Organologic Yoga Exercises

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... from a rather western point of view ...

Why ?

The body is supposed to be the temple of the Spirit, the

everlasting non – perishable spiritual essence of human
beings. In this view it becomes very important to master the
body, so that it can become a better, more flexible support of
the Spirit.
Becoming the master means : to control the inner and outer
For the outer organs we dispose of different forms of
corporal yoga (for example hatha yoga) and gymnastic –
preferably ostheopathic – exercises.
For the inner organs we have to go back to fakiristic
exercises, derived from gurus/rishis who used to live solitary
in caves in the Himalayas.
The ultimate aim is self realization : the connection with
Divine Powers.

We have to move joints, back bone (skeleton), muscles in
osteopathic movements, which means : in the shape of an
eight : ∞ the sign for infinity.

Chi ghong exercises

NECK : for- and backwards, left and right : ∞ .

SHOULDERS : forward and backwards, left and right : ∞ .
Both, neck and shoulder movements in eight-form are meant
to set the Vishuddhi chakra free (throat chakra).
BACKBONE (spinal column) : ∞
- Trapezius : up, down, left, right in rotator motion.
- Thoracolumbar fascia (lower part of the spinal column) :
back and forth, rotation from left to right, circular rotation
around the coccyx and sacrum.
= loosening the subtle system and the left and right
channels + Mooladhara chakra ( basic chakra,

HANDS : circular rotations left and right.

HIPS : ∞ - eight – rotation left and right hip.
= set free the Swadhistan chakra (tighs).
UPPER LEGS : ∞ - rotation left upper leg and right upper leg.
A very profitable exercise might be : slowly move the legs
over each other to the left and to the right, almost touching
the ground. This sets the tension in the legs, hips and knees
Do this 20 times.
SACRUM : you might try to rotate the sacrum bone and
surrounding organs to the left and the right side : ↺ ↻.
→ The chakra that is involved, is the Mooladhara chakra. It
stands for wisdom ( becoming knowledgable), being able to
see and experience the difference between real ( = spiritual)
reality and illusions : all that is perishable, including our own
Qualities of Mooladhara are : innocence, chastity, patience,
humility, inner peace, joy, generosity, being grounded in
Mother Earth.
When you see all these qualities, you understand that this
chakra is the basis of our whole subtle (spiritual) system and
in the long run also the basis for good health and harmony.
KNEES : ∞ - rotation
- first : left knee
- then : right knee
- both knees.
FEET (ankles) : ∞ -rotation left and right.
ARMS : stretch arms backwards – left arm / - right arm / both
LEGS : move successively right and left leg up and down and
leftwards and rightwards.
Jump and stamp on the ground.
EYES : move the eyes upward and downward, to the left and
to the right + rotate to the left and the right side:

→ ← ↻ ↺

SCULL : rotate the scull to the left and the right side ; move it
forward and backward : ↓
↑ ↺ ↻
OCCIPUT : try to rotate the occiput (= back of the scull) to the
left and the right.
BRAIN : with some exercise it might even be possible to move
the brain (inside) = to rotate left and right.
EARS AND NOSE : try to rotate.
MOUTH : rotate in different directions.
If you like this kind of exercises, you can do the same with
You could even try SINEWS, but that’s extremely difficult.
Only real fakirs can do this, because, when you do this, you
touch the parasympathetic system (the autonomous system
or central channel of the subtle system), which you can
normally not control. This “auto” controls – among other
functions - your breathing, seeing, hearing (you can’t
prevent yourself from breathing, seeing, hearing : anyway
not for a long time), heartbeat, bloodstream, sexual
impulses, joy, fly-reactions, some emotions, some ego ...
and many others.
They function autonomously without being influenced by
our willpower. This means that it is extremely difficult to
influence them, although, for example, with breathing
exercises you can do it, with seeing and hearing exercises as
well, with slowing down or speeding up the heartbeat and
other kinds of impulses.

All these movements should be repeated 10 to 20

times each.
Most important for balancing our system are breathing
1. You can try the classical Pranayama.
Breath in trough the left nostril during 4 – 5 seconds (or
more if you can manage) and close the right nostril with
your thumb, hold your breath during 4 – 5 seconds,
breath out trough the right nostril during 4 – 5 seconds
and close the left nostril, hold your breath during 4 – 5
seconds and do the same on the other side.
2. Deep breathing
We have three kinds of breathing:
- push your breath down into the stomach and the lungs;
- breathing by the lungs;
- breathing by the shoulders.
Deep breathing, so that we can reach with the Prana
(cosmic breath, Divine Breath) every part of the body, is
very important for our wellbeing. We should be able to
air all our organs.
Deep breathing stimulates and at the same time relaxes,
and after some time it can even cure affected organs.

- Inhale during 10 seconds.

Stretch both arms sideways and bring them slowly up
above your head, where they reach each other.
- Hold your breath during 1O seconds.
- Exhale during 20 seconds.
While you do so, you bring both your arms very slowly
sideways down.
- Hold your breath during 10 seconds.
- Bow down and touch the ground with both hands.
- Optional: bend down and reach the ground with both
hands and stretched legs + bend 15 times trough your
Do this 4 times.
The 5th time you go to : 15 – 15 – 30 – 15.
(In Patanjali yoga they go as far as: 30 – 30 – 60 – 30.)
Deep breathing is real massage for all the organs and
provides corporal as well as spiritual wellbeing.

Also the intestines need exercises to function well, to stay
STOMACH : make your stomach turn clockwise and after that
anti- clockwise.
If you are not used to this kind of fakiristic exercises, this
might be difficult in the beginning, but with some training
you easily perform this movement with only the stomach. No
other part of the body may join.
→ This is a very good exercise to brighten the Nabhi chakra
and release it from negativity.
If you join the spiritual side, it might remove even negativity
from this very important part of your subtle (spiritual)
system. Part of the Nabhi, called the “Bhavasaga” or “ocean
of illusions” will slowly get free from conditionings and
illusions, even when they come from former lives.
Nabhi stands for inner peace, contentedness, inner silence
and healing.
INTESTINES : after this you do the same with your intestines,
the lower side of your belly, without involving another part
of the body.
→ Nabhi chakra.
LIVER : this is a little bit more difficult. You turn with the
upper lobe of the liver clockwise and anti-clockwise.
→ Nabhi chakra. The liver is a very important organ,
physically as well as psychologically, mentally and spiritually.
Physically it cleanses the blood from poisonous particles.
Psychologically and mentally it cleanses the mind from
distorted ideas. Spiritually it prevents you from getting angry
and from reacting too much (to people, to all kinds of
circumstances) and it will help your force of life (vital force)
to develop.
LIVER : turn the lower lobe of the liver clockwise and anti-
clockwise. This is more difficult, but with exercise you might
Don’t forget the gall bladder, that helps to break up and
digest fats in the food.
→ Nabhi chakra : brings peace and contentment when
functioning well.
KIDNEYS : first right and then left kidney. This a very difficult
exercise, because you must see to it that it is the kidney that
turns round and not the right and left part of your buttocks.
→ Nabhi : the function the kidneys is to eliminate as well
physically as spiritually.
SPLEEN : take care that only the spleen turns round and not
the other neighbouring organs.
→ Nabhi : spleen is our speedometer in the physical sense
(making lymphocyte cells to fight disease), but also mentally
and even spiritually. If you want to evolve spiritually, you
have to take your time, to give yourself the time you need, to
be patient with yourself instead of speeding up.
PANCREAS : every day the pancreas makes more than a litre
of enzyme-packed digestive juices. These juices also
counteract the strong acids in the stomach juices.
LUNGS : it is not easy to separate both lungs, but it is
Make rotations – left and right – first with the left lung and
then with the right lung.
HEART : rotate left and right; you will experience that this is
rather easy.
A good heart chakra (Anahata) gives self confidence, self
assurance, without fear or doubt, without hesitation.
THYROID GLAND : has a very important role in our organism.
It’s very important that we take good care of the thyroid
gland, but rotating left and right demands some exercise.
→ Vishuddhi (throat chakra).
EYES, EARS, NOSE : try to rotate (see higher under ‘outer
- go 20 times with your eyes upwards
- 20 times down
- 20 times to the right
- 20 times to the left
- Turn 20 times to the right and 20 times to the left : ↻ ↺.
→ Vishuddhi chakra : a good –positive – Vishuddhi chackra
(neck, throat, tongue, teeth, vocal cords, eyes, ears, nose,
shoulders, hands, fingers ...) enables us to be in the world (in
our environment) in a detached way, so that we don’t react
to every impulse.
It is the chakra of communication, also the chakra that makes
communication possible with ourselves and with the Divine
Spark - the Spirit, the Kundalini – within us.
SCULL : the scull is said to be fixed, but that is not true.
You can move your scull in a circle, in this way : ↺ ↻.
The different pieces of the scull can move a little bit.
On top of the scull, just above het limbic era, is the
The Sahasrara (crown chakra) brings integration in every -
day life, but more important : also in our spiritual being, so
that we can feel satisfied, happy and joyful.

A reflection of our chakras can be found over the whole

body : legs, feet, arms, scull ...
BRAIN !!!! Yes, it is even possible with many exercises, to
rotate the brain with circular movements : ↻ ↺.
If you have a headache, or if your head feels heavy, if there is
migraine ... etc, you can remove them by performing these
exercises for the scull and the brain several times.
→ The brain corresponds to the Agnya chakra (on the
forehead and the back of the head : in fact where the optic
chiasma is situated).
The Agnya chakra, when positively developed, reduces our
ego (mental) and superego (emotional) overreactions and
allows us to become the master of our thinking too much (so
that thinking does not become the master over us) and
being overemotional (so that our emotions cannot direct our
way of being).
It can bring us in the channel of harmony, balance and love.

Self realization is : realising WHO you are and
awakening the Divine Spark within yourself.
Only very few people got self realisation in the course of
history. And they had to work (exercises and meditation) a
whole life long to attain it.
Some were born realised, such as : Valmiki, Jnanadeva,
Markandya, Guru Nanak, Lao Tse, Mozart, Goethe, William
Blake ...
But Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi (1921 – 2011) made it possible
to reach self realization in a few minutes and on a mass
scale: so that you can feel it/experience it as a cool breeze
on your fingertips and on top of your head (or somewhere
else on your chakras). So, you don’t have to “believe “ this
(at least not blindly), but you have to believe your own
(In the beginning people might feel “warm breeze” and/or
“tinkling “ in the fingertips or on their head , but this
disappears when the obstructions in the chakras diminish or
disappea, to be replaced by “cool breeze”.)
you need, is a realized person, because only who is
him/herself realized, can give it to other people.
This is done in Sahaja Yoga : spontaneously, without any
effort from your side.
If you want to try:
- contact a Sahaja Yoga – centre in your neighbourhood, or
- go on “google” and type : Shri Mataji self realization.
You will get it for free, because you can’t pay for REAL
Real meditation means : to reach the state of
THOUGHTLESS AWARENESS, to get rid of too much thinking,
to get rid of too much emotionality, to be in harmony with
yourself, with the cosmos, with the Divine Energy.

The language of God is Love.

The language of God speaks within us

in silence .

The language of God speaks through us

in silence.

The language of God speaks to the

world , if the world is prepared to

Jos Boven (Ridavindra)

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