Drama Unit Plan - Grade 8
Drama Unit Plan - Grade 8
Drama Unit Plan - Grade 8
Movement for Grade 8
Junior High Drama Level 1l
March 2020
Hogwarts School of Magic
Jessica Hammer and Chevanna Larson
Table of Contents :
Table contents……………………………………………………… Pg. 1
Rationale…………………………………………………………..……… Pg. 2
Unit Objective and skills required……………………. Pg. 3
Unit Overview………………………………………………………….. Pg. 4-5
Lesson Plans…………………………………………………………….. Pg. 6-11
Assessments and Rubric……………………………………… Pg. 12-14
Materials………………………………………………………………….. Pg. 15
Bibliography……………………………………………………………….. Pg. 15
Unit Rationale
The philosophy of drama is to make discoveries in self and others by giving meaning and
form to experiences and play, through a positive and encouraging environment for all students.
Drama is a way to self-express, be creative and work as a team to achieve shared desires and
goals. Students can gain communication skills, instill confidence and empowerment in self, and
understand and make sense of the world around them through drama.
As mentioned in the Teacher Resource Manual, the goals of drama are for students to
gain awareness of themselves and their peers through a shared dramatic experience, further
gain communication, and speech skills through various dramatic art forms and to recognize
drama and theatre as an art form and creative process.
Drama develops real-life skills to form active, capable and strong citizens of our
community. To know and understand self needs, abilities and weaknesses are critical in our
world today to sustain positive growth in one’s self. Drama allows students to practice, explore
and understand their environment, themselves and others around them and learn to interact in
a positive, effective way.
Unit Objective and Skills required:
The lessons in the movement unit are designed for students to form trust and comfort
with one another, gain discoveries of self and others through collaboration, and demonstrate
proper techniques of movement. By the end of the unit, students will be able to demonstrate
and display skills such as:
❏ Cooperation
❏ Communication
❏ Collaboration
❏ Storytelling (smooth, plot flow)
❏ Clear and Sharp Movement (clean transitions, clear/purpose in movements and
The peak of the unit is to create a group autobiography tableaux in groups of 3-4 in
which the students will communicate a clear story to the intended audience, have a purpose in
their movement, and form trust/collaboration with one another throughout the process.
Making discoveries about oneself and others can be a sensitive and vulnerable thing to
do, along with clearly communicating and working towards expressing a group’s shared goals
and ideas. The lessons are not meant to overwhelm students and dive too deep to fast. The
goal is for students to recognize and acknowledge that everyone is unique, and we should
recognize these similarities and differences in all humans. We all have strengths, weaknesses,
emotions, feelings, and thoughts and that is what makes us human. In drama, we are just
trying to make sense of them all through acting out, expressing, reflecting and experimenting
with realistic scenarios.
The unit explores and challenges students to work together to clearly communicate
ideas and stories not only that are personal to themselves but also to collaborate with others to
express a collective/shared goal and message. Through the mini-unit, students are actively
growing their knowledge of self and others. The lesson plans are designed for students to gain
knowledge and skills in movement to clearly express and represent these stories collectively.
Unit Overview:
Throughout this class, we will be doing a pre-assessment on skills that the students should have
learned to do in beginner classes, previous years. The skills we are looking for are:
Movement SLE’s 2-7
Introduction, Class Goals, Agenda for the semester, Roll Down, Name Game, Walk -Fast, Slow,
high, low, walk and stop listening game, Movement, Statue, The Sock Game, The Martha Game.
Discuss Rubric and goals for this unit.
Lesson 2:
Introduction, Roll Down, Name Game, Walk - Fast, Slow, Happy, Sad; team bonding games,
Human knot, Name Game, stillness, clarity, sharp movements, relay charades.
Lesson 3:
Introduction, Roll Down, Walk- Fast, Slow, High Status, Low Status; Transitions, Transition
Game, Move to the music, inspired movement through images.
Lesson 4:
Introduction, Roll Down, Walk-Slime, Snail, Hot Coals, Name Chair Game, word popcorn to
complete the story, fairytale tableaux, give and discuss again the unit final rubric.
Lesson 5:
Introduction, Roll Down, Walk - Fast, Slow, Cowboy/girl, Clown, Telephone, Apples Bananas
Oranges, Freeze Game, Solo Tableaux work (Autobiography)
Lesson 6:
Introduction, Roll Down, Walk, Quick Draw, Pruee, Bus Stop, Group Tableaux (snapshot
Two Sample Lesson Plans
Lesson Plan 5
Teacher: Ms. Chevy and Ms. Hammer Subject/Grade: Grade 8
Unit/Topic: Movement Date/Time: March 23rd,2020
1pm - 1:45pm
Related GLO & SLO/Goal(s):
GLO: Goal 2 - To develop competency in communication skills through participation in and
exploration of various dramatic DISCIPLINES.
The students will start to learn:
Cooperation, Communication, Collaboration, Storytelling (smooth, plot flow)
Clear and Sharp Movement (clean transitions, clear/purpose in movements and stillness)
Student checklist, teacher observations
Materials & Equipment:
Where did I get the inspiration for this lesson?
From our Drama C-I Class
Introduction/Set (2 Min):
Today we will be continuing our lessons on movement, in today's class we will learn to
create tableaux on our own; then next class we will be doing group tableaux. First, stand up and
find your own space in the room.
Body (Activities):
Roll down (2 Mins): Used to get into the headspace of the class
Take a deep breath and let your head fall forward, take deep breaths and slow your
head to bring down the rest of your body…
Walk (6 Min): This will get them used to walking as different types of characters and allows
them to shed some worry about looking or acting “weird”. Also, this will help them to become
present in the space.
Telephone (5 min)
Apples, Bananas, Oranges (7 mins)
Walk and Stop (listening game) (5 mins)
Solo Tableau work (Autobiography) (15 mins):
The students will create 4 still images that describe who they are or important events
that have happened. This may be difficult because they have to create them on their own but
the students won’t be marked on their work in this section.
Formative observation and comments from the instructor will be made to then further
practice these skills in later classes. Plus these solo tableaux will be used in the next class for
the final project.
The students will get 10 to create these then they will show them to the class.
Follow up - What will the students do next?
Art of Teaching - What specific area(s) of teaching will you be working on during this lesson
and how will you know if you have succeeded?
If I were to teach this lesson again: What would I do differently next time to improve this
What went well that I should build on?
Lesson Plan 6
Teacher: Ms. Chevy and Ms. Hammer Subject/Grade: Grade 8
Unit/Topic: Movement Date/Time: March 27th, 2020
Related GLO & SLO/Goal(s):
GLO: Goal 2 - To develop competency in communication skills through participation in and
exploration of various dramatic DISCIPLINES.
SLO: Movement S.L.E.’s 17-25, 26, 28
Background information about the students and/or the topic: five previous lessons in the unit
that scaffolded skills and objectives of this unit and required movement S.L.E.’s.
The students will demonstrate and represent:
Cooperation, Communication, Collaboration, Storytelling (smooth, plot flow)
Clear and Sharp Movement (clean transitions, clear/purpose in movements and stillness)
Formative - observation from teacher, class discussion of expectations for final tableaux,
individual check-ins/ further support and recommendations on how to achieve high marks on
the rubric.
Summative - each student will be individually graded on the final snapshot autobiography
tableau as an overall grade and measure of their skills and abilities for this movement unit. The
teacher will consider the efforts made for improvement and effort made throughout all classes
of the unit when grading students summatively through the rubric.
PROCEDURE (Teacher’s script in italics)
Running time: 45 mins
Introduction/Set (4 Min):
Today we will be developing and testing your movement skills that include
collaborating, cooperating in a group setting, creating a clear and fluid story through
movement and effectively communicating your ideas to the intended audience. By the end of
the class, you will create a final group tableau that represents yourself and past experiences in
groups of 3-4. To demonstrate these aspects of movement that you have been developing over
the past few weeks. To start, please stand up and find your own space around the room then
begin to walk at your own pace throughout the room.
Body (Activities):
Walk (3 Min): This will get them used to walking as different types of characters and allows
them to shed some worry about looking or acting “weird”. Also, this will help them to become
present in the space and allow them to again practice clear, sharp and fluid movements with
our bodies before the final assessment.
Quick Draw - Eye Contact Name Game (4 mins)
Pruee and Atom (7 Mins)
Snapshot Autobiography Tableaux (22 minutes, 5 minutes to thoroughly explain expectations
and instructions, 13 to plan and go over movement techniques, 4 to present max)
Students will be asked to create a 5minutes maximum movement and frozen picture scene.
Students must collectively work together to share moments and ideas in their piece that each
represent stories and events from their past. The goal of this project is for students to
demonstrate effective communication through movement, collaborate with others, and
cooperate in a group setting. I am looking for a presentation that has a fluid plot, and
movements by students that are clear and have a purpose. You must as a group
demonstrate/hold at least 3 moments in your scene (endured movement/ tableau).
Closure (5 Min): Discussion. How did everyone feel that went? Did you find it easy or difficult to
make things up on the fly?... Was it easy or difficult to work in a group?
What aspects/objectives do you feel that you did very well in your group tableaux, was there
anything you think needed more improvement?
We will discuss your results from your tableaux individually and you will receive a rubric back
with your mark for this unit.
If finish early: You can use the rest of the class to talk with your peers, have a fantastic day!
Follow up - What will the students do next?
Art of Teaching - What specific area(s) of teaching will you be working on during this lesson
and how will you know if you have succeeded?
If I were to teach this lesson again: What would I do differently next time to improve this
What went well that I should build on?
Formative assessment will occur throughout each lesson and participation checklists will
be received formally at the end of each class. If students are participating and showing a
willingness in each lesson, then students will be able to hit, obtain and master these skills that
are required within this unit and expectations for each class.
For each of these aspects listed in the rubric, students will receive a mark out of /10,
students will be given opportunities to master and re-learn these outcomes throughout the
whole unit (formative assessment) before receiving a summative mark for the unit through this
rubric, all aspects in the provided rubric are weighted evenly as all of these objectives are
equally important aspects for students to understand and demonstrate through drama.
The rubric with these expectations and the weight of each objective would be given out
and explained to the students at the beginning of the unit and then re-discussed and explained
with each student at the beginning of the last lesson in the unit before being assessed a grade
to maintain fairness, validity, and reliability, scoped as a whole unit.
Formative Assessment Checklist:
👍👊 👎 🙅
Legend: 👍=Great 👊=Okay 👎= Not Good 🙅= Absent
👍👊 👎 🙅
👍👊 👎 🙅
👍👊 👎 🙅
👍👊 👎 🙅
Analytic Rubric
Be able to tell an The student The student The student The student was
effective story excelled at telling adequately told a sufficiently told a unable to tell a
through a story through story through story through story through
movement movement movement movement movement
Demonstrate The student The student The student The student was
clear and sharp excelled at adequately sufficiently unable to
movement and demonstrating demonstrated demonstrated demonstrate
transitions in clear and sharp clear and sharp clear and sharp clear and sharp
their storyline movements and movement and movement and movement and
/10 transitions transitions transitions transitions
Effectively The student The student The student The student was
communicate excelled at adequately sufficiently unable to
ideas and communicating communicated communicated communicate
thoughts clearly their ideas and their ideas and their ideas and ideas and
through thoughts clearly. thoughts clearly. thoughts clearly. thoughts clearly.
Collaborate and The student The student The student The student did
Cooperate with excelled at recognized other’s attempted to not work with
others recognizing ideas and recognize other others or
other’s ideas and contributed people’s ideas and attempt to
/10 contributed towards the main contribute to the recognize others'
towards the main goal of the group. main goal of the ideas.
goal of the group. group.
Total = /50 final mark for this movement unit will account for 15% of student’s final mark
in Drama Level II.
Energize your Classroom: Ever Active Schools - Wellness Workshop attended at the
U of L, Jan.24th 2020
Open room classrooms, chairs, formative checklists daily, rubrics for students provided by
teacher, stereo system/ speaker to play music.
Ed 3601 - C & I for Majors - Drama. John Poulsen. Lecture and Seminar. Jan- Feb. 2020.
Booth, David W. and Charles J. Lundy. Improvisation: Learning Through Drama. D
Mills: Academic Press Canada, 1985.