IJTK Vol.22 (1) 150-159

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Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge

Vol 22(1), January 2023, pp 150-159

DOI: 10.56042/ijtk.v22i1.33680

Evaluation of gastroprotective effect of jujube honey in ethanol-induced stomach

ulcer in mice
Abdelouafi Benmoulouda,b,c,*, Yamina Zatraa,b, Asma Belkadid, Latifa Hallid, Lilia Kacimia,b, Samir Souamese,
Naouel Aknoun-Saila,b & Mounira Khaldouna,b
Houari Boumedienne University of Sciences and Technology (LRZA, FSB, USTHB), Algiers
University of Algiers 1 Benyoucef Benkhedda, Algeria
University of M’hamed Bougara Boumerdes (UMBB), Algeria
Centre de Recherche et de développement (CRD) SAIDAL, El-Harrach, Algiers, Algeria
National Superior Veterinary School of Algiers, Algiers, Algeria
*E-mail: [email protected], [email protected]

Received 19 October 2020; revised 08 October 2022; accepted 13 March 2023

Honey has been widely documented to have therapeutic benefits, especially on the healing of wounds, digestive
disorders, and as an antimicrobial agent. It’s known that stomach ulcers are one of the most prevalent diseases that affect
humans with no effective treatment. The objective of this study was to investigate the gastroprotective effects of jujube
honey against ethanol-induced gastric ulcer in mice and to explore possible mechanism of its action on the gastric mucosa.
Stomach’s tissues were examined for ulcerative lesions and white blood cell count (WBC), plasma C-reactive protein (CRP)
and nitric oxide (NO) for clinical inflammation evaluation. The antioxidant enzyme activities were investigated using the
measurement of superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase. Treatment with jujube honey reduced the ulcer index and
preserved gastric tissue. It also decreased the inflammatory response by reducing WBC and plasma levels of CRP and NO in
ulcerative group. In addition, jujube honey-treated group showed increased antioxidant enzyme activities of catalase and
SOD. Furthermore, diluted jujube honey is more effective in preserving mucosal gastric integrity. In conclusion, these
findings suggest that jujube honey, especially with dilution, may exert a protective effect against ethanol-induced gastric
ulcer, through the improvement of antioxidant system and suppression of the inflammatory response via its bioactive

Keywords: Anti inflammatory, Antioxidant, Bioactive compounds, Gastroprotective, Jujube honey, Stomach ulcer
IPC Code: Int Cl.23: A61K 31/70, A61K 35/644, A61K 36/00, A61P 29/00

Gastric ulcer is very prevalent digestive tract disease in influx of neutrophils into the damaged area, which is
human and is considered to be a global health essentially an acute inflammatory process. Reactive
problem1. The pathogenesis of gastric ulcer is a oxygen species (ROS) are then formed in greater
multifactorial in nature and is caused by an imbalance amounts, which contributes to oxidative stress in the
between the aggressive factors destroying the gastric cellular components including nucleic acids, lipids and
mucosa and the protective agents of the stomach wall2. proteins5. However, defensive mechanisms manifest
Many factors can increase the incidence of gastric through the activation of various mechanisms including
ulcer, including alcohol consumption, stomach acid, gastric mucosal integrity, appropriate tissue
pepsin production, bile acids, generation of reactive microcirculation, normal stomach motility, mucus
oxygen species (ROS), Helicobacter pylori infection secretion, gastric mucosal integrity, bicarbonate
and chronic ingestion of non steroidal anti- production, nitric oxide (NO), prostaglandin
inflammatory (NSAIDs) drugs3. Several new biosynthesis, surface phospholipids, cell renewal,
treatments and natural compounds are investigated for growth factors and antioxidant enzymes6.
their gastroprotective effects through using ethanol- In addition, the antioxidant capacity and other
induced gastric ulcer model4. Ethanol causes a rapid biological properties are related to bioactive
————— compounds found in natural products.They possess
*Corresponding author several medicinal properties for their potent

antioxidant activity against diseases related to activity properties of honey increased with the
oxidative stress7. solubility of its bioactive compounds in water20.
Historical evidence demonstrates that honey has Considering that honey has multiple biological
been used for medicinal applications for thousands of activities, the present study was undertaken to
years, by ancient generations, traditions and evaluate physicochemical parameters of jujube honey
civilizations8. In Islamic traditional medicine, honey and to estimate its gastroprotective effect against
was considered as a detergent drug for treating ulcers ethanol-induced gastric ulcer in mice, with examining
and removing moistures and putrefaction from the the hypothesis that diluted jujube honey may be more
body9. Ibn Hamadush the great Algerian scientist and effective in preventing stomach ulcer. Accordingly,
traditional indigenous doctor, almost in 18th century, the fundamental mechanisms by which jujube honey
had considered honey as a drink, food and drug10. displays its efficiency were explained in terms of
Moreover, he recommended an infused rose honey as oxidative stress assessment and inflammatory
a gastroprotective agent. Recent findings have shown response evaluation.
that honey has several therapeutic effects, especially
for gastrointestinal diseases and wound healing11. In Methodology
addition, the stomach-protective properties of various
Honey sample and chemical agents
types of honeybee such as Manuka, Kelult Malaysian Unifloral Ziziphus lotus honey (Sidr honey) was
and Turkish honeys against gastric ulcer were collected from beekeepers in Laghouat region (Algeria)
demonstrated in previous studies12,14.
during season of summer. The honey was collected
Interestingly, jujube honey largely used in Algeria
from the hives and kept in the dark at a temperature
and worldwide Jujube honey, which is commonly
of -4°C in hermetically sealed glass jars. Omeprazole
used in Algeria and around the world, was
(Antag® 20 mg) was obtained from Biocare
characterized by its high pH, electrical conductivity,
Laboratories (Algiers) to use as a reference standard
potassium, calcium, and high total phenolic content
medication for gastric ulcers. All the other chemical
and other molecules15,16. It is derived from the
products employed in the current investigation were of
Jujube lotus tree, Ziziphus lotus (L.) Lam., commonly
the best quality and analytical grade.
called ―Sedra or Sidr‖ belonging to the family
Rhamnaceae occurring across the Mediterranean Physicochemical analyses
Basin, North Africa and the Sahara and the Arabian Physicochemical analysis for measurement of
peninsula17. Thus, previous studies have demonstrated moisture content, electrical conductivity, specific
that the extracts from root barks, fruits and leaves gravity and pH of jujube honey were determined
of Ziziphus lotus possessed gastroprotective and according to the instructions of the International
antiulcerogenic effects in experimental gastric ulcer Honey Commission21. All the procedures were
models18. performed in triplicate.
Traditionally, the jujube fruit was considered as
Moisture content
valuable in treating diarrhea and gastric ulcer whereas
Moisture is an essential factor in evaluating honey
the jujube leaves were used for the treatment of
quality. Environmental conditions, level of honey
asthma and lung diseases9,10. Despite lacking in
maturity obtained in the hive and handling during
documentation on the use of jujube honey as
collecting, processing and storage all determine the
traditional medicine, currently it was recommended
by local traditional healers for the treatment of proportion of water content in honey22. Moisture
content in jujube honey was evaluated using a
digestive and intestinal problem, skin diseases, cough,
imbalances of lungs, and anemia. refractometer (Carl-Zeiss Jena, Germany), by
determining the refractive indices at 20°C. The
It’s known that water is essential for life and
Wedmore table was used to calculate the moisture
performs crucial functions, including solubility and
efficacy of some drugs. In this regard, mixture of level and the results were expressed as percentages.
honey with water strengthens the stomach and Electrical conductivity
increases appetite9. Moreover, honey was also Electrical conductivity was evaluated at 20°C in a 20%
recommended to be taken with warm water early in (w/v) jujube honey solution of 20 g of honey in 100 mL
the morning on an empty stomach19. Recently it was by a conductimeter in CO2-free deionized distilled water
suggested that therapeutic effect and antioxidant (Mettler Toledo, Greifensee, Switzerland), according to

the harmonized methods of the European Honey described by Brand-Williams et al. with slight
Commission23. The results were expressed as μS/cm. modification27. In brief, a 1 mL extemporaneously
prepared methanolic solution of DPPH• radical
Specific gravity (6 × 10−5 M) was mixed with 500 µL of jujube honey
According to Nandaa et al.24 the specific gravity of at various concentrations after dilution in distilled
jujube honey was determined by dividing the weight water (0.05, 0.1 and 0.2 g/mL). The contents were
of a glass beaker (50 mL) filled with honey by the vigorously agitated, then kept at room temperature
weight of the same beaker filled with water, the in the dark for 20 min before reading the optical
specific gravity of jujube honey was calculated. density at 517 nm. In each test, the examined sample
pH measurement alone in methanol was used as a blank, and the
pH was determined by pH-meter (Mettler Toledo, DPPH• radical alone in methanol was used as a
Greifensee, Switzerland) in a solution containing 10 g control. The percentage of radical scavenging
of jujube honey in 75 mL of distilled water23. capacity (RSC) of the investigated samples was
estimated using the following equation:RSC (%) =
Determination of jujube honey antioxidant activity in vitro
[(Acontrol − Asample)/Acontrol] ×100, where Acontrol and
Determination of total phenolic content Asample are the absorbance values of the control and
A modified version of the Folin-Ciocalteu method the tested samples, respectively. Furthermore, the
was used to measure the total phenolic content of the IC50 value, showing the concentration that caused
jujube honey25. Briefly, 1 g of jujube honey was 50% DPPH• radical scavenging, was determined from
diluted in 10 mL of distilled water and filtered the graph plotted RSC percentage against sample
through Whatman No: 1. Subsequently, 100 μL of concentration in order to compare the radical
Folin-Ciocalteu reagent (50%) were added to 100 μL scavenging capacity of the samples.
of honey solution at different concentrations
following dilution in distilled water (0.1, 0.5 and Evaluation of gastroprotective activity
1 g/mL), The flask was stoppered and let to stand for Animals and treatment
3 min at room temperature. Thereafter, 2 mL of Thirty, Balb/c male mice aged 6 weeks weighing
sodium carbonate (20%, Na2CO3) were added. between 25 and 30 g were used in this study obtained
Following 1h of incubation at room temperature from Pasteur Institute of Algiers. The animals were
in the dark, the absorbance was measured at 760 nm housed in the animal facility at Faculty of Science,
against a distilled water blank using a UV-VIS University M’hamed BOUGARA, Boumerdes,
Spectrophotometer (Hitachi U-1900, Japan). The total Algeria, at a temperature of 25°C and relative humidity
phenolic content was expressed as mg gallic acid ranging from 60 to 70%, under a 12 h light/dark cycle
equivalents (GAE) per 100 g of honey. during all the experiment. The animals were given free
Determination of total flavonoid content access to a standard commercial pellet diet and water
Measurement of total flavonoid content was ad libitum. To avoid coprophagy, each animal was
measured according to the aluminum chloride maintained in a wire mesh cage. The experimental
colorimetric method26. 1 mL of distilled water was design was approved by the Houari Boumediene
used to dissolve 1 g of jujube honey and then University of Sciences and Technology Ethics
sonicated for 20 min. Thereafter, 0.1, 0.5, and 1 g/mL committee and is in accordance with the guidelines of
of honey solution diluted in distilled water was the Algerian Association of Experimental Animal
mixed with 0.3 mL of 5% sodium nitrite, 0.3 mL of Sciences (N 45/DGLPAG/DVA.SDA.14).
10% aluminium chloride. Optical density reading at Treatment groups
510 nm of samples was taken after 10 min of Mice were randomly separated into 5 groups
incubation in the dark, with respect to a distilled water (6 animals in each) prior to 5 days of acclimatization
control. For each 100 g of honey, the data were to laboratory conditions. All treatments were
reported as mg of quercetin equivalent (QE). administered intra-gastrically (gavage) once daily for
Determination of free radical-scavenging ability by the use of 7 days at a volume of 200 µL/mice, excepting that
the 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH•) radical assay ethanol treatment was performed on day 7:
The DPPH• radical scavenging capacity of the  Control: mice in this group received saline solution
jujube honey samples was determined as previously (0.9%).

 Ethanol (ulcer control group): mice in this group and stained with hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) for
received absolute ethanol (99.9%). histological examination through the light
 Omeprazole: mice in this group received microscope.
omeprazole (40 mg/kg) dissolved in distilled
Measurement of some biochemical indices
 Jujube honey: mice in this group received 5 g/kg Antioxidant activity
b.w. of jujube honey. Superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity was
 Diluted jujube honey: mice in this group received measured by the nitroblue tetrazolium (NBT)
2.5 g/kg b.w. of jujube honey diluted in sterilized reduction method30. The amount of enzyme activity
distilled water (v/v). that results in a 50% inhibition of NBT to formazan
was used to define one unit of SOD activity.
Induction of ulcer Activity of catalase (CAT) was evaluated as the
Absolute ethanol was adminiseterd intragastrially rate of H2O2 reduction at 37°C at 240 nm using a
to induce an ulcer as described elsewhere with slight spectrophotometer based on the method of
modification, by giving 200 µL of absolute ethanol Aebi et al.31. At 25°C and pH 7.0, one unit of
for one hour28. On day 7 of experiment, all pre-treated CAT activity is the quantity of enzyme that catalyzes
animals were fasted for 12 h (water was allowed) and 1 mol H2O2 in 1 min.
received intra-gastrically 200 µL/mouse of absolute
Nitric oxide assay
ethanol. The same volume of saline (0.9% NaCl)
instead of ethanol was given to the control group. The level of nitric oxide in the plasma was
Then, one hour after ethanol administration, all evaluated using the modified Griess method32. The
animals were euthanized by cervical dislocation under values were expressed as μmol/L.
25% urethane anesthesia and blood samples were C-Reactive protein plasma measurement
collected in heparinized tubes for biochemical In order to study the inflammatory status, C-
analyses. Plasma samples were collected by Reactive Protein (CRP) plasma concentration was
centrifugation at 3000 rpm for 10 min at 4°C and then determined by Spinreact kit according to the
analyzed within 24 h. Also the stomachs were manufacturer’s instructions (Spinreact, S.A./S.A.U.
removed and opened along the greater curvature and Santa Coloma, Spain), and the values were expressed
washed in 0.9% physiological saline solution before as µg/L.
being fixed on cardboard to eliminate the gross gastric Analysis of leukocyte counts
lesion, to clean away the blood clots and to remove Whole blood sample was analyzed for the counts of
stomach contents. total leukocyte using the routine hematology
Gross examination of gastric mucosa laboratory method (Abacus 380 Automated
Using an illuminated magnifying lens, the stomach Hematology Analyzer, Diatron, Budapest, Hungary).
mucosal layer was carefully examined for occurrence
Statistical analysis
of ulcers, which were then measured for their
The results were presented as mean ± standard error
individual regions. The severity of mucosal ulcer was
of the mean (SEM). The variations in means were
assessed by measuring the area in cm2 of each lesion.
determined by one-way ANOVA, followed by
The ulcer area (cm2) was measured using AxioVisio
Bonferroni’s multiple comparison test using
software (Carl Zeis AxioVision REL. 4.6., Germany)
GraphPad Prism 7.0 (GraphPad Software Inc., La
and the percentage of inhibition was calculated by the
Jolla, CA, USA). The significance level for the null
following formula according to the recommendation
hypothesis rejection was set at 5% (p<0.05).
of Wasman et al., with slight modification29:
Percentage of inhibition (%) = [Injury area (ulcer Results
control) - Injury area (treatment or reference)] / Physicochemical parameters
[Injury area (ulcer control)] × 100%. The results of the physicochemical parameters of
Histopathological study the jujube honey are shown in Table 1. Jujube honey
Tissue samples were taken from the stomach, fixed was characterized by high values of pH, electrical
in 10% formalin for 24 h and processed for paraffin conductivity, specific gravity, phenolic compounds
embedding. Paraffin sections (4 µm) were prepared and antioxidant capacity whereas its moisture content

Table 1 — Physiochemical parameters, total phenolic and total flavonoid contents of jujube honey
pH Moisture Electrical Specific Total phenolic Total flavonoid Radical
content conductivity gravity content content scavenging
(%) (µS cm-1) (g/cm3) (GAE mg/100 g) (QE mg/100 g) capacity (%)
5.2±0.057 14.57±0.57 648.33±22.83 1.36±0.02 159.78±16.24 3.52±0.24 33.8±5.39
Data are expressed as mean ± SEM (n = 3)
GAE : Gallic Acid Equivalent; QE : Quercetin Equivalent; µS: micro Siemens
Table 2 — Effect of jujube honey on % body weight gain and food and water consumption in mice
Treatment regimen % b.w. gain Food consumption (g/day/100 g b.w.) Amount of water ingested (mL/day/100 g b.w.)

Control 4. 30±1.36 48.03± 6.81 52.87±1.93

Omeprazole (40 mg/kg) -9.82±2.54 38.59±2.57 41.01±8.22
Jujube honey (5 g/kg) -4.26±5.58 32.35± 5.02 60.2±10.30
Diluted jujube honey (2.5 g/kg) -7.62±4.60 36.85±3.48 20.42±11.55 (a, b2)
Data are expressed as mean ± SEM (n = 6).
Units are as given in the text. One way ANOVA followed by Bonferroni’s multiple comparison test.
p<0.05: vs control group, b2p<0.01: Jujube honey vs diluted jujube honey group. b.w.: body weight.

showed a lower mean. Furthermore, the honey Table 3 — Effects of jujube honey on gastric pH and ulcer area
concentration needed to scavenge 50% DPPH (IC50) in mice
was 14.531.58 mg/mL. Animal’s group Gastric pH Ulcer area (cm2)
Ethanol (Ulcer control) 4.97±0.20 0.93±0.05
The effect of jujube honey on body weight gain and food and Omeprazole (40 mg/kg) 6±0.25 0.18±0.02c1
water intake Jujube Honey (5 g/kg) 6.41±0.20 0.41±0.14c1
Mice treatment with jujube and diluted jujube Diluted Jujube Honey (2.5 g/kg) 6.41±0.77 0.36±0.03c1
honey for 7 days caused a non significant change in % Data are expressed as mean ± SEM (n = 6)
Units are as given in the text. One way ANOVA followed by
body weight gain and daily food consumption as Bonferroni’s multiple comparison test.
compared to the control group (Table 2). However, c1
p<0.001: vs ethanol group.
the daily water intake value showed a significant
decrease in the diluted jujube honey group compared
to control group (20.42±11.55 vs 52.87±1.93
mL/day/100 g b.w.; p<0.05).
Effect of jujube honey on stomach lesion severity
In the present study, treatment of mice with
omeprazole (40 mg/kg) resulted a significant
reduction in the ulcer area in comparison the ethanol
group (p<0.001) (Table 3). The jujube honey or
diluted jujube honey pretreatment in ethanol group
significantly decreased the ulcer area as compared to
the ethanol group (p<0.001) (Table 3). However, Fig. 1 — Effect of jujube honey on gross lesions examined in
Percentage of ulcer inhibition in jujube honey and ethanol-induced gastric ulcer in mice. (a) Control: has no injury of
diluted jujube honey treated mice was 55.55% and gastric mucosa tissues; (b) ethanol (ulcer): displays sever lesions
with extensive visible haemorrhagic necrosis of gastric mucosa;
60.57%, respectively, whereas that in omeprazole- Arrows indicate the area of hemorrhagic lesions in the inner
treated mice was 80.64%. surface of the stomach; (c) omeprazole: mild lesions of gastric
The effect of different treatments on macroscopic mucosa are observed compared to the lesions in ethanol (ulcer);
study examined in ethanol-induced gastric ulceration (d) Jujube honey: slight injuries with visible haemorrhagic of
in mice is shown in Fig. 1. Ethanol treatment caused gastric mucosa; (e) diluted jujube honey: nearly normal gastric
mucosa tissues. Scale bar =1 cm
severe lesions in mice, including extensive visible
hemorrhagic necrosis of the gastric mucosa (Fig. 1b). honey showed less protection in ethanol-ingested
Omeprazole pretreatment of ethanol-ingested mice mice (Fig. 1d). In contrast, the gastric mucosal was
reduced stomach mucosal lesions compared to the significantly protected from ethanol-induced lesions
ethanol group (Fig. 1c). Pretreatment with jujube after pretreatment with diluted jujube honey (Fig. 1e).

Histological studies of the control group’s gastric compared to the ethanol group (6.41 vs 4.97; p>0.05).
mucosa stained with H&E revealed intact surface Similarly, the omeprazole group also did not show
epithelium (Fig. 2a). In contrast, mucosal injury was any significant increase in the pH of stomach contents
observed in ethanol-treated mice in the form of compared with ethanol-ingested mice (6 vs 4.97;
epithelium damage, erosion areas and ulcerations p>0.05).
(Fig. 2b). However, pretreatment of ethanol ingested
Effect of jujube honey on some biochemical parameters
mice with omeprazole showed mild lesions of gastric
mucosa (Fig. 2c). Pretreatment of ethanol-ingested Effect of jujube honey on the activities of plasma Superoxide
Dismutase (SOD) and Catalase (CAT)
mice with jujube honey showed slight injuries of
Table 4 shows the results of the enzymatic
gastric mucosa (Fig. 2d). On the other hand,
antioxidant analyses. Ethanol treatment of mice
pretreatment with diluted jujube honey showed
induced a significant decrease in both SOD and
normal gastric mucosa tissue and has no disruption to
catalase activities as compared to the control mice
the surface epithelium (Fig. 2e).
(p<0.01). Pretreatment of ethanol-ingested mice with
Table 3 shows the effects of jujube honey on
both omeprazole and diluted jujube honey
ethanol-induced stomach pH changes. The pretreated
significantly increased plasma SOD (3.25- and 4.25-
groups with raw or diluted jujube honey showed no
fold, respectively) and catalase enzyme activity
significant increase in pH value of stomach contents
(2.79- and 2.71-fold, respectively) compared to the
ethanol group.
Effect of jujube honey on plasma C-reactive
protein (CRP):The mean of the plasma inflammatory
marker CRP was significantly increased in the ethanol
group compared to control group (23.08±1.00 vs
5.45±0.33 µg/L; p<0.001). However, daily
consumption of jujube honey for 7 days decreased
CRP values (17.08±0.71 µg/L) whereas the diluted
jujube honey caused remarkable decrease (6.05±0.63
µg/L) compared to the ethanol group (Table 4).
Effect of jujube honey on plasma Nitric Oxide (NO)
concentrations: Treatments of mice with ethanol
caused a significant increase in NO plasma level as
Fig. 2 — Histopathological study of the effect of jujube honey on compared to the control group (15.49±1.18 vs
gastric injuries in ethanol-induced mice. Control: gastric mucosa 9.96±0.93 µmol/L; p<0.01) (Table 4). Both
showed intact tissue; (b) ethanol (ulcer): displays sever disruption omeprazole and diluted jujube honey pretreatment
to the surface epithelium and necrotic lesion of gastric mucosa;
Arrows indicate the area of lesions in the inner surface of the
reduced significantly plasma NO levels in ulcer-
stomach; (c) omeprazole: mild lesions of gastric mucosa but deep induced mice (11.51±0.50 µmol/L; p<0.05 and
mucosal damage is absent; (d) Jujube honey: slight injuries of 10.02±1.09 µmol/L; p<0.01, respectively).
gastric mucosa; (e) diluted jujube honey: normal gastric mucosa
tissue and has no disruption to the surface epithelium. Effect of jujube honey on white blood cells count
Histopathological tissue sections were stained with H&E. Scale The mice pretreated with diluted jujube honey
bare =200 µm before ethanol administration showed an obvious
Table 4 — Effect of jujube honey on plasma Superoxide Dismutase (SOD), Catalase activities, CRP and nitric oxide (NO) in ethanol-
induced gastric ulceration model in mice
Animal’s group SOD (U/mL) Catalase (µmol H2O2/min/mL) CRP (µg/L) NO (µmol/L)
Control 0.34±0.02 3.01±0.31 5.45±0.33 9.96±0.93
Ethanol (Ulcer) 0.04±0.01c 0.87±0.34b 23.08±1.00c 15.49±1.18b
Omeprazole (40 mg/kg) 0.13±0.006 2.43±0.31a1 11.93±0.72c1 11.51±0.50a1
Jujube honey (5 g/kg) 0.07±0.03 1.73±0.35 17.08±0.71c1 13.55±0.51
Diluted jujube honey (2.5 g/kg) 0.17±0.04 2.36±0.25 6.05±0.63c1 10.02±1.09b1
Data are expressed as mean ± SEM (n = 6).
Units are as given in the text. One way ANOVA followed by Bonferroni’s multiple comparison test.
p<0.01: vs control group, cp<0.001: vs control group; a1p<0.05: vs ethanol group, b1p<0.01: vs ethanol group, c1p<0.001: vs ethanol
group. SOD: Super Oxide Dismutase, CRP: C-Reactive Protein, NO: Nitric Oxide.

decrease in the level of leukocytes with 2389± groups, diluted jujube honey treated group shows a
139 cells/µL, when compared with the ethanol group promising effect in gastroprotective mucosa.
(4540±188 cells/µL; p<0.001). However, pretreatment Gastric ulceration is known to occur
of ethanol-ingested mice with raw jujube honey caused simultaneously, when the physiological balance
a no significant decrease with 3638±138 cells/µL between the protective barriers and the ulcerogenic
(p>0.05) as compared to the ulcer-induced mice. factors is disrupted with mucosal aggression or
decrease of stomach epithelium resistance38. In this
Discussion investigation, catalase and SOD enzymes antioxidant
This study reveals the protective effect of jujube activities were also enhanced by jujube honey. Jujube
honey in treating gastric ulcer induced by ethanol. honey’s antioxidant capacities and free radical
According to the limits defined by the European scavengers can be attributed to its antioxidant
honey standard, the jujube honey values displayed a phenolic and flavonoid contents15. The antioxidant
high quality33. Jujube honey was distinguished than properties of flavonoids involve transition metal ion
the majority of monofloral honey by higher chelation, reactive oxygen species scavenging,
values of polyphenolics, pH and electrical decrease of lipid peroxidation and increase of
conductivity and by lower moisture content. enzymatic and non enzymatic antioxidants39. The
Interestingly, the Jujube honey’s pH level honey was jujube honey flavonoids content could also contribute
close to neutral, which is significantly higher than the to higher antioxidant activity that acts through several
Indian and Australian honeys pH34,35. The moisture chemical mechanisms.
content in the investigated honey was lower than Reduced in CRP plasma level in diluted jujube
20%, which is well below the imposed limit of honey and decrease in white blood cells counts was
European Commission33. Regarding the electrical related to the anti-inflammatory effect of jujube
conductivity, the values of jujube honey were higher honey. It was reported that diluted natural honey
than found in Chinese jujube honey16. Additionally, intake leads to a reduction in the concentration plasma
the phenolic compounds could be considered high levels of prostaglandins such as prostaglandin E2,
when compared with honeydew honeys from prostaglandin F2a and thromboxane B2 in normal
Romania36 and commercial honeys from India34. individuals, thus showing anti-inflammatory effects40.
These differences of jujube honey when compared It is found that Gelam honey exhibits its inhibitory
with other honey types were highly related to its effects by attenuating NF-κB pathway, with subsquent
darkest colored and could be influenced by decrease of inflammatory mediators41.
environmental conditions in drier regions15. Ethanol-induced gastric ulcers are commonly
Our results are similar with previous research that associated with nitric oxide (NO) modulation
reported that honey feeding had no effect on body pathway12. In our study, NO levels in jujube honey
weight gain and food consumption compared with rats groups may have regulatory effects on prevention of
fed by Manuka honey12. Moreover, diluted jujube ulcer. Thus, the gastroprotective mechanism displayed
honey feeding resulted in a decrease in water intake by jujube honey was to maintain the normal
amounts, compared either with control or with jujube physiological levels of NO and to reduce its undesired
honey groups. In this study, unifloral jujube honey effects due to tissue damage and inflammation. Its
was found to have significant gastroprotective activity Known that bioactive phenolic compounds comprise
against ethanol-induced stomach ulcers under an excellent source of antioxidant chemicals and
macroscopic and histopthaological examination of has anti-apoptotic properties via inhibiting ROS
gastric mucosal layer. This is consistent with previous generation and NO-induced cell death42. There was a
works, which have shown the gastroprotective effect clear correlation between phenolic compounds
of various types of honey in rats, whether unifloral or ROS scavenging capacity of jujube honey and NO
multifloral and from various botanical origins37. induced inflammation. Gelam honey’s phenolic
Furthermore, our findings are consistent with recent compounds are recognized for down regulating
research which demonstrated that the Kelult NF-κB. This, in turn, decreases the iNOS
Malaysian honey and Turkish honey having anti-ulcer biosynthesis43, and subsequently, inhibits nitric oxide
properties against ethanol induced gastric ulcer in production. The phenolic compounds in jujube
rats13,14. However, when compared to the other honey may be able to suppress NO by scavenging the

NO radical and inhibiting NF-κB but the exact Author’s Contributions

mechanism remains unclear. AB: Experimental study, Methodology, Writing,
Several reports have shown that omeprazole YZ: Data compilation, Statistical analyzer, AB:
which is largely used to treat gastrointestinal Experimental study, Methodology, LH & LK:
disorders, has major side effects and causes peripheral Methodology, SS: Research guidance, NAS :
neuropathy, abdominal pain, nausea, diarrhea, Guidance, Manuscript revision and MK: Writing
vomiting, flatulence, headache and fulminant support, Supervision.
hepatic failure44. Omeprazole is known to work
by inhibiting adenosine triphosphatase, an essential References
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