Impact of Using English Language in Class Discussion
Impact of Using English Language in Class Discussion
Impact of Using English Language in Class Discussion
Ajid, Rufaida M.
Talavera, Rovic C.
Delos Reyes, Bryxx Phyk B.
Jainal, Muslima
Alpa, Nurmaida
Kahaluddin, Haider
Unsali, John Dave
Ms. Aysa I. Julbasari
Chapter 1
English language has been commonly accepted as an active universal language in the
world. People who study English language consider it as their personal proficiency.
language. Mastering English language is an important value for the students to have.
By mastering the language the students can improve themselves both in academic and
an international language in the world. So, it is important for people to learn it.
level. By learning English, the students are expected to absorb and keep up with the
development of science, technology and art. The teaching of English is focused on the
listening speaking,
reading, and writing (Depdiknas, 2003: 6). The learners should have abilities in
One of the language skills is writing skill. It is one important skill in learning English.
It has always occupied a place in most English language course. One of the reasons is
that more and more people need to learn writing in English for occupational or
academic purposes. To write well, people must have good capability in writing.
Moreover, someone who wants to write an essay or a story must know the steps in
writing process and aspects of writing. The writer must be able to organize the ideas,
to construct the sentences, to use punctuation, and spelling well. Besides, they must
be able to arrange their writing into cohesive and coherent paragraphs and texts.
English is a language taught in our country and our government has taken several
efforts, one of them is that English has been formally taught in all levels of schools
are able to acquire science and technology in order to develop our country.
Teaching writing in secondary school needs appropriate technique in order that the
students are active and creative in writing skill. The techniques for the teaching
A. What is the demographic profile of the learners using english language in class
B. Is there a significant connection on using english language to the reading
Conceptual Framework
This study will be discussing the interplay of the variables which will be used in the
Moderator Variable
Theoretical Framework
This study is anchored on the Discourse Theory cited in Jha (2012) which believed
that language acquisition will successfully take place when language learners know
how and when to use language in various settings and when they have successfully
cognized various forms of competence. The theory further emphasizes that language
development should be viewed within the framework of how the learners discovers
knowledge on how to use and respond to different types of speech acts and social
This study entitled, " The impact of using english language in class discussions
among STEM students in southern city colleges" this is a quantitative research study
that will focuses on understanding of the impact of using english language in class
discussions in STEM students. The study will limited only in STEM strand students in
Southern City Colleges, Central Campus. The chosen respondents are the Grade 11-
12 STEM students in Southern City Colleges. The total population of Grade 11-12
STEM A and B are One Hundred Seventy-One (171) The chosen students compose of
seventeen (17) boys and twenty-nine (29) girls of those 11 STEM - A and seventeen
(17) boys and thirty-three (33) girls of 11 STEM - B and nine (9) boys and thirty-four
(34) girls of those 12 STEM – A and fifteen (15) boys and seventeen (17) girls of 12
Student - The findings of this study will assist them in improving the new learning
process and will provide them with strategies and specifics on the good and negative
Parents - This study will also inspire the parents to give more support to their
Teachers - This study will be very beneficial to the faculty member. They can help
SCC Administrator - Instead of simply seeing the end result, they are invited to
participate in the process of change in order to make decisions. and allows teachers to
Future Researchers - The findings serve as guide to future researchers who would
Teacher Education - They are ensured to obtain the knowledge and skills necessary
in their proficiency in the English language as these students are given ample
instruction leading to the quality education they hope to acquire from the university.
English Language Instructors - The result of the study helps to create new ways of
structuring their education and training activities in order to better accommodate the
Related Literature
Early in the twentieth century, language teaching focused primarily on grammar and
competence in more recent years fostered the idea of sociolinguistic competence, that
norms and social practices. Indicators of the study. Fond and Pan (2012).
These issues are identified at the word or clause level. Inevitability, correct usage of
making. The inability to cast the correct word may lead to misunderstanding and
This was supported by Liu and Jackson (2008) when they claimed that lack of
English learners. According to Lim et al (2008), their respondents revealed that there
was a gap between vocabulary range in writing and speaking. When they write, they
have enough time to figure out the most appropriate words and phrases. But when it
comes to speaking, some words and phrases may never come to mind, so expressions
Additionally, in some social situations that involve use of highly colloquial language,
they face a shortage of vocabulary and they cannot express accurately what they want
to say. Almost all students agreed with the view that this vocabulary problem was the
major reason why they sometimes could not express themselves clearly and
appropriately. They also believed that this contributed directly to a lack of fluency in
their speech. During the interviews, they all emphasized a need to further expand their
Like vocabulary, almost all the participants mentioned grammar as a stumbling block
to their spoken English. Although they already have the concept of subject-verb
agreement in their head, sometimes some simple grammar points like a verb’s third
person singular form maybe overlooked when spoken fast and fail to observe this rule
and end up using ‘do’ when the subject is ‘he’. Similarly, respondent in this study
were particularly bothered by the past tense that led to a variety of inflectional forms
of verbs. When they speak, they tend to switch unconsciously from past tense, some
students reported that to ensure grammatical accuracy they would think about the
Furthermore, in terms of speaking, students do not think too much about what they are
going to say. Actually, they have no time to think and they have to improvise or
switch from the second language to the first language which eventually leads to a big
problem with grammar. This apparently echoes Krashen’s cited in Watson (2013)
argument that when second language speakers rely on “feel” for correctness without
English as a Foreign Language (EFL) among Bahrain University Students” said that a
undergraduate students is the continuously widening gap between the needs of the
students to demonstrate to others the mastery of English on the one hand, and the
tasks , i.e., without frequently resorting to their native language as the basic tool of
Related Studies
English is the language of knowledge, information and research. Almost all latest
researcher so it is need of the hour to aware of our new generation with English.
Getting into the essence of communication and understanding how specialized know
the nature of academic and professional discourse. This entails familiarization of these
strategies needed for organizing utterances with the social contexts in which language
manifestation take place with the discourse community that shapes and defines terms
with how previous experiences and knowledge filter and affect linguistic
more than half of females respondents exhibit a proficient use of the language in
students were satisfactory in terms of language use. With the result in language use,
Credo emphasized that teachers teaching Communication Arts should provide various
of the students. She recommended that teachers should utilized various strategies in
This has bearing the present study since the study both tested proficiency of student’s
speaking. Communicating other people using the language is the most amazing and
the most effective tool of expression. Language has a great role in the person’s
existence. Hence, the ability to put the language into practice is a symbol of life and is
vital to the success of any endeavor. As such, a speaker of the language should
possess ample schemata in grammar and vocabulary for use in meeting new situations
However, Liu and Jackson cited in Gan (2012) in his study entitled: Understanding
vocabulary was also reported as a prevalent concern among the students although they
are exposed to range of words and phrases at this stage. But when it comes to
speaking, these words and phrases never come to their mind, so the expression they
deliver intended meaning precisely. This also contributed directly to a lack of fluency
in their speech.
He added, grammar is also an obstacle to their spoken English. Sometimes, that have
problem in simple sentences like verb’s three persons singular form, although they
have the concept of subject-verb agreement in their head. But when they speak fast,
they fail to apply this rule. Some students had problems in using past tense to present
tense. It was also observed that students would think about the particular grammar
item being involved before producing the utterance. But this strategy did not always
work, as in terms of speaking, the speaker would not think too much about what
he/she is going to say because he/she has no time think, and consequently, improvise.
Riyaz (2016) in their study entitled “Learning English Speaking Skill: A Study of
Higher Secondary Students in Srinaga, India” further revealed that students tend to
translate a word directly from mother tongue to English because learners find it easier
or more natural to express themselves in their native language, he also observed that
most of the student speak carefully in order to focus on pronouncing certain words
especially those less common words. When they speak fast, there are inaccurate in
some sounds, few students have problems with some particular vowels or consonants,
although these errors would \not lead to unintelligibility. He reported that the reason
for these findings is large classes that teachers have to cope with. Because the classes
are large in terms of student’s strength, the teacher cannot give individual attention to
all students. Another is the lack of audio visual aids. It was observed only few schools
were equipped with it, and the use of audio visual material was almost negligible. It
was also observed that teachers were more focused on the completion of syllabus
Research Design
The research design of this study is quantitative approach. The quantitative research
means the predictions through measured amounts, and ultimately describes an event
given with the required data from the respondents factually and accurately. Through
the survey method, quantitative data were collected from a representative sample.
Research Locale
The research study will be conducted at the STEM Strand in Southern City Colleges,
Central Campus of Senior High School Department, located at ZONE IV Pilar Street,
Zamboanga City, Academic Year 2023-2024. Founded by the President Mr. Manuel
The participants in this study are mostly from Southern City Colleges STEM strand in
Sampling Technique
The researchers used purposive sampling technique as a technique because this study
aims to determine the impact of using english language to the Grade 12 STEM
The total respondents of this study are ( ) students from Grade11 and 12 STEM
students of ( ) Boys and ( ) Girls from section A and B of Grade 11 and for Grade 12
students of ( ) Boys and ( ) Girls from section A and B of Senior High School
Data gathering
Formulating the procedure
research title