SBI Clerk Prelims Free Memory Based Mock Test (Jul 2021)
SBI Clerk Prelims Free Memory Based Mock Test (Jul 2021)
SBI Clerk Prelims Free Memory Based Mock Test (Jul 2021)
5. Before engaging in squandering (A) price 8. Iran is not the only country (A)/ there the US
competition or reckless (B) resources and effort has sought to destabilize (B)/ hostile
in the futile(C) defense of a lost cause, leaders governments through intensive (C)/ intervention
should take stock(D) of the entire situation. in domestic politics. (D)/ No error.
E. No correction required E. No error
Directions (6-10): In the question below, a 9. Ambiverts can be good salespeople because
sentence is divided into four parts out of which they are (A)/ able to listen to their clients and
one part has an error in it. Find the part with understand their needs (B)/ but also have an
error and mark that as your answer. energy to sell (C)/ their firms‘ goods and
6. Three decades after it‘s economy (A) / was services. (D)/ No error.
liberalized, India remains (B) / a complex and A. A
challenging (C) / place to do business. (D)/ No B. B
error. C. C
A. A D. D
B. B E. No error
C. C
D. D 10. America‘s main financial regulator looks
E. No error poised to (A)/ introduce rules forcing firms to (B)/
reveal how climate change or efforts to fight it
7. The much-awaited vehicle scrap page policy (C)/ may affect their business. (D)/ No error.
announced by the Transport Ministry, (A)/ A. A
coming after the move for a green tax (B)/ on B. B
ageing and polluting automobiles, (C)/ promising C. C
economic benefit.(D)/ No error. D. D
A. A E. No error
B. B
C. C Directions (11-16): In the questions given below,
D. D there is a sentence in which one part is given in
E. No error bold. The part given in bold may or may not be
alternative among the four given which can 14. In a sale and leaseback model, an airline
replace the part in bold to make the sentence acquire the aircraft in an attractive price and sells
grammatically correct. If the part given in bold is it to a lessor and leases it back for its use.
already correct and does not require any A. Acquired the aircraft at
replacement, choose option (e), i.e. “No B. Acquired the aircraft on
replacement required” as your answer. C. Acquires the aircraft at
11. A key problem in most engineering colleges D. Acquired the aircraft in
is that the students should not only become E. No Correction required
skilled engineers but should also train to speak
and write clearly. 15. For most of the time, legalized gambling is
A. Shall also train to almost exclusive associated with Las Vegas.
B. Should also trains to A. Gambling is almost exclusively
C. Should also trained to B. Gambling was almost exclusive
D. Should also training to C. Gambling has being almost exclusively
E. No Correction required D. Gambling is being almost exclusively
E. No replacement required.
12. The CEO agrees that his company shall
be regulated when it comes to harmful content 16. The politician wanted to strick balance
on the social media platforms. between withholding his position and getting into
A. Shall be regulate if it a rapid exchange of opinions.
B. Shall be regulated when its A. strike a balance between
C. Would be regulated when its B. striking balance among
D. Should be regulated when it C. have stroked a balance between
E. No replacement required. D. having strike between
E. No correction required
13. Based on information we had, the attorneys
agreed that the case looked suspicious. Directions (17-22): Read the following passage
A. Basis on information we had and answer the questions as directed. There are
B. Based on information we were having some blanks given in the passage. You have to
C. Based on the information we had find the appropriate word for the given blank and
D. Based on the information she have mark the corresponding option as your answer
E. No replacement required. Ant‘s giddy growth is both a cause and a
consequence of big changes in Chinese life:
development, urbanization and the emergence of
a vast middle class ready to spend. But it also 3
a) a broader shift in the provision of B. Exemplifies
financial services. In hindsight, the b) C. Contorts
year was 2007, when the credit crunch started D. Perverts
and the Iphone was launched. The E. All are correct
consequences of the crunch have preoccupied
bankers everywhere for more than a decade. 18. Which of the following words will be correct
The Smartphone, it is becoming clear, will matter for blank numbered (b)?
at least as much for their future. Many bankers in A. Pivotal
developed countries fear that its plans for B. Minor
c) expansion beyond China have C. Excess
merely been postponed. And Ant‘s platform D. Prodigal
approach offers a pick-and-mix of financial and E. All are correct
non-financial products from other companies on 19. Which of the following words will be correct
its app. ―I understand why banks would be a little for blank numbered (c)?
scared: the sheer size of our user base and the A. Meek
variety B. Complaisant
of services we offer,‖ says Mr Chen. It‘s C. Aggressive
d) is in creating value from technology, D. Dormant
not from deploying capital to support loans, he E. All are correct
says. Many of those institutions are e)
nonetheless. And being disrupted by Ant is just 20. Which of the following words will be correct
one of their digitally induced nightmares. In for blank numbered (d)?
another version a Western tech giant, Amazon is A. Prowess
mentioned most often—decides to move into B. Expertise
banking. In such scenarios incumbents risk C. Aptness
ending up as ―dumb pipes‖, holding f) D. Proficiency
balance-sheets and originating products such as E. All are correct
mortgages and loans that someone else sells to
consumers. If they were to lose the ability to 21. Which of the following words will be correct
build a brand and the transaction data needed to for blank numbered (e)?
understand their customers and cross-sell, their A. Residing
wares would become interchangeable. B. Hovering
17. Which of the following words will be correct C. Perching
for blank numbered (a)? D. Quaking
A. Illustrate E. All are correct 4
emissions of greenhouse gases, mainly carbon
22. Which of the following words will be correct dioxide. This heat-trapping gas has surged from
for blank numbered (f)? a pre-industrial level of about 294 parts per
A. Deflated million (ppm) in the atmosphere to more than
B. Bloated 390 ppm today. {With research and analysis
C. Shrunken showing that additional (A)/ warming of about 2
D. Drained degree Celsius may be the (B)/ threshold for
E. All are correct harmful climate change, the European Union
have asked to(C)/ dramatic cuts in emissions of
Directions (23- 30): Read the following passage carbon dioxide and other harmful greenhouse
carefully and answer the questions given below gases.(D)}
it. Certain words/phrases have been printed in To examine the impact of cuts on the world's
bold to help you locate them while answering climate, Washington and his colleagues operate
some of the questions. a series of global studies in collaboration with the
A new analysis has determined that the threat of NCAR-based Community Climate System Model
global warming can still be curtailed if countries (CCSM). They assumed that carbon dioxide
cut emissions of heat-trapping greenhouse level could be held to 460 ppm at the end of this
gases by 80% this century. The analysis was century. In contrast, emissions are now on track
completed by scientists at the National Centre to reach about 770 ppm by 2200 if unchecked.
for Atmospheric Research (NCAR). Whereas The team's results stated that if carbon dioxide
global temperatures would rise, the most were held to 460 ppm, global temperatures
dangerous and harmful potential aspects of would spike by o.8 degree Celsius above current
climate change, including huge losses of Arctic readings by the end of this century. (In contrast,
sea ice and permafrost and major sea-level rise, the study also showed that emissions would rise
could be certainly avoided. "This research by almost five times that amount, to 2.3 degrees
indicates that we could no longer avoid major Celsius above current readings, if temperatures
warming during this century," said NCAR were continued to be allowed on their present
scientist Warren Washington, the study paper's course). Holding carbon dioxide levels to 460
leading author. "But, if the universe was to ppm would have other harmful impacts,
implement this level of emission cuts, we could according to the climate study.
stabilize the threat of climate change," he also 23. Why has the European Union asked for
added. dramatic cuts in carbon dioxide and harmful
Global temperatures have warmed by close to 2 greenhouse gas emissions?
degree Celsius since the pre-industrial era. Much A. As global warming is not an important issue of
of the warming is because of human-produced concern. 5
B. As the temperature may rise almost by an 26. What does the scientist Warren Washington
additional two degree and this will lead to severe mean when he says "we could stabilize the
change in the climate threat of climate change"?
C. As the NCAR has forced the European Union A. Climate change can be stopped partially.
to announces the cuts B. Climate change can be regularized.
D. As all the countries has decided to cut C. Climate change and its effects can be studied
emissions of carbon dioxide extensively.
E. None of these D. The harmful effects of the change in climate
24. What would be the following impact of can be minimized.
unchecked carbon dioxide and greenhouse gas E. None of these
A. The temperature would increase from the 27. Find the erroneous part:-
current temperature by 2.3 degrees Celsius. {With research and analysis showing that
B. Global temperatures will increase by o.8 additional (A)/ warming of about 2 degree
degrees Celsius. Celsius may be the (B)/ threshold for harmful
C. Arctic warming would be reduced by one- climate change, the European Union have asked
fourth. to(C)/ dramatic cuts in emissions of carbon
D. Thermal power expansion will stop completely dioxide and other harmful greenhouse
E. None of these gases.(D)}
A. A
25. From the given options which of the following B. B
statements is correct in the context of the C. C
passage? D. D
A. At present the carbon dioxide emission is E. No error
about 274 ppm.
B. The carbon dioxide emissions will be about 28. In this question some words are highlighted
450 ppm at the end of this century if unchecked. in bold which may or may not be in their proper
C. The carbon dioxide emission was about 330 place, you have to arrange them in order to
ppm during the pre-industrial era. make sentences coherently and meaningfully
D. The carbon dioxide emissions will be about correct.
770 ppm at the end of this century if unchecked. (In contrast, the study also showed that
E. None of these emissions (A) would rise by almost five times
that amount, to 2.3 degrees Celsius above
current(B) readings, if temperatures (C) were to
continue to be allowed (D) on their present D. Dwarf
course). E. Amplify
A. B-D
B. A-C 30. Which of the following word will replace the
C. A-D word “surged”?
D. B-C A. Plummeted
E. No correction required B. boosted
C. decline
29. Choose the word which is the antonym for D. dwindle
the word “curtailed”. E. recede
A. Diminish
B. Shorten
C. Retrench
Quantitative Aptitude
Directions (46-50): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below.
The given bar graph shows the total number of flats and the number of unoccupied flats in five different
Total number flats
Number of unoccupied flat
46. If the number of person in each occupied 48. What is the ratio of the number of
flat in building A and B is 3 and 2 respectively, unoccupied flat in building A to the total number
then find the total number of person in of occupied flat in building B and E together?
buildingA and B? A. 40:23
A. 1020 B. 39:23
B. 1040 C. 39:22
C. 1060 D. 20:11
D. 1080 E. None of these
E. 1100
49. The number of unoccupied flat inbuilding D
47. What is the difference between the number is what percent of the total number of flats in
of occupied flats in building C and D together building A and E together?
and the total number of flats in building B? A. 58.81%
A. 520 B. 60.60%
B. 540 C. 61.16%
C. 560 D. 64.44%
D. 500 E. 66.67%
E. 580
50. The number of occupied flats in building F is D. 54:35
40% more than that of A and the total number E. None of these
flats in building F is 120% more than the
number of occupied flat in building C. Find the 52. Find the total number of students in Y in all
number of unoccupied flat inbuilding F? the classes together?
A. 294 A. 360
B. 292 B. 370
C. 296 C. 380
D. 290 D. 390
E. 298 E. 350
Directions (51-55): Study the following 53. What is the average number of students in
information carefully and answer the questions section z in A and C?
given below. A. 71
There are three classes A, B and C and each B. 73
class has three different section x, y and z. C. 69
Class A: Total number of students is 360 and D. 67
the number of students in section x is one-third E. 70
of the total number of students. The ratio of the
number of students in y and z is 2:1. 54. Find the difference between the total
Class B:The ratio of the number of students in x number of students in section Yin B and C
and y is 8:5. The number of students in z is 50% together and the total number students in A?
of the total number of students in x and y. The A. 120
total number of students is 390. B. 130
Class C:Total number of students in B and C is C. 150
3:2. The number of students in y in C is 20% D. 140
more than that of the number of students in y in E. 160
B. Total number of
students in x is 30% of the total number of 55. The number of students in section Z in B is
students in C. what percent of the total number of students in
51. What is the ratio of the number of students C?
in section X in B to C? A. 45%
A. 80:39 B. 50%
B. 27:13 C. 55%
C. 40:19 D. 40% 10
E. 60% E. None of these
56. 5 years ago, the age of A and B is in the 59. A and B started a business by investing
ratio of 6:7. The average present age of A, B, C Rs.12000 and Rs.10000 respectively. After x
and D is 29 years. C is 15 years elder than D. months, C joined with them and invested
Find the present age of D, if the age of B 8 Rs.15000. Find the value of x if the profit share
years hence is 48 years? of A is Rs.1560 out of total profit at the end of
A. 17 years the year of Rs.3835?
B. 19 years A. 4 months
C. 15 years B. 6 months
D. 13 years C. 8 months
E. None of these D. 10 months
E. None of these
57. Ratio of the speed of the boat in still water
to speed of stream is 5: 1. If the time taken by 60. The area of square is 484 cm2 and the side
boat traveling 150 km along the stream and of the square is equal to the height of a triangle.
against the stream is 12.5 hours, what is the Find the breadth of the triangle, if the area of
difference between the downstream speed and the triangle is 176 cm2?
upstream speed? A. 14 cm
A. 5 kmph B. 12 cm
B. 8 kmph C. 15 cm
C. 10 kmph D. 16 cm
D. 12 kmph E. 18 cm
E. None of these
61. Soni spends 20% of his salary to house
58. Pipe A alone filled the tank in 20 hours and rent, 30% of the salary to education fees and
Pipe B and C together can fill the tank in 10 80% of the remaining salary to shopping. If she
hours. If Pipe A is opened and after 8 hours it is now left with her is Rs.800, then what is Soni’s
closed and then pipe B filled the remaining tank salary?
in 18 hours. In how many hours pipe C alone fill A. Rs.6000
the tank? B. Rs.7800
A. 12 hours C. Rs.7200
B. 15 hours D. Rs.8000
C. 18 hours E. Rs.8400
D. 21 hours 11
62. A book is marked 20% above its cost price added to the mixture, then the ratio becomes
and sold after giving a discount of Rs.100 such 1:1. What is the initial quantity of the mixture?
that there is a profit of 10%. What is its cost A. 60 liters
price? B. 70 liters
A. Rs.1000 C. 80 liters
B. Rs.1500 D. 90 liters
C. Rs.2000 E. None of these
D. Rs.2500
E. None of these 65. The ratio of the number of boys to girls in
the school is 4:5. After few months 12 boys and
63. Sahul invests Rs.x in a simple interest 8 girls joined the class. After few more months
scheme at the rate of R% per annum for 4 30 boys and 26 girls left the class, then the ratio
years. If the ratio of the interest received by becomes 1:2. What is the initial number of boys
Sahul to x is 3:5, then find the value of R? in the class?
A. 12% A. 20
B. 10% B. 24
C. 15% C. 28
D. 18% D. 30
E. 20% E. None of these
Reasoning Ability
Directions (66-69): Study the following to the left of F. G and A are not sitting adjacent
information carefully and answer the below to each other.
questions. 66. As many person sits between A and C as
Eight persons- A, B, C, D, E, F, G, and H are the persons who sits between F and ?
sitting in the linear row facing the north direction A. B
but not necessarily in the same order. B. G
C sits sixth to the left of D. E and C sit adjacent C. H
to each other. B sits third to the right of E. F and D. E
D are sitting adjacent to each other. A sits fifth E. None of the above
67. Which of the following statement is true? C. Only II follows
A. B sits immediate left of G D. Both I and II follow
B. No one sits between E and H E. Neither I nor II follows
C. More than two persons sit to the right of D
D. C sits second to the left of H 71. Statement
E. None of the statements is false Only a few Blenders are Oven
Some Oven is Kettle
68. How many persons sit between B and C? Some Kettle is Mixer
A. Two Conclusion
B. Three I. No Oven is Mixer
C. One II. Some Mixer is Oven
D. Four A. Only I follow
E. None B. Either I or II follow
C. Only II follows
69. Who among the following person sits third D. Both I and II follow
from the right end? E. Neither I nor II follows
A. D
B. G 72. Statement
C. F Only a few Microwaves are Toast Machine
D. H All Toast Machine is Lamp
E. A All Microwaves are Dish Washer
Directions (70-72): Study the following I. Some Dishwasher being lamp is a possibility
statements and then decide which of the given II. Some Lamp is Microwave
conclusions logically follows from the given A. Only I follow
statements disregarding commonly known facts. B. Either I or II follow
70. Statement C. Only II follows
Only a few Speakers are Mobile D. Both I and II follow
All Mobile is Laptop E. Neither I nor II follows
No Laptop is Headphones
Conclusion Directions (73-76): Study the following
I. No mobile is Headphones information carefully and answer the questions
II. Some Speaker is Laptop given below.
A. Only I follow K1^X62M3H€0T*NI&A%5F@V4
B. Either I or II follow ® B Y G $ 8 L D # U 7 R9 © 13
73. How many numbers are immediately
preceded by an alphabet and immediately Directions (77-81): Study the following
followed by a symbol? information carefully and answer the below
A. Four questions.
B. Three Eight persons- A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are
C. Two purchasing the things one after another.
D. One Only three persons purchased between B and
E. None H. Only one person purchased between E and
B who purchased before E. Only four persons
74. What will be the resultant if all the numbers purchased between E and A who purchased
in the series are added and then divided by 5? before E. Only three persons purchased
A. 5 between C and D. D purchased before H but
B. 7 not after B. F purchased before G. G does not
C. 8 purchase before C.
D. 9 77. Who among the following person purchased
E. None of these immediately before F?
A. D
75. If the first two elements from the left end are B. B
removed, then how many letters are C. H
immediately preceded by a symbol and D. A
immediately followed by a number? E. G
A. One
B. Two 78. Four of the five among the following are
C. Three similar in such a way to form a group, who
D. More than three among the following doesn’t belong to the
E. None group?
76. Which of the following element is seventh to B. HA
the left of the seventeenth element from the C. GE
right end? D. CB
A. 4 E. EF
B. T
C. 3 79. How many persons purchase before F?
D. € A. Three
E. None of these B. Two 14
C. One 82. In which of the following statement the first
D. Four person sits to the immediate left of the second
E. None person?
80. Which of the following statement is/are true? II. XU
A. Only one person purchase between E and H III. VY
B. G purchased before A A. Only II
C. No one purchased before C B. Only I and II
D. B purchased three persons after H C. Only III
E. No one purchased between G and E D. All I, II, and III
E. None of these
81. B was purchased as the person.
A. Sixth 83. Four of the five among the following are
B. Fifth similar in such a way to form a group, who
C. Fourth among the following doesn’t belong to the
D. Seventh group?
E. None of these A. C
B. The one who sits second to the right of E
Directions (82-86): Study the following C. V
information carefully and answer the below D. W
questions E. Y
Ten persons are sitting in the two parallel rows
and facing each other. In row1, U, V, W, X, and 84. Who among the following person sits
Y are facing south. In row2- A, B, C, D, and E opposite to E?
are facing north. All the information is not A. The one who sits immediate left of Y
necessarily in the same order. B. The one who sits immediate right of W
C sits third to the left of D. Only one person sits C. V
between D and A.U sits second to the right of D. X
W.U neither sits opposite to A nor C.W and X E. W
are immediate neighbors. B neither sits
opposite to U nor Y. The number of persons 85. Who among the following person sits
sitting between E and D is the same as between immediate right of X?
V and Y. Y sits to the left of V. A. W
B. U
C. One who sits immediate right of Y 15
D. Y D. 14km towards west
E. None of these E. 15km towards west
86. How many people sit to the right of A? 89. What is the direction of H with respect to C?
A. Three A. South-west
B. Two B. South-east
C. One C. North-east
D. None D. North-west
E. Four E. South
Directions (87-89): Study the following 90. How many pairs of letters are there in the
information carefully and answer the below word “CONDITION” each of which has as many
questions letters between them in the word as in the
A person from Point A walks towards south English alphabetical series (both forward and
direction, after walking 8km he reaches point B backward direction)?
where he turns to the left and walks for 4km to A. One
reach point C where he turns to the right, walks B. Two
for 5km to reach point D where he turns to the C. Four
east direction and walks 8m to reach point E D. None
where he turns to the left and walks 5km to E. Three
reach point F where he turns to the right and
walks 4km to reach point G then finally turn to 91. How many four letter meaningful words can
the north and walks for 8km to reach point H. be formed from the third, fourth, eighth, and
87. What is the direction of E with respect to B? eleventh letter from the left end of the word
A. South-west “CONSECUTIVE” (Each letter used only once)?
B. South-east A. One
C. North-east B. Two
D. North-west C. Four
E. South D. None
E. Three
88. What is the direction and distance of H with
respect to A? Directions (92-96): Study the following
A. 15km towards east information carefully and answer the below
B. 16km towards west questions.
C. 16km towards east 16
Eight persons- A, B, C, D, E, F, G, and H are 95. How many persons are sitting between D
sitting on the circular table facing the center. All and G when counted to the right of D?
the information is not necessarily in the same A. None
order. B. Two
A sits second to the right of C. Only two persons C. Three
sit between D and C. E sits immediate right of D. Four
H. D and H are immediate neighbors. Only one E. One
person sits between H and G. F sits second to
the right of B. B and A are not immediate 96. Which of the following statement(s) is/are
neighbors. True?
92. Who among the following sits immediate A. Only three persons sit between A and B
right of G? B. E sits second to the right of B
A. E C. D sits opposite to C
B. B D. G and E are not immediate neighbors
C. H E. C sits immediate left of F
D. F
E. None of these Directions (97-99): In each of the following
questions, the relationship between different
93. Who among the following person sits elements is shown in the statements followed
opposite to H? by two conclusions. Find the conclusion which
A. A is definitely true.
B. E A. If only conclusion I is true.
C. C B. If only conclusion II is true.
D. F C. If either conclusion I or II is true.
E. B D. If neither conclusion I nor II is true.
E. If both conclusions I and II are true.
94. If H is related to D and A is related to F in a 97. Statements:
certain way. Then, who among the following is M≥Q=R>W=X≤O
related to B? Conclusions:
A. H I. M>W
B. E II. X<Q
C. G
D. C 98. Statements:
E. None of these I=K>D≥L<J=Y
Conclusions: 17
I. L≤I necessarily in the same order. Only one person
II. D>Y sits between A and D. B sits third to the right of
C. Only one person sits between A and B. E
99. Statements: neither sits adjacent to A nor D. Who among the
O≥Q≤S≥W=B≥F=H≤N following person sits second to the right of F?
Conclusions: A. B
I. S>F B. E
II. H=S C. A
D. C
100. Six persons- A, B, C, D, E, and F are E. D
sitting in the linear row facing the north but not
English Language
1. Answer: D make the given sentence both grammatically
Option d, in the given sentence, ‗slumped‘ and and contextually correct.
‗after‘ at their current position fails to impart
valid meaning to the sentence, But 4. Answer: D
interchanging them will make the given In the given sentence, ‗part‘ and ‗build‘ at their
sentence both grammatically and contextually current position fails to impart valid meaning to
correct. the sentence, But interchanging them will make
2. Answer: D the given sentence both grammatically and
In the given sentence, ‗priorities‘ and ‗issues‘ at contextually correct.
their current position fails to impart valid
meaning to the sentence, But interchanging 5. Answer: A
them will make the given sentence both In the given sentence, ‗squandering‘ and
grammatically and contextually correct. ‗reckless‘ at their current position fails to impart
valid meaning to the sentence, But
3. Answer: B interchanging them will make the given
In the given sentence, ‗since‘, ‗prolonged‘ sentence both grammatically and contextually
‗paralysis‘ and ‗seems‘ at their current position correct.
fails to impart valid meaning to the sentence,
But interchanging them will 6. Answer: A
Three decades after its economy was Ambiverts can be good salespeople because
liberalized, India remains a complex and they are able to listen to their clients and
challenging place to do business. understand their needs but also have the
Usage of ―it‘s‖ is incorrect. energy to sell their firms‘ goods and services.
―It‘s‖ is the short form of ―It is‖. Article usage is wrong here.
But in the given sentence we need a possessive We generally use Article "an" with a singular
noun ―its‖ to showcase the relationship between countable noun. But ―Energy‖ is an uncountable
India and its economy. noun.
Quantitative Aptitude
Directions (77-81):
77. Answer: D
78. Answer: E
79. Answer: A
70. Answer: D 80. Answer: E
81. Answer: A
Final Arrangement
71. Answer: B
Directions (82-86):
82. Answer: B
83. Answer: E
72. Answer: C 84. Answer: A
85. Answer: B
86. Answer: A
Final Arrangement
Directions (73-76):
94. Answer: D
95. Answer: B
96. Answer: E
Final Arrangement
Directions (87-89):
87. Answer: B
88. Answer: C
89. Answer: C
Final Arrangement
97. Answer: E
I. M>W => (M≥Q=R>W) = True
II. X<Q => (Q=R>W=X) = True
98. Answer: D
I. L≤I => (I=K>D≥L) = False
II. D>Y => (D≥L<J=Y) = False
91. Answer: C
CONSECUTIVE 100. Answer: B
Directions (92-96):
92. Answer: B
93. Answer: C