Creativity and Insight - A Review of EEG, ERP - Anotado PDF
Creativity and Insight - A Review of EEG, ERP - Anotado PDF
Creativity and Insight - A Review of EEG, ERP - Anotado PDF
shove him/her into the nearest brain scanner, and tell him/her:
Now, please be creative! The same, one might think, holds for
insights. An insight is so capricious, such a slippery thing to catch
in flagrante, that it appears almost deliberately designed to defy
empirical inquiry. To most neuroscientists, the prospect of looking
for creativity in the brain must seem like trying to nail jelly to the
It is perhaps no surprise, then, that the experimental study of
creativity did not develop over the past 50 years like other areas of
the psychological sciencesthat is, relentlessly forward and upward. To clarify, there has been, no doubt, considerable progress in
many areas of creativity research. Through surveys, case studies,
historical records, or personality inventories, psychologists have
amassed a large database about the creative process, from the traits
and habits of individual geniuses to general patterns common to
the career trajectories of all creators (e.g., Gardner, 1993; Simonton, 2003). Laboratory-based research on creativity, however, the
mainstay of nearly all other domains in psychology, did not proliferate in the same way.
Early experimental work by Gestalt psychologists on insight
aside (e.g., Wertheimer, 1945), creativity research is commonly
said to have begun with Joy Paul Guilfords farewell address as
president of the American Psychological Association in 1950. In
this article, Guilford (1950) called for the study of creativity and
backed his call to arms with a proposal on how to go about doing
so, via the concept of divergent thinking.
The idea of divergent thinking, defined as the ability to generate
multiple solutions to an open-ended problem (Guilford, 1967), was
quickly taken up because it represented a method to bring a
hitherto intractable problem into the folds of empirical science.
Divergent Thinking
EEG and Divergent Thinking
EEG is a noninvasive measure of electrical brain activity. It is a
record of electric field potentials, represented as changes in potential
difference between different points on the scalp, which arise primarily
from excitatory and inhibitory postsynaptic potentials. Although the
EEG signal has been used for decades to limn the neurophysiological
changes that accompany mental processes, it was not used to study
aspects of creativity until the late 1990s, save for three reports by
Martindale and colleagues (Martindale & Hasenfus, 1978; Martindale
& Hines, 1975; Martindale, Hines, Mitchell, & Covello, 1984).
Several EEG parameters are relevant to this review. EEG data are
reported in frequency ranges. At the low end of the scale is delta
activity, which is a regular, low-amplitude wave of 15 Hz. This
frequency band reflects a low neuronal firing rate and is mostly
associated with deep sleep. Theta activity is a medium-amplitude,
medium-frequency rhythm of 5 8 Hz. A person exhibiting this
rhythm reports feeling drowsy. Alpha activity is a fairly regular
pattern between 8 and 12 Hz. The alpha band is prominent when a
person is minimally arousedawake but relaxed. Beta activity, which
is an irregular pattern between 12 and 30 Hz, occurs mostly during
alertness and active thinking. Finally, there is the gamma rhythm,
which represents oscillations around the 40 Hz mark that are associated with the binding of perceptual information. Changes to the EEG
records are reported in terms of power and synchrony. EEG power is
obtained by doing spectral analysis; it reflects the frequency content in
an electrode. EEG synchrony is a reflection of how the signals from
different electrodes are related to each other. Power changes in timelocked events are known as event-related synchronization (ERS) and
event-related desynchronization (ERD; Pfurtscheller & Lopes da
Silva, 1999). Synchrony is used to indicate synchronous activity
between pairs of electrodes that is independent of spectral power or
ERP is EEG recorded in response to external stimuli. Stimuluslocked ERPs are usually much smaller in amplitude than EEG and are
described in terms of their characteristic scalp distribution, polarity,
and latency. The ERP record yields several components that provide
information about different cognitive processes. The prominent P300,
for instance, is a positive deflection occurring 300 ms after stimulus
presentation; it is thought to reflect attentional resource allocation and
cognitive processing speed. The N200, on the other hand, is a negative
deflection 200 ms post stimulus onset and may reflect response
inhibition. In creativity research, only insight studies have thus far
made use of this technique.
Table 1
Summary of Creativity Studies Using the Divergent Thinking Paradigm
Martindale &
Hasenfus (1978)
12 and 32 EEG
Martindale et al.
Experiment 1
Martindale et al.
Experiment 2
Jausovec (2000),
Experiment 1
Type of design
Main findings
Table 1 (continued)
Jausovec (2000),
Experiment 2
Razumnikova (2000)
Type of design
Main findings
Table 1 (continued)
Razumnikova (2004)
Same as Razumnikova
Razumnikova (2005)
DTT: Unusual
problems requiring
creative solutions
(a) Insight task, (b)
utopian situations,
and (c) the AUT;
CTT: WE Task
DTT: Unusual
problems requiring
creative solutions
(a) Insight task and
(b) utopian situations
Type of design
Main findings
Table 1 (continued)
Type of design
Covariate (extra/introversion),
between-task comparison,
and task vs. rest
Razumnikova (2007)
Shemyakina &
Danko (2007)
DTT: possible
Within-task comparison and
definitions differing
task vs. rest
in meaning of (a)
emotionally positive,
(b) negative, and (c)
neutral nouns
DTT: unusual
Within-task comparison and
situations that need
task vs. rest
an explanation taken
from the TTCT
Razumnikova et al.
Main findings
Extraversion was not correlated
with originality. Extraverts
producing highly original ideas
had the highest alpha power,
whereas introverts with less
original ideas had the lowest.
EEG alpha activity was stronger
in RH. Extraverts who were
highly original had lowest level
of cortical arousal, and vice
The RAT showed higher power
and coherence in beta, increased
theta power at frontal sites, and
increased alpha ERDs over
posterior and prefrontal leads.
Originality was positively
correlated with more coherence
focused in the fronto-parietal
regions of both hemispheres in
beta and in left parietotemporal
loci for Alpha 1.
The creative task without
emotional induction led to a
local decrease in beta power in
the left frontotemporal area and
a coherence decrease in most
cortical zones. Emotional
induction had a much stronger
effect on the state of the cortex
than the creative task did.
More original ideas elicited a
stronger alpha ERS and higher
phase coupling in RH.
Originality was indexed in lower
The maximum alpha activity peak
frequency was not significantly
correlated with creativity score.
Originality showed a trend with
lowest values for individual
alpha peak frequencies.
For AUT, there was strong alpha
ERS in frontal regions, and high
originality was associated with
alpha ERS in posterior brain
regions, especially in RH. Low
originality showed no
hemispheric differences.
Creative cognition was
associated with frontal alpha
There was higher activation in RH,
but that effect was independent
of gender, test, and creative
instruction. Desynchronization
of Alpha 1, 2 and Beta 2
rhythms. Some changes to
specific frequency were task
(table continues)
Table 1 (continued)
Carlsson et al.
Howard-Jones et al.
Type of design
Between-task comparison and
task vs. rest
Main findings
The creative task produced a
marked increase in EEG power
in the Beta 2 and gamma bands.
Induction had a much stronger
effect on the cortex than the
creative task.
Table 1 (continued)
Chavez-Eakle et al.
Sieborger et al.
Jung, Gasparovic, et
al. (2009)
Type of design
Main findings
DDT: name all possible Covariate (TTCT Figural Form High scorers showed increased
unusual uses for
B, gender), within-task
CBF in right precentral gyrus
everyday objects
comparison, and task vs. rest
(BA 6), right cerebellum, left
frontal gyrus (BA 6, 10, and
47), right frontal rectal gyrus
(BA 11), left orbital frontal
gyrus (BA 47), left temporal
gyrus (BA 20 and 38), and
bilateral inferior parietal lobule
(BA 40). A bilateral distributed
system was involved in highly
creative performance.
Finding pragmatic links Between-task comparison and For (a), more activity occurred in
between (a)
task vs. rest
frontoparietal regions; for (b),
incoherent vs. (b)
increased activation was found
unrelated sentences;
in the fusiform gyri. The time
creativity was
course of the signal change in
needed for
frontomedial regions showed
incoherent sentences
that all conditions engaged this
brain region to an equal degree.
PET (11C) raclopride DTT: subsample of the Within-task comparison and
There was a positive correlation
(11C) FLB 457
inventiveness battery
task vs. rest
between DTT and D2 binding
of the Berliner
potential in left sensorimotor
Intelligenz Struktur
striatum; there was an inverse
correlation between DTT and
D2 binding potential in right
posterior thalamus. A limited
level of dopaminergic
hyperactivity was interpreted as
promoting creativity.
Covariate (SPQ) and withinThe high SPQ group showed larger
task comparison
right PFC activation. A potential
confound could be that the high
SPQ group had a significantly
higher mean age. Schizotypal
traits were found to be related to
right prefrontal laterality.
Creative metaphors or Covariate (IQ), between-task
For (a), there was bilateral activity
analogies: (a) 30
comparison and task vs. rest
of anterior frontal and posterior
fluid letter string
cortices, and the left middle
items (if abc abd,
superior frontal gyrus (BA 46/9)
then pqqrrr?); four
showed a linear relationship
answer choices
between IQ and BOLD change.
differing in
High IQ and analogizing were
analogical depth and
correlated, especially when
number of
incorporating elements of
transformation; (b)
creativity through adaptive
control task: perfectreorganization and restructuring
match letter string
of novel information.
DTT: five different
Tissue volume as a function of Tissue volume in occipital and
tasks of creativity,
test scores
frontal cortices as well as
all compiled into one
thalamus inversely predicted
creativity index
creative functioning. There was
a possible role of frontal
downregulation in creative
MRI: proton
DTT: (a) AUT, (b) free Covariate (gender) and within- Women had higher creativity
drawing, (c) four
task comparison
scores and lower NAA in right
line drawing, all
anterior and posterior gray
compiled into a
matter compared with men; for
single creativity
both genders, bilateral anterior
NAA was inversely related to
(table continues)
Table 1 (continued)
20 and 15 NIRS
Type of design
Main findings
Note. ACC anterior cingulate cortex; AUT Alternative Uses Task; BA Brodmanns area; BOLD blood oxygenation level dependent;
CBF cerebral blood flow; CFT Creative Functioning Test; CTT Convergent Thinking Task; D2 Dopamine 2 receptor; DLPFC
dorsolateral prefrontal cortex; DTI diffusion tensor imaging; DTT Divergent Thinking Task; EEG electroencephalography; ERD
event-related desynchronization; ERS event-related synchronization; fMRI functional magnetic resonance imaging; HC high-creative group;
LC low-creative group; LFT Letter Fluency Test; LH left hemisphere; NAA N-acetylaspartate; NIRS near-infrared spectroscopy; PET
positron emission tomography; PFC prefrontal cortex; RAT Remote Associates Test; RH right hemisphere; S subjects; SAT Simple
Associates Task; SMA supplementary motor area; SPECT single photon emission computed tomography; SPQ Schizotypal Personality
Questionnaire; TAT Thematic Apperception Test; TTCT Torrance Test of Creative Thinking; VLPFC ventrolateral prefrontal cortex;
WAIS Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale; WE Word End.
The finding of lower right angular and supramarginal activity in the
AU [alternative uses] task stands in contrast to studies emphasizing
the role of right hemispheric cortices in creative information processing . . . to our knowledge there is no direct evidence that it is
especially the right-hemispheric temporo-parietal regions that need to
be strongly activated during creative idea generation . . . . [R]ather the
contrary seems to hold true. (p. 744)
In sum, the evidence from neuroimaging experiments demonstrates that divergent thinking is not associated with hemispheric
For those neuroimaging studies measuring functional aspects of
brain activityfMRI, PET, or NIRSactivation of prefrontal
regions is consistently reported (Carlsson et al., 2000; ChavezEakle et al., 2007; Fink, Grabner, et al., 2009; Folley & Park, 2005;
Gibson et al., 2009; Goel & Vartanian, 2005; Hansen et al., 2008;
Hori et al., 2008; Howard-Jones et al., 2005; Sieborger et al.,
2007). Such findings are expectable, as divergent thinking tests
engage, presumably, working memory and executive attention.
What is much less clear is which prefrontal cortices are involved.
Although some studies have reported diffuse prefrontal activation
patterns (Carlsson et al., 2000; Folley & Park, 2005; Gibson et al.,
2009; Hori et al., 2008; Sieborger et al., 2007), others have pointed
to specific regions. For instance, regarding the ventrolateral prefrontal cortex (BA 47), Goel and Vartanian (2005) reported rightsided activation, whereas Chavez-Eakle et al. (2007) reported
left-sided activation. For the frontal gyrus (BA 9) and frontal pole
(BA 10), four studies reported increases on the left side (ChavezEakle et al., 2007; Goel & Vartanian, 2005; Hansen et al., 2008;
Howard-Jones et al., 2005). Chavez-Eakle et al. (2007) also found
increased activation in the right premotor region (BA 6) and right
ventromedial prefrontal cortex (BA 11). There are also reports of
activation in the left anterior cingulate cortex (ACC; Fink, Grabner, et al., 2009; Howard-Jones et al., 2005), left dorsolateral
prefrontal area (BA 46), and supplementary motor area (Fink,
Grabner, et al., 2009).
Such a medley of cortical areas might be expected. First, divergent thinking is a composite, and tests based on this idea require a
host of different, and quite separate, cognitive processes. This
problem does not disappear by dividing creativity into component
stages that are equally complex in terms of their constituent mental
processes. Furthermore, each study uses a different rendering of
the open-ended question concept, ranging from remote associations in a semantic network to alternative uses for an automobile
tire; such findings are then compared with a variety of different
control tasks that also consist of a multitude of different mental
processes. The most sensible conclusion from these data is that
divergent thinking is not neuroanatomically detectable as a standalone, independent entity. Rather, it appears to involve the same
brain regions that also handle the normal, noncreative information
traffic associated with a given task, a notion that has already been
made on theoretical grounds (Dietrich, 2004a). Divergent thinking,
then, is not a different or separate mode of thinking for which there
is a specific set of processes or brain regions. Rather, it is broadly
distributed (Dietrich, 2007a).
There are also several reports implicating parietal (ChavezEakle et al., 2007; Fink, Grabner, et al., 2009; Hansen et al., 2008;
Jung, Gasparovic, et al., 2009; Sieborger et al., 2007) and temporal
(Chavez-Eakle et al., 2007; Fink, Grabner, et al., 2009; Jung,
Gasparovic, et al., 2009) regions of the cerebral cortex in divergent
Table 2
Summary of Creativity Studies Using Tasks Related to Music or Painting
Type of design
Martindale et al.
Experiment 3
Petsche et al.
Experiment 1
38 women, half
Mentally composing a
drawing: (a) contemplate a
painting, (b) silent reading
for distraction, (c)
memorizing a painting,
and (d) mentally creating
your own painting
Petsche et al.
Experiment 2
7 male
comparison and task
vs. rest
Petsche et al.
Experiment 3
Bhattacharya &
20 women, half
Bhattacharya &
19 women, 9
Mentally composing a
drawing of their own
choice while looking at a
white wall; after EEG,
they had to sketch it
Main findings
Table 2 (continued)
Type of design
32, 15 dancers
Solso (2001)
2, a portrait
artist and a
Brown et al.
10 amateur
comparison and task
vs. rest
Bengtsson et al.
11 concert
comparison and task
vs. rest
Covariate (nondancers
vs. dancers),
Main findings
Compared with novices, dancers had
stronger LH alpha ERS in posterior
brain regions for the AUT and
stronger bilateral alpha ERS for the
creative dance. No differences
existed for imaging the waltz.
Table 2 (continued)
Type of design
6 jazz pianists
Improvisation of novel
melodic, harmonic, and
rhythmic music; four types
of pieces required:
rehearsed vs. improvised
across low vs. high
complexity: (a) ScaleControl, (b) ScaleImprovisation, (c) JazzControl, (d) JazzImprovisation
comparison and task
vs. rest
Berkowitz &
Ansari (2008)
12 trained
comparison and task
vs. rest
Kowatari et al.
Main findings
For improvisation, widespread
deactivation in almost all areas of
the PFC, except for selective
activity in the frontal polar cortex
(BA 10); broad increases in
neocortical sensorimotor areas,
including middle temporal gyrus
(STG), inferior temporal cortex,
fusiform gyrus, occipital and
parietal regions, as well as
premotor cortex, SMA, and primary
motor cortex; activation also
occurred in ACC and lateral
cerebellar hemisphere; widespread
attenuation of activity in limbic and
paralimbic regions with selective
deactivations in amygdala,
entorhinal cortex, temporal pole,
posterior cortex, parahippocampal
gyri, hippocampus, and
hypothalamus. Activations during
improvisation were matched by
deactivations during control tasks.
Increases for rhythmic (temporal) and
melodic (ordinal) sequences in
premotor cortex areas, rostral
cingulate zone, posterior ACC,
inferior frontal gyrus, left
sensorimotor cortex, some parietal
areas, and the cerebellum. Common
activation suggested that invention
and selection of novel motor
sequences, whether melodic or
rhythmic, engaged similar areas.
Activated regions for novices and
experts: right inferior frontal gyrus,
prefrontal cortex (parts of BA 8, 9,
44, and 45), occipital cortex (BA
37), right inferior parietal cortex
(BA 19), inferior temporal cortex
(BA 21, 22), and hippocampus; NS
differences between the groups,
except for ACC activation in
novices. A trend for experts existed
for right prefrontal and parietal
increases and LH decreases, which
was bilateral for novices.
Professional training facilitated
right PFC dominance for design
creativity by decreasing left PFC
activity via inhibitory control.
Stronger suppression was associated
with greater design originality.
Note. ACC anterior cingulate cortex; AUT Alternative Uses Task; BA Brodmanns area; BOLD blood oxygenation level dependent; DLPFC
dorsolateral prefrontal cortex; EEG electroencephalography; ERS event-related synchronization; fMRI functional magnetic resonance imaging;
LH left hemisphere; PET positron emission tomography; PFC Prefrontal cortex; RH right hemisphere; S subjects; SMA supplementary
motor area; STG superior temporal gyrus.
EEG, ERP, and Insight
To date, five EEG and six ERP experiments have been published on insight. There exist also nine neuroimaging studies, two
using PET and seven using fMRI. Table 3 outlines all 20 studies.
This domain of creativity research has also utilized many novel
tasks, which is not surprising given that the target here is what
must be one of the most elusive of mental events, the so-called
aha effect (also termed a Eureka experience). The drawback of
this array of testing tools is, naturally, variability, which complicates the business of comparing brain activity across studies.
Compared with other creativity domains, insight investigations
emphasize different theoretical themes, such as conflict resolution
and the role played by the ACC.
The field of insightful problem solving has spawned a neuroanatomically upgraded variant of the right-brain theory. According
to this theory, the right temporoparietal regions, and the superior
temporal gyrus (STG) in particular, are hypothesized to mediate
coarse semantic coding and in doing so facilitate the formation of
remote associations (Bowden & Jung-Beeman, 2003; JungBeeman et al., 2004). However, the EEG and ERP data reviewed
here do not support the notion of hemispheric differences. Although there are several studies that point to a special role of the
right STG for insight events (Jung-Beeman et al., 2004; Kounios et
al., 2008; Qiu, Luo, Wu, & Zhang, 2006; Sandkuhler & Bhattacharya, 2008), there are more studies that do not support this
contention (Danko, Starchenko, & Bechtereva, 2003; Kounios et
al., 2006; Lang et al., 2006; Lavric, Forstmeier, & Rippon, 2000;
Mai, Luo, Wu, & Luo, 2004; Qiu et al., 2008a, 2008b). There is
even one study that contradicts it by implicating the left hemisphere, albeit again the STG (Qiu et al., 2008a). This conclusion
holds not only for the insight event itself but also for the substages
of problem solving, as most studies fail to report selective right
brain activity for these periods as well. Again, Qiu et al. (2008a)
even reported left dominance for the early stages when coarse
semantic coding purportedly occurs.
One consistent finding of insight EEG studies is a decrease in
alpha power. This pattern is reported for frontal (Kounios et al.,
2008, 2006; Sandkuhler & Bhattacharya, 2008), parietal (Danko et
al., 2003; Jung-Beeman et al., 2004), and temporal (Kounios et al.,
2008, 2006) sites, especially during restructuring (Sandkuhler &
Bhattacharya, 2008). How these alpha power decreases fit with the
prefrontal and temporoparietal activation detected in many insightrelated neuroimaging studies is not clear at present. Given that
combined EEG and fMRI studies have shown that increases in
alpha power are related to decreases in cortical blood flow (Goldman, Stern, Engel, & Cohen, 2002; Sadato et al., 1998), these two
sets of results would seem to run counter to each other.
The response of other frequency bands to insight reflects variegated results. For instance, there are general gamma and beta
power increases associated with insight in some studies (Kounios
et al., 2008; Sandkuhler & Bhattacharya, 2008), yet there are also
gamma power decreases, especially at left anterior temporal and
inferior frontal leads (Kounios et al., 2008). In addition, Danko et
al. (2003) reported widespread coherence decreases in all frequency bands, especially over the frontal cortexa finding not
corroborated by any other study.
Remote associates problems might constitute a particular type of
insight task that engages the STGa finding that would not be
surprising given the role of this area in language processing. In
addition to three EEG studies (Jung-Beeman et al., 2004; Kounios
et al., 2008; Sandkuhler & Bhattacharya, 2008), there are two ERP
studies that implicate the STG, although one of them described a
positive ERP deflection (Qiu et al., 2008a) and the other a negative
one (Qiu et al., 2006) for this location. The cause for these
opposing ERP results may lie in a slight variation of the test
procedure. In Qiu et al. (2006), participants were given the correct
solution for problems they did not solve and were then asked
whether the answer provided by the investigators elicited an aha
effect. On the other hand, Qiu et al. (2008a) required participants
to find the solution on their own; this discovery of the solution
counted as an aha event. The difference, in short, was that insight
was a passive process in the former but an active one in the latter.
In any event, the STG does not appear to be involved in insight
events using other paradigms, such as implicit learning (Lang et
al., 2006), Guilfords match problems (Lavric et al., 2000), or
solutions to Japanese riddles (Mai et al., 2004).
ERP studies also typically detect ACC activity during the occurrence of an insight. Several studies have reported a more
negative deflection, which occurs at different latencies for different studies: N320 for Qiu et al. (2006), N380 for Mai et al. (2004),
and N1500 N2000 for Qiu et al. (2008a). Conversely, a fourth
study (Qiu et al., 2008b), which used the same Qiu et al. (2006)
procedure, reported a positive deflection. The ACC is thought to
be involved in breaking the impasse that marks the critical step of
an insight problem.
Table 3
Summary of Insight Studies
Type of design
Within-task comparison
(aha, no aha, time-out)
and task vs. rest
Within-task comparison
(aha vs. no aha) and
task vs. rest
Chinese logogriphs: a
character is transformed by
changing strokes to alter its
deep meaning; (a) easy
riddles followed by a
correct answer consistent
with participants thinking
(no-aha) or (b) difficult
riddles followed by a
correct answer that broke a
mental set (aha)
Within-task comparison
(aha, no aha, not
comprehended) and
task vs. rest
Main findings
Table 3 (continued)
Type of design
Within-task comparison
(solvers vs.
Within-task comparison
(aha, no aha, time-out)
and task vs. rest
Within-task comparison
(aha, no aha, time-out)
and task vs. rest
Within-task comparison
(aha, no aha, not
comprehended) and
task vs. rest
Within-task comparison
(aha, no aha, not
comprehended) and
task vs. rest
Within-task comparison
Main findings
Six of 26 participants gained insight.
They had several larger ERP indexes
from the outset: slow positive wave,
frontocentral P3a, anterior N1 to
digits triggering the critical repeating
responses, and P3b to digit for the
immediately repeating response.
Participants who gain insight may be
distinguished beforehand by their
individual characteristics. Their
explicit knowledge was based on
processing that differed from implicit
learning from the very beginning.
Compared with time out, insight was
associated with less alpha power in
midfrontal cortex and left anterior
temporal cortex, and noninsight was
associated with decreased alpha over
the occipital cortex. Compared with
noninsight, insight showed less alpha
power in midfrontal, temporal,
somatosensory, and right inferior
frontal cortex, whereas noninsight
showed less alpha power over
posterior cortices.
Insight strategy was associated with
greater alpha, beta, and gamma
power at right inferior frontal and
anterior temporal sites and greater
power for low insight at right dorsal
frontal (alpha) and left occipital and
parietal sites (Beta 2 and gamma).
Creativity recruited RH association
areas involved in semantic processing
more than noncreative cognition.
Successful solutions elicited a more
positive ERP deflection from 200 to
600 ms after stimulus onset. From
1,500 to 2,000 ms, successful
solutions elicited a more negative
deflection. P200P600 was localized
in the left superior temporal gyrus
and posterior cortices. The N1500
N2000 occurred stronger over left
frontal areas, which was localized in
the ACC. The ACC was critical in
breaking mental set and the forming
of new associations.
Successful logogriphs elicited a more
positive ERP deflection. The source
analysis implicated the ACC and the
right parahippocampal gyrus. The ACC
was linked to the initial stages of insight
onset, an early warning system in the
breaking of a mental set.
Increased upper alpha in right temporal
regions for trials with high restructuring,
decreased alpha power in right prefrontal
area. Gamma power effect reflects
selective attention and processes for
emergence of spontaneous new solutions.
Alpha effect was related to weak,
unconscious processing of the solution in
the right temporal area. With the hint,
activity intensified and reached
(table continues)
Table 3 (continued)
Type of design
Within-task comparison
(aha vs. no aha) and
task vs. rest
Between-task comparison
and task vs. rest
IT: 12 nouns in a matrix(a) Covariate (type of selffill the gaps between the
reported strategy:
words using logical
insight vs. successive
associations, (b) list items
in pilot study) and
aloud, (c) just reading; CT:
16 words arranged in a 4
4 matrixcreate a story
with words from (a)
different semantic areas,
(b) one semantic area, (c)
changing word forms, or
(d) memorizing the words
Pairs of
Within-task comparison
(aha, no aha, difficult,
sentences followed by
not understandable)
solution cues defined as (a)
and task vs. rest
aha, (b) non-aha, (c)
difficult cues, and (d) not
understandable; aha
occurred when the solution
cue evoked a sudden
understanding; aha was
Same as Jung-Beeman et al.
Within-task comparison
(2004), Experiment 2
(aha, no aha, time-out)
and task vs. rest
Main findings
Table 3 (continued)
Type of design
Main findings
Within-task comparison
(Half 1 vs. Half 2) and
task vs. rest
Within-task comparison
(aha, no aha, time-out)
and task vs. rest
Within-task comparison
(insight vs. search) and
task vs. rest
Note. ACC anterior cingulate cortex; BA Brodmanns area; CC cingulate cortex; CT Control Task; EEG electroencephalography; ERP
event-related potential; ERS event-related synchronization; fMRI functional magnetic resonance imaging; IT Insight Task; LH left hemisphere;
MTL medial temporal lobe; NRT Number Reduction Task; PET positron emission tomography; PFC prefrontal cortex; RH right hemisphere;
RT reaction time; S subjects; STG superior temporal gyrus; VLPFC ventrolateral prefrontal cortex.
General Discussion
The literature on the neural basis of creativity is, especially for
its small size, surprisingly fragmented. This fragmentation is perhaps most readily seen in a citation count. Of the 63 articles we
collated here, we could not find a single one that makes reference
to even half of them. This observation even holds true for any of
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