Edited Tesda Op Ias 01 f05 A Cookeryncii

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Rev. 03 - 07/05/2022


For Technical Vocational Institutions (TVIs)

Name of Institution : Ship Hotel Cruise Institute of the Phils., Inc. District/Provincial Office : PasMak
Address : 22F BDO Plaza, 8737 Paseo de Roxas, Makati Date Audit Conducted : April 19, 2023

To be accomplished by Auditee TVI To be accomplished by Provincial Office/District Office

Target Target Comments Comments
Date Nonconformity
Implementation Implementation on the on the Date
Identified Proposed Proposed Corrective (ies) closed
Findings/ Date of Date of Proposed Proposed Correction
Qualification Area/ Process Root Correction Corrective Action
Description Proposed Proposed Correction Corrective Action
(a) (b) Cause Action Action implemented “Indicate
(c) Correction Corrective Action Action implemented
(d) (e) (g) (l) Yes or No”
Action Action (i) (j) (k)
(f) (h) (m)
Original in-
charge Request To apply
REQUIREMENT: Board resigned; from the for
Corporate and Resolution/Academic no proper Corporate reissuance
Administrative Council Resolution to turnover of Lawyer for of CTPR to
Documents offer the program was documents a new have all
Not presented ; document Board new Board
cannot be Resolution Resolution
To assign
The personnel
document to ensure
is available To submit that all
Corporate and Articles of Incorporation
during the a copy of training
Administrative and By-laws was not
audit the documents
Documents presented
however it document are
was not scanned
scanned and saved
For institutions that will
branch out, the Articles
Corporate and
of Incorporation and By- There is no
Administrative N/A N/A
laws must state reasons branch out
for opening of the branch
cannot be verified
Corporate and Proof of building The To submit To assign
Administrative ownership or contract of document a copy of personnel
to ensure
is available that all
during the training
audit the documents
Documents lease not presented
however it document are
was not scanned
scanned and saved
Assessme Conduct
nt tools are proper
available orientation
however and
To submit
the person coaching
Curricular Institutional assessment a copy of
in charge and
Requirements tools were not presented the
wasn’t able mentoring
to present for the
since he is newly
not familiar assigned
with the employee
nt Results Conduct
are proper
available orientation
The presence of however and
To submit
the coaching
Curricular institutional assessment a copy of
personnel and
Requirements results was not the
in charge mentoring
presented document
wasn’t able for the
to present newly
since he is assigned
not familiar employee
with the
To submit personnel
cannot be
Curricular The progress Chart was a picture of that will
found due
Requirements not presented the safely keep
to new
document all training
nt of office
A session
cannot be To submit
Curricular The session plan was not found due a copy of
that will
Requirements presented to the new the
safely keep
arrangeme document
all training
nt of the
The list of Instructional received Assigned
To submit
Materials presented was copy personnel
Curricular a copy of
not properly cannot be that will
Requirements the
accomplished and signed found/locat safely keep
by the DO/Expert ed during all training
the audit
Lists of Tools, equipment, received Assigned
To submit
copy personnel
Curricular and materials are a copy of
cannot be that will
Requirements present, properly the
found/locat safely keep
accomplished, and signed document
ed during all training
the audit
Has no
With lacking tools and training for
equipment – 1-unit mop more than If granted a
squeezer; 2 pcs paper Request
1 year and budget to
for a
Curricular towel dispenser; 6 pcs no budget purchase;
Requirements zester; 6 pcs medium to purchase
from the
funnel; 7 pcs serving purchase the lacking
spoon; 5 pcs kitchen these tools
scissors; 1 pc paellera lacking
The Assign
Maintenance Schedule procedure personnel
was not To submit that will
and Written Procedure
Curricular maintained a copy of create and
(Inspection checklist for
Requirements as the one the maintain
maintenance of tools,
in charge document the
etc.) not presented had schedule of
resigned checklist
Personnel To submit
Lists of Officials, Trainers, orientation
were not a copy of a
and Non-Teaching Staff yet properly
Faculty and coaching
are present, properly presented; signed and
Personnel and
accomplished, and signed receiving a accomplish
were not presented copy of the ed
for the new
List cannot document
be found
Faculty and Trainer of the WTR No training Screen for To apply
Personnel program must be a for a very a new for re-
holder of an unexpired long time trainer who issuance of
National TVET Trainer hence is willing to CTPR to
Certificate (NTTC) there is no go on-call include the
relevant to the registered available new list of
program (must follow trainer; staff and
previous faculty and
those specified in the TR
trainer is pass valid
under Sec. 3.6 Trainer’s
Qualifications) NON-
CONFORMITY: Valid no longer NTTC and
NTTC and other trainer’s connected other
documentary with SHIP documents
requirements were not
The qualifications of the Conduct
students/trainees as far proper
as their documentary orientation
still needs
credentials are and
orientation To submit
Program concerned to satisfy the on where a copy of
Guidelines TR requirements or to find the
additional entry evidence of document
for the
requirements aside from student
those specified in the TR qualificatio
– were not presented ns
To assign
There is a personnel
clinic in the to ensure
No health service facility premises, that all
To submit
Support is available. No MOA with but no training
a picture of
Services a health service provider picture was documents
the facility
presented passed are
during the scanned
audit and saved
Not being
done as
There was no evidence orientation
there was
that the institution and
no training To submit
Support provided the trainees and no a copy of
Services with career proper the
guidance/employment turnover document
for the
services. from the
replaceme Order a
Signage in offering TVET nt; not pull-up
Other signage in
registered programs not allowed to banner for
Requirements the main
presented have big the
signage signage
outside the
Other Data Management and New staff Discuss Maintain
Requirements Security in Program not familiar this with data
with these the IT manageme
Registration were not
requiremen shared nt and
ts service security
To assign
Implementation of There was personnel
mandatory assessment an to ensure
Mandatory for graduating students assessmen To submit that all
Assessment and cannot be t but was a copy of training
Submission of validated/verified due to not the documents
MIS 03-02 non-submission of scanned document are
requested MIS 03-02 and and scanned
RWAC. attached and saved
Was not Make sure
Mandatory done for a To update to report
Employment report of long time the the
Assessment and
students/trainees not as the one employme employme
Submission of
presented in charge nt report of nt status of
MIS 03-02 had graduates future
resigned graduates
To assign
to ensure
Mandatory but was not
To submit that all
RWAC and the MIS 03-02 scanned
Assessment and a copy of training
stamped received by PO and
Submission of the documents
were not presented attached
MIS 03-02 document are
and saved
Was not Make sure
The certification rate done for a To update to report
Program long time the the
cannot be determined
Performance as the one certification employme
due to non-submission of
Measures in charge rate of nt status of
MIS 03-02andRWAC had graduates future
resigned graduates

Other Observation/s:
(These are audit observations that cannot be considered as non-conformities)
Not yet compliant to the TESDA Circular No. 107 s. 2021 Section XXII Transitory Clause that All registered programs shall be re-issued with CTPRs with five (5) years validity period, within one year upon the approval of
the Omnibus Guidelines. 2. The TVI was not yet compliant to the TESDA Circular No. 097 s. 2019 re Implementing Guidelines on the Newly Promulgated Amended Competency Standards for Basic Competencies
integrated with 21st Century Skills
CA – Will apply for re-issuance of CTPR to comply with this.

1. Column (i) – This column shall refer to the proposed correction action as submitted by TVI, if not applicable, indicate “N/A”. If said correction is approved, indicate in “Yes”. Otherwise, indicate its “comments or
recommendation and the date of re-submission”.
2. Column (j) - This column shall refer to the proposed corrective action as submitted by TVI. If said corrective action is accepted, indicate in “Yes”. Otherwise, indicate its “comments or recommendation and the date of re-
3. Column (k) - This column shall refer to the TVI’s actual date of implementation of the PO/DO accepted correction action/s based on the submitted compliance documents/pieces of evidence.
4. Column (l) - This column shall refer to the TVI’s actual date of implementation of the PO/DO accepted corrective action/s based on the submitted compliance documents/pieces of evidence.

Prepared by: Approved by:

Yvette Marie F. Mago

TVI Head/Administrator/Company District/Provincial Director
Date: May 15, 2023 Date:

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