Multigrade Summary Outline
Multigrade Summary Outline
Multigrade Summary Outline
2nd Semester
At the end of this subject, you will be able to:
Acquire deeper understanding of the philosophy, goals, objectives, special
features of multigrade teaching, and the different roles of teachers in multigrade
Demonstrate competence in: the preparation of lesson plans, tests and
instructional materials. The use of instructional materials. The use of different
teaching strategies. Drawing in a community support. Structuring class rooms for
effective multigrade teaching.
Demonstrate training skills in designing training programmes for teachers, school
administrators and supervisors.
Lesson 1
Multigrade Teaching
The term ‘multigrade teaching’ generally refers to a teaching situation where a
single teacher must take responsibility for teaching pupils across more than one
curriculum grade within a timetabled period. Schools with multigrade classes are
referred to as multigrade schools. In most of the world’s education systems, formal
education is expected to be imparted in a monograde teaching environment, where one
teacher is responsible for a single curriculum grade within a timetabled period. Although
this is the general norm, in many countries in the world there are schools in which all
classes function as multigrade classes.
The Department of Education (DepEd) continues to hold multigrade classes to
ensure that Filipino students in remote areas complete their basic education. A
multigrade class consists of two or more different grade levels in a single grade
classroom manned by one teacher for an entire school year. It is often implemented in
elementary schools located at remote and sparsely populated localities. Teachers play
an important role in the society. As educators they are curriculum developers, the
instructional and resource managers and the facilitators of learning. Most new teachers
are often assigned to handle a multigrade class, a situation they did not experience
during their teacher training days. Through actual study in a day-to-day class situation
teachers can adjust and find ways and means to make teaching interesting and
effective. But it cannot a be denied that it’s really a sacrifice for a multigrade classroom
teacher, since she does the work of two to three teachers. She sleeps late in the
evening and wakes up early at dawn just to finish the lesson plan for that day. In
teaching the pupils she tries to cope with the objectives through she has only a shorter
time allotted for each grade. It is impossible and not at all appropriate to expect children
to work in absolute silence. Very often group activities require discussion among
children and a certain amount of movement.
A Multi-grade class brings together students and teachers while preparing better
stages of development in a learning environment. Students Performance: Students can
develop healthier social relationships, positive attitudes and enhance leadership,
organization, listening, sharing, and many other important skills Easy-to-Use: Teachers
can create effective syllabus and curriculums plans for students. Improve
Learning: Problem-solving, higher-level thinking, and learning methods develop at an
earlier point with multi-grade classrooms; simply because of the immersion experience
that brings students together. Student-Teacher Relationship: A Single teacher, or the
group of teachers responsible for the multi-grade classroom, typically stays with the
same students until they graduate to the next level. This garners the opportunity for
students to work with the same teachers for several years instead of having to meet
new teachers at the beginning of each new school year. Pre-learning and Re-
teaching: Students are continuously exposed to re-teaching, as they listen in on, and
benefit from lessons that are being taught. Students are also exposed to pre-
teaching. This both prepares and stimulates the young students thinking.
Better Classroom Management and Organization. The teacher can teach two and more
grades at the same time. However, teaching multigrade classes poses challenges that
could lead to teacher burnout. In other parts of the world, some multigrade teachers
experience insufficient time in handling classes, difficulty traveling to the school
assignments, miscommunication with parents due to illiteracy, language, and cultural
barriers, poor economic background, and challenges in the actual teaching and learning
process. These first-hand experiences of multigrade teachers in other countries are
quite similar to the experiences of teachers in the Philippines.
Lesson 2
The Challenges of Multigrade Teaching
The students' needs must always supersede what is regarded as the norm in
classrooms. A multigrade classroom, which does not present as a regular classroom
with its two or more grade levels and levels within each grade level, cannot
therefore be operated in a 'business as usual’ manner. The top question in this
setting is usually "How does one address the varied curricula in one classroom?'
The Multigrade Handbook developed by the Core Curriculum Unit advises teachers
to pull together common skills/themes/content across different grade levels and to
try to teach these together. In a subject area like English Language, skills are
repeated across different grade levels.
Multigrade teaching, also known as multi-grade or combined-grade teaching, is a
teaching approach where one teacher is responsible for instructing students of multiple
grade levels in the same classroom. Advantages of multigrade teaching include
Increased flexibility in scheduling and resource allocation Greater opportunities for
individualized instruction and differentiated learning. Improved socialization and peer
learning opportunities for students of different ages. Better use of resources in small or
remote communities Disadvantages of multigrade teaching include Increased workload
and complexity for the teacher. Potential for uneven instruction and lack of
differentiation. Limited opportunities for students to work with peers at their own grade
level. Potential for lack of age-appropriate resources or materials. Limited opportunities
for professional development and collaboration with peers It is worth noting that the
effectiveness of multigrade teaching can vary widely depending on the specific context,
including the teacher's qualifications, and training, the availability of resources and
support, and the characteristics of the student population.
There are 7 principle of teaching multigrade classes first is Children Are Unique-
Every child has its own needs, interest, experiences, and hobbies of their own. Each
one of them has differences and similarities with each other whether in terms of
physical, emotional, and intellectual. But it does not mean that they are not unique
individuals because each one of them is unique on their own. Children Learn Best from
Experience -Although reading books, materials, memorizing facts, and doing some
paper-pencil test, is one of the important things in learning development. Still, it is not
enough to provide learning experiences to the child. To stimulate their senses students
should explore their environment, experience doing activities by their own hands, and
interact with people. Children can and do learn well from one another -When working
with common goals, students can support each other. They can be honest with one
another and learn together. Through group, collaborative, and peer learning students
can help each other. They can share each other's points of view and reflect on it.
The Teacher’s role in teaching multigrade classes are Instructor, Evaluator and
Planner. Facilitator, no fixed timetable, pupils are free to choose what subject to study
and when, children are allowed to choose an activity based on the week's theme.
Subjects requiring more teacher pupil interaction are grouped with those requiring less.
Modified Curriculum and Instruction methods and instruction in handling a multi-grade
class. Manager Subject is presented in all grades by the teacher in given schedule with
each grade having prescribed work program by age-level or ability.
Lesson 3
Methods Most Commonly used in Multigrade Teaching
In multigrade teaching, the teacher applies techniques according to his
professional skill and experience. In a 5-teacher primary school, one teacher is in in
charge of one standard. Due to shortage of teachers, a teacher must handle many
standards at a same time. In these circumstances the following timetable is to be
observed. The teacher needs more attention and concentration in a multi grade
classroom. But the classroom discipline is good because of a smaller number of
learners. In multigrade teaching, the teacher can follow different approaches like direct
observation, guidance of peer group students, lesson-oriented teaching, group learning
and supervision method. Multigrade teaching is not an attempt to compensate the
paucity of teachers in a classroom / school. It is a responsible technique adapted by a
teacher to enhance the standard of education. In this type of teaching, the teacher helps
the students to grow and develop themselves in their learning process. The teacher
manipulates the content of the teaching units to cater to the needs of the multigrade /
level classroom within the stipulated time. He possesses the talent of using the teaching
learning materials effectively and successfully in the classroom situation. Multigrade
teaching consists of different types of teaching approaches, curriculum, class structure
and different level of learning skills. A teacher must plan systematically and implement
according to his classroom conditions. Students belonging to different grades, with
different levels of learning experiences and with different types of skills come under the
control of a single teacher in a multigrade classroom.
It is important that teachers have this habit of reflecting on the effectivity of their
instruction, curriculum, and even teaching approaches. By this, we could be open for
improvement and change. In addition, when you reflect you would be aware of your own
effectivity as well as your learner’s learning experiences. It is important in the Multigrade
classes that you have varied assessments methods in assessing your learner’s
performances and achievements. Assessments should range from individual
assessment, group assessment, self-assessment, up to peer assessment. Just like any
other factors that you must consider in managing and planning your lessons and
classroom in multigrade class, your limit in assessment and evaluation is your
imagination and creativity. Do not focus on the outcomes only, but rather, give your
largest focus on the process. This is what I have learned from my various courses
including this course. Let us move towards promoting assessment as a learning tool for
your learners not only as an evaluation tool for numerical markings.