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Minutes of

128th Meeting of the


राष्ट्रीय प्रौद्योगिकी संस्थान वारां िल

National Institute of Technology Warangal
Hanamkonda, Warangal-506004, Telangana
Meeting: 128th Senate Meeting
Venue: Senate Hall, NIT Warangal
Date: 20th November 2023
Time: 15:00 hrs

NITW/128SENATE/20.11.2023/MOM 1|Page
Minutes of 128th Meeting of the Senate held on 20th November 2023
Prof. Bidyadhar Subudhi
Director, NIT Warangal

Prof. C.S.R.K. Prasad
Registrar (I/c), NIT Warangal


1 Prof. A. Benerji Babu (Head, MA) 34 Prof. N. Narasaiah

2 Prof. A. Sarath Babu 35 Prof. N. Selvaraj
3 Prof. A. Veeresh Babu 36 Prof. N.V. Umamahesh
4 Prof. A. Venu Vinod 37 Prof. P. Abdul Azeem
5 Prof. Amit Prashant, Ext. 38 Prof. P. Ramlal
6 Prof. Asit Kumar Khanra 39 Prof. P. Ratish Kumar
7 Prof. B. Satish Ben 40 Prof. P. Sreehari Rao
8 Prof. B. Sri Padmavati, Ext. 41 Prof. P. Sreenivasa Rao
9 Prof. B.L. Narasimha Raju 42 Prof. P. Subhash Chandra Bose
10 Prof. C.S.R.K. Prasad 43 Prof. P. Venkata Sri Laxmi
11 Prof. Ch. Sudhakar 44 Prof. P. Venkata Suresh
12 Prof. Ch. Venkaiah 45 Prof. P Venkateswara Rao
13 Prof. D. Jayakrishna 46 Prof. Pisipati Radha Krishna
14 Prof. D. Kasinath 47 Prof. Prakash Saudagar (HoD, BT)
15 Prof. D. Srinivasa Charya 48 Prof. Puli Ravi Kumar
16 Prof. D. Vakula 49 Prof. R. Dayanidhi
17 Prof. D.V.S.S. Siva Sarma 50 Prof. R. Narasimha Rao
18 Prof. Debashis Dutta 51 Prof. R. Padmavathy
19 Prof. Divi Haranath 52 Prof. R. Satish Babu
20 Prof. G.V.S. Nageswara Rao 53 Prof. R.B.V. Subrahmanyam
21 Prof. Hari Ponnamma Rani 54 Prof. Rashmi Ranjan Rout
22 Prof. K. Anand Kishore 55 Prof. S. Srinivasa Rao (EED)
23 Prof. K. Kiran Kumar 56 Prof. S. Srinivasa Rao (MED)
24 Prof. K. Madhu Murthy 57 Prof. S Venkateswara Rao
25 Prof. K. Narasimhulu 58 Prof. Sonawane Shirish Hari
26 Prof. K. Thangaraju 59 Prof. Sourabh Roy
27 Prof. K.N.S. Kasiviswanadham 60 Prof. T. Kishore Kumar
28 Prof. K.V. Sai Srinadh 61 Prof. T. Venkatappa Rao
29 Prof. L. Krishnanand 62 Prof. T.D. Gunneswara Rao
30 Prof. M. Heera Lal 63 Prof. V. Hari Kumar
31 Prof. M. Sailaja Kumari 64 Prof. V. Rajesh Khana Raju
32 Prof. N. Bheema Rao 65 Prof. V. Ramana Murthy
33 Prof. N. Kishore Babu 66 Prof. V. Suresh Babu

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67 Prof. V.P. Chandra Mohan
68 Prof. V.T. Somasekhar
69 Prof. Vangapandu Rama Devi
70 Prof. Venkaiah Chowdary
71 Prof. Venkatathri Narayanan

Special Invitees:
(1) Prof. S. Vidya Sagar, Associate Dean, UG
The following members could not attend the meeting:
1 Prof. A. Venu Gopal 21 Prof. M. Joseph Davidson
2 Prof. Adepu Kumar 22 Prof. Mahesh Kumar Talari
3 Prof. Arif Ali Baig Moghal 23 Prof. N. Viswanathan
4 Prof. Ashok K. Pradhan, Ext. 24 Prof. N.V. Srikanth
5 Prof. B. Lakshmi 25 Prof. P. Bangaru Babu
6 Prof. Bhagwan K. Murthy 26 Prof. P. Hari Krishna
7 Prof. C. Vanitha 27 Prof. P. Madhusudhana Reddy
8 Prof. C.S.P. Rao 28 Prof. P. Ravi Kumar
9 Prof. D. Dinakar 29 Prof. P. Syam Prasad
10 Prof. D. Ramaseshu 30 Prof. P. Vamsi Krishna
11 Prof. G. Amba Prasada Rao 31 Prof. Ravi Kumar Jatoth
12 Prof. G. Nagasrinivasulu 32 Prof. S. Anuradha
13 Prof. G. Rajesh Kumar 33 Prof. S. Srinath
14 Prof. J.V. Ramana Murthy 34 Prof. Srikanth Korla
15 Prof. K. Madhavi 35 Prof. T.V.K. Hanumantha Rao
16 Prof. K. Venkata Reddy 36 Prof. V. Venkata Mani
17 Prof. K. Ramesh 37 Prof. Velagapudi Vasu
18 Prof. K.V. Gobi 38 Prof. Vishnu Shanker
19 Prof. L. Anjaneyulu 39 Prof. Y. Ravi Kumar
20 Prof. M. Chandrasekhar

Student Representatives:

1. Sanika Nikhil Kanhere

2. Rayappa David Amar Raj

Leave of absence was approved for all members absent.

The Chairman, Senate and the members of the Senate have extended a warm welcome to the
new senators: Prof. P. Venkateswara Rao (CE); Prof. S. Venkateswara Rao (CE); Prof. Arif Ali
Baig Moghal (CE) and Prof. N. Kishore Babu (MM).
The Chairman Senate and the Senators have placed on record the services rendered by Prof. Y.
N. Reddy and Prof. S.G. Sanjeevi, who superannuated in October 2023.

2023-128-Senate-01 Student representations

Academic issues of the Students (UG, PG and PhD) sent to Dean (Academic)/Director will be
taken up by the SUGC, SPGC and RPEC for detailed discussion and appropriate recommendations
will be presented to the Senate.

NITW/128SENATE/20.11.2023/MOM 3|Page
The Senate noted down the above recommendation.

2023-128-Senate-02 Confirmation of the minutes of 127th Senate meeting

The minutes of the 127th Meeting of the Senate were placed before the Senate after incorporating
the comments received from members.
The Senate approved the minutes of 127th Senate meeting.

2023-128-Senate-03 Items for ratification

(a) Chairman, Senate has approved the proposal to conduct re-mid examinations for
VII semester B.Tech students as a special case.
The Senate ratified the approval of the Chairman.

(b) Change of Supervisor/inclusion of Co-Supervisor

Sl. Roll No. Name of the Existing Proposed New Reason for
No. Scholar Supervisor Supervisor & Co- changes

1 721026 Prem Reddy Dr. Y. Dr. Debasmita

Potuganti Chandrasekhar Panda Resignation of
Dr. Y.
2 21EERER04 Syed Abdul Dr. Y. Prof. M. Sailaja Chandrasekhar
Mujeer Chandrasekhar Kumari

3 21PYREP03 Satish Dr. Kusum Prof. P Abdul

Kumar Kumari and Azeem and
Manda Dr. Sastry, IIIT, Dr. Sastry, IIIT,
Basara Basara Availing long
leave by Dr.
4 21PYFJ163 Rohit Yadav Dr. Kusum Dr. Kusum Kusum Kumari
Kumari Kumari and Dr.
Hitesh Borkar

5 716026 Sripathi Siva Prof. C. B. Prof. C. B. Rama Superannuation

Prasad Rama Rao Rao and Prof. V. of Prof. C.B.
Rama (Co- Rama Rao

6 22ECR2R07 Ayesha Prof. L. Prof. L. Expertise of the

Tabassum Anjaneyulu Anjaneyulu and Cardiologist
Dr. R. Srinivas, and real time
MD, DM data of his

The Senate ratified the change of Supervisor/inclusion of Co-Supervisor in respect

of scholars listed 1 to 5 as mentioned above. The proposal for inclusion of Dr. R.
Srinivas (MD, DM) is accepted by the Senate after a detailed discussion.

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2023-128-Senate-04 Change in eligibility for part-time PhD admissions

The proposal to remove the criteria that the Institute shall be within 200 NIRF rank at least once
in the last five years for admission into PhD program under part-time with effect from December
2023 session has been placed before the Senate.
The Senate deliberated the proposal and suggested to differ the revised condition be
effective from June 2024 session subject to the following. Instead of mandating the NIRF
rank of 200, the Senate emphasized on the modification of the written test. The written test
should include three components namely, Subject area, Experimental/Computational
competence and writing skill for research documentation.
Based on the comments and discussions, the Senate approved the following

 Renaming of the Part-time PhD programme as Sponsored PhD programme is

 The candidate’s work place should be within 300 km from NITW is deferred.
 The residential requirement for part-time scholars may be waived by the Senate
based on the recommendations of DSC on a case to case basis.
 As the eligibility criteria for admission into Part-time PhD program has been revised
to five and four years in respect of students with UG and PG qualifications,
minimum experience for waiver of residential requirement is also reduced
 The scholars may be permitted to register: Self-study courses or online courses
through NPTEL/SWAYAM as recommended by the respective DSCs.

2023-128-Senate-05 Additional qualifications for PhD admissions

The proposal of the Department of Biotechnology to include additional qualifications: B.Pharm,

M.Pharm, MBBS, MVSc, BVSc, BDS and other allied fields of Pharmacy/Medicine/Life Sciences
for admission into PhD program in the ensuing Dec. 2023 session is placed before the Senate.
The Senate advised the Department to submit a detailed proposal on the eligibility of
academic qualifications referring to other NITs and IITs.

2023-128-Senate-06 Changes in the eligibility criteria to MBA and PhD programs

(a) The proposal of the Department of Management Studies to modify the eligibility criteria for
admission into MBA program as: “Any Bachelor’s degree with at least 60% marks of 6.5
CGPA on 10-point scale (55% marks or 6.0 CGPA on 10-point scale for SC/ST/PWD
candidates) with a valid CAT/MAT/GMAT score.
The Senate approved the proposal of modification in the eligibility criteria as proposed
by the Department.
(b) The proposal of the Department of Management Studies to change the eligibility criteria for
admission into PhD in Management as: “Master’s degree or equivalent in
Management/Social Sciences/Commerce/2-year PGDM/ M.Tech in Industrial Engineering/

NITW/128SENATE/20.11.2023/MOM 5|Page
Management/Technology Management/ Entrepreneurship Management/ MSc Statistics/
CA/CS/ICWA/ with a CAT/UGC-NET/GMAT/ GRE/ GATE/CSIR NET effective from Dec.
2023 session is placed before the Senate.
The Senate approved the proposed eligibility criteria with the following modifications:
(i) Include all M.Tech specializations and (ii) Bachelor degree followed by PG degree
as adopted in IIMs.

2023-128-Senate-07 Academic Review of UG and PG programs

The proposal to organize Academic review meeting with external experts scheduled on 16th
December, 2023 to deliberate the structure of (i) UG, PG and PhD programs along with rules and
regulations and (ii) restructuring of the PG programs has been informed to the Senate.
The Senate noted down the information.

2023-128-Senate-08 Results of Ph.D. Viva Voce Examination

The results of the Ph.D. students who have been provisionally awarded degrees after 127th
Senate meeting is given below:
Diksha Pandey

Department Biotechnology
Roll No. 717156

1 Date of Viva-voce Examination 22.09.2023

Prof. Shoba Ranganathan, Chair of Bioinformatics, Applied

Foreign Examiner
Biosciences, Macquarie University NSW 2109, Australia

R. Balasubramanian, Dept. of Computer Science and

Indian Examiner
Engineering, IIT Roorkee, Roorkee 247667

Supervisor(s) Dr. Onkara Perumal

Insights into Next Generation RNA-seq. data through Meta-

Thesis Title
analysis and Deep Learning approaches

Papisetti Venkatesham

Department Chemistry

Roll No. 718077

Date of Viva-voce Examination 22.09.2023

Prof. Hephzibah J Kumpaty, Department of Chemistry,

Foreign Examiner
University of Wisconsin-White water, Whitewater, USA

NITW/128SENATE/20.11.2023/MOM 6|Page
Prof. Baskaran S, Department of Chemistry, IIT, Madras,
Indian Examiner
Chennai- 600 036

Supervisor(s) Prof. V. Rajeshwar Rao (Retired)

Synthesis and Biological Activity Studies Of New

Thesis Title
Heterocyclic Compounds Using Multicomponent Strategies

Zeleke Lulayehu Tedesse

Department Civil Engineering

Roll No. 719128

Date of Viva-voce Examination 29.09.2023

3 Sai K. Vanapalli, Professor, Department of Civil Engineering,

Foreign Examiner
University Ottawa, OTTAWA, Canada, K1N 6N5

Prof. G L Sivakumar Babu, Department of Civil Engineering,

Indian Examiner
Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore 560012

Supervisor(s) Dr. P. Hari Krishna

Numerical Study on the Influence of Subterranean Levels on the

Thesis Title
Seismic Response Characteristics of Building Frames

Kiran Gunde

Department Electronics and Communication Enginering

Roll No. 719074

Date of Viva-voce Examination 12.10.2023

Foreign Examiner Prof. Hoa Le Minh, 14 Russell Lane, N20 0AB, London, UK

Indian Examiner Prof. ShaikRafi Ahamed, Professor, Dept. of EEE, IIT, Guwahati,

Supervisor(s) Dr. S. Anuradha

Investigations on the Performance of Generalized Quadrature

Thesis Title
Spatial Modulation Techniques


Department Civil Engg.

Roll No. 718108

Date of Viva-voce Examination 12.10.2023

Dr. Kennedy C. Onyelowe, Associate Professor, Department of

5 Foreign Examiner Civil Engineering, Michael Okpara University of Agriculture,
Umudike, 440109, Nigeria

Prof. Sarat Kumar Das, Professor, Civil Engineering

Indian Examiner
Department, IIT(ISM) Dhanbad, Jharkhand- 826004

Supervisor(s) Prof. M. Heeralal

Effect of Post-Compaction Moisture Variation in Unsaturated

Thesis Title
Stabilized Subgrade Soils

6 Banotu Bhav Singh

NITW/128SENATE/20.11.2023/MOM 7|Page
Department Metallurgical and Materials Engineering

Roll No. 716115

Date of Viva-voce Examination 16.10.2023

Joong Keun Park, Professor Emeritus, Depart. Of Mater. Sci. &

Foreign Examiner Engr., Korea, Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, 291
Daehak-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon 34141, S. Korea.

M. Balasubramanian, Professor, Dept. of Metallurgical & Materials

Indian Examiner
Engineering, IIT Madras, Chennai - 600036

Supervisor(s) Dr. R. Arockia Kumar & Dr. V. Madhu

Ballistic Impact Studies on High Nitrogen Steel for Armour

Thesis Title

Bhavin Salvi

Department Electrical Engineering

Roll No. 701920

Date of Viva-voce Examination 17.10.2023

7 Dr Lin Jiang, Department of Electrical Engineering and

Foreign Examiner
Electronics, The University of Liverpool, Liverpool, L169 3GJ, UK

Indian Examiner Prof S. P. Singh (Retd.) EE, IIT Roorkee, 247667

Supervisor(s) Prof. Propandaselvi & Prof. N. Vishwanathan

Development of High Frequency Soft-switched Inverter

Thesis Title
Configurations for Multi-load Induction Cooking System


Department Civil Engg

Roll No. 718112

Date of Viva-voce Examination 20.10.2023

Gordana Kaplan, PhD, Iki Eylul Kampusu, Eskisehir,

Foreign Examiner Technical University, Yer ve Uzay Bilimleri, Enstitusu,
8 26555 Eskisehir, Turkey

Dr Ritesh Kumar, Director, Wetlands International, South

Indian Examiner Asia, Module 003, NSIC Business Park, Okhla Industrial
Area, New Delhi - 110003

Supervisor(s) Prof. K.V. Jayakumar (Retired)

Time Series Analysis of Landsat NDVI and NDWI for

Thesis Title
Mapping of Wetlands Areas Using Google Earth Engine

Lakkamraju Uma Chandi

Department Physics
Roll No. 716056

Date of Viva-voce Examination 20.10.2023

NITW/128SENATE/20.11.2023/MOM 8|Page
Prof. Luca Schenato, Dept. Information Engineering,
Foreign Examiner
University of Padova

Dr. Nayani Kiranmai, Senior Scientist, Department of

Indian Examiner Organic Synthesis and Process Chemistry, CSIR-IICT,

Supervisor(s) Dr. Sourabh Roy & Dr. M. Lakshmi Prasad

Design and Development of Digital Micromirror Device

Thesis Title Based Near Infrared Spectrometer for Food Quality


Department Mathematics

Roll No. 719100

Date of Viva-voce Examination 31.10.2023

Professor Jitesh S B Gajjar, Department of Mathematics,

Foreign Examiner
University of Manchester, Manchester M13 9PL, UK

Indian Examiner Prof. P V SN Murthy, Department of Mathematics, IIT


Supervisor(s) Prof. Ch. Ramreddy

Stability Analysis of Mono and Hybrid Nano Fluid Flows

Thesis Title
Admitting Multiple Solutions


Department Civil Engineering

Roll No. 716109

Date of Viva-voce Examination 09.11.2023

Prof. Saravanan Arunachalam, The University of North

Foreign Examiner
Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC 27517, USA
Prof Brajesh Kumar Dubey, Professor- Dept of Civil
Indian Examiner
Engineering, IIT Kharagpur, Kharagpur, WB 721302

Supervisor(s) Prof. M. Chandra Sekhar

Investigations on use of Satellite Data and Back Trajectory

Analysis for Prediction and Retrieval of PM2.5 and
Thesis Title
Identification of Regional Contributions by Long Range

Velpuri Manikanta

Department Civil Engineering

12 Roll No. 701911

Date of Viva-voce Examination 09.11.2023

Foreign Examiner Dr. Venkatesh Merwade, Professor, Lyles School of

NITW/128SENATE/20.11.2023/MOM 9|Page
Civil Engineering, USA

Prof. Dhanya C. T., Rama Kanta Chair Professor &

Indian Examiner
Professor in Dept. of Civil Engineering, IIT Delhi

Supervisor(s) Prof. N.V. Umamahesh

Assessing Hydrologic Uncertainty with an Event Based

Thesis Title
Conceptual Model for Ensemble Flood Forecasting

The Senate approved the results.

2023-128-Senate-09 Student Disciplinary Manual

The revised Student Disciplinary manual is placed before the Senate (Annexure).
The Senate in principle approved the revised Student Disciplinary Manual.

2023-128-Senate-10 Nomination of two faculty members to Institute Standing

Disciplinary Committee (ISDC)

The Senate is requested to nominate two faculty members for a period of one year to serve as
members in the Institute Standing Disciplinary Committee (ISDC).
The Senate nominated Prof. K.N.S. Kasi Viswanadham (MA) and Prof. S. Shankar (CE) as
members of the Institute Standing Disciplinary Committee for a period of one year from
the date of this Senate meeting.

2023-128-Senate-11 Revision of Feedback forms

Prof. P. Bangaru Babu, Chair-person, Academic Oversight Committee presented the revised
course feedback form.
The Senate advised to present the revised feedback from in the Academic Review meeting.

2023-128-Senate-12 Academic Calendars for Even Semester & Summer courses

The draft Academic Calendars for Even Semester and summer courses have been placed before
the Senate for consideration and approval.
The Senate approved the Academic Calendars and suggested to include the proposed
dates for Technozion and Spring Spree in the Academic calendar.

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2023-128-Senate-13 Request for early submission of part-time PhD Scholars

(a) Mrs. J. Lakshmi Prasanna (Roll No. 720062) a part-time Research Scholar in the
Department of EC, joined in 20-09-2020. She has completed 3 years but the minimum
required period for submitting the thesis is 4 years as per rules. The DSC and the DAC-
PG&R is recommending for early submission of the thesis as the quantum of work is
sufficient and she has already published 5 papers SCI journals.
(b) Mrs. Romana Mariam Rasheed (Roll No. 21CEPJ020) a part time scholar in the
Department of CE, joined on Sep. 2021. She has published 3 papers in SCI journals and
a German Patent has been granted to her credit. The DSC and the DAC-PG&R have
recommended for early submission of the thesis.
The Senate approved the DSC recommendations for early submission of theses by both
Mrs. J. Lakshmi Prasanna and Mrs. Romana Mariam Rasheed. The Senate also decided to
evaluate the merit of the proposal for early submission based on the publications made
by the student in top most journals in his/her area as decided by the Department instead
of just counting the number of SCI Journal papers.

2023-128-Senate-14 Any other Item with the permission of the Chair

(a) The correction of the typographical error (maternity) as paternity in 124th Senate minutes
(Item No. 124.17) has been brought to the notice of the Senate.
The Senate noted down the correction.

(b) The Academic Standing Committee and the Senate sub-committee for results have been
replaced by SUGC, SPGC and RPEC. It has been brought to the notice of the Senate
that the Academic Standing Committee and the Senate Sub-committee for results stands
The Senate noted down the information.

(c) It has been informed to the Senate that Dr. R.S. Selvaraj has been nominated as
Supervisor and Dr. T. Kurmaiah (Associate Professor of NIT, AP) as Co-Supervisor for
Ms. Archana Bhatt as per the Senate in its 122nd meeting.
The Senate noted down the information.

(d) The proposal to offer Six months internship at NIT Warangal for other College/Institute
students has been placed before the Senate for consideration and approval.
The Senate in principle approved the proposal. Prof. Amit Prashant (External
Senator) is requested to propose detailed guidelines for the same.

(e) The proposal to conduct make-up exams for the present final year B.Tech students and
Students of 2019-23 batch in December 2023 is placed before the Senate for
consideration and approval.
The Senate approved the proposal as a special case. It is suggested to conduct the
make-up exams for only V and VI semester courses during 18-23 December 2023.

(f) The request of the Department of Mechanical Engineering to include the course ME5176:
Thermal Energy Storage in the 2nd Semester list of electives for MTech - Thermal
Engineering is placed before the Senate.

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