Hypermagnesemia Report Manuscript
Hypermagnesemia Report Manuscript
Hypermagnesemia Report Manuscript
Magnesium is a mineral the body uses as an electrolyte,
meaning it carries electric charges around the body when
dissolved in the blood.
Hypermagnesemia refers to a high level of magnesium
in the blood. It is rare and is usually the result of renal
failure or poor kidney function.
Notes: Magnesium has a role in bone health,
cardiovascular function, and neurotransmission, among
other functions. Most magnesium is stored in the bones.
Causes/Risk Factors
Intravenous calcium, diuretics, or water pills may also be 2. Assess for hypermagnesemia during IV
infusions of magnesium sulfate for
used to help the body get rid of excess magnesium. hypomagnesemia (sign and symptom
would be diminished/absent deep tendon
People with renal dysfunction or those who have had a
3. Withhold foods high in magnesium, such
severe magnesium overdose may require dialysis if they as:
are experiencing kidney failure, or if magnesium levels Remember:
are still rising after treatment. “Always Get Plenty Of Foods Containing Large Numbe
rs of Magnesium”
Calcium gluconate Avocado
o Calcium and magnesium compete for
binding sites Green leafy vegetables
o Reserved for severe, symptomatic Peanut Butter, potatoes, pork
Loop diuretics increases the urinary excretion of
magnesium Fish (canned white tuna/mackerel)
Cauliflower, chocolate (dark)
Calcium gluconate may temporarily reverse many of the Legumes
magnesium-induced changes, including respiratory
Administer diuretics that waste healthcare professional for proper evaluation and
magnesium (if patient is not in renal management.
failure) such as Loop and Thiazide
Patient in renal failure patient prep for MODIFIABLE FACTORS
Hypermagnesemia is a condition characterized by high
IV calcium may be order to reverse side levels of magnesium in the blood. It can be caused by a
effects of Magnesium (watch IV for variety of factors, some of which are modifiable.
infiltration) Modifiable factors that can contribute to
hypermagnesemia include:
Hypermagnesemia is a condition characterized by 1. Medication Use: Certain medications, such as
abnormally high levels of magnesium in the blood. It can laxatives or antacids containing magnesium, can lead to
occur due to a variety of causes and risk factors, hypermagnesemia when used in excessive amounts or
including: for extended periods. Modifying the use of these
medications can help prevent hypermagnesemia.
2. Renal Function: Kidney function plays a crucial role
1. **Renal Insufficiency:** Impaired kidney function is in regulating magnesium levels in the body. Conditions
one of the most common causes of hypermagnesemia. that affect renal function, such as kidney disease, may
The kidneys play a crucial role in regulating magnesium lead to impaired magnesium excretion. Managing and
levels in the body, and when they are not functioning treating kidney disease can help prevent
properly, magnesium excretion is reduced. hypermagnesemia.
3. Dietary Intake: High dietary intake of magnesium-
rich foods or supplements can contribute to
2. **Excessive Magnesium Intake:** This can occur
hypermagnesemia. Modifying your diet and reducing
through dietary sources, supplements, or medications.
magnesium intake can help manage magnesium levels in
Consuming a diet high in magnesium-rich foods or
the body.
taking magnesium-containing supplements in excess can
lead to elevated magnesium levels. 4. Alcohol Abuse: Chronic alcohol abuse can lead to
electrolyte imbalances, including hypermagnesemia.
Reducing or eliminating alcohol consumption can help
3. **Medications:** Some medications can contribute mitigate this risk.
to hypermagnesemia, particularly if used inappropriately
or excessively. Examples include antacids, laxatives, and
certain magnesium-based cathartics. NON-MODIFIABLE FACTORS
Non-modifiable factors are those that cannot be changed
or influenced by lifestyle or medical interventions. When
8. **Alcoholism:** Chronic alcohol abuse can result in
it comes to hypermagnesemia, several non-modifiable
electrolyte imbalances, including hypermagnesemia.
factors may increase the risk of developing this
condition. These factors include:
It's essential to recognize the causes and risk factors of
hypermagnesemia, as prompt identification and
1. **Age:** While age itself is non-modifiable, older
treatment are crucial to prevent complications. The
adults are more susceptible to hypermagnesemia due to
treatment of hypermagnesemia often involves addressing
age-related changes in kidney function and increased
the underlying cause and, in severe cases, medical
medication use.
interventions like dialysis may be necessary to lower
magnesium levels rapidly. If you suspect you have 2. **Genetics:** Some rare genetic disorders or
hypermagnesemia or are at risk for it, consult a mutations can affect the body's ability to regulate
magnesium levels, leading to a predisposition to
hypermagnesemia. These genetic factors are not