Biology Lab 4 The Cell
Biology Lab 4 The Cell
Biology Lab 4 The Cell
College of Pharmacy/ 1 Grade
Human Biology Lab 4
The cell
Huda Ghassan Hameed
Cells are the basic units of life, nothing smaller than a cell is alive. All
organisms, including humans, are composed of cells.
There is a unicellular organism (an organism that consists of only one cell)
such as bacteria, and a multicellular (consists of more than one cell) such
as humans.
Biologists classify cells into two broad categories: the prokaryotes and
eukaryotes (cells with a true nucleus). The prokaryotic group includes the
bacteria; the eukaryotic group consists of animals, plants, fungi, and some
single-celled organisms.
The cell is composed of three basic parts: plasma membrane, cytoplasm
and nucleus. The plasma membrane, an outer membrane that regulates
what enters and exits a cell. The plasma membrane is a phospholipid
bilayer with attached or embedded proteins (figure 1).
- Smooth ER, continuous with rough ER, does not have attached
ribosomes. Smooth E R (SER) is associated with the production and
metabolism of fats and steroid hormones
3. Ribosomes are organelles composed of proteins and rRNA.
Protein synthesis occurs at the ribosomes. Ribosomes are often
attached to the endoplasmic reticulum; but they also may occur free
within the cytoplasm.