Science7 Q4 M4

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Impacts of Climate Change


As you go through with this module, you are expected to:

Content Standard: The learners demonstrate understanding of the relationship of the

seasons and the position of the sun in the sky

Performance Standard: Analyze the advantage of the location of the Philippines in relation
to the climate, weather, and seasons

Most Essential Learning Competency:

Using models, relate:
• the tilt of the Earth to the length of daytime.
• the length of daytime to the amount of energy received.
• the position of the Earth in its orbit to the height of the Sun in the sky.
• the height of the Sun in the sky to the amount of energy received.
• the latitude of an area to the amount of energy the area receives.
• Tilt of the Earth and the seasons
This module presents certain global occurrences which result from climate change and how these
phenomena can affect our lives.



The Tilt of the Earth to the Length of Daytime

The Earth orbits the sun once every 365.25 days and rotates about its axis once every 24
hours. Day and night are due to the Earth rotating on its axis, not its orbiting around the sun. The
term 'one day' is determined by the time the Earth takes to rotate once on its axis and includes
both day time and night time.

Earth rotates on its axis; this causes us to experience day and night. But Earth's axis
is tilted 23.5 degrees (the angle is measured between Earth's equatorial plane and the plane in
which it orbits our Sun)

The “fixed” tilt means that, during our orbit around our Sun each year different parts of Earth
receive sunlight for different lengths of time.

The tilt also means that the angle at which sunlight strikes different parts of Earth's surface
changes through the year. Indirect sunlight striking the surface at an angle is “spread” across a wider
area compared to direct sunlight striking perpendicular to Earth's surface. Areas that receive indirect
sunlight receive less energy from our Sun while areas receiving direct sunlight receive more energy.
All of these factors combine to give Earth its annual cycle of seasons! Earth spins on its
axis; one rotation takes 24 hours. Earth’s movement around the Sun; one revolution takes 365.25
days. Rotation and Revolution are both counter-clockwise Earth’s revolution around the Sun Earth’s
revolution around the Sun
Daytime refers to the time between sunrise and sunset during which a place on the Earth is
illuminated by the Sun. The length of daytime depends on the time of the year and the latitude of
the location. It is interesting to note that the polar regions are continuously illuminated by the Sun
24 hours in the summer. Note that daytime length is different from sunshine duration in which the
Sun is clearly visible (e.g., in a cloudless sky). The sunshine duration cannot be longer than the
daytime length, but is in general proportional to the daytime length. The output of a solar energy
system is determined by the sunshine hours. The daytime length varies from season to season as
the Sun path changes.


A. Learning Task 1: Seasoned to Tilt

Study the Data in the table below. The first item is done for you.
Day Sunrise(T1) Sunrise(T2) Length of the Day
In 24-Hour Time In 24-Hour Time In 24-Hour Time
Format Format Format(T2-T1)

April 26,2011 05:36 18:12 12h 26m

April 27,2011 05:36 18:12
April 28,2011 05:35 18:12
April 29,2011 05:35 18:12
April 30,2011 05:34 18:13

B. Learning Task 2:

Day Sunrise(T1) Sunrise(T2) Length of the Day

In 24-Hour Time In 24-Hour Time In
Format Format 24-Hour Time
Format (T2-T1)
December 26,2015 06:18 17:34 11h 16 m
December 27,2015 06:19 17:35
December 28,2015 06:19 17:35
December 29,2015 06:20 17:36
December 30,2015 06:20 17:36

1. Explain why it is likely to be hotter in April than in December.

Lesson 2: Tilt of the Earth and the seasons

The Earth's seasons are not caused by the differences in the distance from the Sun
throughout the year (these differences are extremely small). The seasons are the result of the tilt of
the Earth's axis.

The Earth's axis is tilted from perpendicular to the plane of the ecliptic by 23.45°. This tilting
is what gives us the four seasons of the year - spring, summer, autumn (fall) and winter. Since
the axis is tilted, different parts of the globe are oriented towards the Sun at different times of the

Summer is warmer than winter (in each hemisphere) because the Sun's rays hit the Earth
at a more direct angle during summer than during winter and because the days are much longer
than the nights during the summer. During the winter, the Sun's rays hit the Earth at an extreme
angle, and the days are very short. These effects are due to the tilt of the Earth's axis.


The solstices are days when the Sun reaches its farthest northern and southern declinations.
The winter solstice occurs on December 21 or 22 and marks the beginning of winter (this is the
shortest day of the year). The summer solstice occurs on June 21 and marks the beginning of
summer (this is the longest day of the year).


Equinoxes are days in which day and night are of equal duration. The two yearly equinoxes
occur when the Sun crosses the celestial equator.

The vernal equinox occurs in late March (this is the beginning of spring in the Northern
Hemisphere and the beginning of fall in the Southern Hemisphere); the autumnal equinox occurs
in late September (this is the beginning of fall in the Northern Hemisphere and the beginning of
spring in the Southern Hemisphere).


A. Learning Task 1 :

What causes the seasons?

Write true if the statement is true. If the statement is false, change the underlined
term to make the statement true.

____________________ 1. When the North Pole is tilted toward the Sun, the Northern
Hemisphere has fewer daylight hours.
____________________ 2. During winter, the combination of fewer daylight hours and less
direct rays of the Sun causes lower temperatures.
____________________ 3. When the Northern Hemisphere is tilted toward the Sun, it has
summer .
____________________ 4. The seasons are caused in part by the tilt of Earth’s axis.
____________________ 5. During summer , the Sun’s rays are less direct.
____________________ 6. Direct rays produce more heat than indirect rays.
____________________ 7. The seasons in the Northern Hemisphere and the Southern
Hemisphere are the same .


Skills: interpreting, applying concepts

Use the diagram to answer the following.

1. Does Earth revolve around the Sun in a clockwise or counterclockwise direction as viewed from

2. a. What season begins in the Northern Hemisphere on December 21? ____________________

b. What season begins in the Southern Hemisphere on December 21? ___________________
3. a. What season begins in the Northern Hemisphere on March 21? _______________________
b. What season begins in the Southern Hemisphere on March 21? ______________________
4. Does the Northern Hemisphere receive direct or indirect rays from the Sun on June 21? _____
5. Does the Northern Hemisphere have more daylight hours on December 21 or June 21? ______

C. Learning Task 3 – Project Based Learning

Construct a model to show the causes of seasonal changes in the Philippines. Use recyclable
materials in your homes. Present your model to the class.


Needs Some Needs Lots of

Objectives Outstanding Work Acceptable Work
Work Work
4 - Can explain all 6 3 - Can explain at 2 - Can explain 1 - Tries to
parts of an least 5 parts of an most parts of an answer
1. Shows knowledge experimental experimental experimental questions
of the Scientific science project; and science project with science project (posed by
Method justify conclusion. understanding with the help of the judge) and/or
display board. has some
steps missing.

4 - Student eager to 3 - Student is 2 - Student tells 1 - Student

2. Shows enthusiasm
tell all about the pleasant and willing about the project answers some
and interest in the
project. to share only when asked a of the about
information. question. the project.

4 - Student able to 3 - Student shows 2 - Students knows 1 - Student

3. Speaks share many details an understanding of about the project can answer
knowledgeably about the project the project. and offers minimal some
about the project through the explanation. questions
scientific process. when asked.

4 - Booklet has 3- Booklet has 2 - Booklet has 1- Booklet is

4. Written document
Cover, Table of Cover, Table of Cover, Some minimal or
clearly demonstrates
Contents, Research Contents, Research Research, Some does not exist.
use of research,
Data, Experiment Data and some of Data.
experimentation and
Data, Bibliography. the Experiment
analysis skills

4 - Board shows 3 - Board is neat 2 - Board list major 1 - Board list

data in a organized, and attractive and headings of the major
5. Presents data on a
neat manner, has limited charts, scientific process headings of
board that is well
complete with tables and pictures. and some data. the scientific
organized and
charts, tables and process and
visually appealing.
pictures that are limited data.

Instruction: Complete the statement:

I have learned that ______________________________________________________________



Deped Learners Manual



LESSON 1: Learning Task 1

Lesson 2: Learning
Day Sunrise(T1) Sunrise(T2) Length of the Day
Task 1
In 24-Hour In 24-Hour In 24-Hour Time
Time Format Time Format Format(T2-T1) 1. more
2. true
April 26,2011 05:36 18:12 12h 26m
3. true
April 27,2011 05:36 18:12 12h 36m
4. true
April 28,2011 05:35 18:12 12h 37m
5. winter
April 29,2011 05:35 18:12 12h 37m
April 30,2011 05:34 18:13 12h 39m 6. true
7. opposite
Lesson 1: Learning Task 2

Day Sunrise(T1) Sunrise(T2) Length of the Skill Challenge

In 24-Hour In 24-Hour Day In
Time Format Time Format 24-Hour Time 1. counterclockwise
Format (T2-T1)2. a. winter b. summer
December 26,2015 06:18 17:34 11h 16 m 3. a. spring b. autumn
December 27,2015 06:19 17:35 11h 16m 4. direct
December 28,2015 06:19 17:35 11h 16m 5. June 21
December 29,2015 06:20 17:36 11h 16m
December 30,2015 06:20 17:36 11h 16m

1. Explain why it is likely to be hotter in April than in December.

Answer: It is hotter on April because the days are longer during that month than in

Compiled by:

Babag National High School

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