Projek Brif Arkhein - SD2024 Only
Projek Brif Arkhein - SD2024 Only
Projek Brif Arkhein - SD2024 Only
Ar IDr Dr Wan Norisma Wan Ismail
Ar. Abu Bakar Md Ali
Ar. IDr. Fadli Arabi
Dr Azhani Abdul Manaf
All detailed information stated in this brief should be referred in depth to Solar Decathlon 2024 Design
Challenge Rules.
Shifting the paradigm from resource-intensive to zero energy buildings requires a skilled workforce of
design professionals with interdisciplinary skills and diverse experiences to apply high-performance
strategies to both deep energy retrofits and new construction. This demands whole building design for
existing and new buildings that leverages comprehensive building science and addresses energy
efficiency, indoor air quality, occupant experience, human health, optimized mechanical systems,
embodied and operational carbon, affordability, resilience, and resource conservation. However,
professional curricula and degree programs across the United States and around the world are
inconsistent, with many lacking the resources needed to adequately address these complex issues. To
help address this gap, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Solar Decathlon® Design Challenge
focuses on two critical goals: to incorporate high-performance building design strategies into curricula,
and to inspire students to pursue sustainable building careers. Designed to support educational
programs in training the next generation of building design professionals, the Solar Decathlon’s 10
Contests aim to transform the building industry by challenging student teams to design zero energy
ready buildings and address complex real-world issues—energy insecurity, food systems, waste
streams, climate change, carbon emissions, and social inequities—through whole building design.
This is a collegiate competition with 10 Contests that challenges student teams to design innovative,
high-performance, low-carbon buildings powered by renewable energy. Over one to two
semesters, Design Challenge participants prepare creative solutions that address real-world issues
in the building industry. The experience offers students a unique opportunity to: • Experience zero
energy building design firsthand. • Address complex challenges in decarbonizing the buildings
industry, including the need for existing building retrofits. • Exchange design strategies with
other teams around the world. • Collaborate and network with industry experts. • Learn from
national thought leaders and collegiate peers. • Engage with organizations about careers related
to improving the built environment.
Designed to support educational programs in training the next generation of building design
professionals, the Solar Decathlon’s 10 Contests aim to transform the building industry by challenging
student teams to design zero energy ready buildings and address complex real-world issues—energy
insecurity, food systems, waste streams, climate change, carbon emissions, and social inequities—
through whole building design.
The studio will produce two categories of house design, namely single-family house and semi-detached
house. To get designs from these two categories, the studio will be divided into two groups as follows:
(i) Group Corbusier will design a single-family house.
(ii) Group Koolhaas will design a semi-detached house.
The requirement of the houses is as below:
(Refer Contest Rules for Detail Submission Requirement)
1 Naqli Study, Concept Design, Background Study
2 Site Plan, Floor Plan, Section, Elevation - 1:100 scale
3 Perspectives views (Exterior and Interior) - not to scale
4 Drawing/diagram to explain compliance to the 10 contests
5 Mock-up Models and Final Model
Duration: 3 weeks
Mark: 20%
Mode: Individual