The False Prince" Reading Control 2
The False Prince" Reading Control 2
The False Prince" Reading Control 2
- i Show understanding of information, main ideas and supporting details, and draw conclusions.
- iii Engage with the written and visual text by identifying ideas, opinions and attitudes and by making a response to the text based on personal
experiences and opinion.
i. shows excellent i. shows considerable i. shows some i. shows minimal The student does not
understanding of understanding of understanding of understanding of reach a standard
information, main ideas and information, main ideas and information, main ideas and information, main ideas and described by any of the
supporting details, and supporting details, and supporting details, and supporting details, and is previous descriptors.
draws conclusions. draws conclusions draws some conclusions not able to draw
ii. has excellent awareness ii. has considerable ii. has some awareness of ii. has limited awareness of
of basic convention awareness of basic basic convention basic conventions
iii. engages thoroughly with iii. engages considerably iii. engages adequately with iii. engages minimally with
the written and visual text with the written and visual the written and visual text the written and visual text
by identifying ideas, text by identifying most by identifying some ideas, by identifying few ideas,
opinions and attitudes and ideas, opinions and opinions and attitudes and opinions and attitudes; has
by making a response to attitudes and by making a by making some response difficulty making a response
the text based on personal response to the text based to the text based on to the text based on
experiences and opinions. on personal experiences personal experiences and personal experiences and
and opinions. opinions. opinions.
6. “Everything is a test.”