
Department ME
20 Roll No. 718028
Date of Viva-voce Examination 28.08.2023
Dr. Pankaj Koinkar, Tokushima University Tokushima,
Foreign Examiner

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Indian Examiner Dr. D Chakradhar, IIT Palakkad

Supervisor(s) Dr. G. Venkatesh
Numerical and Experimental Investigations of Ultrasonic
Thesis Title Assisted Magnetic Abrasive Finishing process on
Hastelloy C- 276
Rambabu Kusuma
Department EC
Roll No. 718044
Date of Viva-voce Examination 29.08.2023
21 Prof. N. Moorthy Muthukrishnan, Asheville Engineering
Foreign Examiner
NC 28804, USA
Indian Examiner Dr. Asutosh Kar NIT, Jalandhar
Supervisor(s) Prof. TVK Hanumantha Rao
Design and Analysis of Dual Material Gate Junctionless
Thesis Title
FinFET for Analog IC Applications
Nelaturi V Raghavaiah
Department ME
Roll No. 719059
Date of Viva-voce Examination 30.08.2023
Prof. Bale V Reddy, University of Ontario Institute of
Foreign Examiner
Technology, Canada
22 Dr. Giridhar Kumar Dhinne, Siemens Energy Industrial
Indian Examiner
Turbomachinery India Pvt Ltd., Pune-411013
Supervisor(s) Prof. G. Naga Srinivasulu
Experimental Investigations on Performance of Passive
Direct Methanol Fuel Cell with Different Current Collector
Thesis Title Materials Using Tapered Cylindrical Openings, Employing
Variable Dynamic Regions, And Identification of Service-
Oriented Degradation
Ravi Bolimera
Department EC
Roll No. 715052
Date of Viva-voce Examination 01.09.2023
23 Dr. Ascension Gallardo Antolin Madrid Avda. de la
Foreign Examiner
Universidad, Madrid, Spain
Indian Examiner Prof. Sudeb Dasgupta, Dept of ECE, IIT, Roorkee-247667
Supervisor(s) Prof. T. Kishore Kumar
Investigations on different Deep Learning Architectures for
Thesis Title
Telugu language Text-To-Speech Synthesis System
Department CY
Roll No. 719118
Date of Viva-voce Examination 05.09.2023
24 Foreign Examiner Prof. Vijay Kumar Thakur University of Edinburgh, UK
Dr. C. Shivakumara, Solid State Structural Chemistry
Indian Examiner
Unit, IISc Bangalore 560 012
Supervisor(s) Prof. Srilakshmi V Patri
Surfactant Mediated and Green Approach to Fabricate
Thesis Title
Nano ZnO and Doped System for Industrial Applications
Vijaya Kumar Munagala
Department EC
Roll No. 719071
25 Date of Viva-voce Examination 01.09.2023
Prof. Basil Al Hadithi, Polytechnic University of Madrid,
Foreign Examiner
Madrid, Spain
Indian Examiner Prof. Srirama Srinivas, IIT Madras, Chennai

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Supervisor(s) Prof. J. Ravi Kumar

Design of Intelligent FOPID/PID controllers Using Meta-
Thesis Title
heuristics and NARXnets
Siju Mishra
Department PH
Roll No. 719105
Date of Viva-voce Examination 31.08.2023
Prof. Ravindra Pandey Michigan, Technological University
26 Foreign Examiner
Michigan, USA
Indian Examiner Prof. G Vijaya Prakash IIT, Delhi - 110 016
Supervisor(s) Prof. D. Haranath Dr. R Rakesh Kumar
Design and Development of Zinc Sulfide-based
Thesis Title Nanogenerators: A Step Towards Green Energy
Berhanu Deggefa Lemma
Department EE
Roll No. 719127
Date of Viva-voce Examination 06.09.2023
27 Foreign Examiner Prof. Kelum Gamage, University of Glasgow, UK
Indian Examiner Prof. K. Siva Kumar IIT, Hyderabad, Kandi, Sangareddy
Supervisor(s) Dr. Srinivasan Pradabane
Investigation on Control Techniques for Permanent
Thesis Title
Magnet Synchronous Motor Drive
Prantik Dutta
Department EC
Roll No. 701932
Date of Viva-voce Examination 07.09.2023
28 Foreign Examiner Dr. Guoan Wang, Columbia, USA
Indian Examiner Prof. D.Sriram Kumar, NIT Tiruchirappalli
Supervisor(s) Dr. G. Arun Kumar
Some studies on the design of reciprocal and time-
Thesis Title
modulated non reciprocal filters for 5G applications
Parvathy M.L.
Department EE
Roll No. 719039
Date of Viva-voce Examination 11.09.2023
29 Foreign Examiner G.G. Pillai, Teesside University, UK
Indian Examiner Dr. Kamalesh Hatua, IIT-Madras
Supervisor(s) Dr. T. Vinay Kumar
Effective Model Predictive Current Control Schemes for
Thesis Title
Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Drive
Bella K
Department CE
Roll No. 719022
Date of Viva-voce Examination 13.09.2023
Dr. Upaka Rathnayake, Atlantic Technological University
30 Foreign Examiner
Sligo, Ireland
Prof. Puspendu Bhunia, School of Infrastructure IIT-
Indian Examiner
Supervisor(s) Dr. P. Venkateswara Rao
Investigation on Anaerobic Digestion of Cheese
Thesis Title
Whey for Enhanced Methane Generation
Sneha Korpe
31 Department CE
Roll No. 718007

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Date of Viva-voce Examination 14.09.2023

Prof. Subba Rao, Chaganti University of Windsor, Ontario
Foreign Examiner
Dr. Venkata Mohan S, CSIR-Indian Institute of Chemical
Indian Examiner
Technology Hyderabad, Talangana
Supervisor(s) Dr. P. Venkateswara Rao
Performance Evaluation of Hybrid Technologies for
Thesis Title
Treating Tannery Wastewater
VRK Reddy Patamsetti
Department CE
Roll No. 719007
Date of Viva-voce Examination 14.09.2023
Dr. Ing. Vlastimil Bilek,
32 Foreign Examiner University of Ostrava, 708 00, Ostrava-Poruba, Czech
Indian Examiner Prof. G. Appa Rao, IIT, Madras, Chennai
Supervisor(s) Dr. D. Ravi Prasad
A Study on Mechanical, Durability and Microstructural
Thesis Title Properties of Graphene Oxide Reinforced Concrete
Mohd Momina Shanwaz
Department BT
Roll No. 719091
Date of Viva-voce Examination 14.09.2023
Prof. Pankaj Kumar University of Virginia,Charlottesvil le,
33 Foreign Examiner
Prof. Prashant Kodgire, IIT Indore, Khandwa Road, Simrol
Indian Examiner Indore - Madhya Pradesh
Supervisor(s) Dr. Perugu Shyam
Invitro and Insilico analysis of purified biologically
Thesis Title
active compound from the plant Vitex negundo
Diksha Pandey
Department BT
Roll No. 717156
Date of Viva-voce Examination 22.09.2023
34 Prof. Shoba Ranganathan, Macquarie University,
Foreign Examiner
Indian Examiner Prof. R. Balasubramanian, IIT, Roorkee
Insights into Next Generation RNA- seq. data through
Thesis Title
Meta-analysis and Deep Learning approaches
Papisetti Venkatesham
Department CY
Roll No. 718077
Date of Viva-voce Examination 22.09.2023
Prof. Hephzibah J Kumpaty, University of Wisconsin-White
Foreign Examiner
35 water, USA
Prof. Baskaran S, Department of Chemistry IIT, Madras,
Indian Examiner
Chennai- 600 036
Synthesis and Biological Activity Studies Of
Thesis Title New Heterocyclic Compounds Using Multicomponent

The Senate approved the above results.


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2023-127-Senate-10 Guidelines for the award of Best UG Project/Best PG Dissertation

and Best PhD Thesis at the Institute level

The Senate nominated the following senators to prepare a proposal on thesis guidelines for
evaluation of best thesis under three categories namely UG, PG and PhD: B.Tech – Prof. N.
Narasaiah (MM); M.Tech – Prof. Ch. Venkaiah (EE); Ph.D. – Prof. P. Bangaru Babu (ME).
The Senate appointed the following committees to submit guidelines for selection of awardees in
the next Senate meeting.
Committee for the award of best PhD Thesis:
1. Prof. P. Bangaru Babu (Chairman)
2. Prof. GVS Nageswara Rao, MM
3. Prof. A. Kumar, ME
4. Prof. L. Anjaneyulu, EC
5. Prof. V. Rama Devi, SM
6. Prof. Debashis Dutta, MA
Committee for the award of best M.Tech Dissertation:
1. Prof. Ch. Venkaiah (Chairman)
2. Prof. P. Ramlal, SM
3. Prof. Y. Ravi Kumar, ME
4. Prof. B. Lakshmi, EC
5. Prof. C. Vanitha, MM
6. Prof. Vishnu Shankar, CY
Committee for the award of best B.Tech Project:
1. Prof. N. Narasaiah (Chairman)
2. Prof. J. Ravikumar, EC
3. Prof. T. Mahesh Kumar, MM
4. Prof. P. Harikrishna, CE
5. Prof. V.P. Chandra Mohan, ME
6. Prof. H.P. Rani, MA
2023-127-Senate-11 Starting of a new B.Tech Program in Artificial Intelligence and Data
Science by Department of Computer Science & Engineering from
the AY 2024-25

The Department of CS has submitted a proposal (Annexure- 2) to start a new B.Tech program
in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science with intake of 60 from the AY 2024-25.
The proposal is approved by the Senate.

2023-127-Senate-12 Recommendations of Academic Standing Committee

The Academic Standing Committee met on 20-09-2023 and deliberated on this agenda. The
recommendations of the committee are as follows:
1. To consider the proposal of introduction of summer courses
 The summer courses may be offered to I year students of UG, Int. MSc and ITEP
 Only students with ‘F’ grade will be allowed to register for summer courses. Makeup
Examinations shall not be held for the summer courses.

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 Summer courses may be arranged only when the number of failures are more than
10% of the class strength
 Maximum number of courses permitted for registration in summer shall be three.
 Head of the Departments may have the liberty to assign the summer course to the
faculty members who are available in the summer vacation.
 Fee for summer courses: Rs. 2,000/- per credit
 Honorarium to faculty: Rs. 2,000 per hr
 Honorarium to examination branch: Rs. 5,000/- per each course

2. PhD Registration lapses – One semester/two semesters

 As per the present rules, scholars failing to register for one semester (without
permission) are required to pay fee for two semesters along with a fine of Rs. 5,000/-
when they register for the next semester
 If the scholar is permitted to take re-admission (failing to register for two consecutive
semesters) by the Senate, the scholars are required to pay the tuition fee for all the
not-registered semesters along with a fine of Rs. 5,000/- per semester at the time of
3. When the scholar is given readmission (after completion of 8 years), the maximum period
shall be 4 years
4. To resolve the ambiguity between Rule 7.9 & 15.4 (UG)
 Rule 7.9 may be modified as: A student may register the backlog courses, giving
priority to the oldest backlogs in study mode being offered in a semester. The
maximum credits (including backlog courses) that a student can register in the study
mode in a semester is 30.
 Rule 15.4 may be retained as it is.
5. Amendment to M.Tech Rule 10.8 – IX
 As three months extension always encroaches into the next semester, it is
recommended that the student need not pay the tuition fee.
6. Induction Program
 Academic Standing Committee recommends that though it is mandatory for all
students to complete Induction program in the first year, it shall not be linked to
promotion to III semester.
 Make-up for the induction program shall be conducted during the weekends of the
First year as already approved by the Senate.
7. Minors/Honors: CGPA eligibility and Maximum strength
 The minimum CGPA eligibility for registration into Honors program may be reduced to
7.50 from 8.00
 The maximum allowable strength in each Minor may be increased to 80.
 To discourage the students from dropping the minor program, a one-time fee of Rs.
6,000/- may be charged, at the time of registering into the minor program.
8. Mandatory non-credit courses (MNC)
 Recommend to pay a consolidated honorarium of Rs. 30,000/- for teaching a MNC
course for both internal faculty as well as external members subject to the condition
that the minimum number of students in any MNC is 50.
 As the honorarium is being paid, teaching MNC course shall not be counted in the
workload for internal faculty members.
9. Institute level PhD courses – Part-time scholars
 When residential requirement is waived, Part-time Research scholars, may be allowed

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to take Institute level course in self-study mode.

 However, they shall write the examinations in off-line mode as and when they are
10. Temporary withdrawal
 It is recommended that the student shall pay the tuition fee for the withdrawn
semesters, irrespective of the program, i.e., UG, PG and PhD. They need not pay
Other Fee.
 During the withdrawal period, the M.Tech and PhD scholars are not entitled to receive
 However, in case of research scholars, fellowship may be paid for a maximum of five
years, even though it encroaches into the sixth year from the date of admission.
11. Communication of results to parents
 The committee explored several possibilities such as: publishing the results in Institute
website; Creating SMILE logins for parents; Whatsapp messages; Posting the grade
sheets (at least in I year) etc.
 It is recommended to communicate the results of at least I year UG programs to
parents by bulk messages through SMILE portal.
12. Allowable time for Arbitration/appeal
 At present any student can appeal to DAAC within 20 days after publishing the results.
 The Committee recommends to Senate to reduce this period to 5 working days in lieu
of 20 days.
All the above recommendations of the Academic Standing Committee have been approved by
the Senate.

2023-127-Senate-13 Renaming the School of Management to Department of

Management Studies

Head, School of Management has forwarded a proposal, recommended by all the faculty, to
rename it as Department of Management Studies on par with other Departments, as they are
offering regular PG and PhD programs.
The Senate approved the proposal of renaming the School of Management to Department of
Management Studies and suggested to adopt semester schedule instead of a trimester schedule.

2023-127-Senate-14 Proposed modifications for Admissions

 Drop the word "first class with" from eligibility requirements of the qualifying degrees for
admission into Ph.D., PDF, M.Tech, M.Tech (Self Finance), PG Diploma, MSc,
MSc(Tech), MCA and MBA.
 The eligibility condition is proposed as follows for PhD and PDF: 60% aggregate marks or
6.5 CGPA (on a10-point scale) at both UG and PG for GEN/ GENEWS/ OBC-NCL category
and minimum55% aggregate marks or 6.0 CGPA (on a 10-point scale) for SC/ ST/ PwD
 The eligibility condition is proposed as follows for MBA, M.Tech (Self Finance), and PG
Diploma: In the qualifying degree, the candidates should have passed and secured at least
60% aggregate marks or 6.5 CGPA (on a 10-point scale) for GEN/ GEN-EWS/ OBC-NCL

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category and minimum 55% aggregate marks or 6.0 CGPA (on a 10-point scale) forSC/
ST/ PwD category.
 Any student of PWD category will only be considered eligible for admission after approval
of the Medical Board, duly constituted by the Institute.
 At least one degree shall be from “Institute of repute” as an eligibility criteria for Post-
Doctoral Fellows
 At any point of time, a maximum of two post-doctoral fellows may be mentored by a faculty.

The Senate approved the proposed modifications.

2023-127-Senate-15 Offering Joint programs with IIM Visakhapatnam

NIT Warangal and IIM Visakhapatnam have signed a MoU to offer a joint PG Diploma in
The Senate approved the above proposal.

2023-127-Senate-16 Nomination of Board members

The tenure of the Board member, Prof. N.V. Umamahesh is going over in Nov. 2023 and
Prof. I.A.K. Reddy is deceased in Sep. 2023. In view of the above, the names of the
following professors are proposed for senate nominees to the Board of Governors for two
1. Prof. K. Madhu Murthy (Professor Category).
2. Prof. GRK Gupta (Asst. and Associate Professor Category)
The Senate approved the above proposal.

2023-127-Senate-17 Conferment of Honorary Degrees

It is proposed to confer Honorary Doctorates from the next convocation (22nd Convocation)
onwards. The Senate is requested to authorize the Chairman, Senate to constitute a Committee
to suggest the guidelines to be followed for conferring the Honorary Doctorates.
The Senate in principle agreed with the proposal and appointed the following committee to
suggest guidelines for discussion in the next Senate.
1. Prof. K. Madhu Murthy (Chairman)
2. Prof. P. Ravi Kumar, ME
3. Prof. G. Amba Prasad Rao, ME
4. Prof. D. Dinakar, PY
5. Prof. Debashis Dutta, MA

2023-127-Senate-18 Revised PhD forms


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The PhD forms (PhD-1 to PhD-8) have been revised and circulated to the Senators.
The Senate approved the revised forms with the following modifications:
The number of DSC members from the same department shall be two only (Form PhD-1)
In the form (Annexure-II) for proposed list of External Examiners for adjudication of Ph.D. thesis,
the URL or ORCID ID of the examiner shall be provided in lieu of the list of 10 recent publications.

2023-127-Senate-19 Revision of Feedback forms

Prof. P. Bangaru Babu, Chairperson, Academic Oversight Committee is requested to refer

feedback forms adopted in other IITs and NITs in the next meeting.
The Senate advised the Chairperson, Oversight committee to present the revised feedback forms
in the next meeting.
The Senate deferred the item to the next meeting.

2023-127-Senate-20 Restructuring of PG programs

The Chairman, Senate has requested all the Departments to discuss on restructuring of the
M.Tech programs in the respective departments. Prof. DVSS Siva Sarma, Chairperson, New
Programs Committee, presented the status of vacancies in all M.Tech programs in the last three
The following inputs may be considered for planning towards restructuring of M.Tech programs
and submit the reports to Chairperson of new program committee.
1. Statistics on student enrolment for past 3 years
2. Batch size should be more than 25 students
3. Placement statistics for past 3 years
4. NBA report on the accreditation of M.Tech. program
5. Redundancy in M.Tech programs
6. MS/M.Tech programs offered by IITs and foreign Universities

The Senate suggested the Departments to submit their proposals and this may be considered in
the proposed Academic Review Meeting to be organized shortly.

2023-127-Senate-21 Student Disciplinary Manual

Prof. D. Srinivasacharya, Dean, Student Welfare has revised the Student Disciplinary manual by
incorporating proposed modifications with regard to malpractices. The revised student
disciplinary manual is circulated to all the Senators. The Senate may consider and approve the
revised student disciplinary manual.
This item has been deferred.
2023-127-Senate-21 Any other item with the permission of the Chair

(a) Student mentoring activity: Prof. M. Sailaja Kumari presented a detailed proposal for
mentoring the students.


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