Health Education-Q3-8

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I. General Overview
Catch-up Subject: Health Grade Level: 5
Quarterly Theme: Sexual and Reproductive Sub-theme: Discussion on
Health circumcision and
(refer to Enclosure No. 3 of DM 001, s. 2024, Quarter 3)
(refer to Enclosure No. 3 of DM 001, s. 2024, Quarter 3)

Time: Date:
II. Session Outline
Session Title: “Taking Care of Self During Menstruation”
Session At the end of the session, learners will be able to:
Objectives: a) Recognize and address common concerns and discomforts
associated with menstruation;
b) Take care themselves during menstruation.
c) Empower individuals to make informed decisions about their
reproductive health.
Key Concepts:  Taking care of self during menstruation is important for both
physical and emotional well-being.
 Choose menstrual hygiene products that are comfortable and
effective for you.
 Eating a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables and whole
grains provides your body with essential nutrients.
 Regular physical activity can help reduce cramps and improve
 Talk to friends, family or a therapist if you’re feeling
overwhelmed or need support.
III. Teaching Strategies
Components Duration Activities and Procedures
Activity: “Fact or Myth”
Materials: Graphic Organizer, Cartolina Strip
 Learners will group sentence containing about the
A. Introduction things they need to do during menstruation.
10 mins
and Warm-Up  Learners must identify the sentence if it is fact or
it is just a myth.
 Discuss the myth about menstruation and explain
to them the real reason behind it.
Activity: “Role Playing”
Materials: Activity Card
 Teacher will group the learners into 4 groups.
 Each group will show how will they help a person
B. Concept
15 mins in their family who are experiencing menstruation
 After the activity, teacher will point out the good
points each group have shown in their play.
 Discuss the importance of taking care of self or a
family member after menstruation.
C. Valuing 20 mins Activity: “Video Lesson about ways of taking care of self
during Menstruation”.
Materials: Journal, Television, and Video Clip
 Learners will watch video about ways of taking
care of self after menstruation.
 While watching, they need to take notes the
important things they learn in the video.
 Ask them, “Why is it important to a boy to take

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care themselves after menstruation?”

Activity: Reflective Diary

Materials: Journal
Journal Writing 15 mins  Let the learners write the things they learn on the

Prepared By:


Teacher I

Recommending Approval: Approved:


Master Teacher II Principal I

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