The Madras Developmental Programming System (MDPS)

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The Madras Developmental Programming System (MDPS):

The Madras Developmental Programming System (MDPS) provides information about the child's abilities
in 18 functional areas:

-        Motor skills (gross and fine);

-        Self-help skills (eating, dressing, grooming, toileting);

-        Communication Skills (receptive language, i.e., ability to understand language); and expressive
language, i.e., ability to speak);

-        Social interaction;

-        Functional academic skills (reading, writing, numbers, time, money);

-        Domestic Behavior, Community Interaction;

-        Recreation and Recreational Time;

-        Vocational activities.

Screening Schedule No.1 (for use with children below 3 years):

Observe the child or collect information from the parents and family members to know when the child
achieved the following milestones of development:

Activities: Age Group:

1) Responds to name or voice by looking towards 1-3 months- 4th month
the speaker
2) Smiles at others 1-4 months- 6th month
3) Holds head steady 2-6 months- 6th month
4) Sits without support 5-10 months- 12th month

 -        Stands without support

-        Walks well

-        Talks in 2-3 word sentences

-        Eats food and drinks by self

-        Tells his name

-        Has toilet control

-        Avoids simple hazards

-        Other factors

-        Has a fit

-        Has a physical disability

Brief Description of Assessment Checklists used for Educational Assessment:

If the child is delayed concerning at least one milestone, and if the child has fits or physical disability,
suspect mental retardation.

Screening schedule No. 2 (for use with children between 3-6 years of age):

Observe the child or collect information from parents and family members about:

1) Compared with other children, does the child have any serious delays in sitting, standing, or walking?

Yes No

2) Does the child appear to have difficulty hearing?                                                                                    

Yes No

3) Does the child have difficulty seeing?                                                                                                          

Yes No

4) When you tell the child to do something, does he have problems understanding what you are saying?

Yes No

5) Does the child have weakness and/or stiffness in the limbs and/or difficulty walking or involving his
  Yes No

6) Does the child sometimes have fits, become rigid, or lose consciousness?                                  
Yes No
7) Does the child have difficulty learning to do things like other children of his age?                    

Yes No

8) Does the child have problems speaking? (Cannot make himself understood in words/ cannot speak
any recognizable words)                                                                                                                                  Yes No

9) Is the child's speech different from normal (not clear enough to be understood by people outside the
immediate family)?                                                                                                                         Yes No

10) Compared to other children of his age, does the child appear backward, dull, or slow?

Yes No

If the answer to any of the above items is 'Yes', suspect mental retardation.

Nature of Mental:

Retardation and fits Screening Schedule NO. 3 (for Use with Assessment - children 7 years & above)

 Observe the child or collect information from parents and family members about:

 1) Compared with other children, did the child have any serious delays in sitting, standing, or walking?

Yes No

2) Can the child not do things for himself like eating, dressing, bathing, and grooming? Yes No

3) Does the child have difficulty understanding "do this or that"? Yes No

4) Does the child's speech sound unclear?

Yes No

5) Does the child have difficulty expressing himself without being asked what he has seen or heard?

Yes or No

6) Does the child have weakness and/or stiffness in the limbs and/or difficulty walking or moving his
arms? Yes No

7) Does the child sometimes have fits, become rigid or lose consciousness? Yes No

8) Compared to other children of his age, does the child appear backward, dull, or slow?
Yes No

If any one of the above items is answered 'Yes', suspect mental retardation.

Sample Activity Card Cognitive

Age- 2-3

1) Collect big and small versions of the same type of objects, i.e. ( Both large and small envelopes,
pencils, stones, shoes, coats, dishes, biscuits, chairs, and cars)

2) Place a big and small pencil in front of the child. Ask him to mark the paper with a big pencil. Praise
his success. Repeat the activity with other objects.

3) Ask the child to find both large and small objects around the house.

4) Have the parent or teacher name various large and small objects for the child for a week. After this,
have the child point to both large and small objects.

5) Do motor activities such as taking long steps, small steps, high jumps, and sitting in a high chair, or a
small chair.

6) Points to 'big' and 'small' upon request

Sample Checklist -Cognitive Assessment

-        Points to big and little

-        Draws a vertical line in the limitation.

-        Draws a horizontal line in the limitation.

-        Copy a circle

-        Match features

-        Matches 3 colors

-        Places objects in, on, and under upon request

-        Names objects that make sounds

-        Puts together 4 parts nesting toys

-        Names of action pictures

-        Matches geometric form with a picture of the shape

-        Stacks 5 or more rings on a peg in order

-        Names of both large and small objects

-        Points to 10 body parts on verbal command

-        Points to boy and girl on verbal command

-        Tells if the object is heavy or light

-        Puts together 2 parts of the shape to make a whole

-        Describes two events or characters from a familiar story or TV program

-        Repeats finger plays with words and actions
-        Matches I to 1 (3 or more objects)
-        Points to long and short objects
-        Tells which objects go together
-        Counts to 3 in imitation
-        Arranges objects into categories
-        Draws a V stroke in imitation
-        Draws a diagonal line from comer to comer of 4- an inch square

Social interaction:

1) Responds when touched, by reaching towards or moving away.

2) Looks towards, or otherwise indicates, a person in the immediate area.

3) Follows the motion of a person with eyes.

4) Play alone with toys or objects for 2 minutes

5) Imitates arm movements such as clapping hands or waving goodbye.

6) Identifies friends, acquaintances, and strangers by pointing and naming.

7) Greet others upon meeting, either verbally or with non-verbal friendly gestures.

8) Waiting for one's turn in a group

9) Say 'Please', 'Thank you', and 'Sorry'.

10) Receiving guests appropriate to an acquaintance (differences in receiving relatives, strangers, gas
and electricity men, etc).

11) Use others' items only with their permission.

12) Takes action and asks for help if someone uses his belongings without permission.

13) Interacting with opposite genders and different age groups.

14) Responds using proper social courtesies on occasions such as festivals; apologizes, offers greetings or
compliments as needed.

15) Participates actively in social events by engaging in the same activity as the other members of the

16) Manages and asks for help if and when teased or bullied.

17) Receives phone calls and passes on information to the right person when given messages personally
or by phone.

18) Sharing possessions with others (in a classroom, home, and community)

 19) Participates in group activities as a leader.

20) Visit neighbors, relatives, and friends when required.

Mental retardation assessment:


-        Sorts coins from other similar metal objects

-        Aware that money can buy things

-        Keeps money safely

-        Selects a rupee note from other paper objects

-        Sorts out mixed coins

-        Identifies and names the denominations of all coins

-        Identifies and names currency notes up to 10

-        Rank orders coins

- Adds/collects coins to make rupees 30

-        Makes purchases within 1 rupee.

-        Makes purchases within 1 rupee with the correct change

-        Makes purchases up to Rs.2 with the correct change

-        Knows the transactional value of items below the value of 10

-        Calculates change up to 10 rupees

-        Makes purchases up to a thousand rupees with the correct change

-        Makes purchases up to a thousand rupees. 10 with the correct change

-        Knows the transactional value of items up to a thousand rupees. 100

-        Maintains an account of money in a piggy bank

-        Deposits money in a bank

-        Withdraws money from the bank

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