Logicwork Sheet

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Worksheet Exercise 1.1.

Name _______________________________
Logic questions Class _______________ Date ___________

Study questions. These question do not have easy answers. (But that doesn't mean
that they have no answers.) Just think about these issues. There is no particular order
here. Start where you like.

1. Will the study of logic make you more logical?

2. What are some advantanges of making things formal (symbolic)?

3. What are some disadvantanges of making things formal (symbolic)?

4. Is it true that logic is the most important study there can be for the purpose of
attaining truth?

5. True or false? "Some things are settled issues. So, further arguments about them
are pointless."

6. Is it true that people have an intellectual obligation to evaluate all arguments

related to their beliefs?

7. True or false? "If there is a completely correct argument for a position, then it is

8. True or false? "If there is a completely correct argument for a position, then all
right-thinking people will accept that position."
Worksheet Exercise 1.2.A. Name _______________________________
Detecting Arguments Class _______________ Date ___________

Part A. As you read the following passages, interpret each one in the ordinary way. For
each passage, determine whether or not it is an argument. If it not an argument, write
"not an argument" in the first blank. If it is an argument, then write the premisses and
conclusion of the argument (you may shorten them) in the blanks provided. For this
exercise, do not try to add any missing parts.

1. If you lie to a parrot, it will prem: If you lie to a parrot, it will bite you.
bite you. George has never prem: George has never lied to his parrot.
lied to his parrot. So, his
parrot has never bitten him. concl: His parrot has never bitten him.

2. Earth worms are not carni- prem:

vorous, because carnivores prem:
have teeth, and no earth
worms do. concl:

3. Dogs always like bones. prem:

Susan's dog will therefore like prem:
these items I have brought.
They are bones. concl:

4. Dogs always like bones. prem:

I have brought some items prem:
to Susan. They are bones.

5. Your Honor, the traffic light prem:

was not red when I went prem:
through it. Please believe me.
I am telling the truth. concl:

6. You have a good deal here. prem:

The item is not too expensive, prem:
and you can make good use
of it. concl:

7. If inflation increases, then prem:

the price of gold will increase prem:
too. We have observed this
matter. concl:

8. Since inflation is increasing, prem:

the price of gold is increasing prem:
too. We have observed this
matter. concl:

9. The lecture was very boring. prem:

Everybody fell asleep. No one prem:
listened to anything that was
said. concl:

10. Everybody fell asleep. No one prem:

listened to anything that was prem:
said. So, it's fair to say the
lecture was boring. concl:
Worksheet Exercise 1.2.B. Name _______________________________
Detecting Arguments Class _______________ Date ___________

Part B. These are all arguments, and they are more difficult. Identify the premisses and
the conclusion (you may shorten them). For this exercise, do not try to add any missing
parts, unless the problem requests it. Any extra premiss blanks should be left empty.

(1) That is definitely not my book. My book had my name on it, and that book does not,
and that wouldn't be so if it were my book.

(2) Since people should learn logic, they should learn the basics and learn logic, because
if they don't learn the basics, then they won't learn logic and won't learn the basics.
Logic is so important.

(3) This position on human nature is impossible, because this position is based on the
idea that people can never be trusted. And yet, it claims that on rare occasions certain
people can be trusted. But there is no way to reconcile these two points, and that's why
this position is impossible.

(4) Life is short. [Supply what is missing.]


(5) Since our candidate has a commanding lead in the polls, and in as much as her opponent
advocates unpopular views, she will surely win the election. And no one can minimize her
considerable administrative experience. No one can lose with advantages like that.
>> Continued on back side >>
Ex. 1. 2. B. Name ____________________ / _______

(6) Liz really wants to meet Bill. And we know she is not shy. So, I think she is coming
to the party, because she said that she was free then, and she also knows that Bill will
be there. After all, people generally do what they want to do, if they are in a position to
do it. She'll be there. You can rely on it.

(7) It may appear that people's minds are sometimes completely inactive, but it must be
true that our minds are really always active. Otherwise, it would be impossible for an
alarm to waken us from such inactivity. But, as we all know, alarms do actually work.
(Don't forget to set your alarm clock.)

(8) Since Bill went to the party in order to meet Liz, and given that the party was a
small one, Liz will certainly meet Bill if she goes there, because two people in those
circumstances will meet each other, if they want to, and Liz does.

(9) You have to watch out for sneak attacks, They will make them, you can count on
that. They agreed to have an open debate, but instead they only attacked us. You see,
it's true.

(10) The bigger the burger, the better the burger. The burgers are bigger at Burger
Barn. [Supply what is missing.]
Worksheet Exercise 1.3. Name _______________________________
Evaluating Arguments Class _______________ Date ___________

Instructions. Write the following arguments as abstract patterns. Use the obvious
capital letters to abbreviate the regional groups. Also, for purposes of this exercise, let
us stipulate that a person is said to be member of a certain regional group just in case
that person was born in the specified region, e.g., an Italian is only someone who was
born in Italy. Then, answer the three questions with yes or no.

Question 1. Is the argument valid? (Base this on the pattern used)

Question 2. Are all of the premisses true? (Base this on the real world)
Question 3. Is the argument sound? (Base this on Q.1 and Q.2)

0. All Athenians are Europeans. 1. all A are E Is the arg valid? no

All Greeks are Europeans. 2. all G are E Are all prems true? yes
So, all Athenians are Greeks. so, all A are G Is the arg sound? no

1. All Romans are Italians. 1. ______________ Is the arg valid? _______

All Italians are Europeans. 2. ______________ Are all prems true? _______
So, all Romans are Europeans. so, _____________ Is the arg sound? _______

2. All Greeks are Russians. 1. ______________ Is the arg valid? _______

All Russians are Spaniards. 2. ______________ Are all prems true? _______
So, all Greeks are Spaniards. so, _____________ Is the arg sound? _______

3. All Hollanders are Greeks. 1. ______________ Is the arg valid? _______

All Europeans are Greeks. 2. ______________ Are all prems true? _______
So, all Hollanders are Europeans. so, _____________ Is the arg sound? _______

4. All Egyptians are Africans. 1. ______________ Is the arg valid? _______

All Chinese are Africans. 2. ______________ Are all prems true? _______
So, all Chinese are Egyptians. so, _____________ Is the arg sound? _______

5. All Egyptians are Chinese. 1. ______________ Is the arg valid? _______

All Chinese are Africans. 2. ______________ Are all prems true? _______
So, all Egyptians are Africans. so, _____________ Is the arg sound? _______

6. All Moscovites are Russians. 1. ______________ Is the arg valid? _______

All Moscovites are Europeans. 2. ______________ Are all prems true? _______
So, all Europeans are Russians. so, _____________ Is the arg sound? _______

7. All Londoners are Britains 1. ______________ Is the arg valid? _______

No Britains are Russians. 2. ______________ Are all prems true? _______
So, no Londoners are Russians. so, _____________ Is the arg sound? _______

8. No Greeks are Russians. 1. ______________ Is the arg valid? _______

No Athenians are Russians 2. ______________ Are all prems true? _______
So, no Greeks are Athenians. so, _____________ Is the arg sound? _______
Worksheet Exercise 1.4.A. Name _______________________________
Classifying Sentences Class _______________ Date ___________

Part A. Classify each of the following sentences as being one of the following: neces-
sarily true (nec. T), necessarily false (nec. F), empirically true (emp. T), empirically
false (emp. F). Please use the abbreviated labels. Interpret these sentences according to
their ordinary meaning.

__________ 1. The Earth is round.

__________ 2. The Earth is flat.

__________ 3. All cats are animals.

__________ 4. All cats have tails.

__________ 5. There are people that live on the Moon.

__________ 6. There are people that own round cubes.

__________ 7. Wherever you go, you are there.

__________ 8. Past events occur at some time before the present.

__________ 9. Every banana on the Moon is located on the Moon.

__________ 10. Loyola U. Chicago is the world's largest university.

__________ 11. One pear, one peach, and one plum add to six fruits.

__________ 12. Either all cats have green tails, or some cats do not.

__________ 13. TV's did not exist before the 20th century.

__________ 14. Boiling water (212oF) causes damage to human skin.

__________ 15. Every cube has 8 corners, 12 edges, and 6 faces.

__________ 16. A figure's perimeter is longer than any of its diagonals.

__________ 17. Cows moo.

__________ 18. Water is composed of oxygen and hydrogen.

__________ 19. There are lakes of water on the Moon.

__________ 20. All bachelors who are married are unmarried.

Worksheet Exercise 1.4.B. Name _______________________________
Args. with classified sentences Class _______________ Date ___________

Part B. Give an example of each of the following kinds of arguments. You don't have to
make these examples fascinating arguments. Silly ones will do. Each of these argu-
ments has two premisses. Start with a valid or invalid abstract pattern in the blanks on
the left, and then fill in the blanks towards the right with matching English sentences.

0. An invalid argument with all the premisses and conclusion empirically false.
prem: Some P are B Some persons are banana-shaped things
prem: All B are G All banana-shaped things are residents of Chicago
concl: All P are G All persons are residents of Chicago

1. An valid argument with all the premisses and conclusion empirically false.

2. A valid argument with all the premisses and conclusion empirically true.

3. A valid argument with all the premisses false and the conclusion true.

4. A valid argument with all the premisses and conclusion necessarily true.

5. A valid argument with one of the premisses necessarily false.


6. A valid argument with the conclusion necessarily false.


7. A valid argument with necessarily true premisses and a possibly false conclusion.
This is an impossible combination. Reflect on this.
Worksheet Exercise 1.5. Name _______________________________
Review of Terms Class _______________ Date ___________

Part A. Determine whether the following assertions are true or false (use T or F).
Remember, when these assertions talk of true or false premisses or conclusions that
means premisses and conclusions that are true or false in the real world.

____ 1. All valid arguments have a correct connection.

____ 2. All valid arguments have only true premisses.

____ 3. All valid arguments have a true conclusion.

____ 4. All invalid arguments do not have a correct connection.

____ 5. All invalid arguments have some false premisses.

____ 6. All invalid arguments have a false conclusion.

____ 7. All sound arguments are valid.

____ 8. All sound arguments have only true premisses.

____ 9. All sound arguments have a true conclusion.

____ 10. All unsound arguments are invalid.

____ 11. All unsound arguments have some false premisses.

____ 12. All unsound arguments have a false conclusion.

____ 13. All proofs are known to be sound.

____ 14. All proofs have true premisses.

____ 15. All proofs are valid.

____ 16. All proofs have a conclusion that is true.

____ 17. All proofs have a conclusion that is a proven truth.

____ 18. All non-proofs are invalid.

____ 19. All non-proofs have some false premisses.

____ 20. All inconclusive arguments are not known to be sound.

____ 21. All inconclusive arguments are not known to be unsound.

____ 22. All inconclusive arguments are not proofs.

____ 23. All inconclusive arguments are invalid

____ 24. All inconclusive arguments have some false premisses.

Part B. For your consideration only. You should be able to back up your answers to Part
A with examples. Also, if an assertion is false (F), consider whether changing the word
"all" to "some" would make a difference.
Worksheet Exercise 1.6.A. Name _______________________________
Testing Validity Class _______________ Date ___________

Part A. Use the possible world test to determine whether the following arguments are
valid. In each test give an itemized description of the relevant items such that: (a) for
the invalid arguments, the description must show the premisses to be true and the
conclusion to be false, and (b) for the valid arguments, the description must show that
having true premisses means that you can't have a false conclusion (annotate "= F?"
with "can't"). Use the given capital letters to make the descriptions.

(1) Argument is invalid poss. values possible world description:

All Democrats want gun control. =T? yes x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6
George wants gun control. =T? yes D D D R R R
So, George must be a Democrat. =F? yes C C C F F C
(D = Democrat, C = gun control, F = gun freedom, R = Republican)

(2) Argument is poss. values possible world description:

All ants are blue. =T? x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6
No blue things are square. =T?
So, no ants are square. =F?
(A = ant, B = blue, S = square, R = round)

(3) Argument is poss. values possible world description:

All Democrats want gun control. =T? x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6
George is not a Democrat. =T?
So, he doesn't want gun control. =F?
(D = Democrat, C = gun control, F = gun freedom,
R = Republican)

(4) Argument is poss. values possible world description:

No ants are blue. =T? x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6
All blue things are square. =T?
So, no ants are square. =F?
(A = ant, B = blue, S = square, G = green)

(5) Argument is poss. values possible world description:

Some ants are round. =T? x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6
Some ants are blue. =T?
So, some round things are blue. =F?
(A = ant, R = round, B = blue, S = square, G = green)

(6) Argument is poss. values possible world description:

No Democrats are bald. =T? x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6
Some Democrats are tall. =T?
So, some tall things are not bald. =F?
(D = Democrat, B = bald, T = tall, H = has hair,
R = Republican, S = short)
Worksheet Exercise 1.6.B. Name _______________________________
Cogent Arguments Class _______________ Date ___________

Part B. The following are all inductive arguments. Determine whether these arguments
are cogent arguments by answering the three indicated questions with yes or no.

Question 1. Are all the premisses true? (Use your best judgment.)
Question 2. Is the inductive connection a strong one? (Use your best judgment.)
Question 3. Is the argument cogent? (base this on Q.1 and Q.2)

1. College tuition is much more expensive now than Are all prems true? _______
two generations ago. So, fewer students are able Is connection strong? _______
to attend college now than two generations ago. Is the arg cogent? _______

2. Most college students today have a strong sense of Are all prems true? _______
social responsibility. Most people think that Sena- Is connection strong? _______
tor Obama has a platform that represents social Is the arg cogent? _______
responsibility and that the Sen. McCain has a plat-
form that represents national security. People
generally vote for candidates that agree with their
view of things. So, most college students today will
vote for Senator Obama.

3. Despite some gloomy prospects, the younger Are all prems true? _______
generation still seeks the American Dream, and Is connection strong? _______
they realize that achieving it will be more difficult Is the arg cogent? _______
than it was for the previous generations. But they
also have a hopeful outlook about the possibility of
their own success. So, the younger generation will
succeed in achieving the American Dream.

4. Many people nowadays are aware of the various Are all prems true? _______
health hazards that exist in their everyday lives, Is connection strong? _______
such as cigarette smoking, substance abuse, pro- Is the arg cogent? _______
cessed foods, environmental pollution, lack of ex-
ercise, and they also know how best to avoid such
hazards and have changed their lives accordingly.
So, these people will enjoy healthier lives.

5. Some people have jobs that actually require them Are all prems true? _______
to meet specific goals, and if they do not meet Is connection strong? _______
those goals, they will lose their jobs. One of your Is the arg cogent? _______
friends has a job with specific performance expec-
tations. So, your friend will lose his job, if he does
not meet those expectations.

6. When people begin to consider their retirement, Are all prems true? _______
they usually worry more about the market Is connection strong? _______
performance of their retirement funds. Some of Is the arg cogent? _______
your acquaintances have mentioned their concern
about the poor performance of the stock market.
So, they are probably thinking about retiring soon.
>> Continued on back side >>
Ex. 1. 6. B. Name ____________________ / _______

7. Americans now find European vacations to be very Are all prems true? _______
expensive, because the price of everything in Is connection strong? _______
euros when converted to dollars costs much more Is the arg cogent? _______
than in the U.S. A number of American families are
planning vacations in Europe next year. So, they
must be expecting that the value of the euro will
go down substantially against the dollar next year.

8. Most people are confident about their present state Are all prems true? _______
of health, and yet, they buy health insurance, if Is connection strong? _______
they are able to do so. Now, people wouldn't do Is the arg cogent? _______
that, if they didn't think that they needed health
insurance. So, while most people think that they
will not actually undergo costly medical procedures
in the near future, most people do think that this is
a real possibility.

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