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Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of Requirement Undergraduate Program in English

Educationthe Strata One (S1) Degree

Written By:

NIM. 1814050057


1444 H / 2023 M
The thesis entitled “Teacher’s and Students’ Perception to The Implemention
of Project-Based Learning of English in Kurikulum Merdeka at Class XII IPA 3
SMAN 10 Padang” written by Anggri Saputra. Student Register Number: 1814050057
has been examined by Board of Examination members in the Faculty of Islamic Education
and Teacher Training State Islamic University Imam Bonjol Padang, on February 2023.
Therefore, it has accepted for part of Sarjana (S1) in English Tadris Department.

Padang, February 14th 2023

Board of Examiners



Skripsi yang berjudul “Teacher’s and Students’ Perception to The Implemention
of Project-Based Learning of English in Kurikulum Merdeka at Class XII IPA 3
SMAN 10 Padang” yang ditulis oleh Anggri Saputra. NIM: 1814050057 telah diuji dalam
sidang Munaqasyah Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Imam
Bonjol Padang pada Jum’at, 03 Februari 2023. Oleh karena itu, dinyatakan telah dapat
diterima sebagai salah satu syarat dalam meraih gelar Sarjana Program Srata (S1) Pada
Jurusan Tadris Bahasa Inggris.

Padang, 14 februari 2023

Tim Penguji Sidang Munaqosyah




Written By:

Anggri Saputra

Padang, 16th January 2023


I, who signed below, stated that the thesis that I arranged as a requirement for an

undergraduate degree is titled “TEACHER’S AND STUDENTS’ PERCEPTION TO



originally and truly my work as a requirement for an undergraduate degree (SI) in

English Tadris Department Tarbiyah and Teacher Training Faculty at state Islamic

University of Imam Bonjol Padang. In certain parts of the thesis, I quoted from the work

of others on the norms, rules, and ethics of scientific writing. If later it is found that some

parts of the thesis are not my work or indicate any plagiarism, I am willing to accept the

consequences if the rule and regulation prevail.

Padang, 16th January


Anggri Saputra

Especially the most important this prostration and gratitude to Allah SWT,

who has given health in my life, giving me strength and a great way to complete this

thesis. Hopefully, prayers are always abundant and bestowed upon the Prophet

Muhammad SAW.With gratitude and happiness I dedicate my thesis to my beloved

father Sulan, my beloved mother Iyan, and also to my and my sister Yati Oktra

Yeni who has given support, encouragement and endless prayers for my success now

and in the future. And, to my big family who has been a motivator, I thank you for

all the prayers, help, and support so far.My greatest supervisors Prof. Dr. Martin

Kustati, M.Pd as my first supervisor and Chanti Diananseri, M.Pd as my second

supervisor who has given me all the advice, suggestion and motivation to finish this

thesis. My friends who always provide motivation, support, direction, input and

prayer so that this thesis can be completed.

Padang, 16th January 2023


Anggri Saputra


Alhamdulillahirabbil’alamin. Praise to Allah SWT who has given the health,

opportunity, knowledge, and strength to finish this thesis entitled “TEACHER’S AND



SMAN 10 PADANG.”Shalawat and Salam may be upon for our Prophet Muhammad

SAW, the beloved Rasul and the Prophet of Allah and the leader of Islam who had

struggle for the glory of the only belief on the earth, Islam; May Allah blesses him and

gives him peace. The researcher realizes that this thesis would have not been complete

without the help, advice, and guidance from many people. Therefore, in this opportunity

the researcher would like to express thanks and gratitude to following parties for their


1. My highest appreciation and deepest thankful are due to Prof. Dr. Martin Kustati,

M.Pd as my first supervisor and Chanti Diananseri, M.Pd as my second


2. My highest appreciation and deepest thankful are due to Prof. Dr. Melinda Roza,

M.Pd as my first examiner and Hidayat Al Azmi, M.Pd as my second examiner.

3. My highest appreciation also is due to Hidayat Al Azmi, M.Pd as the Head of the

English Tadris Department and the Secretary of English Tadris Department,

Nofel Nofriadri, M.Pd.,Ph.D at UIN Imam Bonjol Padang.

4. Dr. Hj. Luli Sari Yustina, M.Pd is my academic advisor who has guided me

during the tears of my study. My highest appreciation also is due to lecturers who

have provided assistance.

5. My highest appreciation officer and staff of State Islamic University of Imam

Bonjol Padang who have helped provide administration.

6. My highest appreciation for the Rector of State Islamic University of Imam

Bonjol Padang Prof. Dr. Martin Kustati, M.Pd.

7. My highest appreciation and deepest thankful to my beloved parents, Mr. Sulan

and Mrs. Iyan, and my sister Yati Oktra Yeni and all of my family for their

attention, support and their love.

8. My friends in TBI-B 18 class who is struggling together with me in a whole

semester at this university.

9. Last but not least, I want to thank me, who has been survive for this thesis and

finally finish the duty and done what I have begun.

Padang, 16th January 2023


Anggri Saputra

Anggri Saputra (1814050057): “Teacher’s and Students’ Perception to
The Implementation of Project-Based
Learning of English In Kurikulum
Merdeka at Class XII IPA 3 SMAN 10

The objective of this research was to analyze the perception of teacher and
students in implementing project-based learning from English teacher and the
students at class XII IPA 3 SMAN 10 Padang. This research method is, mixed
methods research, data were collected from questioner, interviews, and
documentation. The sample of this research are English teacher and the
students at class XII IPA 3 SMAN 10 Padang. There are two research
question of this study namely 1) How do the teacher and students perceive
toward the implementation of Project-Based Learning at class XII IPA 3
SMAN 10 Padang? 2) What are the difficulties faced by English teacher and
the students of the implementation of PjBL in SMAN 10 Padang? The data
was analyzed by SPSS Application and reduction-display-verify data. The
results of this study indicated that perception English teacher and the students
about implementation of project-based learning is in a good percentage with
the highest mean score for each sub-indicator in questioners are 3.17, 3.38,
3.62, 3.48, 3,24 and 3.17. so, it can be concluded that the two research
questions are answered. Firstly, teacher and students perceived positively to
the implementation of PjBL. It was proved by favorable items in questioners
have been chosen by most of students are agree and strongly agree, then for
unfavorable items most of them choose disagree and strongly disagree the
most. Secondly, time constraints and students’ abilities become the prior
difficulties faced by both parties during PjBL process. It can be proved by the
data from the data interview that the students submit their project at the end
of the semester for the most.
Keywords: perception, project-based learning, implementation kurikulum

Anggri Saputra (1814050057):Teacher’s and Students’ Perception to
The Implementation of Project-Based
Learning of English in Kurikulum
Merdeka at Class XII IPA 3 SMAN 10
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis persepsi guru
dan siswa dalam menerapkan pembelajaran berbasis proyek dari guru dan
siswa bahasa Inggris di kelas XII IPA 3 SMAN 10 Padang. Metode penelitian
ini adalah metode penelitian campuran, data dikumpulkan dari angket,
wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Sampel penelitian ini adalah guru bahasa
Inggris dan siswa kelas XII IPA 3 SMAN 10 Padang. Ada dua pertanyaan
penelitian dari penelitian ini yaitu 1) Bagaimana persepsi guru dan siswa
terhadap penerapan Pembelajaran Berbasis Proyek di kelas XII IPA 3 SMAN
10 Padang? 2) Apa kesulitan yang dihadapi guru bahasa Inggris dan siswa
dalam penerapan PjBL di SMAN 10 Padang? Data dianalisis dengan Aplikasi
SPSS dan data reduction-display-verify. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan
bahwa persepsi guru bahasa Inggris dan siswa tentang penerapan
pembelajaran berbasis proyek berada dalam persentase yang baik dengan
skor rata-rata tertinggi untuk setiap sub-indikator dalam kuesioner adalah
3,17, 3,38, 3,62, 3,48, 3.24 dan 3.17. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa
kedua pertanyaan penelitian telah terjawab. Pertama, persepsi guru dan siswa
positif terhadap penerapan PjBL. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan item-item yang
disukai pada angket telah dipilih oleh sebagian besar siswa yang setuju dan
sangat setuju, kemudian untuk item yang tidak disukai sebagian besar
memilih tidak setuju dan sangat tidak setuju. Kedua, kendala waktu dan
kemampuan siswa menjadi kendala utama yang dihadapi kedua belah pihak
selama proses PjBL. Dapat dibuktikan dari data wawancara data bahwa
mahasiswa paling banyak menyerahkan proyeknya pada akhir semester.
Keywords: Persepsi, Pembelajaran Berbasis Proyek, Implementasi
Kurikulum Merdeka


APPROVAL PAGE ........................................................................................................................... i

DECLARATION ............................................................................................................................... ii
DEDICATION .................................................................................................................................. iii
ACKNOWLEGMENTS .................................................................................................................. iv
Abstract: ........................................................................................................................................... vi
Anggri Saputra (1814050057): ........................................................................................................ vi
Abstrak: ........................................................................................................................................... vii
Anggri Saputra (1814050057): ....................................................................................................... vii
TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................................................... viii
List of Tables ..................................................................................................................................... x
INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................................1
1. Background of Problem ........................................................................................................1
2. Identification of The Problem ..............................................................................................7
3. Focus of The Study ................................................................................................................8
4. Research Question.................................................................................................................8
5. Purpose of The Study ............................................................................................................8
6. Significance of The Study .....................................................................................................8
CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW ......................................................................................10
1. Theoretical Background .....................................................................................................10
1.1 Theory of Perception...................................................................................................10
1.2 Concept of Curriculum ...............................................................................................13
1.3 Curriculum development............................................................................................15
1.4 Kurikulum Merdeka ...................................................................................................17
1.5 The Concept of Project-Based Learning (PjBL) ......................................................21
2. Relevant Research ...............................................................................................................28
3. Conceptual Framework ......................................................................................................37
CHAPTER III .................................................................................................................................39

RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ..................................................................................................39
1. Research Type .....................................................................................................................39
2. Research setting...................................................................................................................40
3. Data Source ..........................................................................................................................40
4. Instrument and Data Collection Technique......................................................................40
6. Data Analysis Technique ....................................................................................................45
CHAPTER IV ..................................................................................................................................48
FINDING AND DISCUSSION ......................................................................................................48
1. Finding .....................................................................................................................................49
1.1 Data Reduction ................................................................................................................49
1.1.1 Students’ Perception of Implementation Project-Based Learning .........................49
1.1.2 Teacher’s Perception of Implementation Project-Based Learning ........................56
1.2 Data Display.....................................................................................................................63
1.3 Data Conclusion and Drawing Verification ..................................................................64
2. Discussion .................................................................................................................................65
2.1 Students’ Perception of Implementation Project-Based Learning .............................65
2.2 Teacher’s Perception in Implementing Project-Based Learning................................70
CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION ..................................................................74
1. Conclusion............................................................................................................................74
2. Suggestion ............................................................................................................................76
BIBLIOGRAPHY ...........................................................................................................................77
APPENDIX 1 (Questioner Sheets) ..................................................................................................82
APPENDIX 2 (Interview Guideline) .............................................................................................91
APPENDIX 3 (interview transcribe) .............................................................................................93
APPENDIX 4 (Research Permission letter) ................................................................................120
APPENDIX 5 (Disposition Sheet) ................................................................................................121
APPENDIX 6 (Permission Letter of University) ........................................................................122
APPENDIX 7 (Picture While Interviewing the teacher) ...........................................................123
APPENDIX 8 (Picture While Interviewing the Students) .........................................................124

List of Tables

Table 3. 1 Blueprint of Questioner ........................................................................................ 44

Table 4. 1: (Mean Score of Item Questioner Sub-Indicator Cognitive) ....................................50

Table 4. 2: (Mean Score of Item Questioner Sub-Indicator Affective) .....................................52
Table 4. 3 (Mean Score of Item Questioner Sub-Indicator Conative) ........................................54
Table 4. 4 (Mean Score of Item Questioner Indicator Teacher’s Perception) ...........................57
Table 4. 5 (Mean Score of Item Questioner Sub-Indicator Positive Perception) .....................59
Table 4. 6 (Mean Score of Item Questioner Sub-Indicator Negative Perception) .....................61
Table 4. 7 : (Total Data Teacher’s Perception and Students’ Perception) ...............................64



1. Background of Problem

Research certainly has a background in taking a research title. In this regard,

the researcher has background that triggers in working on this research, after

previously conducting preliminary research by visiting the school that will be used as

a research place. After making general observations, the researcher found the problem

and what underlies the problem until it finally became the main topic of research. The

researcher departs from the Kurikulum Merdeka which is a fairly new topic in the field

of education, so there are several things related to the curriculum that are the basis for

carrying out this research. More specifically, the background of this research is the

scope of the realm of project-based learning itself to be explored more deeply.

In line with that, the curriculum develops along with changing times and

adapts to the state of student behavior patterns until finally the curriculum becomes

the answer to the challenges of this era. However, the Kurikulum Merdeka has not

been fully implemented in all schools in Indonesia because it is still in its first release

period in the last one year. The Kurikulum Merdeka was adapted from the previous

curriculum, namely the 2013 curriculum and the emergency curriculum; simplified

2013 curriculum (Rizki & Fahkrunisa, 2022). Kurikulum Merdeka perfects the


previous curriculum which has not been oriented to student creativity in learning. In

addition, Kurikulum Merdeka answers the challenge where students who previously

experienced many learning experiences have been digitized with online classes for the

past 3 years. Because they are used to using access to technology in learning, it feels

like they will experience a setback in learning if after returning to direct teaching and

learning activities if they return to using the previous curriculum that was not

integrated by technology. So that a curriculum is designed that can maintain learning

with technology and develop learning towards efficient results.

The characteristics of the Kurikulum Merdeka are found in the three main

points offered by this curriculum, namely learning that focuses on essential materials,

using a project-based learning approach, and teacher flexibility in teaching

(Kemendikbud, 2016). With these points offered, Kurikulum Merdeka deserves high

respect because it gives students the opportunity to work according to their interests

and then is given access to explore it. so that students who receive learning in this

curriculum can certainly manage their future better, because since school has been

directed to choose which competencies will be selected to be used as a project which

is then used in choosing majors during lectures or work later.

In this regard, this study does not take all the points in Kurikulum Merdeka

identified as having three main points, but only one of them. The reason only one of

the points taken is so that it is not too broad and long in the research. Where this will

also be a limitation in the study. The point that will be raised Kurikulum Merdeka is

the project-based learning approach launched in this curriculum to enable students to

create a project that reflects the profile of Pancasila students. The project will be

directed by the teacher at the beginning of the semester so that students can plan well

how the project will be worked o (Krauss & Boss, 2014). In the preliminary research,

I got information from a student from SMAN 10 Padang that the project they will

make will be assessed at the end of the semester by designing from the beginning of

the semester. Furthermore, he said the project would be directed according to the

interests and talents of each student.

Next, in the project-based learning that will be researched, it will focus on

the English teacher at the research location. Where this will be related to English

language teaching because this research was carried out for the benefit of learning

English. English teachers have an important role in the implementation of English

learning in a school, in this case of course at SMAN 10 Padang. With project-based

learning, of course, the English teacher must adapt well to the way of learning with

this approach, how is an English teacher regarding the project that students will work

on regarding English.

In addition, learning English has several projects that students might be able

to work on depending on what direction the students want to focus on, whether it be

speaking, listening, reading or writing? It is a must for English teachers to identify the

suitability of students with their projects (Menon & Poroor, 2020). Learning English

does not have so many enthusiasts in its implementation, but with several techniques

and methods of teaching English it can be quite attractive to students at school.

Therefore, project-based learning in learning English should provide a meaningful

contribution for the future to make projects related to learning English.

Furthermore, project-based learning has had a significant impact on learning

during Covid-19, because students can freely explore themselves by placing the

fulcrum of learning on students. This is in line with research conducted by (Sukmana

& Amalia, 2021) that the influence of Project Based Learning is felt because the PjBL

model which emphasizes student-centered learning requires students to continue to be

active and innovative in solving problems that they can solve with good results. a

product of the form of creativity they carry out project learning. Thus project-based

learning must be analyzed to find out the situation in the field regarding how learning

is implemented using project-based learning after the pandemic ends and is re-adopted

in the Kurikulum Merdeka.

Besides that, Kurikulum Merdeka is a curriculum that will perfect the

previous curriculum, this can be seen from the characteristics of the independent

curriculum which is simple but deep. As said by (Arisanti, 2022) Kurikulum Merdeka

will provide solutions for improving the curriculum, this can be implemented in stages

according to the readiness of each school. In a journal by (Maulida, 2022) said that

Kurikulum Merdeka is disseminated and implemented in all educational units with the

aim of updating the learning process which has been constrained by the pandemic. The

government provides an optional process for implementing the independent

curriculum in schools, namely; (1) independent learning, (2) independent sharing, (3)

independent change. Then another journal from (Faiz & Purwati, 2021) said that The
focus of the independent learning curriculum is to equip students with the skills

necessary to develop critical thinking, creativity, and adaptability to changing

conditions. So that, kurikulum merdeka become the main background of this research

to help the researcher rises up the research question in the formulation of problem.

Furthermore, in another research by (Angga, Cucu suryana, Ima nurwahidah,

2022) finds that the process of putting the autonomous learning curriculum into

practice is not always straightforward. Given that the curriculum is still in its initial

application stage, there are implementation obstacles that are not as desirable. In this

research, it was not conducted in secondary schools, but in elementary education. But

this needs to be reinforced in further research, that in the initial implementation of the

independent curriculum it did not work as desired, there were still deficiencies.

Besides that (Suryaman, 2020)one of the independent learning curriculum orientations

is OBE (Outcome-Based Education). OBE is a process education that focuses on

achieving specified concrete results (knowledge results oriented, abilities and


In order to make it more conical, the knowledge of the English teacher

becomes the focus in this study which is related to learning English by using a project-

based learning approach. However, project-based learning is something very new for

students and of course English teachers. In response to this, to see the response to the

implementation of PjBL at SMAN 10 Padang, this study will collect as much data

as possible about the understanding of English teachers on English learning which is

integrated with project making as the actualization of English learning materials (Pane

& Darwis Dasopang, 2017).

In addition, the implementation of the English learning will be focused on

implementing project-based learning (Blumenfeld et al., 1991) in English learning that

is fostered by the English teacher himself. In its recent application, there are bound to

be obstacles faced and in accordance with the competence of the English teacher at the

research location. The researcher intends to raise this title to find out more about how

English teachers apply project-based learning to English learning. So, if this is

researched, it will be an evaluation for Kurikulum Merdeka designers to continue to

develop Kurikulum Merdeka and more effective provisions for project-based learning

will be more acceptable and applied by many English teachers.

Furthermore, an English teacher's understanding of project-based learning

will affect the teacher's way to implement PjBL, as stated by (Kemendikbud, 2016)

that PjBL is linguistically defined as a model that emphasizes the procurement of

projects or small research activities in learning. Does the English teacher really

understand how to implement the appropriate PjBL, whether the English teacher has

integrity in learning English with the PjB approach? This is a strong enough

background to raise an implentation analysis research as raised by the researcher.

Therefore, researcher finds the gap behind the novelty of PjBL in Indonesia, especially

at SMAN 10 Padang which is the first generation in implementing Kurikulum

Merdeka that intersects with the implementation of PjBL.

The background problem that is used as the basis for this research is the

implementation of PjBL in English learning which this research will be

implementation analysis research involving the English teacher and students to be the

main data source in the study, then the interaction of the teacher to students and the

documents used by the English teacher will be a source of supporting data to

strengthen the research findings later. For this reason, in this study the understanding

of the English teacher will be taken through interview questions which were recorded

and then transcribed by the researchers themselves and checklist documents (Miles et

al., 2014). Therefore, this research is intended so that Kurikulum Merdeka can be

adapted well by English teachers, at least by the teacher where I did this research.

Whether or not the role of this research will be determined by the results of my

research later, because if I find that there are many things that need to be evaluated,

and it turns out that there is a need for improvement in project-based learning points

focused on learning English, then this research will be very meaningful. However, if

on the other hand it turns out that the English teacher has found compatibility with

PjBL in its application in the classroom, then at least this research provides certainty

about the compatibility of PjBL with the situation in the field.

2. Identification of The Problem

Based on the background of the problem above, the researcher identifies that

there are several recognized problems, namely the novelty of Kurikulum Merdeka, the

second point of the independent curriculum requires careful readiness to be

implemented, what kind of English teacher should direct students to project? Is the

implementation of PjBL in accordance with learning English which is not practical

knowledge? Can English teachers apply PjBL to students? Do English teachers have

no difficulty in using the PjBL approach?

3. Focus of The Study

Based on the introduction of the various problems encountered, the

researcher focused this research only on the implementation of PjBL in the classroom

which is leaded by the English teacher.

4. Research Question

1. How does the teacher perceive toward the implementation of Project-Based

Learning at class XII IPA 3 SMAN 10 Padang?

2. How do the students’ perception toward the implementation of Project-Based

Learning at class XII IPA 3 SMAN 10 Padang?

5. Purpose of The Study

This study aims to find out in depth how the perception of implementation of

PjBL in learning has been applied.

6. Significance of The Study

1. For researchers, this research will be more important for their future career
in teaching and learning process after graduating from this University in the
future. By conducting this research, the researcher can gain some evidences
to find out the gap of PjBL to be able to developed.
2. For teachers, the results of this research will help English teacher to adapt to
3. For students, it will help students to have a good class interaction.
4. For other researchers, hopefully it can be used as a reference for conducting
research in order to get better results.
1. Theoretical Background

1.1 Theory of Perception

1.1.1 Definition of perception

The first professional said that perception is the result of an astonishing process

carried out by processes that despite their exquisite complexity, function so well under

most circumstances that the result of our awareness of the environment and our capacity

to traverse it and comes about effortlessly (Goldstein et al., 2008). Everyone in this world

undoubtedly has their own unique perceptions, but not everybody is aware of the precise

nature of these perceptions or how they are formed. It will be preferable if we begin with

understanding what perception is, in order to comprehend it more thoroughly.

In addition to one expert who defines perception, there is another expert who

articulates how he understands perception, specifically perceptions are complicated,

significant observations of things and things happening. It may take some time for

perceptions to become steady and might demand work. For instance, at one of the sporting

events previously mentioned, you could notice the color of the grass or the volume of the

public address system, but you would still be able to identify the players on the court or

pitch and the relationships between their individual movements (Mather, 2016). We

already have a basic knowledge of what perception is from the two experts who discuss


it above. Perception is a difficult process that necessitates human sensing and

understanding, so even with two experts, it still isn't strong enough. As a result, we shall

examine further definitions of perception from diverse specialists in the paragraph that


Furthermore, it is needed at least a few more experts who can contribute to the

formulation of perception's meaning before we can draw any conclusions. Therefore, we

must look for competent experts in this field, the third expert said about the perception

that, the final stages of the perceptual process are referred to as perception. To be more

precise, perception entails transforming sensory information into valuable conscious

experience. Perception in this context refers to the conversion of that brain signal into

useful information (Schwartz & Krantz, 2019). This statement is reinforced by the

opinions of other experts that perception requires some type of physical connection

between the external item and the perceiver's sense organ. On the other hand, it appears

that the fundamental characteristic of experience is that the subject reaches out to and

intentionally makes touch with the external object. (Robinson, 2003).

Therefore, after the final expert's opinion on the definition of perception, it will be

tried to draw some general conclusions regarding perception. According to the fourth, we

can argue that perception is a psychological process that allows us to receive and process

information about the condition of and changes to our environment through the use of our

sense organs. The process by which sensory input or information is arranged and

interpreted to create a meaningful experience can be used to define perception in more

every day and uncomplicated terms (Abraham, 2018).


Moreover, by reading the description above detailly, I at least found a common

thread among the opinions of experts, that in every explanation of the definition, there

must always be the keyword 'process', therefore I can broadly understand that perception

is the result of the human sensing process that has been experienced in human life, both

physically and non-physically.

1.1.2 Teacher’s Perception

The different of the teachers’ understanding influence the way of the assessment

implementation (Widiastuti, 2017). The different way of assessment can lead to different

perceptions which are very subjective. Different perceptions may affect the teacher's

behavior on the judgments they made. Teacher’ perceptions can be divided into two

categories namely positive perceptions and negative perceptions. Positive or good teacher

perception will become a good foundation in responding to all matters relating to the

assessment process in the 2013 curriculum, including on the readiness of assessment

implementation in 2013 curriculum. Meanwhile, a negative perception of the assessment

will become a barrier of the conduction of rules relating to the process Assessment in 2013

curriculum. Assessment of the students’ learning outcomes includes the attitudes

competence, knowledge, and a balance of skills, so it can be used to determine the relative

positions of each learner to against the standards that have been applied. The scope of the

assessment refers to the scope of the subject matter, subject competencies, competency of

content, program competencies, and processes. (Minister of Education Regulation number

66 the year 2013). Learning


1.1.3 Students’ Perception

According to Bloom (Walgito, 2010: 22), student perception is made up of a

number of different elements. These elements include: (1) Cognitive (perceptual)

components made up of elements related to knowledge, comprehension, application,

analysis, synthesis, and ratings. (2) Affective (emotional) component made up of interest-

related, attitude-related, appreciative, and adjusting characteristics (adjustment). (3)

Conative (behavioral) elements, including imitation, manipulation, choice, and creation.

According to the above explanation, it can be inferred that perception is a process

that is treated individually, i.e., responses, meanings, descriptions, or interpretations of

what is perceived by the senses are given in the form of attitudes, opinions, and behavior,

also known as individual behavior.

1.2 Concept of Curriculum

1.2.1 Definition

A curriculum is necessary for a school or educational institution to be able to

operate a system connected to educational regulations while also emphasizing the

procedures that academics, including teaching staff and students themselves, must adhere

to. This corresponds to the definition offered by (Kelly., 2000) the curriculum is

described in terms of the type of instruction that will be provided, as well as occasionally

the goals and purposes of the curriculum. As a result, we frequently encounter claims

about the curriculum for the most fundamental courses.

In addition, there are other experts who also express their opinions about the

definition of the curriculum itself, namely (Ornstein & Hunkins, 2018) curriculum can

be defined in terms of content or subject matter (math, science, English, history, etc.)

(The way we organize and assimilate information). In terms of grade levels, we can also

discuss subject matter or content. The facts and ideas of specific topic areas are

highlighted by those who adopt this definition. Given the national emphasis on language

arts and math competency, the majority of U.S. school districts adhere to these criteria.

However, university courses in elementary and secondary school curriculum are rarely

subject specific (for instance, on math or biology curricula); instead, they place an

emphasis on general principles of curriculum that cut over and embrace most, if not all,


To conclude, from the two expert opinions who voiced the definition of this

curriculum, we can understand that the curriculum is a design in an educational institution

in the form of products offered by the manager to students.

1.2.2 Consideration

There are considerations made during the entire implementation of the curriculum,

up until the point when it is fully implemented. The curriculum is a service provided by

schools, as is common knowledge. The curriculum must consider its target market,

including the classroom environment, student backgrounds, and level of school

preparedness, much like a product does during the manufacturing process. This is

consistent with the assertion of (Frazier & Brown, 2001) come with me into a language

school and see what transpires as the first step in that trip. As the lesson progresses, pay

close attention to every decision the teacher makes, including how the lesson will be

introduced, which activity will come next, how long an activity will be continued, who to

involve, whether to correct a student, and so on.

He further said that everything a teacher says and does in the classroom is the result

of conscious or subconscious choices among many alternatives. Many of these choices

are-or should be-the result of a careful consideration of a host of underlying principle of

second language learning and teaching (Frazier & Brown, 2001). We can understand that

in determining the curriculum it takes a lot of consideration and preparation, because

without consideration, the curriculum will be very irrelevant to the situation in the

classroom and different.

1.3 Curriculum development

1.3.1 Definition

It is essential to understand what curriculum development is after having a

fundamental understanding of what curriculum is stated by (Richards, 2001) a part of the

larger field of educational activity known as curriculum development or curriculum

studies is the development of language curriculum. Determine what knowledge, skills, and

values kids should learn in school. Determine what experiences should be given to produce

the desired learning outcomes. Determine how teaching and learning in schools or

educational systems can be planned, measured, and evaluated. Language curriculum

development, a branch of applied linguistics, deals with these problems. It defined a

connected collection of procedures with a clear emphasis on creating, modifying, putting

into practice, and assessing language programs.


Curriculum development is needed in the world of education, because with actions

like this it will make the curriculum adaptable to the times as the statement of (Kelly.,

2000) the work of the Schools Council in England and Wales is to be traced in terms of

curriculum development. Because it was the biggest politically unaffiliated, non-statutory

organization created with the specific purpose of pushing curricular change. It will also be

interesting to compare and contrast its work with the methods used by the various political

quangos established to impose the change on schools and teachers, as well as to determine

the key lessons that can be drawn from its work.

In addition, the next expert said that development of curriculum is a dynamic

process. It is influenced by newly developed ideas of instructional design and systems

theory, as well as modernist and postmodernist conceptions of thought, cognitive theories,

and the anatomy and physiology of the brain. Curriculum development is being impacted

by the blending of ideas related various worldviews and educational ideologies (Ornstein

& Hunkins, 2018). From that explanation we can catch the point that curriculum is

undergoing development to be able to adapt well to the conditions of students in their

respective times and provide significant changes to the quality of education, therefore

there is no need for any more doubt in the application of this curriculum development.

As a conclusion from some of the expert explanations above, we can understand

that curriculum development is considered to have quite a strong bond in the world of

education. where from the concept itself states firmly that curriculum development is a

curriculum that continues to change for the better and has integrity to the development of

the era in which it is applied.


1.4 Kurikulum Merdeka

1.4.1 Definition

The Indonesian Ministry of Education released a new curriculum, known as

Kurikulum Merdeka, after switching from online learning to traditional face-to-face

instruction. Whereas this curriculum is an improvement on the prior curriculum to

accommodate the present learning environment (Kemendikbud, 2022). Kurikulum

Merdeka is named so because it is in tandem with the movement that voices independent

learning as stated by (Mulyasa, 2021) that character-driven independent learning is

anticipated to be flexible and adaptable to various changes, as well as accelerate

technology to meet the difficulties of globalization. It is also supposed to be able to equip

students with a variety of skills in line with the demands of the times.

The fundamental principle of Kurikulum Merdeka is the freedom of learning,

which has the same meaning as that given by (Abidah et al., 2020) independent learning

refers to the freedom of learning, which means giving students the chance to learn as freely

and independently as they can to learn calmly, relax, and happily without stress and

pressure by focusing on their natural talents, without pressuring them to learn or master a

field of knowledge outside of their hobbies and abilities, so that each of them has a

portfolio that suits their passion. Because it defies common sense to assign children a

responsibility that is above their capacity, and it is also something that good teachers

would never do.


In sum, an independent curriculum and independent learning are linked by the

rationale given above, allowing students the freedom to express themselves and pursue

their interests.

1.4.2 Historical Background

Before the implementation of kurikulum Merdeka as it is today, there must

have been a reason that led to the official release of Kurikulum Merdeka. As the name

suggests Kurikulum Merdeka is a development curriculum from the previous one,

namely the 2013 curriculum. In 2019, all lines of life for Indonesian people and even

the world experienced difficulties due to Covid-19, including the education sector. In

response to this, the Indonesian Ministry of Education took action to adapt the

curriculum to the current situation, an emergency curriculum emerged, namely the

simplified 2013 curriculum. After finally Covid-19 in 2022 was felt to have subsided,

as well as schools began to hold teaching and learning activities in the classroom as

before the Covid-19 outbreak, therefore it is necessary to develop a curriculum to

readjust to the situation after a long time undergoing online learning, namely

Kurikulum Merdeka. As stated in a study on the independent curriculum by (Jojor &

Sihotang, 2022) that a program called Kurikulum Merdeka is predicted to be able to

restore learning, and it offers three features: learning on important materials, project-

based learning and character development in line with Profil Pelajar Pancasila.

Moreover, in another study it was stated that at this time there is a new

curriculum, namely Kurikulum Merdeka. Where the independent curriculum is

defined as a learning design that provides opportunities for students to study calmly,

relaxed, fun, stress free and pressure free, to show his natural talent. Independent

learning focuses on freedom and creative thinking (Rahayu, 2021). Kurikulum

Merdeka is a breakthrough to keep up with the changing times where technology is

developing rapidly, therefore the independent curriculum is here to be a balance

between the current state of students and the system of the school. It's not enough to

get there, Kurikulum Merdeka is the hope of many education enforcers in order to

bring education in Indonesia to be more advanced.

1.4.3 Profil pelajar Pancasila (ProPeLa)

The independent curriculum examines graduate competency standards in the

term Pancasila student profile or what is commonly known as ProPeLa. This term is

used as a reference for students so that they can become people who practice Pancasila

in their lives. As stated in Ministerial Regulation Number 5 of 2022 Article 1

paragraph 2 concerning SKL that students are members of the community who are

trying to develop their potential through learning processes that are available in certain

paths, levels and types of education.

Furthermore, said in Ministerial Regulation number 5 of 2022 Article 9

paragraph 3 that SKL for secondary and general education has eight descriptions that

serve as guidelines in making it. Students who meet the characteristics of the Pancasila

student profile have at least six of the SKL descriptions that have been determined as

ProPeLa characteristics followed by two other points, namely Literacy and Numeracy

(Ministry of Education and Culture, 2022). The following is the SKL rubric from the

Pancasila Student Profile:


Figure 2. 1: SKL ProPeLa




In ProPeLa there are six special characteristics as in the rubric above, where

all the learning given by the teacher in Kurikulum Merdeka must lead to these six

things so that students can fulfill the SKL that has been set. In addition to these six

points, there are two more points in ProPeLa, namely literacy which relates to the

quality and quantity of students' reading as said by (Firdaus et al., 2022) that literacy

not only measures reading ability, but also the ability to analyze reading content and

understand the concepts behind it. Then numeracy which focuses on mathematical

skills that are applied to solving problems in everyday life.


1.5 The Concept of Project-Based Learning (PjBL)

1.5.1 Definition

One of the points offered or in Kurikulum Merdeka is project-based learning,

where PBL is intended to train soft skills of students according to the Profil Pelajar

Pancasila (Kemendikbud, 2022). In order to understand more about project-based learning,

it is better to know what is meant by project-based learning itself according to (Krauss &

Boss, 2014) PBL is aimed at the students. Students have some degree of influence over

what, how, and how they express what they have learned. Do you think that student control

is out of control? Do not be alarmed; with effective project design, kids likely learn more

than their teachers expect.

In addition, the other expert said that PjBL stands for project-based learning, which

is exactly what it sounds like: learning while working on a project over time (Stanley,

2021). We may comprehend that learning that needs students to work on a project during

the learning process is what is intended by project-based learning in general. Thus,

children can grow creatively and learn how to make anything with their own hands.

Learning based on a project that can be used, mentioning The George Lukas

Educational Foundation. Amini (2015) argues that deep in learning refers to (1) start with

an essential question (2) build a plan for the project (3) construct a timetable, (4) monitor

the students and progress of the project (5) analyze the output. From a few of these

examples, it can be inferred that project-based learning is a type of instruction that fosters

student creativity.

As a conclusion, there is a key word to understand project-based learning that is

creating a product by recognizing the essential question at the previous of the project,

because PjBL is a learning program to make students have their own workshop it certainly

will bear something called a new creation. And after that, students will be shown how far

their project which has been done gives impact towards their learning progress, it is proven

by functional and good enough the project of English learning. This is where we can see

that the creativity and knowledge of the students are really challenged, because they have

to find as many references as possible and then translate them into a project.

1.5.2 Teacher’s Role in PjBL

In project-based learning, students have more roles in learning, in the sense that

students take more part in the learning process, this makes the teacher's job a little easier

in catching up with students. Besides that, teachers still have an important role that must

be considered in PjBL, according to (Wurdinger, 2016) there are three roles educator in


1. The educator will act as a guide, allowing students to make mistakes and learn

from them along the way.

2. The educator will provide students with freedom to experiment in order to

discover solutions to the problems they encounter.

3. The educator will provide students with resources and information when they

get stuck so that they can continue moving forward with their learning.

Some of the roles that must be carried out by teachers are still quite

contributing to project-based learning seen from the exposure of these roles. Because

it is very impossible if students learn without the role of a teacher who guides them.

1.5.3 Differences Between Project-Based Learning (PjBL) and Problem-Based

Learning (PBL)

Basically project-based learning has an orientation towards creating a product

that is built through the design process of scientific theories and problems found in the

field, while problem-based learning is more towards problem-based learning and then

studying the problem, that's all. As said by (Kilroy, 2004) about Problem-Based

Learning that the concept of problem-based learning (PBL) is based on the idea that

in order for learning to be effective, students need to be encouraged to reorganize the

knowledge they already possess into a realistic context, acquire new knowledge, and

then elaborate on what they have learned, for instance by imparting it to their peers or

engaging in group discussions about the subject.

According to Moutinho in (Setiawan & Farida, 2018) that PBL has a learning

process by raising problems with students. This is in accordance with the

understanding of PBL, namely a learning model that uses problems as a basis in

developing new knowledge of students. It is said that problem-based learning is

applied to provide stimulation for students to trigger more critical thinking and then

be able to exchange ideas with their peers, and of course this has a difference in the

application of project-based learning which has a target on making scientific works

that can contribute to education world. This is in line with statement from

(Kemendikbud, 2016) learning model is linguistically interpreted as a model that

emphasizes project procurement or small research activities in learning.

1.5.4 Elements in Project-Based Learning

In the implementation of project-based learning there must be parts involved

in it. To find out we need help from experts to explain it in more detail. As said by

(Blumenfeld et al., 1991) projects must have the following two elements: They need

an issue or question that organizes and motivates activities. These activities produce a

succession of artifacts, or products, that come together to create a final product that

responds to the motivating question. The question, the activities, and the

characteristics of the artifacts can all be developed by the students. And then he also

states that teachers and curriculum designers can also develop exercises and questions.

However, neither scenario allows for the question to be so restricted that the answers

are predetermined, giving pupils little room to come up with their own strategies for

responding to the topic. The ability of students to create their own artifacts is essential

since this is how they build their knowledge because learning and doing go hand in

hand (Blumenfeld et al., 1991). Project-based learning has several items which is a

must to complete the study, so far, we get two elements said by the expert those are

question and activities which means the student determine a question based on their

own issue and then realized into activities.

In addition, in its implementation, PjBL must prepare for school readiness and

its distribution so that it does not occur as stated by (Barron et al., 1998) that project-

based learning took hold in a small number of public-school classrooms: inadequate


material resources, little time to create new curricula, large class size, and over

controlling administrative structures that prevent teachers from having the autonomy

necessary to implement progressive approaches. Although the elements are not clearly

stated, the book of Isa identifies that the opposite of his statement contains elements

of PBL itself, namely school readiness, adequate resources, appropriate class sizes

with the number of students and administrative control by teachers must be thorough.

A post-lesson evaluation is required, and the teacher will reevaluate the results

of the evaluation. In order to achieve this, we must pay close attention to the factors

that stated by (Boss & Krauss, 2015) the project method will force you to reevaluate

your learning objectives. Be prepared to write out what you anticipate the pupils to

know and be able to do:

1. How you interact and converse with students. Be prepared to leave the stage

and engage your pupils in new ways.

2. The way you run the class. Be prepared to assist pupils in improving their

ability to oversee their own progress.

3. How your class is set up physically. Prepare the hardware (desks, laptops,

and other furniture) to be reconfigured to encourage teamwork and


4. The way you approach evaluation. Be prepared to reassess what you need

to focus on as you learn new things.

5. What you gather. Be prepared to reevaluate which learning mementos are

valuable to keep.

6. How you interact with your parents and coworkers. Prepare an

explanation of why you chose the 21st-century project strategy.

Additionally, there are PjBL principles that are recommended by experts

to maximize their application. (Barron et al., 1998) suggest the following four

design principles as variables that drive students in the context of project-based


1. Have appropriate, regular assessments to track students' progress and give

feedback on how to improve;

2. Clearly define the learning objectives that will lead to a deep


3. Scaffold learning to ensure that the learning curve for students is not too


4. Provide opportunities for students to collaborate with one another so they

can contribute to their learning by understanding how others work through

the same problem, review estimating.

In conclusion, it should be noted that PjBL has a number of components,

including the preparation of schools, teachers, and students, as well as evaluation

questions and proposed guidelines from prior research.

1.5.5 PjBL Towards English Learning

Project-based learning in learning English needs to be reviewed about the

project that will be built as a condition for completing English subjects. Because there

is no picture of what kind of project that will be developed by students related to

learning English. In a journal by (Thi & Lam, 2011) mentioned that there are several

options for English learning project: Listening assignments include paragraph

dictation, summarizing scenarios from recorded media, or watching or listening to

news in American, British, or Australian English and reading the transcripts, as well

as BBC or VOA news. It turns out that there are several projects that can be done in

learning English, things that can help in making questions in research instruments,

such as whether there is one of these examples that students will work on in project-

based learning.

In English projects, students will have more experience in the subject if they

have a project that makes them bound to a project to be completed. This allows

students to be more active in learning English. in line with that there is another

research by (Sugiharyanti, 2022) from its findings that project-based learning could be

shown by the ability of students' skills in making job application letters and videos of

self-introduction which are uploaded via Google Drive and the YouTube channel.

In addition, there is research by experiment by (Ramadhani et al., 2020)

regarding project-based learning on student achievement in student learning that

focuses on understanding explanation texts, which in this study found that the control

class had lower scores than the control class. experiment, this proves that project-based

learning has an influence on English learning, but in this case, it is not that extensive

because only one material is tested, namely reading material, namely explanation text.

2. Relevant Research

2.1 A Review of Project-Based Learning in Higher Education: Student Outcomes

and Measures

A global journal edited by Wilfried Admiraal, Lysanne S. Post, Pengyue Guo,

and Nadira Saab. ICLON, Kolffpad 1, 2333 BN Leiden, The Netherlands, 2020,

Leiden University Graduate School of Teaching. It is believed that project-based

learning (PBL) is a potential strategy for enhancing students' learning in higher

education. With an emphasis on student outcomes, empirical studies on project-based

learning have been evaluated. The most common outcomes were affective outcomes,

which were assessed by questionnaires, interviews, observation, and self-reflection

journals. These outcomes included perceptions of the advantages of PBL and

perceptions of the experience of PBL. Questionnaires, rubrics, tests, interviews,

observation, self-reflection journals, artifacts, and log data were used to measure the

cognitive outcomes (i.e., knowledge and cognitive strategies) and behavioral

outcomes (i.e., skills and engagement). Rubrics were used to grade the performance

of the artifact. Future studies should go deeper into how pupils learn and what they

produce as a result. It is also necessary to improve measurement tools and data analysis


2.2 The Effects of Blended Learning and Project-Based Learning on Pre-Service

Biology Teachers' Creative Thinking Through Online Learning in The Covid-19


A journal published in 2020 by Yustina, W. Syafii, R. Vebrianto Universitas

Negri Riau, and UIN Sutan Syarif Kasim Riau the goal of this study was to examine

how project-based learning (Pj-BL) and blended learning (BL) affected the pre-service

teachers' ability to think creatively while learning biology. This kind of study uses 76

biology education students as its test subjects for a quasi-experimental design. The

experimental class was instructed utilizing the BL and Pj-BL techniques throughout

implementation, while the control class received traditional instruction. Four

indications for innovative thinking serve as the parameters. Assessments from the

pretest and posttest were used to gather data. Descriptive data presentation and

analysis are used. Overall, the study's findings showed that pre-service teachers in the

experimental class had higher average scores for creative thinking than those in the

control class, which had lower average scores (76 and 0.51 respectively). Based on the

findings, it can be said that blended learning and project-based learning have a

significant impact on pre-service biology teachers' capacity for creative thought and

that these approaches are significantly more effective than traditional methods in this

regard. Keywords: project-based learning, blended learning, and biology.

2.3 The Implementation of Project-Based Assignment in Online Learning During

Covid -19

A national publication created by Mutiara Ayu Universitas Teknokrat

Indonesia 2021 and Aldi Yuliansyah. Implementing online systems method compels

teachers and students to become proficient in using technology in the classroom. For

the teacher to effectively communicate the information to the pupils during the

epidemic, online learning is required. Given this circumstance, project-based learning

is appropriate for teachers to use because it enables students to plan, develop, and

complete a lengthy project that results in a publicly displayed output like a product,

publication, or presentation. Project-based learning enhances students' media research

abilities and connects learning to context in the real world. The pupils carry out their

research with the aid of various information sources. They acquire and sharpen their

research skills by finding the information on their own. Students' teamwork rises as a

result of project-based learning. Students form and manage their own groups during

the processing phases. They collaborate to create their products and share information.

They learn social communication skills and acquire a variety of viewpoints through

teamwork. Keywords: online education, project-based learning, COVID-19.

2.4 Grounded Idea Generation: An Analysis Framework for Project- Based


(Menon & Poroor, 2020) One of the most popular active learning strategies

in engineering education is project-based learning (PBL). Since it maximizes learning

and skill development, it is preferable to allow the students describe the challenge in

this situation. Students' ability to formulate a well-posed and workable issue statement

is essential to the success of such an approach. This is frequently a significant barrier

to providing such courses. The targeted learning objectives will not be met if pupils

are unable to solve the problem completely or with sufficient progress. This will likely

have a negative effect on the student's confidence. In order to help students

successfully arrive at a well-posed problem statement in any project-based course, this


paper suggests the use of an analysis framework called Grounded Idea Generation

(GIG). Keywords: engineering education; active learning; project-based learning;

problem-solving; student-centered learning; critical thinking

2.5 The Impact of Covid-19 to Indonesian Education and Its Relation to the

Philosophy of “Merdeka Belajar”

(Abidah et al., 2020) The Covid-19 epidemic is currently starting to affect

the educational sector. Based on current facts, the Ministry of Education and Culture

(MOEC) is prepared for all eventualities, including promoting online learning for

students. This article serves as a sort of position paper by addressing one side of a

contentious viewpoint on a current problem. A position paper's goal is to persuade the

reader that our viewpoint is reliable and tenable. In light of our position as researchers,

the point of view is divided into four sections: the "Merdeka Belajar" philosophy;

physical distance; social distance; and self-quarantine; digital learning in Indonesia in

response to Covid-19; and "Merdeka Belajar," digital learning, and Covid-19; as well

as the authors' perspective. Keywords: Covid-19 Philosophy of education Merdeka


2.6 Curriculum Development for Learning Tools for Independent Study

(Manalu et al., 2022) A lesson plan, instructional materials, and pre-planned

learning experiences make up the curriculum. Every educator uses the curriculum as

a guide for putting the teaching and learning process into practice. Curricula changes

are inextricably linked to the emergence of an all-digital world. One of the milestones

for the emergence of an independent learning curriculum is the current era of


digitalization. Furthermore, Indonesian education policy has not always been applied

in a way that takes into account the needs of both students and teachers. Therefore, the

independent learning curriculum idea put up by Indonesia's Minister of Education,

Nadiem Makarim, is a response to the issues now facing Indonesian education. Data

must be used to support any studies. The study's data provide evidence that it was

accurate. This study is a qualitative investigation that begins with a problem analysis

and ends with the researcher's theories. The information used in the study was gathered

via conducting interviews, situational analysis of the teaching and learning process

used in schools, reading newspapers and journals, and other forms of observation.

Have been pre-programmed. The curriculum serves as a guide. Keywords: Learning

Devices, Independent Learning Curriculum.

2.7 Evaluation of Implementation of Independent Curriculum

(Rizki & Fahkrunisa, 2022) The Covid-19 pandemic has a significant impact

on all aspects of our lives, including Indonesia's educational system. During the

epidemic, the students suffered from learning loss and learning gaps. Without a

solution, Indonesian education may fall behind. As a result, the national curriculum

was updated by the minister of education and culture. This curriculum will be applied

as a means of resolving the pandemic-related educational issue. Kurikulum Merdeka,

or Independent Curriculum, is the name of this curriculum. Till 2024, this curriculum's

nationwide implementation was not complete. But work is still being done on this

curriculum. The school may use either Implementation of an Independent Curriculum

or Implementation of the Malaysian Curriculum. The purpose of this study was to


assess how well the curriculum was being implemented through the analysis of

pertinent documents, including educational system laws, minister of education and

culture regulations, articles, and journals. Analysis revealed that there are difficulties

with and benefits to implementing a new curriculum. The teacher's readiness presents

the biggest obstacle, while the students' communication, teamwork, critical thinking,

and creative thinking skills have all improved as a result. The findings of this study

can be taken into account when forming educational policy and as a basis for reflection

for teachers, principals, and other stakeholders. Keywords: Kurikulum Merdeka, The

Implementation of Kurikulum Merdeka, Educational System.

2.8 The Relevance of the Independent Learning Curriculum with the 21st Century

Learning Model in the Development of the Society Era 5.0

(Indarta et al., 2022) The term "society 5.0" refers to a society that is able to

improve the quality of human life by utilizing various innovations that were created

during the Industrial Revolution 4.0, such as the Internet of Things (the internet for

everything), Artificial Intelligence (AI), Big Data (huge amounts of data), and robots.

Students have the chance and the new challenge of this time to develop their soft skills

in preparation for the future. The curriculum is regarded as the "life" of education, as

is common knowledge. The curriculum needs to be evaluated constantly and on a

regular basis in order to keep up with the times, particularly in science and technology.

The competencies required by the community and graduates are taken into

consideration when developing the curriculum. One of the Ministry of Education,

Culture, Research, and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia's (Kemendikbud


Ristek RI) new policies, the Independent Learning Curriculum, aims to implement

creative learning processes that adhere to the demands of students (student-centered).

In the 21st century, the digital world has triumphed, ushering in the era of Society 5.0.

Students must also master the 4Cs, or critical thinking, communication, collaboration,

and creativity, according to the 21st century learning model. This study employs a

qualitative descriptive methodology. The findings of this study came from an

examination of many academic works. The findings demonstrate the applicability of

independent learning curricula using 21st century learning models in the era of society

5.0. Keywords: Era 5.0 Society, Independent Learning, 21st Century Learning.

2.9 Independent Learning Curriculum Implementation at the Driving School

A journal written by (Rahayu, 2021) Abstract: the aim of this study was to

discover and collect data regarding the independent curriculum's use in driving schools.

The research method employed in this study is a descriptive qualitative method, which

provides a detailed account of the situation and the data gathered through observations

and inquiries so that readers can easily understand it and find it valuable. This report

describes and gives a general overview of how the independent curriculum is being

used in driving schools. The study's findings show that the driving school's

implementation of the curriculum has been done well and is continuing, however there

are still many issues and challenges to be overcome in the real world. The principal

and teachers must have the motivation to make changes if the curriculum is to be

successfully implemented in driving schools. In order for the independent curriculum

to be used, the administrator must be able to influence the school's Human Resources

to desire to implement changes. Key words: Independent Curriculum Implementation,

Driving School.

2.10 Implementation of the Independent Curriculum for Learning Independent

Campuses after the Pandemic Covid-19

A journal by (Alawi et al., 2022) Abstract: The Ministry of Education and

Culture (Kemendikbud) was prepared for every eventuality when the COVID-19

epidemic first appeared, including promoting online learning among students. This

paper aims to describe the Covid-19 concept and the Merdeka Learning Curriculum's

approach to digital learning in Indonesia. As the Minister of National Education's

concept of independent learning is an endeavor to do justice in times of change,

especially in emergencies, the Independent Campus concept is the response to the

Industrial Revolution 4.0 age. Students who need to alter both older problems and the

idea of a better campus. It is intended that students all throughout Indonesia will be

prepared to confront the difficulties of the industrial revolution era 4.0 with the notion

of "one area" since it is assumed that the era of the industrial revolution 4.0 is the era

of high technology. The university community is able to collaborate, be inventive, and

be ready to assist one another, themselves, and the larger community. Keywords:

Merdeka Belajar, curricular innovation, and e-learning.

2.11 Teachers’ Perception on The New Policy Called Merdeka Belajar; a Page of

Lesson Plan

A research from (Maba, 2017) Abstract: In 2019, the Ministry of Education

and Culture published a template letter titled Merdeka Belajar that outlined their

simplified RPP/lesson plan strategy. Therein was described about the new structure of

lesson plan, which only needs to put or include three essential components, namely

learning objectives, learning activities, and assessment, instead of putting all of the

components from the conventional lesson plan. This qualitative study uses

questionnaires as the method to gather teachers' perspectives about the new policy and

their perceptions of its impact on RPP/Lesson Plans. The findings indicated that

teachers concur that the three components are the ones that need to be incorporated in

lesson plan preparation the most. The results also revealed that while some of them

believed that more attachments were still necessary, others believed that it would be

better to arrange and have a straightforward yet effective lesson plan. Keywords:

Merdeka Belajar, RPP, and Policy.

2.12 Analysis of Independent Curriculum Implementation in Schools Elementary

Driving School

The last journal from (Ineu et al., 2022) Abstract: the purpose of this study is

to learn more about and look at "Analysis of the Implementation of the Independent

Curriculum at the Driving School of SDN Guruminda 244 Bandung City. This study

was conducted utilizing a phenomenological methodology. The explanations and

individual understandings of events are examined and heard more thoroughly and in

detail in this sort of qualitative research. The phenomenological technique is founded

on researchers' desire to investigate significant informant phenomena in greater depth.

The study was conducted at SDN Guruminda 244 in Bandung. In this study, teachers,

principals, and supervisors served as the informants. Data was gathered using a variety

of methods, including (a) observations; (b) interviews; and (c) documentation studies.

Following are some of the steps taken to ensure the data's validity: By (a) increasing

the time for data collecting and (b) making significant and ongoing observations. really,

(c) performing triangulation, and (d) including coworkers in the discussion. According

to the study's findings, there was an autonomous curriculum that established a standard

in driving schools and created pupils with high moral character, independence, critical

and creative thinking, gotong royong, and a feeling of variety. The guiding principle

supports a wide range of innovative, distinctive, and participative programming.

Encourage cooperation with educators who encourage their leaders to take part in

developing a driving school. Keywords: Independent Curriculum, Implementation,

and Analysis.

3. Conceptual Framework

3.1 Descriptions

The independent curriculum is a curriculum developed by the Indonesian

government to streamline teaching and learning activities in schools. As we know that

in the independent curriculum, there is one characteristic that has become very iconic

in this curriculum, namely, project-based learning. Where project-based learning is

intended so that students have a creativity that is proclaimed to be much greater than

in the previous curriculum.

Apart from that, project-based learning that is within the scope of this

Kurikulum Merdeka is still relatively new and only a few driving schools have just

implemented it. For this reason, it is deemed necessary to know more specifically how

the implementation of PjBL in English learning is.

3.2 Model of Conceptual Framework

Figure 3.1:
(Conceptual framework teacher’s and students’ perception of implementation
of project-based learning)

Independent Curriculum

Project-Based Learning

Perception of Implementation
of Project-Based Learning

English Teacher’s Students’ perception

perception in Implementing about PjBL


1. Research Type

This research belongs to the type of qualitative research. Where qualitative

research is classified as research that requires researchers as the main instrument in

data collection to have broad insights about the subject of research, especially on

the focus of research. Investigating the typical and/or extraordinary lives of people,

groups, societies, and organizations is the goal of qualitative research, which is

done in a naturalistic context with participants in close and/or extended contact

(Miles et al., 2014). According to (J. Wertz, 2011) what is studied in qualitative

research is the question. Knowing what something is requires a conceptualization

of the subject under study as a whole and in each of its component parts, as well as

an understanding of how these components are related to one another and organized

as a whole, as well as how the whole differs from and is similar to other things.

There is yet another definition of qualitative research offered by (Gumilang,

2016) that qualitative research is research that does not have absolute formulas or

rules to process and analyze data and prioritize problem exploration, identification

of factors and theory development as a characteristic of his research. Then for

research specifications, this research is a case study research study, because this

research involves a contemporary event, namely project-based learning from their

curriculum. This is in line with what was said by (Reese, 2000) in general, case

studies are the preferred strategy when “how” or “why” questions are being posed,


when the investigator has little control over events, and when the focus is on a

contemporary phenomenon within some real-life context.

Therefore, this research will be carried out as befits case study research

where case study research is under the auspices of qualitative research so that the

data collected is data that is not in the form of statistical and numerical data, but

scientific narratives.

2. Research setting

This research was planned to be carried out at SMAN 10 Padang. The

researcher will do the research at 21st – 30th November 2022.

3. Data Source

The researcher would take the data from English Teachers and the Students

Grade XII IPA 3 at SMAN 10 Padang. The selection of research subjects was based

on certain criteria seen in the research subjects, in this case XII IPA 3 class at

SMAN 10 Padang fulfilling three criteria, namely: 1) using Kurikulum Merdeka,

2) currently implementing PjBL, 3) PjBL related to language learning materials


4. Instrument and Data Collection Technique

4.1 Instrument

Three instruments were used by researchers in the data collecting process:

structured interviews, observation, and document analysis. The use of these three

instruments were justified by their compatibility with the research data source—

English teachers—because there aren't many of them, making it possible to conduct

direct interviews with them and collect the data. According to (Creswell, 2014) If

I want to find out how suspects are arrested and booked, I may decide to interview

the people associated with this activity (police officers, suspects, and attorneys),

observe bookings, and collect arrest-relevant documents (e.g., regulations,

interrogation transcripts).

Furthermore, based on the case example from the Creswell book above, the

researcher identified that the research to be carried out had something in common,

namely suspecting a case of implementing project-based learning in a school by

recognizing the teachers and students understanding PjBL. Therefore, the

researcher decided to use the theory of Creswell for instrumentation in data

collection, namely interviews, questionnaire and documentation.

Furthermore, the researcher designed a list of interview questions that were

used as a data collection tool. With additional information from the project-based-

learning rubric above, the researcher tries to make questions that can dig up

information about the implementation of project-based learning at the research

location that has been determined, namely at SMAN 10 Padang.

In addition to interviews, researchers also use the questionnaire method in

data collection, because to know the perception of students the researcher needs

questionnaire to collect the data, considering the population and sample more than

thirty samples.

4.2 Data collection technique

There are several ways in collecting information which are used to collect

data, such as documents, questioner, and interview (Miles et al., 2014). In addition,

collecting the data can be carried out in various setting include natural setting, in

laboratories with experimental methods, at home with various respondents, in a

seminar, and others. In mixed methods research, data collection is carried out in

natural settings, primary data sources, and data collection techniques are mostly on

participant questioner, in-depth interviews, and documentation.

To get empirical data of this study, the data collect through the two following

methods, by distribute questioner to all of the sample of the research and conducting


4.2.1 Questionnaire

The questionnaire was a data collection technique that is carried out in a

way giving a set of questions or a written statement to the respondent to answer.

The questionnaire is a data collection technique efficient when the researcher

knows exactly what variable to measure and knows what that can be expected from

the respondent. In addition, a questionnaire is also suitable used when the number

of respondents is large enough and spread over a wide area wide. Questionnaires

can be in the form of closed or open questions/statements. can be given to

respondents in person or sent by post, or internet. If the research is carried out on a

scope that is not too broad, so questionnaires can be delivered directly in not too

long, then sending questionnaires to respondents does not need to be by post. With

the existence of direct contact between researchers and respondents will create a

fairly good condition, so that respondents voluntarily will provide objective and

fast data. Uma Sekaran (1992) suggests several principles in writing questionnaire

as a data collection technique, namely: the principle of writing, measurement and

physical appearance.

Likert scale The Likert scale is used to measure attitudes, opinions, and

perceptions a person or a group of people about social phenomena. In research, this

social phenomenon has been specifically defined by researchers, hereinafter

referred to as the research variable. With a Likert scale, the variables to be measured

are translated into variable indicator. Then the indicator is used as a starting point

to compile instrument items which can be in the form of statements or question.

Answer each instrument item using a Likert scale has a gradation from very positive

to very negative, which can be in the form of words such as:

a. Strongly Agree a. Always

b. Agree b. Often
c. Doubt c. Sometimes
d. Disagree d. Never
e. Strongly disagree
a. Very positive a. Very good
b. positive b. Well
c. negative c. Not good
d. Very negative d. Not very good

For the purposes of quantitative analysis, the answer can be given score, for


1. Agree/always/very positive is scored 4

2. Agree/often/positive is given a score of 3

3. Disagree/hardly negative is given a score of 2

4. Strongly disagree/never get a score of 1

Table 3. 1 Blueprint of Questioner

No Indikator Sub Indikator
Favorable Unfavorable
1. Teacher’s 1. Positive
1, 2, 3, 4
perception perception
2. Negative 5,6,7,8
perception 9, 10, 11
12, 13 14
15, 16
2. Students’ 3. Cognitive 18, 19, 20, 23,
perception 24, 25, 26, 27,
28, 29
4. Affective 24, 25, 26
5. Conative 27, 28, 29

4.2.2 Interview

Sources of data in the study would be taken from teachers and students,

considering the title of the study raises the implementation of PjBL as the focus of

research. Considering the source of the research data, the researcher chose

interviews as a way of collecting data. Researchers would ask questions about

project-based learning in Kurikulum Merdeka that is oriented to the implementation

of project-based learning in English teaching-learning. The interview will carry out

by depth-interview which list of questions asked to the participant deeply (Creswell,


2014). In creating questions of interviews, researchers are guided by research

questions that will be used as question indicators. The indicators in the interview

questions are 1) The implementation of project-based learning, 2) The process of

implementing project-based learning, 3) The difficulties faced by teachers and

students in PjBL in learning English.

5. Data Trustworthiness

After the data was collected, the data was first cross-checked to ensure that the

data could be trusted. In this case, the researcher uses triangulation to test the

validity of the data obtained. According to (Miles et al., 2014) There were two kinds

of triangulation, namely 1) technical triangulation and 2) source triangulation,

researchers use technical triangulation, because in research there were three main

instruments that researchers use, namely questionnaires, interviews and


6. Data Analysis Technique

In order to answer the formulation of the problem, researcher uses several

steps on analyzing data. Researcher use side-by-side comparison approach as said

in (Miles et al., 2014) that the researcher will first report quantitative statistical

result and then discuss the qualitative findings.

6.1 Quantitative Data

TCR : Total Score

X 100
Maximum Score

Maximum score: T x n x highest scale



TCR : Tingkat Capaian Responden (respondent achievement level)

T : Amount Respondent
n : Amount of Questioner Item

6.2 Qualitative Data

6.2.1 Data Reduction

Reducing data entails summarizing, choosing the most important

components, concentrating on them, and searching for patterns and themes to

reach a final conclusion (Miles et al., 2014). This stage involved the researcher

transcribing the speeches that English teachers gave in class that were captured on

video during the teaching-learning process. The transcribed data is utilized to infer

the different interactional styles and linguistic usages made by the teacher during

the English teaching-learning process as well as the interactional patterns that

transpired in the classroom.

6.2.2 Data Display

The data was then displayed once it has been compressed. Display data is

a description of what is occurring in a natural environment. Display data is a way

of grouping, condensing, explaining, and narrating information in a way that helps

researchers come to conclusions (Miles et al., 2014). In order to explain the data

that has been collected and provide answers to the formulated research problems,

the researcher used the percentage formula in this step.


6.2.3 Conclusion and drawing verification

Making inferences and then confirming them was the final stage in

qualitative data analysis (Miles et al., 2014). The complete study findings were

now delivered by the researcher.



Based on the data which had been collected regarding the implementation of

project-based learning in English subject in the independent curriculum at SMAN 10

PADANG class 10 IPA 3, the researchers categorized the data into five categories. This

category includes research questions that have been formulated, namely the teacher’s

perception toward the implementation of Project-Based Learning at class XII IPA 3 SMAN

10 Padang, 2) How are the students’ perception toward the implementation of Project-

Based Learning at class XII IPA 3 SMAN 10 Padang.

The first category was the activity of planning and designing project-based learning

models by English teachers. This activity consists of several stages of work, namely

looking at KD, choosing the type of project and adjusting the project to the material in KD.

Seeing KD here was understanding carefully what the demands of KD, such as asking,

compiling, understanding or responding. So, to be able to plan the design of a project-based

learning model. then choosing the type of project means determining what kind of project

was given to students, whether in the form of writing, media, video, recording and so on.

Then the adjustment of the material to the project is where there would be compatibility

later in the project and the learning material.

The second category was pre-activity which in this category includes how the

teacher directs students to be able to think towards project-based learning without directly

telling students about the material and the types of activities they will do. In this category

the teacher provides instructions regarding the learning plan that has been designed, these


instructions were known as brainstorming, where students are stimulated to be able to think

critically and raise many questions and speculations in their brains.

For the third, fourth and fifth categories, namely main activity, post-activity and

evaluation activities. In the main activity the teacher gives students the type of project and

students determine the topic of the project and students were given the freedom to

differentiate in their project. Then in the post-activity students collect their project in the

form of a YouTube link and submit it via WhatsApp to the class group then present their

project at the next meeting. Furthermore, in evaluation activities, the teacher gives an

assessment according to predetermined criteria, namely in terms of language and product.

1. Finding

Based on the data which had been collected, the researcher was able to describe

the teacher’s and students’ perception toward project-based learning implementation

process that occurred in class XII 10 IPA 3 at SMAN 10 PADANG, namely there were

two indicators for teacher’s perception and three for students’ perception.

1.1 Data Reduction

1.1.1 Students’ Perception of Implementation Project-Based Learning

In the process of implementing project-based learning, there were many

stages that must be passed and lived, starting from planning the design of the

learning model to evaluate it. The involvement of teachers and students is a point

in the findings of this study. The perception of implementation goes through several

points, namely 1) cognitive, 2) affective and 3) conative.

50 Cognitive (perceptual)

In this planning and design, the teacher prepares what kind of learning

model will be given to students in class.

Table 4. 1:
(Mean Score of Item Questioner Sub-Indicator Cognitive)

IP.1 IP.2 IP.3 IP.4
N Valid 42 42 42 42
Missing 0 0 0 0

Mean 2.86 2.95 2.79 3.17

Std. Deviation .683 .731 .645 .581
Range 2 2 2 3
Minimum 2 2 2 1
Maximum 4 4 4 4

From the statistic table above, the researcher interprets the data by using the

average criterion of the questionnaire scale. The researcher uses an even Likert

scale, namely 1, 2, 3 and 4 with criteria 0.00 - 0.99 (very poor), 1.00 - 1.99 (poor),

2.00 - 2.99 (good), 3.00 – 4.00 (very good). Table 1.1 shows that the highest average

is 3.17 in item IP.4, where 3.17 is on the Likert scale mean criteria which indicates

very well. Then followed by other items with an average of 2.95 (IP.2), 2.86 (IP.1),

2.79 (IP.3) which are in good criteria.

In addition, researcher also interprets the data into an index with an interval

of 100/4 = 25, where from this interval, the following data interpretation criteria

are made:

0 - 24,99%: sangat tidak setuju (STS) 25 – 49,99%: tidak setuju (TS)


50 – 74,99%: setuju (S) 75 – 100%: sangat setuju (SS)

In the Implementation indicator table (IP) 1-4, it represents the Cognitive sub-

indicator with a score of 494 out of a total score of 672. If the percentage is calculated at

73.51%, according to the index criteria mentioned, the planning sub-indicator and design,

based on the results of questionnaires from students, student perceptions of project-based

learning implemented by English teachers are good, because the percentage of student

responses to planning and design of the PjBL model is in the agreed criteria (S) which

contains favorable or positive statements. So, the interpretation of the data drawn by the

researcher is that the students admit that the PjBL planning and design applied by the

English teacher in class IPA 3 at SMAN 10 PADANG is the right learning model design.

In addition, this data was also strengthened by the results of interviews with English

teachers who teach in class 10 IPA 3 at SMAN 10 PADANG showing positive responses

from students, as found in the following interview.


Interviewer: “apasih yang paling miss persiapkan gitu, untuk mengeksekusi

project-based learning ini?” (What do you prepare the most, to
execute this project-based learning?)
Participant: “saya akan menyiapkan dulu kira-kira apa apa saja yang mereka
perlukan dalam penciptaan atau mengkreasikan sebuah news item
dan kemudian mereka buatkan productnya berbentuk berita
dalam bentuk video, naha saya akan,inta kepada mereka juga
menyiapkan apa apa saja scirptnya. Gitu.”( I will first prepare
whatever they need in creating or creating a news item and then
they make the product in the form of news in video form, so I will
ask them to prepare any scripts.)

Data from interviews on W1, it can be seen that the teacher prepares project-based

learning by planning everything that will be needed in a project such as an overview of the

project and what students will do in the project. In this case, at the planning and design

stages of the learning model, the teacher first plans the form of the project that students

will work on, such as making a script for the project on news item material. Then with the

design as mentioned by the teacher at W1, the researcher interpreted that the design

prepared by the teacher was welcomed by students with the questionnaire index criteria

agreeing. Affective (emotional)

Implementation of pre-activity was where the teacher lures students to be able to

focus on the material to be delivered, not only that the teacher provides pictures to students

through media that are relevant to the material, can be in the form of videos, current

situations or even written discourse.

Table 4. 2:
(Mean Score of Item Questioner Sub-Indicator Affective)

IP.5 IP.6 IP.7
N Valid 42 42 42
Missing 0 0 0

Mean 3.38 3.38 2.88

Std. Deviation .492 .539 .832
Range 1 2 2
Minimum 3 2 2
Maximum 4 4 4

From the statistic table above, the researcher interprets the data by using the average

criterion of the questionnaire scale. The researcher uses an even Likert scale, namely 1, 2,

3 and 4 with criteria 0.00 - 0.99 (very poor), 1.00 - 1.99 (poor), 2.00 - 2.99 (good), 3.00 –

4.00 (very good). Table 1.2 shows that the highest average is 3.38 in item IP.5 and IP.6,

where 3.38 is on the Likert scale mean criteria which indicates very well. Then followed

by other item with an average of 2.88 (IP.7), in good criteria.

In the Implementation indicator table (IP) 5-8, it represents the Affective sub

indicator with a score of 405 out of a total score of 504. If the percentage is calculated at

80.35%, according to the index criteria listed below table IP.4, based on the results of a

questionnaire from students, student perceptions of the project-based learning implemented

by the English teacher were classified as very good, because the percentage of student

responses to the planning and design of the PjBL model was in the criteria of strongly agree

(SS) which contained favorable or positive statements.

In addition, this data is also strengthened by the results of interviews with English

teachers who teach in class 10 IPA 3 at SMAN 10 PADANG showing positive responses

from students, as found in the following interviews.


Interviewer: “Bagaimana reaksi siswa ketika miss mengarahkan mereka

dengan cara yang seperti itu? Apakah mereka memberikan
tanggapan yang positif atau malah sebaliknya?” (How do
students react when miss directs them in that way? Did they give
a positive response or vice versa?)
Participant: “Mereka ketawa-tawa, mereka ada yang berciloteh. Ini lucu, ini
bisa, bisa why not? Lho, liat mereka bisa ngomong sama tukang
ojek mereka bisa mendatangi sebuah tempat orang berjualan es
teler yang di depan sekolah, kemudian mereka bisa mendatangi
seorang polisi, mereka bisa mendatangi tempat-tampat orang
bekerja jalan kereta api, why not? Gitu. (They were laughing,
they were chattering. It's funny, it works, it works why not? You
see, they can talk to the motorcycle taxi drivers, they can go to a
place where people selling es teler is in front of the school, then
they can go to a police officer, they can go to places where people
work on railroads, why not? That's it)

Data from interviews on W2, it appears that the teacher provides direction about

project-based learning in a way that is owned by the teacher. In this case, at the planning

and design stages of the learning model, the teacher first provokes students' thinking power

with a stimulus, then with this stimulus students respond positively by laughing and having

light discussions with their classmates, and asking questions directly to the teacher with

great enthusiasm. Researchers interpret this with a good response in terms of pre-activity. Conative (behavior)

In the process of this activity students carry out according to the direction of the

teacher while also being monitored by the teacher. They work on projects in class, project

work includes group discussions and determines the project topics to be discussed.

Table 4. 3
(Mean Score of Item Questioner Sub-Indicator Conative)

IP.8 IP.9 IP.10 IP.11
N Valid 42 42 42 42
Missing 0 0 0 0

Mean 3.36 3.55 3.62 3.43

Std. Deviation .485 .504 .492 .547
Range 1 1 1 2
Minimum 3 3 3 2
Maximum 4 4 4 4

Based on the statistic table above, the researcher interprets the data by using the

average criterion of the questionnaire scale. The researcher uses an even Likert scale,

namely 1, 2, 3 and 4 with criteria 0.00 - 0.99 (very poor), 1.00 - 1.99 (poor), 2.00 - 2.99

(good), 3.00 – 4.00 (very good). Table 1.3 shows that the highest average is 3.62 in item

IP.10, where 3.62 is on the Likert scale mean criteria which indicates very good. Then

followed by other items with an average of 3.36 (IP.8), 3.43 (IP.11), 3.55 (IP.9), in very

good criteria too.

Therefore, In the IP.8-11 indicator table, it represents the Conative sub-indicator

with a score of 586 out of a total score of 672. If the percentage is calculated at 87.20%,

according to the index criteria listed below table IP.4, based on the results questionnaire

from students, students' perceptions of project-based learning implemented by English

teachers are classified as very good, because the percentage of student responses to the

PjBL main-activity is in the criteria of strongly agree (SS) which contains favorable or

positive statements. So, the interpretation of the data drawn by the researcher is that

students state that the PjBL main-activity implemented by the English teacher in class IPA

3 at SMAN 10 PADANG is a main-activity that students really like.

In addition, this data is also strengthened by the results of interviews with English

teachers who teach in class 10 IPA 3 at SMAN 10 PADANG showing positive responses

from students, as found in the following interviews.

Interviewer:“Oke miss, setelah miss mempersiapkan ini, eeee apa yang akan
dieksekusi dalam project-based learning, nah jadikan mereka
udah terarah tuh ya miss ya, udah bisa dibilang udah terarah
karena udah miss pancing-pancing juga dari eee mungkin
brainstormingnya dan gambaran dari project-project sebelumnya
juga, setelah akhirnya seperti itu, apa saja si yang kemudian
dilakukan siswa dalam kegiatan inti di project-based learning
ini?”( Okay miss, after you have prepared this, emm what will be
executed in project-based learning, now make them directed, miss,
yes, you can say they have been directed because they have
already missed the provocation from, maybe a brainstorming and
an overview of the project- the previous project as well, after it
ended like that, what did the students then do in the core activities
in this project-based learning?)

Participant: “Di kegatan inti di project-based learning, pasti mereka melakukan

seperti yang di arahkan mereka harus membuat dulu beritanya
kan, kalo di pembuatan berita ini, ee mereka pastikan dulu
menyiapkan topik apa, mereka kan, karena ini adalah butuh waktu
yang bukan sekali, dua kali, dua kali dua minggu bukan. (In the
main activity of project-based learning, surely, they do as direct.
They have to make the news first, right? In making this news, um,
they make sure to prepare the topic first, right? Because this takes
time, not once, twice. times, twice a week instead)
Data from interviews on W3, it appears that teachers provide direction about

project-based learning by assigning them to prepare news topics. In the main activity, the

teacher gives instructions to determine in advance what form of news students will work

on, then these instructions in the main activity, students begin discussing with their group

mates and determine the theme of their project. The researcher interpreted this with a good

response from the main activity sub-indicator with the criteria for the percentage of the

questionnaire index from students in the strongly agree category (SS).

1.1.2 Teacher’s Perception of Implementation Project-Based Learning

In this process students submit their projects in the form of a YouTube link which

is then shared with the WhatsApp group as proof that they have made a project and have

uploaded it to their respective YouTube accounts. Furthermore, they will present their

project in front of the class.


Table 4. 4
(Mean Score of Item Questioner Indicator Teacher’s Perception)

IP.12 IP.13 IP.14
N Valid 42 42 42
Missing 0 0 0

Mean 1.55 3.48 3.45

Std. Deviation .504 .594 .504
Range 1 2 1
Minimum 1 2 3
Maximum 2 4 4

From the statistic table above, the researcher interprets the data by using the average

criterion of the questionnaire scale. The researcher uses an even Likert scale, namely 1, 2,

3 and 4 with criteria 0.00 - 0.99 (very poor), 1.00 - 1.99 (poor), 2.00 - 2.99 (good), 3.00 –

4.00 (very good). Table 1.4 shows that the highest average is 3.48 in item IP.13, where

3.48 is on the Likert scale mean criteria which indicates very good. Then followed by other

items with an average of 3.45 (IP.14), in very good criteria and 1.55 (IP.12), in poor criteria.

In the IP.12-14 indicator table, it represents the Teacher’s Perception indicator with

a score of 356 out of a total score of 504. If the percentage is calculated at 70.63%,

according to the index criteria listed below table IP.4, based on the results questionnaire

from students, students' perceptions of project-based learning implemented by English

teachers are good, because the percentage of student responses to PjBL post-activity is in

the agreed criteria (S) which contains favorable or positive statements. So, the

interpretation of the data drawn by the researcher is that the students state that the PjBL

post-activity implemented by the English teacher in class IPA 3 at SMAN 10 PADANG is

a post-activity that is liked by students.


In addition, this data is also strengthened by the results of interviews with English

teachers who teach in class 10 IPA 3 at SMAN 10 PADANG showing positive responses

from students, as found in the following interviews.


Interviewer: “Jadi untuk merampungkan proyeknya ini mereka tu, dan akhirnya
semuanya terkumpul gitu, mereka mengumpulkannya butuh
waktu berapa lama Miss? Maksudnya gak satu-satu gitu miss,
semuanya kelar gitu miss. Yang selesai gitu ngerjainnya?”( So
to complete their project, and in the end everything is collected,
how long does it take them to collect it Miss? I mean, not one by
one miss, all of them are finished like that miss. What's done is
Participant: “Mereka saya kasih dengan cara silahkan kamu kirimkan dalam
bentuk link video youtube, mereka membuatnya dalam youtube
jadi akan mereka kirimkan dalam youtube, link youtube. Dan
mereka kirimkan ke whatsapp group kelas. Dan itu sebelum ujian
semester berakhir, karena materi ini adalah materi KD
terakhir.”( I will give them a way to please send them in the form
of a YouTube video link, they make it on YouTube so they will
send it on YouTube, a YouTube link. And they send it to the class
WhatsApp group. And that was before the end of the semester
exams, because this material is the last KD material.)
Data from interviews at W4, the teacher said that after the projects carried out by

students were finished and completed, each group then entered the project in the form of a

video on their social media account, in this case the teacher directed them to enter it on a

YouTube account. After that, as proof that they had posted on their YouTube account, each

of them sent the YouTube link to the WhatsApp class group. The researcher interpreted

this with a good response from the post activity sub indicator with the criteria for the

percentage of the questionnaire index from students in the agree category (S).
59 Positive perception

In this evaluation process, the teacher gives an assessment according to

predetermined criteria, namely in terms of language and product. In addition, because the

product is presented in front of the class, the brand's classmates also provide evaluations

in the form of direct comments through interaction in class.

Table 4. 5
(Mean Score of Item Questioner Sub-Indicator Positive Perception)

IP.15 IP.16
N Valid 42 42
Missing 0 0

Mean 3.00 3.24

Std. Deviation .733 .484
Range 2 2
Minimum 2 2
Maximum 4 4

Based on the statistic table above, the researcher interprets the data by using the

average criterion of the questionnaire scale. The researcher uses an even Likert scale,

namely 1, 2, 3 and 4 with criteria 0.00 - 0.99 (very poor), 1.00 - 1.99 (poor), 2.00 - 2.99

(good), 3.00 – 4.00 (very good). Table 1.5 shows that the highest average is 3.24 in item

IP.16, where 3.24 is on the Likert scale mean criteria which indicates very good. Then

followed by other item with an average of 3.00 (IP.15), in very good criteria too.

In the IP.15 and 16 indicator tables, they represent the Positive Perception sub-

indicator with a score of 262 out of a total score of 336. If the percentage is calculated at

77.97%, according to the index criteria listed below table IP.4, based on the results of a

questionnaire from students, student perceptions of project-based learning applied by

English teachers are classified as very good, because the percentage of student responses

to the PjBL evaluation is in the criteria of strongly agree (SS) which contains favorable or

positive statements. So,the interpretation of the data drawn by the researcher is that the

students state that the PjBL evaluation implemented by the English teacher in IPA 3 class

at SMAN 10 PADANG is an evaluation that students like.

In addition, this data is also strengthened by the results of interviews with English

teachers who teach in class 10 IPA 3 at SMAN 10 PADANG showing positive responses

from students, as found in the following interviews.


Interviewer: “Setelah dipresentasikan, pasti ada evaluasinya dong, nah kemudian

bagaimana miss mengevaluasinya atau memberi nilai dari product
yang mereka buat?”( After the presentation, there must be an
evaluation, so how do you evaluate it or give value to the product
they make?9
Participant: “Penialian dari segi Bahasa dan dari segi productnya.”(evaluation in
terms of language and in terms of products.)
From the teacher interview data at W5, the teacher said that he made an assessment

of the project that had been done and then presented it based on criteria in terms of language

and product. The criteria in terms of language in question are how fluent the language is

and the richness of the vocabulary in the project, then in terms of product, namely how the

product is packaged or edited. The researcher interprets that the evaluation carried out by

the teacher received a good response with the index criteria from the student questionnaire

at 77.97% which means very good or strongly agree (SS).

61 Negative perception

Time is a very significant constraint for teachers and students, as evidenced by the

submission of projects that are carried out after the school's final exams. Then on the part

of the teacher, it failed to condition the project presentations that had been made by students

as a whole.

Table 4. 6
(Mean Score of Item Questioner Sub-Indicator Negative Perception)

D.1 D.2 D.3 D.4 D.5 D.6 D.7 D.8 D.9 D.1 D.1 D.1 D.1
0 1 2 3
N Va 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42
Mi 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Mean 2.8 2.9 3.0 3.1 2.1 3.1 3.0 3.1 2.2 2.3 2.6 3.0 3.4
6 0 7 2 2 0 5 7 4 8 9 5 0
Std. .71 .61 .60 .59 .70 .57 .66 .53 .72 .76 .74 .62 .54
Deviatio 8 7 1 3 5 6 1 7 6 4 9 3 4
Range 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 2
Minimu 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2
Maximu 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

From the statistic table above, the researcher interprets the data by using the average

criterion of the questionnaire scale. The researcher uses an even Likert scale, namely 1, 2,

3 and 4 with criteria 0.00 - 0.99 (very poor), 1.00 - 1.99 (poor), 2.00 - 2.99 (good), 3.00 –

4.00 (very good). Table 1.6 shows that the highest average is 3.17 in item D.10, where 3.17

is on the Likert scale mean criteria which indicates very good.

From the frequency table above, the researcher interprets the data into an index with

an interval of 100/4 = 25, where from this interval, the following data interpretation criteria

are made:

0 - 24,99%: sangat setuju (SS) 25 – 49,99%: setuju (S)

50 – 74,99%: tidak setuju (TS) 75 – 100%: sangat tidak setuju (STS)

In the Negative Perception indicator table (total_D), after adding up per item of

questions with many respondents, a score of 1,560 is obtained from a total score of 2,184.

Where if the percentage is calculated at 71.42% then according to the index criteria listed

below table IP.4, based on the results of a questionnaire from students, students'

perceptions of project-based learning applied by English teachers are quite good, because

the percentage of student responses on the PjBL evaluation is in the disagree criterion (TS)

which contains unfavorable or negative statements where the score given on the selected

scale is reversed from the favorable statement, namely STS = 4, TS = 3, S = 2, SS = 1. So,

the interpretation of the data is What was drawn by the researcher was that the students

stated that the difficulties in PjBL experienced by the English teacher in class IPA 3 at

SMAN 10 PADANG were insignificant difficulties because many disagreed about the

difficulties stated in the questionnaire.

In addition, this data is also strengthened by the results of interviews with English

teachers who teach in class 10 IPA 3 at SMAN 10 PADANG showing positive responses

from students, as found in the following interviews:



Interviewer: “Selain kendala waktu, apakah ada kendala berarti dalam project-
based learnin? mungkin dari miss nya atau dari siswa nya yang
miss lihat gitu?”( Apart from time constraints, are there any
significant constraints in project-based learning? maybe from the
miss or from the students who miss see that?)
Participant: “Kendala secara pribadi, berarti kemampuan lagi, mau tidak mau
mereka harus bisa mengkelarkannya mereka mengumpulkannya,
berarti mereka sudah berusaha, gitu kan, kalo kendala dari
kemampuan mereka iya, tapi saya nggak menjadikan itu sebagai
patokan bagi saya, merupakan kendala bagi saya nggak, tapi
adalah itu bentuk, mungkin kendala bagi mereka sendiri yang
harus mereka ubah, nah gitu aja.( Obstacles personally, means
more ability, like it or not they have to be able to collect them, it
means they have tried, right, if the constraints are from their
abilities yes, but I don't make that a benchmark for me, it's an
obstacle for me no, but is that it's a form, maybe it's an obstacle
for themselves that they have to change, that's all)

From the data from teacher interviews at W6, it appears that teachers experience

time constraints for implementing this project-based learning. However, the time

constraints were still manageable, because in the end all students were able to complete

their projects. Then the obstacles in terms of student abilities have been resolved by

dividing members per group evenly with children with low and passable English skills.

This data gives the researcher a conclusion that the teacher's difficulties are quite

pronounced, but the students are not too concerned about it, as evidenced by the percentage

of questionnaire data containing unfavorable statements, they tend to disagree about

experiencing difficulties. With the questionnaire index criteria of 71.42% which means

they do not agree.

1.2 Data Display

In this session the data is compressed to find out all the data related to the research

question. In this case the average of each indicator is accumulated in a more general form,

namely related to research questions, namely teacher's and students' perception toward

project-based learning at class XII IPA SMAN 10 Padang.

Table 4. 7 :
(Total Data Teacher’s Perception and Students’ Perception)

Total_IP Total_D
N Valid 42 42
Missing 0 0

Mean 50.07 37.14

Std. Deviation 4.593 3.613

Range 17 15
Minimum 44 30
Maximum 61 45

From the data table 4.7 above, data compaction is done through the accumulation

of the total of each indicator total IP for students' perception and total D for teacher's

perception. After condensing, it can be seen that the average students' perception is at 50.07

and the teacher's perception is 37.14. this shows that students' perception is in the positive

category because the range of 50.07 is a value that is quite close to the maximum value of

60.00. Then, on the teacher's perception, it is also in a positive category because 37.14 is

almost close to the maximum value of 60.00.

1.3 Data Conclusion and Drawing Verification

The data that had been compacted is then drawn conclusions and verified. Based

on the data found, there are three forms of data collected in the field, namely data from

questionnaires, interviews and documentation. From the three data, a common thread can

be drawn, namely the perceptions of teachers and students show a positive response and

all data shows this. This can be proven from the average questionnaire per sub-indicator

with a high average which means it contains a good response, then the interviews

conducted also show a good response with the data displayed in the reduction data. Then

the documentation data shows that the project was carried out well which also means a

positive response was given by the teacher and students in class XII IPA 3 SMAN 10


2. Discussion

2.1 Students’ Perception of Implementation Project-Based Learning

The researcher found from the research findings that the perceptions of teachers and

students in implementing project-based learning in research locations cannot be said to be

in accordance with the theory that underlies this research or more precisely the perceptions

in implementing PjBL have not met the ideal criteria of a project in an independent

curriculum. According to the theory used by researchers, a project made by students must

meet two basic criteria, namely 1) starting with essential questions, 2) followed by

activities motivated by these questions (Blumenfeld et al., 1991). Meanwhile, at the

research location, namely in class XIII IPA 3 SMA 10 Padang, students did not start a

project based on essential questions, instead, the teacher asked them questions and then

they determined the project based on questions from their teacher.

In addition, this research turned out to have continuity with other research by

(Desvianti, 2020) which in his research findings said that the next teacher's perception is

having the ability to design teaching materials that will be used by students. It is the same

as the teacher interview data in the research findings section, namely in W1 where the

teacher in implementing this project-based learning first prepares the teaching materials

used and prepares matters related to the project that will be worked on by students.

Furthermore, the teacher makes a learning model planning design based on the material

that will appear at each class meeting.

Furthermore, by establishing an out of the box criterion, projects that will meet these

criteria are adjusted to the existing KD, in this case the sound of the KD itself. Adjustments

are made by understanding the existing KD editorials such as observing, understanding,

composing and so on. The teacher also said that this KD saw that the sound of KD was

Composing. Composing here means not just compiling a word into a sentence, but creating

a paragraph or discourse that has one meaning and can be understood to have an idea that

is poured from the creative ideas of each student. However, this is different from what is

said in (Wahyu, 2013) that characteristics which are very attached to PjBL are provide

opportunities for students to work autonomously in constructing their own knowledge, and

reach its peak to produce real products.

In the findings of this study, based on data from interviews and questionnaires, it

can be seen that the responses of teachers and students regarding the implementation of

project-based learning are classified as positive, as evidenced by the average and the

percentage of questionnaires which are in the good category. Related to the findings of this

research, in another study it was also found that according to interview results the PjBL

model is very good for implementing an independent curriculum that promotes innovative

learning with the center of the students themselves so that the teacher acts as a facilitator

or motivator (Okyranida et al., 2022). Furthermore, in the research by Okyranida et al., it


was also explained that the teacher's perception of PjBL is a good learning model to be

implemented at the school, because this learning model allows students to be more active

and play a creative role in learning so that it makes it easier for teachers to no longer explain

material in front of them. class while students only receive material delivered by the teacher

without having other references. Furthermore, the findings say that by implementing the

project-based learning learning model at the school it will be able to explore the potential

of students deeper and develop faster than expected.

Besides that, there is still a further stage after pre-activity, namely main activity.

Based on the analysis of the results of the interviews, the teacher said that after being given

directions to be able to make a project, students first made a rubric for their project work

then the teacher monitored student project work starting from making stages of work in a

rubric until it was finished. Furthermore, in this activity, students are divided into a group

consisting of 4-5 students. The selection of this group was not randomly selected, the

English teacher said that in determining the members of each group, the teacher chose

students who were quite good at English and those who were not good enough. (Rizki &

Fahkrunisa, 2022) in his research on the application of project-based learning also divided

students into groups so that students could study together and exchange ideas.

Furthermore, in a journal by (Sukenti & Syarif, 2021) it was found that PBL has a

positive relationship with madrasah teachers' perceptions of class preparation, efforts to

induce madrasah teacher interest, and the frequency with which students share ideas in

class. The findings in Sukenti and Syarif's research have continuity with the data

researchers have from the results of teacher and student interviews that in making a project

the teacher divides students into several groups to complete the project so that it can be

executed more efficiently. In addition to that reason, the division of groups is intended so

that students can share ideas and exchange ideas with their fellow group mates.

Furthermore, in the interview it was said that the reason for dividing into groups was due

to the diverse abilities of students so that projects carried out in groups would be much

better than individually. Thus, the continuity that occurs between this research and the

journals of Sukenti and Syarif can be drawn from the common thread, namely the

perception of sharing ideas carried out by students in PjBL.

In addition, the project-based learning which was carried out in class 10 IPA 3 at

SMAN 10 PADANG has the next stage, namely the stage where students have completed

their project, namely post-activity. At this stage students have worked on projects in

accordance with the direction of the teacher. From the analysis of the results of the teacher's

interviews, in the post-activity the students announced the projects they had worked on

with their groups in the form of a YouTube link. The teacher further said that each group

must upload the results of their work on their YouTube account which is then distributed

to the WhatsApp group as proof that they have uploaded the video to their YouTube

account. (Alawi et al., 2022) in his research found that after the project was completed by

students then it was then published on social media to find out the public's assessment of

their work.

In addition, in a study by (Wahyuningsih & Susanti, 2020) in his research findings

it was said that in project-based learning applied by PGMI students is to make teaching-

discussion videos to increase the confidence of PGMI students to later teach in elementary

schools. The findings of this study have little in common with the findings of the

researchers in this study. Based on the results of teacher and student interviews, they

mentioned two things in common, namely the project being carried out was making news

videos in English. Making this video, adjusts the material for news items in the English

subject. Making the project was first designed and planned by the English teacher which

was then directed to students so they could make videos as planned by the teacher. In this

case the difference from the video project from the research conducted by Wahyuningsih

and Susanti with the findings of this study is only from the type of video project, but the

concept of the project remains the same.

The final stage in the project-based learning implementation process is the

evaluation stage. The evaluation phase was based on the results of interviews with the

teacher, the teacher said that the evaluation phase was carried out in two ways. The first

evaluation carried out on student projects is an evaluation through comments from other

groups, meaning that when one group displays the work of their group and explains it, the

other group provides input, criticism or suggestions to the presenter group. Each group can

comment so that they can encourage enthusiasm for work on the results of other groups,

from the results of interviews with the teacher, the teacher said that students gave

constructive criticism of project presentations from a group. Their criticism was in the form

of: video quality that was lacking and needed improvement, topics less attractive and so

on. (Sukmana & Amalia, 2021) found that the evaluation of PjBL itself was carried out

from two directions, namely students and teachers.

Then for the second evaluation, this evaluation is carried out by the English teacher

himself, namely by conducting an assessment according to predetermined criteria. Based

on the analysis of interview data from the English teacher who teaches in class 10 Science

3 at SMAN 10 PADANG, he said that he established two criteria for project assessment

made by each group of students. The first criterion is the criterion in terms of language

(Chandrawaty & Masykurah, 2020), for this criterion the teacher will see how the English

grammar is used by his students. In addition, in terms of language the teacher also pays

attention to their fluency in English and their confidence when speaking in English.

Assessment can be seen from those involved in making the project. Furthermore, in

the interview the teacher said that the project carried out by the students was a project in

the form of making a video with news item material. In this project students are directly

involved in speaking English by asking the sources in the news video (Kusumaningrum &

Djukri, 2016). Therefore, the teacher determines the criteria for evaluating in terms of their

fluency in English, because the teacher can hear and see news videos made by these

students with their groups. Furthermore, the teacher said in his interview that the

assessment in terms of language was only limited to fluency and the form of sentences used,

because they could not be assessed more deeply considering their English skills were new

to them and still needed a lot of guidance in terms of their grammar.

2.2 Teacher’s Perception in Implementing Project-Based Learning

In a study by (Okyranida et al., 2022) it was said that the teacher's obstacle factor

had never been to implement the PjBL model because there was no guide or textbook that

was qualified for implementing the Project Based Learning learning model. In addition,

there is also no direct training and practice to implement the PjBL model. Those difficulties

have differences by the results of this research based on the interviews with teachers and

students in class 10 IPA 3 at SMAN 10 PADANG, the researchers found two basic

difficulties experienced by teachers and students in the process of implementing project-

based learning which the researchers included in the research findings. Then in the research

discussion section, the researcher wants to convey an analysis of the research findings

which may still be in the form of raw data. Considering that the researcher conducted

interviews directly with students and teachers at the research location, the researcher

certainly has his own insights about the participants in this study so that it allows the

analysis of the research findings to be more accurate and accountable.

Furthermore, in the other research by (Loreana, 2020) challenge in using project-

based learning (PBL) a video the lecturer must pay more attention to when doing correction

in the video because they must be concerned about the students’ pronunciation and what

the topic that they explain in the video related to the instruction of the lecturer or not.

Besides, some of the lecturers stated that they are also concerned in the capacity of the

video because it is one factor that influenced when uploading the video in any online

platform. Different from this research, the difficulties found in the field after conducting

interviews, the difficulties felt by teachers and students were related to time and students'

abilities. For the first, it is related to time on the part of the teacher who feels that he has

not been able to maximize the projects the students are working on until they are

completely finished. In this case the projects worked on by students have indeed been

carried out and collected, but there were problems when presenting the results of their work,

that only part of the group could present their projects in front of the class, so that the

evaluation process by their classmates was not about another group who did not have time

to present their product due to time problems.

The second difficulty that is felt in the implementation process is the ability of the

students themselves (Zega, 2021). The teacher said in his interview that in making this

project in the form of a video news item, it required students' ability to be able to speak

English so that students who had low English skills would find it difficult to handle this

project well. It can be said that the ability of students in the process of implementing

project-based learning in English subjects is a consideration for being able to design a

project that students will work on in the future. Apart from that the application of project-

based learning does not have significant problems, as evidenced by the time constraints

which have been resolved with presentations made by only a portion of the group and

evaluation carried out simultaneously with the group being evaluated. The point is that

when the groups that appear are evaluated by the teacher and students, other groups can

also automatically correct their projects by looking at the similarity of the assessment


Then with regard to the problem of uneven student abilities, some are low and

some are pretty good, the teacher has overcome this by combining each group consisting

of children whose English is good and those who are not good, so they will be able to help

each other and work together in a group (Najah et al., 2020). In this way students will be

able to exchange ideas and discuss and help each other. Remember they will make a project

involving every member of the group. Furthermore, to outsmart the diverse abilities of

students, they finally decided to give assignments for those with low English proficiency

to be responsible for technical matters, such as video shooting and video editing. Then for

those whose English is not bad; they are responsible for questioning sources and speaking

in English. This also happened in the research by (Nuryadi & Rahmawati, 2018) that the

material and projects being worked on find suitability and students respond well to this as

evidenced by creativity and excellent learning outcomes.


In addition, students also said in their interviews that they had overcome their time

management constraints by adjusting each of their schedules. They start working on their

projects after school and determine days that they don't have extra tutoring so they can

gather in their groups and execute their projects and go into the field (Hidayat et al., 2020).

Even though at first, they were hesitant, with the concept that they had defined and

discussed beforehand, they were finally able to carry out the entire life of the project from

planning to presentation and product collection. So, it can be concluded that the obstacles

faced by teachers and students are not so annoying because they have been resolved proper.

1. Conclusion

In this study, researchers have formulated research questions namely 1) How do the

teacher and students perceive toward the implementation of Project-Based Learning at class

XII IPA 3 SMAN 10 Padang?2) What are the difficulties in implementing project-based

learning in class XII 10 IPA 3 at SMAN 10 Padang? In the research findings and discussion

of the research, the researcher concluded that the research questions had been answered.

Because the research findings have shown data found in the field by researchers regarding

research questions. As we can see in the point process of implementing project-based learning

listed in the research findings and discussion, this has answered research statements one and

two, because at that point it was explained the stages of implementing project-based learning

in IPA 3 class at SMAN 10 PADANG there are five stages of implementation, namely 1) the

planning stage of the design of the learning model, 2) the pre-activity stage, 3) the main

activity stage, 4) the post-activity stage, 5) the evaluation stage.

Furthermore, the second research question was answered because at every stage the

English teacher was directly involved in the implementation of project-based learning such as

in planning the design model of the English teacher preparing the project form to be worked

on by students must be out of the box. Then, at the pre-activity stage, the English teacher

brainstorms videos regarding project material to stimulate students to think critically and

creatively. Besides that, at the main activity stage the teacher gives his role by monitoring the


activities of student groups in making projects, and providing solutions if there is

confusion from students in determining the topic of the project and so on. Then in the post-

activity the teacher directs students to enter their video project into their YouTube account.

After that, at the evaluation stage, students present their work and the teacher gives an

evaluation based on predetermined criteria.

In addition, it can be concluded that the answer to the third research question was the

point of difficulty in implementing project-based learning in the research findings and

discussion section. This is proven by knowing the obstacles faced by teachers and students in

the implementation of PjBL, namely time constraints and student abilities. The time

constraints that have been explained are related to the presentation of the project which did

not occur as a whole; only some groups can make presentations, but not for the rest. This

became an obstacle because the evaluation process from other groups did not occur in all

groups, therefore this was determined as an obstacle to be corrected later. Then the constraints

on students' abilities mean that students' English abilities vary so that the teacher must divide

them into groups consisting of students with low abilities and those who are passable in one


In conclusion, it can be revealed that teacher and students’ perception of the

implementation of project-based learning in science class 3 of SMAN 10 PADANG both from

the way the English teacher applied it and the difficulties encountered during the PjBL process

took place. Because researcher already have valid data and can be accounted for regarding the

answers to the three research questions that have been formulated.

2. Suggestion

For researchers, this research will be more important for their future career in

teaching and learning process after graduating from this University in the future. By

conducting this research, the researcher can gain some evidence to find out the gaps in PjBL

to be able to develop.

For teachers, the results of this study still have limitations and deficiencies here and

there. The researcher's suggestion for teachers is to find a more effective solution in

implementing PjBL, so that in the future they will no longer encounter similar obstacles.

For students, it will help students to have a good class interaction. But of course,

students still have a lot of practice and practice to be able to make projects that are much better

and even better. Because the potential of students in class 10 IPA 3 at SMAN 10 PADANG

is very good, if it continues to be developed maybe they will be able to make products that are

on par with students at well-known universities.

For other researchers, hopefully it can be used as a reference for conducting

research in order to get better results. But it would be nice for other researchers to find out

about other points in this independent curriculum, namely that there are still two others 1)

essential material and 2) teacher flexibility. This may be researched by other researchers to

continue this research.


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(Questioner Sheets)

(Interview Guideline)

(interview transcribe)
Interview Transcribe: (Miles et al., 2014)
English Teacher: Ms. Titin

No Interviewer Participant

1. Apa yang ibu pahami tentang project- Okey, saya coba jawab ya. Jadi PjBL,
based learning ini sebelum istilah nya inikan. Project-based
melaksanakannya? learning ini saya pake ini memang,
anggaplah dulu ya awal-awalnya dulu
saya pernah coba, kemudian cuman
memang waktu itu kan Namanya
model pembelajaran yang inovatif
terbaru kan istilahnya guru kan harus
mencoba-coba lah ya, trial and error.
Jadi. Dengan kata lain kalo dulu
memang syntax syntax nya belum
terpenuhi sebelumnya, produknya
tetap masih ada. Nah sekarang cerita
tentang PjBL apasih PjBL, menurut
pendapat saya dan sejauh yang saya
tahu, project-based learning is a model
of teaching yang di dalamnya adalah,
diharapkan peserta didik itu mampu
bernalar kritis, melakukan ekperimen,
melakukan kolaborasi dalam
kelompoknya sehingga dalam
menciptakan atau membuat atau
melahirkan sebuah produk gitu kan
that’s PjBL that I know. Kemudian
PjBL disini juga, sebenarnya bukan
bentuk project biasa. Project yang
biasa berbeda dengan project in
PjBLya kan, that’s it. Jadi PjBL,
project yang PjBL it needs time, it
needs process. Okey, jadi PjBL tidak
semata mata seperti ini yang saya

ketahui. Kalo kita biasanya di Bahasa
Inggris nih, kita kasih tugas this is a
task create a group and then discuss in
your group after that we collect it, we
discuss it together its project also but
its not PjBL, you understand?
2. Yess! So PjBL here is that, kita mulai, aa
memberikan ada enam syntax kalo
saya tidak salah, ya kan. Syntax
pertamanya adalah memberikan
pertanyaan mendasar. Yakan?
Pertanyaan mendasar. Saya langsung
aja ke proses ya. Gapapa? Langsung
proses aja gapapa kan? Nah mulai dari
pertanyaan mendasar. Pertanyaan
mendasar saya berikan begini. Kalo
saya di kurikulum merdeka dari CP
turunnya ke TP turunnya ke IKTP,
kemudian baru nanti dia turun kepada
TP yang ada di modul ajar. Nah dari
sana saya sebagai guru saya akan
melihat mana nanti materi yang bisa
saya jadikan sebuah, eee apa
Namanya nanti ini product nanti yang
akan bisa mereka, aa siswa saya
ciptakan, gitu. Nah, kalo saya
ngambilnya di teks news item, yang
sedang saya lakukan nih. Yang sedang
saya lakukan ini adalah teks news
item. Jadi news item, saya mulai
dengan memberikan, eee apa dulu,
pancingan pancingan yah, in ikan kalo
kita dibuatkan di RPP kan kita alurkan
tuh, mulai dari pre-activities nya, saya
mulai dengan apersepsinya, dengan
memancing pertanyaan-pertanyaan
berita-berita terkini, kan gitu. Trus
nanti, setelah selesai saya pancingan
anak-anak kira-kira akan belajar apa

mereka mengatakan oh, now we are
going to learn about news item. For
example. How do you know that?
Misalnya. Mungkin dari koran dari
apa yang saya sebutkan atau dari
tayangan saya. Nah, jadi Ketika
mereka sudah mengetahui apa yang
mereka pelajari, news item. Harusnya
nanti masuk kepada, saya jelaskanlah.
Apa-apa yang kira-kira tujuan
pembelajaran yang akan kamu capai
hari ini, kemudian beberapa hari
kedepan, kan. Nanti trus saya akan
katakana kamu akan melakukan
sebuah project, kamu akan meng-
handle sebuah project. Projectnya
apa? Nah, saya mulai dengan
menayangkan video. Saya tayangkan
video, karena dia news item saya
tayangkan videonya, mulai dari video
orang yang memberikan berita, yang
menyampaikan berita itu native saya
ambil, saya ambil yang authentic
materialnya, saya ambil yang dari
luar. Dari CNN kalo gak salah sih ya.
Hmm, berita waktu itu tentang
hebohnya yang di Taiwan, tau nggak?
Yang berita di Taiwan yang
meninggal sekitar 150 orang waktu itu
ada sekumpulan LGBT and Gay yang
waktu itu ada pesta malam yang kini
mereka bertumpuk-tumpuk karena,
kondisi jalan yang sangat sempit dan
ada pesta besar waktu itu dia akhirnya
mereka meninggal sebanyak 150. Jadi
berita itu saya tayangkan, jadi berita-
berita terbaru saat-saat ini, jadi disana
ada bagaimana seorang news
readernya berbicara menyampaikan
berita dan ada reporternya, sayalah

yang. Nah, dari news ini, saya akan
buat project nih. Coba dari sini. Kira-
kira, ini saya tanyain ya, berita nya
tentang apa? Saya discuss dulu
dengan berita dulu, apa berita itu?
Tentang apa beritanya? What is the
news about? Trus apalagi yang mau
ditanyakan? What events? Apa-apa
aja events that you can watch from
this video? Trus mereka sebutkan
events nya apa?kan gitu ya? Apa
Namanya istilahnya, ee news what
events nya udah tahu dia, kejadian
sesuatu orang meninggal, event ini,
ini, malam itu gitu. Apa saja lagi, ada
apa di dalamnya. Ada source, ada
source gitu ya, narasumbernya siapa
disitu, kan didalamnya ada tu, ada
polisi. Nah, mereka udah kenal ini
dalam sebuah, apa Namanya news
item, karena sebelumnya, mereka kan
sudah diajarkan jugalah seharusnya di
bab sebelumnya, di KD yang reading
ya, tapi saya waktu itu karena time
juga, waktunya. Akhirnya saya
compress waktunya, waktu itu
langsung dia saya ajarkan mereka
mereka membahas Kembali news item
itu dengan membahas isi beritanya
dulu. Nah, setelah itu, saya tayangkan
lagi. Kemudian saya masukkan lagi
pertanyaan mendalam, saya
memancing mereka, mereka
tergugugah gak mereka melakukan
project apa? Nah, saya kasih tayang
lagi video kakak kelas nya yang
setahun sebelumnya kakak kelas nya
yang jauh turun ke lapangan langsung
mengambil sebuah berita dalam
Bahasa Inggris, saya tayangkan satu

video mereka terpana, dua video
mereka ketawa-ketawa gitu, nah saya
kemudian mengomentari apa yang
harus kamu, dari video ini yang kira-
kira kamu komentari, uhh suaranya
bising, ini, ini, bagus berarti video ini
perlu perbaikan. Okey sekarang nih.
Youe work is, your project is you are
going to create project, you are going
to create news item, based on situation
surrounding you now gitu. Jadi, saya
buat seperti itu. Berfikir mereka kan.
Nah, sekarang, kira-kira bagaimana?
Projectnya okey ya? Kita bagi dalam
kelompok, baginya ada yang sampai
lima, karena saya menyesuaikan
kebutuhan peserta didik saya, kondisi
peserta didik saya. Kenapa? Karena
anak-anak saya, sekarang ini Bahasa
Inggris nya masih perlu jauh
bimbingan jadi kalo saya kasih Cuma
tiga mereka mungkin gak bisa
berdiskusi banyak, maka saya kasih
dia 4-5 dalam satu kelompok. Jadi
dalam itu saya kasih, ada anak-anak
yang bagus, anak yang sedang, anak
yang bisa megang jadi tukang camera
man saja. Mereka kelompok saya
langsung, silahkan kamu discuss
dalam kelompok kamu. Masuk lagi
nih, jadi pertanyaan mendasar saya
apa? Aa setelah menonton video itu,
setelah menyaksikan kakak kelas mu
dalam video ini kamu, kamu apa yang
akan kamu usungkan, apa tema yang
akan kamu buat dalam sebuah, ee
sebuah berita. Boleh, terserah, you
may choose, mau berita di lapangan
sekarang, tentang gojek, mau berita
tentang minyak yang sedang naik,

mau berita tentang yang ada
kecelakaan, mau berita tentang
kegiatan sekolah mu, you are free.
Sehingga ada dari mereka, boleh gak
si Miss, saya mengambil berita yang
di instansi, kenapa di instansi mana?
Instansi pertambangan Miss. Kenapa
tidak? Kenapa ngambil itu? Karena
orang tua saya disana, oh no problem,
tapi gimana caranya? Kamu tau kan?
Okey, kita bikin script dulu ya. Nah,
hari itu juga mereka bikin script,
diskusi, mereka discuss, karena
waktunya sedikit ya, otomatis nanti
lanjut di rumah, nah, mereka discuss
setiap kelompok. Apa yang di discuss
kan nya. Membuat, merancang dulu
apa pertanyaan-pertanyaan nanti yang
akan mereka sampaikan kepada orang
yangakan menjadi objek atau source
nya, sumbernya, ya kan. Setiap
kelompok mereka akan diskusi, siapa
menjadi news reader, siapa menjadi
apalagi yang kalian butuhkan, reporter
Miss, oke reporter, siapa yang
menjadi reporter nya, trus siapa lagi,
kameramennya, siapa yang menjadi
translaternya, buuh translater gak?
Butuh Miss. Ada contoh dari video
kakaknya, ada butuh, kenapa butuh?
Kan gak, belum semua yang
narasumbernya bisa Bahasa Inggris
Miss, good! Ya kita masuk pake
translater nya. Nah, karena sebenarnya
nya, contohnya juga pake translater
waktu itu, mereka jadi dengan pake
translater, jadi berapa? Berapa lagi
tuh? Oh miss ada lagi yang belim
kerja Miss, boleh news reader boleh,
berapa? Butuh berapa? Butuh dua?

Go on! Reporter butuh dua? Butuh!
Yang satu translater. Cukup kan?
Cukup. Akhirnya mereka berbagi job
sesuai dengan yang mereka sukai,
tidak ada paksaan. Nah, dengan
berdifferensiasi pun, dalam segi
proses mereka. Nah, jadi mereka
sudah kerja. Trus penentuan waktu,
berapa butuh waktunya? Saya
awalnya mau ngasih waktunya karena
waktunya mepet materi, jadi butuh
waktu nya kira-kira dalam, eeee dua
minggu ya, dua minggu kerjanya,
berarti, cukup gak waktunya dua
minggu ini? Lebih cepat siapa yang
sudah selesai boleh kumpulkan dulu,
pokoknya rentang waktu dari sini
segini. Oke Miss. Silahkan lakukan
proses dari sekarang ini dulu nanti
kalo apa-apa telpon, kasih tau
informasinya. Minggu depan saya
akan Kembali, kita ketemu sejauh
mana proses yang telah dilakukan.
Nah ya, jadi mereka sudah
merancang, tap ikan tugas saya setelah
mereka saya berikan pertanyaan
mendasar, kemudian saya, mereka
akan merencanakan design product
kan? Nah, di syntax kedua adalah
merencanakan desain product, nah apa
yang desain product yang saya
maksud tadi adalah, mereka membuat,
emmm script-script tadi, itu design
product mereka, termasuklah itu,
karena kita adalah projectnya Bahasa,
bukan project PKWI, bukan project
pelajaran biologi, makanya Bahasa
harus di concern, harus kita fokuskan
Bahasa mereka, yang dinilai bukan
videonya saja, dinilai adalah Bahasa

nya itu sendiri, mereka kita akan
berikan, apa Namanya nih, waktu
untuk merancang mendesain
pertanyaan-pertanyaan untuk
mendapatkan berita, itu kan gitu. Nah,
mereka akan kerja, mereka
mebuatkan, seperti tadi itu yang
merancang desain product, setelah itu
apalagi? Merancang perencanaan
jadwal kan? Betul gak? Okey, saya
gak ingat ya, ada jadwal lagi nih
mereka diskuskan dalam jadwalnya,
jadwalnya berapa kali, dimana
ketemunya, mereka akan diskusi apa
aja, mereka jadwalkan. Nah, untuk
memonitor saya lakukan juga sembari
mereka lagi di dalam focus ke Bahasa,
saya lihat apa masalahnya, gitu,
monitor yang untuk, bukan monitor
lanjutan syntax ya, tapi monitor dalam
proses pembelajaran yang saya
lakukan, disaat mereka sedang
berkelompok, monitor yang saya
maksud syntax ke empat adalah
memonitor melalui bisa pertanyaan-
pertanyaan atau mereka besok di
pertemuan berikutnya, okey. Nah,
setelah itu, apalagi? Mereka
menyajikan, belum lagi, karena
mereka sedang proses sekarang. Okay.
Nah besok dia jadinya, besok
videonya akan kita tayangkan. That’s
it, yang saya ketahui.
3. Sepertinyapertanyaan kedua sama ketiga Kalau memilih skills, ya kalo
itu udah lumayan terjawab dari, sekarang ini kita arahkan untuk
penjelasan ibu tadi. Kita lanjut aja ke menulis lag ikan, terutama di KD 4
pertanyaan ke lima ya bu, eemm karena mereka Menyusun, otomatis kita
sudah banyak terjawab ya bu. arahkan, terserah mereka mau kreasi
Kamudian, dalam pemilihan skill nya ini gimana bentuknya lagi, nah karena ini

dalam menentukannya, apakah ibu yang news item, otomatis saya
menentukannya atau mereka yang mengarahkan untuk membat berita,
memilih? kecuali mata pelajaran, eem materi
yang lain, contoh, materi narrative
text, saya bebaskan mereka mau
bermain peran, mau bikin komik, koq
mau bikin drama dan video terserah.
Itu dia kan tergantung pada materinya.
4. Bagaimana reaksi siswa ketika miss Sesuatu yang mungkin mereka belom
mengarahkan mereka dengan cara yang pernah coba, wajar mereka untuk awal
seperti itu? Apakah mereka memberikan ya, tergantung si, maksud saya gini,
tanggapan yang positif atau malah kenapa saya bilang tergantung, katika
sebaliknya? guru itu, eee, kalo saya berpendapat
gini, Ketika suasananya moodnya
bagus, insyaallah saya akan semangat,
jadi Ketika saya membayangkan
mereka alan menjadi orang-orang
yang akan berperan dalam sebuah
berita, itu sebelum saya mengapa itu,
saya memberi contoh-contoh yang
seperti native, saya udah kasih contoh,
kemudian satu lagi dari kakak
seniornya yang dari 2017-an saya juga
pernah buat video-video seperti itu
siswanya atau senior-senior mereka,
saya tayangkan. Mereka ketawa-tawa,
mereka ada yang berciloteh. Ini lucu,
ini bisa, bisa why not? Lho, liat
mereka bisa ngomong sama tukang
ojek mereka bisa mendatangi sebuah
tempat orang berjualan es teler yang
di depan sekolah, kemudian mereka
bisa mendatangi seorang polisi,
mereka bisa mendatangi tempat-
tampat orang bekerja jalan kereta api,
why not? Gitu. Jadi kenapa kalian gak
bisa? Jadi mereka, ohh bisa nggak ya?
Akhirnya mereka muncul, miss boleh
nggak saya mendatangi instansi miss?

Miss boleh gak saya menjadi ini miss,
why not? Kamu bisa jadi apa saja
didalam nya kamu boleh terserah,
orang yang, miss boleh gak kami jadi
cameramen, sebenernya kamu jadi
tukan kamera aja, saya tidak pernah
membatasi siswa saya untuk
mengatakan, kamu harus begini,
begini. Saya hanya melatih dulu kamu
berinteraksi dengan orang lain, kamu
bisa menciptakan sebuah karya kamu
bisa. Yang awalnya kamu gak bisa,
kamu malu-malu,kamu bisa. Itu
awalnya dan saya rasa semua anak
yang saya kasih kesempatan untuk itu
mereka fine aja, mereka senang, saya
rasa seperti itu
5. Berarti bisa dibilang tanggapan siswa Yaa, saya rasa posistif, karena
tentang arahan miss tentang project- kebanyakan dari mereka, bukan
based learning ini mayoritas positif ya hampir semua, semua mereka
miss ya? malahan, melakukanya, semua mereka
mengumpulkan project nya, walaupun
mereka ujung-ujungnya mengatakan
untuk ini, tuntutan bagi mereka ini
harus tuntutan ke kurikulum yang atau
tugas yang mereka lakukan awalnya
mereka wajib. Ujung-ujungnya
mereka melakukan sesuatu yang gak
pernah mereka lakukan gitu kan, jadi
ee sedikit banyak bisa dikatakan most
of them were happy, were glad to do
that. Walaupun mereka mengatakan
agak sedikit malu atau gimana-gimana
ya wajar karena mereka ada yang bisa
dikatakan kalua anak-anak yang ini
levelnya level bisa dikatakan zona,
ehmm mohom maaf bukan untuk
meremehkan tidak tapi, mereka punya
mindset, emm Bahasa Inggris saya

jelek, Bahasa Inggris saya, saya gak
mampu bilang gitu kan, jadi wajar
mereka punya keraguan yak an,
sehingga respon wajah mungkin bisa
dikatakan anatara excited dan mampu
gak saya? Kan gitu, aa wajar aja
seperti itu, yang seneng pasti banyak
karena mereka punya keterampilan
untuk berbicara saya rasa
membayangkan, you can! Tapi bisa
jadi ini ada translatornya ada
pemasang mukanya, bikin aja kalimat
dulu, gimana kamu bisa membuatkan
pertanyaan nya, gapapa, no worries if
you make mistake of your speaking.
Gak masalah yang penting kamu coba
gitu. Akhirnya mereka jalanin.
6. Kemudian yang di pre-activities nya, Dalam sebuah, kalo yang saya tau,
apasih yang paling miss persiapkan gitu, kalo saya salah itu mungkin sedikit
untuk mengeksekusi project-based ilmu saya, saya masih dalam
learning ini? Mungkin kek inti, sesuatu belajar,yang saya tahu kalo dalam
yang miss persiapkan banget gitu untuk sebuah project itu kan, ee sebenarnya
eksekusi dari PjBL ini untuk, mungkin anak-anak diharapkan untuk bisa satu
dari rancangan nya di dalam it utu, miss dulu, mereka out of the box gitu yah,
merencanakan apasih, apa ya, yang mereka harus bisa mencoba sesuatu
subsatnsial nya gitu, eh yang paling apa yang mungkin mereka belum pernah
ya yang penting. coba, yang mereka selama ini hanya
duduk dan diam melakukan tugas,
karena memang, namun sekarang
mereka bisa keluar gitu. Keluar dari
lingkungan sekolah, keluar dari zona
nyaman, apa walaupun terpaksa ,
berarti yang saya harus siapkan adalah
pertama kali ya, apa bentuk tugas
yang akan mereka harus lakukan,
berarti apa yang akan jadi patokan, ee
apa Namanya nih, panduan yang akan
mereka lakukan, berarti kan, saya
akan memberikan mereka gambaran

gambaran dulu, ini yang akan kamu
lakukan, product apa yang akan kamu
lakukan. Nah dari product ini berarti
akan saya nilai yang saya akan
melakukan penilaian, berarti penilaian
terhadap bahasanya, dan yang pertama
sekali number one itu adalah Bahasa.
Mereka atau apa yang mereka bentuk
teks, karena dia bentuk teks nya news
item berarti mereka harus siap dengan
bentuk teks news item, product nya
dalam bentuk news item, tapi kalo
Ketika mereka nanti mask kedalam
sebuah news reader ya mereka
bacakan teks news itemnya.
Kemudian mereka sebagai reporter ya
meeka bertindak sebagai reporter, apa
bentuk pertanyaannya. Jadi itulah
yang akan menjadi gambaran kepada
saya, saya akan menyiapkan dulu kira-
kira apa apa saja yang mereka
perlukan dalam penciptaan atau
mengkreasikan sebuah news item dan
kemudian mereka buatkan productnya
berbentuk berita dalam bentuk video,
naha saya akan ,inta kepada mereka
juga menyiapkan apa apa saja
scirptnya, mereka akan kita berikan
istilahnya dua di dalam PjBL ini kita
akn mengambil yaitu adalah penilaian
Bahasa dengan penilaian product itu.
7. Oke miss, setelah miss mempersiapkan Di kegatan ini di project-based
ini, eeee apa yang akan dieksekusi learning, pasti mereka melakukan
dalam project-based learning, nah seperti yang di arahkan mereka harus
jadikan mereka udah terarah tuh ya miss membuat dulu beritanya kan, kalo di
ya, udah bisa dibilang udah terarah pembuatan berita ini, ee mereka
karena udah miss pancing-pancing juga pastikan dulu menyiapkan topik apa,
dari eee mungkin brainstormingnya dan mereka kan, karena ini adalah butuh
gambaran dari project-project waktu yang bukan sekali, dua kali,

sebelumnya juga, setelah akhirnya dua kali dua minggu bukan. Tapi
seperti itu, apa saja si yang kemudian mereka butuh waktu lebih dari 3
dilakukan siswa dalam kegiatan inti di minggu sekitar tiga mingguan, jadi
project-based learning ini? mereka harus merancang dulu, gimana
bentuk tekas nya gitu kan, kemudian
apa bentuk scrpt pertanyaan dan
mereka akan rancang dulu. Nah itu
yang jadi, untuk persiapan mereka
sebelum membuatkan videonya, nah
kalo begitu mereka sudah siap dengan
pembuatan, dengan scriptnya dengan
teks nya mereka akan, baru mereka
akan bisa eee merancang apa apa saja
yang akan mereka butuhkan dalam
pembuatan video, apakah mereka
membutuhkan dimana tempatnya,
menghubungi orang sebagai
narasumbernya, nah gitu jadi, mereka
diarahkan untuk bagaimana apa, saya
waktu itu karena kebetulan dalam
kondisi sekolah tidak bisa tatap muka,
saya mengatakan apalagi, howis it
going on? Gitu kan, how is it going?
Mereka akan mengatakan miss
hampir, no problem, kamu butuh
waktu, waktunya terserah, kumpulnya
sebelum ujian, nah gitu. Jadi kalua
kamu melakuakn scriptnya sudah ada?
Dikirimkan. Oke good! Nah sekarang,
saya tidak akan melihat gimana
bentuk kalimat yang digunakan tidak
dulu. Karean saya tahu siswa yang
saya sekarang adalah karakteristiknya
mereka mungkin secara kemampuan
bisa dikatakan masih perlu sangat
bimbingan, tapi kalo mereka sudah
mau saja dulu, walaupun dalam
kondisi teksnya perlu banyak
diperbaiki itu no worries bagi saya,
gak masalah, I don’t, itu bukan jadi

satu yang akan membuat mereka
untuk bisa terbatasi untuk bisa bikin
video. Nah yang jelas mereka akan
mempersiapkan sebuah teks tadi
kemudian mereka akan mengunjungi
tempat, atau dimana TKP nya, hah
jadi yang saya ingatkan kepada
mereka adalah. Nah itulah yang
diperankan oleh mereka rancangan,
design nya, kemudian perancangan
jadwalnya itu kan, saya beranjak dari
syntax-syntax dari PjBL tersebut.
8. Okey miss, sudah terjawab ya Tidak semua KD yang ada di
pertanyaannya. Kemudian, bisa dibilang kurikulum kit aitu bisa dijadikan
materi yang miss arahkan itu adalah sebuah project, tidak semua, ada
materi yang miss pilih ya untuk beberapa KD yang bisa. Kiata akan
dijadikan sebuah project, nah, kenapa melihatnya berdasarkan apa bunyi
miss memilih materi ini untuk dijadikan KKD keterampilan nya. Kalo dia nanti
sebuah project? bisa mengharapkan peserta didik
Menyusun, kata menyususn bukan
berarti Menyusun hanya jambu,
paragraph into text no! Menyusun
disini adalah they are able to create a
text, written text, spoken text. Kalo
mereka sudah tadi diberikan
menggunakan satu arahan berdasarkan
KD tersebut saya piker, ooo ini berarti
bisa untuk apaya? Bisa bentuk drama,
bisa dari bentuk video, bisa bentuk
tertulis itu. Jadi, kita harus melihatnya
dulu dari bentuk KD apa yang akan
kita harus bisa praktekkan, jadi gak
semua KD.
9. Jadi untuk merampungkan proyeknya ini Mereka saya kasih dengan cara
mereka tu, dan akhirnya semuanya silahkan kamu kirimkan dalam bentuk
terkumpul gitu, mereka link video youtube, mereka
mengumpulkannya butuh waktu berapa membuatnya dalam youtube jadi akan
lama Miss? Maksudnya gak satu-satu mereka kirimkan dalam youtube, link
youtube. Dan mereka kirimkan ke

gitu miss, semuanya kelar gitu miss. whatsapp group kelas. Dan itu
Yang selesai gitu ngerjainnya. sebelum ujian semester berakhir,
karena materi ini adalah materi KD
10. Dikegiatan penutupnya, setelah Saya karean ini sudah di akhir,
merampungkan proyeknya dan mereka akan mempublikasikannya
dikumpulkan gitu, kemudian apasih kan, mereka mempublikasikan nya.
selanjutnya yang dilakukan oleh siswa Seharusnya karena ini waktunya
terhadap proyeknya, setelah proyeknya sangat-sangat bisa dikatakan tidak ada
nya kelar nih udah dikumpulin ke miss, waktu lagi, ini yang kendala
kemudian proyeknya ini nih, bakal sebenarnya dalam projectbased
diapain gitu lho miss, oleh siswa nya, learning adalah waktu dan waktu
apakah ada lanjutannya atau hanya sebenarnya kalo idealnya sebuah PjBL
sebatas dikkumpulin aja gitu? mereka tuh hars mempresentasikan
nya di depan kelas, mereka harus
mempresentasikan dan mereka
mendapatkan apa Namanya evaluasi
dari teman-temanya, kalo seperti tadi
itukan saya, hanya saya yang
mengevaluasinya.jadi tanpa ada
evaluasi di dalam kelas. Nah, ini yang
sebenarnya bisa dikatakan suatu
pembelajaran yang kalo bagi saya
Ketika ini, ini yang tidak bisa saya,
saya sebatas mana yang saya lakukan,
berarti saya bisa melakukan evaluasi
tapi evaluasi mandiri yang saya
lakukan secara assessment nya dia
sendiri. Tapi kalo idealnya adalah
monitoring kemudian di sytantax
kelimanya alah mereka menyajikan
dan diavaluasi oleh guru dan
assessment yang kemudian ada
refleksi dan semuanya iu dan itu harus
idealnya sperti itu, saya yang untuk
semester ini mengatakan saya tidak
sampai kepada terakhirnya saya
lakukan secara mandiri itu, idelanya
adalah mereka harsu presentasi. Ada

satu kelas yang bisa presentasi kan
dan saya di video yang saya kirim
itukan mereka presentasi itu, jadi saya
melakukan ke semua kelas, ada yang
bisa mempresentasikan ada yang

11. Setelah dipresentasikan, pasti ada Penialian dari segi Bahasa dan dari
evaluasinya dong, nah kemudian segi producnya.
bagaimana miss mengevaluasinya atau
memberi nilai dari product yang mereka
12. Tadi miss menyebutkan tentang kriteria Ya, kita ngambil dari beberapa
penilaian, untuk kriteria penilaian itu sumber. Internet kan juga ada tuh.
apakah miss, membuatnya atau Kita liat dari apa-apa saja yang
merancangnya sendiri, atau miss menjadi kriterianya dari productnya
adaptasi dari sumber terpercaya gitu, apa? Saya ngambil juga dari internet.
mungkin dari buku dari. Kalo bisa saya ambil itu jadi patokan
kan, kenapa tidak? Gitu kan.
13. Selain kendala waktu, apakah ada Kendala secara pribadi, berarti
kendala berarti dalam project-based kemampuan lagi, mau tidak mau
learnin? mungkin dari miss nya atau dari mereka harus bisa mengkelarkannya
siswa nya yang miss lihat gitu. mereka mengumpulkannya, berarti
mereka sudah berusaha, gitu kan, kalo
kendala dari kemampuan mereka iya,
tapi saya nggak menjadikan itu
sebagai patokan bagi saya, merupakan
kendala bagi saya nggak, tapi adalah
itu bentuk, mungkin kendala bagi
mereka sendiri yang harus mereka
ubah, nah gitu aja. Saya kalo saya
kendala nya dalam pengaplikasian
atau applying this modul saya rasa
memang waktu ya, yang snagat kita

14. Tadi miss ada menyinggung tentang Nggak, saya di awalnya udah ngasih
kemampuan siswa, apakah dari siswa bayangan sama mereka. Kamu boleh
sempat bertanya ataupun berkonsultasi pilih, saya udah kasih tau, ini proyek
sama miss, untuk proyeknya gitu, kalian dan kalian yang
mungkin dalam, apakah mereka ada menentuaknnya.mereka hanya
mengeluhkan, apakah keluhan dari bertanya gini. Miss kalo saya, ibuk
mereka tentang projectnya gitu mungkin atau instansi yang saya tanyakan,
dalam penentuan topik nih, mungkin boleh gak kalau saya pakai Bahasa
topik yang diambil, in ikan news item Indonesia, kenapa tidak? Karena
apakah mereka kesulitan untuk memilih kamipunya translator bik gitu, tapi si
berita apa yang akan mereka garap? ibuknya bilang, boleh gak kalo
ibuknya ngomong Bahasa Inggris,
boleh kata siswa nya. Bagus kalo
kalian punya narasumber yang mau
pake Bahasa Inggris. Mereka katakana
fine-fine aja. Alhamdulillah gak ada
masalah berarti.
15. Apakah ada kendala dalam Sejauh ini tidak ada, karena mereka
mempresentasikan atau mengkondisikan lebih kreative dari saya, bahkan
siswa saat mempresentasikan projectnya mereka menggunakan aplikasi yang
Miss? bahkan saya sendiri belum pernah
pakai, seperti Capcut untuk edit video,
dan mereka memprsentasikannya
dengan bagus.
16. Mungkin dari itu udah terjawab ya buk Dalam Bahasa Inggris ya, kendalanya
ya, kita lanjut ke pertanyaan di indicator itu sekarang adalah tetap bagaimana
yang di difficulties nya, eeem dalam tidak semua anak itu tidak bisa
penerapannya ini kendala dari project- menguasai kosa kata yang lumayan
based learning ini terutama dalam mata banyak, makanya disana tadi tuh,
pelajaran Bahasa Inggris, itu apa? Yang sebenernya, Namanya project-based
ibuk rasakan? learning ini kan sebagai salah satu
langkah. Kalo mereka serius, mereka
akan berkembang dengan sendirinya,
kosa kata mereka. Karena mereka juga
aka napa Namanya berdikusi, mereka
juga akan, apa-apa aja kalimatnya.
Saya menekankan jangan kamu copy
paste dari internet, google translate,
saya tidak, udah antisipasi namun

terlepas dari itu, wallahua’alam kan,
diluar kemampuan saya adalah,
kendali saya adalah saya was-was
dengan mereka mengambil kalimat-
kalimat yang udah mereka google
translate itu kendala saya.
17. Apakah kendala tersebut mengganngu? Eeee, mengganggu bisa dikatakan
tidak hanya dalam PjBL saja, tapi
dalam, eehmm membuat saya berfikir
bagaimana bisa mengubah sikap
peserta didik saya yang tergantung
dengan goole translate. Itu otomatis
menjadi mengganggu pikiran saya,
kalua dalam penerapan PjBL, saya
belum melihat sebelum apanya, yang
jelas nanti tujuan dari PjBL adalah
saya adalah mereka membuat product
secara rating belum saya liaht secara
keseluruhannya lagi, karena masih ada
proses yang otomatis Cuma, was-was
saya adalah mereka mengetik dalam
Bahasa Indonesia, mereka translate itu
yang jadi pikiran saya, tapi kalo
mereka buat dalam kalimat mereka
sendiri, saya tidak masalah kalo
mereka salah dengan tenses gak ada
masalah sama saya, dan disanalah
proses saya sebagai guru ini yang
harus di perbaiki, disaat pertemuan
18. Berarti secara keseluruhan kendalanya teknis mereka membuat, merancang
itu berupa teknisya ibuk ya? Bahasa lagi ya.
19. Kemudian dari, kendala itu buk, yang Biar tetap berjalan, saya mengatakan
ibuk hadapi, gimana si buk cara ibuk begini, satu saya tanamkan kepada
untuk meminimalisir agar tetap berjalan kalian Ananda semuanya adalah saya,
nih PjBL nya? kepercayaan saya jangan sampai
Ananda khianati lah, istilahnya jangan
Ananda, please do not break your

promise, keep your promise! Ya apa
itu, kalo kamu mau kerja di, eem
pengen bagus Bahasa Inggrisnya
jangan dulu percaya, akan
memperbodoh, berarti saya tanamkan
adalah mem[ercayai mereka dan
belajar mereka harus percaya dengan
diri mereka sendiri. Itu saya, berarti
karakter yang saya tanamkan. Yang
kedua istilahnya saya membiasakan
jangan, dan saya gak pernah nanti,
saya mengajar saya selalu ingatkan
jangan pernah sentuh handphone
untuk mencari kalimat, kecuali kosa
kata boleh, tapi kalo kalimat kamu
cheating, kamu buat kamu pindahkan
ndak kan pernah dia nempel di kepala
kamu jadi itu salah satu cara saya
untuk meyakinkan siswa bahwa
dengsn menggunakan google translate
itu justru tidak akan malah membuat
dia pinter, tapi malah mempermudah,
itu strategi saya untuk meminimalisir,
tapi kalo dalam berkaitan dengan
proses PjBL nya, saya akan biarkan
mereka dulu lah untuk mereka bisa
sekurang-kurangnya mereka bisa
menciptakan, semangat mereka, saya
nggak akan mengahambat mereka,
Cuma sekali lagi tetap saya ingat-
ingat kan saja,

2. Student 1

No Interviewer Participant
1. Wawancaranya tentang project-based Eee sebelumnya udah tau bang dari
learning. sebelumnya, apakah azizah kelas 10 karena waktu kelas 10 kan
mengetahui tentang project-based online juga, jadi udah tau.
2. Gimana tuh pemahamannya? Ya pemahamannya, kek kita tuh
dilatih untuk bisa mengerjaka sendiri
gitu bang tanpa bantuan teman.
3. Okey, untuk project-based learning Ya di arahin dari awal pembelajaran.
sendiri apakah dikelas itu, apakah
diarahin dari awal pembelajaran atau di
awal materi tertentu?
4. Apakah kamu diarahkan terlebih dahulu Ada bang!
untuk membuat rubric pengerjaan
project nya?
5. Berapa steps kalo boleh tahu? Berapa Pertama di bagi kelompoknya dengan
tahap? cara acak, trus nanti diarahin sama
miss nya, gimana-gimana cara
bikinnya, cara bikin projectnya, trus
ditampilin project kaka-kakak yang
tahun lalu, gimana cara membuatnya,
trus nanti ditanya tema sama apa
maksud dari tema tersebut.
6. dalam pengerjaanya ini, kemaren dikasih Dua minggu!
waktu berapa lama?
7. Dan rampung proyeknya? Dua hari bang!
8. Selesai dalam dua hari? Berarti berlebih Ada yang individual, misalnya kayak
ya waktunya! Okey, nah karena ini ada yang news reader trus kayak

dalam bentuk kelompok, projectnya reporter, buat naskahnya sendiri-
apakah selalu didalam kelompok atau sendiri.
9. Menurut salsabila sendiri, projectnya ini Eeee, Speaking, listening sama
mengarah ke skill yang mana dalam reading!
Bahasa Inggris? Dari ke empat skill
reading, speaking, listening dan writing?
10. Kenapa tuh? Karena kalo reading kan kita, kek
membaca berita gitu bang, kalo
listening kita tuh mendengarkan,
misalnya kita melakukan wawancara
sama orang yang diwawancarai, kalo
speaking kita, kek misalnya bertanya
sebegai news reader.
11. Menurut salsabila, apakah ini udah Udah dipersiapkan kayaknya!
dipersiapkan oleh gurunya dari dari
skillnya ini nih, atau ini emang
pemahaman dari siswa nya aja?
12. Karena itu udah di persiapkan, kalau Eeee, speaking sama listening!
diberi kebebasan nih, salsabila milih
skillnya, salsabila bakal milih skill apa?
13. Kenapa? Speaking tuh bisa kek, menambah
kosa kata baru, misalnya atau kosa
kata yang udah ada tapi itu bentuk
barunya. Kalo listening tuh, misalnya
nanti saat ujian ada listening, jadi
lebih cepat.
14. Kemudian dalam pengerjaannya tu, ada Kendalanya paling, eee saat apa
gak kendala yang dihadapi? Namanya tuh. Bahasa Inggris tuh kan
kadang kosa kata yang sulit untuk
diucapkan kalo untuk yang anggota
yang jadwal-jadwal gak ada si.
15. Berarti dalam segi teknis pengerjaan nya Iya!
gitu ya?

16. Kemudian apakah kendala itu sudah Sudah!
17. Gimana kemaren menyelesaikannya? Pake google translaateyang pake,
voice nya, iya.
18. Jadi kendalanya nggak terlalu
mengganggu lah ya, karena sudah
teratasi juga dan akhirnya projectnya
udah kelar dua hari.

3. Student 2

No Interviewer Participant
1. Wawancaranya tentang project-based Kalau menurut pemahaman rafi bang,
learning. sebelumnya, rafi tau nggak kita melakukan suatu pembelajaran
project-based learning itu maksudnya dengan project-based learning atau
apa atau pemahaman rafi tentang PBL biasanya disebut disekolah, it
project-based learning sebelum utu adalah, bagaimana kitab isa
dilakasanakannya itu seperti apa? mengambil membuat project yang
menjadi acuan kita dalam
pembelajaran bang, jadi dari
pembelajaran kita tuh, nanti setelah
kita belajar, kita ada menghasilkan
projectnya gitu. Itu menurut
pemahaman rafi.
2. Apakah dikelas itu, miss titin udah, Untuk pengarahan dari guru yang
sebelum ini ya, sebelum melaksanakan bersangkutan, menurut rafi itu sudah
project, apakah ee dikelas itu sudah terarah dan juga sudah jelas
diarahkan oleh miss titin nya atau bagaimana bentuk project yang akan
gurunya untuk ke projectnya udah kita hasilkan nantinya setelah tujuan
diarahkan belom untuk membuat pembelajarannya tercapai.
projectnya diawal?

3. Kemudian, terutama dalam Bahasa Kalua ini kayaknya lebih ke arah
Inggris ya, project nya ini diarahkan listening dan speaking sih.
kemana? Maksudnya ada empat skill ya
ada reading, listening, speaking dan
writing itu projectnya diarahkan
4. Nah, kalua udah diarahkan project-based Untuk pembuatan project kami
learning ini oleh guru, berapa lama diberikan waktu kurang lebih dua
rentang waktu dikasih atau diberikan minggu. Dari pertemuan pertama
oleh guru untuk membuat projectnya? setelah diarahkan itu.
5. Project yang diarahkan ini nih, kerjanya Yaaa.
dalam bentuk kelompok ya?

Apakah dalam kelompok itu berkerja,

Eeee, tergantung situasi si bang, nanti
nanti pembagian tugasnya itu secara
kalua misalkan emang seperti,
individua tau emang ngerjainnya itu dari
misalnya kan contohnya, ada bagian
awal berkelompok?
ngedit video, kalua ngedit video tuh
mungkin lebih ke individu, tun anti
pas kita nyusun script, nyusun
pertanyaan itu kita lakukan secara
berkelompok juga.
6. dalam pengerjaanya ini, kemaren dikasih Dua minggu!
waktu berapa lama?
7. Dan rampung proyeknya? Dua hari bang!
8. Selesai dalam dua hari? Berarti berlebih Ada yang individual, misalnya kayak
ya waktunya! Okey, nah karena ini ada yang news reader trus kayak
dalam bentuk kelompok, projectnya reporter, buat naskahnya sendiri-
apakah selalu didalam kelompok atau sendiri.
9. Menurut salsabila sendiri, projectnya ini Eeee, Speaking, listening sama
mengarah ke skill yang mana dalam reading!
Bahasa Inggris? Dari ke empat skill
reading, speaking, listening dan writing?

10. Kenapa tuh? Karena kalo reading kan kita, kek
membaca berita gitu bang, kalo
listening kita tuh mendengarkan,
misalnya kita melakukan wawancara
sama orang yang diwawancarai, kalo
speaking kita, kek misalnya bertanya
sebegai news reader.
11. Menurut salsabila, apakah ini udah Udah dipersiapkan kayaknya!
dipersiapkan oleh gurunya dari dari
skillnya ini nih, atau ini emang
pemahaman dari siswa nya aja?
12. Karena itu udah di persiapkan, kalau Eeee, speaking sama listening!
diberi kebebasan nih, salsabila milih
skillnya, salsabila bakal milih skill apa?
13. Kenapa? Speaking tuh bisa kek, menambah
kosa kata baru, misalnya atau kosa
kata yang udah ada tapi itu bentuk
barunya. Kalo listening tuh, misalnya
nanti saat ujian ada listening, jadi
lebih cepat.
14. Kemudian dalam pengerjaannya tu, ada Kendalanya paling, eee saat apa
gak kendala yang dihadapi? Namanya tuh. Bahasa Inggris tuh kan
kadang kosa kata yang sulit untuk
diucapkan kalo untuk yang anggota
yang jadwal-jadwal gak ada si.
15. Berarti dalam segi teknis pengerjaan nya Iya!
gitu ya?
16. Kemudian apakah kendala itu sudah Sudah!
17. Gimana kemaren menyelesaikannya? Pake google translaateyang pake,
voice nya, iya.
18. Jadi kendalanya nggak terlalu
mengganggu lah ya, karena sudah

teratasi juga dan akhirnya projectnya
udah kelar dua hari.

4. Students 3

No Interviewer Participant
1. Wawancaranya tentang project- Kalau menurut pemahaman rafi bang, kita
based learning. sebelumnya, rafi melakukan suatu pembelajaran dengan
tau nggak project-based learning project-based learning atau PBL biasanya
itu maksudnya apa atau disebut disekolah, it utu adalah, bagaimana
pemahaman rafi tentang project- kitab isa mengambil membuat project yang
based learning sebelum menjadi acuan kita dalam pembelajaran bang,
dilakasanakannya itu seperti jadi dari pembelajaran kita tuh, nanti setelah
apa? kita belajar, kita ada menghasilkan
projectnya gitu. Itu menurut pemahaman rafi.
2. Apakah dikelas itu, miss titin Untuk pengarahan dari guru yang
udah, sebelum ini ya, sebelum bersangkutan, menurut rafi itu sudah terarah
melaksanakan project, apakah ee dan juga sudah jelas bagaimana bentuk
dikelas itu sudah diarahkan oleh project yang akan kita hasilkan nantinya
miss titin nya atau gurunya setelah tujuan pembelajarannya tercapai.
untuk ke projectnya udah
diarahkan belom untuk membuat
projectnya diawal?
3. Kemudian, terutama dalam Kalua ini kayaknya lebih ke arah listening
Bahasa Inggris ya, project nya dan speaking sih.
ini diarahkan kemana?
Maksudnya ada empat skill ya
ada reading, listening, speaking
dan writing itu projectnya
diarahkan kemana?
4. Nah, kalua udah diarahkan Untuk pembuatan project kami diberikan
project-based learning ini oleh waktu kurang lebih dua minggu. Dari
guru, berapa lama rentang waktu pertemuan pertama setelah diarahkan itu.
dikasih atau diberikan oleh guru
untuk membuat projectnya?

5. Project yang diarahkan ini nih, Yaaa.
kerjanya dalam bentuk
kelompok ya?

Eeee, tergantung situasi si bang, nanti kalua

Apakah dalam kelompok itu
misalkan emang seperti, misalnya kan
berkerja, nanti pembagian
contohnya, ada bagian ngedit video, kalua
tugasnya itu secara individua tau
ngedit video tuh mungkin lebih ke individu,
emang ngerjainnya itu dari awal
tun anti pas kita nyusun script, nyusun
pertanyaan itu kita lakukan secara
berkelompok juga.
6. dalam pengerjaanya ini, kemaren Dua minggu!
dikasih waktu berapa lama?
7. Dan rampung proyeknya? Dua hari bang!
8. Selesai dalam dua hari? Berarti Ada yang individual, misalnya kayak ada
berlebih ya waktunya! Okey, yang news reader trus kayak reporter, buat
nah karena ini dalam bentuk naskahnya sendiri-sendiri.
kelompok, projectnya apakah
selalu didalam kelompok atau
9. Menurut salsabila sendiri, Eeee, Speaking, listening sama reading!
projectnya ini mengarah ke skill
yang mana dalam Bahasa
Inggris? Dari ke empat skill
reading, speaking, listening dan
10. Kenapa tuh? Karena kalo reading kan kita, kek membaca
berita gitu bang, kalo listening kita tuh
mendengarkan, misalnya kita melakukan
wawancara sama orang yang diwawancarai,
kalo speaking kita, kek misalnya bertanya
sebegai news reader.
11. Menurut salsabila, apakah ini Udah dipersiapkan kayaknya!
udah dipersiapkan oleh gurunya
dari dari skillnya ini nih, atau ini

emang pemahaman dari siswa
nya aja?
12. Karena itu udah di persiapkan, Eeee, speaking sama listening!
kalau diberi kebebasan nih,
salsabila milih skillnya, salsabila
bakal milih skill apa?
13. Kenapa? Speaking tuh bisa kek, menambah kosa kata
baru, misalnya atau kosa kata yang udah ada
tapi itu bentuk barunya. Kalo listening tuh,
misalnya nanti saat ujian ada listening, jadi
lebih cepat.
14. Kemudian dalam pengerjaannya Kendalanya paling, eee saat apa Namanya
tu, ada gak kendala yang tuh. Bahasa Inggris tuh kan kadang kosa kata
dihadapi? yang sulit untuk diucapkan kalo untuk yang
anggota yang jadwal-jadwal gak ada si.
15. Berarti dalam segi teknis Iya!
pengerjaan nya gitu ya?
16. Kemudian apakah kendala itu Sudah!
sudah terselesaikan?
17. Gimana kemaren Pake google translaateyang pake, voice nya,
menyelesaikannya? iya.
18. Jadi kendalanya nggak terlalu
mengganggu lah ya, karena
sudah teratasi juga dan akhirnya
projectnya udah kelar dua hari.

(Research Permission letter)

(Disposition Sheet)

(Permission Letter of University)

(Picture While Interviewing the teacher)

(Picture While Interviewing the Students)


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