1st Q Music

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Agusipan Badiangan, Iloilo

1st Quarter Examination


Name :______________________________________________ Grade Level:___________

Date:_______________ Score:________________

Directions: Read the statement carefully. Choose your answer from the given choices and
write the answer on the space provided.
_________1. What was the period when the Christian church highly influenced culture and political
a. Baroque b. Medieval c. Renaissance d. Romantic Period

_________2. What is a thorough-composed vocal music composition written and expressed in a

poetic text?
A .Gregorian Chant c. Madrigal
b. Mass d. Troubadour Music

_________3. Which of the following is the only section of the Mass with Greek text?
a. Agnus Dei b. Credo c. Gloria d.Kyrie

________4. Which of the following Baroque Music forms that was developed through imitative
a. Fugue c. Madrigal
b. Concerto Grosso d. Oratorio

________5. What is a form of sacred musical composition that sets text of the liturgy into music?
a. Cantala b. Chorale c. Mass d. Oratorio

Directions: Complete the following statements by supplying the correct letter of the answer
from the columns and write the answer on the space provided.

a. Imitative Polyphony e. Baroque Period i. Kyrie

b. Gregorian Chant f. Concerto j. The Four Seasons
c. Madrigal g. Golden Age k. Dark Ages
d. Renaissance h. Oratorio l. Medieval

1. One of the distinctive characteristics of Renaissance music is a _________.

2. A secular vocal polyphonic music sung during courtly social gathering is ___________.
3. A type of music from the Medieval Era is __________, which was mainly used in the early
Christian Church.
4. __________ symbols representing one to four notes used as notation during Medieval Period.
5.A form of orchestral music that employs a solo instrument accompanied by an orchestra is known
as __________.
6. The word __________ is derived from the Portuguese word barocco which means “pearl of irregular
7. __________ musical compositions that resembles a harmonized version of hymnal tunes of the
Protestant Church during the Baroque era.
8. Renaissance period was also known as the ________of a capella chorale music.
9. _________ is part of the first two sections of the Pope Marcellus Mass.
10. One of the most famous pieces of Antonio Lucio Vivalde is ________.
11. The __________ is Handel’s most famous creation.
12. The Medieval period is also known as the Middle Ages or _______ that started with the fall of the
Roman Empire.
13. A contrapuntal piece, developed mainly by imitative counterpoint is known as __________.
14. The term _______ comes from the word renaitre which means “rebirth”, “revival” and
15._________ is a large-scale musical composition for orchestra and voices that incorporates
narratives on religious themes.

Directions: Identify the composer of each selection. Choose the correct letter of the answer
inside the box and write your answer on the space provided.

a.Johann Sebastion Bach b. Thomas Morley c. Antonio Vivaldi

d. George Friedrich Handel e. Giovanni Pierluigi da Paltestrina

_________1. Messiah ___________2. Four Seasons ___________3. Pope Marcellus Mass

___________4. Fire, Fire My Heart __________5. Fugue in G minor

“Dreams don’t work unless you do.”

Prepared by: Shiela Mae F. Cortuna

Subject Teacher
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Agusipan Badiangan, Iloilo

1st Quarter Examination


Name :______________________________________________ Grade Level:___________

Date:_______________ Score:________________

Directions: Read the following statement carefully. Choose the correct answer from the
given choices and write your answer on the space provided.

__________1.Branch of visual arts that operates in three dimension. It uses different media such as
clay, wood, limestone, ivory and other materials that can be molded or combined into a desired
a. Sculpture b. Painting c. Drawing d. Arts

___________2. Archaeologists believe the artwork was created by natural weathering rather than
human activity.
a. Greek Sculptures b.Pre-historic Sculptures c. Roman Sculptures d.Gothic Sculptures

__________3. Refers to the carving with a hefty breast and abdomen, carved from limestone. It’s been
used as a fertility charm.
a. Venus c. Venus of Willendorf
b. Queen Nefertiti d. Myron

__________4. Most ________sculptures are made of massive terra-cotta.

a. Gothic Sculptures b. Byzantine Sculptures c. Roman Sculptures d. Greek Sculptures

__________5. Which of the following is an example of Pre- Historic Art.

a. Tomb of the driver c. Sarcopagus
b. Last Judgment d. Cave of Lascaux

Directions: Given the title of the artwork identify the name of its era. Choose the correct
letter of the answer inside the box.

a. Pre historic b. Egyptian c. Greek d. Roman

_________1. Cave of Lascaux _________ 2. Painting of Sacrophagus

_________3. Judgment of Paris __________4. Head of Alexander the Great
__________5. Paintings from Ancient Egypt
Directions: Match Column A with Column B. Write the correct letter of the answer on the
space provided.

Column A Column B
_______1. Resurrection of the Virgin a. hefty breast and abdomen, carved from limestone
_______2. Last Judgment b. sculpture depicting woman wearing a hood
_______3. The Barberini Diptych c. figure with thick lidded eyes and slim neck
_______4. Sacropagus, from Cervetiri, C. d. showed a high-tension posture
_______5. The Portonacio Sacrophagus e. used for the burial of Roman generals
_______6. Myron; The Discobolus f. husband and woman reclining pleasantly
_______7. Queen Nefertiti g. example of Byzantine Ivory work
_______8. Venus of Brassempouy h. semi-circular or triangular decorative wall
_______9. Venus of Willendorf i. sculptures found in the Cathedral of Amiens
_______10. Sculpture j. branch of visual arts that operates in 3 dimensions
_______11. Pre-historic Sculptures k. artwork was created by natural weathering

Directions: Given the title of artwork identify the principle of art. Choose the correct letter
of the answer inside the box and write the answer on the space provided.

a. love of animals or with strong personality b. believe in life after death

c. believe that everything happens for a reason d. heroic mindset

1. Head of the Alexander the Great __________________

2. Judgment of the Paris __________________
3. Painting of Sarcophagus __________________
4. Cave of Lascaux __________________

“Dreams don’t work unless you do.”

Prepared by: Shiela Mae F. Cortuna

Subject Teacher

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Agusipan Badiangan, Iloilo

1st Quarter Examination


Name :______________________________________________ Grade Level:___________

Date:_______________ Score:________________

Directions: Read the following statement carefully. Choose the correct answer from the given
choices and write your answer on the space provided.

_________1. It is one of the pressing environmental issue in the Philippines today.

a. pollution c. solid waste management
b. proper waste disposal d. tree planting

________2. The environmental issue that makes the surroundings messy and dirty and causes the
clogging of most drainage system.
a. improper waste disposal c. throwing waste anywhere
b.no discipline among people d. waste and garbage

________3. It is an environmental problem where there is an alteration of the physical and biological
properties of water, air and land resources.
a. deforestation c. pollution
b. flash floods d. soil erosion

_________4. It is the release of liquid petroleum hydrocarbon into the environment, especially the
marine ecosystem, due to human activity that causes suffocation of marine mammals.
a. oil spill c. pollution
b. flash floods d. soil erosion

_________5. The benefit we may derive from the 3Rs-reduce, reuse and recycle of the Ecological
Waste Management.
a. food sanitation c. waste disposal
b. healthy environment d. waste management

_________6. Planting trees can prevent ____________.

a. waste disposal c. waste management
b. waste education d. waste segregation

_________7. Having a waste/bin for biodegradable, non-biodegradable and empty bottle wastes in
home, school and community is a manifestation of ________.
a. waste disposal c. waste management
b. waste education d. waste segregation

_________8. Practicing the 3Rs-redue, reuse and recycle shows _______of the environmental issue on
a. cause b. effect c. management d. prevention

________9. These are the effects of deforestation except ______.

a. deforestation of corals along coastal c. oil spill
b. flash floods d. soil osion

________10. It is the displacement of the upper layer of soil; it is a form of soil degradation.
a. oil spill b. soil erosion c. deforestation d. flash floods

Directions: Write √ if the statement shows way of preventing or managing the environmental
issue and x if the statement shows environmental issue. Write your answer on the space

________1. planting tree ________6. throwing of garbage everywhere

________2. practicing waste segregation ________7. cutting too much trees
________3. factories emit smoke ________8. agricultural lands converted into
________4. using of eco bag instead of plastic subdivisions.
________5. planting pechay on plastic bottles ________9. smoking in public places
_______10. practice home gardening

Directions: Arrange the scrambled letters to name the different environmental issues. Write
your answer on the space provided.

________________________1. ira opulliotn

________________________2. feorsiontdeta
________________________3. ilo pilsl
________________________4. ertaw upolloint
________________________5. lfashs lfodos

“Dreams don’t work unless you do.”

Prepared by: Shiela Mae F. Cortuna

Subject Teacher
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Agusipan Badiangan, Iloilo

1st Quarter Examination

P.E 9

Name :______________________________________________ Grade Level:___________

Date:_______________ Score:________________
Directions: Write true if the statement is correct and false if the statement is not correct.
Write your answer on the space provided.

__________1. If the person is experiencing sprain, loosen footwear and immobilize the ankle.
__________2. Strain is a response to heat characterized by fatigue.
__________3. In RICE Method “C” stands for Cold.
__________4. If the person is experiencing strain, give him/her paracetamol.
__________5. Fracture is a break in the bone that can occur from either quick or one-time injury.
__________6. If the victim is having dislocation immobilize the affected area.
__________7. Fracture of the femur and pelvis may cause severe internal bleeding.
__________8. Ice is an excellent anti-inflammatory and reduces swelling and pain.
__________9. Elevation drains fluids from injured tissues.
_________10. If the victim is experiencing heat exhaustion, remove the excessive clothing.

Directions: Lists down 5 Values and Related Guidelines for Officiating Officials. Write your
answer on the space provided.

1.Be a benefit and cause no harm.___________________________________________________________


Directions: Lists down 5 characteristics and values of an official.

1.Integrity________________ 2._________________________
3._________________________ 4._________________________

“Dreams don’t work unless you do.”

Prepared by: Shiela Mae F. Cortuna

Subject Teacher

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