Flat Slab Guide
Flat Slab Guide
Flat Slab Guide
Common practice of design and construction is to support
the slabs by beams and support the beams by columns. This
may be called as beam slab construction. The beams reduce
the available net clear ceiling height. Hence in ware houses,
offices and public halls sometimes beams are avoided and
slabs are directly supported by columns. These slabs which
are directly supported by columns are called flat slab shown in
Fig. 1
B. Constraint equations
The restrictions that must be satisfied to produce an
acceptable design are called design constraints.
No of span constraint in x direction
G1= (2/X3)-1
No of span constraint in y direction
G2= (2/X4)-1
Length constraint
G3=(Ly/ (2*Lx))-1
Minimum depth constraint
G4=(Ly/ (26*X1))-1
Depth constraint
G5= (125/St)-1
Load constraint
G6= wl/ (3*wd)-1
Stiffness check in y direction
G7= (aymin/ ay)-1
Stiffness check in x direction
G8= (axmin/ ax)-1
Moment constraint in slab
G9= (Mposmax/Mslab)-1
Moment constraint in drop
G10= (Mnegmax/Mdrop)-1 < 1
Constraint of shear check in slab
G11= (Tvn/Tvper)-1
Constraint of shear check in drop
G12= (Tvn1/Tvper1)-1
Constraint of check of punching
G13= (Pact/Pper)-1
Where Lx=span in shorter direction, Ly= span in longer
direction, St=Overall depth of flat slab, wl=Total live load,
wd=Total dead load, ay= stiffness coefficient in longer
direction, ax= stiffness coefficient in shorter direction,
Mposmax=Max. Positive bending moment, Mslab=Provided
moment in slab, Mnegmax=Max. negative bending moment,
Mdrop=Provided moment in drop, vn= Nominal shear stress
for slab, vper = Permissible shear stress for slab, vn1=
Nominal shear stress for drop, vper1= Permissible shear
stress for drop, Pact = Actual Punching shear,
Pper=Permissible Punching shear.