2023 TVET Program Registration in The New Normal
2023 TVET Program Registration in The New Normal
2023 TVET Program Registration in The New Normal
Applying for program registration indicates the intent of the institution to offer TVET programs.
The registration process attests to the capacity of the Technical-Vocational Institution (TVI) to
deliver its stated curricula to learners against the minimum standards prescribed in the Training
Regulations; or in the case of NTR program, as determined by an expert panel in the absence
of such. Registration begins with the program registration documentation submitted to TESDA
by the applicant TVI.
It also includes the conduct of periodic compliance audits to ensure continuing compliance to
the requirements for programs granted with the Certificate of TVET Program Registration
Program Registration under UTPRAS
Registration Process
1. The process of TVET program registration shall follow a standard Operating
Procedure prescribed for TVET Program Registration. Such standard process in
program registration includes detailed procedures in the registration of TVET
programs with following activities:
3. The TVI has the option to submit the program registration application through face to face or
online modality depending on the community quarantine or alert level of the specific area
4. The Regional/Provincial Offices may use their online system in the submission (in digitized
form) and processing of program registration applications using the prescribed standard
procedures and requirements on program registration
Program Registration Requirements
1. Corporate and Administrative Documents
a. Letter of Application/Intent (TESDA-OP-CO-01-F03)
b. Board Resolution to offer the program (signed by the Board Secretary and attested by the
Chairperson: SUCs, LCU, and private institutions) Board Resolution/Academic Council
Resolution must specifically cover the training delivery site.
c. Special law creating the institution (for public institution e.g. Republic Act, Executive Order,
Sanggunian Resolutions)
d. SEC Registration for private institutions
Any entity organized for educational and training purposes, regardless of the nature of the
organization may be qualified or eligible to be recommended for incorporation in accordance with
the Revised Corporation Code of the Philippines except One Person Corporation (OPC).
e. Articles of Incorporation – primary purpose must state the operation as educational institution
offering technical vocational education and training (TVET)
f. Proof of building Ownership or contract of lease (covering at least two years) upon
application for new program. For succeeding application a valid contract of lease;
g. Current Fire Safety Certificate
h. For Institutions that will branch out, the Articles of Incorporation & by Laws must state
reasons for opening of the branch. The Board Resolution signed by majority of the
Incorporators must be notarized, received and noted by SEC.
Program Registration Requirements
2. Curricular Requirements
a. Competency-Based Curriculum (Integrated with 21st Century Skills for Basic Competencies)
b. List of Equipment (F13), Tools (F14), and Consumable Materials (F15)
necessary to deliver the program (Based in 3.4 of the TR or TESDA Circular No. 055 S. 2021)
c. List of Physical Facilities (F17) & Off-Campus Physical Facilities (F18) indicating floor area
(must comply with the minimum requirements in 3.5 of the TR)
d. Shop layout of training facilities indicating the floor area
e. Institutional Assessment
3. Faculty and Personnel
a. List of Officials (F19) with supporting documents available such as resume and
b. List of Trainers (F20) with their qualifications, areas of expertise, and
courses/seminars attended (supporting evidence available such as resume, NTTC I
Certificates, copies of notarized contracts of employment, related training certificates)
b. List of Non-Teaching Staff (F21) with their qualifications (supporting evidences
available, such as resume, copies of certificates/contracts of employment)
Program Registration Requirements
4. Program Guidelines
a. Program Fees with breakdown of tuition and other fees and schedule of fee
payment duly signed by the school head indicating the effectivity of school year;
b. Documented grading system, details of which are provided to students/trainees
at the start of their program;
c. Entry requirements for the program comply with the relevant training
regulations if applicable;
d. Rules on Attendance
Program Registration Requirements
5. Support Services
a. Health services are available to the students/trainees. If these services are contracted out
or out-sourced, the contract or MOA or similar documents must be submitted;
b. Job Linkaging and Networking Services (JLNS) which include Career Services and
Employment Facilitation available to students/trainees/TVET graduates (reference:
Section IV, letter A – Delivery Platforms of JLNS Nos. 1-4 of the TESDA Circular No. 38,
series of 2016);
Applicant TVI shall adopt the any or combination of the 4 JNLS Platforms:
1. Blue Desk Platform
2. Information Education Communication Platform (IECP)
3. Networking and Linkaging Platform (NLP)
4. Guidance and Training for Employment Platform (GTEP)
For the registration of program/s under TESDA Special Programs and Projects
with separate guidelines, indicated corresponding requirements shall be
complied with and adopted.
Note: If not complete, correct and compliant, TESDA will not accept the program
registration application documents.
Program Registration under UTPRAS
Validity Period
Registered program/s shall be valid for five (5) years.
Program Registration under UTPRAS
● The nominal duration of the TVET program shall be in accordance with the
relevant TR regardless of the teaching/learning modes
Program Registration under UTPRAS
Flexible Learning Delivery (FLD) Mode
Administrative Protocols
1. Mandatory Learning Module - "Practicing Covid-19 Preventive Measures in the Workplace".
2. Entry Protocols to the premises of institutions for Learners, Employees, Teaching, Non-Teaching Staff and
visitors e.g. Signage for ‘No Masks, No Entry Policy’ and ‘Maintain 1 Meter Social Distancing’ in all entrances
and exits of the institution and workshop (attached a picture that signages are in place).
3. Provision of Hygiene Protocols such as the presence of disinfection areas and disinfectants within easy access
for everyone, health checks and temperature scanning should be in place in the training center e.g foot bath
before entering the premises. (attached a picture that signages are in place);
4. Re-configured workshops/training spaces to address the need for physical/social distancing for the face to face
training (attached picture of reconfigured workshops/training spaces).
5. Physical Facilities Maintenance & Audit Plan indicating regular disinfection and sanitation of all workstations,
workshops and laboratories, rooms, buildings, tools, equipment, and facilities used during training.
6. Availability of sanitizers and alcohol-based dispensers;
7. Health personal protective equipment by all employees and learners/scholars;
8. Availability of disinfection footbath in buildings and room entrances; and
9. Availability of no-touch/ digital thermometer/ thermal scanner at the main entrance.
Omnibus Guidelines on the TVET Arrangements under the
Nationwide Implementation of the Alert Level System
Areas under Alert Level 1 (Training)
1a Letter of Intent
1b Board Resolution
1c Special Law (for public institution only)
1d SEC Registration
1e Articles of Incorporation
1f Proof of Building Ownership
1g Fire Safety Certificate
Guide in Naming Folders and Files for TVET
Program Registration Application Documents
2. Curricular Requirements
4. Program Guidelines
4a Program Fees
4b Grading System
4c Entry Requirements
4d Rules on Attendance
Guide in Naming Folders and Files for TVET
Program Registration Application Documents
5. Support Services
Ramir D. Montoya
PO UTPRAS Focal Person
CP No. 0912 355 4485
TESDA Cavite Provincial Office
Tel. No. (046) 409-3194
(046) 419-2646
Cavite Provincial Office