Integumentary System
Integumentary System
Integumentary System
Your integumentary ( integument means covering ) system is your body’s outer layer. It’s made up of your skin,
nails, hair and the glands and nerves on your skin. Your integumentary system acts as a physical barrier —
protecting your body from bacteria, infection, injury and sunlight. It also helps regulate your body temperature
and allows you to feel skin sensations like hot and cold. It is like an armor and the first line of defense against
viruses, bacteria and other microbes. It shields your body from harmful light and helps regulate your body
temperature. Your integumentary system stores fat, water, glucose and vitamin D, and helps support your
immune system to protect you from diseases.
Your integumentary system protects your body from infection and injuries you could get from your external
environment. It’s your body’s coat of armor and the first line of defense against viruses, bacteria and other
microbes. It shields your body from harmful light and helps regulate your body temperature. Your integumentary
system stores fat, water, glucose and vitamin D, and helps support your immune system to protect you from
Is the largest and heaviest organ in your body. It weighs about six pounds ( or more ) and is approximately 2
millimeters thick—thinner on sensitive areas like eyelids , and thicker on surfaces that take more stress , like the
soles of your feet. The Skin receives little respect from its habitats, but architecturally it is a marvel. It covers the
entire body.The skin multitask. Its function go well beyond serving as a bag for body contexts. Pliable yet tough.
Without our skin , we would quickly full prey to bacteria and perish from water and heat loss.
Epidermis – The top layer of your skin. This is the part of your skin that you can see and touch. It’s made up of
cells: Keratinocytes , melanocytes , Langerhans, dendritic cells and tactile cells. It is the outermost protective
shield of the body.
Dermis – The middle layer of the skin. This layer is the thickest. It contains sweat and oil glands and hair follicles.
The underlying dermis , making up the bulk of the skin , it is tough , leathery layer composed mostly of fibrous
connective tissues. Only the dermis is vascularized nutrients reach the epidermis by diffusing through the tissue
fluid from blood vessels in dermis.
Hypodermis – The subcutaneous tissue just deep to your skin.. It’s the fatty layer of your skin that helps insulate
your body. This is actually not part of the skin. But it shares some of skins protective is also called as
superficial fascia because it is superficial to the tough connective tissue wrapping of the skeletal muscles , consists
mostly of Adipose tissue. It also acts as a shock absorber and a insulator that reduces heat loss. This thickens
workedly when a person gained weight in womans it accumulates in thighs and breast but in man it collects in the
anterior abdomen ( beer belly )
Your nails protects the ends of your skin that helps insulate your body. The anatomy of your nails consist of
Nail Plate – The hard part of your nail you can see
Our hair does more than help us look nice. The hair on your head helps keep heat in your body. Your eyelashes
and eyebrows help to protect your eyes from dirt and water.
Your hair consists of three parts: The shaft , Follicle and bulb.
Hair shaft– The part of your hair , can see , touch and style
Hair Follicle – The tube-like structure that keeps your hair in the skin.
Hair bulb – located under your skin and responsible for hair growth.
Goosebumps are caused by your integumentary system. We all have hair erector muscles connected to our hair
follicles and skin. When it contracts , it makes your hair stand up. The “goosebumps” are what we see when these
tiny muscles contract .
Glands are found throughout your skin. They release materials like water , salt or oil from under your skin to the
surface of your skin. Your integumentary system consist of the following glands
Sudoriferous glands – these are the glands that secret sweat through your skin. There are two types of sweat
glands: eccrine glands ( are all over your body and open to your pores ) and apocrine glands ( open into your hair
Sebaceous glands – these glands produce sebum ( oil ) and give your faces its oil.
Ceruminous glands – these are the glands in your ear that secrets ear wax
Mammary glands – These are the glands on a person’s chest. In people assigned female at birth (AFAB) it produce
milk after giving birth.
Your body is like a complex machine. All of your organs, body parts and systems work together to keep everything
in check and working as it should. Your integumentary system plays a role in helping other systems maintain their
For example, it helps your immune system because it’s the first line of defense against bacteria and infection. It
also sends white blood cells to injuries to begin the healing process.
Your integumentary system helps you absorb vitamin D, which acts as a hormone and is crucial to your bone
health because it affects calcium absorption.
The tiny hairs in your nose help your respiratory system because they filter out dust and other particles before you
inhale them into your lungs.
Your integumentary system is unique because most health conditions associated with it are visible. Unlike your
internal organs, health conditions of your skin, hair and nails are typically external — meaning you and your
healthcare provider can see them.
Hair loss is the most common condition that affects your hair. Some types of hair loss are temporary, while others
are permanent. The most common types of hair loss include:
Other common conditions of hair that aren’t related to hair loss are:
- Dandruff: It causes white or yellow flakes on your scalp and hair shaft. It’s also known as seborrheic
- Head lice: Tiny, crawling insects that live in a person’s head hair.
- Hirsutism: Excessive hair growth in people assigned female at birth.
Like the other structures of your integumentary system, your nails are always exposed. Nail issues can be caused
by your shoes, poor hygiene or from using nail files or trimmers incorrectly. Some of the more common nail
conditions are: