SPG Election Tabulation Form

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Enclosure 11.

Election Tabulation Form


Level of Learner Government: Elementary Secondary
Mode of Election: Manual Digital Hybrid
Tally of Votes per Position: (Note: Add rows if necessary.)
Name Tally Total Rank
1. Adaon, Prince
2. Malapira, Arianna Leigh
3. Veluya, Jasmin Reign
Vice President
1. Payoyo, Quinn Lucienne
2. Salabao, Alexandria
3. Visco, Fred Rainier
1. Bismonte, Aiyesha Faith
2. Garcia, Jamaica Faith
3. Rabago, Gunwin Rade
1. Eda, Jacob
2. Malvartino, Rjay
3. Sunga, Marie Angelica
1. Austero, Jannea Mich
2. Caldito, Roman Carlos
3. Porillo, Roman
Public Information Officer
1. Cayetano, Thea Alexandra
2. Diza, Karylle Keith
3. Ranjo, Ethan
Protocol Officer
1. Batuyong, Roxanne
2. Dela Cruz, Kathlea Ashanty
3. Dohinog, Sajan Bhumica
Grade 2 Representative
1. Caldito, Chen Noreese
2. Caliva, Jamaica Miel
3. Nueva, Vinn Liam Gabriel
Grade 3 Representative
1. Caliyo, Zareen Amira Mei
2. Casalme, Sean Jeff
3. Florentino, Aziya Xyja
Grade 4 Representative
1. Caldito, Lara Carmela
2. Dumalag, Gerald Dimitri
3. Lagazo, Jan Erlvin
Grade 5 Representative
1. Latawan, Charlotte
2. Ranjo, Lord Karlmarx
3. Quidex, Mae Angelique
Grade 6 Representative
1. Fariňas, Mark Xian
2. Pamittan, Lyka Francine
3. Valdez, Vann Ernest

Prepared by:

Signature over printed name of
Electoral Board Committee Member

Attested by:

Signature over printed name of
Electoral Board Committee Member
Enclosure 12. Election Canvass Form


Level of Learner Government: Elementary Secondary
Mode of Election: Manual Digital Hybrid
Tally of Votes per Position: (Note: Add rows if necessary.)
Name Tally Total Rank
4. Adaon, Prince
5. Malapira, Arianna Leigh
6. Veluya, Jasmin Reign
Vice President
4. Payoyo, Quinn Lucienne
5. Salabao, Alexandria
6. Visco, Fred Rainier
4. Bismonte, Aiyesha Faith
5. Garcia, Jamaica Faith
6. Rabago, Gunwin Rade
4. Eda, Jacob
5. Malvartino, Rjay
6. Sunga, Marie Angelica
4. Austero, Jannea Mich
5. Caldito, Roman Carlos
6. Porillo, Roman
Public Information Officer
4. Cayetano, Thea Alexandra
5. Diza, Karylle Keith
6. Ranjo, Ethan
Protocol Officer
4. Batuyong, Roxanne
5. Dela Cruz, Kathlea Ashanty
6. Dohinog, Sajan Bhumica
Grade 2 Representative
4. Caldito, Chen Noreese
5. Caliva, Jamaica Miel
6. Nueva, Vinn Liam Gabriel
Grade 3 Representative
4. Caliyo, Zareen Amira Mei
5. Casalme, Sean Jeff
6. Florentino, Aziya Xyja
Grade 4 Representative
4. Caldito, Lara Carmela
5. Dumalag, Gerald Dimitri
6. Lagazo, Jan Erlvin
Grade 5 Representative
4. Latawan, Charlotte
5. Ranjo, Lord Karlmarx
6. Quidex, Mae Angelique
Grade 6 Representative
4. Fariňas, Mark Xian
5. Pamittan, Lyka Francine
6. Valdez, Vann Ernest

Prepared by:

Signature over printed name of
Commissioner on Screening and Validation

Attested by:

Signature over printed name of
LG COMEA Chief Commissioner
Enclosure 12. Election Canvass Form
Level of Learner Government: Elementary Secondary
Name of School: ___________________________________ School ID: _______________
Position Name Gender Grade Level
Vice President
Public Information Officer
Protocol Officer
Grade 2 Representative

Grade 3 Representative

Grade 4 Representative

Grade 5 Representative

Grade 6 Representative

Prepared by:

Signature over printed name of
Commissioner on Screening and Validation

Attested by: Approved by:

____________________________________ ____________________________________
Signature over printed name of Signature over printed name of
Commissioner on Electoral Board LG COMEA Chief Commissioner

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