ICTSAD609 Project Portfolio.v1.0
ICTSAD609 Project Portfolio.v1.0
ICTSAD609 Project Portfolio.v1.0
Student Version
Section 1: Establish business analysis approach
Section 2: Plan business analysis activities and communication
Section 3: Manage business analysis
Plan and monitor business analysis
activities in an ICT environment
Student name:
Establish process needs The process needs for the tow business analysis initiatives are:
Use standards and 1. Define the scope of the execution and the end goals.
policies/procedures to
The relationship between both the project's formulation and comparison
establish organisational
is commonly referred to as the span of an ERP implementation project. It
process needs applicable to
contains the clear goals to be met and during deployment. In this
each business analysis
documentation, include all of the Whys and What is of your ERP
initiative, including:
● Relevant personnel
2. Make a decision on an ERP system.
● Engagement with
Because there are so many ERP Software packages to select from, it
personnel to obtain
might be overwhelming. If you don't know what they really mean, it's
information on how work
extremely possible that you'll wind up selecting something you don't
will be completed (e.g.
really desire.
draft email and minutes
of meeting) 3. Put together a business plan.
Plan execution of activities Strong planning: ERP installation is pointless without appropriate
planning. You must analyze your business requirements and find the
Plan the execution of
appropriate solution because there is no one-size-fits-all strategy.
Legislation ☐
Standards ☐
Attach proof of the Key Roles and Responsibilities. Specifies the responsibilities
technique used and duties of the project's participants.
during the Stakeholder Engagement Plan. This document outlines a
meeting to illicit stakeholder analysis that will need to be consulted further, as well as
requirements. how you will extract needs from them. Defines the role and
obligations of the project's participants.
• Business Requirements
The business running and problem description, as well as the
preceding, will be included in the requirement analysis paper.
Business Drivers. As fresh information is obtained, the key
drivers outlined in the strategy are improved.
Problem Statement. After consulting with stakeholders, the
issue domain becomes clearer.
Stakeholder Model. The internal employees (i.e., roles and entities
that function inside the network) and outside players are described in
the stakeholder approach (those who interact externally with the
Business Domain Model. The advanced business strategy is a
multi depiction of the enterprise systems and organizations inside
the issue domain.
Business Use Cases. The functional elements of the company
which will be simulated are identified through business use cases.
Business Activity Diagrams. Corporate earnings charts are
really a graphical depiction of a company's behavior that are created
by each commercial use scenario.
Business Requirements. Platform-independent, meaningful,
and verifiable business needs. They are implemented in response to
the market use cases.
• Business Case
Following outlining the business needs, a business case is created.
This is due to the fact that a great deal of data has indeed been
acquired on how the firm now operates (present condition) and also
what changes may be made (future state). This data may be used to
correctly assess and show economic and monetary advantages as an
argument for reform. The following are the essential components of
a business case:
Background. The goal of the business case is described, and
even some additional details.
Current Situation / Problem Statement. The issues and
hazards connected with current condition are described in the present
Options Analysed. Discusses the possibilities that were
investigated and the major conclusions.
Recommendation. This really is the suggestion, which includes
Stakeholder’s Requirement
Stakeholder requirements, also known as customer requirements or
requirement specification, define how users interact with the systems,
including the tasks they should be capable to do.
• Solution (System) Requirement
The developers utilize solutions (system) criteria to construct the
system. These are all the standard "must" phrases that specify
whatever the system "shall" do. Functional and non-functional needs
are also the two types of network needs.
• Functional Requirement
Functional requirements describe what the programmer must create
in order to achieve the service. A system could be expected to login
and publish estimated costs, for instance; this is a knowledge base.
• Non-Functional Requirement
Nonfunctional requirements encompass any needs that aren't
addressed by technical requirements. Supplementary needs, level of
service needs, and level of service requisites all are terms used to
describe non - functional needs.
Determine business One of the main goals of business analysis is to uncover unknown risks and
analysis scope requirements during the requirements discovery phase. But as many business
analysts will surely attest to, sooner or later, the problem of scope creep
Scope business analysis
inevitably arises, unless concrete steps are taken to prevent it.
activities for each
initiative, considering: The scope of business analysis activities for each initiative are:
Plan internal and external Every sort of client can affect the project in a favorable or bad way.
stakeholder As a program manager, your are responsible for managing all
communication for different stakeholders involved with the project. Identifying all
internal/external stakeholders for a project or a stage in a program is
each initiative, obviously the very first step to good stakeholder management, and
considering for each that's where we start the strategy implementation recommendations.
The communication of information from internal
● how to: and external stakeholders are:
• Perceptual Barriers
• Emotional Barriers
• Cultural Barriers
• Language Barriers
• Gender Barriers
• Interpersonal Barriers
Plan business analysis From of the perspectives of management control, financial accounting, and
performance management operations management, the main Business Analysis and Performance
● reporting format.
Develop a requirements Creating a plan for identifying needs ensures that marketing, development, as
management process. well as other partners are all on the same page. Updates to criteria must be
widely communicated all throughout device's lifespan. The monitoring of
Develop a requirements
needs doesn't really stop with delivery of a product. From that, the
management process by
information obtained regarding the app's acceptability is incorporated into the
establishing a
business planning processes for the next iteration or launch. As a result, the
requirements repository,
procedure starts all over again.
The steps of the requirements management process are as follows:
● Description of the
repository Collection: Consumer and internal team input and requirements are
● Attributes to be
captured Analysis: Seeing if suggested additions and needs are in line with the
corporation's or device's goal.
● Outline of the need
and process for Definition: Chronicling needs from of the user's point of view, as well as
traceability design and physical needs.
Prioritization: Future versions or sprint, and also the functionality and
applicable factors
needs which will be incorporated, are being planned.
● Requirements
Validation and maintenance: Developing a concept of "perfect" and
change process
making long-term improvements.
Confirm recommendations
The Plan Objective is the very first element in the document, similar
Confirm the to an executive summary. I would, though, strongly advise drafting
recommendations made it last, so you can draw from of the full strategy and ensure you've
during the performance covered all of the key points. You should also think about how the
management evaluation using strategy will be put into action. After all, it really doesn't matter how
an appropriate successful something seems on paper unless you never utilize it in
communication channel (e.g. practice.
updated project schedule,
2. List of goals and objectives
The aims or goals of a project management plan, like the Plan
Attach proof.
Purpose, may appear self-evident: to improve communication. Take
a moment to look over the plan again and see if there was anything
else you want to achieve. Increase project knowledge both within
and without the organization. Increase staff acceptability or program
momentum across the board. Expected directions a way to voice
their opinions.
3. Researching and assigning roles
There will be a number of responsibilities inside the project team,
along with all of the other stakeholders who will be engaged at some
time. Ascertain that everybody in the plan, from of the management
to the intern, does have a part to play and is aware of their duties.
Some positions will carry greater weight than some others. There
will be a number of responsibilities inside the project team, along
with all of the other stakeholders who will be
engaged at some time. Ascertain that everybody in the plan, from of
the management to the intern, does have a part to play and is aware
of their duties. Some positions will carry greater weight than some
4. Determining methods
The tools and approaches you'll employ may be applied to a number
of media. Certain information will have to be delivered through
meetings or speeches. Others could be done with the help of an
email or text message. Make a detailed inventory of all the various
communication skills you'll be employing during the project. It's also
Problem solving The problem solving process for business analysis activities are:
2. Defining scope
The scope defining step is arguably the most crucial because it
determines whether issue can be handled successfully. The term
"scope" refers to the process of applying restrictions to the topic
under examination. We know what to examine or what not to
examine while we have perspective. As a result, all workable
alternatives are reliant on the available information inside the
6. Solution proposal
Assess the breadth, limitations, and comparative cost and total
of the each choice while proposing potential solutions. Conflict
resolution isn't some enigmatic dark art; it's an objective method
which can be broken down, measured, and studied in order to
determine the core cause and develop a feasible solution.
Attach: Proof of confirmation of performance evaluation ☐