Punjab Technical University: Scheme & Syllabus of B. Tech. 1 & 2 Semester Batch-2011

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1st& 2nd SEMESTER

(Common to all B. Tech. branches)


Department of Academics


PTU/ DA/ 17th May 2011

B. Tech. 1 & 2nd Semester Batch-2011

Punjab Technical University


Physics Group

Contact Hours: 32 Hrs.

B. Tech. First Year 2011

Load Allocation

Course Code

Course Name

Marks Distribution






Engineering Physics





Engineering Mathematics-I





Communicative English




BTEE 101

Basic Electrical and

Electronics Engineering





Human Values and

Professional Ethics





Engineering Physics





Communicative English





Basic Electrical and

Electronics Engineering
Manufacturing Practice














5Theory Courses + 4
Laboratory Courses

Chemistry Group

B. Tech. First Year 2011

Load Allocation

Course Code

Course Name

Contact Hours: 34 Hrs

Marks Distribution





BTCH 101

Engineering Chemistry





Engineering Mathematics-II





Elements of Mechanical
Fundamentals of Computer
Programming and IT
Environmental Science










Engineering Chemistry
Engineering Drawing



















BTCS 101
EVSC 101
BTCS 102


Fundamentals of Computer
Programming and IT
Engineering Computer
Graphics Laboratory
6Theory Courses + 3
Laboratory Courses

Physics Group + Chemistry Group + General Fitness= 750 +750+100= 1600 Marks

Chairperson, BOS (Applied Science)


Punjab Technical University

PTU/ DA/ 17th May 2011

B. Tech. 1 & 2nd Semester Batch-2011

BTPH 101 Engineering Physics

Objective/s and Expected outcome:
The objective of the course is to develop a scientific temper and analytical capability
in the engineering graduates through the learning of physical concepts and their
application in engineering & technology. Comprehension of some basic physical
concepts will enable graduates to think logically the engineering problems that would
come across due to rapidly developing new technologies. The student will be able to
understand the various concepts effectively; logically explain the physical concepts;
apply the concept in solving the engineering problem; realize, understand and
explain scientifically the new developments and breakthroughs in engineering and
technology; relate the developments on Industrial front to the respective physical
activity, happening or phenomenon.
1. EM waves & Dielectrics: Physical significance of Gradient, Divergence &
Curl, Relationship between Electric Field & Potential, Dielectric polarization,
displacement Current, Types of polarization, Maxwells Equations, Equation of
EM waves in free space, velocity of EM waves, Poynting vector,
Electromagnetic Spectrum ( Basic ideas of different region).


2. Magnetic Materials & Superconductivity: Basic ideas of Dia, Para, Ferro &
Ferri, Ferrites, Magnetic Anisotropy, Magnetostriction its applications in
production of Ultrasonic waves, Superconductivity, Superconductors as ideal
diamagnetic materials, Signatures of Superconducting state, Meissner Effect,
Type I & Type II superconductors, London Equations, Introduction to BCS


3. Elements of crystallography: Unit cell, Basis, Space lattice, Crystal

Systems, Miller Indices of Planes & Directions in cubic system, Continuous &
Characteristic X-Rays, X-Ray Diffraction & Braggs law in Crystals, Braggs
spectrometer, X-ray radiography.


4. Lasers: Spontaneous & Stimulated emissions, Einsteins Coefficients,

Population Inversion, Pumping Mechanisms, Components of a laser System,
Three & four level laser systems; Ruby, He-Ne, CO2 and semiconductor
Lasers, Introduction to Holography.


Chairperson, BOS (Applied Science)


Punjab Technical University

PTU/ DA/ 17th May 2011

B. Tech. 1 & 2nd Semester Batch-2011


5. Fibre Optics: Introduction, Acceptance Angle, Numerical Aperture,

Normalized frequency, Modes of propagation, material dispersion & pulse
broadening in optical fibres, fibre connectors, splices and couplers,
applications of optical fibres.


6. Special Theory of Relativity: Concept of Ether, Michelson Morley

Experiment, Einsteins postulates, Lorentz transformation equations; length,
time and simultaneity in relativity, addition of velocity, variation of mass with
velocity, Mass-Energy and Energy-momentum relations.


7. Quantum Theory: Need and origin of quantum concept, Wave-particle

duality, Matter waves, Group & Phase velocities, Uncertainty Principle,
Significance & normalization of wave function, Schrodinger wave equation:
time independent & dependent, Eigen functions & Eigen values, particle in a


8. Nanophysics: Nanoscale, surface to volume ratio, electron confinement,









nanomaterials, synthesis of nanomaterials- ball milling and sol-gel techniques,

Carbon nanotubes (synthesis and properties), applications of nanomaterials.
Suggested Readings / Books:
1. Physics for Scientists & Engineers (Vol. I & II), Serway & Jewett, 6 th Edition.,
Cengage Learning.
2. Engineering Physics, Malik; HK, Singh; AK, Tata McGraw Hill,
3. Materials Science & Engg., Raghvan V.,Prentice Hall of India.
4. Concepts of Modern Physics, Beiser; A., Mahajan; S., Choudhary; SR, Tata
McGraw Hill.
5. Solid State Physics, Dan Wei, Cengage Learning.
6. Introduction to Solids, Azaroff LV, Tata Mc Graw Hill.
7. Physics; A calculus based approach (Vol. I & II) Serway; RA & Jewitt; JW,
Cengage Learning.Materials Science & Engineering, Callister; WD, John Wiley &
8. Introduction to Electrodynamics, Griffiths; DJ, Prentice Hall.
9. Lasers & Optical engineering, Dass; P, Narosa Publishers.
10. Optical Fibre system, Technology, Design & Applications, Kao; CK, McGraw Hill.
11. Laser Theory & Applications, Thygrajan; K, Ghatak; AK, Mc Millan India Ltd.

Chairperson, BOS (Applied Science)


Punjab Technical University

PTU/ DA/ 17th May 2011

B. Tech. 1 & 2nd Semester Batch-2011

BTAM 101Engineering Mathematics-I

Objective/s and Expected outcome
Math and basic science are certainly the foundations of any engineering program.
This fact will not change in the foreseeable future said by Ellis et al. Engineering
Mathematics is an essential tool for describing and analyzing engineering processes
and systems. Mathematics also enables precise representation and communication
of knowledge. Core mathematics courses have broader objectives than just
supporting engineering programs. The learning objectives of core mathematics
courses can be put into three categories: (1) Content Objectives: Students should
learn fundamental mathematical concepts and how to apply them. (2) Skill
Objectives: Students should learn critical thinking, modeling/problem solving and
effective uses of technology. (3) Communication Objectives: Students should learn
how to read mathematics and use it to communicate knowledge. The students are
expected to understand the fundamentals of the mathematics to apply while
designing technology and creating innovations.
1. Differential Calculus: Curve tracing: Tracing of Standard Cartesian;
Parametric and Polar curves; Curvature of Cartesian, Parametric and Polar


2. Integral Calculus: Rectification of standard curves; Areas bounded by

standard curves; Volumes and surfaces of revolution of curves; Applications
of integral calculus to find centre of gravity and moment of inertia.


3. Partial Derivatives: Function of two or more variables; Partial differentiation;

Homogeneous functions and Eulers theorem; Composite functions; Total
derivative; Derivative of an implicit function; Change of variable; Jacobians.
4. Applications of Partial Differentiation: Tangent and normal to a surface;
Taylors and Maclaurins series for a function of two variables; Errors and
approximations; Maxima and minima of function of several variables;
Lagranges method of undetermined multipliers.


Chairperson, BOS (Applied Science)


Punjab Technical University

PTU/ DA/ 17th May 2011

B. Tech. 1 & 2nd Semester Batch-2011

5. Multiple Integrals: A brief introduction of cylinder, cone and standard
conicoids. Double and triple integral and their evaluation, change of order of
integration, change of variable, Application of double and triple integration to
find areas and volumes.


6. Vector Calculus: Scalar and vector fields, differentiation of vectors, velocity

and acceleration. Vector differential operators: Del, Gradient, Divergence and
Curl, their physical interpretations. Formulae involving Del applied to point
functions and their products. Line, surface and volume integrals.


7. Application of Vector Calculus: Flux, Solenoidal and Irrotational vectors.

Gauss Divergence theorem. Greens theorem in plane, Stokes theorem
(without proofs) and their applications.


Suggested Readings / Books

1. Thomes, G.B, Finney, R.L. Calculus and Analytic Gemetry, Ninth Edition,
Peason Education.
2. Kreyszig, E., Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Eighth edition, John wiley.
3. Peter. V. O Nil, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Wordsworth Publishing
4. Jain, R.K and Lyengar, S.R.K., Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Narosa
Publishing Company.
5. Grewal, B.S., Higher Engineering Mathematics, Khanna Publishers, New Delhi.
6. Taneja, H.C., Engineering Mathematics, Volume-I & Volume-II, I.K. Publisher.
7. Babu Ram, Advance engineering Mathematics, Pearson Education.
8. Bindra,. J.S., Applied Mathematics, Volume-I, Kataria Publications.

Chairperson, BOS (Applied Science)


PTU/ DA/ 17th May 2011

B. Tech. 1 & 2nd Semester Batch-2011

Punjab Technical University


BTHU 101 Communicative English

Objective/s and Expected outcome:
The objective is to help the students to become independent users of english
language. Students should be able to understand spoken and written english
language of varied complexity on most including some abstract topics; particularly
the language of their chosen technical field. They must show awareness of
appropriate format and a capacity for explaining their views in a rational manner.
The students should be able to converse fluently, without strain with international
speakers of english in an accent and lexis that is widely understood across the
globe. They will be able to produce on their own texts which are clear and coherent.
1. Reading: Reading texts of varied complexity; speed reading for global and
detailed meaning; processing factual and implied meanings
2. Vocabulary: Building up and expansion of vocabulary; active use of the
prescribed expressions in the appropriate context
3. Grammar: Revising and practicing a prescribed set of grammar items; using
grammar actively while processing or producing language
4. Writing: The qualities of good writing; Learning the prescribed written
expressions of conventional use; writing business letters, emails; reports,
summaries and various forms of descriptive and argumentative essays
Learning and Teaching Activities:
PART A (Reading)
The prescribed reading textbook for students will be S. P. Dhanavel English and
Communication Skills for Students of Science and Engineering (with audio CD),
Orient Blackswan. They will go through the reading texts themselves with the help of
a dictionary or word power as given at the end. As they progress from one reading to
another they should learn to read fast with greater degree of understanding of both
concrete and abstract topics. While taking up the textbook lessons in the classroom,
the teacher shall ensure that students can do the following:

Identify the significant points and conclusions as given in the text.












comprehension of the links between arguments and the finer distinction between
stated and implied meanings.

Generally read the stance or the point of view of the writer and present it in the
form of a summary
Chairperson, BOS (Applied Science)


Punjab Technical University

PTU/ DA/ 17th May 2011

B. Tech. 1 & 2nd Semester Batch-2011


Use the vocabulary learnt in the lessons (especially given in word power)
productively in various writing tasks as suggested at the end of each lesson.


Profitably use the grammatical items as discussed at the end of each lesson
while producing language for communication.

Besides the textbook, the teacher must insist that students extend their reading by
taking up additional texts of their own choice.
PART B (Writing)
In addition to the various exercises given at the end of each lesson of Dhanavels
book, the teacher shall use Anne Laws Writing Skills, Orient Blackswan to teach the
language and conventions of writing. The students must learn the language that
expresses various cognitive functions that are frequently used in writing. With the
help of the teacher who will give them adequate practice, the students should be
able to:
i. Convey information on concrete or abstract topics with clarity and precision.
ii. Write about objects or events with appropriate detail in both descriptive and narrative
iii. Explain ideas and build up arguments with adequate support in a convincing manner.
iv. Use language with some degree of flexibility in consideration to the reader.
v. Produce effectively such forms of professional writing as business letter, emails,
notes, memos, reports summaries etc.

While teaching, the teacher must inculcate in students the habit of revising their

The teacher can also use and recommend the relevant sections of the

following books for developing writing skills in students.

Suggested Readings/ Books
1. Vandana R Singh, The Written Word, Oxford University Press, New Delhi
2. KK Ramchandran, et al Business Communication, Macmillan, New Delhi
3. Swati Samantaray, Busines Commnication and Commnicative English, Sultan
Chand, New Delhi.
4. S.P. DhanavelEnglish and Communication Skills for Students of Science and
Engineering (with audio CD)

Chairperson, BOS (Applied Science)


PTU/ DA/ 17th May 2011

B. Tech. 1 & 2nd Semester Batch-2011

Punjab Technical University


BTEE 101 Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Objective/s and Expected outcome:
This course is mandatory for all the branches for understanding the basic concepts
of Electrical and Electronics Engineering. Students of all branches have to deal with
the applications of Electrical Engineering and Electronics Engineering. This course
gives a basic knowledge of circuits, transducers, semiconductor devices with which a
building of innovative technology can be created. The students are expected to learn
and understand the importance and applications of electric and electronics material.
This knowledge give them a brief outline of the fundamentals that would be the
foundations of todays and tomorrows technology.
Part A (Electrical Engineering)
1. Direct Current (DC) Circuits:
Circuit elements and connected terminology, Kirchoffs Laws- Statement and
Illustrations, Method of solving circuits by Kirchoffs law, Star-Delta Conversion,
Computation of resistance at constant temperature, resistance at different
temperatures, Ohms Law- Statement, Illustration and Limitation, Units- Work,
Power and Energy (Electrical, Thermal and Mechanical). DC Transients for RL
and RC series circuits


2. Alternating Current (AC) Fundamentals:

Generation of alternating electro-motive force EMF, Concept of 3-phase EMF
Generation, Peak, Root Mean Square and Average value of alternating current,



alternating quantities,

Analysis of

AC Circuit

Representation of Alternating Quantities in Rectangular and polar forms.

Introduction of Resistive, Inductive & Capacitive circuits and their series and
parallel combinations. Concept of resonance in series and parallel circuits,
Analysis of balanced 03 phase system with star-delta connections.


3. Magnetic Circuits and Transformer:

Comparison between magnetic and electric circuits, Magnetic effects of electric
current, Current carrying conductor in magnetic field, Law of Electromagnetic
Induction and its law, Self Inductance, Mutual Inductance, Coupling Coefficient








Construction, Working principle, Efficiency, Voltage regulation and applications.(7)

Chairperson, BOS (Applied Science)

Punjab Technical University

PTU/ DA/ 17th May 2011

B. Tech. 1 & 2nd Semester Batch-2011

4. Rotating Electrical Machines:

D.C. machines (motors and generators), Three phase Induction motor,
Synchronous machines (motors and generators): construction, working principle,
classification and applications.


Part B (Electronics Engineering)

5. Transducers:
Introduction, working and application of LVDT, Strain Gauge and Thermistor.
Introduction and application of Digital Multimeter.


6. Semiconductor Devices:
Principle of operation

characteristic and application of PN Junction Diode,

Rectifiers, Zener Diode, Principle of operation characteristic and application of

Bipolar Junction Transistor, Principle of operation and characteristic Field Effect
Transistor, Regulated Power Supply.


7. Digital Electronics:
Binary, Octal and Hexadecimal number System & its arithmetic operations, Logic
gates, Introduction of R-S, J-K, D and T Flip Flops & its truth tables.


Suggested Readings/ Books

1. Basic








Muthusubramanian, S Salivahanan,K A Muraleedharan, Tata McgrawHill

2. A Textbook of Electrical Techology by B.L Theraja.& A.K Theraja, S Chand
3. Electrical Technology, Edward Hughes, Addisin Wesley Longman Limited.
4. A Course in electrical and electronic Measurements & Instumentation by A.K
Sawhney, Dhanpat Rai & Co.

Chairperson, BOS (Applied Science)



Punjab Technical University

PTU/ DA/ 17th May 2011

B. Tech. 1 & 2nd Semester Batch-2011

EVSC 101 Environmental Science

Objective/s and Expected outcome:
Upon successful completion of the course, students should be able to:
1. Measure environmental variables and interpret results
2. Evaluate local, regional and global environmental topics related to resource use
and management
3. Propose solutions to environmental problems related to resource use and
4. Interpret the results of scientific studies of environmental problems
5. Describe threats to global biodiversity, their implications and potential solutions
Part A
1. Introduction: Definition and scope and importance of multidisciplinary nature of
environment. Need for

public awareness.


2. Natural Resources: Natural Resources and associated problems, use and over
exploitation, case studies of forest resources and water resources.


3. Ecosystems: Concept of Ecosystem, Structure, interrelationship, producers,

consumers and decomposers, ecological pyramids-biodiversity and importance.
Hot spots of biodiversity


4. Environmental Pollution: Definition, Causes, effects and control measures of air

pollution, Water pollution, Soil pollution, Marine pollution, Noise pollution, Thermal
pollution, Nuclear hazards. Solid waste Management: Causes, effects and control
measure of urban and industrial wastes. Role of an individual in prevention of
pollution. Pollution case studies. Disaster Management : Floods, earthquake,
cyclone and landslides.


5. Social Issues and the Environment From Unsustainable to Sustainable

development, Urban problems related to energy, Water conservation, rain water
harvesting, watershed management. Resettlement and rehabilitation of people; its
problems and concerns. Case studies. Environmental ethics: Issues and possible
solutions. Climate change, global warming, acid rain, ozone layer depletion,
nuclear accidents and holocaust. Case studies. Wasteland reclamation.
Consumerism and waste products. Environment Protection Act. Air (Prevention
Chairperson, BOS (Applied Science)


Punjab Technical University

PTU/ DA/ 17th May 2011

B. Tech. 1 & 2nd Semester Batch-2011

and Control of Pollution) Act. Water (Prevention and control of pollution) Act.
Wildlife Protection Act, Forest Conservation Act, Issues involved in enforcement of
environmental legislation Public awareness


6. Human Population and the Environment, Population growth, variation among

nations. Population explosion Family Welfare Programme. Environment and
human health, Human Rights, Value Education, HIV/AIDS. Women and child
Welfare. Role of Information Technology in Environment and human health. Case


Suggested Readings / Books

1. Agarwal, K. C. 2001 Environment Biology, Nidi Publ. Ltd. Bikaner.
2. Jadhav, H & Bhosale, V.M. 1995. Environment Protection and Laws.
Himalaya Pub House, Delhi 284p.
3. Rao M. N. & Datta A.K. 1987. Waste Water Treatment. Oxford & IBH Publ.
Co. Pvt. Ltd. 345 p.
4. Principle of Environment Science by Cunninghan, W.P.
5. Essentials of Environment Science by Joseph.
6. Environment Pollution Control Engineering by Rao, C.S.
7. Perspectives in Environmental Studies by Kaushik, A.
8. Elements of Environment Science & Engineering by Meenakshi.
9. Elements of Environment Engineering by Duggal.

Chairperson, BOS (Applied Science)



Punjab Technical University

PTU/ DA/ 17th May 2011

B. Tech. 1 & 2nd Semester Batch-2011

BTPH 102 Engineering Physics Laboratory

1. To study the magnetic field of a circular coil carrying current.

2. To find out polarizability of a dielectric substance.
3. To study the laser beam characteristics like; wave length using diffraction
grating aperture & divergence.
4. To study laser interference using Michelsons Interferometer.
5. Study of diffraction using laser beam and thus to determine the grating element.
6. To determine numerical aperture of an optical fibre.
7. To determine attenuation & propagation losses in optical fibres.
8. To find out the frequency of AC mains using electric-vibrator.
9. To find the refractive index of a material using spectrometer.
10. To find the refractive index of a liquid.
11. To study B-H curve using CRO.
12. To find the velocity of ultrasound in liquid.
13. To determine the grain size of a material using optical microscope.

Note: Each student is required to perform at least ten experiments

Suggested Readings / Books


Practical Physics, C.L. Arora, S. Chand & Co.


Practical Physics, R.S. Sirohi, Wiley Eastern.

Chairperson, BOS (Applied Science)



Punjab Technical University

PTU/ DA/ 17th May 2011

B. Tech. 1 & 2nd Semester Batch-2011

BTHU 102 Communication Skills Laboratory

Lab Exercises
Listening and Speaking
The audio CD accompanying S.P. Dhanavels book shall be played in the lab to get
the students familiar with the standard spoken English. The students must develop a
high degree of understanding of spoken material as used in academic and
professional environment. The teacher shall help them in the following:
a) With the accent of the speaker if it is unfamiliar to them.
b) The Standard English sounds and pronunciation of words.
c) With the topical vocabulary and the idiomatic expressions which are generally part of
colloquial speech.
d) With the implied relationships in larger texts, if they are not stated explicitly.

In addition to the above, extended listening sessions shall be arranged to promote

speaking activities among students. For this purpose, a set of twin books K.
Sadanand and S. Punitha Spoken English Part I and II, A Foundation Course
(with audio CD), Orient Blackswan, is prescribed for use. The teachers shall play
the CDs selectively in the lab and involve the students in the practice work based on
them. While taking up lessons, the teacher must promote the use of dictionaries for
correct pronunciation and give ample practice on word stress and weak forms.
The students are also supposed to supplement their listening practice by regularly
viewing news/knowledge channels on the TV or lecture videos on the internet.
At the end of a session, a good speaker must:
a) Be able to produce long turns without much hesitation in an accent that is understood all
b) Have ready access to a large lexis and conventional expressions to speak fluently on a
variety of topics.
c) Have a knack for structured conversation or talk to make his transitions clear and
natural to his listeners.

The teacher may use following different classroom techniques to give practice and
monitor the progress of the students:
role play
presentation of papers
Chairperson, BOS (Applied Science)


Punjab Technical University

PTU/ DA/ 17th May 2011

B. Tech. 1 & 2nd Semester Batch-2011

BTEE 102 Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering Laboratory

List of Experiments to be performed
1. To verify Ohms Law and its limitations.
2. To verify Kirchoffs Laws.
3. To measure the resistance and inductance of a coil by ammeter-voltmeter method.
4. To find voltage-current relationship in a R-L series circuit and to determine the power
factor of the circuit.
5. To verify the voltage and current relations in star and delta connected systems.
6. To measure power and power factor in a single- phase AC circuit.
7. To verify series and parallel resonance in AC circuits.
8. To observe the B-H loop of ferromagnetic core material on CRO.
9. To use a bridge rectifier for full- wave rectification of AC supply and to determine the
relationship between RMS and average values of the rectified voltage.
10. To measure the minimum operating voltage, current drawn, power consumed, and the
power factor of a fluorescent tube light.
11. To verify the working of a). Thermocouple b). Strain Gauge c). LVDT.
12. To verify the rating of compact fluorescent lamp (CFL).
13. To obtain the characteristics of a P-N junction diode.
14. To verify the truth table of logic gates.
15. To connect the following ,measuring instruments to measure current, voltage and power
in AC/DC circuits:
i. Moving Coil Instruments
ii. Moving Iron Instruments
iii. Dynamometer Instruments
iv. Multimeter- both Digital and Analog Type
16. To obtain the characteristics of a transistor under common base (CB) and common
emitter (CE) configuration.
17. To perform open- and short circuit tests on a single phase transformer and calculate its
18. To start and reverse the direction of rotation of a
i. DC motor
ii. Induction motor
Note: Each student is required to perform at least ten experiments
Suggested Readings / Books
1. S.K. Bhattacharya and R.K. Rastogi, Experiments in Electrical Engineering, New Age
International Publishers Ltd., New Delhi.
2. D.R. Kohli and S.K. Jain, Experiments in Electrical Machines.
Chairperson, BOS (Applied Science)


Punjab Technical University

PTU/ DA/ 17th May 2011

B. Tech. 1 & 2nd Semester Batch-2011

BTME 101 Manufacturing Practice

1. Carpentry and Pattern Making: Various types of timber and practice boards,
defects in timber, seasoning of wood; tools, wood operation and various
joints; exercises involving use of important carpentry tools to practice various
operations and making joints.
2. Foundry Shop: Introduction to molding materials; moulds; use of cores;
melting furnaces; tools and equipment used in foundry shops; firing of a
cupola furnace; exercises involving preparation of small sand moulds and
3. Forging Practice: Introduction to forging tools; equipments and operations;
forgability of metals; exercises on simple smithy; forging exercises.
4. Machine Shop: Machines, Grinders etc; cutting tools and operations;
exercises involving awareness.
5. Welding Shop: Introduction to different welding methods; welding equipment;
electrodes; welding joints; welding defects; exercises involving use of
gas/electric arc welding.
6. Electrical








preparation of PCBs involving soldering applied to electrical and electronic

applications; exercises preparation of PCBs involving soldering applied to
electrical and electronic applications.
7. Sheet Metal: Shop development of surfaces of various objects; sheet metal
forming and joining operations, joints, soldering and brazing; exercises
involving use of sheet metal forming operations for small joints.
8. Fitting Shop: Introduction of fitting practice and tools used in fitting shop;
exercise involving marking, cutting, fitting practice (Right Angles), maleFemale mating parts practice, trapping practice.
Suggested Readings/ Books
1. Raghuwanshi, B.S. ; A course in Workshop technology, Vol 1 & II, Dhanpat
Rai & Sons , New Delhi.
2. Jain, R.K.; Production Technology, Khanna Publishers, New Delhi.
3. Singh, S, ; Manufacturing Practice, S.K. Kataria & Sons, New Delhi
Chairperson, BOS (Applied Science)


Punjab Technical University

PTU/ DA/ 17th May 2011

B. Tech. 1 & 2nd Semester Batch-2011

BTCH101 Engineering Chemistry

Objective/s and Expected outcome:
The objective of the Engineering Chemistry is to acquaint the student with the basic
phenomenon/concepts of chemistry, the student face during course of their study in
the industry and Engineering field. Some new topics have been introduced to the
syllabus for the development of the right attitudes by the engineering students to
cope up with the continuous flow of new technology. The student with the knowledge
of the basic chemistry, will understand and explain scientifically the various
chemistry related problems in the industry/engineering field. The student will able to
understand the new developments and breakthroughs efficiently in engineering and
technology. The introduction of the new topics will make the engineering student
upgraded with the new technologies.
1. Spectroscopy and its Applications: An introduction
UV/Visible Spectroscopy: Selection rules; Line widths and intensity of







Chromophores & auxochromes; Factors affecting Max & intensity of spectral

lines; Franck-Condon principle; Applications.
IR Spectroscopy: Principle and instrumentation; Vibrational frequency;
Fundamental modes of vibrations and types; Anharmonics; Factors affecting
vibrational frequency; Applications.
NMR Spectroscopy: Principle & instrumentation; Chemical shift; Spin-Spin
Splitting; High resolution NMR spectrum (PMR only).


2. Photochemistry:
Introduction; Photo-physical & photochemical processes; Light sources in
photochemistry; Beer-Lambert Law; Laws of Photochemistry; Quantum yield
(primary and overall); Primary and secondary photochemical reactions;













3. Water and its Treatment:

Boiler feed water: Specification, Scales and sludge fermentation; Priming &
foaming; Different methods of the water purifications and softening;
Chairperson, BOS (Applied Science)


Punjab Technical University

PTU/ DA/ 17th May 2011

B. Tech. 1 & 2nd Semester Batch-2011

Desalination of water; Water for domestic use: Specification; Disinfection of



4. Green Chemistry and its Applications:

Introductory overview - Definition and concepts of Green chemistry;
Emergence of Green chemistry; Twelve principles of Green Chemistry with
emphasis on the use of alternative feedstock (bio-fuels); Use of innocuous
reagents in natural processes; Alternative solvents; Design of the safer
chemicals; Designing alternative reaction methodology. Microwave and
ultrasonic radiation in Green synthesis - Minimizing energy consumption.


5. Corrosion and its Prevention:
Introduction; Different types of corrosion - Wet and Dry corrosion; Different
types of surface films; Mechanisms of wet corrosion; Galvanic corrosion;
Galvanic Series; Concentration cell corrosion and differential aeration
corrosion; Soil and microbial corrosions; waterline, stress corrosions; Various
methods of corrosion control.


6. Polymers and Reinforced Composites:

Introduction; Functionality; Types of polymerization; Specific features of
polymers; Structures - regularity and irregularity; Tacticity of polymers;
Average molecular weights and size; Determination of molecular weight by
number average method; Effect of molecular weight on the properties of
polymers; Introduction to polymer reinforced composite.


7. Nanochemistry:
Introduction; Materials self-assembly; Moloecular vs. materials self-assembly;
Self-assembling materials; Two dimensional assemblies; Mesoscale self
assembly; Coercing colloids; Nanocrystals; Superamolecular structures;
Nanoscale materials; Future perspectives.


8. Petrochemicals:
Introduction; First, second & third generation petrochemicals; Primary Raw
Materials for Petrochemicals.

Chairperson, BOS (Applied Science)



Punjab Technical University

PTU/ DA/ 17th May 2011

B. Tech. 1 & 2nd Semester Batch-2011

Natural gas: Natural gas treatment processes; Natural gas liquids; Properties
of natural gas; Crude oil: Composition of crude oil- Hydrocarbon compounds;
Non-hydrocarbon compounds; Metallic Compounds, Crude oil classification;
Physical separation processes; Conversion processes; Production of ethylene
and propylene.


Suggested Readings / Books

1. William Kemp, Organic Spectroscopy, Palgrave Foundations, 1991.
2. D. A. Skoog, F. J. Holler and A. N. Timothy, Principle of Instrumental Analysis,
5th Edition., Saunders College Publishing, Philadelphia, 1998.
3. G. W. Castellan, Physical Chemistry, Narosa, 3rd Edition, 1995, reprint 2004.
4. C. P. Poole, Jr., F. J. Owens, Introduction to Nanotechnology, Wiley
Interscience, 2003.
5. L.E.Foster, Nanotechnology, Science Innovation & Opportunity, Pearson
Education, 2007.
6. M. Lancaster, Green Chemistry an Introductory Text, Royal Society of
Chemistry, Cambridge, UK, 1st edition, 2010.
7. Sami Matar, Lewis F. Hatch, Chemistry of Petrochemical Processes, Second
Edition, Gulf Publishing company, Houston, Texas, 2000.
8. Jones, Denny, Principles and Prevention of Corrosion, Upper Saddle River,
New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 2nd edition, 1996.
9. Nicholas J Turro, Modern Molecular Photochemistry, University Science Books,
Sausalito, California 2010.
10. Mohamed







Composites from Renewable Resources, ELSEVIER, 2008.

Chairperson, BOS (Applied Science)



Punjab Technical University

PTU/ DA/ 17th May 2011

B. Tech. 1 & 2nd Semester Batch-2011

BTAM102 Engineering Mathematics-II

Objective/s and Expected outcome:
The learning objectives of core mathematics courses can be put into three
Content Objectives: Students should learn fundamental mathematical concepts
and how to apply them. Skill Objectives: Students should learn critical thinking,
modeling/problem solving and effective uses of technology. Communication
Objectives: Students should learn how to read mathematics and use it to









fundamentals of the mathematics to apply while designing technology and creating


1. Ordinary Differential Equations of first order

Exact Differential equations, Equations reducible to exact form by integrating
factors; Equations of the first order and higher degree. Clairaut's equation.
Leibniz's linear and Bernoulli's equation
2. Linear Ordinary Differential Equations of second & higher order
Solution of linear Ordinary Differential Equations of second and higher order;
methods of finding complementary functions and particular integrals. Special
methods for finding particular integrals: Method of variation of parameters,
Operator method. Cauchy's homogeneous and Legendre's linear equation,
Simultaneous linear equations with constant coefficients.
3. Applications of Ordinary Differential Equations
Applications to electric R-L-C circuits, Deflection of beams, Simple harmonic
motion, Simple population model.

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Punjab Technical University

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B. Tech. 1 & 2nd Semester Batch-2011

4. Linear Algebra
Rank of a matrix, Elementary transfonnations, Linear independence and
dependence of vectors, Gauss-Jordan method to find inverse of a matrix,
reduction to normal form, Consistency and solution of linear algebraic
equations, Linear transformations, Orthogonal transformations, Eigen values,
Eigen vectors, Cayley-Hamilton Theorem, Reduction to diagonal form,
orthogonal, unitary, Hermitian and similar matrices.


5. Infinite Series
Convergence and divergence of series, Tests of convergence (without
proofs): Comparison test, Integral test, Ratio test, Rabee's test, Logarithmic
test, Cauchy's root test and Gauss test. Convergence and absolute
convergence of alternating series


6. Complex Numbers and elementary functions of complex variable

De-Moivre's theorem and its applications. Real and Imaginary parts of
exponential, logarithmic, circular, inverse circular, hyperbolic, inverse
hyperbolic functions of complex variables. Summation of trigonometric series.
(C+iS method)


Suggested Readings / Books:

1. Kreyszig,E., Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Eighth edition, John Wiley.
2. Michael D. Greenberg., Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Second Edition,
Pearson Education.
3. Peter. V. O'Nil, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Wadsworth- Publishing
4. Jain, R.K. and Iyengar, S.R.K., Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Narosa
Publishing House, New Delhi.
5. Grewal, B.S., Higher Engineering Mathematics, Khanna Publishers, Delhi.
6. Pipes, L.A. and Harvill, L.R., Applied Mathematics for Engineers and
Physicists, McGraw Hill
7. Taneja, H. C., Engineering Mathematics, Volume-I & Volume-II, 1. K.
8. Babu Ram, Advance Engineering Mathematics, Pearson Education.
9. Bindra, J. S., Applied Mathematics, Volume-II, Kataria Publications.
Chairperson, BOS (Applied Science)


Punjab Technical University

PTU/ DA/ 17th May 2011

B. Tech. 1 & 2nd Semester Batch-2011

BTME 101 Elements of Mechanical Engineering

Objective and Expected Outcome:
In the vast spectrum of Mechanical Engineering, this subject gives a very primitive
but general information finding vide application in day to day life with emphasis upon
the principles and fundamentals involved in the inter-conversion of thermal energy
into mechanical energy and vice versa, viz. all Automobile, Air-Craft, Generator and
other stationary Heat Engines besides cooling machinery like Refrigerators, AirConditioners and water-coolers etc. The subject also offers a birds eye-view to all
students about the common engineering materials finding vide application in Mech.
Engg. Industry and about their strength and other related vital aspects. Since every
student of engineering is already exposed to all afore-said machinery, he/she would
feel very much self-satisfied and self-confident after learning the basic intricacies and
whys and hows related with the fundamentals of the aforesaid machinery.
1. Basic Concepts of Thermodynamics
Definition of thermodynamic: Need to study thermodynamics; Application
areas of thermodynamic; Difference between Microscopic (or, Statistical)
thermodynamics and Macroscopic(or, Classical) thermodynamics; Brief
concept of continuum; Thermodynamic System : definition, types (Open,
Closed and Isolated) and their examples; Thermodynamic System







Control(fixed) mass and Control Volume concept and their example ;

Thermodynamic State; Thermodynamic Property: definition, types citing
their examples; condition for any quantity to be a property; State postulate;
Thermodynamic equilibrium (which includes Thermal, Mechanical and








Thermodynamic process: definition, concepts of reversible process, quasistatic (or, quasi-equilibrium) process,

irreversible process, conditions for

reversibility and how these are met with, non-flow processes and flow
processes, method of representation of reversible and irreversible process on
property diagrams; Cyclic process; Thermodynamic Cycle: definition and its
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Punjab Technical University

PTU/ DA/ 17th May 2011

B. Tech. 1 & 2nd Semester Batch-2011

concept; Energy and its forms (microscopic and macroscopic); Physical

insight to internal energy; Energy transfer across system boundary i.e.
transient energies (heat and work); Difference between heat and work; Sign
conventions for heat and work interactions; heat and work as path functions;
Equality of Temperature and Zeroth law of Thermodynamics.


2. First Law of Thermodynamics and its applications

Definition, essence and corollaries or consequences of first law of
Thermodynamics; Expressions for First law of Thermodynamics for a control
mass undergoing a Cycle and for process (i.e., a change in state of a control
mass) ; Concept of Enthalpy and total energy and differentiation between the
two a thermodynamic property; Compressible and incompressible
substances, Specific heats, Difference between Internal Energy and Enthalpy
of compressible and incompressible substances; Representation of first law of
thermodynamics as rate equation; Analysis of non-flow/ flow process for a
control mass undergoing constant volume, constant pressure, constant
temperature, adiabatic and polytropic processes; Free Expansion Process
and its examples, its representation on Property diagram; Review of concepts
of control volume; Expressions of first law of thermodynamics for a control
volume (i.e. open system) ; Steady State Steady Flow process and its
examples; First law analysis of Steady State Flow process e.g. isochoric,
isobaric, isothermal, isentropic and polytropic process; Throttling process and
its applications; Flow energy or inertial energy of flowing fluids or, Energy
transport by mass; Application of Steady State Flow Energy Equation to
various engineering devices.


3. Second Law of Thermodynamics

Limitations of first law of thermodynamics; and how 2 nd law is fully able to
explain away and thus overcome those shortcomings of Ist law; Thermal
Reservoirs, source and sink (Low temperature and high temperatures); Heat







efficiency/performance and their real life examples. Justification as to why

the actual efficiency of Heat Pump and Refrigerator shall also be 100%
though on the face of it seems to be more than 100%; Various statements of
Second Law of Thermodynamics and their equivalence; Philosophy of
Chairperson, BOS (Applied Science)


Punjab Technical University

PTU/ DA/ 17th May 2011

B. Tech. 1 & 2nd Semester Batch-2011

Carnot cycle and its consequences viz. how each of the individual four
processes constituting the cycle contribute in optimizing the output and
efficiency of the cycle; Carnot Engine, Carnot Refrigerator and Carnot
Heat Pump: definitions, working, efficiency/performance and Limitations of
the cycle; Carnot theorem for heat engines, refrigerators and heat pumps;
derivation of Carnot efficiency/COP (which seems to be more than 100%);
Thermodynamic Temperature Scale; Clausius theorem and Inequality;
Philosophy and concept of entropy; Entropy changes during various
processes; Temperature - Entropy Chart and representation of various
processes on it; Principle of Increase of Entropy; Applications of Entropy
Principle; Quality of Energy viz. high and low grade energies; Degradation of
Energy; Third Law of Thermodynamics.


4. Gas Power Cycles
Introduction; Concept and philosophy of Air Standard Cycle alongwith







Nomenclature of reciprocating piston-cylinder arrangement with basic

definitions such as swept volume, clearance volume, compression ratio,
mean effective pressure etc; Otto Cycle (or constant volume heat addition
cycle), Diesel cycle (or constant pressure heat addition cycle) and Dual cycle
(Mixed or Composite or Limited Pressure cycle) with their representation on
P-V and T-S charts, their Air-standard (thermal) Efficiencies; Comparison of
Otto, Diesel and Dual cycle under some defined similar parametric
conditions; Introduction to heat engines; Merits of I.C. Engines and their
important applications, Classification and constructional features of I.C.
Engines; working of two stroke and four stroke Petrol and Diesel engines
and their comparison.


5. Mechanics of Solids
Introduction, Stress, Types of stresses, Hooks Law, Strain, Longitudinal and
lateral strain, Poisons ratio, Stress-strain diagram for ductile and brittle
materials, Shear Stress and Shear Strain, Factor of Safety, Principle of
Super-position, Strain energy and resilience, Sudden and impact load,
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Punjab Technical University

PTU/ DA/ 17th May 2011

B. Tech. 1 & 2nd Semester Batch-2011

Extension of a tapered bar, Extension of a bar due to self-weight, bar of

uniform strength, Stress in bars, Thermal Stresses, Elastic constants and
their significance, relation between elastic constants, Youngs modulus of
elasticity, Modulus of Rigidity and Bulk modulus.


6. Engineering Materials
Materials and Civilization, Materials and Engineering, Classification of
Engineering Materials, Significance of various Mechanical Properties of
Materials: e.g., elasticity, plasticity, strength, ductility, brittleness, malleability,
toughness, resilience, hardness, machinability, formability, weldability.
Properties, Composition, and Industrial Applications of materials: metals
(ferrous- cast iron, tool steels, stainless steels and non ferrous-Aluminium,
brass, bronze), polymers (natural and synthetic , thermoplastic and







Composites(fibre reinforced, metal matrix ) , Smart materials (piezoelectric,






Conductors, Semi-conductors and Insulators, Organic and Inorganic

materials. Selection of materials for engineering applications.


Suggested Readings / Books

1. Nag P.K., Engineering Thermodynamics, Tata McGraw Hill.
2. Yadav R., Thermodynamics and Heat Engines, Central Publishing House,
3. Rogers G. and Mayhew Y., Engineering Thermodynamics, Pearson
4. Cengel Y.A. and Boles M.A., Thermodynamics An Engineering Approach,
Tata McGraw Hill.
5. Rao Y.V.C., An Introduction to Thermodynamics, New Age International (P)
Limited Publishers.
6. Spalding D. B., Cole E. H., Engineering thermodynamics, ELBS series
7. Gere J.M., Mechanics of Materials, Cengage Learning.
8. Bedi D.S., Element of Mechanical Engineering, Khanna Publishers New Delhi
9. Donald R. Askeland, Pradeep P. Phule, Essentials of materials Science and
Engineering, Cenage Learning

Chairperson, BOS (Applied Science)



Punjab Technical University

PTU/ DA/ 17th May 2011

B. Tech. 1 & 2nd Semester Batch-2011

BTCS 101 Fundamentals of Computer Programming and IT

Objective/s and Expected outcome:
To familiarize the students of all branches in engineering with computer organization,
operating systems, problem solving and programming in C++. After the students
have successfully completed the course, they shall have sufficient knowledge of the
basic computer operations and various programming techniques especially in C++.
PART A (Fundamentals of Computer and IT) (25%)

1. Introduction to Computers
Define a Computer System, Block diagram of a Computer System and its
working, associated peripherals, memories, RAM, ROM, secondary storage
devices, Computer Software and Hardware.


2. Working Knowledge of Computer System

Introduction to the operating system, its functions and types, working
knowledge of GUI based operating system, introduction to word processors
and its features, creating, editing, printing and saving documents, spell check,
mail merge, creating power point presentations, creating spreadsheets and
simple graphs, evolution of Internet and its applications and services.


3. Problem Solving & Program Planning

Need for problem solving and planning a program; program design tools
algorithms, flow charts, and pseudocode; illustrative examples.


PART B (Basics of Programming Using C++) (75%)

4. Overview of C++ Language
Introduction to C++ language, structure of a C++ program, concepts of
compiling and linking, IDE and its features; Basic terminology - Character set,
tokens, identifiers, keywords, fundamental data types, literal and symbolic
constants, declaring variables, initializing variables, type modifiers.
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Punjab Technical University

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B. Tech. 1 & 2nd Semester Batch-2011

5. Operators and expressions

Operators in C++, precedence and associativity of operators, expressions and
their evaluation, type conversions.
6. Beginning with C++ program
Input/output using extraction (>>) and insertion (<<) operators, writing simple
C++ programs, comments in C++, stages of program execution.
7. Control Structures
Decision making statements: if, nested if, if else. Else if ladder, switch,
Loops and iteration: while loop, for loop, do while loop, nesting of loops,
break statement, continue statement, goto statement, use of control structures
through illustrative programming examples.
8. Functions
Advantages of using functions, structure of a function, declaring and defining
functions, return statement, formal and actual arguments, const argument,
default arguments, concept of

reference variable, call by value, call by

reference, library functions, recursion, storage classes. Use of functions

through illustrative programming examples.
9. Arrays and Strings
Declaration of arrays, initialization of array, accessing elements of array, I/O
of arrays, passing arrays as arguments to a function, multidimensional arrays.
String as array of characters, initializing string variables, I / O of strings, string
manipulation functions (strlen, strcat, strcpy, strcmp), passing strings to a
function. Use of arrays and strings through illustrative programming examples.
10. Concepts of Object Oriented Programming
Introduction to Classes, Objects, Data abstraction, Data encapsulation,
inheritance and polymorphis.

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Punjab Technical University

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B. Tech. 1 & 2nd Semester Batch-2011

11. Classes and Objects

Defining classes and declaring objects, public and private keywords,
constructors and destructors, defining member functions inside and outside of
a class, accessing members of a class, friend function. Use of classes and
objects through illustrative programming examples.
12. Basics of File Handling
Opening, reading, and writing of files, error handling during files operation. (2)

Suggested Readings/ Books

1. E. Balagurusamy, Object-Oriented Programming with C++, Tata McGraw Hill.
2. P. K. Sinha and Priti Sinha, Computer Fundamentals, BPB Publications.
3. Lafore R., Object Oriented Programming in C++, Waite Group.
4. Bjarne Stroustrup, The C++ Programming Language, Addison Wesley.
5. Lippman F. B, C++ Primer, Addison Wesley.
6. R. S. Salaria, Computer Concepts and Programming in C++, Salaria Publishing House.
7. Gurvinder Singh, Krishan Saluja, Fundamentals of Computer Programming & IT, Kalyani
8. R. S. Salaria, Fundamentals of Computers, Salaria Publishing House.

Chairperson, BOS (Applied Science)



Punjab Technical University

PTU/ DA/ 17th May 2011

B. Tech. 1 & 2nd Semester Batch-2011

HVPE 101 Human Values & Professional Ethics

Objective/s and Expected outcome:
To help the students to discriminate between valuable and superficial in the life.
To help develop the critical ability to distinguish between essence and form, or
between what is of value and what is superficial, in life - this ability is to be
developed not for a narrow area or field of study, but for everyday situations in life,
covering the widest possible canvas. To help students develop sensitivity and
awareness; leading to commitment and courage to act on their own belief. It is not
sufficient to develop the discrimination ability, it is important to act on such
discrimination in a given situation. Knowingly or unknowingly, our education
system has focused on the skill aspects (learning and doing) - it concentrates on
providing to its students the skills to do things.
providing How to do things.

In other words, it concentrates on

The aspects of understanding What to do or Why

something should be done is assumed. No significant cogent material on

understanding is included as a part of the curriculum. A result of this is the
production of graduates who tend to join into a blind race for wealth, position and
jobs. Often it leads to misuse of the skills; and confusion and wealth that breeds
chaos in family, problems in society, and imbalance in nature. This course is an
effort to fulfill our responsibility to provide our students this significant input about
understanding. This course encourages students to discover what they consider
valuable. Accordingly, they should be able to discriminate between valuable and
the superficial in real situations in their life. It has been experimented at IIITH, IITK
and UPTU on a large scale with significant results.
1. Course Introduction - Need, Basic Guidelines, Content and Process for
Value Education
Understanding the need, basic guidelines, content and process for Value
Self Explorationwhat is it?- its content and process; Natural Acceptance
and Experiential Validation- as the mechanism for self exploration.
Continuous Happiness and Prosperity- A look at basic Human Aspirations

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Punjab Technical University

PTU/ DA/ 17th May 2011

B. Tech. 1 & 2nd Semester Batch-2011

Right understanding, Relationship and Physical Facilities- the basic

requirements for fulfillment of aspirations of every human being with their
correct priority
Understanding Happiness and Prosperity correctly- A critical appraisal of
the current scenario
Method to fulfill the above human aspirations: understanding and living in
harmony at various levels


2. Understanding Harmony in the Human Being - Harmony in Myself!

Understanding human being as a co-existence of the sentient I and the
material Body
Understanding the needs of Self (I) and Body - Sukh and Suvidha
Understanding the Body as an instrument of I (I being the doer, seer and
Understanding the characteristics and activities of I and harmony in I
Understanding the harmony of I with the Body: Sanyam and Swasthya;
correct appraisal of Physical needs, meaning of Prosperity in detail
Programs to ensure Sanyam and Swasthya


3. Understanding Harmony in the Family and Society- Harmony in HumanHuman Relationship

Understanding harmony in the Family- the basic unit of human interaction
Understanding values in human-human relationship; meaning of Nyaya
and program for its fulfillment to ensure Ubhay-tripti; Trust (Vishwas) and
Respect (Samman) as the foundational values of relationship
Understanding the meaning of Vishwas; Difference between intention and
Understanding the meaning of Samman, Difference between respect and
differentiation; the other salient values in relationship
Understanding the harmony in the society (society being an extension of
family): Samadhan, Samridhi, Abhay, Sah-astitva as comprehensive
Human Goals
Visualizing a universal harmonious order in society- Undivided Society
(Akhand Samaj), Universal Order (Sarvabhaum Vyawastha )- from family
to world family!

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Punjab Technical University

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B. Tech. 1 & 2nd Semester Batch-2011

4. Understanding Harmony in the Nature and Existence - Whole existence
as Co-existence
Understanding the harmony in the Nature
Interconnectedness and mutual fulfillment among the four orders of
nature- recyclability and self-regulation in nature
Understanding Existence as Co-existence (Sah-astitva) of mutually
interacting units in all-pervasive space
Holistic perception of harmony at all levels of existence


5. Implications of the above Holistic Understanding of Harmony on

Professional Ethics
Natural acceptance of human values
Definitiveness of Ethical Human Conduct
Basis for Humanistic Education, Humanistic Constitution and Humanistic
Universal Order
Competence in professional ethics:
o Ability to utilize the professional competence for augmenting universal
human order
o Ability to identify the scope and characteristics of people-friendly and
eco-friendly production systems
o Ability








management patterns for above production systems.

Case studies of typical holistic technologies, management models and
production systems
Strategy for transition from the present state to Universal Human Order:
o At the level of individual: as socially and ecologically responsible
engineers, technologists and managers
o At the level of society: as mutually enriching institutions and


Chairperson, BOS (Applied Science)



Punjab Technical University

PTU/ DA/ 17th May 2011

B. Tech. 1 & 2nd Semester Batch-2011

Suggested Readings / Books:

1. R R Gaur, R Sangal, G P Bagaria, 2009, A Foundation Course in Value
2. Ivan Illich, 1974, Energy & Equity, The Trinity Press, Worcester, and
HarperCollins, USA
3. E.F. Schumacher, 1973, Small is Beautiful: a study of economics as if people
mattered, Blond & Briggs, Britain.
4. A Nagraj, 1998, Jeevan Vidya ek Parichay, Divya Path Sansthan,
5. Sussan George, 1976, How the Other Half Dies, Penguin Press. Reprinted
1986, 1991
6. PL Dhar, RR Gaur, 1990, Science and Humanism, Commonwealth
7. A.N. Tripathy, 2003, Human Values, New Age International Publishers
8. Subhas Palekar, 2000, How to practice Natural Farming, Pracheen(Vaidik)
Krishi Tantra Shodh, Amravati.
9. Donella H. Meadows, Dennis L. Meadows, Jorgen Randers, William W.
Behrens III, 1972, Limits to Growth Club of Romes report, Universe Books.
10. E G Seebauer & Robert L. Berry, 2000, Fundamentals of Ethics for Scientists
& Engineers , Oxford University Press
11. M Govindrajran, S Natrajan & V.S. Senthil Kumar, Engineering Ethics
(including Human Values), Eastern Economy Edition, Prentice Hall of India
12. B P Banerjee, 2005, Foundations of Ethics and Management, Excel Books.
13. B L Bajpai, 2004, Indian Ethos and Modern Management, New Royal Book
Co., Lucknow. Reprinted 2008.

Chairperson, BOS (Applied Science)



Punjab Technical University

PTU/ DA/ 17th May 2011

B. Tech. 1 & 2nd Semester Batch-2011

BTCH 102 Engineering Chemistry Laboratory

1. Analysis of Effluents
Determination of
Determination of
Determination of
Determination of

water by EDTA method.

H2O by dissolved oxygen analyzer.
turbidity by Nephelometer
Residual Chlorine.

2. Analysis of Fuels and Lubricants

Determination of Moisture, Volatile and ash content by proximate analysis.
Determination of
Determination of
Determination of
Determination of

Flash & Fire point by Abees Apparatus

the viscosity.
Acid Value and Aniline point of oil
refractive index for oils.

3. Instrumental Analysis
Determination -max by spectrophotometer and determination of unknown conc of
binary mixture of two liquids.
Determination of the surface tension by stalagmometer.
Determination of the concentration of a solution conductometerically.
Determination of the strength of a solution pH meterically.
Distinction between acid, ester, ketone using IR spectrophotometer.
Determination of bathochromic shifts, hypsochromic and hyperchromic,
hypochromic shift of benzene and its derivatives

4. Chromatography
Determination of Rf value of amino acid by TLC and identification of the amino
acid present.
Separation of metallic ions by paper chromatography.
Separation of Ions by using complexing agents
Separation of plant pigments, Chlorophyll and carotenoids by column
Determination of the ion exchange capacity of the given ion exchanger.
Separation of ions by ion-exchange method.

5. Synthesis & Green Chemistry experiments

hexamethylenediamine adipic acid polymer and determination of carbonyl value or
acid value.
Preparation of aspirin.
Preparation of ethyl-2-cyano-3-(4-methoxyphenyl)-propeonate (Microwave
assisted reaction)
Base catalyzed aldol condensation by Green Methodology
Acetylation of primary amines using ecofriendly method.

Note: Each student is required to perform two experiments from each of the 5
titles (presented bold) depending on his/her Branch and Aptitude.
Suggested Readings / Books
1. Vogel A-I, Quantitative Inorganic Analysis, Oxford ELBS
2. Vogel A-I, Quantitative Organic Analysis, Oxford ELBS
3. dst.gov.in/green-chem.pdf (monograph of green chemistry laboratory
Chairperson, BOS (Applied Science)


Punjab Technical University

PTU/ DA/ 17th May 2011

B. Tech. 1 & 2nd Semester Batch-2011

BTME 102 Engineering Drawing

Objective and Expected Outcome:
Main objective of the Engineering Drawing is to introduce the students to visual science in
the form of technical graphics. General instructions related to Theory of Orthographic
Projection of points, lines, planes and solids as per the BIS codes prevalent to drawing
practice will be introduced initially. Section of solids, intersection and development of
surfaces, isometric projection and orthographic projection of simple solids/blocks will further
upgrade the basic understanding and visualization of geometrical objects and to certain
extent the machine parts. Computer graphics will enable the students to strengthen the
understanding through hands on training on Autocad software wherein they will be
introduced to a number of assignments as mentioned in the said course.

1. Introduction
Engineering Drawing/Engineering Graphics/Technical Drawing a Visual
Science. Types of Engineering Drawing, Introduction to drawing equipment and
use of instruments. Symbols and conventions in drawing Practice. Types of
lines and their use, BIS codes for lines, Technical lettering as per BIS codes,
Introduction to Dimensioning, Concepts of scale in drawing, Types of scales.
Basic Definition of geometrical objects: Points, lines, planes and solids.
2. Theory of Projections
Relevance of projection, Type of projections, Perspective, Orthographic,
Axonometric and their basic principles, System of orthographic projection: in
reference to quadrants and octants, illustration through simple problems of
3. Projection of Points
Projection of points in quadrants and octants. Projection of point on Auxiliary
4. Projection of Lines
Parallel to both H P and V P, Parallel to one and inclined to other, and inclined
to both, contained in profile plane. True length and angle orientation of straight
line: rotation method and auxiliary plane method. Distance between two nonintersecting lines, and trace of line.
5. Projection of Planes

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Punjab Technical University

PTU/ DA/ 17th May 2011

B. Tech. 1 & 2nd Semester Batch-2011

Difference between plane and lamina. Projection of lamina Parallel to one and
perpendicular to other, Perpendicular to one and inclined to other, Inclined to
both reference planes, and Lamina oblique to three reference planes.
Application of auxiliary planes, and trace of planes.
6. Projection of Solids
Definition of solids, types of solids, and elements of solids. Projection of solids
in first or third quadrant, with axis parallel to one and perpendicular to other,
axis parallel to one inclined to other, axis inclined to both the principle plane,
axis perpendicular to profile plane and parallel to both H P and V P. Visible and
invisible details in the projection. Use rotation and auxiliary plane method to
draw the projections.

7. Section of Solids
Definition of Sectioning and its purpose. Procedure of Sectioning, Types of
sectional planes. Illustration through examples.
8. Intersection of Surfaces/Solids
Purpose of intersection of surfaces, Intersection between the two cylinder, two
prisms, prism and pyramid, pyramid and pyramid, cylinder and prism, cone and
cylinder, sphere and cylinder etc., use of cutting plane and line method.
9. Development of Surface
Purpose of development, Parallel line, radial line and triangulation method.
Development of prism, cylinder, cone and pyramid surface for both right angled
and oblique solids, and development of surface of sphere.
10. Isometric Projection
Classification of pictorial views, Basic Principle of Isometric projection,
Difference between isometric projection and isometric drawing. Isometric
projection of solids such as cube, prism, pyramid and cylinder, and
assignments on isometric projection of simple machine parts.
11. Orthographic Projection
Review of principle of Orthographic Projection, Sketch/drawing of blocks, and of
simple machine parts.
Suggested Readings / Books
Chairperson, BOS (Applied Science)


Punjab Technical University

PTU/ DA/ 17th May 2011

B. Tech. 1 & 2nd Semester Batch-2011

1. Narayana K L and Kanaiah P, Engineering Graphics, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing

Company Limited, New Delhi.
2. Gill P S, Engineering Graphics and Drafting, Katria and Sons, Delhi.
3. Bhat N D, Elementary Engineering Drawing-Plane and solid Geometry, Chartotar
Publishing House, Anand.
4. Luzzadde Warren J, Fundamentals of Engineering Drawing, Prentice Hall of India
Private Limited, New Delhi.
5. Bertoline G R , Wiebe E N, Miler G L L & Mother J L, Technical Graphics
Communication, Irwin McGraw Hill, New York.

BTCS102 Fundamentals of Computer Programming and IT

1. Familiarization with the Computer System:
To explain the part of the computer system such as system unit, input devices,
output devices connected to the computer.
To explore the outside view of the system unit that includes the panels on front
and ports at the rear
To explore the inside view of the system unit that includes the motherboard,
processor, expansion slots, various add-on cards, storage devices, power
supply, fans.
To understand the booting process that includes switching on the system,
execution of POST routine, then bootstrap loader, and loading of the operating
system, and getting it ready for use.
To introduce the graphical user interface (desktop) of Windows operating

to explain the various elements of the desktop such as taskbar, icons (My
Computer, Recycle Bin, etc.), short cuts, notification area.

to configure the desktop that include selecting the wall paper, selecting the
screen saver with or without password protection, selecting the screen
resolution and color quality.

2. Navigating with Window Explorer:

To navigate with the drives
To create new folders
To move folders from one drive to another drive
Chairperson, BOS (Applied Science)


Punjab Technical University

PTU/ DA/ 17th May 2011

B. Tech. 1 & 2nd Semester Batch-2011

To move files from one folder to another folder

To search files and folders
To share files and folders
To view and/or change the attributes of the files and folders
3. Working with Control Panel:
To work with date and time
To create new user accounts
To install new hardware and configuring existing hardware
To install new software or remove existing installed software
To configure network connections
To manage security profile
4. Miscellaneous Features:
To work at the command prompt
To open an application, folder, document or internet resource from the Run
To initialize storage media (formatting)
To understand the menace of viruses
To understand the working of virus guards and antivirus software
5. Exploring the Internet:
To understand the working of the internet that include the use of protocols,
domains, IP addresses, URLs, web browsers, web servers, mail-servers, etc.
To create email-account, sending mails, receiving mails, sending files as
attachments, etc.
To login to a remote computer
To search information using search engines
6. Microsoft Word:
To familiarize with parts of Word window
To create and save a document
To set page settings, create headers and footers
To edit a document and resave it
To use copy, cut and paste features
To use various formatting features such as bold face, italicize, underline,
subscript, superscript, line spacing, etc.
Chairperson, BOS (Applied Science)


Punjab Technical University

PTU/ DA/ 17th May 2011

B. Tech. 1 & 2nd Semester Batch-2011

To use spelling and grammar checking feature

To preview print a document
7. Microsoft Word continued:
To create a table with specified rows and columns
To enter data in a table
To select a table, a row, a column or a cell
To inset new row and/or a column
To delete a row and/or a column
To split and merge a row, column or a cell
To understand the mail-merge and to use mail merge feature of MS-Word
8. Microsoft Excel:
To familiarize with parts of Excel window
To create and save a workbook with single and/or multiple worksheets
To edit and format text as well numbers
To apply operations on range of cells using built-in formulae
To preview and print a worksheet
9. Microsoft Excel continued:
To insert new row and/or column in a worksheet
To delete a row and/or column in a worksheet
To create a variety of charts
To import and export data to or from worksheet
10. Microsoft PowerPoint:
To familiarize with parts of PowerPoint window
To create and save a new presentation
To apply design templates to a presentation
To insert, edit and delete a slide
To use different views of slides
To use slide show from beginning or from the current slide
To preview and print a presentation
11. Microsoft PowerPoint continued:
To check spellings in a presentation
To add clip art and pictures in a slide
Chairperson, BOS (Applied Science)


Punjab Technical University

PTU/ DA/ 17th May 2011

B. Tech. 1 & 2nd Semester Batch-2011

To add chart, diagram and table in a slide

To set animation for a selected slide and/or for entire presentation
To create slide master and title master
To create a custom show
12. Write a program to find the nature of the roots as well as value of the roots.
However, in case of imaginary roots, find the real part and imaginary part
13. Write a program, which takes two integer operands and one operator form user,
performs the operation and then prints the result. (Consider the operators +,-,*, /,
% and use switch statement).For example, the input should be in the form: 5 + 3
the output should comes Result = 8
14. Fibonacci sequence is defined as follows: the first and second terms in the
sequence are 0 and 1. Subsequent terms are found by adding the preceding two
terms in the sequence. Write a program to generate the first n terms of the
sequence. For example, for n = 8, the output should be 0 1 1

15. Write a program to print all the prime numbers between m and n, where the
value of m and n is supplied by the user.
16. The number such as 1991, is a palindrome because it is same number when
read forward or backward. Write a program to check whether the given number
is palindrome or not.
17. A positive integer number IJK is said to be well-ordered if I<J<K. For example,
number 138 is called well-ordered because the digits in the number (1, 3, 8)
increase from left to right, i.e., 1 < 3 < 8. Number 365 is not well-ordered
because 6 is larger than 5. Write a program that will find and display all possible
three digit well-ordered numbers. The program should also display the total
number of three digit well-ordered numbers found.
18. Write a function to computer the highest common factor of integer numbers m
and n. Use this function to find the highest common factor of integer numbers a
and b.
19. Given the marks (out of 100) obtained by each student in a test of a class with n
students. Write a program to obtain the following information:
(a) minimum and maximum marks score
Chairperson, BOS (Applied Science)


Punjab Technical University

PTU/ DA/ 17th May 2011

B. Tech. 1 & 2nd Semester Batch-2011

(b) average score of the class, and

(c) number of students whose score is greater than class's average score

20. Write a program to multiply matrix Amn by Bpq, given that n = p.

21. Write a program to sort a list of n integer numbers in descending order using
bubble sort method.

22. Create a class named Student with the appropriate data members and member
functions to generate output comprising student's admission no., name, marks in
five subjects and the %age of marks obtained. Write a program to use the
Student class.
23. Create a class named ComplexNumber with the appropriate data members and
constructors. Include member functions (defined inside the class) to perform the
following operations:
(a) Inputting a complex number
(b) Outputting a complex number
(c) Arithmetic operations on two complex numbers
Write an appropriate program to demonstrate use of the ComplexNumber
24. Create a class named Height with feet and inches as its data members. Also
include appropriate constructors (and destructor, if required). Include member
functions (defined outside the class) to perform the following operations:
(a) Inputting a height of a person
(b) Displaying a height of a person
(c) To get height in inches
(d) To compare two heights
Write an appropriate program to demonstrate use of the Height class.

Note: Students are required to prepare a file containing lab exercises based on
programming only, where as the oral examination will from the entire syllabus.

Chairperson, BOS (Applied Science)



Punjab Technical University

PTU/ DA/ 17th May 2011

B. Tech. 1 & 2nd Semester Batch-2011

BTME 103 Engineering Computer Graphics Laboratory

Objective/s and Expected outcome:

Engineering Computer Graphics deals with the use of Software like Solid Works to
fully explore and understand the features of simple geometrical object, Machine
parts and their assembly. The course content comprises of a number of exercises to
be individually carried out on computers.
Introduction to Solid Works:
Main Pull down Menu, Feature Manager Tree, View

Orientation, View and

Display Toolbars, Sketching Toolbars, Sketching Planes, Line colors, Starting a

New Part, Setting Grids and Units, Applying Basic Dimensions, Extruding and
Revolving simple parts, Printing a Hard Copy.

Lab Work I:

Involves hands-on practice sessions related to 2-D computer

Exercise 1: Study and draw 2-D sketching entities like lines, rectangle,
parallelogram polygon, circle etc., under SKETCH ENTITY MENU.
Exercise 2: (a) Rectangular array (b) Circular array
Exercise 3: Sketch of Metal grate
Exercise 4: Slotted Base
Exercise 5: Link
Exercise 6: Base Plate (Extruding the sketch)
Exercise 7: Bush (Revolve)
Exercise 8: Handle (Revolve)
Exercise 9: Flange coupling parts
Chairperson, BOS (Applied Science)


Punjab Technical University

PTU/ DA/ 17th May 2011

B. Tech. 1 & 2nd Semester Batch-2011

Exercise 10: Bell Crank Lever

Lab Work-II: Using the geometric shape and size data learnt in Lab Work I, extrude
or revolve the sketch to obtain 3-D drawing. Study and practice various options
available for 3-D drawing.
Exercise-1: Bracket Lever
Exercise 2: Hand Wheel
Exercise 3: Hexagonal Nut and Bolt
Exercise 4: Keys
Exercise 5: Body of Solid Journal Bearing
Exercise 6: Shaft
Exercise 7: Cup of Screw Jack
Exercise 8: Screw Jack Body
Exercise 9: V-Block
Exercise 10: Gland

Chairperson, BOS (Applied Science)



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