Rehva 2023 - 03
Rehva 2023 - 03
Rehva 2023 - 03
Educational Challenges
And Opportunities for
Sustainable Development
Air cleaners as
an alternative to
increased ventilation
rates in buildings?
Longer visibility of escape and
rescue routes in the event of fire
Uncompromising. Because safety comes first!
European HVAC Journal Download the articles from -> REHVA Journal
Volume: 60 Issue: 3 June 2023
Jaap Hogeling EDITORIAL 40 Air cleaner as an alternative to
[email protected] increased ventilation rates in
4 Inspiring and Preparing the buildings: A simulation study for
Editorial Assistant:
Next Generations of the an office
Marie Joannes
Built Environment Professionals Alireza Afshari, Alessandro Maccarini and
[email protected]
for a Net Zero Future: Göran Hultmark
General Executive: Revolutionary Evolution
Ismail Ceyhan, Turkey Dejan Mumovic
Cătălin Lungu
ARTICLES 47 A New Learning Programme to
Vice Presidents: Facilitate nZEB Implementation
Lada Hensen Centnerová 5 Delivering Sustainable, Safe and Florin Bode, Ilinca Nastase, Mihnea Sandu,
Livio Mazzarella Healthy Buildings for a Net Zero Cristiana Croitoru and Horia Petran
Pedro Vicente-Quiles Future: Educational Challenges and
Johann Zirngibl Opportunities 53 A structured approach to online
Ivo Martinac Dejan Mumovic, Duncan Grassie and education of future HVAC and
Kemal Gani Bayraktar Elizabeth Cooper energy professionals
Laure Itard
14 Teaching the fundamentals of Philomena Bluyssen and
Murat Cakan, Turkey
building performance simulation Paula van den Brom
Guangyu Cao, Norway
Tiberiu Catalina, Romania in the 21st century
Francesca R. d’Ambrosio, Italy Ian Beausoleil-Morrison
Ioan Silviu Dobosi, Romania REHVA WORLD
Lada Hensen, The Netherlands 20 Mainstreaming Education for
Karel Kabele, Czech Republic Sustainable Development: 62 REHVA Annual Meeting 2023
Risto Kosonen, Finland Vertically Integrated Projects
Jarek Kurnitski, Estonia for Sustainable Development 65 REHVA Student Competition 2023
Livio Mazzarella, Italy – A Case Study from the University
Dejan Mumovic, United Kingdom of Strathclyde
Ilinca Nastase, Romania Scott Strachan, Louise Logan and
Natasa Nord, Norway Stephen Marshall IAQ CORNER
Dusan Petras, Slovakia
Olli Seppänen, Finland
24 Integral design – a necessity for 67 The Seven Essentials of Healthy
Branislav Todorovic, Serbia
sustainable building design Indoor Air
Peter Wouters, Belgium
Wim Zeiler
Jarkko Narvanne, [email protected] 33 Advancing transdisciplinary
architecture and engineering
education: Defining the needs
Marie Joannes, [email protected]
of a new multidisciplinary built 69 Exhibitions, Conferences and
SUBSCRIPTIONS AND environment design professional Seminars
CHANGES OF ADDRESSES Elizabeth Cooper, Sonja Oliveira and
REHVA OFFICE: Dejan Mumovic
Washington Street 40
1050 Brussels, Belgium
Tel: +32-2-5141171
[email protected],
PUBLISHER 99 SAINT-GOBAIN................................................ 2 99 LG - MULTI V I.................................................68
99 SHK ESSEN 2024............................................19 99 REHVA MEMBERS..........................................70
Fikirtepe Mah., Rüzgar Sk. No: 44C
A3 Blok, Kat:11 D:124 Kadıköy/Istanbul, Turkey 99 REHVA BRUSSELS SUMMIT 2023..................39 99 REHVA SUPPORTERS......................................71
REHVA Journal is distributed in over 50 countries through the
99 BELIMO...........................................................66 99 NEW REHVA REPORT.....................................72
Member Associations and other institutions. The views expressed
in the Journal are not necessarily those of REHVA or its members. Next issue of REHVA Journal
REHVA will not be under any liability whatsoever in respect of
contributed articles. Instructions for authors are available at (> Publications & Resources > Journal
Cover photo: / Information). Send the manuscripts of articles for the journal to Jaap Hogeling [email protected].
he role of buildings in humankind’s transition to net zero
carbon emissions and the wellbeing of human society
has increased significantly in importance since the turn
of the century. Transcending multiple disciplinary boundaries is
becoming increasingly important for devising solutions to these
pressing issues. These issues have extended the role of traditional
HVAC engineers to all stages of buildings’ life from preparation
and briefing, concept design, spatial coordination, technical
design, manufacturing and construction, handover, and finally
use including circularity. Undergraduate HVAC programmes play
a critical part in developing new competencies and attributes of
future built environment professionals. The challenges, opportuni-
ties, best practices described in this special issue make a case for
a “revolutionary evolution” of the way we educate tomorrow’s
engineering professionals.
Special Issue Editor
Professor, MEng MSc PhD CEng FCIBSE FIBPSA
REHVA Journal Board Member
CIBSE representative on Publishing and Marketing Committee
UCL Institute for Environmental Design and Engineering
[email protected]
opportunities for the transformation of our educa-
It has been 120 years since the first electrical air condi- tional programmes. For the first time, the experiences
tioning unit was designed and tested by Willis Carrier in and observations of course leaders across Europe have
the USA as an “apparatus for treating air” by humidifying been recorded to reflect on the proposed strategy for
or dehumidifying. Ever since, especially after the second transformation of the content and delivery of pro-
World War, engineering courses across Europe have tra- grammes. This paper is aligned with common learning
ditionally focussed on design of such heating, ventilation outcomes of national engineering councils across
and air conditioning (HVAC) systems as deemed critical Europe: (a) Science and Mathematics, (b) Engineering
by industry partners. However, the role of buildings in Analysis, (c) Design and Innovation, (d) The Engineer
humankind’s transition to net zero carbon emissions and and Society, and (e) Engineering Practice. Through an
the wellbeing of human society has increased signifi- online questionnaire across European member states,
cantly in importance since the turn of the century. This we evaluate the extent to which climate change, health
has meant an increasingly holistic view being shone on and wellbeing, decarbonisation and energy flexibility
the role HVAC systems in the delivery of sustainable, have been integrated into accredited university courses.
safe, and healthy buildings for a net zero future. The paper finishes with a call for “revolutionary evo-
lution” of our undergraduate HVAC programmes in
This major challenge the humankind is facing in the defining the changing role of HVAC engineers in
21st century has created a number of challenges and industry and society.
Sydney Accords, EUR-ACE® Framework Standards
The drive to reach net zero carbon emissions by 2050 is (EUR-ACE 2006) and Guidelines (EAFSG) and
a key pledge of many European countries (European the Accreditation of Higher Education Programmes
Commission, 2021), with buildings responsible for (AHEP) in UK (Engineering Council, 2020).
around 40% of EU energy consumption. The use of
Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) The last two themes, ‘Engineering Analysis and
systems in buildings remains a key component of Emerging Concepts’ and ‘Design & Innovation’, rep-
energy use in buildings (Ürge-Vorsatz et al., 2015), resent many of the greatest challenges that the building
due to the need to cool and ventilate building under stock will have to overcome due to greater recent clarity
an increasingly warming climate. on how building performance could be affected by
changes in the environment, building design, regula-
To address this challenge, European academic institu- tory requirements, and improvements in materials.
tions teaching a curriculum on HVAC systems must
adapt their courses to better prepare graduates for a (a) The effects of climate change on occupants and
career in designing HVAC systems. Considerations for key processes within buildings have largely been
such preparation can be split into five sets of themes, defined (de Wilde & Coley, 2012). However,
as shown in Figure 1. Our discussion is aligned with engineers will be required to design HVAC
international standards for learning objectives for systems to account for “future proofing” (Geor-
engineering courses including the Washington and giadou et al., 2012) and increased energy usage
(Berardi & Jafarpur, 2020).
(b) Health and wellbeing of building occupants
is influenced by indoor environmental quality
The Engineer •Sustainability |Ethics |Risk | (IEQ) (Chatzidiakou et al., 2014), a key concept
and Society Security | EDI covering thermal, noise and lighting quality as
well as indoor air quality and moisture. Air flow
generated through HVAC systems can mitigate
(Leyten & Kurvers, 2006) as well as exacerbate
(Betterman & Burge, 1995) health problems such
•Critical Thinking | Creativity as asthma and allergen related issues.
Practice and
|Communication (Oral, (c) Decarbonisation: The decarbonisation of current
Written, Verbal) building stock – the need for buildings to them-
selves meet net zero emissions and the awareness
of the role of HVAC systems in meeting those
targets. It is possible to investigate the role and
influence of HVAC systems on energy demand
Science and •Statistics |Machine Learning across entire countries using top-down models.
Mathematics |Decision Analytics
However, concerns have been raised regarding the
skills gap for a bottom-up approach (Stanes et al.,
• Climate Change |Health and (d) Energy flexibility: Within demand-response
Engineering Wellbeing |Decarbonisation energy systems, there is an awareness of future
Analysis and |Energy Flexibility |Building needs for HVAC systems to be able to operate
Emerging Performance Simulation |Post flexibly depending on the availability and pricing
Concepts Occupancy Evaluation |Life Cycle
Analysis and Circular Economy of electricity (Jensen et al., 2017). It was previ-
ously found that model predictive control could
outperform the use of conventional control
systems in terms of energy conservation (Afram
•Integrated Design| Design & Janabi-Sharifi, 2014). Advances in machine
Design and
Thinking |Innovation for
Innovation learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI)
could allow the further expansion and refinement
of variables used in such models.
(e) Building Performance Simulation allows
Figure 1. Key inputs into modern building engineering for a transition to performance-based building
academic courses. regulations.
(f ) Post-occupancy evaluation first originated as a through the surveys. These themes include recruitment
method for observing behaviour within a living challenges and rebranding, the engineer and society,
or working environment (Zimring & Reizen- engineering practice and transferable skills, science
stein, 1980). However, in the specific context of and mathematics, Engineering Analysis & Emerging
building control systems, it has evolved into a dual Concepts, and Design and Innovation & Emerging
analysis of whether such existing environments Concepts.
both satisfy occupants’ needs for comfort as well
as better understand their energy consumption Recruitment Challenges and Rebranding
requirements using surveys, onsite inspections, Recruitment on undergraduate courses differed widely
and monitoring to inform future “planning and and is, in part, a function of national HEI charac-
practice” (Meir et al., 2009). teristics, as well as the composition of local industry.
The image of HVAC/building services engineering as
Several questions are raised by these emerging 21 st staid and uninspiring was reported to contribute to
century building engineering challenges: declining numbers in high-quality applicants in some
programmes. In recognition of this misconception,
• Are the key learning outcomes required to address ASHRAE is no longer an acronym, but is part of
these challenges already incorporated in our under- ASHRAE Engineering and the Built Environment.
graduate programmes? Despite this acknowledgement and name change by
a major professional body, only 31% of the respond-
• Can we redefine the role of HVAC engineers in the ents from universities agreed that renaming their
context of these challenges? programme is needed to better reflect the changing
role of HVAC engineers.
• What are the key challenges and opportunities?
University staff (n=35) were asked for details about
The following sections describe the approach taken their courses and the recruitment process. Roughly half
to elucidate the answers to these questions and an (18 out of 35, 51.4%) reported problems in attracting
examination of the findings. high quality applicants. Of the remainder, which did
report successes, 11 provided some feedback on the
measures they had implemented to improve recruit-
ment. In the majority of cases (7 of 11 respondents,
An online questionnaire was created to gather the 63.6%), it was found that better links to industry in
attitudes of both academic and industry professionals some form had been beneficial. These links included
on the four sets of factors influencing the design and scholarships (3), technical meetings and collaboration
delivery of European undergraduate courses in HVAC (2) and the crowdfunding of a marketing campaign
systems. The questionnaire was circulated to REHVA’s (1). Renaming the course was found to have been
Standing Committees: a) Technology and Research beneficial in 2 cases. Other administrative changes
Committee (TRC), b) Education and Training which were found to improve the quality of applicants
Committee (ETC), and c) Publishing and Marketing were school visits (3), accreditation (2), open days
Committee (PMC). (2) and mixed mode attendance (2). Other respond-
ents pointed to climate change, and its associated
The total of 46 respondents comprised 11 non- activism, as inspiration for young people to engage.
academic and 35 university staff from 14 European Additionally, the broadening role of building services
countries. The breakdown per country: a) UK (9), engineers within the architectural domain or resource
b) Turkey (6), c) Italy (5), d) Spain (4), e) Netherlands economics could increase the number and type of
(4), f ) France (3), g) Poland (3), h) Denmark (2), applicants.
i) Estonia (2), j) Romania (2), k) Slovakia (2),
l) Finland (1), m) Hungary (1), n) Ireland (1). Two The Engineer and Society
of the respondents from Turkey and one from Slovakia Five socially relevant themes were identified, and
were from non-accredited courses. participants were asked to rate them in terms of impor-
tance in engineering education from of no importance
to most important: Sustainability, ethics, risk, security,
and equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI). Of these,
Findings have been organised into themes based about sustainability was the most consistently regarded as the
the specific challenges or opportunities identified most or very important amongst both academics and
non-academics (Figure 2). Whilst for non-academics, is relatively straightforward. However, when it
respondents rated ethics as most important more often comes to the more ‘technically focused’ elements
than sustainability. EDI, in contrast, was the most it becomes more problematic, particularly
contested theme with almost equal responses between
referencing or incorporating the 9 protected
most important and of no importance for academics.
Although EDI was as likely to be list as most important characteristics from the Equality Act 2010.
as not by academics, it was also reported to be the Some are easier to incorporate than others e.g.,
most challenging concept to deliver. A comment made persons with specific disabilities would come
by one of the respondents provides insights into the under the remit of Approved Document M of
perceived difficulties: the Building regulations. Characteristics such as
“I would say the most difficult criterion to ‘gender reassignment’ or ‘belief system’ need
incorporate into the delivery of any engineering- some significant creativity and strategic design of
focused educational program is ED&I. Within the assessments and delivery to create a relevant and
framework of management, PM, and ‘soft skills‘ appropriate focus without resorting to ‘lip service’.
related modules or delivery components this It can be done but can be problematic.” – UK
Figure 2. Comparison of societal considerations within academic teaching (above) and importance within industry (below).
Respondents from academia also provided comments “Problem based teaching is important.”-Denmark
on the innovative methods to incorporate these skills
into courses. Primary amongst these techniques were “Case studies and open problems” -Spain
design or project-based approaches which were cited
by 10 of the 17 respondents.
Figure 3. Comparison of importance of skills within academic teaching (above) and for industry professionals
Figure 5. Integration of key concepts into engineering analysis, responses from (35) academics (above) and (11)
non-academic (below).
Figure 6. Diagram of the convergence and divergence typical of the design thinking process.
Figure 7. Integration of key concepts into analytic tools, responses from (35) academics (above) and (11) non-
academic (below).
opportunities for incorporation of the key concepts Environment, Circular Economy, Decarbonisation,
into analytic tools. Once again IEQ – health is viewed Resilience and Adaptation, Social Value / Equity
as fully or largely integrated into the tools by greater and Sustainability.
than 80% of respondents. POE and life cycle perfor-
mance were, once again, perceived to be falling behind • New design requirements such as climate resilience,
in integration into available analytic tools. net zero, and health and wellbeing are all based on
a “performance in use” concept that expands the
Insights from academics about the integration of the liability of design teams. This expanded liability
key concepts, especially of IEQ – health, include using necessitates that the mechanical and electrical
‘real cases’ for analysis, and the development of new designers be involved in decision making in early
modules that introduce complex building simulation design phase.
software. One respondent from Turkey commented,
“Over the last two years, students are encouraged to • With a growing number of design requirements,
use analytical tools such as software packages and which sometimes conflict, and rapid development
services. Anysys Fluent, Thermoflow, Homer, etc. are of smart metering and sensors, there is a pressure
widely used in design projects…”. for greater data analytical skills and the introduction
of machine learning and decision-making analytics.
Academics also provided insights into how well inte-
grated the eight key concepts are in design process of Educational Opportunities:
HVAC systems in the courses. Respondents reported
that design studios provided a platform for integra- • Motivations for the next generation to enter the pro-
tion in engineering specific courses. A comment from fession are more salient than ever due issues such as
the UK suggested that a dual-accredited programme climate change. The profession and programmes in
provided opportunities for the integration of concepts. HVAC engineering will appeal through the positive
impacts they can have in the world in meaningful
“A dual architecture and engineering accredited ways on climate change and health and wellbeing.
programme has helped all students to gain skills Additionally, the skills required by the profession,
in co-ordination and integrations skills for the such as data analytics and digital engineering design,
building services, as well as appreciation for the are areas of interest to this generation and can
early design concept and site analysis stages of a motivate them to enter the field.
project, and its role in driving low carbon designs.”
• A new professional will redefine the role of HVAC
engineer into Building Design and Engineering
as ‘performance in use’ becomes the norm in the
context of net zero and health and wellbeing.
Conclusion The new definition will extend the role of tradi-
tional HVAC engineers to building engineering
The findings from the work presented here demonstrate designers being involved in all RIBA stages (Stage
that both challenges and opportunities exist within 1 preparation and briefing, Stage 2 concept design,
engineering education in Europe, and that these are Stage 3 spatial coordination, Stage 4 technical
largely centred within five key concepts, the engineer design, Stage 5 manufacturing and construction,
and society, engineering practice and transferable Stage 6 handover, Stage 7 use).
skills, science and mathematics, engineering analysis
and emerging concepts, and design and innovation. Undergraduate HVAC programmes play a critical part
Specific challenges and opportunities are listed below. in defining the changing role of HVAC engineers in
industry and society. The challenges and opportunities
Educational Challenges: described here make a case for a “revolutionary evolu-
tion” of the way we educate tomorrow’s engineering
• The science underpinning our understanding of professionals.
climate change and health and wellbeing in the built
environment, as well as the role of our profession
in the society, is rapidly changing. The implication Please find the complete list of references in the
of this rapid change is that our building engi- online version of this article at
neering design must consider: Biodiversity and
Professor, Faculty of Engineering and Design,
Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Teaching vs training
Too often we train users to operate BPS tools – as I Figure 2. Fundamentals of Building Performance
did in the demonstration shown in Figure 1 – but we Simulation textbook.
neglect to teach them to comprehend the underlying
methods and their inherent limitations. As a result,
users can easily feel overwhelmed and are often ill- Building Performance Simulation Association—is
equipped to operate tools accurately and with greatest aimed at teaching the fundamentals of BPS and can be
impact. Because of this, many users rely upon default used to support university-level courses in engineering,
methods and default inputs (e.g. ground albedo, building physics, and architectural science. It can also
part-load-ratio efficiency curves, convection regimes) be used to support professional development courses
without realizing the implications of these choices. or as a self-study guide by BPS practitioners wishing
And they are not equipped to answer the above ques- to deepen their knowledge of the fundamentals. It
tions about prioritizing efforts. presumes basic knowledge of heat transfer, thermo-
dynamics, building physics, and the terminology of
To address the key 21st century challenges facing the buildings and HVAC systems, but does not require
building industry it is imperative that we develop prerequisite knowledge of BPS or experience applying
advanced tool users who have an understanding of BPS tools.
BPS fundamentals. These people will have the ability
to prioritize efforts, decide which inputs and modelling Readers who complete all the book’s learning elements
choices will have the greatest impact upon simula- (described below) will be able to:
tion predictions, configure fit-for-purpose models,
and scrutinize simulation results. This will help us to • Understand the models that have been implemented
achieve the full potential of BPS. into BPS tools for treating the significant heat and
mass transfer processes.
• Appreciate the simplifications inherent in these
An approach for teaching the fundamentals
models and the necessity for these simplifications.
I have authored a textbook to help address these needs • Comprehend the implications of modelling choices
(Figure 2). This book—endorsed by the International and default modelling methods and input data.
• Select appropriate models, simulation methods, and experiment with their chosen tool to conduct sensi-
BPS tools for a given analysis. tivity analyses and to extract particular results.
• Understand which modelling choices and input data
have the greatest impact upon simulation predic- Student results are compared, contrasted, and collec-
tions. tively analyzed during the Autopsy mode of learning.
These sessions are most effective when they are led
The book employs an experiential teaching approach by a course instructor and involve group discussions.
structured upon four interrelated modes of learning, By examining simulation input files and collectively
which are illustrated in Figure 3. The result is a diagnosing issues students develop skills in scrutinizing
learning spiral wherein the completion of one topic’s simulation results and learn from their own experi-
cycle through the four learning modes leads into the ences and those of peers.
next topic. Most of these topics focus on an individual
heat or mass transfer process, such as longwave radia- In the final mode of learning—Reflect & connect—
tion from external building surfaces, heat transfer to students individually reflect upon the findings
the ground, air infiltration, etc. highlighted during the autopsy and perhaps revise their
simulation input files and conduct new simulations to
Each chapter of the book is dedicated to one of these update their results. This is also an important mode for
topics and follows a common structure. Basic theories connecting the studied theory to observations derived
are first introduced and then the methods commonly from the simulation exercises.
used in BPS are described (the Study theory mode of
Figure 3). This is done in a tool-agnostic manner This teaching approach is demonstrated by drawing
whereby the spectrum of commonly employed tech- some examples from a graduate-level university course
niques is outlined, and the strengths and weaknesses and from a professional development course that I
of each are described. Mathematical descriptions are recently taught.
provided where necessary to illustrate concepts, but
these chapters are not meant to be a comprehensive
Teaching example—solar energy absorption
compendium of models.
by external surfaces
Each chapter guides the reader to experiment with We’ll focus on the book’s chapter dedicated to solar
BPS tools in the Simulation exercise mode of learning. energy absorption by external surfaces. Students
These exercises provide instructions aimed at isolating commence this topic by studying some theory. This
specific algorithms, requiring readers to consult BPS chapter of the book outlines the factors that influ-
tool technical documentation and to explore and ence the amount of solar irradiance incident upon the
Figure 3. Two cycles through the learning spiral showing the four interrelated modes of learning.
external surfaces of the building. This includes scat- diffuse solar irradiance and the impact this kind of
tering of solar radiation by the earth’s atmosphere, the modelling decision can have upon simulation results.
geometrical relationship between the building and the The other exercises have them discover the options
sun, shading by surrounding objects, and the reflection for treating ground-reflected solar irradiance and solar
of solar radiation by the ground. shading.
The book then explains that it is common for BPS The student’s simulation results are gathered and
tools to treat the global incident irradiance as the analyzed collectively during an autopsy. Figure 5
summation of three components: beam, sky diffuse, presents one of the graphs examined during this
and ground reflected radiation. The algorithms that session, this for the exercise examining ground-
are used to derive the beam component from solar reflected solar irradiance. (For illustration purposes the
radiation data contained in weather files are explained, figure includes results from only a handful of students.)
which develops an appreciation for solar geometry Each student independently decided how to model the
calculations and concepts such as solar declination, solar reflectivity of the ground and their predictions
solar elevation, and surface azimuth. Readers then are compared to their simulations performed using
learn about the complexities and uncertainty in pre- their tool’s default approach. All students observed that
dicting sky diffuse irradiance and come to realize the their modelling choice had an important impact on the
factors that cause scattering of solar irradiance by the buildings heating loads, but some (students 4, 7, and
earth’s atmosphere (Figure 4). They are introduced 9) saw less impact that others. This led to discussions
to the breadth of models that have been developed to where each student explained their approach and its
estimate this scattering and the empirical nature of rationale and the theory previously studied was revis-
these models, and they discover that different BPS tools ited. The conclusion of the group was that user choices
employ different models and provide different options for the modelling of ground-reflected irradiance can
to the user. Finally, they learn about the factors—such have a significant impact, so it would be unwise to
as vegetation and snow accumulation and melting— casually accept BPS tool default methods for some
that complicate the estimation of ground-reflected simulation analyses.
solar irradiance and come to understand some of the
modelling approaches available.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
The options for treating these complex phenomenon The first part of the book briefly introduces BPS,
are then outlined. This includes two approaches defining what it is, how it is used, and discusses the
commonly employed by users, that is ignoring air infil- central role the user plays in ensuring valid BPS predic-
tration or prescribing constant airflow rates. Theories tions. Each of the next three parts of the book contains
underpinning single-zone models and network airflow a series of chapters. Each distinct heat or mass transfer
modelling approaches are then elucidated. Methods process is treated by a dedicated chapter appearing
are described for establishing the necessary inputs for in one of these three sections. Part II treats the heat
these methods, including interpreting empirical data and mass transfer processes relevant to the building
from building depressurization tests. interior, while Part III focuses on heat transfer pro-
cesses relevant to the exterior environment. Heat and
This chapter also includes a series of structured simula- mass transfer occurring through the building envelope
tion exercises which cause the reader to explore the
facilities available in their chosen BPS tool. Figure 6
presents some of these simulation exercise results 20 Prescribed infiltration (0.1 ac/h)
that were examined collectively during an autopsy. Ignore infiltration
(Again, the graph is limited to a handful of students 18 Single-zone model
Network airflow model
for illustration purposes.) From these exercises the
students gained an appreciation for how impactful
air infiltration can be on the prediction of heating 14
Space heating load (GJ)
are the subjects of Part IV. This is followed by Part V, predictions, as well as making them aware of the impact
which focuses on HVAC systems. of using tool default methods and data, and the myriad
sources of uncertainty in BPS. From my experience,
The final part of the book includes a Culminating any shortcuts around the systematic experimentation
Trial in which the reader applies all the knowledge and at the heart of the approach would be detrimental.
skills they have developed in the preceding chapters by This has been validated through feedback provided
representing an actual building with their chosen BPS by students who universally state that the course’s
tool and by comparing their simulation predictions to learning objectives were fully achieved. The theory
measurements. in the book, the simulation exercises and autopsies,
and the Culminating Trial were consistently rated by
This book emphasizes depth at the expense of breadth. the students as the most helpful for supporting their
Its scope is limited to heat and mass transfer processes learning.
relevant to the building’s form and fabric and HVAC
systems. There is, of course, much more to learn— Understanding the fundamentals is critical but much
model abstraction, daylighting, occupant comfort, more is required to develop the next generation of BPS
acoustics, electrical energy conversion and storage users that we require to address the major challenges
systems, managing uncertainty, etc.—but this book facing the building industry in the 21st century. It is
can serve as a starting point for learning the funda- also necessary for BPS users to develop the necessary
mentals of BPS. skills for collaborating and interacting with building
designers. Skills such as interpreting design ques-
tions and translating them into simulation analyses,
Closing thoughts
interpreting results, and providing timely and appro-
I have delivered many university-level and profes- priate feedback to inform design teams must also be
sional development courses based upon the approach cultivated, but this cannot happen without a solid
outlined in this article. The multiple iterations through understanding of the fundamentals.
the spiral’s four modes of learning have been found
to be effective and critical for students to concretize It is my hope that the teaching methods outlined here
theoretical concepts, to help them develop techniques can be borrowed, adapted, and improved by others to
for interpreting, scrutinizing, and verifying simulation help move us forward.
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be learned “principally through extensive reading,
UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific listening and memorising,” e.g. by developing a
and Cultural Organisation) define Education for new module on sustainable development informing
Sustainable Development (ESD) as “the process of students of the background to, motivation for, and
equipping students with the knowledge and under- progress made on the Sustainable Development Goals.
standing, competencies, skills and attributes needed to By contrast, Education for Sustainable Development,
work and live in a way that safeguards environmental, asks students to treat Sustainable Development not
social and economic wellbeing, both in the present and exclusively as a subject only to be ‘looked at’ and
for future generations.” Significantly, ESD is widely rec- learned about, but as an activity and agenda they
ognised as being more than simply educating students can actively participate in, and influence – or more
about Sustainable Development; critically it focuses overtly, as a challenge to be met. In doing so, it seeks to
on educating students for Sustainable Development connect students to the subject matter and ‘challenge’,
– as Sir Jonathan Porritt, Vice Chancellor of Keele not just cognitively, but emotionally and practically
University, puts it, actively “preparing our students for too – the so-called ‘head, heart and hands’ (Sipos, et al.
the work of the world and not just the world of work” 2008) competency framework - inspiring students to a
(Porritt, 2012). ESD is about preparing our students deeper level of learning, and applying their learning to
to face future shocks and shape a just, sustainable, deliver positive impacts on target communities. This
healthy and peaceful future for us all. also speaks to Kreber’s description of “what actually
happens in situations when teachers succeed in fully
(Kolmos et al. 2016) and (Kreber, 2009) also speak connecting their students with their subject”.
of education about sustainable development as an
assimilation strategy where ‘Sustainable Development’, Like many other HE institutions, Strathclyde has
is treated as a subject that “we look at”, and that can already embarked on this journey to embed ESD
with examples of ‘add-on’ modules that have been Education for Sustainable Development (RBESD)
purposely designed around sustainable development, (Strachan et al. 2018) (VIP4SD, n.d.).
and others that have re-oriented towards, or realigned
subject content and context, with sustainable devel-
Operationalising VIP4SD and ESD
opment. One of the most innovative programmes
that has been introduced at Strathclyde is our award The main challenges that institutions are likely to
winning Vertically Integrated Projects for Sustainable experience in implementing a programme of this
Development Programme (VIP4SD) - winner of nature, centre around institutional buy-in and its
2019 International Green Gown Award and the promotion, regulatory and quality assurance processes,
2020 Association for Advancement of Sustainability rigidity of the curriculum (historically due to accredi-
in Higher Education Award. VIP4SD is also included tation requirements), staff and student engagement,
as a case study in the 2021 QAA and Advance HE timetabling, assessment and supervision resource.
Education for Sustainable Development Guidance and The extent of each of these challenges is also likely
on the Sustainable Solutions Development Network to differ, and is in most cases based on operational
(global network of universities focusing on sustain- and academic nuances that exist between the facul-
ability challenges) website, and as an exemplar of best ties, departments or programmes, where a VIP4SD
practice in the Scottish Government report “Scotland pathway (i.e. ‘vertical’ route through each study year
and the sustainable development goals: a national of a programme’s curricula) must be ‘carved out’.
review to drive action”.
Achieving institutional buy-in and finding a VIP4SD
The Vertically Integrated Projects (VIP) model for pathway through a programme of study, are probably
embedding undergraduate research into curricula, the most significant of these challenges. This section
was brought to Strathclyde from Georgia Institute of focuses on these and proposes strategies for overcoming
Technology in 2012, to create undergraduate research these, but also points to recent developments across
projects that were led by academics and researchers, the UK HE sector that are anticipated, over time,
and engaged undergraduate students from all year create the enabling environment required to embed
groups. From the students’ perspective, this means programmes like VIP4SD in HE degree programmes,
they can work collaboratively with academics and their and facilitate the more general mainstreaming of ESD
peers, consistently, on the same real-world research in HE.
area through all years of their programme studies at
Strathclyde (i.e. vertical integration). From a research Buy-in at executive level at Strathclyde was achieved
project and academic’s perspective, this means projects early on by pointing to the success of Georgia Institute
can be longer lasting, more ambitious in their scope of Technology’s VIP programme and then proposing
and, over-time, self-sustaining, as more senior student and implementing a plan for a proof-of-concept pilot,
team members assume mentorship roles to more junior initially involving a limited set of engaged academics,
members. This also allows academics and students to and subsequently delivering on this. Furthermore, if it
build stronger, longer lasting, collaborative research can be demonstrated that this programme complements
and educational partnerships. More broadly, the VIP and resonates with other aspects of your institution’s
model focuses on the nexus between education and strategic plan (e.g. student experience, employability,
research. sustainability, equality, diversity and inclusion, enter-
prise and entrepreneurship, internationalisation of the
In 2016, the University of Strathclyde integrated and curriculum, etc.) this can also strengthen the case for
aligned its existing VIP programme with the 17 UN implementation and mainstreaming.
Sustainable Development Goals, creating the Vertically
Integrated Projects for Sustainable Development There are two main approaches to defining a vertically
(VIP4SD) programme. This allowed research projects integrated pathway through a programme’s curricula.
to focus on SDGs, and make explicit how they planned One approach is to take advantage of a curriculum
to advance agendas towards specific SDG targets. review, and work with Vice Dean Academics and
This allowed the University to both embed Research- Programme Directors to establish robust and fully-
Based Education (RBE) and Education for Sustainable integrated pathways through the programme. This
Development (ESD) into undergraduate curricula is analogous to considering a degree programme as a
– now focusing on the nexus between education for sus- moving train, where its necessary to wait until the train
tainable development and research, and hence we refer to (or programme) has stopped at the station before then
the VIP4SD programme as a model of Research-Based switching out carriages (or modules) and replacing
with new ones. This is undoubtedly the most orderly, Many Professional Engineering Institutions (PEIs) and
most sustainable and hence most desirable approach to bodies are now acting as agents of change, actively
embedding VIP in a programme. The other approach advocating for ESD within HE, responding not only
is to find a more pragmatic approach to embed (or to the moral imperative, brought about by a climate
retrofit) the pathway into an current and established emergency, to mainstream ESD in HE, but also to the
programme curriculum, without waiting for a cur- market demand of employers and students. There is a
riculum review, and with as minimal disruption to growing recognition of their role as a key lever for the
the programme and department as possible (e.g. when kind of curricular and educational reform needed to
the opportunity for curriculum review is not avail- ‘refresh’ HE, and equip graduates with the knowledge,
able). Achieving this, also requires close collaboration skills, attributes and competencies needed to meet the
between VIP programme coordinators, department types of global challenges they will encounter in their
heads and course directors to work around curricular personal lives and that will undoubtedly shape their
constraints such as elective credits being limited to careers.
particular years of study, or navigating a way through,
what may considered, from a course accreditation per- The Engineering Council’s most recently published
spective, as a curriculum filled with ‘indispensable’ Accreditation of Higher Education Programmes -
modules. One such alternative approach may be to AHEP 4, asks for programme learning outcomes to have
identify a “surrogate” or “container” module, in the “a sharper focus on inclusive design and innovation, and
shape of an existing module, that equates to the same the coverage of areas such as sustainability and ethics”,
level of student effort (and credit) as required by a and emphasises that “HEIs are encouraged to make use
VIP project over an academic year, and which has of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals,
comparable learning outcomes (perhaps more compe- and Engineering Council Guidance on Sustainability
tency-based, such as those aligned with a professional in programme design and delivery.” Further to this, is
skills development or research/project-based/case- the Engineering Professors’ Council (EPC) and Royal
study/capstone modules). This module could continue Academy of Engineering’s (RAE) Engineering Ethics
to run its existing syllabus with one section of the Toolkit, which has been designed as a resource to “help
cohort, while offering others the opportunity to par- engineering educators integrate ethics content into
ticipate in a VIP4SD project, under the auspices of their teaching…including how engineering students
the same module and class code. This is analogous need to see ethics in action.” Even more recently, the
to re-arranging the furniture in specified carriages RAE, the EPC and Siemens have collaborated to create
of the train as it continues travels between stations, a Sustainability Toolkit Steering Group, which while
without stopping. While a workable solution, this is acknowledging “many excellent resources explain the
also more of a ‘work-around’ solution, which may not sustainability knowledge, skills, and mindsets essential
be applicable or suitable for all degree programmes, for 21st-century engineers”, also recognised that “very
and which may be more challenging to sustain. It is few resources exist that support engineering educators
for this reason that more formal, sector-wide guidance to integrate these into their teaching in a compre-
from QAA and professional bodies and academies is hensive and effective way.” Therefore, this group will
required. Without this, programmes like VIP4SD, and “develop and curate a toolkit of resources that help
ESD more widely, would likely remain an adjunct, academics explicitly embed sustainability in their day-
add-on extra included in some, but by no means all, to-day practice of engineering teaching, and help make
degree programmes. Therefore, it has been a welcome sustainability integral to, rather than tangential to, engi-
development to see ESD and other non-technical or neering learning” (EPC, n.d.). In a broader sense, what
subject-specific elements being actively promoted from has contributed to this drive for the mainstreaming of
such quarters; providing the influence and leverage ESD from PEIs and other quarters, not only in engi-
required to motivate and legitimise the kind of struc- neering education, but across all degree disciplines and
tural change needed to mainstream ESD in HE. programmes UK HE, is the QAA Subject Benchmark
Statements (SBSs). These “have been drafted and pub-
lished by UK QAA for over two decades, and describe
Levers for Mainstreaming ESD
the nature of study and the academic standards expected
There is a perception that programme accreditation of graduates in specific subject areas. They show what
bodies may have the potential to act as a barrier to, or graduates might reasonably be expected to know, do
powerful enabler of, education innovation. In terms and understand at the end of their studies.” The current
of ESD, and engineering education, as mentioned, review cycle of SBSs, requires “incorporation of con-
there has been some welcome advances in this regard. sideration of how practice within disciplines addresses
wider social goals, comprising equality, diversity and attempting to create and operationalise a programme
inclusivity; the requirements of disabled students; of this nature, but also points to welcome develop-
enterprise and entrepreneurship; and education for ments across the HE sector that will mean what may
sustainable development.” have been perceived as barriers to educational innova-
tion of this kind previously, are now increasingly seen
as key enablers of it.
This paper has presented the University of Strathclyde’s
Key Messages
approach to embedding Research-Based Education for
Sustainable Development into its curricula, using the Engineering education, like all others, needs to adapt
Vertically Integrated Projects model for undergraduate and refresh to become fit for purpose in the face of the
research developed initially at Georgia Institute of challenges its graduates will be instrumental in meeting
Technology. It has provided some historical context collaboratively, through technological innovation and
around how the programme has evolved from VIP business leadership.
to VIP4SD, as Strathclyde’s vision to embed ESD in
its curricula started to emerge soon after the UN’s Many HE institutions across the UK and globally, have
Agenda 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals been focusing on education enhancement around ESD,
came into being. It demonstrates how the SDGs offer with many successes such as the VIP4SD programme
a powerful and inspirational framework on which at the University of Strathclyde to point to. However,
the VIP4SD programme has built its portfolio of mainstreaming ESD across intuitions and the HE
undergraduate research projects around. In addition, sector as a whole, requires legitimising it through more
while these projects are wide and varied in their formal, sector-wide guidance from QAA and profes-
scope, disciplinary focus and nature, they all share a sional bodies to help achieve institutional buy-in for
common, unifying sense of purpose amongst all staff ESD, while at the same time providing the necessary
and students participating in the VIP4SD programme. staff training and support that is combines to create the
necessary ‘enabling environment’ for institutions and
The paper also highlights some of the academic and staff to engage with ESD through a whole institution
logistical challenges that may be anticipated when approach.
Engineering Professors Council (EPC), “In Development: The Sustainability Toolkit”, n.d.
Kolmos, Anette, Roger Hadgraft, and Jette Egelund Holgaard. 2016. “Response Strategies for Curriculum Change in
Engineering.” International Journal of Technology and Design Education 26 (3): 391–411.
Kreber, Carolin, Preface. In: Kreber, 2009. eds. The University and its Disciplines: Teaching and learning within and beyond
disciplinary boundaries. New York: Routledge, 4.
Porritt, Jonathan, 2012. “Universities Must Lead the Way on the Sustainability Agenda”, The Guardian. https://www.
Sipos, Y., Battisti, B., & Grimm, K. 2008. Achieving transformative sustainability learning: Engaging head, hands and heart.
International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, 9, 68-86.
Strachan, Scott, Louise Logan, and Stephen W. Marshall. 2022. Vertically Integrated Projects for Sustainable Development:
Achieving Transformational Action by Embedding Research-Based ESD in Curricula.
VIP4SD, “Vertically Integrated Projects for Sustainable Development | University of Strathclyde.” n.d. https://www.strath.
Faculty of Architecture and the Built
Environment, Eindhoven University of
Technology, Eindhoven, the Netherlands
[email protected]
Due to the rising demand for more sustainable buildings, it is essential to make optimal use
of natural resources. However, therefore it is necessary to end the dichotomy between
architecture and technology leading to far from optimal functional buildings responsible for
high operational and failure costs. To close the gap between technology and architecture, it
is time for integral design. The necessity for this was recognized by the Dutch Royal Society
of Architects, BNA, as well as the society of Dutch consulting engineers, NL Engineers,
and the Dutch Building Services society, TVVL. A design methodology was developed and
implemented in the education curriculum of the Technical University of Eindhoven. In this
paper, the method and the added value for the professional domain will be presented.
Collectively, buildings in the EU are responsible
“Architecture will become more informed for 40% of our energy consumption and 36% of
greenhouse gas emissions, which mainly stem from
by the wind, by the sun, by the earth, by the
construction, usage, renovation, and demolition
water, and so on. This does not mean that
[EU 2020]. Global warming and the depletion of
we will not use technology. On the contrary, materials and resources are major problems. There
we will use technology even more because is a clear need to change the way how buildings are
technology is the way to optimize and designed and not try to solve the problems using
minimize the use of natural resources” the same kind of approach/logic that caused them
[Richard Rogers] in the first place.
The concept of a building, the basic design, is con- Norman Foster and the design board at Foster +
ceived by the architect first, then there is room for Partners are strong supporters of sustainable design
other disciplines. Design of buildings is seen largely and are keen to interpret and integrate engineering
as an individual’s creative act. However, more and principles within design concepts [Smith 2019].
more it is realized that effective collaboration during Their philosophy is that the best projects arise from
the concept design phase in architecture provides the a totally integrated approach to the design process,
greatest potential for the overall success of a building where the core disciplines work together to conceive
project [Leon et al 2014]. This is not really a new and design a project from its earliest inception [Jackson
idea as already Le Corbusier one of the most famous and Heywood 2019]. Clearly, Building Design is a
architects of the last century showed, see Figure 1. team effort, teamwork is key therefore it is necessary to
create a place for the needed innovation. The benefits
The design of a highly sustainable building, due to of the integrated design are better decisions, higher
the increased complexity of building design [van der speed of response, and improved ability to iterate
Linder et al 2016], inevitably calls for more design and thus reduce the complexity. Early engagement is
collaboration in the conceptual design phase as well. essential within building design teams.
Only the early open collaboration of architects and
engineers can facilitate the creation of the necessary However, just putting all disciplines together is not
new knowledge and solutions beyond the specific enough, there is a clear need for design support to
scope of each individual discipline [Kovacic and facilitate collaboration between the various design
Fitzmoser 2014]. According to the Royal Institute team members from different disciplines. Design deals
of British Architects (RIBA) president Jane Duncan, with complex ill definite wicked problems which are
architects, engineers, and builders must collaborate difficult to solve. Therefore, it is important to give
[CIBSE 2016]. Designing Sustainable Buildings needs designers the right tools as well as a supportive process
synergy between the architectural and engineering framework to order the design process. However, in the
domain to create new solutions. This innovation is field of architecture, there is a lack of a body of theory
needed to reduce the environmental load caused by to support the study of architectural design methods
buildings. A holistic planning process is required in [Plowright 2014], which makes it necessary to review
order to reduce the high complexity and achieve a goal- concepts from other foiled of study like mechanical
oriented procedure during the planning of buildings engineering. Therefore, we looked for a framework to
and the development of integrated systems [Honold support the activity of building design. In the early
et al 2019]. However, in comparison to conventional 1960s researchers and practitioners began to investi-
buildings, such adaptive sustainable buildings require gate new design methods to improve design process
much higher planning effort and an interdisciplinary outcomes [Cross 2007] right up to the present day [Le
planning team with disciplines that have typically not Masson et al 2017].
been involved in building planning thus far [Honold
et al 2017]. Integral Design where the architect and consulting
engineers truly collaborate in the conceptual phase
of the building design process is needed is an optimal
exchange of interpretations and ideas, see Figure 2.
In section 2, details of the developed methodology are together with the University of Technology Delft and
described. In session 3 the experimental setting was the Dutch Building Services Society started research
provided to improve the design process and descrip- in close cooperation with the industry to develop a
tions of the experiments for testing the method and design method to improve the conceptual building
interventions with professionals and with students. design process. This led to research with workshops
In section 4, the results of the different experiments organized with professional organizations to test a
are provided, in section 5 the analysis of the results specific design method, see Figure 3. Integral Design
is followed by a discussion of the results in section 6. based on Methodical Design and the extensive use of
Finally, section 7 provides the conclusions about the Morphological Charts and Morphological Overviews
added value of the design approach as an educational [Savanovic 2009].
support tool and research tool as well as some remaining
needs for further research and developments in relation The Integral design method is based on in the tensive
to the morphological aspects of the developed design use of morphological charts [van den Kroonenberg
tools. This article is an updated overview of an earlier 1988] and its outcome was evaluated in a situation
published paper [Zeiler 2016] and represents the result as close as possible to practice amongst professionals.
of research on Integral Design that started in 1999 The design method has a distinctive feature, the step
up to now. pattern of activities (generating, synthesizing, selecting,
and shaping, that occurs within the design process, see
Figure 4.
It is important to provide a theoretical basis to In the first step of the integral design method, the
encourage the strategic use of design methodologies individual designer has to make a list of what he thinks
as teaching strategies [Curry 2014] fully and strictly are the most important functions that have to be ful-
applied in industrial applications [Dorst 2016]. It is filled based on the design brief. This is derived from
better to develop a design method as close as possible their own specialist perspective. The morphological
to practice and with help of industry. Therefore, in charts are formed as each designer translates the main
1999 the professional Dutch organization for archi- goals of the design task, derived from the program of
tects BNA and consulting engineers NL Ingenieurs demands, into functions and aspects and is then put
Figure 3. Black-box approach to building design with all professional organizations involved.
into the first column of the morphological chart, see 2. These functions and aspects are derived from the
Figure 5. A morphological chart is a kind of matrix program of demands. In principle, overall solutions
with columns and rows which contain the aspects and can be created by combining various sub-solutions
functions to be fulfilled, see Figure 5 step 1 and the to form a complete system solution combination
possible solutions connected to them, see Figure 5 step [Ölvander et al 2008].
Figure 6. The first two design steps of the design team’s process cycle, interpreting the design brief and list the
functions in the first column of the individual morphological chart and the related sub-solutions.
team members and helps the understanding within
design teams. It eases collaboration as it makes it Since the year 2000, together with the Royal society
easier to come forward with new design propositions. of architects (BNA), the Association of Consulting
Visualizing the contributions, the morphological Engineers (NLIngenieurs) and the Society of Building
overview stimulates the understanding of the different Services Engineers (TVVL), different series of work-
perspectives among design team members. shops were organized in the Netherlands. More than
two hundred professionals, with at least 12 years of
Unfortunately, in the conceptual phase of the design, experience, of the involved professional organizations,
it is not possible to accurately evaluate the quality voluntarily participated in these workshops. After
of the mentioned functions/aspects or sub–solutions. extensively experimenting with different setups for
Only a quantitative analysis is possible by counting the workshop, a 2-day workshop setting was selected
the number of mentioned functions/aspects and sub- [Savanovic 2009]. The two days workshop was organ-
solutions. The number of functions and sub-solutions ized as part of a professional training program for
mentioned by the designers in their morphological architects and consulting engineers (structural engi-
charts and the design team’s morphological overview neers, building services engineers, and building physics
were counted, for example, see Figure 7. engineers)
Figure 7. An example of the transformation of the individual morphological charts into a morphological overview,
indicate the functions/aspect in the morphological overview and where they came from [Zeiler 2018].
In connection with the Integral design research project All the assignments had a similar level of complexity
for professionals in the Dutch building industry, we which made the results comparable. To investigate
developed an educational project, the master project the effect of the morphological tools of the Integral
Integral Design. The concept of the integral design design approach they were used in similar workshop
workshop for professionals was implemented within setting for different types of students, professionals,
the start-up workshop of our multidisciplinary masters’ and practitioners, in brackets is the number of
project. The different design assignment all were related participants;
to the design of zero energy buildings. These complex
tasks require early collaboration of all design disciplines Bachelor students (181) 2015-2022
involved in the conceptual building design and as such The students of the course in which the workshop
let the students experience the added value of the design was held were 2nd and 3th year bachelor students, age
method. Master students from architecture, building around 20-22, all Dutch. The students were from the
physics, building services, building technology and Faculty of the Built Environment and of the Faculty
structural engineering participated in these projects. of Psychology and Technology.
The basis of this project, which serves as a learning-
by-doing start-up workshop for master students, is a Master students (150) 2011-2018
method with extensive use of morphological charts These were 4th-year students (architectural, struc-
combined to a morphological overview of the design tural, building physics, and building services) all from
team. During the start-up workshop, professionals the Faculty of the Built Environment, aged around
participated in the student’s design teams and this 22-24.
specific intervention within the design process has
been investigated. Having a tested framework for intro- Architectural Master students (11) 2017
ducing the design method allowed us to investigate the One workshop was held for students of architecture all
effects of different interventions as well as the analysis working in a Master thesis project design atelier as part
of several aspects, such as the effectiveness of different of their MSc graduation project. So they were 5th-year
designers or the effect of communication in words or students who nearly had finished their studies, aged
sketches. The framework of the approach is presented around 23-25. This was the only mono-disciplinary
in Figure 8, the program and setup of the workshop. group in the comparison.
Figure 9. Comparison of the average relative increase in the number of functions and sub-solutions by individual
students, professionals and practitioners in their Morphological Overviews compared to the average results from
the individual Morphological Charts.
Figure 10. The morphological overview to connect the minds of the design team.
them with their communication. As such it is a good
However, a break with the traditional line of thoughts method for supporting the education of a new genera-
of architects as well as consulting engineers is there tion of architects and engineers, whom each have new
for needed. A new design model, Integral Design, roles in the highly complex tasks of designing sus-
was developed to support interaction between all tainable nearly Zero Energy Buildings energy positive
the disciplines involved in the conceptual building buildings or even Carbon neutral buildings.
design process by structuring the communication and
solution generation process in steps. By structuring the The design method had a major positive effect on the
information flow about the tasks and solutions of the number of proposed sub-solutions and also on the
other disciplines the method forms a design within number of functions and aspects considered in the
the design process and enables a structured approach conceptual phase of the design process by the design
even in the conceptual design phase. The use of the team members. This indicates that the effectiveness
morphological overview based on the individual mor- and productivity of design teams were largely improved
phological charts creates a way to share interpretations by adding structure to the process. The role of the
and ideas for solutions forming a basis for synergy morphological charts and overview is in structuring the
leading to more innovative designs, see Figure 10. process and enabling analysing the conceptual design
process in more detail. As such is it a valuable approach
The main lessons from this paper are that Integral to inventing the necessary new more sustainable solu-
Design with its use of morphological overviews tions for the future. Integral design is a necessity for
stimulates collaboration and exchange of ideas and truly sustainable buildings and as such a prerequisite
perspectives between architects and engineers. It helps for the energy transition toward 2050.
This research was done in cooperation with the Dutch Society of Architects BNA, the Dutch Society for Consulting
Engineers NLIngenieurs, and the Dutch Society for Building Services Engineers TVVL. The project was financially
supported by the professional organizations Techniek Nederland (formerly UNETO-VNI) and Wij Techniek
(formerly OTIB) as well as the foundations WOI and PIT.
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Advancing transdisciplinary
architecture and engineering
education: Defining the needs
of a new multidisciplinary built
environment design professional
There is wide recognition in policy, practice and higher education that complex climate
change challenges cannot be fully addressed without highly integrated multidisciplinary
knowledge and ability. This is especially critical in the built environment. The purpose of this
article is to discuss approaches through which educational and practice needs of a new
multidisciplinary built environment professional are being considered. The article builds
on a prior study by the authors involving a UK case study drawing on the developmental
process involved in creating and running a novel highly integrated MEng course and begins
to assess the outcomes of the first cohort that completed the programme. The insights help
define the approaches that underpin development of a multidisciplinary course, evaluate
the outcomes, and articulate the potential competency criteria needed for a new design
professional. These criteria will aid future development of engineering professions and ways
professional bodies accredit educational provision.
emissions globally (Friedlingstein et al., 2022). This
There is established recognition in international recognition has led to an increasing understanding
policy that multidisciplinary knowledge and compe- in education and practice that solutions may lie not
tencies are critical in addressing growing complexity only in more effective integration of built environment
of climate change and carbon emissions challenges multidisciplinary teams but also in the educational
(Friedlingstein et al., 2022). The need for multidis- development of a new kind of built environment
ciplinary approaches is particularly significant in the professional (Butt & Dimitrijević, 2022; Nguyen &
built environment context, a key contributor to carbon Mougenot, 2022).
In the higher education (HE) context, multidisciplinary stages of the course development, was conducted. In
approaches are seen as a classification of interdisciplinarity addition to extensive documentary analysis, the case
with interdisciplinarity seen as the ‘integration of knowl- study also involved holding interviews with educators
edge drawn from diverse disciplines to address problems and industry advisors on the curriculum design process.
that cannot be solved by one discipline’ (Van den Beemt The course was developed to provide a fully accredited
et al., 2020). Though there are emerging courses in the pathway for chartered engineer status through JBM
built environment that promote integration of different and CIBSE, with expanded attributes in architectural
disciplinary domains such as architecture and structural design. These requirements informed the initial criteria
engineering, architecture and building services engineering through which discussions developed amongst the
and more recently architecture, structural and building curriculum design team. The curriculum design team
services engineering, there have been few accounts of their involved expertise from multiple departments repre-
developmental approaches (Oliveira et al., 2022), and a senting diverse disciplines including academics from
paucity of published evaluations of the educational or The Bartlett School of Architecture, the UCL Institute
career outcomes. It is widely recognised that identifying for Environmental Design and Engineering and the
pathways to multidisciplinary education remain chal- Department of Civil, Environmental and Geomatic
lenging. A recent review carried out by Van den Beemt et Engineering as well as leading industry experts.
al. (2020) on approaches to interdisciplinary education in
engineering suggests that developing both multi and inter- The course development also included discussions of
disciplinary skills demand a different type of pedagogy and facility provision and the site for course delivery was a
‘teaming experiences’ that facilitate new ways of learning. critical aspect of joining up disciplinary thinking and
Their review also argues for a greater understanding of developing the multidisciplinary ethos of the course.
resources needed as well as barriers to wider development The following section describes the empirical setting,
of interdisciplinary education including awareness of the the rationale for the course as viewed by its creators
institutional challenges involved. and the ways future graduates and their experiences
were conceived.
Research in architecture and engineering education
has mostly approached the issue by analysing ways to The rationale for the course
achieving multidisciplinary curricula largely through – a paradigm shift
either incorporating sustainability or enabling design- The UCL team’s contention in developing the course
studio and/or project-based learning delivered by was rooted in their view that ‘grand challenges facing
multiple disciplines (Oliveira et al., 2022). The purpose society, and indeed the planet i.e., sustainability, well-
of this paper is to discuss the development and early being, changing climate, and intercultural interactions,
implementation of educational and practice needs of a all implicate the built environment’. The course was
new multidisciplinary built environment professional described to be aimed at creating a novel interdisciplinary
drawing on authors’ prior case study of a UK MEng workforce, and network, of creative professionals each
Course (Oliveira et al., 2022). The discussion has with complimentary knowledge and skill in both engi-
benefits to both higher education providers and practi- neering and architectural design, who are better equipped
tioners in helping articulate the potential competencies to exploit the opportunities afforded by new technologies
and needs of a future built environment professional, and and methods. The need for this programme was described
the underpinning processes that may shape its delivery. by its creators to be also evidenced in the paradigm shift
that is taking place in the way our built environment is
designed, procured, constructed, and regulated.
Methodological approach and case
This work builds on the empirical case study explained The rationale for launching this new programme also
and discussed in the authors’ recent paper (Oliveira related, according to the team developing it, to UCL’s
et al., 2022). The methodological approach of this location in London and its unique proximity to many
previous work involved narrative synthesis including of the world’s leading consultants operating in the fore-
reflection and dialogue of a prior empirical case study front of the field such as, AKT II, Arup, Foster and
as well as thematic review of the literature (Lisy & Partners, Fielden & Clegg, Buro Happold, Price and
Porritt, 2016). A review of the development processes Myers, and Laing O’Rourke. The programme is based
for the UCL MEng Engineering and Architectural at new facilities at Here East, Hackney Wick which
Design course, with the primary focus being on house a sequence of multi-functional and adaptable
understanding how the multidisciplinary content large-scale spaces. These extend from 1) public/exhi-
and delivery mechanisms developed during the initial bition/foyer/studios, to 2) a large collaboration hub
Civil Environmental
Engineering Engineering
Integrated master’s degrees (often denoted MEng) Graduates need to be able to select and apply quan-
accredited for the purpose of CEng registration need titative and computational analysis techniques in the
to demonstrate an emphasis on developing solutions to absence of complete data, discussing the limitations
problems using new or existing technologies, through of the methods employed. With an appreciation of
innovation, creativity, and change. The integrated professional engineering practice and ethics, graduates
master’s is promoted to go beyond the outcomes of were also expected to be commercially aware and able
accredited bachelors (honours) degrees to provide a to apply their knowledge and skills to design, deliver
greater range and depth of specialist knowledge, within and evaluate innovative new products or services to
an authentic environment, as well as a broader and meet defined needs using new or existing technologies.
more general academic base. As such the development
team drew on the Accreditation of Higher Education Whilst the above section explained the ambition and
Programmes (AHEP4) learning objectives, noting how initial thinking conveyed by the development team, the
they provide a sharper focus on inclusive design and following section discusses key findings that emerged
innovation, and the coverage of areas such as sustain- from the narrative synthesis of the development process
ability and ethics. The coverage of equality, diversity itself, positioning the findings as discussed in Oliveira
and inclusion is also noted to be further strengthened et al. (2022) within extant literature. Additionally, the
to reflect the importance of these matters to society as section presents the findings from an initial review
a whole and within the engineering profession. and analysis of the final classifications and job place-
ment of the first cohort to complete the programme.
Courses like this, according to the team developing The student outcomes are presented to begin to
them, were seen to provide a foundation for leader- evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the structure
ship and innovative engineering practice. Graduates described in detail by Oliveira et al. (2022) and to
from an integrated master’s degree such as this inform the future refinement and development of the
were intended to achieve interdisciplinary learning course, and of architecture and engineering education
outcomes, possessing a broad and coherent body of more broadly. In this way, evidence will be added to
knowledge including mathematics, natural science and support one of the indicators of engineering education
engineering principles, and a proven ability to apply success as described in Graham (2018), that is, the
that knowledge to analyse and solve complex problems. ‘value added’ to the student. This work also aims to
Core Module 6
Design Make Information
Core Module 7
Design Make Live
help fill the gaps defined by Richter and Paretti (2009), course shaped their understanding of their particular
notably a lack of measurable outcomes of interdisci- roles in the course development – seen by some as
plinary engineering education. fulfilling the role of negotiators, others as visionaries.
Whilst much of the detail was uncertain at the start
of the discussions, there was a wider acceptance that
the process was largely unknown and flexibility and
Narrative analysis agility to adapt to the process was observed by all
A key ingredient to developing multidisciplinary cur- as key. The need for flexibility and agility supports
ricula was found to be ensuring that the team has a and extends work by Clevenger et al. (2017) on the
shared ethos and understanding, flexibility and agility importance of a shared programmatic and course level
in meeting both professional and personal expectations vision as well as providing opportunities for itera-
of the process, and critically obtaining institutional tion and risk taking in facilitating multidisciplinary
support. These findings are echoed in much of the curricula.
literature on multidisciplinary education and practice.
Power and Handley (2019) discuss three interrelated Whilst being mindful of both professional and personal
approaches for better integration of interdisciplinarity expectations was found by all to matter, the critical,
in HE including, maintaining clear communication, and possibly most significant challenge, was obtaining
providing an adequate structure, and facilitating institutional support. The institutional support and
cultural change through shared values. resource to ensure all content created and developed
was bespoke to the needs of the course was found to
In the Oliveira et al. (2022) study these shared values be a critical component of the discussions’ successful
were found by the participants to be not only of a outcome. Insights also suggest that willingness to take
professional character but also deeply personal. Some risks by both the institution and the course developers
participants observed and discussed the importance of is critical to the success of the course development
conveying a sense of a ‘common desire’ to achieve an process. Participants discussed the process of devel-
‘integrated approach’ that ‘realised the importance of oping the course as being challenging as well as open
each team’. In addition to shared beliefs, most partici- and a venture into the unknown. Many participants
pants reflected upon a sense of having ‘a blank sheet of stressed the importance of the course being a new type
paper’ when developing the course content to ensure of discipline- neither engineering nor architecture.
that all content created was bespoke and could fit the Institutional support as well as having the possibility
diverse professional body criteria. This ‘ground-up’ of the course being delivered in a purpose-built facility
approach differs from ways many similar interdisci- driven by a design studio style teaching delivery were
plinary integrated courses develop by fitting around important factors in maintaining vision as well as
shared modules and content. Professional expectations overcoming cross departmental challenges. Many
were also found to reflect many of the participants own participants discussed the importance of ‘maintaining
professional experiences, working across disciplines ambitious vision’ as an important aspect of the course
with many discussing the importance of that expe- development conversations. The need for institutional
rience to provide the skills to transcend disciplinary support is also reflected in other studies as a key condi-
boundaries. Whilst many described the future graduate tion to enabling multidisciplinary curricula to evolve
to be a new type of professional, a ‘building designer’ (Richter & Paretti, 2009).
as well as a ‘specialist generalist’, many also discussed
the potential other possibilities the course could offer Review of the outcomes of the first cohort
to a developing industry need for greater collaboration According to UCL’s Bartlett School of Architecture
and integration. (BSA), there are 300 permanent members of staff
at BSA and 1,600 undergraduate and postgraduate
When personal expectations were discussed, these students, or an academic staff to student ratio of
tended to convey the practicalities of developing approximately 1:5. In comparison the academic staff
shared values such as maintaining a positive focus to student ratio for UCL as an institution is approxi-
and ensuring starting points and goals were well com- mately 1:10. The MEng Engineering and Architectural
municated. Some describe the inherent challenges of Design has about 30 primary teaching staff and 44
communicating across differing disciplinary expecta- tutors for a maximum ‘steady-state’ student enrolment
tions and the need for maintaining a shared vision and of 240 (60 per year for 4 years), or a staff to student
positive outcomes as critical to managing those dif- ratio of just over 1:3, making this a staff-resource
ferences. For many, their life experiences beyond the intensive programme.
Thirty students made up the first cohort, and as of personal expectations as well as institutional contexts
May 2021 twenty-three had completed their disserta- as discussed above. In addition, many of the academics
tion. The average final dissertation mark was 71, the involved in the course development discussed above
highest mark was 88 and the lowest mark was a 44; had prior experiences of working or learning in mul-
where marks above 70 are equivalent to an ‘A’, 60-69 tidisciplinary environments and this prior experience
a ‘B’, 50-59 a ‘C’, and marks below a 50 are fails. and knowledge enabled an open mindset and positive
Results from eighteen students of this first cohort were focus on shared outcomes.
reviewed, sixteen with a Master of Engineering and
two with a Bachelor of Engineering. Of those who Whilst the implications of this study are primarily
completed the MEng eight earned first class honours in advancing engineering and architecture curricula,
with final marks above 70; seven received second class there are helpful insights that might benefit other cur-
honours (upper division) with marks above 60; and ricula in other engineering disciplines. For instance,
one earned a second class honours (lower division) the importance placed on personal experiences and
with a mark above 50. In modules that are shared expectations. Most participants engaged in developing
across programmes, the students enrolled in the MEng this course had some prior experience of multidiscipli-
EAD programme were some of the highest performers. nary curricula, either as students or educators in past
Reasons for this could, in part, be due to the type of institutions. There may be further helpful benefit in
students that were attracted to the nascent programme. developing STEM professional courses or seminars
Information gathered from initial interviews with staff that could offer insight and experience of learning in
suggest that the first cohort were largely self-motivated a multidisciplinary environment, leading to a posi-
high achievers. It is unknown if the distribution of tively led curricular approach that merges and draws
final classifications will remain skewed to as many on different disciplines. Whilst the participants did
distinctions as the programme matures. not reflect on the role of the environment both on
terms of equipment or space needs, it may have been
Early reports from graduates and employers indicate helpful to further explore how the physical design of
high rates of employment with some students a very novel and bespoke space facilitated or enabled
receiving offers of employment as early as the first certain curricular understandings or discussions.
term of their final year. Comments from employers Future studies could further explore how this novel
suggest that the broad set of skills learned by gradu- environment may inform or enable particular types
ates is very desirable. However, both students and of activities and learning environment that otherwise
employers expressed concerns about how, or where, may not have been possible. It is also recognised that
they fit into a traditional practice. Approximately this study is based on one course. Future studies could
one quarter of the first two graduating quarter are compare course development processes with regards
working towards RIBA Part 1, another 25% report to multidisciplinary content of two or more courses,
employment as ‘graduate structural engineer’, an perhaps across different sectors or between different
additional quarter list their job as ‘architectural countries. Future studies are also needed to analyse
engineer’ or as part of a sustainability team, the further the role different people and their activities,
remaining graduates report a wide variety of job vision and expectations play in developing multidis-
types including, digital media, robotics, or further ciplinary content.
education (e.g., RIBA Part 2).
Transcending multiple disciplinary boundaries is
Further evaluation of the programme through exten- becoming increasingly important for devising solu-
sive interviews with graduates, current employers, and tions to the world’s most pressing issues, such as
staff is on-going. climate change and decarbonisation. Multidisciplinary
education offers opportunities to help develop new
competencies and attributes of future built environ-
ment professionals. There is emerging evidence, from
It is well established that developing multi-, inter-, the review of the interdisciplinary MEng programme
and transdisciplinary curricula is a complex endeavour in Engineering and Architectural Design at UCL,
and that it requires coordinated efforts by academics that both students and industry find the educational
and industry from different university departments approach to be of great value. The insights from this
and different disciplines. However, it is less well paper offer helpful pathways to how curricula that
known that coordination and communication of ensure development of new competencies could be
such efforts can also be shaped by professional and considered.
Butt, A. N., & Dimitrijević, B. (2022). Multidisciplinary and transdisciplinary collaboration in nature-based design of
sustainable architecture and urbanism. Sustainability, 14(16), 10339.
Clevenger, C. M., Brothers, H., Abdallah, M., & Wolf, K. (2017). Initial assessment of a newly launched interdisciplinary
construction engineering management graduate program. Journal of professional issues in engineering education and
practice, 143(3), 04017001.
Friedlingstein, P., Jones, M. W., O’Sullivan, M., Andrew, R. M., Bakker, D. C., Hauck, J., Le Quéré, C., Peters, G. P., Peters, W., &
Pongratz, J. (2022). Global carbon budget 2021. Earth System Science Data, 14(4), 1917-2005.
Graham, R. (2018). The global state of the art in engineering education. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Report,
Massachusetts, USA.
Lisy, K., & Porritt, K. (2016). Narrative synthesis: considerations and challenges. JBI Evidence Implementation, 14(4), 201.
Nguyen, M., & Mougenot, C. (2022). A systematic review of empirical studies on multidisciplinary design collaboration:
Findings, methods, and challenges. Design Studies, 81, 101120.
Oliveira, S., Olsen, L., Malki-Epshtein, L., Mumovic, D., & D’Ayala, D. (2022). Transcending disciplines in architecture,
structural and building services engineering: a new multidisciplinary educational approach. International Journal of
Technology and Design Education, 32(2), 1247-1265.
Power, E., & Handley, J. (2019). A best-practice model for integrating interdisciplinarity into the higher education student
experience. Studies in Higher Education, 44(3), 554-570.
Richter, D. M., & Paretti, M. C. (2009). Identifying barriers to and outcomes of interdisciplinarity in the engineering
classroom. European Journal of Engineering Education, 34(1), 29-45.
Van den Beemt, A., MacLeod, M., Van der Veen, J., Van de Ven, A., van Baalen, S., Klaassen, R., & Boon, M. (2020).
Interdisciplinary engineering education: A review of vision, teaching, and support. Journal of engineering education,
109(3), 508-555.
REHVA Brussels Summit 2023 will take place on 13-14 November in Brussels.
Mark your calendar now and stay tuned for more information on the program
and registration. We look forward to seeing you in Brussels!
Abstract: This study analyses the feasibility of utilizing advanced air cleaner technology for
air purification in a system-based filter (recirculating ventilation system), a room-based filter
(local recirculation in each room), and a beam-based filter (recirculation in an active chilled
beam). The results show that choosing the appropriate air cleaner can significantly impact
energy performance and improvement of indoor air quality.
Indoor air quality is affected by both indoor and
Air pollution poses significant risks to human health, outdoor sources [9]. Outdoor air pollutants come
as it comprises a combination of gaseous and particu- from different sources, such as burning fossil fuels for
late contaminants. Both indoor and outdoor air quality heating, transportation, and production of electricity,
are affected by air pollution, which can either originate as well as waste incineration. Typical indoor sources of
from indoor sources or be brought into buildings from pollution include cleaning products, office equipment,
the outdoor environment. Given that people spend cooking, and biological activities by humans, pets, and
most of their time indoors, exposure to air pollution mould [10, 11].
primarily occurs inside buildings. This exposure has
been linked to adverse effects on the immune [1], res- To mitigate the negative impacts of outdoor-to-indoor
piratory, and cardiovascular systems [2-4], as well as an pollution transfer, the use of supply air filters in the
increased risk of lung cancer [5] and premature mor- ventilation system improves indoor air quality. To
tality [3]. Short-term symptoms of exposure to poor reduce the impact of indoor pollutants, the most effec-
indoor air quality include headaches, eye, nose, and tive approaches are to reduce or eliminate those sources
throat irritation, fatigue [6], and asthma [7], which can and to ventilate the space with cleaned outdoor air. An
lead to decreased productivity and increased workplace alternative technical solution to increase ventilation
absenteeism [8]. rates with outdoor air is to utilize filters. This can be
carried out by three different methods: filtering air Approximately 35% of the energy used by commer-
centrally using the HVAC system, placing air cleaners cial and residential buildings is attributed to HVAC
in each room [12], and utilizing a combined active systems [14], underscoring the significant role these
chilled beam with a filter. systems play in the overall energy use of the building
sector. Therefore, it is crucial for HVAC systems to
Studies suggest that filtration can enhance the effec- operate at their optimal efficiency in today’s context
tiveness of source control and ventilation in enhancing [15]. The energy use of HVAC components varies
indoor air quality. Installing a portable air cleaner or significantly based on various factors such as building
using the air filter in a cooker hood or using recirculation type, glazing percentage, and properties, the efficiency
in combination with a filter in the HVAC system can of heat recovery, occupancy patterns, internal gains,
be an effective strategy to reduce indoor air pollution. building location, and climate. Moreover, the ven-
tilation system design (natural or mechanical) and
Air filtration technologies need to address a range of operation time, which can differ depending on the
pollutants, each requiring a different mechanism for building type (residential or commercial) and occu-
removal or degradation. Different types of air filters pancy, significantly affect the system’s energy use.
have their own strengths and limitations in removing
specific pollutants. This complexity can result in cum- Fans are responsible for air distribution and typically
bersome and complicated multi-stage air filtration consume around 34% of the total energy used by ventila-
systems. The challenge of simultaneously removing tion systems [16]. The power required to run an HVAC
both particle and gaseous pollutants necessitates a fan is influenced by several system design parameters
better understanding of the mechanisms involved. such as air flow, flow resistance, and fan efficiency.
One potential solution is the combination of multi- The air flow rate and fan system efficiency are deter-
stage devices into a single-stage air filter, an area that mined by the system’s needs, equipment selection, and
remains underexplored. Achieving a balance between building requirements, whereas flow resistance depends
healthy air quality, energy efficiency, and the effective- on component selection and ventilation system design.
ness of the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning Air filters introduce air resistance into the system, and
(HVAC) system requires careful consideration of their contribution to the total system pressure drop can
HVAC components. range from 20% to 50%, depending on the loading con-
ditions, filter efficiency, and system configuration [17].
When designing filters for air cleaning, it is important
to consider several criteria. One of these criteria is total Providing a comfortable indoor climate requires tech-
building efficiency, which can be enhanced by creating nical installations that consume a considerable amount
filters with a lower pressure drop, reducing energy of energy. To reduce energy demand and maintain an
consumption while maintaining the filter’s pollutant optimal indoor environment, new solutions based on
removal capacity. Another challenge is to develop filters the needs and activities of occupants must be devel-
that do not add complexity to the ventilation system. oped. The objective of this study is to investigate
Moreover, solutions that are easy to produce, operate, the feasibility of utilizing advanced air purification
and maintain while also being cost-effective should technology in combination with different ventilation
be prioritized to ensure their widespread adoption in strategies to improve indoor air quality and optimize
buildings. energy use. The study aims to evaluate the benefits
and drawbacks of these alternative system solutions.
An HVAC system works diligently to ensure that occu-
pants of a building are provided with the ideal thermal
Building model
climate and satisfactory air quality required for their
activities, compensating for any shortcomings in the The building model was chosen to be representative
building’s tightness. of a typical office room located on the middle floor
of a high-rise building. The room has a heated area
Two primary mechanical ventilation systems are of 16 m² and a volume of 48 m³. All the surfaces
commonly used: extract ventilation systems which rely are considered adiabatic (thermally isolated), except
on outdoor air supplied through wall vents and windows for the south-oriented façade (wall), where ambient
and balanced ventilation systems using heat recovery boundary conditions are applied. This facade also
and filtration. Natural and hybrid ventilation systems includes a window of 6 m². The facade has two parts,
are also used; however, traditional natural ventilation an opaque element, and a glass element, with U-values
systems do not include air filtration in their design. of 0.3 W/m²K and 1.5 W/m²K, respectively. Shading
System models
devices are installed outside the window, which can
block 50% of incoming radiation when direct solar Four different HVAC system configurations were
radiation on the south facade is higher than 150 W/m². implemented, namely: 1) Reference case, 2) System-
Shadings from nearby obstacles are not considered. based filter, 3) Room-based filter, and 4) Beam-based
Hourly resolution profiles for occupancy, appliances,
and lighting were used to represent user behaviour The reference case (Figure 1) represents a typical
and internal heat gains. The profiles were generated office ventilation system consisting of a heat recovery
based on different user behaviours for weekdays and unit, a heating coil, and supply and return fans.
weekends. The peak heat gain was assumed during The heat recovery unit was modelled as a rotary heat
working hours on weekdays and was set 20 W/m². exchanger where the speed of rotations (effective-
The natural infiltration rate was assumed to be constant ness) was regulated according to the actual needs in
and the air change per hour was set to 0.2 ACH. terms of heat transfer between supply and return air
streams. The maximum effectiveness was set to 0.8.
The filter was modelled to reduce the concentration An outdoor air flow rate of 20 ℓ/s is delivered to
of pollutants by 80%, with CO₂ being used as the the office room by the supply fan. The office room
primary pollutant. During working hours, an indoor receives an outdoor air flow rate of 20 ℓ/s from the
production of 9.1E-6 kg/s of CO₂ was assumed, while supply fan, which has an efficiency of 0.6. The ducts
an outdoor concentration of 400 ppm was used as a were set to have pressure drops of 150 Pa, whereas
reference concentration. the heat recovery unit was set to have a pressure drop
of 200 Pa. The heating coil, which maintains the
An ideal space heating and cooling system was modelled supply air temperature at 20°C, was assumed to have
in order to keep the indoor air temperature within the a pressure drop of 50 Pa.
range of 20-24°C equal for all systems simulated.
The case “system-based filter”, as shown in Figure 2, an effective strategy for improving indoor climate
introduces a filter at the system level. This allows for in offices. Furthermore, the measurement results
lower outdoor air flow rates by filtering return air from of the combined system showed that adding the
the room. For this case, an outdoor air flow of 7 ℓ/s was filter accelerated the removal rate of the particles by
assumed, with a 50 Pa pressure drop set for the filter. 2 h-1. However, the efficiency of the chilled beam
It’s worth noting that this approach allows for smaller in exchanging heat was reduced by 38% when the
ducts to be installed in correspondence to the heat pressure loss was less than 5 Pa.
recovery unit. The filter was modelled accordingly.
It should be noted that the reduction in efficiency
The case “room-based filter” introduces a filter at room depends on a lower induction rate in the chilled
level, as illustrated in Figure 3. In this case, the air is beam. In the above-mentioned study [19], the induc-
filtered within the room using a small fan. It’s worth tion rate is reduced from approximately 3 to 2. In
noting that, such fans are generally less efficient, with a the present study, the induction rate is less than 2.
typical value of 0.25 assumed in this study. A pressure It means that the size of the chilled beam must be
drop of 50 Pa was set for the filter. larger when installing a filter to keep the same cooling
The case “beam-based filter” introduces a filter incor-
porated into a chilled beam unit, as shown in Figure 4. Energy demand
In this case, the induced room air is filtered by a device Figure 5 shows the annual cumulative energy use
integrated into the beam unit. To induce air through for space heating in the four system configurations.
the beam unit, the pressure drop in the duct system The profiles are remarkably similar for the cases room-
was increased to 210 Pa. based filter and beam-based filter. The highest energy
demand 23.8 kWh/m² were observed in the reference
case. This is attributed to the lack of air recirculation
Results and discussion
in the reference case, resulting in lower indoor air
A previous study [18] explored the combination of temperatures compared to the other cases.
active chilled beams (ACBs) and air cleaning tech-
nologies to improve indoor air quality in offices. Figure 6 shows the annual cumulative energy use for
The researchers conducted laboratory experiments space cooling. The highest energy use was observed in
to test the effectiveness of a low-pressure mechanical the cases room-based filter and beam-based filter, with
filter in removing particles from the air in combina- their profiles being almost identical. Conversely, the
tion with ACBs. The results showed that the combined lowest energy demand was observed in the reference
system was effective in removing both large and small case. This can be attributed to the higher amount of
particles from the air, resulting in improved indoor outdoor air being supplied to the room in the reference
air quality. The study suggests that the combina- case, thereby increasing the potential for free cooling
tion of ACBs and air-cleaning technologies can be during the summer months.
Figure 5. annual cumulative energy use for space Figure 6. annual cumulative energy use for space
heating. cooling.
Figure 7 shows the annual cumulative energy demand Figure 9 shows the total primary energy use for the
for the heating coil. The highest energy demand was four cases. A factor of 0.8 was used to convert space
observed for the reference case (24.3 kWh/m²), heating and heating coil energy use to primary energy
whereas the lowest energy demand was observed for use (assuming district heating or boiler as heat source).
the system-based filter (5.8 kWh/m²). This can be For electricity, a factor of 2.5 was used. It was assumed
attributed to the higher amount of outdoor air being that space cooling was provided by a chiller with a
supplied to the room in the reference case. seasonal coefficient of performance (COP) of 2.5.
It can be noticed that the integration of a filter in
Figure 8 shows the annual cumulative electricity energy the beam unit resulted in primary energy savings of
demand for fans. The highest energy demand values approximately 26% in comparison to the reference
were observed for the reference case (13.7 kWh/m²), case, as observed in the figure.
while the lowest values were observed for the beam-
based filter (5.2 kWh/m²). This is attributed to the Indoor CO₂ concentration
recirculation of air that occurred through induction in In the present study, the concentration of indoor CO₂
the beam-based filter case, which is more efficient than is used as a measure of overall indoor air quality.
using a fan in the room (as in the room-based filter case).
Figure 7. annual cumulative energy use for the heating coil. Figure 8. annual cumulative electric energy use for fans.
Figure 10. The CO₂ concentration during a typical day • The system using filters has the lowest energy
for the reference case (no filter) and for the cases that demand for the heating coil, whereas the reference
integrate a filter (with filter). case has the highest demand.
Federation of
European Heating,
Ventilation and
Air Conditioning
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[14] CORDIS EU Research results, “EnE-HVAC - Energy Efficient Heat Exchangers for HVAC Applications.” [Online]. Available:
[16] COAG, “Guide to Best Practice Maintenance & Operation of HVAC Systems for Energy Efficiency,” Council of Australian
Governments, National Strategy on Energy Efficiency, Tech. Rep. January, 2012.
[17] B. Stephens, J. A. Siegel, and A. Novoselac, “Energy implications of filtration in residential and light-commercial
buildings,” ASHRAE Transactions, vol. 116 PART 1, no. January 2010, pp. 346–357, 2010.
[18] Siamak Rahimi Ardkapan, Alireza Afshari, Niels C. Bergsøe, Amalie Gunner, Jasmine Afshari, “Combining active chilled
beams and air cleaning technologies to improve indoor climate in offices: Testing a low pressure mechanical filter in
a laboratory environment”, 10th International Conference on Healthy Buildings 2012, Volume 1, 2012, Pages 27-32,
Brisbane, QLD; Australia.
massively financed by European Union. There are still Although legal obligations are provided in the National
barriers in the value chain, making the nZEB concept legal framework by transposing the provisions of the
difficult to arrive at the final users. This discrepancy is 2010/31/EU Directive, the Nearly Zero Energy Building
even higher when compared within different countries. (nZEB) concept does not seem to be easily applicable yet
in many countries from EU. Previous research showed
A significant problem in the nZEB process is the per- that defining the cost- feasible optimal integration of
formance gap between the designed and actual energy the technologies suitable for nZEB and the skills gaps
performance in buildings. Main reasons behind that experienced by the building sector are among the most
are: inadequate design, bad quality of the construction important barriers. While the current qualification
work, lack of soft landings, lack of continuous commis- courses and training schemes are still generally, there
sioning after the installation has been handed over, lack are still at a level of not satisfactory and underdeveloped
of proper use of systems and implemented technology, to face the challenge of effective nZEB implementation,
lack of understanding of how the technologies work, the requalification to skilled professionals for renova-
too general information in O&M manual, difficulties tions and the new constructions of buildings. Despite
in changing users’ previous behaviour etc. Even if, due strong political push towards nZEB and deep energy
to EPBD implementation, the public buildings should renovation, the traditionally conservative real estate
already be nZEB, the designers still do not know how market is still slow in the uptake of the new building
to apply the nZEB requirements as indicated in the standards and practices, especially in the residential
legislation because these are still not clearly linked to sector. Considering our built environment, the policy
the current construction laws. efforts are hardly being transposed to more sustainable
and environment- friendly lifestyles, and the benefits of
Results show that feasibility studies will not be focused nearly zero- energy buildings in terms of comfort, health
on nZEB criteria but rather on the classical building and well-being are still widely unknown for the broader
functionality. Moreover, based on the feasibility study, audiences, being left out of the media attention.
tender specifications are further created for design and
execution contracts, but usually the design is consid- It can be observed that there are several causes that
ered only based on classical construction requirements. contribute to the difficult application of nZEB criteria
Thus, the result is a technical design which is not for in buildings in EU member states. The need to address
nZEB, even if it should be, and being at high risk these issues has become a necessity to increase the level
during execution phase to be blocked by the benefi- of application of nZEB. For this, a new programme
ciary consultant or inspector. This is a classical story of to facilitate the nZEB implementation, has been
the construction market in Romania. Bulgaria encoun- launched and financed from 2021, in the frame of
ters same problems. It could have another version in a H2020 project (5). The main goal of the project
Poland or Portugal. In Poland for example, the nZEB is to support the increase of the market readiness for
legislation is not really challenging. The nZEB uptake an effective nZEB implementation and to stimulate
is driven by bottom-up initiatives, which however are the demand for energy related skills and is oriented
not very frequent due to the lack of tender specifica- toward three different pillars: awareness, training, and
tions with higher energy performance. On the other support, responding to the critical points of market
hand, some more advanced countries demonstrate a barriers, as identified in most European countries.
higher degree of nZEB level, despite of the existing
specific barriers. These stories show how a two-speed The aim of nZEB Ready project is to leverage the
Europe is represented in the nZEB and energy efficient market drive by responding to 3 key questions: “Why
construction field, leading to gaps and an unharmo- nZEB?”; “Who can provide nZEB?”; and “How to
nized market. reach nZEB”. Thus, the nZEB Ready project will
prepare ready to use frameworks to answer the needs
Moreover, these barriers are considerably more impor- related to lack of awareness, lack of skilled professionals
tant in the residential field, where the concerned end and lack of support instruments, implementing the
users do not have the information on materials, con- nZEB ready labelled procedures in 5 pilot countries in
struction technologies (or renovation packages) and order to obtain a broader range of results, representa-
available funding opportunities. Thus, the market tive at European level. The frameworks obtained will
is missing important pieces from the nZEB puzzle, be validated by specific stakeholders which are already
like skilled building professionals, across the whole part of the advisory board of the consortium and will be
building design, operation and maintenance value the starting point for the nZEB readiness roadmap for
chain, ready to implement nZEB concept. further replication in a wider use at the European level.
gathering together the already existing courses from According to the study (7), most of the countries from
previous European initiatives with new courses the European Union already introduced concepts
addressing domains not covered yet, to fully complete regarding the implementation of nZEB buildings
an nZEB approach. in their regulations and national plans. From the
Figure 2, we can observe that in practice no country
Iven the discrepancies in the nZEB application between implemented the principles 100%.
European countries, the approach will be specific for
each state depending on the needs identified for each
of them but the whole courses/training framework
will facilitate the mutual recognition of energy skills
and qualifications in the building sector. Based on the
common learning results obtained from the training
programs it will be possible to develop nZEB ready
energy skills passports/registers for building profes-
sionals at regional/national level and support for their
take up at European level.
bridge evaluators and programmes for public authorities most of the training programs because the compe-
represented mainly by local administration. These ones tences are missing there. Croatia and Poland are better
will be trained and will get access to specific procedures covered in current practice. Portugal will also develop
and know-how relevant for nZEB market helping them learning programs for the missing competences iden-
to decide correctly regarding building permits authorisa- tified. The second learning program is dedicated to
tion. The circle of learning programmes will be closed execution civil engineers and MEP engineers, and it
by the modules dedicated to blue collars regarding will be divided in two learning modules, one for each
nZEB Ready competences. It is particularly important category. This program will provide learning outcomes
to outline that the level of knowledge is not the same for the stakeholders involved directly in the on-site
in each country part of the consortium. The existing execution: workers, site managers, site coordinators,
successful learning modules from some countries will site professionals, contractors etc.
serve to adapt new modules in the countries where
they are partially or completely missing. There will be Two dedicated specific modules for key specialists
new learning modules provided where they are totally in the market needed for nZEB certifying will be
missing or where the existing learning programmes are developed: blower-door testers and thermal bridges
not valuable or applicable anymore. Each of the five evaluator - infrared evaluator. These very specific skills
countries participating in the program will make an are needed to sustain the nZEB assessor to complete the
analysis of critical categories to be trained and their building certificate. Not only engineers or architects
training needs. Each country will organise pilot learning but also skilled workers could be integrated within
modules for the selected target categories and regarding these modules. The learning outcomes will be strictly
the selected training programs to prove the feasibility related to practical methods used to measure technical
of the whole nZEB Ready curriculum. The learning parameters. This kind of learning programs will be
results from the whole learning modules will cover the developed mainly in Bulgaria where they are rather
competences needed to be nZEB Ready recognised and missing and in Croatia where some adult learning
to have the “nZEB Ready passport”. Finally, the nZEB programs or university learning programs exist but are
Ready curriculum will be integrated in the nZEB Ready not enough. In Romania and Portugal there are already
platform web- development to ensure the content dedi- developed continuous learning programs dedicated to
cated to continuous learning training and certification the above professional skills, which needs however to
program for mutual recognition. be significantly improved. Even so, each partner from
the consortium will develop pilot modules in its own
Two main learning programs categories will be country for blower-door testers and thermal bridge
defined here based on the needs identified. The first evaluators as it is outlined in the table below.
program is dedicated to the nZEB auditors and to the
nZEB designers, architects or engineers. The training Specialized training programs for blue collars profes-
program is addressed to architects and engineers which sionals to integrate the learning outcomes regarding
are already energy auditors, and the learning outcomes the nZEB buildings corresponding to the appropriate
will allow the graduates to assess an existing building level of knowledge. The learning program related to
and, in addition to the energy audit of the building, this task will be split in two modules: 1) Construction
will provide technical solutions to increase the energy skills related to nZEB; 2) Mechanical, electrical and
efficiency of the house toward nZEB. The program is plumbing (MEP) skills related to nZEB. They will
dedicated also to the design of nZEB addressing the attend either the Construction skills module, or the
three professionals’ categories involved in achieving MEP skills module depending on their specialization.
the nZEB target: architects, civil engineers and MEP
engineers. The purpose of this learning program is to Not the least, Public Authorities Staff and other
cover the gap of knowledge between nZEB concept decision makers will gain a deep understanding of the
principles and normal building principles, which is impact of policy instruments for supporting nZEB ini-
designed on a daily basis in each country. The designers tiatives and support their specific design. The decision
will need to focus on a new integrated design concept makers involved will get access to specific procedures
and to unify their knowledge to design nZEB build- and know-how relevant for nZEB market. This partici-
ings. There will be six course modules: Thermal pation can provide transparency and confidence in the
bridges calculation, Mechanical ventilation system long- term perspective of this sector. In particular, this
with heat recovery, Building air tightness evaluation, learning program is dedicated to people working mainly
Solar Shading systems, Bioclimatic Design Renewable in local or central administration services who are gen-
energy sources. Romania and Bulgaria will implement erally responsible for the building permit authorisation.
The last part of the learning programme consists in barriers and needs, generated by the lack of skilled
creating and developing content dedicated to contin- professionals which are essential in the nZEB construc-
uous learning training and certification programs for tion chain, by expanding the pool of nZEB specialists
mutual recognition. The learning programs curriculum for the design, execution, evaluation and validation of
will be integrated to an online platform locally by each nZEB projects through dedicated training modules
participant. and replication activities.
The acknowledgement can be used to mention support from a funding organisation or from people who are not
named as co-author. If the research presented received an in cash or in-kind contribution from a funding agency,
government, companies or anyone else, please mention that here.
[1] World GBC. Global Status Report 2017 [Internet]. 2017. Available from:
[2] European Council for an Energy Efficient Economy. European Energy Efficiency Plan [Internet]. 2011.
Available from:
[3] Buildings Performance Institute Europe. Europe’s buildings under the microscope. 2011; Available from:
[4] European_Commission. Energy Performance Buildings Directive [Internet]. Available from: https://
[5] H2020_Project. Enhancing market readiness for nZEB implementation - nZEB Ready , call: H2020-LC-SC3-
EE-2020-2, proiect: 101033733, Sep 2021 - Aug 2024.
[6] Attia S, Eleftheriou P, Xeni F, Morlot R, Ménézo C, Kostopoulos V, et al. Overview and future challenges of
nearly zero energy buildings (nZEB) design in Southern Europe. Energy Build. 2017 Nov 15;155:439–58.
[7] Buildings Performance Institute Europe. nZEB definitions across Europe. 2016; Available from: https://www.
Abstract: The HVAC sector is essential to realize the energy transition and is facing
numerous challenges like educating enough HVAC engineers to carry out the task and
being able to integrate knowledge from the construction, energy, IT and health sectors
and to cope with rapid technological changes. The availability of structured and easy-to-
follow courses on HVAC and energy systems for buildings at higher education level could
help to motivate (future) engineers to contribute to the HVAC sector, and to understand
how challenging and high-tech it is. Such a course program would ideally also bring a basic
understanding of the field to architects and building engineers, in such a way that a better
common ground is created for collaboration and integrated design. It would also be useful
to Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence experts joining the HVAC sector. Last but not
least, it could help bridging the gap between engineering and policy making, by here too,
offering common views on primary energy, resource depletion and CO₂ emissions relating
to HVAC systems. The paper describes the structure and content of such an on-line course
program. It was developed based on years of teaching experience with international master
students of Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Architecture, Technical Management
and Policy, Electrical Engineering and with professionals from housing associations,
ministries and municipalities. The choices for the program structure, based on systems
engineering, are underpinned and explained, as well as the choices for specific contents.
Additionally, experience with the development of self-assessment tools for students, and
self-paced courses is shared, as well as the feed-back from students. A first version of the
course program was tested on the edX platform with more than 5000 students participating
in each module and is publicly available.
Keywords: On-line education; HVAC; Building services; Professional program; MOOC
at higher education level could help to motivate
The Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (future) engineers to contribute to the HVAC sector,
(HVAC) sector is essential to realize the energy transi- and to understand how challenging and high-tech
tion and is facing numerous challenges like educating it is. Such a course program would ideally also
enough HVAC engineers to carry out the task and being bring a basic understanding of the field to archi-
able to integrate knowledge from the construction, tects and building engineers, in such a way that a
energy, IT and health sectors and to cope with rapid better common ground is created for collaboration
technological changes. However, the building services and integrated design. It would also be useful to
sector is facing huge challenges. These challenges have Machine Learning and AI experts joining the HVAC
been identified in studies in the Netherlands [1], or in sector. Last but not least, it could help bridging the
the European BuildUpSkills project [2]. Dealing with gap between engineering and policy making, by here
these challenges have become even more important too, offering common views on primary energy,
because they are decisive in realizing the targets of the resource depletion and CO₂ emissions relating to
energy transition. In detail the challenges relevant to HVAC systems.
this study include the following:
This paper describes the contents of an online program
1. Need for a fast-growing professional work force: of four courses, and the choices that were made in
There are too few people working in the sector to terms of structure and premise (section 2) and learning
realize the transition. According to TechniekNL objectives and contents of each of the four courses
[1], there is a shortage of 3000 workers per year (section 3-6), In section 7 we finally reflect briefly on
in the Dutch sector. This has two implications the experience with the first run.
related to education considering a) the continuous
professional development of the current work-
Structure of the course
force as also b) the education of new employees,
mainly having no background in building or Target Groups
energy engineering services. Three target groups were defined, based on the chal-
lenges described in Section 1:
2. Rapid change of technologies as also related
competences: The sector is facing rapid changes 1. Starting professionals with a technical background
in energy techniques (e.g. all electric instead of like mechanical engineering, architecture indus-
gas-driven; low temperature heating networks, trial design or electrical engineering who want
integration of heating and electrical networks, or need to get acquainted with indoor climate
NZEB buildings); engineering methods(e.g. systems, including sustainable energy systems.
digitization, circularity, design for maintenance);
types of contracts (e.g. performance contracts 2. Traditional HVAC engineers used to piping and
including maintenance; lease); and processes sizing calculations of conventional systems who
(e.g. industrialization, prefab, turnkey).These want to broaden their view towards sustainable
changes are driven by societal needs while only and renewable systems.
a few innovators and early adaptors develop and
start mastering these issues, leaving the question 3. Technology-minded policy makers who want to
open how to accelerate fostering the maturity of be introduced to the basics of energy usage in
the early majority. buildings.
3. Uptake of basic and integrated knowledge: the To match the target groups, it was decided that the
main questions here are how to increase and level of Maths and Physics should be kept limited to
improve the uptake of knowledge inside the high school level in natural/economics sciences.
company (from senior to junior and vice-versa;
cross-specialism (e.g. from electrical to mechan- Overall structure of the course program
ical. From design departments to maintenance An analysis of the knowledge needed to understand
department) balancing between innovation, risk and make basic designs of sustainable, renewable-based
management, lack of time and workforce. and low carbon-emission indoor climates and energy
systems was conducted, based on multiple discussions
The availability of structured and easy-to-follow and collaborations between the university and compa-
courses on HVAC and energy systems for buildings nies working in the field of indoor climate, energy and
HVAC design. To the authors’ opinion, the premise the precedent courses (like insulation or emissions by
can be categorized as follows: burning fuels) and introduces some HVAC systems
already. So, depending on the level of the learner, it
1. Because of the importance of energy use in new can be better to follow them in the order.
regulations, conventional maximum load calcu-
lation is not sufficient anymore and should be The fourth course integrates the 3 domains and build up
complemented by energy usage estimation on on them, introducing specific HVAC-related knowledge.
yearly basis. So, a part of the course program
should address this. In sections 3 to 6 each of these courses is explained
in terms of leaning objectives, learning contents and
2. If in the past it was sufficient to know how to size activities.
a boiler, multiple options for sustainable energy
conversion are present nowadays, and often need Cognitive Levels & Constructive Alignment
to be combined. So a part of the course should The effectiveness of teaching is known (e.g. [3]) to
address these possibilities and make sure learners depend strongly on the appropriate correspondence
do not focus on the one specific solution they between learning activities and the desired cogni-
know, but are aware of all others and can make an tive level, which is called constructive alignment. As
informed choice, accounting for primary energy for the cognitive levels, we used the ones from the
use and CO₂-emissions. widely applied Bloom’s taxonomy [4], as represented
in Figure 2.
3. In comparison to industrial applications of
energy, applications in buildings strongly relate The course is an organized mix of the 5 highest level.
to indoor health and comfort, which is a point Lectures and simple quizzes provide understanding and
acknowledged very well by professionals, but direct application of the knowledge. More elaborated
completely overlooked by engineers/students quizzes vary in level from ‘applying’ to ‘evaluating’.
from other disciplines, although the COVID-19 Finally, a ‘creating’ level was introduced in the course
pandemic may have changed this a bit. So, health ‘Energy Demand’ in which the students have to create
and comfort should certainly have a place in the an own design, reviewed by their peers.
Specific for online courses Salmon introduced an
4. Modern HVAC design should include and inte- additional 5 stage scale [6] stating that knowledge
grate the three perspectives above. With regards construction by a learner is only one of the phases of
to the target group, the focus should not be on learning. In addition to this 4th stage, much attention
detailed engineering but rather on the principles must be put to: motivating students through efficient
leading to efficient design of HVAC systems. access, welcoming and encouraging (stage 1); Online
socialization (stage 2); Information exchange like
The proposed course structure is therefore as described facilitating tasks and supporting the use of learning
in Figure 1. The courses Energy demand, Energy materials (stage 3); and finally facilitating further
Supply Systems and Health & Comfort can be followed development (e.g. links to external sites, stage 5).
independently and in a random order. However, the
dotted lines in the graphic indicate that some basic
principles like conservation of energy and the related
energy balances are explained in Energy Demand, but
not in Energy Supply Systems. The course Health &
Comfort makes use of a few concepts explained in
Efficient HVAC
In the development of the program stages 1 and 2 The second objective is to discover what type of heat
are offered by discussion groups moderated from Edx losses and gains take place in buildings and to learn how
and TU Delft and by putting much attention to the to estimate these heat flows using simple meteorological
introductions of each week, explanations and activa- data and building materials properties. This way, steady-
tion of the learners by asking about their expectations state heat transfer by transmission, ventilation, solar
or sharing their experience in their own countries. In radiation or caused by internal sources are estimated.
this paper we address only stages 2 and 3, which relate
to the contents. In the first version of the course stage 5 This is combined with the third learning objective which
was somehow neglected due to time constraints. is to learn to make estimates of space heating and cooling
loads on an hourly basis by using simple static energy
Each course consists of 4 to 5 weeks of lessons, organ- balances. Week 2 therefore includes the following:
ized thematically. Each week consists of 6 to 8 lectures
of 10-15 minutes, coupled to many exercises in the 1. Principle and components of the energy balance
form of quizzes to help the learners to understand and in buildings
apply their knowledge. Much attention was put to 2. Heat transfer by transmission
make the course suitable for all types of climates over 3. Heat transfer by ventilation and infiltration
the world and to build understanding of the specific 4. Solar gains
challenges in warm, cold, moderate, dry or humid 5. Internal Heat gains
climates. The course can be used for both new build- 6. Guided example heating & cooling loads
ings and renovation projects. Learners are expected to
study 6-7 hours a week. The fourth objective is to discover and apply diverse
methods how to extend load estimates to yearly
energy demand, which is essential to make sure that
Energy Demand in Buildings
a building is energy efficient and to estimate energy
The main objective of this course is to discover how savings and energy costs. The following subjects are
building design and occupancy determine the energy handled in week 3:
demand in buildings and to learn how to (re)design
buildings with a low energy demand. This course 1. The difference between energy use and loads
relates therefore to building design. It is based on the (kWh and kW)
extension of the approach proposed in [7]. 2. Nominal loads and size of heating and cooling
Learning Objectives and Subjects 3. Annual energy demand for space heating and
As building design strongly influences the quantity of cooling (full load hours, degree days and hourly
heating, cooling and electricity needed during building simulations over a year)
operation, a correct thermal design is essential to 4. Annual energy demand and loads for hot tap water
achieve low energy and low carbon buildings, with 5. Annual energy demand for electricity (appliances
good indoor air quality. and lighting)
6. Introduction to hourly based steady-state annual
The first objective of the course is to enable learners energy simulation with Excel
to understand the basic principles of the energy chain:
demand, supply and distribution; and how they relate The fifth and final objective is to learn how to optimize
to design principles for sustainable and energy-efficient building’s thermal design and to determine (for
buildings. This is handled in week 1, in which the instance) the optimal window size or the optimum
following subjects are addressed: insulation thickness, and more generally to understand
and be able to make simple calculations on thermal
1. The importance of energy use in Buildings (e.g. interactions between building components and to
climate, resources, comfort), relation with EPBD make informed decisions on how to increase the energy
and with other sectors efficiency of new and existing buildings. The setup of
2. The energy chain: from demand to supply this week is different as the students have to actively
3. Design strategies (e.g 3-steps strategy; Reduce; use the excel simulation sheet to come to insights and
Renewable; Efficiency) answers. They had to do this using both a climate year
4. Energy Efficient Building concepts (e.g. passive, in a moderate climate (de Bilt in the Netherlands) and
(N)ZEB) in a hot climate (Mumbai, India). Sample answers were
5. The basics of indoor comfort given after each exercise for both climates. The case
study was a large office building, the geometry and If learners choose for b (which is the right answer),
thermal characteristics of which were given. they are congratulated and also see the right calcula-
tion procedure. If they choose a wrong answer, they
1. Determine cooling, heating & electricity demands get a hint, e.g. if they have answered a) or d): ‘you
and loads are probably confused between U and Rc (U = 1/Rc)’;
2. Effect of varying occupancy and various ventila- Or, if they have answered c): ‘You have added to the
tion systems (including passive cooling) resistance the αi and αo heat transfer coefficients, but
3. Effect of diverse levels of facade/roof/floor that is not the definition of Rc’.; Or, if they answered
insulation e): ‘you have forgotten to convert the mm into meters’.
4. Effect of type, size, orientation of windows and
solar blinds
Energy Supply Systems
5. Combine all knowledge to design a low energy
building in NL and Mumbai. The main objective of this second course is to discover
how to convert natural resources into heat, cold and
Finally, a final video recaps what students have learned electricity, what the capabilities of renewable systems
and put much attention to the limitations of the approach are, how to simply match energy supply with build-
(e.g. steady state modelling, neglecting thermal bridges) ings’ energy demand (the preceding course), and
and what they still could learn in other courses. what that means for energy efficiency and carbon
emissions. The working principles of the diverse
Example of Self-Assessment after a Lecture systems are explained without going too much into
As the course is self-paced, and therefore teachers are not the details of all components, with as less as possible
available to correct exercises, self-assessment is essential. formulas, except when it comes to efficiencies and
If self-assessment using quizzes may seem too simple CO₂-emissions. Here too, the course is (partly based
or boring, they also can be made exciting if they are on the approach proposed in [7].
correctly designed, accounting on beforehand for most
types of misunderstandings learners can come through. Learning Objectives and Subjects
They should include guidance about these faults. The first step is to consider how to convert natural
resources into the energy needed by buildings: what
In the following example, a picture of a mineral wool are the options to create heat, cold and electricity?
package (Figure 3) is shown to the students and they Students will also learn about efficiency and use this
have to choose the right answer from 5 possibilities. They concept to estimate building’s primary energy use and
cannot find the right answer without making the complete carbon emissions. These methods are widely used in
calculation, so they are forced to exercise. Alternatively, many national and international policies and building
they can try all answers and learn from the feedback and regulations, and are essential to counteract climate
hints included after choosing any of the answers. change.
first week, as easy-to-understand illustration of effi- using a minimum of natural resources and producing
ciency and carbon emissions. a minimum of carbon emissions. Week 4 is shorter
than others to allow time for the final assessment for
Week 1: certified learners.
1. Recap on energy demand (energy vs power, prin-
ciple of energy balance) 1. Solar heat
2. Overview of supply systems for heating (resist- 2. Solar electric (photovoltaic)
ance, fuel burning, heat pumps, waste heat, 3. Guided example NZEB and energy positive
geothermal, solar), cooling (chillers, evaporative, buildings.
geothermal cold) and electricity
3. Efficiency of systems and Primary Energy
Health & Comfort in Buildings
4. CO₂ and CO₂-eq emissions, calculation principles
5. Electrical Resistance Heating and grid efficiency The main objectives of this course are to raise aware-
6. Fuel burning in boilers ness about the determinants and importance of a
7. Guided boiler example with annual primary healthy indoor environment and to enable the learners
energy, resources used, CO₂-emissions, invest- to apply the basics of thermal comfort and indoor
ments costs and energy costs health theories when designing buildings and their
energy systems. People spend more than 80% of their
Week 2 time in buildings. Therefore, a good thermal comfort
1. Heat Exchangers and quality of the indoor environment are essential
2. Heat pumps and chillers: working principle for their wellbeing, health and productivity. Part of
3. (Seasonal) Efficiency of heat pumps((S)COP) the course is based on [8, 9,10].
4. Geothermal Systems
5. Chillers and their efficiency ((S)EER) Prior to the first week, learners were invited-if they
6. Evaporative cooling and Environmental cold wanted to, to fill in an anonymous survey about their
7. Guided example on a reversible heat pump (same health and comfort at home. This survey is described
setup as in week 1) in [11] and is repeatedly used to collect new data. Next
to activate the students, it is also useful for research
The objective of the third week is to understand elec- purposes.
tricity generation methods using turbines (fuel-burning
and nuclear based, wind, hydro), photovoltaics and The objective of week 1 is to understand what is Indoor
hydrogen fuel cells. It is often left out from courses on Environmental Quality (IEQ), what are its parameters
buildings’ energy use. It is however essential to fully and how it impacts health. After IEQ has been defined,
understand primary energy use and CO₂-emissions of two aspects of it, lighting and acoustical qualities are
buildings, and their relation to the electrical grid. This handled briefly. In Bloom’s taxonomy we are working
week is also meant to learn how cogeneration of heat and here at the level of remembering and understanding. As
power works and relates to smart heating and cooling the focus of the course program is on thermal energy
grids, and why this is important for the rational use systems, we have chosen to address these 2 aspects only
of energy resources. lightly in order to put the focus on indoor air quality
and thermal comfort, who are both affected greatly by
1. Combustion based electricity generation (gen- thermal systems (including ventilation).
erator with (combined) gas turbine, steam turbine
(including nuclear)) 1. Why is environmental quality important (links
2. Waste heat, cogeneration and rational use of with diseases and disorders)?
energy 2. What is environmental quality (lighting, acous-
3. Electricity from geothermal heat, hydropower and tical, thermal and air qualities)?
wind 3. Lighting Quality: relation with health
4. Hydrogen Technology and smart grids 4. Lighting quality: parameters of light indoors
5. Acoustical quality: relation with health
Finally, the last two objectives of the course, handled 6. Acoustical quality: parameters of sound indoors
in week 4, are to understand solar systems, and to apply
the knowledge gained during the course to design The second week of the course is devoted to thermal
efficient building concepts in order to match build- comfort with the objectives to familiarize the learners
ings’ energy demand while keeping costs acceptable,
with the two main theories currently in use and to filtering, clean components and piping and avoid
apply them to assess simple building designs. recirculation)
3. Clean components for ventilation systems (char-
1. Thermal quality and homeostasis (link with acteristics of filters, humidifiers, heat exchangers
energy balance of human body and the 6 thermal and location air supply)
comfort parameters, consequently handled in the 4. Healthy air supply (clean ducts, noise prevention,
following lectures) draught in supply grilles)
2. Metabolism and Clothing 5. Façade & Ventilation: design of ventilation
3. Air Temperature and Velocity; comfort diagrams openings, acoustical and thermal insulation
4. Relative Air Humidity, simple definition and of openings, façade heat recovery, outdoor air
comfort diagrams quality, double skin facades.
5. Mean Radiant Temperature, definition, relation 6. Window design: thermal and lighting qualities
with insulation and comfort diagrams and control in cold and warm climates, outside
6. Fanger’s Comfort Model (PMV and PPD) view
7. Local Discomfort 7. Energy efficient artificial lighting control (needed
8. Adaptive Comfort Model light levels, electricity use of diverse types of
lighting, configurations and zoning)
The third week is entirely devoted to indoor air quality 8. Room heaters and coolers: energy efficiency and
(IAQ), with the objective of the learners becoming comfort (air-based & water-based heaters and
aware of all parameters of IAQ and being aware of coolers, their temperatures and relation to mean
efficient control strategies in the design of ventilation radiant temperature, noise and draught and to
systems. A special lecture was devoted to the COVID energy use)
pandemic and aerosols.
Efficient HVAC systems
1. Reception of air and Health Effects
2. Parameters of Indoor Air (particles; gaseous pol- All three previous courses are integrated into this
lutant and humidity) last one, with as main learning objective to apply the
3. Pollutants and Sources: Particles (sizes; biological knowledge in HVAC design practices at the level of
and chemical; health effects) basic and preliminary designs. In the design of the
4. Pollutants and Sources: Gaseous pollutants (inor- course, we aimed at linking with more conventional
ganic; VOCs; health effects) HVAC design courses –generally focused on air
5. SARS Cov-2 (particle; droplets and aerosols) handling units (AHU) and to complete the under-
6. Control strategies (low emitting materials; fil- standing of learners with essential subjects that were
tering of air and cleaning of ventilation systems; not covered before, like dealing with humidification
appropriate ventilation strategies) and de-humidification. The course is based for a part
on [10], [12], [13].
To close this third week, the general results of the home
survey like held in week 1 are discussed. The first week of the course is therefore a recap of
all three previous courses, presenting the essentials of
The objective of the last week of the course is that the energy demand, energy supply and health & comfort,
students learn to apply their knowledge on the design to which an additional lecture on the basics of heat
of healthy buildings and to assess and analyse practices exchangers was added.
in building design and HVAC systems. All concepts
learned before are translated to engineering aspects. The second week handles humid air, humidification
In this sense week 4 is also an introduction to HVAC and dehumidification processes and processes in air
systems. The subjects handled are the following: handling units. The students should be able to describe
related processes and to make simple calculations of
1. What is a healthy building? (Summary of pre- energy use and humidity contents. They learn to do so
ceding weeks, with much attention to control using either Mollier diagrams, psychrometrics charts
possibilities, which are worked out in next or equations, to fit with habits in their own country.
lectures) Learners can test their knowledge about equations
2. Introduction to healthy HVAC systems (basic if they want, but the attention is put to the use of
description of air handling units, needs for diagrams and charts, as it fits better with the lower
mathematical background of many students. Week 2 1. Enabling control (sizing, zoning, readjusting,
is organized as follows: combining, buffering)
2. Design for control: zoned HVAC systems (zoning
1. Introduction to properties of humid air of distribution ducts for flexibility in use and
2. Psychrometric charts and humidity maximum efficiency; Introduction to Process
3. Dew point: condensation, cooling & de-humid- and instrumentation diagrams (P&IDs)
ification processes 3. Readjustments systems at room level (mixed
4. Enthalpy of humid air; Heating and cooling air/water systems; central and decentral control;
processes graphical review of possible configurations, for
5. Wet bulb temperature and humidification instance like in shown in Figure 4)
processes 4. Load duration curves and generator combina-
6. Handling of humid air: summary of the possible tions; relation to investment costs and energy use
processes. 5. Buffers for peak shaving, renewable energy and
match between supply and demand; Design of
The third week has been designed to familiarize the buffers
students with the diverse types of air, heat and cold dis- 6. HVAC operation control: basics of control
tribution systems in buildings. We know from previous (sensors, actuators, controllers) and application
courses that knowledge is very local and it may be to temperature, pressure, flowrate and humidity
difficult for students to realize that there are diverse control, using P&IDs.
options. For instance, learners from hot climates are
not aware of water-based heat distribution systems, The last week of the course handles design and control
while learners from cold climates may not realize the of integrated systems for Net Zero Energy Buildings.
problems water-based cold distribution systems would It starts with a lecture about the design process itself,
cause. In each presentation calculation examples are before digging into the aspects of technical design. This
given and systems are visualized. The contents of includes 2 subjects on specific designs for moderate
week 3 are: and cold climates, 2 subjects specific to hot climates,
and stresses finally the importance of aquifer thermal
1. Overview of possibilities to transport hygienic storage systems (ATES).
air, heat and cold and their possible interactions;
Advantages and disadvantages; Duct sizes) 1. Design process for efficient HVAC systems
2. Air handling units: the theoretical processes (aims, collaboration with other experts, process
described in week 1 are applied n AHUs from program of requirement to maintenance,
3. Transport of air in ducts (location of supply, commissioning)
velocity & noise, sizing and efficient routing of 2. Efficient control of conditioned air from AHUS
ducts) (CAV & VAV; energy efficient setpoint tempera-
4. Pressure drop in ducts and fan energy ture control; flow patterns in rooms)
5. Transport of heat by water systems: hydronic 3. Efficient buildings and HVAC systems for
heating (location of generation system; design of moderate and cold climates (reduced heating
hydronic networks; sizing of convective/radiant demand; high quality ventilation, emitters, gen-
emitters) erators; solar electricity; NZEB)
6. High and low temperature heating (advantages
and disadvantages in relation to comfort, energy
use and use of renewable sources)
7. Hydronic cooling (location of generation system;
design of hydronic networks; options and sizing
of emitters, low and high temperature cooling;
dew point control)
4. Heat sources for heat pumps (ground, solar, clear yet in how far policy makers have followed and/or
(ventilation) air, working modes and control, appreciated the course.
collective systems)
5. Efficient buildings and HVAC systems for hot In general, the technical/theoretical level of course 1
climates (reduced cooling demand, ventilation (Energy demand) was found to be right, while the
strategies, generators; solar electricity; NZEB) level of course 2 (Energy supply) was too high (mainly
6. Heat sinks for chillers and environmental cold because of mismatch with background on heat transfer
(air, water, ground, collective systems; absorption and heat exchangers). Course 2 was also less well-bal-
systems) anced between the levels of explanations on diverse
7. ATES systems for heating and cooling (working technologies (e.g. too less solar in comparison to heat
modes explained in words and P&IDs) pumps). The last of week of course 1 (the only one
at ‘create’ level, see Figure 1) was appreciated a lot.
Leaners found it ‘fun’.
The first run of the complete program took place The first lecture in course 4 (design process and stake-
between September 2020 and November 2021. holders) was highly appreciated and students asked
The four courses were offered in the same order as for similar lectures in the other courses, as this helps
described in the paper. More than 5000 learners to place the activities of the course in their context.
subscribed to each of them and 8-10% of them were Finally, it was noted that there is very little literature or
following it on an active way, which is quite standard handbooks addressing the subject of design for control
on the edX platform. Course 4 (Efficient HVAC (e.g. zoning, readjustment, multiple generators) on
systems) ended in the shortlist of 100 most popular a structured way. This is also true for reading and
online courses 2021 (out of 2900) [14], indicating a understanding P&IDs.
wide and worldwide interest for sustainable HVAC
systems. Acknowledgements
We thank Delft Extension School, and in particular
Although the detailed analysis of the students reviews Bertien Broekhans, Eloïse Ruby and Rins Lindeman
still has to be done, it can be noted that the courses for their support and help with financing, organ-
were highly rated with grades between 8 and 9, except izing and moderating the program. The develop-
for course 2, what was rated a little bit lower. About ment of this professional course program was partly
half of the students were junior HVAC professionals, founded by Climate-Kic City Retrofit Ecosystem Build
many of them from India and US. It is not completely Benelux and Delft University of technology.
[1] Interview Terpstra D., Techniek NL tiebranche-tekort-15000-vakmensen-
[3] Duffy, T. M., Jonassen, D. H. (2013). Constructivism and the technology of instruction: A conversation. Routledge.
[4] Bloom, B. S. (1956). Taxonomy of educational objectives. Vol. 1: Cognitive domain. New York: McKay, 20-24.
[5] Hernandez, A, access 21-01-2022,, License CCBY-SA2.0.
[6] Salmon, G (2002) E-tivities. London. Kogan Page Ltd.
[7] van Bueren E., van Bohemen H., Itard L., Visscher H. (2012) Sustainable urban environments, Chapt. 5, Springer.
[8] Bluyssen, P.M. (2015) All you need to know about indoor air, Delft Academic Press, NL.
[9] Bluyssen, P.M. (2019) All you need to know about air conditioning, Delft Academic Press.
[10] van Paassen A.H.C. (2004), ‘Fundamentals: Thermo-dynamic aspects of humid air and comfort’, course WB4426 (ME45111)
Indoor Climate Control Fundamentals, TU Delft.
[11] Bluyssen, P.M., Zhang, D., Ortiz-Sanchez, M. (2021) Self-reported rhinitis and headaches of students from universities in
Taiwan, Chile, Suriname, China and the Netherlands, and its association with their home environment, Intelligent Buildings
International: 1964424.
[12] ASHRAE handbook Fundamentals.
[13] ISSO-TVVL Handboek Installatietechniek (2002), the Netherlands.
[14], accessed 23-1-2022.
he Publishing and Marketing Committee risk-based ventilation design. Also, in relation to
(PMC) addressed topics around the guidebook and through occupant targeted ventilation TF and
sales and the future publication planned by the developing effective air distribution related guidance.
Technical and Research Committee (TRC). The goal These topics are supported by air quality control/IEQ
is to assess that we disseminate knowledge is the best requirements included in EPBD revision.
way possible so that it can reach all our members and
beyond. The point of translation was also put forward, During the Education and Training Committee
as a European organisation, we must ensure that the (ETC), Livio Mazzarella (Italy) was elected as chair,
content is accessible to the greater number, and that Tiberiu Catalina (Romania) was re-elected as co-chair
means also non-English speakers. Francesca d’Ambrosio and Uwe Schulz (Switzerland) was elected as co-chair.
(Italy) was re-elected as chair and Lada Hensen The members discussed the need to create challenges
Centnerová (Netherlands) was re-elected as co-chair. to increase skills and knowledge. They also approached
the idea to achieve this goal by developing further the
already existing REHVA Knowledge Hub and working
on new REHVA courses.
he REHVA Student Competition, held Lewis Turner secured second place for his paper on
annually, took place in Brussels during “Efficacy of Air Purification to Control Infection in
REHVA’s Annual Meeting on Thursday, May NHS Hospitals,” while Miguel Rodríguez Fernández
11. This event brought together 11 students from came third with his study on an “Indirect Evaporative
various parts of Europe who gathered in Brussels to Heat Exchanger Prototype Manufactured with 3D
showcase their research projects before a distinguished Printing.” Aurore Toulou won the “best poster” category.
panel of jury members.
As the winner of the REHVA Student Competition,
One outstanding participant, Bas Turk from the Bas Turk will now proudly represent Europe at the
Netherlands, presented his work titled “Quantifying HVAC World Student competition, an achieve-
the potential of overheating countermeasures on a ment that reflects his dedication and expertise. We
humanitarian shelter through measurements and extend our heartfelt congratulations to Bas Turk for
building performance simulation.” his remarkable accomplishment, as well as to all the
other students who enthusiastically participated in the
to Eurovent Certita
BELIMO Automation AG
[email protected],
IAQ Corner
4. Active pressurization
of envelope and spaces
Learn more about Belimo’s 7 essentials of healthy indoor air: Scan the QR code
24–28 June 2023 2023 ASHRAE Annual Conference ( Tampa, FL, USA
July 2023
25-27 July 2023 HVACR Vietnam ( Hanoi, Vietnam
August 2023
14–16 August 2023 SuDBE 2023 ( Espoo, Finland
September 2023
28–30 September 2023 EFS 2023 ( Prague, Czech Republic
October 2023
4–5 October 2023 43rd AIVC – 11th TightVent & 9th venticool Conference: Ventilation, Aalborg University,
IEQ and health in sustainable buildings ( Copenhagen, Denmark
25–27 October 2023 Decarbonization Conference for the Built Environment ( Washington D.C., USA
March 2024
12–15 March 2024 MCE 2024 ( Milan, Italy
Due to the COVID-19 circumstances, the dates of events might change. Please follow the event’s official website.
ATIC vzw–asbl – Belgium BAOVK – Bulgaria STP – Czech Republic DANVAK – Denmark EKVU – Estonia
FINVAC – Finland
VDI–e.V. – Germany
ÉTÉ – Hungary
MMK – Hungary
AiCARR – Italy
LITES – Lithuania
AIIRM – Republic of Moldova
TVVL – The Netherlands
NEMITEK – Norway PZITS – Poland ORDEM DOS ENGENHEIROS – Portugal AFCR – Romania AGFR – Romania
AIIR – Romania KGH c/o SMEITS – Serbia SSTP – Slovakia ATECYR – Spain
SWEDVAC – Sweden DIE PLANER – Switzerland TTMD – Turkey CIBSE – United Kingdom
Daikin Europe – Belgium EPEE – Belgium EVIA – Belgium Velux – Denmark Granlund – Finland
Halton – Finland Uponor – Finland Eurovent Certita Certification – LG Electronics – France Saint-Gobain – France France
Viega – Germany
Aermec – Italy
Evapco Europe – Italy
Rhoss – Italy
Royal Haskoning DHV –
The Netherlands
SMAY – Poland E.E.B.C. – Romania Dosetimpex – Romania Testo – Romania Camfil – Sweden
Fläkt Group – Sweden Lindab – Sweden Swegon – Sweden Systemair – Sweden Belimo Automation – Switzerland
Enerbrain srl – Italia Enviromech – United Kingdom ISIB – Turkey ECI – Belgium OAER – Romania
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