DRM - Assignment 2 - Dianata Panji Prasugi
DRM - Assignment 2 - Dianata Panji Prasugi
DRM - Assignment 2 - Dianata Panji Prasugi
Prof. Dr. Ir. H. Surachman Surjaatmadja, M.M.
By :
Dianata Panji Prasugi
Based on the regulation and it’s lack, the efforts to face the threat of terrorism
are carried out with various strategies, including building a posture of the TNI unit
that has the ability to eradicate terrorism. In order to build the TNI posture, it is
directed to be able to support the implementation of the role and function of the TNI
as a major component in the country's defense system. The posture of the TNI
should be built by always observing the dynamic conditions related to the
development of ideology, politics, economics, social, culture, defense and security.
In addition, the development of the global, regional and national strategic
environment is very influential on the development of Indonesia as a nation and
state. Thus, the development policy direction of the TNI posture is strongly
influenced by the general policy direction of State defense that has been established
by considering the influence of the development of the strategic environment, various
threats and potential threats and long-term forecasts of the country's financial
capacity (Harsono, 2009).
Synergy, coordination, communication and cooperation between the TNI and
various agencies is necessary in counter-terrorism. The ratification of the
Presidential Regulation on the involvement of the TNI in counter-terrorism is very
important in determining the duties and authorities of each agency, so that it will
determine the synergy strategy of the TNI with relevant ministries and institutions in
dealing with the threat of terrorism. The dimensions/ aspects/ elements of my
research background will be explained as follows:
1. Starategi Theory
The presence of a strategy is essential in providing guidance in the
uncertain development of a situation. The strategy assumes that the future is
unpredictable, but the strategic environment is learnable and accessible, so it
is able to formulate anticipatory measures. Harry R. Yarger (2006) added that
strategies can be implemented by applying Ways, Means and objectives in a
strategic environment to achieve the desired objectives. Ends are objectives
to be achieved taking into account the elements contained in the strategic
environment. This goal is contained in the policy made by the state. To
achieve strategic results in realizing national interests.
According to Clausewitz, strategy is defined as the arrangement of
ways to wage war, so that we can achieve goals. Clausewitz focuses on war
strategy, that is, from the strategy will come out the winner of the war
(Clausewitz, 2007). Liddle Hart further explained that the theory of Strategy
sees war as taking place to create peace and prevent destruction, as well as
to create security, and to achieve prosperity. Therefore, the purpose of using
the essential strategy is not to search for the number of battles, but to find a
more favorable situation for him in making decisions. The approach
formulated by Liddle Hart is an indirect approach, because if you attack the
enemy directly, then this approach can be detrimental and almost never lead
to victory (Zaidan, 2017).
2. Threat Concept
In the Buku Putih Pertahanan RI (2015), threat is defined as a form of
action or attitude that can endanger Indonesia's national goals that have been
formulated in the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia year 1945. The
dynamics of the development of the strategic environment is one of the
indicators that need to be continuously evaluated in the efforts of State
Administration. This dynamic analysis of the strategic environment strongly
influences the perception of threats (Buku Putih Pertahanan RI, 2015).
Threats are the main factor on the basis of which the country's defense
system is designed, both actual and potential. Therefore, current and future
threats can be classified into three types, namely military threats, nonmilitary
threats, and hybrid threats. The source of the threat can be domestic or
foreign, and is carried out by state and non-state actors, whether of an
international, regional or national nature. ideology, economy, socio-culture, as
well as defense and Security (State defense policy, 2021).
3. Theories Of Terrorism
Etymologically terrorism can be interpreted to scare (to terrify). The
word terror comes from the Latin terrere, "causing" trembling and anxiety.”
The word terror was commonly used in a political sense, as an attack on the
civil order, during the reign of terror in the late 18th century French Revolution
(Mamay Komariah, 2015). The definition of terrorism is standard and
definitive, until now there is no agreement. It is not easy to define identical
and universally acceptable definitions, so it is difficult to control the meaning
of terrorism. The difference in defining the definition of terrorism is due to
each party translating the use of the term terrorism according to its point of
view and the many interrelated elements.
Meanwhile, Manullang said that terrorism is a way to seize power from
other groups that is triggered, among others, by ideological, religious and
ethnic conflicts and economic disparities due to the blockage of
communication channels between society and the government or due to the
development of separatist ideology and fanaticism (Dauff & Dike, 2019).
4. Synergy Theory
Covey (in Sudirman et al., 2021) explained that synergy is a
combination or combination of elements or parts that can produce better or
greater output, synergy will easily occur if the existing components are able to
think synergistically, there is a common view and mutual understanding.
value. Synergy occurs when two or more independent things merge into one
that is greater than the sum of its parts. The combination creates a power or
effect that goes beyond what the individual elements can achieve individually.
5. TNI posture development concept
The construction of the country's defense posture is carried out
continuously to realize the strength, ability, and title. The construction of a
military defense posture is directed to the fulfillment of the basic forces of the
main components and the preparation of other defense components.
Meanwhile, the development of non-military defense posture prioritized efforts
to increase the role of K/L according to their duties and functions in order to
deal with non-military threats. The ability to manage national resources and
national infrastructure, as well as in developing non-military defense
capabilities, in order to strengthen the country's defense interests (Buku Putih
Pertahanan RI, 2015).
The posture of national defense in order to realize national goals and
interests, is realized in accordance with the standards of strength, ability, and
title of National Defense. The defense posture of the state is directed to
respond to various possible actual and potential threats that will arise, as well
as to support the country's defense capabilities. The military defense posture
consists of a main component, a reserve component and a support
component directed through the fostering of forces, abilities and degrees. The
military's defense posture is prioritized to deal with the actual threat, but it
does not rule out the existence of other threats and threats.
Buku Putih Pertahanan Republik Indonesia Tahun 2015.
Clausewitz, Carl Von. (2007). “On War: Transleted by Michael Howard and
Peter Paret”. Oxford: Oxford University Press