Ed 52 - Multi-Grade Teaching The Mentors

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ED 52- Teaching Multi-grade Classes


Bermejo, Florianne Collen

Butalid, April Goddelle
Jaro, Gissele
Parilla, Gwynneth
1. What is Multigrade Teaching?

Multigrade teaching occurs in primary education when a teacher has to teach two
or more primary school student grades in the same class. More general term and probably
more accurate is that multigrade teaching refers to the teaching of students of different
ages, grades, and abilities in the same group. In multigrade schools a relatively small
number of teachers try to be effective in their educational work while dealing
simultaneously with a number of pupils of different ages, educational levels and needs.
A multigrade class consists of two or more different grade levels inside a single-
grade classroom handled by one teacher for an entire school year. It is offered in
elementary schools located in distant and sparsely populated localities.

2. Differences between Multigrade, Multiage, and Composite Group

3. Why are multi-grade classes existing?

In this type of teaching, the teacher helps the students to grow and develop
themselves in their learning process. The teacher manipulates the content of the
teaching units to cater to the needs of the multigrade / level classroom within the
stipulated time. He possesses the talent of using the teaching learning materials
effectively and successfully in the classroom situation. Multigrade teaching
consists of different types of teaching approaches, curriculum, class structure and
different level of learning skills. A teacher must plan systematically and implement
according to his classroom conditions. Students belonging to different grades, with
different levels of learning experiences and with different types of skills come under
the control of a single teacher in a multigrade class room. Therefore, the teacher
explains the content of a lesson in such a manner that there exists a joyful learning
in the classroom among the learners who possess the multilevel of learning
abilities. The input of every child is to be identified. The needs, specialties, desires
and the behavior are to be assessed to create a favorable classroom climate.

4. Advantages and Disadvantages of Multigrade Teaching

Advantages Disadvantages
● Teachers can get to know learners more and ● Teachers will have a hard time designing and
build a stronger relationship which increases creating activities that is suitable for a different
trust. grade level learner.

● In a multi-grade classroom, older learners ● The textbooks available for teaching only
can become a model for the younger learners meet the need of mono-grade teaching.
and may genuinely give help.
● Multi-grade classes often suffer from
● Teachers can continue discover the interest, inadequate material resources.
strengths and needs of the learners and find
out how a particular learner learns best. ● Learners from remote areas may have
difficulties in providing themselves school
● The learning and social atmosphere is supplies that they need for schooling.
cooperative rather than competitive.
● Parents of the learners may feel
● Teachers can teach two and more grades at dissatisfaction because mixing their children
the same time. with children of other ages raises concerns
about the quality of instruction.
● Teachers can utilize the visual aids for the
entire class rather than preparing another
visual aid intended for the other grade level.
5. What are the problems/issues in multigrade teaching?

There are many problems/issues in teaching multigrade teaching and which we

have narrowed down to 5. First is the curriculum organization. With each grade level
following a different curricula, the teacher has difficulty to work in the classroom. Second
is the lack of facilities. Educational facilities and equipment are important in order to have
a good quality learning process especially because the teacher’s attention is divided into
different grade levels. Speaking of attention, the third problem is the lack of time. As the
teacher’s attention is divided, so is the time they make for their students on each lesson.
This also affects the learner’s performance because of the divided time and attention of
the teacher which may hinder their abilities to perform at their best. Fourth is classroom
management. As the teacher’s attention is divided, this means that each grade level will
not be facilitated by the teacher during the whole period. This will result to the lack of
discipline in the classroom. Lastly, the lack of support and reduced motivation of the
students due to the divided attention and time of the teacher.
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