A Sample Essay On The Internet

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The Internet

The internet simply refers to the worldwide network of public computers that allows its

users to exchange information. It is an important invention in the modern information

technology. In our times, it is hardly possible to find someone who has never heard about the

advantages and opportunities offered to modern people by the internet. Over the last two

decades, the internet has become one of the most popular and demanded technological

innovations used by billions of people across the globe. There is no denying the fact that the

internet has had a huge impact on our modern life, both positively and negatively.

The most important function of the internet is its being a unique source of information.

For example, we can access information almost about any topic on the internet enabling us to

find it in fast and easier way. In addition to that, the internet offers its users an opportunity to

watch videos and TV shows online, PC games, music, software, and so on. The only thing is that

you should know what information you need and the search way to get it. Information in various

modes from documents to visual is archived on the internet.

Undoubtedly it has great positive influences on people. Viewing various educational or

entertaining sites help people to learn a lot of new things and increase their general intelligence.

Students and researchers can make use of the information available on the internet for their

academic and research purpose. Besides, it is cost effective as many book and journal articles are

freely available on the internet. In other words, they do not need to buy expensive books and

spend time walking to the library to get the desired books. This is surely advantageous for people

who are willing to use it best way to suit their purpose.

However, the internet as a technological phenomenon has some serious drawbacks.

Those include spamming and a threat of receiving computer viruses, stealing important personal
information of the internet users. Furthermore, children are at risk of being exposed to unwanted

sites and addicted to it. Children may be the victim of cyber crimes which is on the rise these

days. Moreover, decreased attention span and loss of creativity and increased plagiarism are

some other cons of the internet use.

In a nutshell, the internet causes more good than harm. Avoiding the use of the internet is

simply impossible in this age of information, hence the need for using it in wise and informed

way to make best use of resources available on the internet. Let's stop blaming the medium and

educate our young minds about the best and safe use of the internet.

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