Engj 11 15

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Advertising is important for building brand awareness. By

raising consumer interest and making consumers awareness of
their products and services, firms not only expand their customer
base, but they also keep their loyal customers and increase their
market share. In other words, the more aware consumers are of a
brand, the more likely they are to buy from a particular business.

Approaches in Brand building :

To make brand distinctive: brand building can be done through
repetitive advertising. Also by highlighting unique selling proposition
one can distinguish brand from one another.

1. Constant innovation: Consumers need continuous innovation

and new products. It is not always a new product even an
improvement on the existing product is acceptable to the
consumers. Through intensive advertising such brands are build
which is time consuming.

2. Domination of brand: brand building largely depends on the

domination is creates on the competitors. Domination can take
place either in national market or in niche market.

3. Prompt availability: Prompt delivery of the product is one of the

factors that ensure brand building. This is possible if there is proper
coordination between the finance, production, and marketing

4. Integration of new and old media: Consumers have ever

changing demand. Due to availability of various media option the
seller can push the product in the market by blend multiple media
option .Thus advertising message are flashed to consumers
through media mix.


Advertising consists of all the activities involved in presenting to

an audience a non-personal, sponsor-identified, paid-for message
about a product or organization.

Advertising has become essential to promote sales, to

introduce new product, to create good public, for large scale of
production, for educating people etc.

Advertising is the integral part of every day's life. Without

advertising modern society cannot survive .Advertising is useful to
society as it encouraging people to purchase goods and services,

it bridges the gap among people by communicating varied culture

through advertising message, it contributes to bring about all round
development of the economy by increasing demand, it provides
opportunities to people to improve their income.


1. Define Advertising and explain its nature and features.

2. Define Advertising and explain the main objectives of Advertising
3. What is Advertising? Explain the importance of Advertising
4. Who are the Active Participants in Advertising?
5. What is the Role of Advertising in Marketing Mix?
6. Explain the Role of Advertising in the Society
7. What is the interface between Advertising and Brand building?
Explain the main approaches in Brand building.



Unit Structure :

2.0 Objectives
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Meaning of IMC
2.3 Tools of IMC
2.4 Importance of IMC
2.5 Framing Integrated marketing
2.6 Summary
2.7 Questions


After completion of this lesson the student will be able to

The concept of Integrated Marketing Communication
Tools of Integrated Marketing Communication
Importance of Integrated Marketing Communication
Steps involved in framing Integrated Marketing Communication


Advertising is as old as civilization and has been used as the

means of communication to buy and sell the goods and services to
the society. Advertising is an important tool of promotion that can
create wonders with beautiful words to sell product, service and
also ideas. Advertising has, acquired great importance in the
modern India characterized by tough competition in the market and
fast changes in technology, and fashion and taste of customers.

Today as per the changing marketing situation advertising is

not the only sufficient medium of communication. It has to be
integrated with other mediums so as to create the long lasting

impact on the consumers. Thus the concept of integrated marketing

communication is gaining considerable momentum due to
challenges faced by the advertisers in designing and implementing
their advertising communication messages.


Integrated Marketing Communications is a simple concept. It

ensures that all forms of communications and messages are
carefully linked together. Integrated marketing communications
(IMC) is a process of managing customer relationships that drive
brand value primarily through communication efforts. Such efforts
often include cross-functional processes that create and nourish
profitable relationships with customers and other stakeholders by
strategically controlling or influencing all messages sent to these
groups and encouraging data-driven, purposeful dialog with them.
IMC includes the coordination and integration of all marketing
communication tools, avenues, and sources within a company into
a seamless program in order to maximize the impact on end users
at a minimal cost.

Ideally, IMC is implemented by developing comprehensive

databases on customers and prospects, segmenting these current
and potential customers into groups with certain common
awareness levels, predispositions, and behaviors, and developing
messages and media strategies that guide the communication
tactics to meet marketing objectives. In doing this, IMC builds and
reinforces mutually profitable relationships with customers and
other important stakeholders and generates synergy by
coordinating all elements in the promotional mix into a program that
possesses clarity, consistency, and maximum impact.

Definition of IMC: According to American Association of

Advertising Agencies IMC is a “concept of marketing
communication planning that recognises the added value of a
comprehensive plan that evaluates the strategic roles of a variety of
communication discipline”


ship Publicity

Trade Fair



Advertising :
Advertisement is a non-personal presentation of an idea or a
product (where as personal selling or salesmanship help in
personal promotional.) Advertisement supplements personal selling
to a great extent. Advertising has, acquired great importance in the
modern India characterized by tough competition in the market and
fast changes in technology, and fashion and taste customers. It
creates an active role in integrated marketing communication mix
as it creates.
• Good image
• Top of the mind awareness
• Counterclaim the competitors
• Reinforce positive attitude

Publicity :
Publicity is the non-personal presentation. It originates from the
desk of the editor. It aims at only informing the public about the
events, person, firm etc. There is no control on the publicity by the
advertiser as it comes from the media owner. Publicity can be
favorable or unfavorable. Large firms have separate publicity or

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