NPM : B1A018201
1. Moral values, positive attitude, and positive thinking
Moral values, positive attitudes and positive thinking are one of the keys
to success in the campus. But all three have different meanings:
• Moral value, means the value associated with good and bad deeds that
are the basis of human life in society, where the term human refers to
humanity or other people in actions that have positive or negative values
To be able to achieve the key to success in the campus, there are many
ways students can do to realize these 3 points, namely:
Some of the students think that, all the lessons that are taught are
important. But by just thinking like that, it will not cause motivation or interest
to find specifically, what benefits will be learned. How to connect what will be
learned with the real world this is the same as creating interest. creating
interest is a very good way to motivate yourself to achieve goals
Motivation for students aims to make them aware of what their goals
are to be students so that they can be easy to excel through high IP values and
be able to organize well. Therefore, motivation is very important in a person
1. The important thing is the role of parents in providing good support for
ourselves in terms of learning
2. When learning to connect what is learned with real life, so that we can
easily understand what the purpose of learning is
Focus is full concentration on one goal. Focus can be a factor that greatly
determines a person's success to achieve a success, to achieve a success, we
must focus on the target to be addressed. Just as in campus life, to get high
grades, we must focus learning without thinking about other things that are
not important and also that can hinder achieving a target. if we do not focus,
we can be complacent about other things that can make us fail to reach our
In achieving a target strengthens focus and attention in achieving the
goals and targets that have been made at the beginning of the program is
needed. Our success in achieving the target is usually located when we do
more than just goal setting, and put it in front of our eyes so as not to miss
attention. will be motivated by the success rate, and want to achieve the next
target. So that we not only set goals but ensure that they work continuously
and are executed
• make it a habit to easily get out of the routine, so we have enough time
to think about life plans
Besides that priority and not priority will have an impact on us. And in a plan
this is very needed, what is meant in priority is something that if not done will
have a negative impact on us, so that it cannot be postponed. So as a student,
we need to know exactly what is the priority and what is not because if wrong
in choosing this can be a waste of time.
Here is a way for students to use their time so they don't waste time on
unnecessary things :
1. Have priority
Some urgent things are sometimes not important, there are important
but not urgent things, people who want to succeed make considerations,
which are urgent, important and deserve to get attention first.
2. Earning at leisure
Successful people use their free time to make a profit. For example, free
time on the road is used to develop insight with audio CDs / connect with
1. Speaking just as needed this can add weight to the words of your words
A humble person usually thinks that other people as God's creatures are
unique and special, so that they always make other people feel important.
Because actually every person is a special person. Humans are very sensitive
creatures. If we doubt this, look at ourselves and notice how easily we feel hurt
or offended.
8. Religious Personality