Mixing and Handling of Liquid Samples of Petroleum and Petroleum Products

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This international standard was developed in accordance with internationally recognized principles on standardization established in the Decision on Principles

for the
Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.

Designation: D5854 − 19a

Manual of Petroleum Measurement Standards (MPMS), Chapter 8.3

Standard Practice for

Mixing and Handling of Liquid Samples of Petroleum and
Petroleum Products1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D5854; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

1. Scope* Development of International Standards, Guides and Recom-

1.1 This practice covers handling, mixing, and conditioning mendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical
procedures that are required to ensure that a representative Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.
sample of the liquid petroleum or petroleum product is 2. Referenced Documents
delivered from the primary sample container or container or
both into the analytical apparatus or into intermediate contain- 2.1 ASTM Standards:2
ers. D3700 Practice for Obtaining LPG Samples Using a Float-
ing Piston Cylinder
1.2 Appendix X1 details the background information on the D4057 Practice for Manual Sampling of Petroleum and
development of Table 1 used in performance testing. Appendix Petroleum Products
X2 provides guidance in the acceptance testing for water in D4177 Practice for Automatic Sampling of Petroleum and
crude oil. Appendix X3 provides a guide for materials of Petroleum Products
sample containers. Appendix X4 provides a summary of D4306 Practice for Aviation Fuel Sample Containers for
recommended mixing procedures. Appendix X5 provides a Tests Affected by Trace Contamination
flow chart for sample container/mixing system acceptance test. D5842 Practice for Sampling and Handling of Fuels for
1.3 For sampling procedures, refer to Practices D4057 (API Volatility Measurement
MPMS Chapter 8.1) and D4177 (API MPMS Chapter 8.2). D8009 Practice for Manual Piston Cylinder Sampling for
Practice D5842 (API MPMS Chapter 8.4) covers sampling and Volatile Crude Oils, Condensates, and Liquid Petroleum
handling of light fuels for volatility measurement, and D8009 Products
(API MPMS Chapter 8.5). 2.2 API Documents:3
1.4 It is recommended that the users of this practice perform Manual of Petroleum Measurement Standards, Chapter 10,
the tests in Practice D4177 (API MPMS Chapter 8.2) before Sediment and Water (all sections)
performing the test in this practice. Publication 2003, Protection Against Ignitions Arising Out
of Static, Lighting, and Stray Currents
1.5 This standard does not purport to address all of the Publication 2026, Safe Descent onto Floating Roofs of
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the Storage Tanks in Petroleum Service
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro- Publication 2217, Guideline for Confined Space Work in the
priate safety, health, and environmental practices and deter- Petroleum Industry
mine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.
2.3 Department of Transportation:4
1.6 This international standard was developed in accor-
Code of Federal Regulations, Title 49, Section 173
dance with internationally recognized principles on standard-
2.4 Occupational Safety and Health Standards:4
ization established in the Decision on Principles for the
29 Code of Federal Regulations, Subpart Z, “Toxic and
Hazardous Substances,” Part 1910.1000 and following
This practice is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D02 on Petroleum
Products, Liquid Fuels, and Lubricants and the API Committee on Petroleum For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website, www.astm.org, or
Measurement, and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D02.02 the joint contact ASTM Customer Service at [email protected]. For Annual Book of ASTM
ASTM-API committee on Hydrocarbon Measurement for Custody Transfer (Joint Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on
ASTM-API). This practice has been approved by the sponsoring committees and the ASTM website.
accepted by the Cooperating Societies in accordance with established procedures. Available from American Petroleum Institute (API), 1220 L. St., NW,
Current edition approved May 1, 2019. Published July 2019. Originally approved Washington, DC 20005-4070, http://www.api.org.
in 1996. Last previous edition approved in 2019 as D5854 – 19. DOI: 10.1520/ Available from the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing
D5854-19A. Office, Washington, DC 20402.

*A Summary of Changes section appears at the end of this standard

© Jointly copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, USA and the American Petroleum Institute (API), 1220 L Street NW, Washington DC 20005, USA

D5854 − 19a
3. Terminology 4.2 Practice D4057 (API MPMS Chapter 8.1), Practice
3.1 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard: D4177 (API MPMS Chapter 8.2), Practice D5854 (API MPMS
3.1.1 aliquot, n—a small portion of a larger sample that is Chapter 8.3), Practice D5842 (API MPMS Chapter 8.4), and
analyzed and assumed to represent the whole sample. Practice D8009 (API MPMS Chapter 8.5). The primary pur-
pose of this suite of standards, is to ensure proper sampling and
3.1.2 composite sample, n—a sample prepared by combin- handling for custody transfer applications. There are a signifi-
ing a number of samples and treated as a single sample; also cant number of test methods that may be used to analyze the
refer to tank composite sample, volumetric composite sample, samples taken by techniques described in API MPMS Chapter
deck composite sample, and multiple tank composite sample. 8.1 and 8.2. For samples that are taken for test methods outside
3.1.3 crude petroleum sampling, n—sampling of unrefined the general scope of custody transfer covered by this practice,
crude oil. the personnel assigned to take the sample are responsible to
3.1.4 liquid petroleum sampling, n—sampling of refined or refer to the test methods for additional critical information that
unrefined hydrocarbon liquids. may impact the sampling process, that is, specific container
selection, transport methods, storage times, etc. Those require-
3.1.5 intermediate sample receiver/container, n—a sample
ments should be found in the appropriate test method.
container into which all or part of the sample from a primary
sample receiver/container is transferred for transport, storage,
5. Safety and Health Precautions
or ease of handling.
3.1.6 petroleum, n—a substance, generally liquid, occurring 5.1 Potential health and safety hazards may be associated
naturally in the earth and composed mainly of mixtures of with the handling and mixing of petroleum samples.
chemical compounds of carbon and hydrogen with or without 5.2 All sample handling and mixing equipment should be
other nonmetallic elements such as sulfur, oxygen, and nitro- approved by the parties involved. All equipment should be
gen; the compounds that compose petroleum may be in the installed, operated, and maintained in a manner to minimize
gaseous, liquids, or solid state, depending on their nature and potential health and safety hazards.
on the existent conditions of temperature and pressure.
3.1.7 primary sample container, n—a container in which a 6. Sample Containers
sample is initially collected, such as a glass or plastic bottle, a 6.1 No single container type will meet requirements of all
can, a core-type thief, a high-pressure cylinder, a floating petroleum sampling operations. The following are general
piston cylinder, or a sample container in an automatic sampling design and construction considerations for sample containers.
6.2 Container Configuration—Containers may be dispos-
3.1.8 retain sample, n—a sample that is stored for future able or recyclable. Due care should be taken to ensure that
use. samples extracted are representative before a subsample is
3.1.9 sample container, n—receptacle used for storage and removed or that the entirety of the sample may be removed for
transport of the sample. further processing.
3.1.10 sample handling and mixing, n—the conditioning, 6.2.1 If a container is to be reused, it should drain continu-
transferring, and transporting of a sample in a manner that does ously toward the outlet to ensure liquid withdrawal or incor-
not compromise the integrity of the sample. porate a sump and dip tube to ensure complete evacuation of
the composite sample.
3.1.11 sampling, n—all the steps required to obtain a sample
6.2.2 Cylindrical containers are better suited for samples
that is representative of the contents of any pipe, tank, or other
that are to be tested for free water or sediment and water.
vessel, and to place that sample in a container from which a
representative test specimen can be taken for analysis. 6.2.3 Containers should not have internal pockets or dead
spots that can create a bias to the overall result. (For example,
3.1.12 test specimen, n—a representative sub-sample taken give due consideration to sight glasses or float indicator
from the primary or intermediate sample container for analysis. mechanics that can retain sample that is not then mixed.)
6.2.4 Internal surfaces of containers should minimize
4. Significance and Use corrosion, incrustation, water, adsorption of elements of
4.1 Representative samples of petroleum and petroleum interest, or clingage.
products are required for the determination of chemical and 6.2.5 Container configuration should allow for the transfer
physical properties used to establish standard volumes, prices, of samples from one container to another or to the analytical
and compliance with commercial and regulatory specifications. apparatus while maintaining the integrity of the sample’s
The handling of samples from the time of collection until they composition. It may be desirable to reduce or increase the
are analyzed requires care and effort to maintain their compo- temperature of the sample prior to transfer (that is, reducing
sitional integrity. Samples of high RVP (unstabilized) hydro- temperature to minimize the loss of light ends).
carbons are required at many measurement points, for example 6.2.6 Containers should have an inspection cover/closure/
offshore production, at the outlets of test separators or to allow cap of sufficient size to facilitate filling, inspection, and
calibration of a flowmeter. This practice also describes require- cleaning. Where a sample represents a high value transaction,
ments associated with handling and mixing samples held a means of installing security seals to prevent tampering should
within pressurized cylinders. be provided.

D5854 − 19a
6.2.7 If the sample is likely to separate because it contains consideration given to storage space requirements, shipping
immiscible fluids (for example, water or sediment in oil), the rules and regulations, availability, and other practicalities.
containers should be designed to allow for homogenization 6.3.4 Refer to API 8.2 for composite sample volume and the
while preventing the loss of any constituents that affect the number of samples when using automatic sampling systems.
representativeness of the sample and the accuracy of the
analytical tests. 6.4 Container Material:
6.2.8 Containers should be made so as to avoid contamina- 6.4.1 Sample containers are normally made of glass, metal,
tion from external foreign material (for example, the ingress of or plastic. Exercise care in the selection of container material
water or other contaminants). When the sample contains as it could affect the test results obtained from the sample.
immiscible fluids, care shall be taken to adequately homog- Containers acceptable for samples to be tested immediately
enize the content so that any extracted sample is within the may not be acceptable for storage of sample.
allowed repeatability of the bulk value of that property. Note 6.4.2 Glass containers are suitable for many sample test and
that in the case of hydrocarbon and water, adequate mixing to storage requirements. Clear glass bottles may be examined
determine water content is likely to irreversibly damage other visually for cleanliness and allow for visual inspection of the
properties of interest such as density. sample for free water or solid impurities. Some petroleum
6.2.9 Containers used with closed loop mixers may need a samples are affected by exposure to sunlight or fluorescent
pressure/vacuum relief valve set so as not to exceed the design lamp UV emissions if clear glass is used. In these cases, brown
pressure of the container. A pressure gauge may also be glass bottles may afford the necessary protection. Care should
incorporated. be taken to ensure the necessary protection is provided when
6.2.10 Containers used with closed loop mixers for non- selecting a container.
homogeneous fluids shall have a suction port at or near the 6.4.3 Sample containers coated with tin shall have seams
bottom. that have been soldered on the exterior surfaces with a flux of
6.2.11 Constant pressure cylinders are referred to in Practice rosin cleaned in a suitable solvent. Such a flux is easily
D3700, Practice D4057 (API MPMS Chapter 8.1), Practice removed with gasoline, whereas many others are very difficult
D4177 (API MPMS Chapter 8.2), and Practice D8009 (API to remove. Minute traces of flux may contaminate the sample
MPMS Chapter 8.5) discusses the merits of the constant so that results obtained on tests such as dielectric strength,
pressure cylinder for the sampling of rail cars and the like. oxidation resistance, and sludge formation may be erroneous.
These cylinders are designed to allow spot or composite Exercise care also to ensure that samples containing free or
samples to be taken from a pressurized tank or pipeline at full entrained water are not corrosive to the metal. Internally
line conditions and maintain the sample at those conditions epoxy-lined tin cans may have residual contamination and
until analyzed. precaution should be taken to ensure its removal.
6.2.12 The laboratory container shall be selected such that
6.4.4 Sample containers made of stainless steel with welded
its construction material does not affect sample compositional
seams are suitable for many sampling operations. Other than
integrity and its volume and its dimensions are sufficient to
ensuring the cleanliness, use of these containers presents no
allow for adequate mixing. In selecting the laboratory test
unusual concerns.
container, take particular care in respect of the following: Liquids containing volatile materials, as loss by 6.4.5 Plastic bottles shall be of a material that is impervious
evaporation can occur; to attack from the sample. This is especially a consideration
when using plastic for long term storage of certain petroleum Liquids suspected to contain sediment and/or
products. Clear plastic bottles are unsuitable for samples
water, as separation can occur;
sensitive to light. Samples with potential wax deposition, as separa-
tion can occur if a sufficient temperature is not maintained; 6.4.6 When sampling aviation fuels, Practice D4306 should Samples of high viscosity and/or density, as both be consulted for guidance on container selection. This practice
temperature and mixer placement may be affected to obtain the gives information on the types of containers that have been
required homogenization; and found satisfactory for tests to determine water separation, Make sure constituents are compatible with the copper corrosion, electrical conductivity, thermal stability,
container material (that is, mercury readily forms an amalgam lubricity, and trace metal content.
with aluminum). 6.4.7 Appendix X3 is a guide for selecting the material of
which sample containers may be made. It is impossible to
6.3 Container Volume: cover all petroleum sampling container requirements;
6.3.1 A general rule is that both primary and intermediate therefore, when questions arise as to a container’s suitability
containers should be large enough to hold the required sample for a given application, experience and testing should be relied
size within 60 % to 80 % of the total capacity. This provides for upon.
thermal expansion.
6.3.2 The size of primary containers is determined from the 6.5 Container Closures:
sampling operation as described in Practices D4057 (API 6.5.1 Stoppers made of a material that will not deteriorate or
MPMS Chapter 8.1) and D4177 (API MPMS Chapter 8.2). contaminate the sample may be used. Care should be used
6.3.3 The size of intermediate containers should be as large when using cork stoppers. Situations where corks should not be
as practical to minimize surface tension effects with due used include liquids where loss of light ends may affect the

D5854 − 19a
test’s results and liquids that are hygroscopic or that have a low 6.6.2 Depending on service, containers used in conjunction
water content specification. Rubber stoppers should never be with automatic samplers may need to be washed with solvent
used. and dried between uses. In most applications, it is not desirable
6.5.2 Screw caps for containers used to store or transport or practical to wash these receivers using soap and water as
samples should be protected by a disk faced with a material outlined above for cans and bottles. The cleanliness and
that will not deteriorate or contaminate the sample. Consider- integrity of all sample containers/receivers shall be verified
ation of closure type is important for samples where vapor loss prior to use.
will affect the test results. Other containers should be closed 6.6.3 When sampling aviation fuel, Practice D4306 should
with screw caps. Caps should provide a vapor tight seal. be consulted for recommended cleaning procedures for con-
6.5.3 Federal Container Requirements—In addition to the tainers that are to be used in tests for determination of water
requirements listed above, any sample container that contains separation, copper corrosion, electrical conductivity, thermal
hazardous materials or the residue of hazardous material stability, lubricity, and trace metal content.
offered for shipment or transportation by air, public roadway, 6.6.4 When sampling from rail cars, Practice D8009 (API
rail, or water, or any combination thereof, shall meet the MPMS Chapter 8.5), should be consulted for specific applica-
requirements set forth in applicable regulations such as DOT tion recommendations.
regulations in the Code of Federal Regulations, Title 49,
Section 173. 7. Labeling
6.6 Container Cleanliness: 7.1 Each sample container shall have a label attached to it
6.6.1 Sample containers shall be clean and free from all that meets the requirements of the parties involved.
substances that might contaminate the material being sampled 7.2 Fig. 1 is an example of a label that shows the typical
(such as water, dirt, lint, washing compounds, naphtha and information needed to properly identify the sample. In addition
other solvents, soldering fluxes, acids, rust, and oil). Prior to to this basic information, certain governmental agencies such
further use, reusable containers such as cans and bottles should as DOT and OSHA have additional labeling requirements with
be rinsed with a suitable solvent. Use of sludge solvents to which personnel involved in the handling and shipping of
remove all traces of sediments and sludge may be necessary. samples should be familiar.
Following the solvent wash, the container should be washed
with a strong soap solution, rinsed thoroughly with tap water, 8. Transport
and given a final rinse using distilled water. Dry the container 8.1 Sample Transportation and Handling—From time-to-
either by passing a current of clean warm air through the time, a sample needs to be sent off-site for analysis. This may
container or by placing it in a hot dust-free cabinet at 40 °C be a part of normal operations, due to lack of onsite lab, or
(104 °F) or higher. When dry, stopper or cap the container because the sample needs to undergo a special analysis.
immediately. Normally, it is not necessary to wash new Regardless, there are several aspects that should be considered
containers. prior to transportation:

FIG. 1 Example Sample Label

D5854 − 19a
8.1.1 Local Hazardous Goods Regulations—Most jurisdic- particularly those that may expose the sample to air may
tions have limits on what can be transported on public roads influence the representivity of the final result.
and allow for exemptions for small hydrocarbon samples. 9.1.5 The ideal method would be to withdraw the sample
8.1.2 The Container Selected—It is crucial that the con- from the primary container directly into the analytical glass-
tainer selected complies with local transportation regulations ware. However, it is recognized that not all sampling methods
and does not affect the results of the pending analysis. or operational constraints permit this, nor do the requirements
Additionally, consider using a protective case for the sample to transport, store and distribute the same sample to various
container to avoid damage during transportation. Section 6 interested parties.
contains advice related to container material, maximum fill, 9.1.6 Where a number of containers (or samples, for ex-
size, and so forth. ample running samples, spot samples) are to be mixed prior to
8.1.3 Container Labeling—If applicable, consult the local extraction of samples for analysis that is, a composite, be aware
transportation company to determine what is required on the that these samples may not proportionately represent the
container’s label especially related to hazardous goods. Other overall bulk that they are intended to represent.
labeling advice is found in Section 7. 9.1.7 This section refers to all sample containers and all
8.1.4 Sub-sampling—It is likely that the primary sample processes where a sample is handled prior to representative
will need to be subsampled into a secondary container. If so, extraction of the aliquot that is utilized for the analytical
proper mixing of the primary sample may be crucial. See measurement and therefore includes any intermediate contain-
Section 9 for more details. ers between the field and the laboratory analysis equipment.
8.1.5 Container Sealing—There may be a requirement to 9.1.8 Each sample container and mixing/transfer system
seal the container against potential tampering. If they exist, shall be tested and verified independently as suited to provide
these requirements are likely to be found in commercial the required uncertainty for the properties of interest.
agreements or regulatory guidelines. 9.1.9 Nothing in this practice should preclude the use of
8.2 Shipping Enclosures—Many sample containers require technologies that can be proven within the required uncertain-
special shipping enclosures before they can be transported ties of the analytical methods used.
from the point of collection. Regulations covering the transport 9.2 Sample Container Types:
of samples should be consulted. (for example, Code of Federal 9.2.1 Sample containers of any style may be stationary (for
Regulations, Title 49, section 173). example, fixed in place on a metering skid or lease automatic
custody transfer (LACT) unit), or they may be portable (for
9. Mixing example, taken to an offsite laboratory for mixing and analy-
9.1 General Considerations: sis). Other examples of portable sample containers would be
9.1.1 It is essential to ensure that any mixer or mixing samples obtained from marine or shore tanks by “running,”
method applied to the sample does not materially change the “all-levels,” and spot “core thief” samples or the containers
properties of interest. Ullage space available in the sample used within the laboratory (typically glassware/plastic/plated
container and type of mixing employed can affect the proper- metals) or for sample retention.
ties of interest for the sample in question. Mixing may affect 9.2.2 Sample containers may also be designed to retain
changes in temperature and pressure, which might influence samples at elevated pressures, including full process pressure.
the properties for which the sample is being analyzed. These can be fixed volume (such as a spun cylinder) or
9.1.2 Some samples may not require mixing, however in the constant pressure with a moveable partition, typically a piston
majority of instances some degree of mixing may be required or bladder.
to ensure that the aliquot removed for analysis is representative 9.2.3 Sample containers may be for one-time use, or re-
of the bulk properties of the sample. usable. In either case the materials used for construction should
9.1.3 Sample mixing is typically required to obtain a test not materially affect the sample properties, for example
portion representative of the bulk sample to be tested. Precau- through adsorption, clingage or perhaps light for the period of
tions shall be taken to maintain the integrity of the sample use for that they are intended.
during this operation. If a sample is transferred from one 9.2.4 In the case of multiple stationary containers on a
container to another, a homogeneous mix shall be created and common skid with either a separate pump/motor circulating
maintained throughout the transfer. To preserve the integrity of system for each container, or a single pump/motor circulating
the sample, the number of transfers of the sample, before system for all containers, each container pump/motor circula-
analysis, should be minimized to reduce the chances of: (a) tion system configuration to be utilized should be tested
loss of key properties such as light hydrocarbons in handling; independently. In the case of portable containers of the same
(b) in some cases, “loss” of components elements of the sample design with a common mixing system in a laboratory, only one
for example, through clingage, adsorption or loss in dead container shall be tested with the common mixing system.
pockets and, (c) interference from external sources including However, if a container of a different design is brought to the
the local environment to which that sample may be exposed laboratory, it shall be tested independently.
during any transfer processes. 9.3 Sample Mixing Methods:
9.1.4 Transferring a sample between containers (the number 9.3.1 Sample mixing methods can be divided into three
of transfers between the primary container and the final general categories that should be used as appropriate to the
analytical equipment) should be minimized. Each transfer, and initial homogeneity and properties of interest.

D5854 − 19a No mixing. analytical methods used. Where the fluid to be mixed com- Shaking (by hand or with a shaking device). prises insoluble elements (such as water/sediment in oil), hand Power mixing/mechanical. shaking is generally considered unsuitable but may be proven
9.3.2 These categories vary greatly in energy addition de- to meet the test criteria as defined in Table 1.
pending on the type of analytical test to be conducted and the (3) Hand shaking is typically used on samples that are
characteristics of the sample. Appendix X2 describes an essentially homogenous in regard to the property of interest.
acceptance testing method for mixing systems used for deter- (4) In some cases, magnetic stirrers or paddles may be
mining water in crude oil. Methods for determination of other permanently installed in the sample container.
properties will follow a similar format. Power Mixing:
9.3.3 The addition of energy during the mixing process (1) Power mixers currently fall into two general groups:
(particularly using power mixers/mechanical) may result in insertion or closed loop. Single sample container/mixer sys-
temperature and potentially pressure rise. Many standards tems do not have to be tested individually if they are of the
define limitations on acceptable changes, for example for same mechanical design and operate within the demonstrated
mixing water into crude oil a limit of 10 °C is allowed. If the service range (for example, in the determination of crude oil
temperature rise exceeds the allowed limits, some method will properties, water concentration, density, viscosity of product,
be required to prevent this. RVP, product purity, contaminant detection and sample vol-
9.3.4 The following is a brief discussion of each category: ume). None (no mixing if not required)—If a sample is (2) Over-mixing with power mixers on non-homogeneous
known to be homogeneous regarding the property of interest, fluids (for example, oil and water) may create an emulsion that
no mixing is required. Samples should not be mixed where the will affect the accuracy of certain analytical tests. Refer to API
analytical tests to be conducted may be affected by induction of MPMS 10.9.
air or a secondary phase found within the sample container of (3) Power mixers may entrain air or gases into the sample
mixing system or where a property could materially be affected that could affect certain analytical tests. Loss of vapor normally
by excess mixing (for example RVP). associated with rise in temperature as the sample is transferred Shaking: from mixer loop may also occur, which could affect tests
(1) Shaking involves manually or mechanically shaking the results for example for water, RVP, and density. Temperature
sample container to eliminate stratification. It is generally rise during mixing may impact the measurement because of
difficult to manually agitate laboratory samples of dense or potential condensation in cold spots. Over-mixing may com-
heavy petroleum liquids sufficiently to disperse contaminants, promise the analysis method, for example, oil and water
such as sediment and water, homogeneously throughout the mixtures, if over-mixed will destroy the density and RVP
liquid. Mechanical or hydraulic mixing will be necessary to values as well as provide erroneous water content values.
ensure an even distribution. Generally, the amount of energy that is required to be dissi-
(2) Internal Mechanical Mixers—Some mixing devices pated will depend on the fluid properties and volume, therefore
use baffles, agitators or balls inside the container that can be any method used to verify mixing must recognize that either
moved by hand. Such designs provide a variety of levels of extended testing must be performed or a clear physical
energy dissipation as appropriate to the fluids contained and the understanding of the process must be applied.

TABLE 1 Maximum Permissible Difference between Test Specimens and Maximum Permissible Difference between the Average of All
Test Specimens and Total Water Concentration (Based upon Three Test Specimens)
NOTE 1—Values in Column A are calculated from the larger of 0.05 % or 2.92 × 0.064 × (Wk %)0.5.
NOTE 2—Values in Column B are calculated from the larger of 0.05 % or 1.96 × 0.064 × ((Wk %)0.5)/(√3).
NOTE 3—Values in Wk not shown in the table may be obtained by interpolation.
Wk Column A Repeatability Check Column B Bias Check
Total Water Concentration Based upon the Maximum Permissible Difference Between Three (3) Maximum Permissible Difference Between Average of
Average of Three (3) Test Specimens Consecutive Test Specimens All Test Specimens and Total Water Concentration
0.00 % 0.05 % 0.05 %
0.05 % 0.05 % 0.05 %
0.10 % 0.06 % 0.05 %
0.15 % 0.07 % 0.05 %
0.20 % 0.08 % 0.05 %
0.25 % 0.09 % 0.05 %
0.50 % 0.13 % 0.05 %
1.00 % 0.19 % 0.07 %
1.50 % 0.23 % 0.09 %
2.00 % 0.26 % 0.10 %
2.50 % 0.30 % 0.11 %
3.00 % 0.32 % 0.13 %
3.50 % 0.35 % 0.14 %
4.00 % 0.37 % 0.14 %
4.50 % 0.40 % 0.15 %
5.00 % 0.42 % 0.16 %

D5854 − 19a
(4) Insertion Mixers—These mixers are stand-alone de- (1) Power mixing, and in some cases, mechanical mixing,
vices that are not an integral part of a given sampling or mixing is required for all crude oil samples to be tested for sediment
system. These mixers can be used on a variety of different and water unless the results would be adversely affected (for
types and sizes of sample containers. Non-aerating or high- example, small sample size), as well as a number of petroleum
speed shear mixers are examples of insertion mixers. products being tested for a variety of analytical test procedures.
(5) In some cases, magnetic stirrers, paddles, or insertion Power mixing is also required when the sample has been
mixing devices may be permanently installed in the sample transported or stored in either a primary or intermediate
container. container. Note that density results are best determined before
(6) Closed Loop Mixers—These mixers are typically used full mixing for water.
in conjunction with an automatic pipeline sampling system. (2) Mixing is not required if a representative sample is
The mixer may be an integral part of a stationary sample directly transferred from the sample extractor to the analytical
container or a stand-alone unit used for portable sample test device at the time of extraction.
containers. Jets are sometimes used within the sample con- (3) The mixing method shall be compatible with the type of
tainer that may be permanently mounted. analysis and the volumes being analyzed. Improper Mixing: (4) Homogenization of Viscous Samples—If the sample is
(1) The following are considerations when using mixers: not sufficiently fluid to withdraw a test portion in a syringe for
(a) Under-mixing may result in a non-representative Karl Fisher analysis at ambient temperatures, utilize a safe
sample. external warming method or a constant temperature bath to
(2) If the sampling procedure requires that multiple obtain a temperature approximately 10 °C above the minimum
samples be taken from a single process line, storage tank, or in temperature at which it becomes possible to obtain a test
the case of marine vessels, multiple or single samples from portion by syringe, but not exceeding 60 °C. Maintain the
multiple tanks, analytical tests may be performed on each samples at this temperature during homogenization.
sample or on a composite of the various samples. Note that (5) Certain analytical tests require the sample to be ana-
compositing of samples results in the analysis of one or more lyzed at temperatures either above or below common ambient
aliquots, all of which will, in best circumstances, be an average conditions, due care should be taken not to transfer samples
value of the bulk composite. A composite technique is gener- between containers and/or the analytical equipment in such a
ally considered inappropriate for properties that vary signifi- way as to compromise the properties of interest.
cantly through the volumes collected if the bulk volume 10. Sample Integrity and Storage, Preservation, and
properties are likely to vary significantly unless the composite Audit
is created in proportion to the volumes to which each container
relates. 10.1 There are many governmental agencies and jurisdic-
(3) When analytical tests are performed on individual tions that have regulations governing the storage and disposal
samples, which is the recommended procedure (but not always of petroleum samples and containers that can be classified as
available), the test results are averaged. Depending on the hazardous materials or hazardous wastes. Those who handle
particular application, the results should be averaged arithmeti- petroleum samples may be familiar with these regulations in
cally or on a proportional basis by weight or volume according addition to their own company policies and procedures. “Re-
to the proportion of the total liquid that the sample represents. tain Samples” shall not be disposed of until the primary sample
results are known to all interested parties, and/or as per Composite Samples:
contractual agreements.
(1) A composite sample may be prepared from individual
samples taken from the same process line or storage tank, and 10.2 Sample Integrity and Storage:
it shall consist of proportional parts from each zone if it is from 10.2.1 Except when being transferred, samples should be
a single tank. If the composite is from multiple tanks, it shall maintained in a closed container in order to prevent loss of
consist of proportional parts from each tank sampled. light components. Samples should be protected during storage
(2) Composite samples from multiple tanks should be to prevent weathering or degradation from light, heat, or other
prepared, in the laboratory or other controlled environment, in potential detrimental conditions.
proportion to the volume in each tank. Samples to be compos- 10.2.2 Maintain sample integrity as required by contract.
ited should be submitted to the laboratory along with a list of 10.2.3 Maintain control of the sample as required by con-
each tank and the volume represented by each sample. The tract.
method of compositing should be documented and care taken 10.2.4 If a composite sample is to be transferred from a
to preserve the integrity and that the composite sample is primary container to a secondary container, then both contain-
representative. ers should be under collector control.
(3) Individual samples that make up the composite sample Consider sealing the sample container that will be
may be retained separately for retesting, if necessary. transported to the analysis location.
(4) After a composite sample has been mixed, it is impor- Ensure that no external substance can enter a
tant to note that it will likely separate quickly (for example, sample container so the sample cannot be contaminated.
water in oil). The analysis or transfer should therefore be 10.3 Preservation:
performed immediately after the mixing has taken place. 10.3.1 The sample storage location should: Selection of Sample Mixing Method: Preserve the integrity of the samples.

D5854 − 19a Allow no direct sunlight on the samples. Higher water concentration (HW) is determined for Be ventilated sufficiently to prevent a hazardous a total water concentration that is:
atmosphere. (1) 1.0 % when the lower water (LW) is equal to 0.5 %.
10.3.2 Chain of Custody: (2) 0.5 % + lower water (LW) when the lower water (LW) The sample records should be kept in a safe is greater than 0.5 %.
location away from the samples. For example, a crude oil with a baseline of 0.3 % A copy should be sent with the sample if it is should be tested with a minimum lower total water concentra-
transferred. tion of 0.55 % and a minimum higher total water concentration
10.4 Audit—If an audit trail is required, these should be of 1.05 %. On the other hand, if enough water were added to
kept: make the lower total water concentration 0.7 %, then the
minimum higher total water concentration should be 1.2 %.
10.4.1 “Sample” records.
10.4.2 “Chain of custody” documents. Separate complete sets of tests should be consid-
10.4.3 Sample storage (retain) records. ered for crudes exhibiting very different physical properties.
For example, consider a set of three (3) crude oils, at sample
10.4.4 Sample results.
temperature, in which the one with the highest density is also
the one with the highest viscosity, the one with the lowest
11. Testing—Acceptance Test for Sample Container/
density is also the one with the lowest viscosity, and the third
Mixing Systems for Water in Crude Oil
crude lies somewhere in between for both density and viscos-
11.1 Introduction: ity:
11.1.1 The acceptance test described is applicable to both (1) Gravity of 20° API (highest density) and highest
fixed sample container/mixing systems and portable sample viscosity of 25 centipoise (cP).
container/mixing systems. The test criteria is not dependent (2) Gravity of 44° API (in between density) and in between
upon the type or design of the sample container/mixing system. viscosity of 7 centipoise (cP).
11.1.2 Before a sample is transferred from one container to (3) Gravity of 48° API (lowest density) and lowest viscos-
another, a homogeneous mixture shall be created and main- ity of 5 centipoise (cP).
tained until the transfer is completed. A sample container/ In the example above, a complete set of tests
mixing system should be tested, using the acceptance criteria should be made for both the 20° API crude and the 48° API
shown in Table 1. The criteria for acceptance for custody crude oil. On rare occasions, a third crude oil (for example, one
transfer, with an example of test procedures and calculations, in which the heaviest crude is not necessarily the most viscous
are presented below. or the lightest crude is not necessarily the least viscous) should
11.1.3 The purpose of the test is to determine whether a be considered for tested.
container/mixing system can produce a representative sample If sample volumes in a container are constant in
of crude oil with varying amounts of water. The tests also normal operations (for example, 70 % of fill for all batches),
determine the effective mixing times required to produce a the test should be conducted at that single sample volume (for
representative sample of crude oil and water. It is understood example, 70 % of fill). In cases where the sample volume
that the proper mixing time is determined by testing. It is varies from batch to batch, the test should be conducted at a
possible to overmix as well as under mix in certain circum- lower sample volume (for example, 25 % to 30 % of fill) and
stances. a higher sample volume (for example, 75 % to 80 % of fill).
11.2 General Guidelines: When transitioning from a lower water concentra-
11.2.1 Each sample container/mixing and water concentra- tion to a higher water concentration for any given sample
tion test (that is, water determination by centrifuge or Karl volume being tested, the total higher water concentration is
Fischer), whether conducted at a low volume (LV), a normal equal to the original baseline volume of water, plus the amount
volume (NV), or a high volume (HV) of sample in the of water added for the lower water concentration, plus the
container, will consist of: (a) an analysis for total water in the amount of water added for the higher water concentration.
baseline (BL) oil; (b) an analysis for total water after adding an Therefore, to account for these volumes of water, any amounts
amount of water to the oil for the lower water (LW) determi- used in purging the withdrawal port (in the case of closed loop
nation; and, (c) an analysis for total water after adding an mixing) shall be preserved and reintroduced into the container
amount of water for the higher water (HW) determination. at the time of adding more water into the container.
11.2.2 For any given oil sample amount (LV, NV, HV), the When transitioning from the lower sample volume
MINIMUM levels of water should be as follows: (LV) to the higher sample volume (HV), a new baseline value Baseline water concentration (BL) is determined as is established by test.
found. The mixing times used in the test, whether for the Lower water concentration (LW) is determined for baseline or for higher concentrations of water, should overlap
a total water concentration that is: the normal mixing times as nearly as practical. Thus, for any
(1) 0.5 % when the baseline (BL) is less than 0.25 %. given water concentration (that is, baseline water (BL) percent,
(2) 0.5 % when the baseline (BL) is equal to 0.25 %. lower water (LW) percent, and higher water (HW) percent):
(3) 0.25 % + baseline (BL) when the baseline (BL) is (1) Mixing Time 1 is slightly less than or equal to the
greater than 0.25 %. Normal Time (NT).

D5854 − 19a
(2) Mixing Time 2 is approximately equal to the Normal 11.3.5 Determine the mixing time(s) normally used at this
Time (NT). site.
(3) Mixing Time 3 is slightly greater than or equal to the 11.3.6 Select the test mixing times based upon the times
Normal Time (NT). normally used. The three (3) tests shall have a range of repeat- 11.3.7 Design the test plan according to Scenarios 1, 2, or 3
ability within the limits of Column A in Table 1 (repeatability (see Appendix X2 for calculation examples).
check). In the tests with concentrations of water above the 11.3.8 Fill the container with baseline crude oil to the test
baseline, the average of the three (3) tests shall also have a volume (that is, low, normal, or high volume).
deviation from the known concentration within the limits of 11.3.9 Mix and determine the percent water in the baseline
Column B in Table 1 (bias check). crude oil. If a failure of the repeatability check or bias check 11.3.10 Evaluate results using Table 1, Column A, and if
at any stage of the process results in a failure, the reason shall they pass, proceed with test.
be determined and remedied, and that test shall then be started 11.3.11 Add the volume of water needed for the lower
from the beginning. If it is determined that a range of mixing concentration amount.
times, different than the currently used mixing times in normal 11.3.12 Mix and determine the percent water in the test
operations is required to achieve a successful test, the new samples.
mixing times shall be recommended for use in normal opera- 11.3.13 Evaluate the results using Table 1, Columns A and
tions. B, and if they pass, proceed with test. Scenario 1: Sample Volumes are Normally Con- 11.3.14 Add the volume of water needed for the higher
stant with a Single Grade of Crude Oil. concentration amount.
Test Number 1 at NORMAL VOLUME (NV) of a SINGLE GRADE of crude oil 11.3.15 Mix and determine the percent water in the test
NVBL = Test at BASELINE WATER concentration
NVLW = Test at LOW WATER concentration
NVHW = Test at HIGH WATER concentration 11.3.16 Evaluate the results using Table 1, Columns A and Scenario 2: Sample Volumes Vary from Batch to B, and if they pass, proceed with test.
Batch on a Single Grade of Crude Oil. 11.3.17 Repeat steps 8 through 16 for the higher test volume
in the case of multiple volumes.
Test Number 1 at LOW VOLUME (LV) of a SINGLE GRADE of crude oil
LVBL = Test at BASELINE WATER concentration 11.3.18 Repeat steps 8 through 16 for the opposite end of
LVLW = Test at LOW WATER concentration the range of grades of crude oil in the case of multiple grades
LVHW = Test at HIGH WATER concentration of crude oil.
Test Number 2 at HIGH VOLUME (HV) of a SINGLE GRADE of crude oil
HVBL = Test at BASELINE WATER concentration 11.3.19 See Exercises B.1, B.2, and B.3 for details on
HVLW = Test at LOW WATER concentration Scenarios 1, 2, and 3 in Appendix X2.
HVHW = Test at HIGH WATER concentration
11.3.20 Test Example: Scenario 3: Sample Volumes Vary from Batch to (1) Range of crude oils in degrees API: 41 (single grade).
Batch and there are Multiple Grades of Crude Oil. (2) Range of water concentrations: 0.05 % to 0.10 %.
Test Number 1 at LOW VOLUME of the HEAVIEST MOST VISCOUS crude oil (3) Total volume of primary container: 5 gal.
LVBL = Test at BASELINE WATER concentration (4) Range of sample volumes:
LVLW = Test at LOW WATER concentration
LVHW = Test at HIGH WATER concentration (a) Some batches have: 30 % or 1.5 gal.
Test Number 2 at HIGH VOLUME of the HEAVIEST MOST VISCOUS crude oil (b) Some batches have: 80 % or 4.0 gal.
HVBL = Test at BASELINE WATER concentration (5) Normal mixing time used by operator: 10 min (this
HVLW = Test at LOW WATER concentration
HVHW = Test at HIGH WATER concentration normal time for example only).
Test Number 3 at LOW VOLUME of the LIGHTER LESS VISCOUS crude oil (6) Test mixing times chosen: ≤ 10 min, = 10 min, and ≥
LVBL = Test at BASELINE WATER concentration 10 min.
LVLW = Test at LOW WATER concentration
LVHW = Test at HIGH WATER concentration (7) Design the test plan:
Test Number 4 at HIGH VOLUME of the LIGHTER LESS VISCOUS crude oil (a) Conduct the tests using 41° API crude oil.
HVBL = Test at BASELINE WATER concentration (b) Test at the 30 % (1.5 gal) level at the lower water
HVLW = Test at LOW WATER concentration
HVHW = Test at HIGH WATER concentration concentration amount of ≥ 0.50 %.
(c) Test at the 30 % (1.5 gal) level at the higher water
11.3 Outline of Test—This acceptance test is a volume-
concentration amount of ≥ 1.00 %.
balanced test that is similar to that in API MPMS Chapter 8.2
(d) Test at the 80 % (4.0 gal) level at the lower water
(a test using injected water into a crude oil stream), in the
concentration amount of ≥ 0.50 %.
following steps:
(e) Test at the 80 % (4.0 gal) level at the higher water
11.3.1 Determine the range of crude type(s) normally being concentration amount of ≥ 1.00 %.
sampled. (8) Fill the container with baseline crude oil to the test
11.3.2 Determine the range of water concentration(s) nor- volume:
mally being sampled. (a) Calculated amount: 1.5 gal × 3785 mL/gal =
11.3.3 Determine the total volume of the primary container. 5678 mL.
11.3.4 Determine the volume(s) normally received in the (b) Actual amount: 5700 mL for ease of measurement
primary container. using graduation marks.

D5854 − 19a
(9) Mix and determine the percent water in the baseline (b) Test result at a time of (= Normal Time) minutes:
crude oil: 0.51 %.
(a) Turn on the mixing system. (c) Test result at a time of (≥ Normal Time) minutes:
(b) At a time of (≤ Normal Time), purge the withdrawal 0.54 %.
port, withdraw an aliquot, and analyze. (d) Average of test results: 0.54 %.
(c) Repeat procedure at a time of (= Normal Time) and a (e) Range of test results: MAX – MIN = Range % =
time of (≥ Normal Time). 0.57 % to 0.51 % = 0.06 %.
(d) Turn off the mixing system and pour the purged (f) Verify that the results agree within the acceptable
volumes back into the container. range of repeatability.
(10) Evaluate results using Table 1, Column A, and if they (g) From Table 1, Column A, and Wk: the acceptable
pass, proceed with test: range value would be 0.1427 %.
(a) Test result at a time of (≤ Normal Time): 0.08 %. (h) The test result range value of 0.06 % is less than
(b) Test result at a time of (= Normal Time): 0.04 %. 0.1427 %.
(c) Test result at a time of (≥ Normal Time): 0.06 %. (i) Repeatability check: PASS.
(d) Average of test results: 0.06 %. (j) Test value of total water concentration = 0.54 %.
(e) Range test results: (k) Test value of concentration – Measured value of
(1) Range % = MAX – MIN. concentration = Deviation %.
(2) Range % = 0.08 % to 0.04 %. (l) DEV% = (0.54 % – 0.5832 %) = –0.0432 %.
(3) Range % = 0.0.04 % (for use with Table 1). (m) From Table 1, Column B, the acceptable Deviation %
(f) Verify that the results agree within the acceptable is 0.0553.
range of repeatability. (n) The absolute value of the deviation of –0.0432 % is
(g) From Table 1, Column A, the acceptable value by less than 0.0553 %.
interpolation would be 0.05 %. (o) Bias check: PASS.
(h) The test result range value of 0.04 % is less than (14) Add the volume of water needed for the HIGHER
0.05 %. concentration amount:
(i) Repeatability check: PASS. (a) Volume of water in the container at present:
33.42 mL.
(11) Add the volume of water needed for the LOWER
(b) Volume of oil and water in the container: 5730 mL.
concentration amount:
(c) Target percent for higher concentration = 1.00 %.
(a) Calculate the amount of water in the baseline oil.
(d) Calculate added water by: ((5730 mL × 0.01) –
(b) Baseline % × volume = baseline water in mL.
(3.42 mL)) ⁄ (1 – 0.50 %) = 28.96 mL.
(c) (5700 mL × 0.06 % mL) = (5700 mL × 0.0006) =
(e) Therefore: (28.96 mL + 33.42 mL)/(5728.96 mL) =
3.42 mL of baseline water.
1.00 %.
(d) Target percent for low concentration = 0.50 %.
(f) Add 30 mL of water for this test (whole graduation
(e) Calculate added water by: ((5700 mL × 0.005) –
marks are easier to read).
(3.42 mL)) ⁄ (1 – 0.005 %) = 25.21 mL. (g) Measured total water in the sample: (3.42 mL +
(f) Therefore: ((25.21 mL + 3.42 mL)/(5725.42 mL)) × 30 mL + 30 mL) = 63.42 mL.
100 = 0.50 %. (h) Measured total water and oil in the sample: 5760 mL.
(g) Add 30 mL of water for this test (whole graduation (i) Known water concentration (Wk): (63.42 mL/
marks are easier to read). 5760 mL) × (100) = 1.1010 %.
(h) Measured total water in the sample: (3.42 mL + (15) Mix and determine the percent water in the test
30 mL) = 33.42 mL. samples:
(i) Measured total water and oil in the sample: 5730 mL. (a) Turn on the mixing system.
(j) Known water concentration (Wk): (33.42 mL/ (b) At a time of (≤ Normal Time), purge the withdrawal
5730 mL) × (100) = 0.5832 %. port, withdraw an aliquot, and analyze.
(12) Mix and determine the percent water in the test (c) Repeat procedure at a time of (= Normal Time) and a
samples: time of (≥ Normal Time).
(a) Turn on the mixing system. (d) Turn off the mixing system and pour the purged
(b) At a time of (≤ Normal Time), purge the withdrawal volumes back into the container.
port, withdraw an aliquot, and analyze. (16) Evaluate the results using Table 1, Columns A and B,
(c) Repeat procedure at a time of (= Normal Time) and a and if they pass proceed with test:
time of (≥ Normal Time). (a) Test result at a time of (≤ Normal Time) minutes:
(d) Turn off the mixing system and pour the purged 1.18 %.
volumes back into the container. (b) Test result at a time of (= Normal Time) minutes:
(13) Evaluate the results using Table 1, Columns A and B, 1.10 %.
and if they pass proceed with test: (c) Test result at a time of (≥ Normal Time) minutes:
(a) Test result at a time of (≤ Normal Time) minutes: 1.14 %.
0.57 %. (d) Average results of test: 1.14 %.

D5854 − 19a
(e) Determine range of test results: MAX – MIN = (17) Repeat steps 8 through 16 for the HIGHER TEST
Range% = 1.18 % to 1.10 % = 0.08 %. VOLUME of the FIRST CRUDE in the case of multiple
(f) Verify that the results agree within the acceptable sample volumes as in Scenario 2.
range of repeatability. (18) Repeat steps 8 through 16 for the LOWER TEST
(g) From Table 1, Column A, and Wk: the acceptable VOLUME of the SECOND CRUDE in the case of multiple
range value would be 0.1961 %. crude oil grades as in Scenario 3.
(h) The test result range value of 0.08 % is less than (19) Repeat steps 8 through 16 for the HIGHER TEST
0.1961 %. VOLUME of the SECOND CRUDE in the case of multiple
(i) Repeatability check: PASS. crude oil grades as in Scenario 3.
(j) Test value of total water concentration = 1.14 %. (20) See Appendix X1 for background information on
(k) Test value of concentration – Measured value of Table 1.
concentration = Deviation %. (21) See Appendix X2 for Exercises B.1, B,2, and B.3 for
(l) DEV% = 1.14 % – 1.1010 % = 0.039 %. details on Scenarios 1, 2, and 3.
(m) From Table 1, Column B, the acceptable deviation is
0.076 %. 12. Keywords
(n) The absolute value of the deviation of 0.0390 % is 12.1 crude petroleum sampling; liquid petroleum sampling;
less than 0.076 %. sample containers; sample handling; sample mixing; sample
(o) Bias check: PASS. preparation; sampling validation


(Nonmandatory Information)


X1.1 The method and calculations assumes three (3) test where:
specimens for the baseline, and three (3) test specimens for the Wr = Wt(max) – Wt(min),
total water content, after adding a measured amount of water, Wt = individual test specimen water % by volume,
for any given sample volume and water concentration. This k = 2.92 (valid only for three test specimens),
usually means, for any given level of fill in the sample σsys = 0.64 (Wk)0.5, and
container (for example, 25 %, 50 %, or 75 %), one test is Wb = total baseline water content for the test specimens.
conducted at a lower concentration of water (approximately
X1.3.2 Values in Column B – Bias Check—Maximum per-
0.5 % by volume), and one test is conducted at a higher
missible difference between average of all test specimens and
concentration of water (approximately 1.0 %).
total water concentration (baseline + measured addition of
X1.2 The values in Column A are used to determine whether water) is calculated by:
the repeatability for any three consecutive test specimens is
1.96 σsys
within the acceptable limits. The values in Column B are used Wavg $ Wk 2
to determine whether the average test value of the percent of =n
water by volume, after adding in a measured amount of water,
is within the acceptable range of the known value.
1.96 σsys
X1.3 The following calculations form the basis for Table 1 Wavg # Wk1
in Section 11 of this document. =n
X1.3.1 Values in Column A – Repeatability Check— where:
Maximum permissible difference between three (3) consecu- Wavg = Σ n0 Wt ,
tive test specimens, is calculated by: n
n = 3, and
Wr 5 The larger of 0.05 or k σsys in water % by volume σsys = 0.64 (Wk)0.5.
□ # max 0.05 or k σsys in water % by volume
□ # max 0.05 or 2.92 3 0.64 ~ Wk! 0.5 in water % by volume

D5854 − 19a


Data Collection for API Database, Acceptance Test Reporting, and Examples of Spreadsheet Data Calculation Printouts

X2.1 API Sample Container/Mixing System Database—For (3) High volume high water concentration HVHW
purposes of collecting data for later evaluation of the proce- X2.2.4.3 Test 3:
dures in this standard, it is recommended that the data be (1) Same as for Test 1 for the second grade of crude oil, if
reported in a systematic fashion so it can easily be entered into applicable.
an API managed database. X2.2.4.4 Test 4:
(1) Same as for Test 2 for the second grade of crude oil, if
X2.2 Information for Acceptance Test Reports for Sample applicable.
Container/Mixing Systems—In addition to the test
data and calculations illustrated in the examples below, every X2.2.5 Technician performing the test and witnesses to the
acceptance report for sample container/mixing systems should test.
contain the following information: X2.2.6 Manufacturer, model, and serial number (as avail-
X2.2.1 Date of the test. able) of the sampler container being tested.
X2.2.2 Owner/operator of the sample container/mixing sys- X2.2.7 Manufacturer, model and serial number (as avail-
tem. able) of the mixing system components.
X2.2.3 Location of the test. X2.2.8 Brief description of the mixing system as applicable:
X2.2.8.1 Closed system pumping under pressure at
X2.2.4 Test number and description of mixing test being 5 gal ⁄min through a static in-line mixing element.
conducted: X2.2.8.2 Shear mixer being used in a 1 gal container.
X2.2.4.1 Test 1: X2.2.8.3 Mechanical mixing of a liter sample glass con-
(1) Low volume baseline water concentration LVBL tainer.
(2) Low volume low water concentration LVLW
(3) Low volume high water concentration LVHW X2.2.9 Type of analyses being conducted (for example,
X2.2.4.2 Test 2: coulometric Karl Fischer or centrifuge).
(1) High volume baseline water concentration HVBL X2.2.10 Description of the crude oil being tested in terms of
(2) High volume low water concentration HVLW density (API gravity) and viscosity (if available).

Site Operational Experience

API Gravity of Crude - LOW - Grade A APIb 41 Exercise 1 Scenario 1
API Gravity of Crude - HIGH - Grade A APIb 41 * One (1) Normal Sample Volume
Size of Sample Container, gallons 5 * One (1) Single Grade of Crude Oil
Size of LOW Sample Volumes, gallons 3.5
Size of HIGH Sample Volumes, gallons 3.5 Test 1: Crude Oil Grade A
Size of LOW Sample Volumes (3785 mL/gal) 13248 * Normal Sample Volume
Size of HIGH Sample Volumes (3785 mL/gal) 13248 * Lower and Higher Water Concentrations
Water Concentration on actual batches: LOW 0.05 %
Water Concentration on actual batches: HIGH 0.10 %
Normal Mixing Time (NT) in minutes 10
Test Mixing Times (# NT), (NT), ($ NT) 10

Mixing Test Plan Design

Test 1 at lower volume on crude grade (A) 13250
Test 2 at higher volume on crude grade (A) n/a
Test 3 at lower volume on crude grade (B) n/a
Test 4 at higher volume on crude grade (B) n/a
Each mixing test at BL%, LW% and HW% BL LW HW Test 1
Crude A
Baseline Water Concentration Test (BL%) LVBL
API gravity of crude oil APIb 41
Measured volume of baseline crude oil SV1 13250
Analysis 1 at # NT in minutes Wt% 0.08
Analysis 2 at = NT in minutes Wt% 0.04
Analysis 3 at $ NT in minutes Wt% 0.06
Range of the three baseline tests Wr% 0.04
Average of the three baseline tests Wavg% 0.06
Calculation of Table 1 Column A Value Column A 0.05
Evaluation of Results: Repeatability Check Column A PASS

Lower Water Concentration Test (LW%) LVLW

Volume of water in the baseline crude oil VBL1 7.95
Volume of oil and water currently in container SV1 13250
Target concentration for added water T%1 0.5
Target volume of water to be added TV1 58.592965

D5854 − 19a

Actual volume of water added WV1 60

Baseline water + total water added WVLO 67.95
Measured baseline oil + total water added SVLO 13310
Known water concentration Wk% 0.5105184
Analysis 1 at # NT in minutes Wt% 0.52
Analysis 2 at = NT in minutes Wt% 0.46
Analysis 3 at $ NT in minutes Wt% 0.49
Range of the three concentration tests Wr% 0.06
Average of the three concentration tests Wavg% 0.49
Calculation of Table 1Column A Value Column A 0.1335268
Evaluation of Results: Repeatability Check Column A PASS
Deviation % = (Wavg% - Wk%) DEV% –0.0205184
Calculation of Table 1 Column B Value Column B 0.0517465
Evaluation of Results: Bias Check Column B PASS

Higher Water Concentration Test (HW%) LVHW

Volume of water in the sample container VBL2 67.95
Volume of oil and water in sample container SV2 13310
Target concentration for added water T%2 1.0105184
Target volume of water to be added TV2 67.229365
Actual volume of water added WV2 70
Baseline water + total water added WVHI 137.95
Measured baseline oil + total water added SVHI 13380
Known water concentration: (W2/V2)x100 Wk% 1.0310164
Analysis 1 at # NT in minutes Wt% 1.02
Analysis 2 at = NT in minutes Wt% 0.96
Analysis 3 at $ NT in minutes Wt% 0.99
Range of the three concentration tests Wr% 0.06
Average of the three concentration tests Wavg% 0.99
Calculation of Table 1 Column A Value Column A 0.189756
Evaluation of Results: Repeatability Check Column A PASS
Deviation % = (Wavg% - Wk%) DEV% –0.0410164
Calculation of Table 1 Column B Value Column B 0.0735374
Evaluation of Results: Bias Check Column B PASS

Site Operational Experience

API Gravity of Crude - LOW - Grade A APIb 41 Exercise 2 Scenario 2
API Gravity of Crude - HIGH - Grade A APIb 41 * Two (2) Sample Volumes Lower and Higher
Size of Sample Container, gallons 5 * One (1) Single Grade of Crude Oil
Size of LOW Sample Volumes, gallons 1.5
Size of HIGH Sample Volumes, gallons 4 Test 1: Crude Oil Grade A
Size of LOW Sample Volumes (3785 mL/gal) 5678 * Lower Sample Volume
Size of HIGH Sample Volumes (3785 mL/gal) 15140 * Lower and Higher Water Concentrations
Water Concentration on actual batches: LOW 0.05 % Test 2: Crude Oil Grade A
Water Concentration on actual batches: HIGH 0.10 % * Higher Sample Volume
Normal Mixing Time (NT) in minutes 10 * Lower and Higher Water Concentrations
Test Mixing Times (# NT), (NT), ($ NT) 10

Mixing Test Plan Design

Test 1 at lower volume on crude grade (A) 5700
Test 2 at higher volume on crude grade (A) 15200
Test 3 at lower volume on crude grade (B) n/a
Test 4 at higher volume on crude grade (B) n/a
Each mixing test at BL%, LW% and HW% BL LW HW Test 1 Test 2
Crude A Crude A
Baseline Water Concentration Test (BL%) LVBL HVBL
API gravity of crude oil APIb 41 41
Measured volume of baseline crude oil SV1 5700 15200
Analysis 1 at # NT in minutes Wt% 0.08 0.45
Analysis 2 at = NT in minutes Wt% 0.04 0.39
Analysis 3 at $ NT in minutes Wt% 0.06 0.42
Range of the three baseline tests Wr% 0.04 0.06
Average of the three baseline tests Wavg% 0.06 0.42
Calculation of Table 1 Column A Value Column A 0.05 0.1211121
Evaluation of Results: Repeatability Check Column A PASS PASS

Lower Water Concentration Test (LW%) LVLW HVLW

Volume of water in the baseline crude oil VBL1 3.42 63.84
Volume of oil and water currently in container SV1 5700 15200
Target concentration for added water T%1 0.5 0.67
Target volume of water to be added TV1 25.20603 38.256317
Actual volume of water added WV1 30 40
Baseline water + total water added WVLO 33.42 103.84
Measured baseline oil + total water added SVLO 5730 15240
Known water concentration Wk% 0.5832461 0.6813648
Analysis 1 at # NT in minutes Wt% 0.57 0.75

D5854 − 19a

Analysis 2 at = NT in minutes Wt% 0.51 0.69

Analysis 3 at $ NT in minutes Wt% 0.54 0.72
Range of the three concentration tests Wr% 0.06 0.06
Average of the three concentration tests Wavg% 0.54 0.72
Calculation of Table 1 Column A Value Column A 0.1427213 0.1542598
Evaluation of Results: Repeatability Check Column A PASS PASS
Deviation % = (Wavg% - Wk%) DEV% –0.0432461 0.0386352
Calculation of Table 1 Column B Value Column B 0.0553097 0.0597813
Evaluation of Results: Bias Check Column B PASS PASS

Higher Water Concentration Test (HW%) LVHW HVHW

Volume of water in the sample container VBL2 33.42 103.84
Volume of oil and water in sample container SV2 5730 15240
Target concentration for added water T%2 1.0832461 1.1813648
Target volume of water to be added TV2 28.963749 77.110962
Actual volume of water added WV2 30 80
Baseline water + total water added WVHI 63.42 183.84
Measured baseline oil + total water added SVHI 5760 15320
Known water concentration: (W2/V2)x100 Wk% 1.1010417 1.2
Analysis 1 at # NT in minutes Wt% 1.17 1.21
Analysis 2 at = NT in minutes Wt% 1.11 1.13
Analysis 3 at $ NT in minutes Wt% 1.14 1.17
Range of the three concentration tests Wr% 0.06 0.08
Average of the three concentration tests Wavg% 1.14 1.17
Calculation of Table 1 Column A Value Column A 0.1960942 0.2047168
Evaluation of Results: Repeatability Check Column A PASS PASS
Deviation % = (Wavg% - Wk%) DEV% 0.0389583 –0.03
Calculation of Table 1 Column B Value Column B 0.0759936 0.0793352
Evaluation of Results: Bias Check Column B PASS PASS

Site Operational Experience

API Gravity of Crude - LOW - Grade A APIb 20 Exercise 3 Scenario 3
API Gravity of Crude - HIGH - Grade B APIb 48 * Two (2) Sample Volumes Lower and Higher
Size of Sample Container, gallons 5 * Two (2) Crude Oil Grades A and B
Size of LOW Sample Volumes, gallons 1.5
Size of HIGH Sample Volumes, gallons 4 Test 1: Crude Oil Grade A
Size of LOW Sample Volumes (3785 mL/gal) 5678 * Lower Sample Volume
Size of HIGH Sample Volumes (3785 mL/gal) 15140 * Lower and Higher Water Concentrations
Water Concentration on actual batches: LOW 0.05 % Test 2: Crude Oil Grade A
Water Concentration on actual batches: HIGH 0.10 % * Higher Sample Volume
Normal Mixing Time (NT) in minutes 10 * Lower and Higher Water Concentrations
Test Mixing Times (# NT), (NT), ($ NT) 10 Test 3: Crude Oil Grade B
* Lower Sample Volume
Mixing Test Plan Design * Lower and Higher Water Concentrations
Test 1 at lower volume on crude grade (A) 5700 Test 4: Crude Oil Grade B
Test 2 at higher volume on crude grade (A) 15200 * Higher Sample Volume
Test 3 at lower volume on crude grade (B) 5700 * Lower and Higher Water Concentrations
Test 4 at higher volume on crude grade (B) 15200
Each mixing test at BL%, LW% and HW% BL LW HW Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 Test 4
Crude A Crude A Crude B Crude B
Baseline Water Concentration Test (BL%) LVBL HVBL LVBL HVBL
API gravity of crude oil APIb 20 20 48 48
Measured volume of baseline crude oil SV1 5700 15200 5700 15200
Analysis 1 at # NT in minutes Wt% 0.08 0.45 0.15 0.46
Analysis 2 at = NT in minutes Wt% 0.04 0.39 0.09 0.42
Analysis 3 at $ NT in minutes Wt% 0.06 0.42 0.12 0.44
Range of the three baseline tests Wr% 0.04 0.06 0.06 0.04
Average of the three baseline tests Wavg% 0.06 0.42 0.12 0.44
Calculation of Table 1 Column A Value Column A 0.05 0.1211121 0.0647371 0.1239622
Evaluation of Results: Repeatability Check Column A PASS PASS PASS PASS

Lower Water Concentration Test (LW%) LVLW HVLW LVLW HVLW

Volume of water in the baseline crude oil VBL1 3.42 63.84 6.84 66.88
Volume of oil and water currently in container SV1 5700 15200 5700 15200
Target concentration for added water T%1 0.5 0.67 0.5 0.69
Target volume of water to be added TV1 25.20603 38.256317 21.768844 38.264022
Actual volume of water added WV1 30 40 30 40
Baseline water + total water added WVLO 33.42 103.84 36.84 106.88
Measured baseline oil + total water added SVLO 5730 15240 5730 15240
Known water concentration Wk% 0.5832461 0.6813648 0.6429319 0.7013123
Analysis 1 at # NT in minutes Wt% 0.57 0.75 0.71 0.69
Analysis 2 at = NT in minutes Wt% 0.51 0.69 0.65 0.65
Analysis 3 at $ NT in minutes Wt% 0.54 0.72 0.68 0.67
Range of the three concentration tests Wr% 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.04
Average of the three concentration tests Wavg% 0.54 0.72 0.68 0.67
Calculation of Table 1 Column A Value Column A 0.1427213 0.1542598 0.1498461 0.1565015

D5854 − 19a

Evaluation of Results: Repeatability Check Column A PASS PASS PASS PASS

Deviation % = (Wavg% - Wk%) DEV% –0.0432461 0.0386352 0.0370681 –0.0313123
Calculation of Table 1 Column B Value Column B 0.0553097 0.0597813 0.0580708 0.06065
Evaluation of Results: Bias Check Column B PASS PASS PASS PASS

Higher Water Concentration Test (HW%) LVHW HVHW LVHW HVHW

Volume of water in the sample container VBL2 33.42 103.84 36.84 106.88
Volume of oil and water in sample container SV2 5730 15240 5730 15240
Target concentration for added water T%2 1.0832461 1.1813648 1.1429319 1.2013123
Target volume of water to be added TV2 28.963749 77.110962 28.981236 77.126531
Actual volume of water added WV2 30 80 30 80
Baseline water + total water added WVHI 63.42 183.84 66.84 186.88
Measured baseline oil + total water added SVHI 5760 15320 5760 15320
Known water concentration: (W2/V2)x100 Wk% 1.1010417 1.2 1.1604167 1.2198433
Analysis 1 at # NT in minutes Wt% 1.17 1.21 1.15 1.31
Analysis 2 at = NT in minutes Wt% 1.11 1.13 1.09 1.25
Analysis 3 at $ NT in minutes Wt% 1.14 1.17 1.12 1.28
Range of the three concentration tests Wr% 0.06 0.08 0.06 0.06
Average of the three concentration tests Wavg% 1.14 1.17 1.12 1.28
Calculation of Table 1 Column A Value Column A 0.1960942 0.2047168 0.2013121 0.2064025
Evaluation of Results: Repeatability Check Column A PASS PASS PASS PASS
Deviation % = (Wavg% - Wk%) DEV% 0.0389583 –0.03 –0.0404167 0.0601567
Calculation of Table 1 Column B Value Column B 0.0759936 0.0793352 0.0780158 0.0799885
Evaluation of Results: Bias Check Column B PASS PASS PASS PASS


X3.1 The following tables are intended to serve as a general sample are required, the most restrictive test should be used as
guideline in selecting the material from which sample contain- a guide for container selection. When questions arise as to a
ers may be constructed. It is impossible to cover all petroleum container’s suitability for a given application, experience and
sampling requirements and materials from which sample testing should be relied upon.
containers can be made. When multiple tests on the same

D5854 − 19a
TABLE X3.1 Summary of Container Materials for Crude Oils
NOTE 1—The containers listed in this summary should not be used without consulting the appropriate paragraphs of this practice for detail advice.
NOTE 2— Where REUSE is indicated, containers should be cleaned in accordance with 6.6 prior to reuse.
NOTE 3—Legend:
NR = not recommended
NP = not practical
P = preferred
S = suitable
Type of Analysis
carbon Pour Trace Vapor
Container Material Density Chloride zation Salt S and W Sulfur Viscosity
Distribu- Point Metals Pressure
Hard borosilicate glass
Immediate use S P NP P S S S P P S S
Storage—6 months S P NP P S S S P P S S
Reuse S P NP P S S S P S S S
Stainless Steel
Immediate use S S S S S S S S S S S
Storage—6 months S S S S S S S S S S S
Reuse S S S S S S S S S S S
Epoxy-lined steel
Immediate use P S S S S S P S S S S
Storage—6 months P S S S S S P S S S S
Reuse S S S S S S S S S S S
Tin-plated soldered steel
(Superclean only)
Immediate use S S S S S S S S NR S S
Storage—6 months NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR
Polytetrafluoroethylene, Per-
fluoroalkoxy or
Fluorinated ethylene
Immediate use S S NP S S S S S P S S
Storage—6 months NR NR NP NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR
Reuse S S NP S S S S S S S S
High-density linear polyethyl-
Immediate use S S NP S S S S S P S S
Storage—6 months NR NR NP NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR

D5854 − 19a
TABLE X3.2 Summary of Container Material for Gasolines
NOTE 1—The containers listed in this summary should not be used without consulting the appropriate paragraphs of this practice for detail advice.
NOTE 2—Where REUSE is indicated, containers should be cleaned in accordance with 6.6 prior to reuse.
NOTE 3—Legend:
NR = not recommended
NP = not practical
P = preferred
S = suitable
Type of Analysis
Corrosion Density Distillation Lead Octane Oxygenates Vapor Pres-
Container Material
Hard borosilicate glass
Immediate use S S S S S S S
Storage—6 months S S S S S S S
Reuse S S S S S S S
Stainless Steel
Immediate use S S S S S S S
Storage—6 months S S S S S S S
Reuse S S S S S S S
Epoxy-lined steel
Immediate use S S S S S S S
Storage—6 months S S S S S S S
Reuse S S S S S S S
Tin-plated soldered steel
(Superclean only)
Immediate use NR S S NR S S S
Storage—6 months NR S S NR S S S
Reuse NR S S NR S S S
Perfluoroalkoxy or Fluorinated
ethylene propylene
Immediate use NR NR NR NR NR NR NR
Storage—6 months NR NR NR NR NR NR NR
High-density linear polyethylene
Immediate use NR NR NR NR NR NR NR
Storage—6 months NR NR NR NR NR NR NR

D5854 − 19a
TABLE X3.3 Summary of Container Material for Kerosene
NOTE 1—The containers listed in this summary should not be used without consulting the appropriate paragraphs of this practice for detail advice.
NOTE 2—Where REUSE is indicated, containers should be cleaned in accordance with 6.6 prior to reuse.
NOTE 3—Legend:
NR = not recommended
NP = not practical
P = preferred
S = suitable
Type of Analysis
Color Density Distillation Flash Point Freezing Haze Particulate Water Water
Container Material
Point Content Separation
Hard borosilicate glass
Immediate use P S S S S P S S S
Storage—6 months P S S S S P S S S
Reuse P S S S S P S S S
Stainless Steel
Immediate use S S S S S NP S S S
Storage—6 months S S S S S NP S S S
Reuse S S S S S NP S S S
Epoxy-lined steel
Immediate use S P S S S NP S P P
Storage—6 months S P S S S NP S P P
Reuse S P S S S NP S S S
Tin-plated soldered steel (Su-
perclean only)
Immediate use NR S S S S NP NR NR NR
Storage—6 months NR S NR S S NP NR NR NR
Perfluoroalkoxy or Fluori-
nated ethylene
Immediate use NR S S S S NP S S S
Storage—6 months NR NR NR NR NR NP NR NR NR
High-density linear polyethylene
Immediate use NR S S S S NP S S S
Storage—6 months NR NR NR NR NR NP NR NR NR

D5854 − 19a
TABLE X3.4 Summary of Container Materials for Fuel Oils (Numbers 2, 4, 5, and 6)
NOTE 1—The containers listed in this summary should not be used without consulting the appropriate paragraphs of this practice for detail advice.
NOTE 2—Where REUSE is indicated, containers should be cleaned in accordance with 6.6 prior to reuse.
NOTE 3—Legend:
NR = not recommended
NP = not practical
P = preferred
S = suitable
Type of Analysis
Cetane Cloud Color Density Distillation Flash Haze Pour Point Sulfur Water Viscosity
Container Material
Point Point Content Content
Hard borosilicate glass
Immediate use S S P S S S P S S S S
Storage—6 months S S P S S S P S S S S
Reuse S S P S S S P S S S S
Stainless Steel
Immediate use S S NP S S S NP S S S S
Storage—6 months S S NP S S S NP S S S S
Reuse S S NP S S S NP S S S S
Epoxy-lined steel
Immediate use S S NP P S S NP S S P P
Storage—6 months S S NP P S S NP S S P P
Reuse S S NP S S S NP S S S S
Tin-plated soldered steel
(Superclean only)
Immediate use S S NP S S S NP S NR S NR
Storage—6 months NR S NP NR NR NR NP NR NR NR NR
Immediate use S NR NP S S S NP S P S S
Storage—6 months NR NR NP NR NR NR NP NR P NR NR
Perfluoroalkoxy or Fluori-
nated ethylene
Immediate use S S NP S S S NP S P S S
Storage—6 months S S NP S S S NP S P S S
High-density linear poly-
Immediate use S NR NP S S S NP S P S S
Storage—6 months NR NR NP NR NR NR NP NR P NR NR


X4.1 See Table X4.1.

D5854 − 19a
TABLE X4.1 Summary of Recommended Mixing Procedures
NOTE 1—Refer to specific analytical test procedure.
NOTE 2—The volume of the container will determine in many case when shaking is sufficient.
NOTE 3—Method of mixing will be determined by whether the sample is collected statically and/or by volume of the container.
Test Purpose Power Manual None
Sample transferred from laboratory container or sample container
Density for crude and heavy fuel X X
Sediment and water X X
Vapor pressure X
Viscosity X X X
Salt X
Salts X
Sulfur X X X
Hydrogen Sulfide X X X
Other tests X X
Note 1 Note 1, 2 Note 1
Sample transferred from primary container—all tests Note 3 Note 3 Note 3


X5.1 See Fig. X5.1.

D5854 − 19a

FIG. X5.1 Flow Chart of Power Mixer and Sample Container Acceptance Test

D5854 − 19a

Subcommittee D02.02 has identified the location of selected changes to this standard since the last issue
(D5854 – 19) that may impact the use of this standard. (Approved May 1, 2019.)

(1) Revised subsections 4.1, 9.1.4,,,, and (2) Revised Table 1.

Subcommittee D02.02 has identified the location of selected changes to this standard since the last issue
(D5854 – 96 (2015)) that may impact the use of this standard. (Approved Feb. 1, 2019.)

(1) Much of the text was completely revised with this edition.

ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned
in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk
of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.

This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.

This standard is jointly copyrighted by ASTM International (ASTM), 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken,
PA 19428-2959, United States, and the American Petroleum Institute (API), 1220 L Street NW, Washington DC 20005, United States.
Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above address or at
610-832-9585 (phone), 610-832-9555 (fax), or [email protected] (e-mail); or through the ASTM website (www.astm.org). Permission
rights to photocopy the standard may also be secured from the Copyright Clearance Center, 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA
01923, Tel: (978) 646-2600; http://www.copyright.com/


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