Grades 1 to 12 SCHOOL
DAILY LESSON Teacher JERNA LEE A. TERUEL Learning Area TLE -Industrial Arts
LOG Date & Time Quarter Week 8
A. Content Standard
demonstrates an understanding of and skills in recycling waste material.
B. Performance Standard
recycles waste materials following the principles of “five S”
C. Learning Competencies
identifies recyclable products/waste materials made of wood, metal, paper, plastic, and others.
know the importance of recycling waste materials,
classify the recyclable waste materials into functional items, and
appreciate the importance of recycling of waste materials.
II. Subject Matter: The Process and Importance of Recycling Recyclable Products
A. References
K to 12 Curriculum Guides, 2016 6
B. Other Learning Resources
C. PPT, meta cards, pentel pen, manila paper, brag tags, worksheets, traffic light behavior chart
Integration: SCIENCE, HEALTH
D. Strategies: Differentiated Instruction, ICT Integration, Group work, Think-pair-
Share, Games
A) Reviewing previous lesson or Preliminary:
presenting the new lesson This illustrates observable
Checking of attendance # 5: Managed learner
ELICIT behavior constructively by
applying positive and non-
Good morning children. violent discipline to ensure
Good morning, class!
Will you look for some papers learning- focused
under your chairs and kindly keep For us to be guided on the things that we are doing today let us all remember the environments
them first inside your bag. Leaders,
please report about the attendance following classroom guidelines and health protocols.
of your group
(Teacher will present through video presentation
Classroom Rules New Normal Health Protocols
Before we start our lesson for today, let’s try to answer the following
activities to find out how much you already know about the topics.
Read the following test items below. Select the correct answer from
the given choices and write the letter only of your answer in your activity
notebook. This illustrates observable
Selected, developed,
organized and used
appropriate teaching and
learning resources,
including ICT, to address
learning goals.
3. Which of the following can be put in your yard waste/food scrap bin?
a. Banana peel
b. Meat scraps and bones
c. Moldy cheese
d. All the above
Motive Questions:
Where do you want to live? Why?
Now let’s move on to the next pictures.
(note: You can also use a realia here.)
Can you tell what these products in the pictures are made of?
Yes, these products in the pictures are from waste materials that are being
recycled. We can see these materials around us. And by using our imagination
and creativity we can produce new product from it.
These are made of recycled glass, woods, metals, papers etc. that we can see
anywhere. It can be seen at home, in the school or event etc.
Based on these pictures, what comes into your mind about recycling?
Yes, recycling is very productive activity, it can be a very fun work together
with your family and friends. Through recycling, you do not only experience
fun but also, this will help enhance our creativity. Right? At same time we
can also earn money by selling our finished products. We do not only help our
environment in minimizing our wastes but also this recycling will help us
earn our own money without compromising others.
Now, do you want to try recycling? Are you interested now about recycling?
C) Presenting examples/instances
of the new lesson This illustrates observable #6,
Are you ready? Ok let’s start. Maintain learning
(ENGAGE) environments that nurture and
inspire learners to participate,
READ ALOUD! cooperate and collaborate in
continued learning.
What is Waste Recycling?
Every day, tons, and tons of waste materials all over the world
are being disposed of. The goal here is to lessen waste because
increasing waste is a threat to our environment causing pollution,
disease, and other environmental problems. Process a
continuous action, operation, or series of changes taking place in
a definite manner.
The process in recycling can help in the saving of the
environment. Here are examples of materials that can be used
for the process.
They can also be used as flower
vases for fresh or artificial
flowers or for holding.
Empty wine They can be used as decors in
bottles display cabinets or in
emphasizing a corner of a room.
Group 2-
Green Group: It’s showtime!
How will you handle your garbage at home? Dramatize it Observable #6: Used
Group 3 – yellow Group appropriate learning
experiences to address
Make a poster / slogan on the provided box below that shows how learners’ gender, needs,
you can help the environment. Use your coloring materials. Your output will strengths, interests and
be evaluated based on the following criteria.
Criteria Percentage
Contents / Message 40%
Workmanship 30% Observable #7: Planned,
Creativity 30% managed and implemented
developmentally sequenced
Total 100% teaching g and learning
Teacher’s Signature processes to meet
curriculum requirements
and varied teaching.
Note: The Lesson plan
Say: While doing the activity I am observing each group using this “Traffic Light Behavior
When your number is in the Red Light it means you are noisy and you are
given a sad face.
When in Yellow Light it means that you are still thinking and nothing is
happening on your group yet.
When in Green Light it means that you actively and happily done your
H) Evaluating Learning This time let us see if you really understood our lesson by getting your
mastery level through this evaluation. This illustrates Observable
(EVALUATION) Designed, selected,
organized and used
Read the following test items below. Select the correct answer from diagnostic, formative, and
the given choices and write the letter only of your answer in your activity summative assessment
notebook. strategies consistent with
curriculum requirements.
1. A process of recovering or collecting materials into valuable items.
a. Three R’s c. recycling
b. 5S d. waste management
3. Which of the following can be put in your yard waste/food scrap bin?
a. Banana peel
b. Meat scraps and bones
c. Moldy cheese
d. All of the above
(Name of the object)
Reflect on your teaching and assess yourself as a teacher. Think about your student’s progress this week. What works? What else needs to be done to help the students learn? Identify what help your instructional
VI. REFLECTIONS supervisors can provide for you so when you meet them, you can ask them relevant questions.
According to subject matter expert Beverly Jobrack, “Educational movement such as inquiry-
based learning, active learning experiential learning, discovery learning & knowledge building are
variations of CONSTRUCTIVISM.
This lesson plan shows that I have used research -based knowledge and or principles of teaching
and learning in all components of my lesson. From the REVIEW and PRIMING part, I was able to
ENGAGE my students into using their prior knowledge. While in the ACTIVITY part I was able to let my
students EXPLORE more ideas about the topic. I let my pupil EXPLAIN in the ANALYSIS part and
ELABORATE the concept learned in the abstraction part where the progression of learning also took
place. While the RESEARCH-BASED KNOWLEDGE was used in the APPLICATION part wherein the