1st Sem Syllabus B.TECH
1st Sem Syllabus B.TECH
1st Sem Syllabus B.TECH
BT 107L Engineering Physics Lab - - 3 2 15 35 50
BT 108L Programming in C Lab - - 3 2 15 35 50
Course Objectives:
To enable the students to apply the knowledge of Mathematics in various engineering fields
by making them to learn the following:
nth derivatives of product of two functions and polar curves.
Partial derivatives
Vector calculus
Reduction formulae of integration; to solve First order differential equations.
Solution of system of linear equations, quadratic forms.
Module - 1
Differential Calculus -1: Determination of nth order derivatives, Leibnitz’s
theorem (without proof)- problems.
Taylor’s and Maclaurin’s theorems for function of one variable (statement only)-
problems. Evaluation of Indeterminate forms.
Partial derivatives – Definition and simple problems, Euler’s theorem (without
proof) – problems, total derivatives, partial differentiation of composite
functions-problems. Definition and evaluation of Jacobians
Hours – 12
Module -2
Differential Calculus -2
Polar Curves - angle between the radius vector and tangent, angle between two
curves, Pedal equation of polar curves. Derivative of arc length - Cartesian,
Parametric and Polar forms (without proof)- problems. Curvature and Radius of
Curvature – Cartesian, Parametric, Polar and Pedal forms (without proof) -
Hours - 10
Integral Calculus:
Reduction formulae - ∫ 𝑆i𝑛𝑛𝑥 𝑑𝑥, ∫ 𝐶o𝑠𝑛𝑥 𝑑, ∫ 𝑆i𝑛𝑚𝑥 𝐶o𝑠𝑛𝑥 𝑑𝑥, (m and n are positive
integers), evaluation of these integrals with standard limits (0 to π/2) and problems.
Linear Algebra
Rank of a matrix by elementary transformations, solution of system of
linear equations - Gauss-elimination method, Gauss–Jordan method and Gauss-
Seidel method, Linear transformation, Eigen values and Eigen vectors.
diagonalisation of a square matrix. Reduction of Quadratic form
Hours - 11
Course outcomes:
On completion of this course, students are able to
Use partial derivatives to calculate rates of change of multivariate
Analyze position, velocity, and acceleration in two or three dimensions
using the calculus of vector valued functions.
Recognize and solve first-order ordinary differential equations, Newton’s law
of cooling
Use matrices techniques for solving systems of linear equations in the different
areas of Linear Algebra.
Text Books:
1. B.S. Grewal, "Higher Engineering Mathematics", Khanna publishers,
42nd edition, 2013.
Reference Books:
1. B.V. Ramana, "Higher Engineering Mathematics", Tata Mc Graw-
Hill, 2006
2. N.P. Bali and Manish Goyal, "A text book of Engineering
mathematics”, Laxmi publications, latest edition.
3. H.K. Dass and Er. Rajnish Verma, "Higher Engineering
Mathematics", S.Chand publishing, 1st edition, 2011.
Subject Code BT 102 IA Marks 30
Number of Lecture Hours/Week 04 Term End Exam Marks 70
Total Number of Lecture Hours 50 CREDITS 04
Course objectives:
The Objective of this course is to make students learn and understand basic
concepts and principles of physics to analyze practical engineering problems
and apply its solutions effectively and meaningfully.
To understand building up of models, design issues, practical oriented
skills and problem solving challenges are the great task of the course.
To know about shock waves and practical applications is the prime motto to
introduce new technology at the initial stage of Engineering.
Module -1
Modern Physics and Quantum Mechanics
Module -2
Electrical Properties of Materials
10 Hours
Module – 3
Lasers and Optical Fibers
10 Hours
Crystal Structure
Space lattice, Bravais lattice–Unit cell, primitive cell. Lattice parameters. Crystal
systems. Direction and planes in a crystal. Miller indices. Expression for inter –
planar spacing. Co-ordination number. Atomic packing factors (SC,FCC,BCC).
Bragg’s law, Determination of crystal structure using Bragg’s X–ray
difractometer. Polymorphism and Allotropy. Crystal Structure of Diamond,
qualitative discussion of Pervoskites.
10 Hours
Shock waves and Science of Nano Materials
Definition of Mach number, distinctions between- acoustic, ultrasonic, subsonic
and supersonic waves. Description of a shock wave and its applications. Basics of
conservation of mass, momentum and energy. Normal shock equations (Rankine-
Hugonit equations). Method of creating shock waves in the laboratory using a
shock tube, description of hand operated Reddy shock tube and its characteristics.
10 Hours
Course outcomes:
On Completion of this course, students are able to –
Learn and understand more about basic principles and to develop problem
solving skills and implementation in technology.
Gain Knowledge about Modern physics and quantum mechanics will update
the basic concepts to implement the skills.
Study of material properties and their applications is the prime role to
understand and use in engineering applications and studies.
Study Lasers and Optical fibers and its applications are to import knowledge
and to develop skills and to use modern instruments in the engineering
Understand Crystal structure and applications are to boost the technical
skills and its applications.
Expose shock waves concept and its applications will bring latest
technology to the students at the first year level to develop research
orientation programs at higher semester level.
Understand basic concepts of nano science and technology.
Text Books:
1. Wiley precise Text, Engineering Physics, Wiley India Private Ltd.,
New Delhi. Book series – 2014,
2. Dr. M.N. Avadhanulu, Dr. P.G.Kshirsagar,
Text Book of Engineering Physics, S Chand Publishing, New Delhi
– 2012
Subject Code BT 103 IA Marks 30
Number of Lecture Hours/Week 04 Term End Exam Marks 70
Total Number of Lecture Hours 50 CREDITS 04
Course objectives:
1. Design solutions to simple engineering problem by applying the basic programming
principles of C language and basic mathematical knowledge.
Module 1
Basics of Computer Hardware and Software
Basics of Computer Architecture: processor, Memory, Input& Output devices
Application Software & System software: Compilers, interpreters, High level and
low level languages Introduction to structured approach to programming, Flow chart
Algorithms, Pseudo code (bubble sort, linear search - algorithms and pseudo code)
Module 2
Program Basics
Basic structure of C program: Character set, Tokens, Identifiers in C, Variables and
Data Types, Constants, Console IO Operations, printf and scanf
Operators and Expressions: Expressions and Arithmetic Operators, Relational and
Logical Operators, Conditional operator, size of operator, Assignment operators and
Bitwise Operators. Operators Precedence, Preprocessor directive
Control Flow Statements: If Statement, Switch Statement, Unconditional Branching
using goto statement, While Loop, Do While Loop, For Loop, Break and Continue
statements. (Simple programs covering control flow)
Module 3
Arrays and strings
Arrays Declaration and Initialization, 1-Dimensional Array, 2-Dimensional Array
String processing:
In built String handling functions (strlen, strcpy, strcat and strcmp, puts, gets). Linear
search program, bubble sort program, simple programs covering arrays and strings
Module 4
Basics of Pointer: declaring pointers, accessing data though pointers, NULL
pointer, array access using pointers, pass by reference effect
Module 5
Module 7
File Handling
CO1: Illustrate and explain the basic computer concepts and programming principles of
C language.
CO2: Develop C programs to solve simple mathematical and decision making problems.
CO3: Develop C programs to solve simple engineering problems using looping
constructs. CO4: Develop C programs to demonstrate the applications of derived data
types such as arrays, pointers, strings and functions.
Text Books
1. Schaum Series, Gottfried B.S.,Tata McGraw Hill,Programming with C
2. E. Balagurusamy, Mcgraw Hill,Programming in ANSI C
3. Asok N Kamthane, Pearson,Programming in C
4. Anita Goel, Pearson, Computer Fundamentals
Elements of Mechanical Engineering (BT104)
Subject Code BT104 IA Marks 30
Course objectives:
Students belonging to all branches of Engineering are made to learn certain
fundamental topics related to mechanical engineering so that they will have a
minimum understanding of mechanical systems, equipment and process.
Module -1
Energy Resources: Non-renewable and renewable energy resources, Petroleum
based solid, liquid and gaseous fuels, Calorific values of fuels, Combustion and
combustion products of fuels.
Solar Power: Solar Radiation, Solar constant (definition only), Solar Thermal
energy harvesting, ex: liquid flat plate collectors, solar ponds (principle of operation
only), Solar photovoltaic principle.
Wind Power: principle of operation of a typical windmill.
Hydro Power: Principles of electric power generation from hydro power plants,
Nuclear Power: Principles of Nuclear power plants,
Bio Fuels: introduction to bio fuels, examples of various biofuels used in
engineering applications, Comparison of biofuels with petroleum fuels in terms of
calorific value and emission.
Module- 2
Turbines and IC Engines and Pumps Steam turbines: Classification,
Principle of operation of Impulse and reaction turbines, Gas turbines: Classification,
Working principles and Operations of Open cycle and closed cycle gas turbines.
Course outcomes:
Students shall demonstrate knowledge associated with,
CO-1: Various Energy sources, Boilers, Prime movers such as turbines and IC
engines, refrigeration and air-conditioning systems
CO-2: Metal removal process using Lathe, drilling, Milling Robotics and
CO-3: Fair understanding of application and usage of various engineering materials.
Text Books:
Course objectives:
Impart a basic knowledge of electrical quantities such as current, voltage, power, energy
and frequency to understand the impact of technology in a global and societal context.
Provide working knowledge for the analysis of basic DC and AC circuits used in
electrical and electronic devices.
Develop selection skill to identify the type of generators or motors required for particular
Highlight the importance of transformers in transmission and distribution of electric
Emphasize the effects of electric shock and precautionary measures.
Improve the ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams.
Module -1
DC circuits: Ohm’s Law and Kirchhoff’s Laws, analysis of series, parallel and series- parallel
circuits excited by independent voltage sources. Power and Energy. Illustrative examples.
Review of field around a conductor and coil, magnetic flux and flux density, magnetomotive
force and magnetic field intensity, reluctance and permeability, definition of magnetic circuit and
basic analogy between electric and magnetic circuits. (These topics are not to be considered for
setting the examination questions).
Electromagnetic induction: Definition of Electromagnetic Induction, Faradays Laws,
Fleming’s right hand rule, Lenz’s Law, Statically and dynamically induced emf. Self-
inductance, mutual inductance and coefficient of coupling. Energy stored in magnetic field.
Illustrative examples. Force on current carrying conductor placed in a magnetic field, Fleming’s
left hand rule.
Module -2
DC Machines: Working principle of DC machine as a generator and a motor. Types and
constructional features. Types of armature windings, Emf equation of generator, relation between
induced emf and terminal voltage with a mention of brush contact drop and drop due to armature
reaction. Illustrative examples, neglecting armature reaction.
Operation of DC motor, back emf, torque equation. Types of DC motors, characteristics and
applications. Significance of back emf. Necessity of a starter for DC motor. Illustrative examples
on back emf and torque.
Measuring Instruments: Construction and Principle of operation of dynamometer type
wattmeterand single phase induction type energy meter.
Module - 3
Single-phase AC circuits: Generation of sinusoidal voltage, frequency of generated voltage,
definition and numerical values of average value, root mean square value, form factor and peak
factor of sinusoidally varying quantities, phasor representation of alternating quantities.
Analysis, with phasor diagrams, of R, L, C, R-L, R-C and R-L-C circuits and, parallel and series-
parallel circuits. Real power, reactive power, apparent power and power factor. Illustrative
Domestic wiring:
Service mains, meter board and distribution board. Brief discussion on concealed conduit wiring.
Two-way and three-way control. Elementary discussion on Circuit protective devices: fuse and
Miniature Circuit Breaker (MCB’s). Electric shock, precautions against shock, Objectives of
Earthing, types of earthing; pipe and plate earthing, Residual current circuit breaker (RCCB).
Module- 4
Three Phase Circuits: Necessity and advantages of three phase systems, generation of three
phase power. Definition of Phase sequence, balanced supply and balanced load. Relationship
between line and phase values of balanced star and delta connections. Power in balanced three-
phase circuits, measurement of power by two-wattmeter method. Determination power factor
using wattmeter readings. Illustrative examples
Three Phase Synchronous Generators: Principle of operation, Types and constructional features,
Advantages of rotating field type alternator, Synchronous speed, Frequency of generated voltage, Emf
equation. Concept of winding factor (excluding the derivation of distribution and pitch factors).
Illustrative examples on calculation of distribution factor, pitch factor and emf equation.
Single Phase Transformers:
Course outcomes:
After the completion of the course, the student should be able
Course Objective:
To enable students how to improve communication skills.
To develop Writing skills in preparing business letters, report, memos, and proposals.
To develop Oratory skills through public speaking
To understand importance of professional attire in corporate environment.
To get knowledge on various business etiquette and inculcate the etiquette for corporate
External Communication: The Seven C’s of Letter writing - Kinds of Business Letters -
Reports and Proposals - Purpose of Business Reports.
Internal Communication: Format and Principles of Writing Memos - General Warning -
Cautions. Exercise: Preparation of Reports on different issues.
Body Language: Facial Expressions - Body Posture - Gestures - Eye Movement - Touch and the
use of Personal Space.
Business Attire and Grooming: Different types of Attire - Guidelines for Business Attire.
Exercise: Power of Body Language, Charades.
Unit-V: Etiquettes
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the students would be able to:
CO-1: Develop knowledge, skills, and judgment around human communication that facilitate
their ability to work collaboratively with others.
David Irwin: Effective Business Communications, Viva- Thorogood. Rajendra Pal, J S Korlaha
HI: Essentials of Business Communication: Sultan Chand & Sons, New Delhi