W1 8GEC 2A Readings in The Philippine History IPED Module
W1 8GEC 2A Readings in The Philippine History IPED Module
W1 8GEC 2A Readings in The Philippine History IPED Module
Readings in the
Philippine History with IPEd
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GEC2A – |1
GEC 2 – Readings in the Philippine History
First Edition, 2021
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Learning Module Development Team
Course Overview
Philippine History viewed from the lens of selected primary sources in different periods, analysis and
The course aims to expose students to different facets of Philippine History through the lens of
eyewitnesses. Rather than rely on secondary materials such as textbooks which is the usual approach in
the teaching Philippine history, different type of primary sources will be used – written (qualitative and
quantitative), oral, visual, audio visual, digital – covering various aspects of Philippine life (Political,
economic, social, cultural). Students are expected to analyze the selected readings contextually and in
terms of content (stated and implied). The end goal is to enable students to understand and appreciate
our rich past by deriving insights from those who were actually present as the time of the event. CMO
No.20 series of 2013
2. Analyze the context, content and perspective of different kinds of primary sources;
3. Determine the contribution of different kinds of primary sources in understanding the Philippine
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Course Details
Course Code: GEC 2a
Course Title: Readings in the Philippine History
No. of Units: 3 units
Classification: Lecture-based
Pre-requisite / Co-requisite: None
Semester and Academic Year: 1st Semester, AY 2021 - 2022
Schedule: Name of Faculty:
Contact Details: o Email: o
Mobile Number:
o FB Account:
Consultation o Day:
o Time:
The University LMS will be used for asynchronous learning and assessment. The link and class
code for LMS will be provided at the start of class through the class’ official Facebook Group.
• Google Meet
• Zoom
• Google Classroom
• University LMS
Assessment with Rubrics
Major examinations will be given as scheduled. The scope and coverage of the examination will
be based on the lessons/topics as plotted in the course syllabus.
Philippine History resembles a cracked mirror, fragmented yet still intact, rimmed into
wholeness by the fact of its having been nurtured in the matrix of a common culture
paradoxically reflects a pattern of unity and uniqueness that is distinctly Filipino, for it
converge into a common dream and aspiration.
In this module, the authors have chosen historical sources and texts culled from certain
historical phases of our life as a people and as a nation – from Spanish-American colonial
era and the contemporary present.
This module divided into five chapters. Every chapters are divided into topics, to enable students,
reader, to study the significant highlights of our nation’s development.
This chapter aims helping students to understand the present existing social, political,
religious and economic conditions of the people through studying history and its concepts. It
will help us to trace the background of our religion, customs institutions, and administration
and so on. It also helps to explain the present, to analyze it and to trace its course. Cause and-
effect relationship between the past and the present is lively presented in the history. History
thus helps us to understand the present day problems both at the national and international
level accurately and objectively.
Specific Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
• Discuss the definition and nature of history.
• Identify the different aims and values of teaching history.
• Recognize the importance of teaching history.
Chapter 1: The Meaning and Relevance of History = 2 hours
The Aims and Values of Teaching History = 2 hours
Assessments = 2 hours
Lessin Proper
The origin of the word History is associated with the Greek word ‘Historia’ that means
‘information’ or ‘an enquiry designed to elicit truth’.
Different scholars have defined history differently. Following definitions indicate the
meaning and scope of History.
History is concerned with man in time: It deals with a series of events and each event
occurs at a given point in time. Human history, in fact, is the process of human
development in time. It is time, which affords a perspective to events and lends a charm
that brightens up the past.
History is concerned with man in space: The interaction of man on environment and vice
versa is a dynamic one. History describes about nations and human activities in the
context of their physical and geographical environment. Out of this, arise the varied trends
in the political, social, economic and cultural spheres of man’s activities and
achievements. Objective record of happenings: Every precaution is taken to base the data
on original sources and make them free from subjective interpretation. It helps in clear
understanding of the past and enables us to take well-informed decisions.
Multisided: All aspects of the life of a social group are closely interrelated and historical
happenings cover all these aspects of life, not limited only to the political aspect that had so long
dominated history.
History is a dialogue between the events of the past and progressively emerging future ends.
The historian’s interpretation of the past, his selection of the significant and the relevant events,
evolves with the progressive emergence of new goals. The general laws regulating historical
happenings may not be considered enough; attempts have to be made to predict future
happenings based on the laws.
Not only narration but also analysis: The selected happenings are not merely narrated; the
causal relationships between them are properly unearthed. The tracing of these relationships
lead to the development of general laws that are also compared and contrasted with similar
happenings in other social groups to improve the reliability and validity of these laws.
Continuity and coherence are the necessary requisites of history: History carries the burden of
human progress as it is passed down from generation to generation, from society to society,
justifying the essence of continuity.
Relevant: In the study of history, only those events are included which are relevant to the
understanding of the present life.
To give proper conception of time, space and society: History gives a proper
understanding of the concept of time, space and society. It reveals the relationship of the
present with the past, the local with the distant and personal and national life with the lives
and the cultures of men and women in other countries, in time and space. History is a link
uniting each of us as an individual with a whole greater than ourselves.
To enable the pupils to assess the values and achievements of their own age: History
provides the youths the standards of reference against which they can measure the values and
achievements of their own age. This enables them to have an enlightened awareness of the
problems of modern communities, political, social and economic.
To teach tolerance: History teaches tolerance- tolerance with different faiths, different
loyalties, different cultures, different ideas and ideals.
To foster national feelings: An important objective of teaching history is the emotional and
national integration of Indian people. Emotional integration is a feeling of oneness among the
people of different cultures, religions, castes and languages. It is the sharing of certain
common objectives, ideals and purposes and giving them high place over smaller and
sectional loyalties. History can play a very important role in realizing this aim.
To give training for handling controversial issues: Teaching history helps pupils to handle
controversial questions in a spirit that searches for truth-insists on free discussion and permits
compromise. It can expose the pupils to a vast knowledge which will enable them to tackle
controversial issues objectively.
To help resolve our contemporary social and individual problems: History helps in
resolving our contemporary social and individual problems and developing mature judgments
on immediate social issues, trends and prospects in the field of commerce, industry,
international affairs, regional politics and other aspects of the contemporary society.
Disciplinary value: History is quite fruitful for mental training. It trains the mental faculties
such as critical thinking, memory and imagination. It quickens and deepens understanding,
gives an insight into the working of social, political, economic, and religious problems.
Cultural and social values: It is essential that one should understand the importance of
his/her own cultural and social values. We should also develop attachment towards our
cultural heritage. History makes us able to understand our present culture. It expounds the
culture of the present time by describing the past. It explains the origin of existing state of
things, our customs, our usages, our institutions. It enables us to understand that the
transformations in human history were brought about by change of habits and of innovation.
One of the main motives of history teaching has been to convey to the pupils the rich heritage
of the mankind.
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It develops an understanding of the different forces which have shaped the destiny of man
and paved the way for his development in society.
Political values: History is regarded to be the past politics. According to T.S. Seeley, “The
historian is a politician of the political group or organization, the state being his study. To
lecture on political science is to lecture on history.” History stands as a beacon of hope when
some nation is overcast with dark clouds. History is extremely necessary for completing the
political and social sciences which are still in the making. History supplements them by a
study of the development of these phenomena in time.
Nationalistic value: History teaching renders an effective service in imbibing the young
minds with a sense of patriotism. It is through history alone that an Indian child comes to
know of the various deeds performed by such patriots as Emilio Aguinaldo, Jose Rizal,
Andres Bonifacio and etc. By reading their great lives and deeds, the child can easily be
inspired to emulate them. A proper teaching of history can prepare the way for sober
Educational value: History has unique value and importance because it is the only
school subject which is directly and entirely concerned with the behavior and action of
human beings. The imagination of the children is developed through the teaching of
history. It is logical to treat history as a temporal canvas against which the facts learned
in other subjects can be arranged. History is a veritable mine of stories-stories can
illustrate even subject of curriculum- the only condition is that the teacher should know
enough stories and should know how to narrate them.
Intellectual value: A large number of intellectual values accrue from the teaching of
history. It sharpens memory, develops the power of reasoning, judgement and
imagination. It cultivates the qualities of reading, analyzing, criticizing, and arriving at
conclusions. In historical writings our past is alive and treasured in the form of
chronicles, biographies, stories and other forms of literary tradition. Once the pupils’
curiosity is aroused and interest awakened, he can easily browse the vast pastures of
historical knowledge.
Ethical value: History is important in the curriculum because it helps in the teaching of
morality. Through it a child comes close to the valuable thoughts of saints, reformers,
leaders, important persons and sages. The children get inspired by the life stories of
these great leaders. There are other arguments that go against this notion that history
gives ethical teaching.
The aims and objectives of teaching history have undergone changes with the shift in
the philosophical thinking of the time and changes in the social and political practices.
Determination of aims and objectives is necessary. Instructional objectives need to be
clearly defined. The pupils should acquire knowledge, should develop specific
understandings, attitudes, interests and appreciations, relevant to history.
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Gottschalk, L. (1951). A primer historical method: Understanding History. Pp. xix, 290, vii.
New York: Alfred A. Knopf.
Howell, M. & Prevenier, W. (200). History. I. The Source: The Basis of Our Knowledge
about the Past. Publishing House
Steve, h. and et.al. (2015). “The History” at publishing of The Alpha History. Alpha History
Publishing House.
Scott, W.H. (2005) Pre-Hispanic Source Materials for the Study of Philippine History (pp.
90135). Smithsonian Libraries and Archives
Direction: Briefly answer the following questions related to the meaning and relevance of
history use at least three (3) to five (5) sentences in each item. Write your answer on the
space provided below.
What is the important role does history take in the study of Philippine as follows?
Society means people in general thought of as living together in organized communities with
shared laws, tradion and values. and Philippine society is a fascinating mix of diversity and_
homogeneity. Nearly four centuries of western dominance, on the other hand, have leftan___
indelible mark on the Philippines, serving as a conduit for the introduction of western culture
and a catalyst for the formation of a feeling of political and cultural unity in the Philippines._
Culture a particural society that has its own beliefs,way of life,art etc. The Philippines is a___
country where East and West collide. Filipinos have a distinct Asian heritage as well as a___
strong Western tradition. Chinese traders, Spanish conquistadors, and American rulers all had
an impact on modern Filipino society.____ _________________________________ __ ____
Identity the quality ,beliefs and ect. That make a particural or different from others. During__
the war for Philippines independence, asence of national identityand pride arose.however___
one`s first allegiance it to one family and birthplace. Many Filipinos have a warm and______
welcoming demeanor, and key values such a fellowship, respect, and acceptance can be____
found throughout the culture.___________________________________________________
We may learn how historical societies, systems, ideologies, governments, cultures, and
technologies were built, how they functioned, and how they changed by studying history. All
of this information helps students become more well-rounded individuals who are better
prepared to learn in all of their academic subjects___________________________________
Direction: Select at least three (3) aims or values of teaching history and discuss its
importance in our everyday life. Write your answer on the spaces provide below.
A. Educatonal value
Example No.1
__________One of the main reasons for teaching history is that it gives students a thorough
understanding of the motivations that drive individual nations acts and goals. This allows
them to better comprehend human psychology
B. Disciplinary value
Example No.1
History is a fantastic cerebral workout. The teaching and understanding of history helps
students develop their memory, imagination, and critical thinking skills. The goal of history is
for tales to be accurate and correct. This focus on precision aids with mental discipline
C. To promote self-understanding
ExampleNo.1 History must be taught in order to build self-awareness. Everyone has a distinct
history, a mash-up of racial, national, familial, and personal traditions that are woven into his
very existence. Man will remain a stranger to himself unless these historical elements are
investigated. In the same way, without historical research, organizations and individuals will
be unable to comprehend their own identity
In what particular portion of this learning packet, you feel that you are struggling or lost?
To further improve this learning packet, what part do you think should be enhanced?
I think my researching skills.
This chapter discuss the different sources use in studying history and the different analyzation,
purposes, biases, critics and conflicts regarding the different historical sources and content of
studying history. Studying history have to play a significant role in development of young
minds capable to live intelligently, judge, analyze critically, and conclude reasonably.
Specific Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
• Discuss the different types of historical sources and examples
• Compare the different historical biases and criticism
• Develop critical and analytical skills through evaluating historical significance
Chapter 2: Types of Different Historical Sources =3 hours
Historical Biases and Criticism = 3hours
Historical Significance = 3 hours
Lesson Proper
A source is anything that has been left behind by the past. It might be a document, but it might
alternatively be a building or a picture or a piece of ephemera – a train ticket perhaps or a
plastic cup. They are called 'sources' because they provide us with information, which can add
to the sum of our knowledge of the past.
1. Documents are written or printed materials that have been produced in one form or another
sometime in the past.
2. Numerical records include any type of numerical data in printed or handwritten form.
3. Oral statements include any form of statement made orally by someone.
4. Relics are any objects whose physical or visual characteristics can provide some information
about the past.
A primary source is a document or physical object which was written or created during the
time under study. These sources were present during an experience or time period and offer an
inside view of a particular event. Primary sources give us first hand, you-are-there insights
into the past. They are also the most important tools an historian has for developing an
understanding of an event. Primary sources serve as the evidence an historian uses in
developing an interpretation and in building an argument to support that interpretation.
Primary sources provide a window into the past—unfiltered access to the record of artistic,
social, scientific and political thought and achievement during the specific period under study,
produced by people who lived during that period. Bringing young people into close contact
with these unique, often profoundly personal, documents and objects can give them a very
real sense of what it was like to be alive during a long-past era.
It is one prepared by an individual who was a participant in, or a direct witness to, the event
that is being described. It includes first-hand information, such as eyewitness reposts and
original documents.
Primary source can come in the form of written sources such as documents, archival
materials, letters, government records, parish records, court transcripts and business ledgers.
Primary sources can also be non-written. They can come in the form of artifacts such as the
Manunggul Jar; edifices like colonial churches; clothes, jewelry, and farming implements.
Diary a form of autobiographical writing is a regularly kept record of the diarist’s activities
and reflections. Written primarily for the writer’s use alone, the dairy has a frankness that in
unlike writing done for publication.
Personal Letter is a type of letter (or informal composition) that usually concerns personal matters
(rather than professional concerns) and is sent from one individual to another.
Correspondence is a body of letters or communications. If you have ever had a pen pal or an email
friend, you have written plenty of correspondence.
Interview is a conversation where questions are asked and answer are given. It refers to
oneonone conversation with one person acting in the role of the interviewer and the other in
the role of the interviewee.
Survey is a list of questions aimed at extracting specific data from a particular group of
people. Surveys may be conducted by phone, mail, via internet, and face-to-face on busy
street corners in malls. Survey research is often used to assess thoughts, opinions, and
Photographs and posters are often considered it can illustrate past events as they happened and
people as they were at a particular time.
Paintings a form of visual art where paint or ink is used on a canvas or more often in the past,
wooden panels or plaster walls, to depict an artist’s rendering of a scene or even an abstract.
Drawing s form of visual art in which a person uses various drawing instruments to mark peer or
another two-dimensional medium.
Speech is a form of communication in spoken language, made by a speaker before an audience for
a given purpose.
Literature review is an evaluation report of information found in the literature related to your
selected area of study. (Film Review and Book Review)
It provides third-hand information by reporting ideas and details from secondary sources. This
does not mean that tertiary sources have no value, merely that they include the potential for an
additional layer of bias.
Library is a collection of sources of information and similar resources, made accessible to a defined
community for reference and borrowing.
Archive is an accumulation of historical records or the physical place they are located. We
find primary sources in the archives. There are many kinds of archives, such as those
maintained by a religious order, which are called religious archives. In the Philippines, the
Dominicans have the Dominican Archives which is found in the University of Santo Tomas.
The Jesuits have theirs at the Ateneo de Manila University. Some schools have their own
respective archives such as the University of the Philippines.
Museum is an institution that cares for (conserves) a collection of artifacts and other objects of
artistic, cultural, historical or scientific importance.
2. Develop critical thinking skills. In analyzing sources, students move from concrete
observations and facts to questioning and making inferences about the materials.
Questions of creator bias, purpose, and point of view may challenge students’
7. To acquire empathy for the human condition. Primary sources help students relate
personally to events of the past, gaining a deeper understanding of history as a series
of human events.
The primary goal of historical criticism is to discover the text's primitive or original meaning
in its original historical context and its literal sense or sensus literalis historicus. The
secondary goal seeks to establish a reconstruction of the historical situation of the author and
Historical-critical methods are the specific procedures used to examine the text's historical
origins, such as/the time, the place in which the text was written; its sources; and the events,
dates, persons, places, things, and customs that are mentioned or implied in the text.
Once the source is considered authentic, then primary source goes through internal criticism
which checks on the reliability of the source. Not just because the source is primary should
one accept its contents completely. There should be some skepticism in accepting the source.
The following are questions that can be considered to check on the reliability of the source:
Oxford dictionary: Inclination or prejudice for or against one person or group, especially in a way
considered to be unfair.
People may be biased toward an individual, a race, a religion, a social class, or a political
party. Biased means one-sided, lacking a neutral viewpoint, not having an open mind. Bias
can come in many forms and is often considered to be synonymous with prejudice. No
country is free from biases. The biases are seen in behavior, writings and can easily creep into
textbooks. All subjects could carry biased statements; however, the history textbook is
generally an easy target for bias to enter. And hence as a teacher of history one needs to be
extra sensitive to detect bias in the textbook.
• Gender bias refers to a person receiving different treatment based on the person's real or
perceived gender identity.
• Cultural bias Is a tendency to interpret a word or action according to culturally derived
meaning assigned to it.
• Religious bias against individuals on the basis of religion or belief
• Racial bias is a system of structuring opportunity and assigning value based on physical
properties such as skin color and hair texture. This “system” unfairly disadvantages some
individuals and groups and damages their health and mental health.
• Political bias. emerges in a political context when individuals engage in an inability or an
unwillingness to understand a politically opposing point of view.
▪ Review school textbooks and identify each of these forms. Then think of the ways to remove
the bias and create more equitable textbooks.
▪ Understand the concept of bias, prejudice and stereotype
▪ Read various texts to understand and interpret historical accounts
▪ Learn simple ways to detect bias- inflammatory language, one sided view, falsified view,
making larger claims. Inform students about the bias manners ▪ Be careful in use of
language while discussing sensitive issues
Historical Significance is the process used to evaluate what was significant about selected
events, people, and developments in the past. Historians are use different sets of criteria to
help them make judgements about significance.
“Teachers often tell students what is important instead of asking them to consider what is
significant. The key to understanding significance is to understand the distinction between
teaching significant history and asking students to make judgements about significance”
(Bradshaw, 2004).
The past is everything that ever happened to anyone anywhere. There is much too much
history to remember all of it. So how do we make choices about what is worth remembering?
Significant events include those that resulted in great change over long periods of time for
large numbers of people. World War II passes the test for historical significance in this sense.
But what could be significant about the life of a worker or a slave? What about my own
ancestors, who are clearly significant to me, but not necessarily to others? Significance
depends upon one’s perspective and purpose. A historical person or event can acquire
significance if we, the historians, can link it to larger trends and stories that reveal something
important for us today. For example, the story of an individual worker in Winnipeg in 1918,
however insignificant in the World War II sense, may become significant if it is recounted in a
way that makes it a part of a larger history of workers’ struggles, economic development, or
post-war adjustment and discontent. In that case, the “insignificant” life reveals something
important to us, and thus becomes significant. Both “It is significant because it is in the history
book,” and “It is significant because I am interested in it,” are inadequate explanations of
historical significance.
Deciding who to choose and which individuals are more useful for the children to learn
about, are issues facing all teachers in the primary school. Teachers and children’s views
about historical significance are often shaped by contemporary contexts and can dependent
upon their own values and interests.
Significant public commemoration and the commemoration of individuals in the locality are
sensitive and need careful handling in classrooms where there are children from different cultural
and religious backgrounds.
▪ Developing an enquiry around a key event such as World War 1 provides children with the
opportunity to explore an event that has been commemorated annually for almost 100 years.
Children can investigate the origins of what it is that is being commemorated, and how its
significance has grown to include conflicts up to the present day.
▪ Enquiries about conflict or war may raise sensitive issues for children whose families are still
suffering the effects of conflict or still involved in fighting a war. These children have direct,
personal experiences, of recent hostilities and their schools will need to exercise sensitivity in
teaching this topic
▪ Children could also focus on the symbols of remembrance and their significance, and why it
has been chosen as a symbol of remembrance. They can explore issues around the wearing of
symbols of remembrance and how they can be seen as expressions of identity. The children’s
awareness of different viewpoints can be extended through discussions concerning why we
▪ Focusing an enquiry on significant women in the past such as Florence Nightingale, Mary
Seacole or Amelia Earhart will help develop the children’s understanding of the roles of
women in the past. Stereotypical views of women explorers can be challenged by
examining images of the life of Mary Kingsley, a female explorer.
▪ What importance can the study of topics about the commemoration of events which happened
in Ireland 100 years ago have for today’s children? Does it matter if they know what the
actual events are and when and how they happened? These events have all had an effect on
the world in which the children live today, in terms of how the state in which they live was set
up, how they are ruled, where the government is situated and the type of society they will live
and work in. Building enquiries around the commemoration of these events are therefore
important in helping to develop the children’s realization the connections between past and
There are a number of criteria that historians’ use that can be applied to establish the
significance of events.
Fernandez, Leandro H. (1930) Mga Tala ng aking buhay by Gregoria de Jesus. published in
the June 1930 issue of the Philippine Magazine, Volume XXVII, No 1.
Llewellyn, J. & Thompson, S. 2015) . “The History” at publishing of The Alpha History.
Alpha History Publishing House
Zaide, G. & Sonia Z. (1990) Documentary Sources of Philippine History 12 vols. Manila:
National Book Store
Activity Sheet
__________________Course/Year/Section: ___________ Score: _________
Direction: Discuss the importance of three types of historical sources in studying Philippine
History. Write your answer on the spaces provided below.
Students learn essential historical concepts when they study primary materials.
To begin, pupils realize that all recorded history is based on an author's
interpretation of historical events. Second, students may directly interact with
people from the past by using primary sources. The example is Autobiography,
Memoir, Diary, Personal Letter, Correspondence, Interview, Survey and ect.
Secondary sources are documents produced after the historical event they depict
has taken place. These products study and make inferences from original
sources. Secondary sources offer insight and frequently combine material from
numerous sources on the same event. The examples is Bibliographies,
Biographical Works and Literature
Tertiary sources of information are based on a collection of primary and
secondary sources This isn't to say that tertiary sources aren't valuable it's only
that they come with the risk of bias. The examples is Library,Archive,Museum
and Historical Society
Activity Sheet
Direction: Read the autobiography of Gregoria de Jesus and find out her purpose/s for
writing. Determine Also the author’s main arguments. Write your findings, observations and
analysis in an essay format.
__________________Course/Year/Section: ___________ Score: _________
Direction: Analyze the significant event below (attached editorial cartoon). Answer the
following questions below write your answer on the space before the number.
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__________________Course/Year/Section: ___________ Score: _________
2. Who were/have been affected by the event? Why was it important to them?
3. Was the superficial or deeply affecting? How deeply people’s lives were affected?
How were people’s lives affected?
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__________________Course/Year/Section: ___________ Score: _________
Direction: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and write FALSE if the statement is wrong
about the different historical sources and criticism. Write your answer on the spaces provided
before the number.
_TRUE_ 1. A primary source is one prepared by an individual who was a participant in, or a direct
witness to, the event that is being described.
_TRUE _2. A secondary source is a document prepared by an individual who was not direct witness
to an event.
FALSE 3. Content analysis is a primary method of data analysis in historical research.
TRUE________4. External criticism refers to the genuineness of the documents a researcher uses in
a historical study.
_FALSE_______5. Internal Criticism pertains to the accuracy or truthfulness of information in a
__TRUE______6. Most of historical source material can be grouped into four basic categories:
documents, numerical records, oral statements and relics.
___TRUE_____7. Historical Significance is the process used to evaluate what was significant about
selected events, people, and developments in the past.
____TRUE____8. Bias is an inclination of temperament or outlook to present or hold a partial
perspective and a refusal to even consider the possible merits of alternative points of view.
_____TRUE___9. This does not mean that tertiary sources have no value, merely that they
include the potential for an additional layer of bias.
___TRUE_10. Relics are any objects whose physical or visual characteristics can provide some
information about the past.
Direction: Match each of the following terms with the correct definition. Write your answer on the
spaces provided before the no.
a. Archive f. Memoir
b. Autobiography g. Museums
c. External criticism h. Primary Sources
d. Internal criticism i. Secondary Sources
e. Journal f. Tertiary Sources
In what particular portion of this learning packet, you feel that you are struggling or lost?
To further improve this learning packet, what part do you think should be enhanced?
This chapter is devoted to the student’s actual evaluation, assessment, analysis, interpretation
and appreciation of the different historical sources. It will include the variety of templates that
will use for content analysis and different historical sources.
Specific Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
• Develop critical and analytical skills in assessing the different historical sources.
• Demonstrate the ability to use historical sources to argue in favor or against a particular
Chapter 3: Declaration of Principles: Kartilya ng Katipunan = 3 hours
Memoirs: Paghirang sa Supremo Bilang Hari Proclamation:
The Act Declaration of Principles =3 hours
Paintings: The Making of the Philippine Flag and
Spolarium =3
Assessments =3
Lesson Proper
Historical source is original source that contain important historical information. These
sources are something that inform us about history at the most basic level, and these sources
used as clues in order to study history Historical sources include documents, artifacts,
archaeological sites, features.
Here are the historical sources reproduced here which you can subject to situation, assessment,
analysis, interpretation and appreciation.
a. Chronicle – Customs of Tagalogs by Juan de Placencia
b. Declaration of Principles – Kartilya ng Katipunan Emilio Jacinto
c. Memoirs – Paghirang sa Supremo Bilang Hari ni Heneral Emilio Aguinaldo
d. Proclamation – The Act of Declaration of Philippine Independence
e. Cartoon – Political Caricatures of the American Era 1900-1941
f. Speech – Speech before the Joint Session of the United States Congress (1986) by
Corazon C. Aquino
g. Paintings – Spoliarium by Jaun Luna and The making of Philippine Flag by Fernando
h. Film – The Yellow Propaganda “The Aquino and Cojuango Fact’s We Didn’t Know”
These purposes are 1) illustration and motivation; 2) evidence for historical inquiry; 3) visual
or textual interpretation; 4) source analysis. By reflecting on how each of these purposes can
play a role in the classroom, which kinds of sources are appropriate for each, and where they
fit into an overall sequence of instruction, teachers can ensure that their use of sources
deepens and extends students’ historical understanding.
▪ Primary sources help students relate in a personal way to events of the past and promote
a deeper understanding of history as a series of human events.
▪ Because primary sources are snippets of history, they encourage students to seek
additional evidence through research.
▪ First-person accounts of events help make them more real, fostering active reading and
▪ Many state standards support teaching with primary sources, which require students to
be both critical and analytical as they read and examine documents and objects.
▪ Primary sources are often incomplete and have little context. Students must use prior
knowledge and work with multiple primary sources to find patterns.
▪ In analyzing primary sources, students move from concrete observations and facts to
questioning and making inferences about the materials.
▪ Questions of creator bias, purpose, and point of view may challenge students’
CAPTION/TITLE ________________________________________________
OBSERVE ITS PARTS: List the people, objects and activities you see.
Where is it from?
What was happening as the time in history this photo was taken?
Why was it taken? List evidence from the photo or your knowledge about the photographer that
led you to your conclusion?
What did you find out form this photo that you might not learn anywhere else?
What other documents or historical evidence are you going to use to help you understand this
event or topic?
What was the happening at the time in history this document was created?
What other documents or historical evidence are you going to use to help you understand this
event or topic?
Does it have a message printed on it? If List the people, objects, places, and
yes list down. activities in the poster.
Are there questions or instructions? What are the main colors used?
Why was it created? List evidence from the poster/painting that tells you this.
What other documents or historical evidence are you going to use to help you understand this
event or topic?
Are the labels, descriptions thoughts, or List the people, objects, and places in
dialogue? the cartoon.
List adjectives that describe the emotions What do they stand for?
OBSERVE ITS PARTS: List people, objects and activities you see.
What do you think he creator wanted the audience to respond? List evidence form the video or
your knowledge about who made it that led you to your conclusion.
Who made it? And who do you think is the intended audience?
What do you think the creator wanted the audience to respond? List evidence from the sound
recording or your knowledge about who made it that led you to your conclusion.
Text Organization
The distinctions made among the priests of the devil were as follows:
1. The first, called CATOLONAN, was either a man or a woman. This office
was an honorable one among the natives, and was held ordinarily by people of rank,
this rule being general in all the islands.
4. The fourth was called MANCOCOLAM, whose duty it was to emit fire from
himself at night, once or oftener each month. This fire could not be extinguished; nor
could it be thus emitted except as the priest wallowed in the ordure and filth which
5. The fifth was called HOCLOBAN, which is another kind of witch, of greater
efficacy than the mangagauay. Without the use of medicine, and by simply saluting or
raising the hand, they killed whom they chose. But if they desired to heal those whom
they had made ill by their charms, they did so by using other charms. Moreover, if
they wished to destroy the house of some Indian hostile to them, they were able to do
so without instruments. This was in Catanduanes, an island off the upper part of
6. The sixth was called SILAGAN, whose office it was, if they saw anyone
clothed in white, to tear out his liver and eat it, thus causing his death. This, like the
preceding, was in the island of Catanduanes. Let no one, moreover, consider this a
fable; because, in Caavan, they tore out in this way through the anus all the intestines
of a Spanish notary, who was buried in Calilaya by father Fray Juan de Merida.
7. The seventh was called MAGTATANGAL, and his purpose was to show
himself at night to many persons, without his head or entrails. In such wise the devil
walked about and carried, or pretended to carry, his head to different places; and, in
the morning, returned it to his body – remaining, as before, alive. This seems to me to
be a fable, although the natives affirm that they have seen it, because the devil
probably caused them so to believe. This occurred in Catanduanes.
8. The eighth they called OSUANG, which is equivalent to” sorcerer;” they say
that they have seen him fly, and that he murdered men and ate their flesh. This was
among the Visayas Islands; among the Tagalogs these did not exist.
10. The tenth was known as SONAT, which is equivalent to” preacher.” It was his
office to help one to die, at which time he predicted the salvation or condemnation of
the soul. It was not lawful for the functions of this office to be fulfilled by others than
people of high standing, on account of the esteem in which it was held. This office
was general through- out the islands.
11. The eleventh, PANGATAHOJAN, was a soothsayer, and predicted the future.
This office was general in all the islands.
Ni Emilio Jacinto
Sometime in 1896, Andres Bonifacio, the father of the Philippine Revolution, and
once the President of the Supreme Council of the Katipunan, penned the Duties of the
Sons of the People, a list of the duties and responsibilities to be followed strictly by
every member of the organization. The rules constituted a decalogue, and embodied
Bonifacio’s passionate beliefs.
In admiration of Emilio Jacinto’s literary style, Bonifacio would later adopt Jacinto’s
Kartilya as the official teachings of the Katipunan. Similar to the Decalogue, the
Kartilya was written to introduce new recruits to the principles and values that should
guide every member of the organization.
1. Ang kabuhayang hindi ginugugol sa isang malaki at banal na kadahilanan ay kahoy na walang
lilim, kundi damong makamandag.
2. Ang gawang magaling na nagbubuhat sa pagpipita sa sarili, at hindi sa talagang nasang
gumawa ng kagalingan, ay di kabaitan.
Emilio Aguinaldo,
Mga Gunita ng Himagsikan
Manila: National Centennial Commission, 1964
Because of arbitrary arrests and abuses of the Civil Guards who cause deaths in
connivance with and even under the express orders of their superior officers who at
times would order the shooting of those placed under arrest under the pretext that they
attempted to escape in violation of known Rules and Regulations, which abuses were
left unpunished, and because of unjust deportations of illustrious Filipinos, especially
those decreed by General Blanco at the instigation of the Archbishop and friars
interested in keeping them in ignorance for egoistic and selfish ends, which
deportations were carried out through processes more execrable than those of the
Inquisition which every civilized nation repudiates as a trial without hearing.
Had resolved to start a revolution in August 1896 in order to regain the independence
and sovereignty of which the people had been deprived by Spain through Governor
Miguel Lopez de Legazpi who, continuing the course followed by his predecessor
Ferdinand Magellan who landed on the shores of Cebu and occupied said Island by
means of a Pact of Friendship with Chief Tupas, although he was killed in the battle
that took place in said shores to which battle he was provoked by Chief Kalipulako of
Mactan who suspected his evil designs, landed on the Island of Bohol by entering also
into a Blood Compact with its Chief Sikatuna, with the purpose of later taking by
force the Island of Cebu, and because his successor Tupas did not allow him to occupy
it, he went to Manila, the capital, winning likewise the friendship of its Chiefs Soliman
and Lakandula, later taking possession of the city and the whole Archipelago in the
Don Emilio Aguinaldo returned in order to initiate a new revolution and no sooner
had he given the order to rise on the 31st of last month when several towns
anticipating the revolution, rose in revolt on the 28th , such that a Spanish contingent
of 178 men, between Imus Cavite-Viejo, under the command of major of the Marine
Infantry capitulated , the revolutionary movement spreading like wild fire to other
towns of Cavite and the other provinces of Bataan, Pampanga, Batangas, Bulacan,
Laguna, and Morong, some of them with seaports and such was the success of the
victory of our arms, truly marvelous and without equal in the history of colonial
revolutions that in the first mentioned province only the Detachments in Naic and
Indang remained to surrender; in the second all Detachments had been wiped out; in
the third the resistance of the Spanish forces was localized in the town of San
Fernando where the greater part of them are concentrated, the remainder in Macabebe,
Sexmoan, and Guagua; in the fourth, in the town of Lipa; in the fifth, in the capital and
in Calumpit; and in last two remaining provinces, only in there respective capitals, and
the city of Manila will soon be besieged by our forces as well as the provinces of
Nueva Ecija, Tarlac, Pangasinan, La Union, Zambales, and some others in the Visayas
where the revolution at the time of the pacification and others even before, so that the
independence of our country and the revindication of our sovereignty is assured. And
having as witness to the rectitude of our intentions the Supreme Judge of the Universe,
and under the protection of our Powerful and Humanitarian Nation.
The United States of America, we do hereby proclaim and declare solemnly in the
name by authority of the people of these Philippine Islands, That they are and have the
right to be free and independent; that they have ceased to have allegiance to the Crown
of Spain; that all political ties between them are should be completely severed and
annulled; and that, like other free and independent States, they enjoy the full power to
make War and Peace, conclude commercial treaties, enter into alliances, regulate
commerce, and do all other acts and things which and Independent State Has right to
do, And imbued with firm confidence in Divine Providence, we hereby mutually bind
ourselves to support this Declaration with our lives, our fortunes, and with our sacred
possession, our Honor.
We recognize, approve, and ratify, with all the orders emanating from the same, the
Dictatorship established by Don Emilio Aguinaldo whom we reverse as the Supreme
Head of this Nation, which today begins to have a life of its own, in the conviction
that he has been the instrument chosen by God, inspite of his humble origin, to
effectuate the redemption of this unfortunate country as foretold by Dr. Don Jose
Rizal in his magnificent verses which he composed in his prison cell prior to his
Moreover, we confer upon our famous Dictator Don Emilio Aguinaldo all the powers
necessary to enable him to discharge the duties of Government, including the
prerogatives of granting pardon and amnesty, and lastly, it was results unanimously
that this Nation, already free and independent as of this day, must used the same flag
which up to now is being used, whose designed and colored are found described in the
attached drawing, the white triangle signifying the distinctive emblem of the famous
Society of the "Katipunan" which by means of its blood compact inspired the masses
to rise in revolution; the tree stars, signifying the three principal Islands of these
Archipelago - Luzon, Mindanao, and Panay where the revolutionary movement
started; the sun representing the gigantic step made by the son of the country along the
path of
Progress and Civilization; the eight rays, signifying the eight provinces - Manila,
Cavite, Bulacan, Pampanga, Nueva Ecija, Bataan, Laguna, and Batangas - which
declares themselves in a state of war as soon as the first revolt was initiated; and the
colors of Blue, Red, and White, commemorating the flag of the United States of
America, as a manifestation of our profound gratitude towards this Great Nation for its
disinterested protection which it lent us and continues lending us.
And holding up this flag of ours, I present it to the gentlemen here assembled:
Who solemnly swear to recognize and defend it unto the last drop of their blood.
In witness thereof, I certify that this Act of Declaration of Independence was signed
by me and by all those here assembled including the only stranger who attended those
proceedings, a citizen of the U.S.A., Mr. L.M. Johnson, a Colonel of Artillery.
SPOLIARIUM (1884) by Juan Luna
The painting features a glimpse of Roman history centered on the bloody carnage brought by
gladiatorial matches. Spoliarium is a Latin word referring to the basement
of the Roman Colosseum where the fallen and dying gladiators are dumped and devoid of
their worldly possessions.
At the center of Luna’s painting are fallen gladiators being dragged by Roman
soldiers. On the left, spectators ardently await their chance to strip off the combatants
of their metal helmets and other armory. In contrast with the charged emotions
featured on the left, the right side meanwhile presents a somber mood. An old man
carries a torch perhaps searching for his son while a woman weeps the death of her
loved one.
The Spoliarium is the most valuable oil-on-canvas painting by Juan Luna, a Filipino
educated at the Academia de Dibujo y Pintura (Philippines) and at the Academia de
San Fernando in Madrid, Spain. With a size of 4.22 meters x 7.675 meters, it is the
largest painting in the Philippines. A historical painting, it was made by Luna in 1884
as an entry to the prestigious Exposicion de Bellas Artes (Madrid Art Exposition, May
1884) and eventually won for him the First Gold Medal.
It is believed that Fernando Amorsolo made this painting to show the citizen of the
Philippines of how the Philippine flag was made and to remind them the traditions and
customs that we did not realize it becomes faded. To take care and give importance the
National flag which it symbolizes as white triangle stands for equality and fraternity;
the blue field for peace, truth and justice; and the red field for patriotism and valor.
The eight rays of the sun stand for the first eight provinces that the colonizers have put
under martial law. The three stars symbolize Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao. These
just shows us to loved our country, be proud of it do not be ashamed because our
ancestors risked their lives for the freedom from the hands of the colonizers. It is
Activity Sheet
Direction: Analyze and interpret the historical sources “The Custom of Tagalog”,
Direction: Analyze and interpret the historical sources “Kartilya ng Katipunan” using
the appropriate template.
Kartilya ng Katipunan by Emilio Aguinaldo
appropriate template.
Activity Sheet
Direction: Analyze and interpret the historical sources below using the appropriate
In what particular portion of this learning packet, you feel that you are struggling or
To further improve this learning packet, what part do you think should be enhanced?