Individual Learning Plan Template

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An Individual Learning Plan can also be referred to as an Individual Education Plan (IEP) or an
Individual Adjustment Plan (IAP). This template has been designed to capture evidence of students’
assessed individual needs, areas of adjustment, and planned review activities for each student
included in the school’s NCCD data submission. While most schools already have a version of an
Individual Learning Plan template, this template has been designed to specifically document the
general areas of evidence outlined in the NCCD Guidelines.


A few things to be mindful of when completing this document:

● There is no set duration for the template. It can be completed each term, semester or
year. However, one of the purposes of this template is to capture evidence of the ongoing
monitoring and review of adjustments provided in the 12 months preceding the relevant
reference date for the year (page 4). In order to demonstrate this monitoring and review of
adjustments, it is recommended that the Individual Learning Plan is created at the start of
the school year and reviewed at least once before the commencement of the third term (i.e.
prior to the reference date in early August).
● The template accommodates multiple teachers where applicable (for example,
secondary school students or students in separate support class). It is recommended
that the Individual Learning Plan is created collaboratively where possible to capture all
adjustments being provided to support the student’s individual learning needs.
● The template prompts the person(s) completing the document to align the student’s
individual needs to the ‘educational and support needs’ as defined in the NCCD
Guidelines (page 2). These education and support needs include Key Learning Areas,
Communication, Participation, Health and Personal Care, and Movement, and provide the
necessary link between the student’s disability and functional impact of the disability on their
education. Definitions for these terms have been provided in the template.
● The template prompts the person(s) completing the document to consider specific
points when capturing the adjustments to be provided (page 3). Aligning responses to
these prompts will not only allow the school to more effectively design, deliver, and review
adjustments, but will also support decisions around the category and level of adjustment
under which a student is included in the NCCD data submission (page 5).

General areas of Evidence covered

Assessed individual needs of ● Evidence that the student has a disability as defined by the DDA.
the student ● Evidence that the school has assessed the functional impact of the student’s
disability in relation to their education.
● Evidence of consultation with the student and/or their associate in
planning adjustments to support the student’s needs.

Adjustments being provided ● Evidence of adjustments being planned to support the student’s needs
to the student to address their arising from a disability.
assessed needs associated
with disability
Ongoing monitoring and ● Evidence of review of the impact and effectiveness of the adjustment(s)
review of the adjustments being provided to the student.
● Documentation of any outcomes or changes to adjustment(s) from the
monitoring and review.
● Evidence that the review occurred within the NCCD reference period and
with the student and/or their associates.
Consultation and ● Evidence of consultation and collaboration with the student and/or their
collaboration with the student associate about the student’s assessed individual need and the
and/or associates adjustments to be provided to support this need.
● Evidence that the consultation occurred within the NCCD reference period.


General areas of evidence Evidence not covered Suggested template(s)

Adjustments being provided ● Evidence of delivered adjustments for 10 ● Student observation

to the student to address weeks or more (including the frequency and templates
their assessed needs intensity of adjustments)
associated with disability
Principal sign-off and ● Evidence of moderation employed by the ● The NCCD Moderation
moderation school, approved authority, and/or the template (click on link
representative body. below to access this
● Evidence that the school Principal has
document on the NCCD
verified that there is evidence to support
the inclusion of each student on the NCCD website)
data submission.
● Evidence that an approved authority has
verified the data prior to submission to the


Individual Learning Plan

Consultation and collaboration

Name Signature

Student name Teacher(s)

Student ID Parent(s), carer(s), or


Grade/Year Other key school team

members e.g. Learning
Support Coordinator,
Principal etc.
Creation date

Overview of the
student and their
Student's educational needs arising from a disability

In the box below, outline the needs of the student arising from a disability, the functional impact of the needs on their education, and associated short or long-term goals. Educational needs could include:
• Key Learning Areas (curriculum): Changes required in curriculum and teaching practices to enable the student to achieve the learning outcomes described in syllabus documents.
• Communication: The student’s ability to receive and understand information being conveyed by others (receptive language) and the student’s ability to convey a message to others (expressive language).
• Participation: The student’s ability to engage in successful interactions and participate effectively in the full school program (social competence) and the management strategies required to ensure the student’s safety (safety and
• Health and Personal Care: Essential hygiene routines which require intensive individual management to support participation (hygiene), eating/drinking/dietary needs which require individual management (eating and dietary), and the
procedures specified in an individual health care plan which require specialised support (health care procedures).
• Movement (mobility): The student’s level of functional independence in mobility and positioning (mobility and positioning) and the student’s ability to use the hand motor skills required to participate in learning activities (hand motor
Overview of adjustments to be provided to address the student's needs

In the box below, outline the adjustments to be implemented to address the student's individual needs. Consider:

• The frequency and intensity of the adjustments

• The persons responsible for the design and implementation of the adjustments
• The timing of the adjustments (start date, end date)
• When the adjustments will be reviewed
• How you will record the delivery of the adjustments for a minimum of 10 weeks in order to meet the 10 week evidentiary requirement
• Any external consultations or appointments relating to the student's disability.

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Records of monitoring and review of adjustments and consultation and collaboration

Review date Notes from discussion Outcomes/actions from discussion


Names Signatures

Review date Notes from discussion Outcomes/actions from discussion


Names Signatures

Review date Notes from discussion Outcomes/actions from discussion


Names Signatures

Consultation template | Version 2.0 | February 2020 4

NCCD information

Does the student have a diagnosed Diagnosed disability Imputed disability

disability or imputed disability as
defined in section 4 of the Disability
Discrimination Act 1992 (DDA)?
Please provide supporting details.

Prior year NCCD submission: Initial assessment for current plan: Submitted in the NCCD:

Please select the disability category Cognitive Cognitive Cognitive

that requires the greatest extent of
adjustment. Physical Physical Physical
Social/Emotional Social/Emotional Social/Emotional
Sensory Sensory Sensory

Please select the level of Not included in NCCD submission Not included in NCCD submission Not included in NCCD submission
adjustment being provided to the
Supplementary Supplementary Supplementary
Substantial Substantial Substantial
Extensive Extensive Extensive

Please provide commentary around

the changes in the disability
category and level of adjustment
outlined above.

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