CHE 232 Test 1
CHE 232 Test 1
CHE 232 Test 1
Section A
ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS (each question is worth 2 marks)
1. For the following structure there are …….1……..2 and ……..3 carbons
A. 3, 4, 1
B. 3, 3, 2
C. 3, 2, 3
D. 2, 3, 3
A. sp3, sp, sp
B. sp2, sp, sp3
C. sp2, sp, sp
D. sp3, sp2, sp
4. What is the IUPAC name of the following compound?
A. 3-Bromo-2-hydroxypentane B. 2-Hydroxy-3-bromopentane
C. 3-Bromopentan-2-ol D. 3-Bromopentan-4-ol
5. Which of the following alkanes will have the highest boiling point?
6. What is the molecular formula of a hydrocarbon that has one triple bond, two double
bonds, one ring and 32 carbon atoms?
A. C32H62
B. C32H60
C. C32H58
D. C32H56
7. The eclipsed conformation of n-butane viewed along the C2/C3 bond has high energies
because of:
A. Steric strain
B. Angle strain
C. Torsional strain
D. Both steric strain and torsional strain
9. Which of the following compounds can exist as cis-trans isomers?
10. How many monochlorination product(s) are possible in the reaction of the alkane shown
below with chlorine in the presence of light?
A.. 4 B. 5 C. 6 D. 7
11. According to the Cahn-Ingold-Prelog convention, which priority ranking is correct for the
following sets of groups?
A. NH2 > OCH3 >CH3 >H C. H > OCH3 >CH3 > NH2
B. OCH3 > NH2 > CH3 > H D. OCH3 > CH3 > NH2 > H
A. cis-1,2-dibromocyclopentane
B. trans-1,2-dibromopentane
C. 1,1-dibromocyclopentane
D. trans-1,2-dibromocyclopentane
13. The relationship between the structures below is best described by which term?
A. Tautomers
B. Resonance structures
C. Conformational isomers
D. Stereoiosmers
14. Which one of the following schemes showing the flow of electrons from reagent forming
products is not correct?
15. The following reaction occurs in the formation of chloroethane from ethane by its
reaction with chlorine in the presence of light. In which step does this reaction occur?
A. Initiation
B. Propagation
C. Termination
D. Both Termination and Initiation
A. Trans-1,2-dimethylcyclohexane
B. Cis-1,2-dimethylcyclohexane
C. 1,2-Dimethylhexane
D. 1,3-Dimethylhexane
17. Which of the following reagents will NOT yield the given product in the reaction shown
A. 2,2-dibromobutane
B. cis-2-bromobut-2-ene
C. trans-2-bromobut-2-ene
D. cis and trans-2-bromobut-2-ene
19. Which one of the hydrogen atoms in the following compound is most acidic?
Question 1
(i) Give the systematic names for the following compounds. Include stereochemistry
where applicable. [6 marks]
(ii) Draw the structures of compounds corresponding to the following systematic names.
[4 marks]
a. 4-Hydroxy-2-methylpentanoic acid
b. 7-Methyloct-1-en-4-yne
(iii) Assign E and Z configuration for the compounds shown below. [8 marks]
(iv) Write a balanced equation for the complete combustion of n-butane. [2 marks]
Question Two
(i) For rotation about C1-C2 bond of 2,2-dimethylpropane draw the Newman projections
of the staggered and eclipsed conformations. [4 marks] [hint: there is only one of
(ii) Give the product for the reaction below and hence draw the chair conformations of
the product indicating the most stable conformational structure. [4 marks]
(iii) Give the structures of the alkenes that will yield the indicated products in each of the
following reactions. [6
(iv) Give the structures of the major products in each of the following reactions. [6
Question Three
(i) Draw proper curved arrows to complete the reaction mechanism shown below and
give structures of two possible termination products. [6 marks]
(ii) Give the structures of the missing products or reagents in the reaction scheme shown
below.[10 marks]
(iii) An alkyne with molecular formula C5H8 is treated with excess HBr and two different
products are obtained each of which has molecular formula C5H10Br2.
(a) Give the structure of the starting alkyne.
…………………………………………………………………[1 mark]
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