Clinical Observation Form v11.16.2016
Clinical Observation Form v11.16.2016
Clinical Observation Form v11.16.2016
This form must be completed and returned to the faculty member within one week of the formal
observation. It is suggested but not required that the observer meet with the faculty member to review
feedback in person.
Facility Where
Observation Occurred
Number of Students
College Choose an item. On time: Tardy:
For each category below, a description is included to guide the observation. It is not necessary for all bullets to
be addressed or observed; rather, the bulleted list offers direction and suggestions to guide ratings and
comments. In commentary, describe observed strengths as well as areas for growth. Commentary is required for
each section.
After offering commentary, select the appropriate descriptive rating based on the following definitions:
Strong—evidence indicates that the instructor exceeds expectations. Specific examples illustrating
strength should be included in commentary to justify the rating.
Satisfactory—evidence indicates that the instructor meets expectations and the observer does not
identify any specific concerns in a given area.
Needs Improvement—evidence indicates minor to moderate concerns in the given area and focused
support is needed. A detailed explanation of concerns and the type of support needed should be outlined
in commentary.
Significant Concern—evidence indicates significant concerns in the given area, suggesting that a
formal action plan may be needed. A detailed explanation of concerns and necessary improvements
I have carefully read the directions AND watched the short training video Initial Here:
available on the Tenure Website (
I understand that I am responsible for writing comments for each section below. Initial Here:
I understand that the tenure-track faculty member must write a response to this Initial Here:
observation. In order to facilitate that process, I will return this completed form to the
faculty member within one calendar week of the observation.
I understand that in order to provide appropriate feedback to the tenure-track Initial Here:
faculty member I must observe the clinical for a minimum of three (3) hours
either at the start of the clinical day or the end of the clinical day.
The following list of elements is offered to guide your comments and rating:
During the clinical session observed the following items must be present. Check all boxes that apply.
Describe the clinical session observed including the session’s intended purpose, the types of instructional
techniques used (e.g., discussion, small group activities, pre-conference/post-conference, medication
administration, shift report, patient assessment, patient care, prioritization of assignments for students, interaction
with students and clinical site staff, etc.), and the sequence of activities, including the approximate amount of
time spent on each activity.
The following list of elements is offered to guide your comments and rating:
Clinical is managed in a way that is conducive to learning and demonstrates respect for students
Distractions (cell phones, side talking, etc.) are minimized and do not interfere with learning
Policies stated in the syllabus are appropriately and consistently enforced
Instructor’s expectations of students are clear and consistent throughout the clinical session
Instructor works to ensure that students are on task (e.g., by circulating during clinical hours, by acknowledging off-task
behavior and redirecting students, adherence to HIPAA guidelines, demonstrates safety precautions for self, students, and
the client, etc.)
The following list of elements is offered to guide your comments and rating:
Clinical session’s purpose is clear and time is organized effectively to meet the session’s purpose
Clinical session’s purpose is aligned with one or more of the stated Student Learning Outcomes
Lesson is organized logically and content is sequenced appropriately
Content covered was appropriate to the clinical session needs
Pacing and difficulty of material are appropriate for the level of the class
Instructor’s command of subject matter is evident (TO BE COMPLETED BY OBSERVERS WITH DISCIPLINE
Interactions with hospital personnel guide appropriate student assignments
Feedback is gathered from hospital personnel on student performance
The following list of elements is offered to guide your comments and rating:
The following list of elements is offered to guide your comments and rating:
Instructor employs methods that develop students’ ability to communicate and problem solve using the discipline’s
thinking, practice, and procedures
Clinical session provides the appropriate level of challenge and is designed to help students grow intellectually and think
in new ways
Method of instruction helps to build critical thinking
Instructor creates an environment that fosters students’ intellectual curiosity
The following list of elements is offered to guide your comments and rating:
Instructor exhibits ability to determine whether or not students understand material and uses formative assessment to
determine appropriate pacing of instruction and next steps (e.g., post-procedure, etc.)
Instructor promotes students’ reflection on, and ownership of, their own learning progress by helping them self-assess
and determine appropriate next steps
Instructor displays respect for and interest in students (e.g., uses of students’ names, maintains eye contact with students
and clients, greeting students as they enter pre-conference, etc.)
Instructor identifies and assists students who are struggling
Instructor conveys confidence in each students’ ability to learn
Instructor engages all students, including both quiet or low-achieving students and those who are vocal or successful
Instructor fosters student peer interaction that supports learning and promotes cooperation, collaboration and teamwork
Instructor fosters student interaction with hospital personnel