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Nutritional and biochemical evaluation of Averrhoa bilimbi L.

Article · October 2013

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3 authors:

Chandni Peris Kavitha Singh

St. John's National Academy of Health Sciences Mount Carmel College


Myrene Dsouza
Mount Carmel College


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Archives of Pharmacy and Biological Sciences

Nutritional and biochemical evaluation of Averrhoa bilimbi L.

Peris C.1, Singh K.2*, D'souza M.2
1 DOS in Nutrition and Dietetics, Mount Carmel College, Palace Road, Bangalore, India- 560052.
2 Department of Chemistry, Mount Carmel College, Palace Road, Bangalore, India- 560052.


Received: 15-06-2013 Averrhoa bilimbi is a nutrition-packed, starchy fruit that grows mostly on the trunk of tall
trees and is a rich source of ascorbic acid. Other than the vitamins, the fruit also consists of
Accepted: 18-07-2013 fibre, ash, protein and moisture as well as minerals. Phytochemical screenings have
shown the presence of carbohydrates, flavonoids, tannins and hydrolysable tannins. The
Available online: 31-08-2013 total antioxidant activity (% inhibition of DPPH) in the Averrhoa bilimbi fruit and fruit
juice was found to be 43.89 ± 0.69 % and 34.47 ± 0.98 % respectively. Ascorbic acid
content in the fresh fruit and fruit juice was found to be 15.42 ± 1.44 mg/100 g and 10.83 ±
0.72 mg/100ml respectively. The amount of ß-carotene in the fresh fruit and fruit
concentrate samples was found to be around 0.031 ± 0.001 mg/100g and 0.028 ± 0.003
mg/100 ml respectively. The phenol content was found to be approximately 275 ± 2.24
mg/100g and 130 ± 1.74 mg/100ml of the fresh fruit and juice respectively. The flavonoid
Antioxidants, Ascorbic acid, content was found to be higher in the fresh fruit sample containing around 155 ± 1.83 mg/
Averrhoa bilimbi, ß-carotene, 100g and 125 ± 1.36 mg / 100 ml of the fruit concentrate made into a juice. The values
calcium, flavonoids, phenols, seen in both samples give us an insight into its antioxidant potential and hence the need to
tannins. increase its consumption in order to obtain health benefits.

INTRODUCTION cancer and cardiovascular diseases are irrefutable, there is a real

Since time immemorial human beings have been dependant need for development of disease-fighting foods[2,3]. Diet is
on plants for food, medicine and shelter. Plants provide a wealth believed to play an important role in the four major diseases of
of bioactive compounds. They are the main source of drugs that advanced and transitional economies viz. cardiovascular disease,
have been used from ancient times as herbal remedies, prevention cancer, hypertension, and obesity which can be elicited by the
and cure of various diseases and ailments. Many Indian plants are overproduction of free radicals causing oxidative damage to
used therapeutically for their antidiabetic effect, antihyper biomolecules like lipids, proteins and DNA.
lipidemic activity and antibacterial activities[1]. Trees in particular Fruits are also diverse in antioxidant composition and those
have played a significant role in our culture, yet today we pay far with high antioxidant activity generally contain more
less importance to them. There exist several beneficial fruit antioxidants[4]. Antioxidants are defined as a class of compounds
bearing trees in different parts of the world that still remain which include vitamins, enzymes and phytochemicals. Numerous
unexplored nutritionally. Averrhoa bilimbi, a tropical tree epidemiological studies suggest that diets rich in antioxidants
domesticated in home gardens commonly known as the execute a protective role in health and disease[5,6]. Antioxidants
Cucumber tree or Tree sorrel is one such evergreen tree bearing a may serve the task of reducing oxidative damage in humans
rare and exotic fruit locally known as 'bilimbi'. In India today, the induced by free radicals and reactive oxygen species (ROS) under
Averrhoa bilimbi tree is found mainly in coastal areas with a oxidative stress conditions. Reactive oxygen species (ROS)
humid climate such as Karnataka, Kerala, Maharashtra and Goa causes DNA and protein damage, lipid peroxidation, cancer,
where it is popularly known by the names 'bilimbi', 'Irumban puli' ageing and inflammatory activity [7]. Averrhoa bilimbi is a
'bimbul' or 'bimli'. Averrhoa bilimbi belongs to the Order nutrition-packed, starchy fruit that grows mostly on the trunk of
Oxalidales and is part of the Wood Sorrel family known as tall trees and is known to be a rich source of ascorbic acid. Other
Oxalidaceae. It is commonly known by its binomial name than vitamins, the fruit also consists of fibre, ash, protein and
Averrhoa bilimbi L. moisture as well as minerals[8]. It is known to possess a large
The current concept and trend today, is towards total health number of health and medicinal benefits which include
management, the emphasis being on prevention rather than cure. hypoglycemic, hypotriglyceridemic, antioxidant, antibacterial,
Since the connection between diet and some chronic diseases like hepato-protective and antifertility[9] to name a few. It is due to the

Singh K., Department of Chemistry, Mount Carmel College, Palace Road, Bangalore, India- 560052.
Email : [email protected] Phone No. +91 9980490272

Arch. of Pharm. and Bio Sci. | May-Aug 2013 | Vol-1 | Issue-2
biochemical constituents that the consumption of bilimbi may aid acetic acid mixture was added and titrated against indophenol
in the prevention of the above mentioned maladies. dye. The volume of indophenol dye used to neutralize the acid
was noted and was used for the calculation of the amount of
The use of bilimbi for commercial purposes especially as
ascorbic acid in the sample.
antioxidants remains low, due to its lack of popularity and
research. It is an underutilized fruit, not grown on a commercial β-Carotene
basis in India today and is yet to become popular with a large
β-carotene was estimated using the method described by
number of consumers. Also, grocery store sales are limited in
most markets. Hence, the objective of this study was to prepare a Mangels[11]. β-carotene was extracted from 0.5 g of fresh tissue in
fruit concentrate from the Averrhoa bilimbi using traditional 10 ml of 1:1 petroleum ether and acetone. The extract was then
methods; and to determine the antioxidant potential (free radical filtered through Whatman No. 1 filter paper and left undisturbed
scavenging activity, flavonoids, ascorbic acid, ß-carotene, and overnight. The extract was centrifuged and the centrifugate
phenols) in both fruit and fruit juice with a goal to reintroduce the evaporated till half its original volume. A pinch of sodium
consumption of this fruit. sulphate was added to all the solutions and again centrifuged. β-
carotene thus obtained was read at 470 nm in a calorimeter.
Total Phenols
Plant Material
The total phenol content of the samples was estimated using
The fruits of Averrhoa bilimbi were collected from Fraser the method described by Singleton and Rossi[12] 1g of the fresh
Town, Bangalore, India in August 2012. After collection, fruits sample was weighed accurately and macerated in a mortar and
were thoroughly washed with water, sliced with a knife and pestle with 10 ml of methanol and water (4:1). The mixture was
utilized in the experiments. filtered using a Whatman filter paper and the filtrate was left
Fruit Concentrate Preparation exposed to air. Once partially evaporated, 6 drops of 2 M
sulphuric acid was added to it followed by the addition of
500 g of Averrhoa bilimbi fruit was taken and homogenized in chloroform to the mixture in a 3:1 ratio. The chloroform layer was
a liquidizer with 250 ml water. The pulp was strained through a separated out using a separating funnel and was then exposed to
sieve and the filtrate was kept aside. 500 ml of water was air for about 12 h. Once completely evaporated, the residue was
separately boiled along with 750 g sugar and 15 g of citric acid dissolved in minimal amount of methanol and used for the
and made into syrup. The above mixture was added to the estimation of total phenols.
Averrhoa bilimbi filtrate. The filtrate was left to cool and then
packed in sterilized glass bottles. A fruit concentrate was also Flavonoids
prepared by traditional methods, diluted in the ratio of 1:2 and The flavonoid content of the samples was estimated using the
estimated for the different parameters. method described by Yang[13]. 0.5 to 2.0 ml aliquots of standard
Total Antioxidants Quercetin solution (1 mg/1 ml) was pipetted out into different test
tubes. The volume in each of the tubes was made up to 2 ml with
The total antioxidant activity of the samples was estimated by methanol. 2 ml of methanol served as the blank. 0.1 ml of 10 %
the method described by Braca[7]. A stock solution of ascorbic acid aluminium chloride reagent was added to each of the tubes
(1000 µg/ml) was diluted suitably in order to obtain different followed by 0.1 ml of 1M potassium acetate solution and 2.8 ml of
concentrations of ascorbic acid ranging from 10µg-100µg. 0.1 ml distilled water. The test tubes were incubated for 30 min at room
of each of the above prepared concentrations of ascorbic acid was temperature. The contents of each tube were mixed well and the
taken in clean dry test-tubes tubes. The volume in each tube was absorbance was read at 670 nm against the blank.
made up to 3 ml with DPPH. The test tubes were incubated for 10
min at room temperature. The contents of the tubes were mixed Tannins
well and the absorbance read at 517 nm against a suitable blank. 0.5 g of the freshly ground sample was macerated in distilled
3.1 ml DPPH was used as control. A standard curve was plotted to water and boiled for 30 min. The mixture was then centrifuged at
determine the total antioxidant content in the samples. The % 2000 rpm for 20 minutes. 5 ml of the supernatant made up to 100
inhibition of DPPH by the samples was calculated as follows: ml with distilled water was used for the estimation of tannins.
% Inhibition of DPPH by the sample = Ac-As x 100 Determination of tannin was based on the method of Schanderi[14].
Aliquots of standard tannic acid solution (50µg/ml) were pipetted
Ac out into different test tubes and made upto 10 ml with distilled
water. 0.5ml of Folin Denis reagent followed by 1.0 ml of sodium
where, Ac is the Optical Density (O.D.) of the control, As is the carbonate was added to each test tube. The tubes were incubated
Optical Density (O.D.) of the sample. for 30 minutes at room temperature and the absorbance was read
Ascorbic acid at 760 nm against a suitable blank. A standard curve was plotted to
determine the tannic acid content in the samples.
Ascorbic acid content was estimated using the method
described by Osborne and Boogt [10] 0.5 g of the sample was Carbohydrate
homogenized with 10 ml of oxalic acid-acetic acid mixture and 100 mg of the fresh sample was macerated with a small
filtered through a muslin cloth. The filtrate was then centrifuged amount of 0.2 N sulphuric acid and refluxed for 30 minutes in a
at 4000 rpm for 5 minutes and the resultant supernatant was flask. The mixture was then cooled and neutralized with a pinch of
collected and used for the estimation of ascorbic acid. To 2.5 ml of sodium carbonate. The mixture was then made up to 50 ml with
the supernatant taken in a conical flask, 5 ml of the oxalic acid- 0.2 N sulphuric acid and the contents were centrifuged. The

Arch. of Pharm. and Bio Sci. | May-Aug 2013 | Vol-1 | Issue-2

supernatant was collected and used for the estimation of the and 125 mg/100 ml of the fruit juice. While tannin levels
amount of total carbohydrates present in the sample. The total estimated in the fresh fruit was 5.07 ± 0.59 that in the fruit juice
carbohydrate was measured according to the procedure of Roe[15]. was negligible.
0.2 to 1.0 ml aliquots of standard glucose solution (1mg/ml) was DISCUSSION
pipetted out into different test tubes. 1.0 ml of the sample solution
was used for estimation. The volume in each of the tubes was Preliminary studies have shown that harvesting should not be
made up to 1.0 ml with distilled water followed by 4 ml of done at full maturity as it has an influence on the physicochemical
Anthrone reagent. The tubes were incubated in a boiling water characteristics of the fruit. The carbohydrate levels were lower
bath for 10 minutes. 7 ml of distilled water was added to each tube than those reported for a similar fruit of the same family, Averrhoa
and the absorbance was read at 630 nm against a blank. carambola (~ 8 mg/100g)[16]. Ripe bilimbi fruits had higher levels
of carbohydrate than half-ripe fruits, independently of the season
Statistical analysis
in which they were harvested[17]. This happens because during
Samples were triplicated for the determination of each of the maturation the starch is converted to simple sugars.
biochemical components. The average value for each of the
triplicate samples was used for data analysis. The data were The juice concentrate was diluted (1:2) but yet showed good
presented as Mean ± SD for each group. antioxidant potential as determined by DPPH inhibition. The fruit
extract of Averrhoa bilimbi has potential antioxidant capacity and
RESULTS its consumption may contribute substantial amount of
The physicochemical characteristics of bilimbi fruits and fruit antioxidants to the diet [18,19].
juice are as shown in Table 1. These values refer to the averages of Ripe bilimbi harvested during dry season showed maximum
the determinations made during August/ September 2012. The level of ascorbic acid than the raw or half-ripe fruit. Similar
total carbohydrates in bilimbi were found to be 5.04 ± 1.17. The pattern was observed by Lima et al[17]. Therefore, the medicinal
antioxidant potential in terms of % inhibition of DPPH was found use of this fruit against scurvy, which was recommended by
to be 44 % in the fresh fruit and 34 % in the fruit juice. The juice Corrêa[20] and Wong & Wong[21], can be justified.
concentrate was diluted (1:2) but still showed good antioxidant
potential. The estimation of ascorbic acid indicates that the fresh Consumption of ß-carotene is known to be beneficial in
fruit has about 15 mg/100 g of the fruit. The amount was shown to prevention of a number of cancers[22] and cardiovascular
be comparatively lesser in the fruit juice in having 10 mg/100 ml. diseases23. Fruits containing ß-carotene, vitamin E and lycopene
The amount of ß-carotene estimated in the fresh fruit and fruit constitute natural sources of antioxidants. Fruits form a major part
juice and was found to be around 0.031 mg/100 g and 0.287 of the daily consumption in both healthy and diseased people and
mg/100 ml respectively. Polyphenolic compounds like flavonoids have a variety of pleasant and attractive flavours. Cooking and
and tannins usually found in plants have been reported to have dehydration at high temperatures of 50 °C-70 °C may lead to
multiple biological effects, including antioxidant activity. The greater destruction of carotenoids in Averrhoa bilimbi. The
results of total phenol content, tannins and flavonoids are as principle cause of deterioration of the carotenoid is oxidation, this
presented in Table 1. The phenol content was found to be being more severe once cellular integrity has been lost due to the
approximately 275 mg/100 g and 130 mg/ 100 ml of the fresh fruit high degree of unsaturation of the carotenoid [24,25,26,27]. Hence,
and juice respectively. The flavonoid content was found to be consumption of the fruit in its raw form or in a beverage that has
higher in the fresh fruit sample containing around 155 mg/100g not been subjected to excess cooking is preferred.

Table 1: Nutrient content in Averrhoa bilimbi fruit and fruit juice samples

Arch. of Pharm. and Bio Sci. | May-Aug 2013 | Vol-1 | Issue-2

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