Course Code Course Name Teaching Scheme (Contact Hours) Credits Assigned Theory Pract. Tut. Theory Tut. Pract. Total
Course Code Course Name Teaching Scheme (Contact Hours) Credits Assigned Theory Pract. Tut. Theory Tut. Pract. Total
Course Code Course Name Teaching Scheme (Contact Hours) Credits Assigned Theory Pract. Tut. Theory Tut. Pract. Total
FEC102 15 15 15 60 2 -- -- 75
Most of the engineering branches are being off-spring of basic sciences where physics is playing a pivotal
role in concept and understanding of foundation of core engineering branches. This syllabus is developed
by keeping in mind, needs of all branches that we offer in University of Mumbai.
The topic distribution is being done in systematic manner and whenever required, prerequisite to the topic
are mentioned for frictionless teaching–learning process. In the distribution of topics, core physics and its
applied form are given priority. At the same time few modules are introduced over emerging trends in the
field of technology.
For the purpose of emphasis on applied part, list of suggestive experiments is added. As per new
guidelines of AICTE, a scope is kept in the syllabus for simulation technique and use of information
technology to supplement laboratory practices. Further, it is ensured that these modules will cover
prerequisites needed for engineering courses to be introduced in higher semesters as core subjects or as
interdisciplinary subjects in respective branches.
1. To understand basic physics concepts and founding principles of technology.
2. To develop scientific temperament for scientific observations, recording, and inference drawing
essential for technology studies.
University of Mumbai, First Year Engineering, (Common for all Branches of Engineering) REV2019 ‘C’ Scheme 16/61
De Broglie hypothesis of matter waves; properties of matter waves; wave packet,
phase velocity and group velocity; Wave function; Physical interpretation of wave
function; Heisenberg uncertainty principle; non existence of electron in nucleus;
Schrodinger’s time dependent wave equation; time independent wave equation;
Particle trapped in one dimensional infinite potential well, Quantum Computing.
(Prerequisites : Crystal Physics (Unit cell, Space lattice, Crystal structure,
Simple Cubic, Body Centered Cubic, Face Centered Cubic, Diamond Structure,
02 Production of X-rays) 03
Miller indices; interplanar spacing; X-ray diffraction and Bragg’s law;
Determination of Crystal structure using Bragg’s diffractometer;
(Prerequisites: Intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors, Energy bands in
conductors, semiconductors and insulators, Semiconductor diode, I-V
characteristics in forward and reverse bias)
03 Direct & indirect band gap semiconductor; Fermi level; Fermi dirac distribution; 06
Fermi energy level in intrinsic & extrinsic semiconductors; effect of impurity
concentration and temperature on fermi level; mobility, current density; Hall
Effect; Fermi Level diagram for p-n junction (unbiased, forward bias, reverse
Applications of semiconductors: LED, Zener diode, Photovoltaic cell.
(Prerequisites : Wave front and Huygen's principle, reflection and refraction,
Interference by division of wave front, Youngs double slit experiment)
Interference by division of amplitude, Interference in thin film of constant
04 thickness due to reflected and transmitted light; origin of colours in thin film; 06
Wedge shaped film; Newton’s rings.
Applications of interference - Determination of thickness of very thin wire or foil;
determination ofrefractive index of liquid; wavelength of incident light; radius of
curvature of lens; testing of surfaceflatness; Anti-reflecting films and Highly
reflecting film.
(Prerequisites : Electric current, flow of electric charges in a metallic conductor,
drift velocity, mobility and their relation with electric current, Ohm's law,
electrical resistance, V-I characteristics (linear and non-linear), electrical
resistivity and conductivity temperature dependence of resistance)
05 02
Superconductors: Critical temperature, critical magnetic field, Meissner’s effect,
Type I and Type II and high Tc superconductors;
Supercapacitors: Principle, construction, materials and applications, comparison
with capacitor and batteries : Energy density, Power density,
Liquid crystals: Nematic, Smectic and cholesteric phases, Liquid crystal display.
Multiferroics : Type I & Type II multiferroics and applications,
University of Mumbai, First Year Engineering, (Common for all Branches of Engineering) REV2019 ‘C’ Scheme 17/61
Magnetoresistive Oxides: Magnetoresistance, GMR and CMR materials,
introduction to spintronics.
Internal Assessment Test
Assessment consists of two class tests of 15 marks each. The first class test is to be conducted when
approx. 40% syllabus is completed and second class test when additional 35% syllabus is completed.
Duration of each test shall be one hour.
1. A text book of Engineering Physics-Avadhanulu&Kshirsagar, S. Chand
2. A textbook of Optics - N. Subramanyam and Brijlal, S.Chand
3. Fundamentals of optics by Jenkins and White, McGrawHill
4. Solid State Electronic Devices- B. G. Streetman, Prentice Hall Publisher
5. Modern Engineering Physics – Vasudeva, S.Chand
6. Concepts of Modern Physics- ArtherBeiser, Tata McGraw Hill
7. A Text Book of Engineering Physics, S. O. Pillai, New Age International Publishers.
8. Introduction to Solid State Physics- C. Kittle, John Wiley& Sons publisher
9. Ultracapacitors: The future of energy storage- R.P Deshpande, McGraw Hill
10. Advanced functional materials – AshutoshTiwari, LokmanUzun, Scrivener Publishing LLC.
University of Mumbai, First Year Engineering, (Common for all Branches of Engineering) REV2019 ‘C’ Scheme 18/61
Teaching Scheme
Course Credits Assigned
Course Name (Contact Hours)
Theory Pract. Tut. Theory Tut. Pract. Total
FEL101 - 01 - - - 0.5 0.5
Examination Scheme
Course Name Internal Assessment Term Pract.
Code End Exam. Total
Sem. Duration Work /oral
Test1 Test 2 Avg. Exam. (in Hrs)
FEL101 -- -- -- -- -- 25 -- 25
1. To improve the knowledge about the theory learned in the class.
2. To improve ability to analyze experimental result and write laboratory report.
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