Unit 1 Art App
Unit 1 Art App
Unit 1 Art App
Unit 1
Embracing the Humanities
There are instances in when one reflects and asks himself these questions:
What am I? Why am I in this world? Where do I go from here? What can I do to
become and remain an effective, responsible member of society? Indeed, man
tends to search the meaning and the purpose of his/her existence. To quench these
queries, one needs to be more human-to put man into his/her heart and mind, thus,
the primordial purpose of this course.
This unit is designed to intensively immerse you to the different art forms.
In this way, you come to understand better the significance of arts in our daily
Learning Objectives
At the end of the session, you will be able to:
a. Trace the development of humanities in the different periods and
b. Discuss the Humanities.
Unit 1: Embracing the Humanities
W h a t a r e t h e h u m a n i t i e s ?
What comes to your mind when you hear the word humanities? Write your ideas
on the blanks provided below.
___________________ __________________
___________________ __________________
Humanities _________________
__________________ __________________
Unit 1: Embracing the Humanities
Presentation of Content
From the ideas you shared in the activity, try to construct a simple
definition of humanities.
This time, let’s see where you can categorize your own definition. Ortiz et
al. (1976) in their book presented different definitions of humanities from ancient
Latin to present.
The term “humanities” was first applied to the writings of ancient Latin
authors which were read not only for their clarity of language and forceful literary
style, but also, and more specially, for their moral teaching. During the Medieval
Age, the humanities dealt with the metaphysics of the religion philosopher. The
goal was the cultivation of the spiritual life and the preparation for the hereafter.
During the Renaissance, the word came to refer to the set of disciplines taught in
the universities, which included grammar, rhetoric, history, literature, music,
philosophy, and theology- a body of knowledge aimed to make man “human,
cultured, and refined. At present, the humanities serve to provide the student with
certain skills and values through arts.
Elaborating and relating humanities from arts, Sanchez (2001) said that the
term ‘humanities’ refers to the arts- the visual arts such as architecture; painting
and sculpture; music; dance; the theater or drama; and literature. They are the
branches of learning concerned with human being and his feelings and how he
expresses those feelings have always been the concern of the humanities.
What are the differences and similarities of the Humanities and the Sciences?
Even this time, others still do not have clear grasp of the different disciplines
they embrace. Although these concepts have been thrown around their heads, they
have never really been asked for the definitions and focus/foci of all these. It is then
necessary that one should know the background for it leads him/her to appreciate
the future career s/he wanted to be.
As mentioned by Ortiz et al. (1976), the sciences and the humanities are two
different terms with the same goal. The sciences deal with the external world of
man, as well as with the facets of man’s being that can be subjected to observation,
measurement, and experimentation. Further, the sciences enable man to understand
Unit 1: Embracing the Humanities
and control nature and to harness its energy to make his life more comfortable and
convenient. On the other hand, the humanities deal with man’s internal world-with
his personality and experiences, matters that cannot be exactly measured, classified,
or controlled. The humanities’ approach is subjective; it makes much use of
perception, feeling, intuition, and insight. The focus of the humanities is on man as
an individual, while in the social sciences the main interest is on types and groups
of human beings, and on the institutions and processes of society.
Thus, both the sciences and the humanities are necessary for the
development of the complete, social man, ready to take on his responsibilities in
this rapidly changing world and to enjoy life as he lives it.
Unit 1: Embracing the Humanities
I. State the different definitions of the Humanities in each of the periods
based on the text that you have just read.
Period Definition
II. Using the Venn diagram below, write down the similarities and differences of
the Humanities, Natural Sciences, and Social Sciences. In the outer part of the
circle, write things about them that are different. At the center circle, write things
that are alike.
Social Sciences
Unit 1: Embracing the Humanities
Score: _________
Feedback Date: ________
I. Tell whether the statement is true or false. Write your answer on the space
provided before each number.
_______1. The term humanities refers to the arts- the visual arts such as
architecture; painting and sculpture; music; dance; the theater or
drama; and literature.
________4. The focus of the humanities is on types and groups of human beings,
and on the institutions and processes of society.
________5. Both the humanities and the social sciences focus on man as an
Unit 1: Embracing the Humanities
Learning Outcomes
At the end of the session, you will be able to:
a. Evaluate the perspectives behind the meaning of art;
b. Demonstrate understanding on the basic concepts and assumptions
about art; and
c. Point out works of art in the past that are still very much admired and
treasured today.
(What You Know) (What You want to (What You Learned and
Learn) still Want to Learn)
Unit 1: Embracing the Humanities
Presentation of Content
What is art?
We can say that art is the lifeblood of humanities because it conveys one’s
feelings and expressions. Art is the essential factor which motivates an individual
to create and appreciate “a thing of beauty.”
But before we formally discuss art, let’s look at the etymological meaning
as well as the different meanings of art given by the experts. Etymologically, art is
derived from the Latin word “ars”, meaning ability or skill. Art is from an Italian
“artis” defined as a human or skill. Further, Webster’s New Collegiate dictionary
defines art as “The conscious use of skill and creative imagination especially in the
production of aesthetics objects.”
“The object of art is to give life a shape.” French dramatist Jean Anouilh
“Art is science in the flesh.” French poet and playwright Jean Couteau
“Art is the most intense mode of individualism that the world has known.”
Irish poet and playwright Oscar Wilde
Unit 1: Embracing the Humanities
1. Art is everywhere.
"Your surroundings, home, personal
care, pets, clothing and body are all
reflections of how you see and express
yourself." - Dr. Christiane Northrup
The Invention of Clothing
Art is not nature because art is man-made. It is the creature of man that may
reflect a profound skillfulness and craftsmanship. Art can never be natural because
nature is evanescent, in constant transformation of change, and yet art is permanent.
Unit 1: Embracing the Humanities
5. Art is universal.
It transcends cultures, races, and
civilization. As long as human beings
exist, art is feasible, alive, and dynamic.
6. Art is timeless
Art is timeless because it goes beyond the time of our existence. It is present
in every corner of the world to serve basic needs of mankind, from ancient time to
modern world. Further, art is timeless because it continually evolves. Aside from
artists birthing new artworks, they also never stop innovating, recreating,
reinventing, and reviving works of art.
Art defines time. In watching film, for example, even when you do not have
the idea when it was created, the style of directing and filming, the clothing and
bearing of the characters, musical scoring and the setting and the plot of the story
would make the viewer’s guess the period when it was produces.
While art defines time, time also defines art. It identifies the artwork that
would “click” in a particular time for the particular audience.
Aside from the assumptions about arts discussed, other universally accepted ideas
about arts are the following:
Art as Expression and Communication
Art has grown out of man’s need to express himself. Expression is limited
to the revelation of emotions alone. The personal and social values of the artist and
his penetrating psychological insight into human reality are also conveyed through
arts. The artist uses symbols which he organizes into some comprehensible
equivalent of the experience that he is trying to convey. If the symbols are
understood by his audience, then communication has been established.
Unit 1: Embracing the Humanities
Read the short persuasive essay about Nature being a source of inspiration.
After reading the selection, try answering the given questions below.
Guide Questions:
Unit 1: Embracing the Humanities
1. Select at least five(5) artworks which you consider important to you, then
explain each of them.(5points)
Artworks Explanation
3. Identify a work of art in your community that is still very much admired
and treasured today. Is the message conveyed by the artist universal?
Explain your answer.(10points)
Unit 1: Embracing the Humanities
Score: _______
Feedback Date: _______
I. Read and analyze the given statements below, then identify whether the
statement is true or false.
II. Read the following questions below, then answer each of them briefly.
Each question will be treated 5 points. You will be graded based on
substance (3points) grammar and organization (2 points).
Unit 1: Embracing the Humanities
Learning Outcomes
At the end of the session, you will be to:
a. Categorize the different forms of the arts and
b. Cite examples of each of the forms.
In a group, list down different art works as many as you can, then among
those art works mentioned choose only one which you think it influences or
inspires you most. Do this only within 3 minutes.
Presentation of Content
From the activity given, you have heard various art works. Art is classified
in different ways. Writers and philosophers have their own classification of art. To
clearly comprehend the relationship of these arts, let’s us study the categorization
made by the different experts
According to Webster (1987), the major arts involve man’s skills to create
works of art that are in form, content, and execution, aesthetically pleasing and
meaning as in music, painting, architecture, and sculpture. They are called major
arts because they appeal to the senses of sight, hearing, and feeling. They are more
notable and conspicuous in effect.
On the other hand, the aesthetic factor in the minor arts lies in the “styling”.
They are addressed primarily to the sense of sight and their usefulness. The minor
arts are inferior in degree, especially in the extent of aesthetic quality.
According to Manaois, there are two (2) general dimensions of arts, namely,
(1) fine arts or independent arts made principally for aesthetic enjoyment through
Unit 1: Embracing the Humanities
the senses, especially visual and auditory such as painting, sculpture, architecture,
literature, theater, performing arts, and (2) practical arts or utilitarian arts intended
for practical use or the development of raw materials for functional purposes such
as industrial art, civic art, commercial art, graphic art, agricultural and fishery art.
Estolas (1995) also grouped arts into:
1. Visual Arts. These artworks are perceived by our eyes which may be
classified into graphic arts and plastic arts. Graphic arts have flat two-
dimensional surface such as painting industry. It covers the commercial arts
like the design of books, advertisements, signs, posters and other displays
for advertisements. Plastic arts are visual arts which have three-
dimensional forms. Under this grouping are: architectural designs and
construction of buildings and other structures; landscape of gardens, parks,
playgrounds, and golf courses with plants ,trees, vines and ground cover;
2. Performing Arts. These include the theater, play, dance, and music. They
involve movement, speaking and gestures.
3. Literary Arts. These include the short stories, novels, poetry and dramas.
4. Popular Arts. These include the film, newspaper, magazine, radio and
television. This group is characterized as gay and lively.
5. Gustatory Art of the Cuisine. This involves skills in food preparation.
6. Decorative Arts. They are visual objects produced for beautifying houses,
offices, cars and other structures. They are also called applied arts.
Unit 1: Embracing the Humanities
Barrios (2012) classified arts into two: according to purpose and according
to media and forms.
1. According to Purpose
Unit 1: Embracing the Humanities
Provide pertinent details to complete the mapping of the arts. Feel free to
maximize the space provided below.
Classification of Arts
Unit 1: Embracing the Humanities
Feedback Date:_________
Directions. Read and analyze the questions below, then encircle the letter of the
terms or statements that best corresponds to the ideas pointed out.
1. Which of the following arts include the short stories, novels, poetry, and
a, visual arts c. performing arts
b. literary arts d. popular arts
2. All except ONE are classified as fine arts.
a. painting c. performing arts
b. graphic arts d. architecture
3. Which of the following is an example of popular arts?
a, newspaper c. television
b. radio d. All of the above
4. Which of the following is NOT considered under major arts?
a. music c. poetry
b. interior decoration d. sculpture
5. Which of the following classification of arts refer to those whose mediums
which can be seen?
a. auditory or time arts c. visual or space arts
b. combined arts d. None of the above
6. Which of the following classification of arts refer to those whose mediums
which can be both seen and heard, and which exist in both space and time?
a. auditory arts c. visual or space arts
b. combined arts d. all of the above
7. Which of the following is an example of two-dimensional arts?
a. architecture c. landscape
b. industrial design d. photography
8. All EXCEPT one are examples of combined arts.
a. dance c. literature
b. opera d. movie
9. Which of the does not belong to the group?
a. painting c. music
b. drama d. literature
10. According to Barrios, arts which involve the development of man’ intellectual
reasoning are called ________________.
a. Liberal arts c. Practical arts
b. Fine arts d. Phonetic arts
Unit 1: Embracing the Humanities
The following are examples of art works. Identify what categories they belong to.
Les Misérables
Helen of Troy
Unit 1: Embracing the Humanities
Learning Outcomes
At the end of the session, you will be able to:
a. Discuss the different functions of art;
b. Demonstrate understanding how artists use images to represent
ad idea; and
c. Realize the function of some art forms in daily life.
Unit 1: Embracing the Humanities
Presentation of Content
From the activity given above, you have observed that each artwork has its
own function or purpose. Artists may convey their messages in different ways.
To recognize and appreciate the function of arts not only within ourselves
but in the community as well, read the article written by Frederick A. Horowitz.
Unit 1: Embracing the Humanities
2. An aid to meditation
3. An agent to ritual
4. A record of events, objects, situations
5. A substitute for real thing, or a symbol
6. A souvenir
7. Propaganda to impress, persuade or change thinking or behavior
8. Communication of stories, ideas, events
9. An agent of social control
10. Amusement or entertainment
11. A mean of moral improvement
12. education
13. A means of self-expression
14. Self-revelation
15. Release of emotions
16. Exploration of vision
17. A reflection and interpretation of life
18. An expression of beauty
19. Decoration or embellishment
20. Monetary investment
21. A status symbol
The functions of arts are wide ranging. Art is as broad as human experience. All of
art comes out of life and is bound up with life. Art is meaningful, but meaningful in
ways that differ from society to society, from time to time, and from person to
Adapted from More Than You See: A Guide to Art
New York: Harcourt, Brace Jovanovich, Inc. 1992
With the numerous listed functions of arts, they may normally fall into three
categories as mentioned by Esaak (2019). These are personal, social, and physical
1. Personal Function
There are many types of personal function, and they are subjective and
will, therefore, vary from person to person.
Further, art may serve the personal functions of control. Art has been used
to attempt to exert magical control over time, or the seasons or even the acquisition
of food. Art is used to bring order to a messy and disorderly world. Conversely, art
Unit 1: Embracing the Humanities
can be used to create chaos when an artist feels life is too staid and ordinary. Art
can also be therapeutic - for both the artist and the viewer.
2. Social Function
Unit 1: Embracing the Humanities
Social Description
3. Physical Function
The physical functions of art are often the easiest to understand. Works of
art that are created to perform some service have physical functions.
Tools and containers are objects which function to make our lives physically
comfortable. Functional works of art may be classified as either tools or containers.
Take a look at the given terms below. Reflect why these are categorized
this way.
1. A spoon- tool
2. A car- tool
3. A building- container
4. A Community- container
5. A ceramic vase- container
6. A chair-container
Note that architecture, any of the crafts, and industrial design are all types of art
that have physical functions.
Unit 1: Embracing the Humanities
Unit 1: Embracing the Humanities
Unit 1: Embracing the Humanities
Feedback Date:__________
Read and analyze the questions/statements below, then encircle the letter of your
1. According to Aristotle, art ___________________.
a. is higher type of knowledge than experience.
b. is science in the flesh.
c. is social.
d. teaches nothing, except the significance of life.
2. Which of the following is NOT TRUE about art?
a. Art is nature. c. Art is timeless.
b. Art perfects nature. d. Art is everywhere.
3. The term humanities is derived from the Latin word “humanus” meaning:
a. Human c. Refined
b. Cultured d. All of the Above
4. During the Medieval Age, the word humanities was defined as:
a. A set of disciplines taught in the universities, which included grammar,
rhetoric, history, literature, music, philosophy, and theology.
b. the metaphysics of the religion philosopher.
c. a means to provide the student with certain skills and values through
d. All of the Above
5. “All art is social.” What does this statement mean?
a. It is the result of a relationship between an artist and his time.
b. It is the result of a creative mind.
c. It is the product of experience.
d. All of the Above
6. In what way is art important in daily life?
a. It has personal significance.
b. It reflects our society.
c. It records our history.
d. It is a form of self-expression
For items 7-9, choose your answer below.
a. Humanities b. Social Sciences c. Natural Sciences
7. These focus on man as an individual.
8. The main interest is on types and groups of human beings, and on the
institutions and processes of society.
9. These deal with the external world of man, as well as with the facets of
man’s being that can be subjected to observation. measurement, and
Unit 1: Embracing the Humanities
10. Which of the following concerns itself with the communication of certain
ideas and feelings by means of a sensuous medium?
a. Beauty c. Nature
b. Experience d. Art
11. Among the most popular ones being taught in school are the two Greek
epics, the Iliad and the Odyssey. These works, purportedly written before
that beginning of recorded history, are believed to be man’s attempt at
recording stories and tales that have been passed on, known, and sung
throughout the years. What does it display about art?
a. Art is everywhere. c. Art involves experience.
b. Art is universal. d. Nature is artful.
12. All except one are the major kinds of experience involved in the artistic
a. It starts as an experience which the artist wants to communicate.
b. The act of expressing this experience –that of creating that art object or
c. When the work is done, there is the artist’s gratifying experience of
having accomplished something significant.
d. Making the artwork be known in the community.
13. A person learning a trade or an art from a skilled worker is called
a. An apprentice c. A mentor
b. A foreman d. A laborer
14. Which of the functions of art is involved when art improves our lives?
a. Physical c. Social
b. Personal d. Cultural
15. According to Ortiz et al. (1976), art performs a social function when:
a. It seeks or tends to influence the collective behavior of a people.
b. It is created to be seen or used primarily in public situations.
c. It expresses or describes social or collective aspects of existence as
opposed to individual and personal kinds of experiences.
d. All of the above
II. Below are the common political cartoon symbols. Match the terms in Column A
with their symbols in Column B.
1. Peace A. Rainbow
2. Victory B. Hawk
3. Wealth and power C. Flying Eagle
4. Hope D. Dove
5. Warfare E. Bench
F. Wreath of laurels
G. Money bags
Unit 1: Embracing the Humanities
Barrios, Romeo A. (2012). An Experimental Approach in the Study of the
Humanities. Ermita, Manila: Educational Publishing House.
Dela Cruz et al. (2003). The New Dimensions in Learning English III. Sampaloc,
Manila: Rex Book Store, Inc.
Esaak, Shelley (2019).The Important Functions of Art. Retrieved from
https://www.thoughtco.com/what-are-the-functions-of-art- 182414
on June 18,
Estolas, Josefina V., Clarita G. Javier, & Nieves Pada-Payno. Introduction to
Humanities(Arts for Fine Living). Mandaluyong City: National Book
Store, Inc.
Horowitz, Frederick (1992). More Than You See: A Guide to Art. New York:
Harcourt, Brace Jovanovich, Inc.
Merriam Webster. Illustrated Contemporary Dictionary, Encyclopedia
Edition,(Chicago, Illinois: J.G. Feguson, Publishing Co., 1987, pp. 718, 757.
Ortiz, Ma. Aurora R. et al. (1976). Art: Perception and Appreciation. Manila:
University of the East.
Sanchez, Custodiosa A., Paz F. Abad, & Loreta V. Jao. (2001). Introduction to
Humanities. Quezon City: Rex Printing Company, Inc.
Retrieved from https://courses.lumenting.com/boundeless arthistory/chapter/what-
is-art/ on September 5, 2018.
Retrieved from
college-education on June 19, 2019.
Retrieved from https://arts-literature.blurtit.com/1097823/what-are-the-functions-
of-art on June 19, 2019.
Retrieved from https://www.ironwulf.net/2017/04/10/lakbay-norte-vi-3-
pasalubong-cagayan/ on June 19, 2019.
Unit 1: Embracing the Humanities
Directions. Choose one or more of the following prompts. What has been your
exposure to art? Has it been primarily from your family? School? Social activities?
Personal explorations? Do you make art? If so, what kind? If you haven’t made any
art, have you ever wanted to? What kind?