Second Quarter Minutes of The Meeting
Second Quarter Minutes of The Meeting
Second Quarter Minutes of The Meeting
Department of Education
The class adviser conducted a roll call to check whether parents and guardians were all present. Based on the roll call,
half of the total population of the class parents and guardians were around that time. Please see the attached attendance
sheet for the attendees of the meeting.
IV. Discussion of the Agenda
Agenda Item No. 1 –Amendment to DepEd Order No. 022, s. 2023 (Implementing Guidelines on the School
Calendar and Activities for School Year 2023-2024)
The class adviser presented and explained the adjustments in the Amendment of the DepEd Order No.022, series of
2023.Parents and guardians showed acceptance and understanding in the dissemination of the changes in the schedule.
Agenda Item No. 2-Reitteration of the Authorized School Fees
The class adviser reiterated the authorized school fees to the parents and guardians. Along with that, was the
announcement of learners with sponsors.
Agenda Item No. 3-Wearing of School Uniform and Attendance
The class adviser announced to the parents and guardians to help the school in intensifying the wearing of school
uniform and attendance. As a response, parents and guardians showed a positive response to this by means of follow up.
Agenda Item No. 4 – Educational Field Trip
The class adviser informed the parents and guardians that there will be an Education Field Trip on February 24,
2024.The said activity was for voluntary basis. Details on the departure and itineraries were given to parents and
Agenda Item No. 5- Second Semester Class Schedule
The class adviser informed the parents and guardians on the second semester schedule. The Grade 11 morning session
will start at 7:30 AM and will end at 11:50 AM. Meanwhile, classes in the afternoon session will start at 1:00 PM and
will end at 4:00 PM. Grade 11 students will have their last period every Friday at 3:00 PM except for 11-TVL -Agri.
Classes for Grade 12 will start at 7:30 AM and will end at 3:00 PM. Half Day classes will be held every Friday for Grade
Agenda Item No. 6-Proposed HPTA Project
Prepared by:
OIC/Master Teacher I
Approved by: