ICTSAD609 Project Portfolio.v1.0

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Student Version
Section 1: Establish business analysis approach
Section 2: Plan business analysis activities and communication
Section 3: Manage business analysis

Plan and monitor business analysis
activities in an ICT environment
Student name:



Business this assessment is

based on:

Business analysis initiative 1:

Business analysis initiative 2:

Numeric and Financial data:

ICTSAD609 Plan and monitor business analysis activities in an ICT environment | 3

Section 1: Establish business analysis approach
Provide business overview Name: Worlducation
Provide an overview of the Established: 2016
business, including:
Headquarter: Sydney
● name of business
Worlducation is a non-profit organization that manufactures tablet
● description of what the devices again for best pupils. Its goal is to investigate the problem of
business does. illiterate, and its purpose is to become the impetus for a society free
of illiteracy by altering the way kids learn in school and the wide
variety of organizations that need access to services.

Describe business analysis Initiative 1

Redesign software to support remote learning - enable students and
Describe the two selected ICT teachers to collaborate online, using existing/ accessible range of
business analysis initiatives peripheral devices (desktops, laptops, tablets and smartphones)
associated with the business.
S- Schools and individual families and sales team, software
development team, CEO and end users
● a brief outline of each
W – Disruptions to education because of COVID 19
initiative, including:
O – Adapt existing software to allow teachers more visibility and
o the type of ICT
control over learning. Improve access to adapted software, and Adapt
project software to be effortlessly accessible.
o a description of the T - Shipping delays and manufacturing disruptions.
● an explanation of how
each initiative supports
the organisation’s vision Initiative 2
and strategy
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software: An Enterprise
● an appropriate business Resource Planning system, or ERP, is an information system used
analysis tool to illustrate among large organizations and also some small and medium
and fully define the businesses that aims to combine the entire or nearly entire operation
initiative (e.g. SWAT of a company into an unified location, and everything being
analysis) interrelated. Accounting, logistics, and marketing are some of the
● two objectives of each operations that the ERP integrates. Additional operations such as
initiative. sales, payments, production, stock control, and HR administration
can also be controlled by the program.
The major benefit is that some of the corporation's divisions are
linked together, but it isn't the only one. Moreover, it enhances
communication between various corporate divisions; the program's
deployment is reasonably rapid, with a start time of the less than six
months; and it is essential to fabricate a totally customised ERP. All
manufactured goods may be controlled as products in progress or
finished goods, as well as the ERP's KPIs can alert you to an issue
until it occurs.

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But at the other side, there are several drawbacks to this method.
This type of technology might be prohibitively expensive, depending
on the amount of customisation. It necessitates a modification in the
corporation's equipment, as well as the expense of doing so is
usually rather high.
S- Optimal use of the advance new equipment for making the use of
technology needed for urgency and maintenance.
W- High cost of maintainence due to expensive equipment and
O- latest training for ICT employees of the organisation
T- High chances and opportunities of virus and system attack

Legislative and organisational The legislative and organisational requirements are:

1. Finance authorisation policy and procedure
Establish the legislative and
All financing activities, as defined in this regulation, must be approved
organisational requirements
by the designated responsible user before proceeding. Whenever
related to each complex
applicable, this policy should be read in combination with some other
issue, including:
particular financial regulations.
● a summary of the
2. New supplier policy
relevant legislation
To guarantee that now the supplier service is linked with both the
● a summary of applicable
organizational goals, all potential customers should be assessed and
approved in accordance with this definition.
● a summary of the 3. Privacy policy and procedure
organisational policies This privacy policy explains how Worlducation secures and
and procedures processes personal information in compliance including its duties
underneath the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth National )'s Privacy Principles
Attach any relevant policies to (APPs) (Privacy Act).
your portfolio.
4. Performance management policy and procedure
To make sure that almost all workers and senior managers are aware
of what is expected and possibilities for organizing, monitoring,
evaluating, recognizing, and enhancing performance of individual
5. Documentation policy and procedure
For all workplace paperwork, all workers must utilize Worlducation's
templates. [Department Type Detail Version] ought to be the name of
the document. Worlducation's cloud-based storage system will be
used to save files. All remarks must be logged in a comment register,
and built-in software review capability must be employed.
6. Cloud / Host / SaaS Policy
This strategy and its supporting papers provide such a method for
assessing prospective cloud, hosted, and SaaS solutions and making
decisions that decrease risk for Worlducation and its customers. The

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University's objective is to provide quality education in its most cost-
effective, productive, accessible, and secure manner possible.
7. Software development policy
The goal of this policy is to employ industry best methods to
standardized software development for all enterprise-level centralized
mission essential online applications and internet services. These
apps and services often deal with sensitive information and/or HR,
financial, consumer, students' active, or course-related information,
and therefore must take reasonable precautions to secure it.
Implementing key process improvement approaches and
programming methodologies will assure their reliability, safety, and
defence from computer hackers.

Identify stakeholders The internal stakeholders identified are:

Produce a complete list of 1. Employees

everyone involved in, affected
Employees may not have had a say in the program's final
by or responsible for each
outcome, but they've influence into the requirement gathering
initiative. In your answer:
as well as how the new ERP would affect their daily operations
● use an appropriate job. Identifying advocates from in this group may give useful
business analysis advice and feedback, as well as strive to secure purchase among
technique (e.g. affinity their peers.
diagrams) to identify all
2. Investors
A large ERP project can pique the attention of the institution's
● establish a list of internal
leadership, who might want to know about the necessity, cost,
and external key
effect upon on company, change management strategies, as well
stakeholders, including:
as how the ERP would enhance the working environment.
o the use of an
3. IT Team
technique (e.g. Usually, the IT program managers ERP projects or is a
power/interest grid) significant participant in the installation and post-go-live
maintenance stages. This has a unique insight of the
o who they are and
organization's present platforms and it will assist with the
how they relate to analysis phase process to guarantee that information can flow
the initiative between them because required.
o which stakeholders 4. Board members
have authority over
business analysis A big ERP project may attract the attention of the board
activities members, who may want to learn much more about ERP's
need, cost, impact on the organization, transition management
● explain how you will techniques, and how it will improve the workplace
identify and deal with environment.
new stakeholders
throughout the duration
of each initiative. The external stakeholders identified are:
1. Clients
Clinets are the key stakeholders that have impact of the business
analysis initiative. They help in deciding if the initiatives are
working or it needs much more improvement.

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2. Community partners
The community members help the business analysis initiative to
get promoted in the community.
3. Group members
The group members help in making the business analysis
initiative to get upgraded along with receiving and collecting
4. NGOs and INGOs
The NGOs and INGOs helps in influencing the usage and
functionality of the business analysis initiatives.

Establish process needs The process needs for the tow business analysis initiatives are:

Use standards and 1. Define the scope of the execution and the end goals.
policies/procedures to
The relationship between both the project's formulation and comparison
establish organisational
is commonly referred to as the span of an ERP implementation project. It
process needs applicable to
contains the clear goals to be met and during deployment. In this
each business analysis
documentation, include all of the Whys and What is of your ERP
initiative, including:
● Relevant personnel
2. Make a decision on an ERP system.
● Engagement with
Because there are so many ERP Software packages to select from, it
personnel to obtain
might be overwhelming. If you don't know what they really mean, it's
information on how work
extremely possible that you'll wind up selecting something you don't
will be completed (e.g.
really desire.
draft email and minutes
of meeting) 3. Put together a business plan.

● A description of an ERP deployment is a massive undertaking that frequently takes months to

appropriate project see benefits. As a result, there will always be a significant financial risk.
management method or One of most common causes of ERP failure is a lack of appropriate
tool to support the planning on the part of either client or the provider. Another example is
business analysis misaligned assumptions and disparities in customer and business
initiative. approaches.

Attach proof of engagement 4. Define the implementation steps.

with staff to your The deployment of an ERP system differs significantly from one
portfolio. customer to the next. Selecting the ERP modules which your company
needs is a critical but frequently overlooked stage. The major goal of this
stage is for you to recognize the importance of mapping your business
operations. The importance of having a clear comparable results all of the
procedures you execute for your company and, most important, what the
Determine whatever ERP options are now available and also what
customizations are necessary to make them meet your company's needs.

5. Create a timetable that is both urgent and realistic.

Would you be ready to dial a project successful if you really are able to
accomplish the best possible quality program at the lowest possible total
cost but arrive per year late? As a result, ERP installation is all about

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6. Establish a communication strategy.
Make plans to meet with your IT partners in a structured manner. Make
frequent meetings a priority from the start. Keep track of what's going on
at all times. Demonstrations should be scheduled in the middle of the
project. To avoid misunderstandings, try to communicate with much the
same team each time. In the sessions, set the objectives for the future
7. Ask for permissions in the middle of the project.
The inability of the finished product to meet the anticipated goals is one
of the most prevalent causes for project delays. So what's the point of
waiting till the end? The planning process should include a number of
permits at various stages. Create testing scenarios for each one of them by
consulting with the IT partner ahead of schedule. Engage the agency's
key individuals in assessments and modification proposals, together with
the project management team.
8. Make a testing process.
Among the most important aspects of your solutions is validation. The test
can be functional test, technical test, user acceptance tests and confirm auto
9. Business Data Migration
The act of moving your current business data to the ERP is known as data
migration. In so many situations, it may contain customer/supplier data,
employee/product data, or even accounts information.
10. Be desperate for implementation.
We must realize that developing a good feature on paper and having it
created as intended will not totally transform the situations of your
business until it is applied inside. As a result, one of the most common
causes of ERP failure is organizational learning. Your employees must be
fully engaged with the ERP from of the start.
11. Make a plan for your go-live.
The final stage of any erp System installation process is becoming live.
Make sure you've set aside some time with your core team for this, as it's
one of its most time-consuming aspects of an Erp system. In a broad
sense, this is the ultimate assessment of the device's suitability.
12. Service and Assistance
After Go Live Support is among the key distinctions between such a
successfully and failed ERP deployment. Keep in mind that a successful
ERP installation is a process, not an endpoint. Engage your company's
customers about facilities provided to guarantee a positive return on

Plan execution of activities Strong planning: ERP installation is pointless without appropriate
planning. You must analyze your business requirements and find the
Plan the execution of
appropriate solution because there is no one-size-fits-all strategy.

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business analysis activities ERP adoption takes a long time, a lot of money, and a wealth of
according to organisational material. It is critical for all employees of the group to collaborate. The
requirements for each length of time depends on the number of components, the number of
initiative. employees, the breadth of operations, customisation, and a variety of
other criteria. As a result, it is critical to consider those aspects while
designing an ERP installation.
Scalable solutions: You must build solutions that grow with your
business demands in order to install an ERP system. In addition to
your short-term objectives, you must consider your long-term
objectives when developing similar alternatives. Systems that scale
up or down based on the demands of the company require
assistance in conserving huge sums of money and materials.
In-house IT department vs outsourcing: You must pick among
your in-house IT team and outsourced because ERP adoption
necessitates people. You can assign duties to your in-house IT
specialists or engage external service providers to assist you reduce
your workload, depending on the needs.
Lifecycle management and maintenance: Your ERP system, like a
living creature, requires ongoing maintenance and upgrades in order
to preserve its quality and performance. You should consider
upgrading your ERP systems on a regular basis to ensure that they
stay up with the times. ERP systems must be properly upgraded and
managed as organizations evolve in order to save money and retain
Right tools: ERP software is extremely flexible and expandable,
allowing you to select from a variety of ERP modules for increased
functionality and seamless connection with the other services and
devices. The ERP components are critical to the usability and
functionality of your ERP system. User-friendliness and detailed
design will be enhanced with the proper choice of plugins.
ERP vendors: Consider exploring for superior ERP providers in the
industry before settling on a certain ERP system. You should go with
a vendor who keeps their products up to date and streamlines
procedures. Interact closely in the decision-making processes, like as
IT managers or outsourcing advisors, to avoid selecting an ineffective
and pricey ERP provider. ERP may substantially enhance a
company's productivity and quality. ERP adoption will undoubtedly
become more popular in the future years.

Attach: Organisational policies and procedures  ☐

Legislation  ☐

Standards  ☐

Proof of engagement with staff  ☐

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Section 2: Plan business analysis activities and
Summarise the outcomes A stakeholder meeting is a key event for connecting stakeholders to one
of the stakeholder another, obtaining support to accessibility, and identifying accessibility goals
meetings that are aligned with business goals. It's also a way to get input from domain
and technical specialists regarding the program's objective and general
Summarise the meetings
framework of usage. A "Kick-Off meeting" is another name for it.
with key stakeholders
for each initiative, The outcomes of stakeholders meetings are:
• Assist stakeholders in coming to an agreement on the issue and
● stakeholder attitudes goal.
towards the initiative
• Collaborating alongside stakeholders, gather more full or in-depth
● at least two risks information on the health issue, those affected/implicated, and
associated with the environment.
• Learn how to use stakeholders data to assist you choose the right
● decide how to best people, messaging, events, and channels of communication.
mitigate the identified
Risks associated with stakeholders:
● at least three
business analysis • Project risks
deliverables, • Functional risks
o the deliverable
The three business analysis deliverables are:
o tasks/activities
• Business Analysis Plan
associated with
the deliverable If you're doing a business analysis, you'll need the essential
o the use of a
technique/tool to Business Analysis Approach: The following critical aspects are
outline the included in this strategy document:
Background: Discusses the program objectives and provides
performed by
relevant additional context.
the business
analyst and Business Drivers. The planned proposal's business drivers, or
when (e.g. motivations for doing so. These aid in the formulation of high- level
project business needs, which establish the project's scope and objectives.
schedule) Problem Statement. The issue article indicates the project's
● stakeholder motivations in common business words, utilizing real-life examples
requirements, to emphasize the importance of the new effort.
including: Vision. An aspirational statement of the what the organization
o list of hopes to achieve or obtain as a result of the initiative.
requirements Scope. The change's range and limits are necessary.
o explanation of This covers anything that isn't included in the scope.
the tool or
Dependencies. Dependencies define the kind of relationships that
technique used
exist among all of a project's tasks. There are also symbiotic
to illicit

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requirements relationships with the other initiatives.

Attach proof of the Key Roles and Responsibilities. Specifies the responsibilities
technique used and duties of the project's participants.
during the Stakeholder Engagement Plan. This document outlines a
meeting to illicit stakeholder analysis that will need to be consulted further, as well as
requirements. how you will extract needs from them. Defines the role and
obligations of the project's participants.
• Business Requirements
The business running and problem description, as well as the
preceding, will be included in the requirement analysis paper.
Business Drivers. As fresh information is obtained, the key
drivers outlined in the strategy are improved.
Problem Statement. After consulting with stakeholders, the
issue domain becomes clearer.
Stakeholder Model. The internal employees (i.e., roles and entities
that function inside the network) and outside players are described in
the stakeholder approach (those who interact externally with the
Business Domain Model. The advanced business strategy is a
multi depiction of the enterprise systems and organizations inside
the issue domain.
Business Use Cases. The functional elements of the company
which will be simulated are identified through business use cases.
Business Activity Diagrams. Corporate earnings charts are
really a graphical depiction of a company's behavior that are created
by each commercial use scenario.
Business Requirements. Platform-independent, meaningful,
and verifiable business needs. They are implemented in response to
the market use cases.
• Business Case
Following outlining the business needs, a business case is created.
This is due to the fact that a great deal of data has indeed been
acquired on how the firm now operates (present condition) and also
what changes may be made (future state). This data may be used to
correctly assess and show economic and monetary advantages as an
argument for reform. The following are the essential components of
a business case:
Background. The goal of the business case is described, and
even some additional details.
Current Situation / Problem Statement. The issues and
hazards connected with current condition are described in the present
Options Analysed. Discusses the possibilities that were
investigated and the major conclusions.
Recommendation. This really is the suggestion, which includes

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whatever the authorizations and donors must do, depending on the
choices considered.
Costs and Benefits. The foundation upon which advantages were
discovered and/or computed is described in the cost and advantages
section (if financial). It explains the economic as well as other
advantages of the suggestion.
Risks. Identify any dangers, restrictions, flaws, or barriers
associated with the suggested strategy.

Stakeholder’s Requirement
Stakeholder requirements, also known as customer requirements or
requirement specification, define how users interact with the systems,
including the tasks they should be capable to do.
• Solution (System) Requirement
The developers utilize solutions (system) criteria to construct the
system. These are all the standard "must" phrases that specify
whatever the system "shall" do. Functional and non-functional needs
are also the two types of network needs.
• Functional Requirement
Functional requirements describe what the programmer must create
in order to achieve the service. A system could be expected to login
and publish estimated costs, for instance; this is a knowledge base.
• Non-Functional Requirement
Nonfunctional requirements encompass any needs that aren't
addressed by technical requirements. Supplementary needs, level of
service needs, and level of service requisites all are terms used to
describe non - functional needs.

Determine business One of the main goals of business analysis is to uncover unknown risks and
analysis scope requirements during the requirements discovery phase. But as many business
analysts will surely attest to, sooner or later, the problem of scope creep
Scope business analysis
inevitably arises, unless concrete steps are taken to prevent it.
activities for each
initiative, considering: The scope of business analysis activities for each initiative are:

● deliverables and • Business analysis planning and monitoring

activities approved at
• Elicitation
the stakeholder
meeting • Requirements management and communication
• Enterprise analysis
● acceptance criteria,
level of detail, level of • Requirements analysis
formality and • Solution assessment and validation
● how risks identified in
Addressing the competing demands
Section 1 can be
mitigated • Developing a list

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● how to address Making a to-do list is the very first stage in prioritizing your chores.
competing demands. This list would be your major reference point for accomplishing
activities and responsibilities at workplace for the following seven
days. Many folks consider that putting down all of their appropriate
interventions in no particular sequence is useful.
• Stating deadlines and due dates
Make a note of the actual due date next to each item on the list.
Don't set deadlines based on when you'd want to have things
finished. Instead, write out the deadline for completing the work. If
you're not sure when a task is due, conduct some research first
before ranking it in order of priority.
• Assessing interdependent tasks
After you've prioritized your activities by deadline, determine which
– if any – of your chores have a substantial influence on certain
peoples stuff to-do lists. Though the finance department is awaiting
for your department's expenditure account numbers to wrap out the
month, for instance, you may also want to consider pushing it up the
priority list, even though the actual due date is still a couple of
months away.
• Consideration of assessing consequences
Not every job is made equal. If you opt to put off duties for a few
more days, you might discover that you do have assignments due
right away that have little implications. On the other side, you
could have jobs which aren't required till next week yet have huge
implications. In that scenario, it would be a good idea to put off the
low-impact activities and you can get began on the high- impact
• De-cluttering of the lists
The majority with to checklists are clogged with tiny activities that
take little effort but seem like a ton of bricks hovering above you
neck. It's a good idea to take a half-day every now and again to de-
clutter the to-do list. Your time would be freed by crossing off a
huge variety of small items on the list, time to focus on its most
essential items.
• Reassessment
• In a fast-paced company, priorities shift frequently. As a
consequence, you'll need to review your to-do list on a regular basis to
keep up with your shifting priorities. Although once a day is certainly
excessive, a weekly reevaluation of your objectives is not unrealistic.
Develop estimates for The estimates that can be useful for business analysis work are:
business analysis work
Top-down estimation: Calculate item efforts that used a hierarchical
Use an appropriate decomposition. Whenever the price is balanced, this is usually done.
technique to estimate
Bottom-up estimation: Uses a work breakdown structure (WBS) to assess
business analysis work,
deliveries, actions, tasks, and estimations from across all stakeholders, then
including the use of
adds them up to produce a number for all duties and functions. Smaller things
numeric and financial
are possible to assess than bigger sizes. It can result in more accurate and
information and
logical estimations.

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Parametric estimation: Uses a mathematical expression of component
mathematical calculations.
characteristics that has been validated. If one use case takes three days, 20 use
instances will take sixty days.
Rough order of magnitude (RoM) / Ballpark / Expert opinion: A
high- level prediction with an extremely broad normal distribution predicated
on little data. Usually based on law or professional opinion.
Rolling wave: Constant estimation improvement is required. Deduce the
information for tasks in the latest state to the whole scope of the project.
Predictions for subsequent iterations could be adjusted as the conclusion of
the cycle approached.
Delphi estimation: Qualitative research and experience are combined in
this method. Personal numbers, discussing projections other specialists, and
many round till an agreement is established are all included.

Plan internal and external Every sort of client can affect the project in a favorable or bad way.
stakeholder As a program manager, your are responsible for managing all
communication for different stakeholders involved with the project. Identifying all
internal/external stakeholders for a project or a stage in a program is
each initiative, obviously the very first step to good stakeholder management, and
considering for each that's where we start the strategy implementation recommendations.
The communication of information from internal
● how to: and external stakeholders are:

o receive • Request Information

• First Follow up
o distribute
information • Escalate Information Request

o access • Obtain Answers to Specific Questions on a Deliverable

• Second Follow up
o update
information • Call or Stop By
o escalate • Third and Final Follow-up
● Communication
constraints (list at Communication Constraints
least two)
• Physical Barriers

• Perceptual Barriers

• Emotional Barriers

• Cultural Barriers

• Language Barriers

• Gender Barriers

• Interpersonal Barriers

Plan business analysis From of the perspectives of management control, financial accounting, and
performance management operations management, the main Business Analysis and Performance

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Plan business analysis Management (BUS) offers insight on value generation and durability in
performance. Include: businesses and organizations.

● at least three metrics • Management Control

to measure work • Financial Accounting
performed by • Technology & Operations Management
business analyst • Sustainability Management

● reporting format.

Develop a requirements Creating a plan for identifying needs ensures that marketing, development, as
management process. well as other partners are all on the same page. Updates to criteria must be
widely communicated all throughout device's lifespan. The monitoring of
Develop a requirements
needs doesn't really stop with delivery of a product. From that, the
management process by
information obtained regarding the app's acceptability is incorporated into the
establishing a
business planning processes for the next iteration or launch. As a result, the
requirements repository,
procedure starts all over again.
The steps of the requirements management process are as follows:
● Description of the
repository Collection: Consumer and internal team input and requirements are
● Attributes to be
captured Analysis: Seeing if suggested additions and needs are in line with the
corporation's or device's goal.
● Outline of the need
and process for Definition: Chronicling needs from of the user's point of view, as well as
traceability design and physical needs.
Prioritization: Future versions or sprint, and also the functionality and
applicable factors
needs which will be incorporated, are being planned.
● Requirements
Validation and maintenance: Developing a concept of "perfect" and
change process
making long-term improvements.

Prepare for stakeholder Preparing for stakeholder’s meeting

1. Recognize what matters to your stakeholders.
Prepare for the
2. Prepare an agenda ahead of time
stakeholder meetings
(e.g. by updating the 3. Visualize the meeting in your mind
project schedules). 4. Measure quality
Attach proof. 5. Get to know your stakeholders
6. Make a list of your common objectives.
7. Make a set of questions and subjects to address.
8. Recognize the motivations of your addition to data.
9. Be Conscious Of Your Attitudes And Behaviour patterns
10. As a group, practice responses to difficult questions
11. Thoroughly examine questions to be asked
12. Determine the convention's goal
13. Show your cards and your goal

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14. Set the Scene for the Discussion
15. Make the effort to be attentive
Prepare for business Preparation for business analyst meeting
analyst meeting
• Give some background info and establish the convention's main
Evaluate the business goal.
analyst’s performance
• Make a clear statement about your main objective.
against pre-determined
metrics and identify any • Specify what action from the stakeholders is required.
problems or areas of • Assist them in comprehending the consequences of their
improvement. Use the behaviour.
format determined
previously in this section.
If applicable, use the
Performance Evaluation
Attach proof.

Attach: Proof of requirements tool/technique used in stakeholder  ☐


Preparation for stakeholder meeting (e.g. project schedule)  ☐

Business analyst performance evaluation  ☐

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Section 3: Manage business analysis
Summarise the outcomes of The method through which organizations connect with and learn about
the stakeholder meetings their stakeholders is known as stakeholder engagement. Organizations
may better understand what these people want, whenever they want it,
Summarise the meetings with
how involved they are, and how the company's objectives and activities
stakeholders, including:
will influence their goals by trying to get to know people.
● any changed positions or
The outcomes of the stakeholder’s meeting were:
requirements the
stakeholders may have • Stakeholder attitudes towards the initiative

● identify any new • Two risks associated with the stakeholders

stakeholders • Best mitigation strategy to the identified risk
Explain how the changed • Business analysis deliverables
will be managed. The change positions/requirements will be managed in following
• Understanding the process of change
• Understanding the forces of change
• Creating a plan
• Communicating a plan
• Preparing for roadblocks
Summarise business analyst Because business analysts are in charge of gathering, analyzing, and
meeting validating business and technical requirements for their initiatives, they
require organized facilitating skills to run needs meetings and workshops.
Summarise what was
discussed at the The following things were discussed in business analyst meeting:
business analyst
• Increased ROI
management meeting. In The return on investment (ROI) is what determines a company's
you answer include: total worth. Your return on investment (ROI) is a metric that
determines how effective a certain investment or solution is. It is
● A summary of the
determined by dividing the investment's profit by the
discussion investment's cost. These two characteristics can be influenced by
● Corrective actions a company. Business analysts enhance the value of an
required investment while also lowering the cost of implementation,
resulting in a higher return on the investment. They save money
by identifying more cost- effective alternatives. They improve
the value by identifying new requirements inside the business,
prioritising these requirements based on their importance, and
implementing required adjustments.
• Successful Projects
A business analyst is an important part of any endeavor. A good
business analyst may save a project from disaster. A business
analyst ensures that the project manager is leading the correct
project whereas the project manager monitors and maintains it
on track. The business analyst determines whichever initiatives
are most likely to meet the organisational vision.

ICTSAD609 Plan and monitor business analysis activities in an ICT environment | 18

• Lower Costs
A major part of a business analyst's work is to save money for
the firm. Project rework, underused functionality, and needs
churn are all reduced by the business analyst. They can find and
execute better cost-effective alternatives.
• Collaboration with Stakeholders
Rework costs a substantial percentage of a project's budget
because of needs mistakes. Business analysts decrease rework
on projects by interacting with stakeholders. They identify all of
the necessary business needs at the beginning of the project such
that the processes may be carried out correctly all throughout

Confirm recommendations
The Plan Objective is the very first element in the document, similar
Confirm the to an executive summary. I would, though, strongly advise drafting
recommendations made it last, so you can draw from of the full strategy and ensure you've
during the performance covered all of the key points. You should also think about how the
management evaluation using strategy will be put into action. After all, it really doesn't matter how
an appropriate successful something seems on paper unless you never utilize it in
communication channel (e.g. practice.
updated project schedule,
2. List of goals and objectives
The aims or goals of a project management plan, like the Plan
Attach proof.
Purpose, may appear self-evident: to improve communication. Take
a moment to look over the plan again and see if there was anything
else you want to achieve. Increase project knowledge both within
and without the organization. Increase staff acceptability or program
momentum across the board. Expected directions a way to voice
their opinions.
3. Researching and assigning roles
There will be a number of responsibilities inside the project team,
along with all of the other stakeholders who will be engaged at some
time. Ascertain that everybody in the plan, from of the management
to the intern, does have a part to play and is aware of their duties.
Some positions will carry greater weight than some others. There
will be a number of responsibilities inside the project team, along
with all of the other stakeholders who will be
engaged at some time. Ascertain that everybody in the plan, from of
the management to the intern, does have a part to play and is aware
of their duties. Some positions will carry greater weight than some
4. Determining methods
The tools and approaches you'll employ may be applied to a number
of media. Certain information will have to be delivered through
meetings or speeches. Others could be done with the help of an
email or text message. Make a detailed inventory of all the various
communication skills you'll be employing during the project. It's also

ICTSAD609 Plan and monitor business analysis activities in an ICT environment | 19

a good idea to give some instances of when each mode of
communication is suitable. While it may be simpler or easier to stick
to a single method of interaction for just about everything, keep in
mind that your audience will vary, and your message must be
personalized to each individual. Encourage ways that allow your
customers to provide you feedback wherever feasible. If they have
constructive comments, you may utilize it to enhance the business
this manner.
5. Pinpointing high level communications
Going takes a bit farther, you should explicitly describe the
techniques, timing, and responsibilities inside the enterprise
communication plan for important communication events. Internally
status reports, staff meetings, project review briefings, and the kick-
off are examples of these. This way, you'll be able to see how,
what, and if you'll be interacting at a glimpse.

Problem solving The problem solving process for business analysis activities are:

Explain how you managed

1. Defining the problem statement
problem solving for
business analysis A well-defined statement or query that frames the situation is the
activities drawing on your issue declaration. Determine the requirements of the endeavor
existing experience. after you have a clear and precise problem description.

2. Defining scope
The scope defining step is arguably the most crucial because it
determines whether issue can be handled successfully. The term
"scope" refers to the process of applying restrictions to the topic
under examination. We know what to examine or what not to
examine while we have perspective. As a result, all workable
alternatives are reliant on the available information inside the

3. Elicit information & resolving ambiguity

After you've specified the scope, you may go on to collecting
information and addressing ambiguity. As a starting point for
research, do a stakeholder assessment and article contains from
all identified stakeholders/sources. To obtain data, you can
utilize workshops, market research, interviewing, analysis of
documents, as well as other methods.

4. Identifying associations and relationships

We next use relationships and connections to arrange the
data so that we can make sense of it. Data must be organized,
linked, and connected in order to give a deeper degree of
significance. Tracing is constructed on this foundation. The
process of connecting ideas. It's not only for needs anymore.

5. Root cause analysis

A root cause assessment aids in determining the fundamental
cause of the problem so that it may be addressed rather than
being treated as a symptom of a larger problem. Root cause

ICTSAD609 Plan and monitor business analysis activities in an ICT environment | 20

assessment may be done in a variety of ways, such as the 5
Whys and Fishbone diagrams. We can suggest remedies which
will tackle the true root problem nowadays that we know what it

6. Solution proposal
Assess the breadth, limitations, and comparative cost and total
of the each choice while proposing potential solutions. Conflict
resolution isn't some enigmatic dark art; it's an objective method
which can be broken down, measured, and studied in order to
determine the core cause and develop a feasible solution.
Attach: Proof of confirmation of performance evaluation  ☐

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